Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by The High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by The High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by The High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
D 6079 – 04e1
4.2 When the fuel temperature has stabilized, a vibrator arm
holding a nonrotating steel ball and loaded with a 200-g mass
is lowered until it contacts a test disk completely submerged in
the fuel. The ball is caused to rub against the disk with a 1-mm
stroke at a frequency of 50 Hz for 75 min.
4.3 The ball is removed from the vibrator arm and cleaned.
The dimensions of the major and minor axes of the wear scar
are measured under 1003 magnification and recorded.
Nikanjam, M., Crosby, T., Henderson, P., Gray, C., Meyer, K, and Davenport,
N., “ISO Diesel Fuel Lubricity Round Robin Program,” SAE, Paper No. 952372,
SAE Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Oct. 16-19, 1995, Toronto, Canada. The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time is Catalog No. 31-16-99 from Bausch & Lomb World Headquarters, One Bausch &
is PCS Instruments, 5 Warple Mews, London W3 ORF, England. Lomb Place, Rochester, NY 14604-2701. A certificate of traceability from the
If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to National Institute of Standards and Technology is available.
ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider- Reference Fluids A and B are available from ASTM Test Monitoring Center,
ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. 6555 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15026–4489.
D 6079 – 04e1
7.4.2 Fluid B—Low lubricity reference9 (Warning— 10. Test Apparatus Inspection and Verification
Flammable. Vapor harmful). Store in clean, borosilicate glass
10.1 Temperature—Check the temperature control of the
with an aluminum foil-lined insert cap or a fully epoxy-lined
test reservoir using a calibrated temperature measuring device.
metal container. Store in a dark area.
10.2 Frequency—Check the frequency of the vibrator unit
7.5 Test Ball, (Grade 24 per ANSI B3.12) of AISI E-52100
with a calibrated frequency meter.
steel, with a diameter of 6.00 mm, having a Rockwell hardness
“C” scale (HRC) number of 58 - 66, in accordance with Test 10.3 Stroke Length—Check the stroke length by measuring
Methods E 18, and a surface finish of less than 0.05 µm Ra.9 the wear scar on the test disk, using a calibrated microscope,
7.6 Test Disk, 10 mm disk of AISI E-52100 steel machined after running a test on reference Fluid B. Subtract the width of
from annealed rod, having a Vickers hardness “HV 30,” in the wear scar from the length of the wear scar to give the actual
accordance with Specification E 92, a scale number of 190- stroke length.
210, turned, lapped, and polished to a surface finish of less than 10.4 Run Time—Check the run time with a calibrated
0.02 µm Ra.9 stopwatch (optional).
7.7 Toluene, reagent grade (Warning—Flammable. Harm- 10.5 Test Apparatus—Verify test apparatus performance
ful if inhaled). and accuracy at least every 20 tests by testing each reference
7.8 Wiper, wiping tissue, light-duty, lint-free, hydrocarbon- fluid in accordance with this section. Perform two tests with
free, disposable. each reference fluid at the test temperature to which the test
apparatus is being verified. If the difference between the two
8. Sampling and Sample Containers wear scar diameters (WSDs) for either fluid is greater than 80
µm, then further tests or corrective action to verify the test
8.1 Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be taken by apparatus performance and accuracy will be required. Further
the procedure described in Practice D 4057 or Practice D 4177. tests or corrective action to verify the test apparatus perfor-
8.2 Because of the sensitivity of lubricity measurements to mance and accuracy is also required if the average of the two
trace materials, sample containers shall be only fully epoxy- tests differs by more than 80 µm from the average WSD values
lined metal, amber borosilicate glass, or polytetrafluorethylene provided with Fluid A and Fluid B at 25°C and 60°C.
(PTFE), cleaned and rinsed thoroughly at least three times with
the product to be sampled before use, as specified under 11. Procedure
Containers for Lubricity Testing in Practice D 4306.
8.3 New sample containers are preferred, but if not avail- 11.1 Table 1 summarizes the test conditions.
able, the Containers for Lubricity Testing section of Practice 11.2 Strict adherence to cleanliness requirements and to the
D 4306 gives guidance on suitable cleaning procedures for specified cleaning procedures is required. During handling and
each type of container. installation procedures, protect cleaned test parts (disks, balls,
reservoir, and fixtures) from contamination by using clean
9. Preparation of Apparatus forces and wearing clean cotton gloves.
9.1 Test Disks, (as received): 11.3 Using forceps, place the test disk into the test reservoir,
shiny side up. Secure the test disk to the test reservoir and the
9.1.1 Upon receipt, new discs must be stored under toluene
test reservoir to the test apparatus. Ensure the unit’s thermo-
for at least 12 h before cleaning, as described in 9.1.2 through
couple is properly placed in the reservoir. Ensure the relative
humidity in the test laboratory is greater than 30 %.
9.1.2 Remove disks from toluene and place discs in a clean
11.4 Using forceps, place the test ball into the holder and
beaker. Transfer a sufficient volume of toluene into the beaker
attach the holder to the end of the vibrator arm. Ensure the
to completely cover the test disks.
holder is horizontal before fully securing the unit.
9.1.3 Place beaker in ultrasonic cleaner and turn on for 7
11.5 Using a pipette, place 2 6 0.2 mL of the test fuel into
the bath.
9.1.4 Handle all clean test pieces with clean forceps. Re-
move the test discs and repeat the above cleaning procedure 11.6 Set the temperature controller to the desired test
from 9.1.2 with acetone for 2 min. temperature (25°C or 60°C, preferably 60°C, see 4.1) and
switch on the heater. Set the stroke length to 1 mm. Set the
9.1.5 Dry and store in desiccator.
vibration frequency to 50 Hz.
NOTE 2—Drying operations can be accomplished using compressed air 11.7 When the temperature has stabilized, lower the vibrator
jet at 140 to 210 kPa-pressure. arm and suspend a 200-g weight from the arm. Start the
9.2 Test Balls, (as received)—The test balls are to be vibrator unit.
cleaned following the same procedure, 9.1.1 to 9.1.5, as for the 11.8 Operate the test for 75 min. At the completion of the
test disks. test, switch off the vibrator unit and the heater. Lift up the
9.3 Hardware—All hardware and utensils that come into vibrator arm and remove the test ball holder.
contact with the test disks, test balls, or test fuel, shall be 11.9 Rinse the test ball (still in the holder) in cleaning
cleaned by washing thoroughly with toluene, dried, and rinsed solvents and dry with a tissue. Using a permanent marker,
with acetone. Dry and store in a desiccator. circle the wear scar on the ball.
D 6079 – 04e1
11.10 Remove the test reservoir and properly dispose of the 14.1.4 Description of the test fuel and date sample taken.
fuel. Remove the test disk and wipe it clean. Place the disk in 14.1.5 Identification of test specimens.
a storage receptacle (plastic bag) marked with the unique test 14.1.6 Date of testing.
reference. 14.1.7 Any deviations from the test conditions given in
11.11 Place the test ball holder under the microscope and Table 1.
measure the wear scar diameter in accordance with Section 12
11.12 Upon completion of the wear scar measurement, 15. Precision and Bias 10
remove the test ball from the holder and place the ball together 15.1 Precision—The precision was developed for fuels with
in storage with the test disk. wear scar diameters between 143 and 772 µm at 25°C (175 and
1000 µm at 60°C). The precision data were developed in a
12. Measure of the Wear Scar 1995 cooperative testing program involving both United States
12.1 Turn on the microscope light and position the test ball and European testing laboratories. There were nine distinct
under microscope at 1003 magnification. fluids and each laboratory was given 18 fluids to test. The fluids
12.2 Focus the microscope and adjust the stage such that the were blind coded so that replicate samples were not known to
wear scar is centered within the field of view. the operator. A randomized test sequence was provided and
12.3 Align the wear scar to a divisional point of reference each laboratory was requested to use the same operator and
on the numerical scale with the mechanical stage controls. equipment for all 18 samples. Nine laboratories tested the
Measure the major axis to the nearest 0.01 mm. Record the HFRR at 25°C and ten laboratories tested the HFRR at 60°C.
readings on the data sheet. 15.1.1 The difference between two test results obtained by
12.4 Align the wear scar to a divisional point of reference the same operator with the same apparatus under constant
on the numerical scale with the mechanical stage controls. operating conditions on identical test material would, in the
Measure the minor axis to the nearest 0.01 mm. Record the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test
readings on the data sheet. method, exceed the following value in only one case in twenty:
12.5 Record the condition of the wear area if different from Repeatability at 25°C = 62 µm
the reference standard test, that is, debris color, unusual Repeatability at 60°C = 80 µm
particles or wear pattern, visible galling, and so forth, and 15.1.2 The difference between two single and independent
presence of particles in the test reservoir. results obtained by different operators working in different
laboratories on identical test material would, in the long run, in
13. Calculation the normal and correct operation of the test method, exceed the
13.1 Calculate the wear scar diameter as follows: following value in only one case in twenty:
WSD 5 ~M 1 N!/2 · 1000 Reproducibility at 25°C = 127 µm
Reproducibility at 60°C = 136 µm
where: 15.2 Bias—The procedure in this test method has no bias
WSD = wear scar diameter, µm, because lubricity is not a fundamental and measurable fluid
M = major axis, mm, and property and thus is evaluated in terms of this test method.
N = minor axis, mm.
16. Keywords
14. Report
16.1 boundary lubrication; diesel fuel; friction; lubricity;
14.1 Report the following information: wear
14.1.1 Major axis and minor axis to the nearest 0.01 mm,
and wear scar diameter to the nearest 10 µm.
14.1.2 Description of the wear scar area. 10
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
14.1.3 Fuel temperature. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02-1411.
Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 6079–02) that may impact the use of this standard.
D 6079 – 04e1
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