8 H-1 How, When & Where - Worksheet
8 H-1 How, When & Where - Worksheet
8 H-1 How, When & Where - Worksheet
Session 2023-24
Worksheet 2
How, When & Where?
Name …..................... Class: VIII
Date: ……………………… Subject: History
The way the British came to conquer the country and establish their rule,
subjugating local nawabs and rajas. You will see how they established control
over the economy and society, collected revenue to meet all their expenses,
bought the goods they wanted at low prices, produced crops they needed for
export, and you will understand the changes that came about as a consequence.
You will also come to know about the changes British rule brought about in
values and tastes, customs and practices. When the subjugation of one country
by another leads to these kinds of political, economic, social and cultural
changes, we refer to the process as colonization.
a) Which imperial power is being talked about in this paragraph?
b) How did the British establish control over the economy and society?
c) Define the term Colonization.