Important Questions MBA Third Semester

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Important Questions MBA Third Semester.


Important Questions MBA Third Semester

Marketing Management – RMB3M
2 Marks

1. What is marketing management?

2. What is social media marketing?
3. Define Marketing.
4. What is sales forecasting?
5. What is targeting?
6. Marketing mix.
7. Macro/Micro environment.
8. E-Marketing
9. Sales promotion
10. Labeling
11. Marketing research
12. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Marketing
13. Discount
14. Branding
15. Packaging
16. Business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing.
17. Consumer Rights.
18. Product Development
19. Business – to – Business (B2B) marketing
20. Penetrating price
21. Advertising
22. Skimming price.
23. publicity
24. Merchandising
25. Sales force Contests.

5 Marks and 10 Marks

1. Describe the essentials of modern marketing concept. -Pg no 38

2. What is marketing environment? Explain its main dimensions. -Pg no 53
3. What is marketing process? What are the major processes involved in it? -Pg no 41
4. Describe the characteristics of a good package. -Pg no 151
5. Describe the various functions of the Labelling. -Pg no 153
6. Explain the objectives of sales promotion
7. Discuss the nature and importance of personal selling.
Important Questions MBA Third Semester.docx
8. Explain the functions of a distribution channel -Pg no 198
9. Discuss in detail about the functions of marketing. -Pg no 6
10. Enumerate the various elements of marketing mix. -Pg no 19
11. Explain about branding. -Pg no 143
12. Explain about Packaging-Pg no 148
13. Explain about Labelling, Kinds of Labelling. -Pg no 153
14. Explain the stages in marketing management process. -Pg no 41
15. Explain the stages in developing new product.
16. Distinguish between wholesaler and retailer-Pg no 38
17. What is social media marketing and current trends? Explain -Pg no 36
18. Bring out the need and types for advertising. -Pg no 178
19. What are the competitive marketing strategies? Elucidate their role in marketing. -Pg no 38
20. Illustrate the process of new production development. -Pg no 158
21. Explain in detail the training for sales force.
22. Describe the different steps involved in marketing research process.
23. Compare and contrast traditional marketing and modern marketing concepts.

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