Notes For AC2101
Notes For AC2101
Notes For AC2101
Seminar 1 Intro
To provide financial info about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential investors,
lenders and other creditors in making decisions about providing resources to the entity.
Adverse Selection: One party has more information than the other (information advantage)
Moral Hazard: One part’s actions cannot be fully observable by the other
Provide information useful to control manager shirking and improve corporate governance
Provide measures to encourage or restrict certain actions (e.g. bonus plans based on target
ROA/ROE; debt covenants restricting dividend pay-outs based on net worth)
Measurement: Process of determining the monetary amount of an item to be recognized and carried in the
financial statements
Disclosure: Accounting standards often require that certain information be disclosed either in the main body
of or in the NTFS.
Linsmeier (2011)
Definition: … the price that would be received to sell an asset (exit price) or paid to transfer a liability (exit
price) in an orderly transaction (not a liquidation or forced sale) between market participants at the
measurement date (current price).
Framework for measuring Fair Value (FRS113 para IN9, para B2)
Fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant’s ability to
generate economic benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market
participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use, taking into account the use of the asset that
Physically possible
Legally permissible
Financially feasible
Highest and best use is determined from the perspective of market participants, even if the entity intends a
different use. (However, an entity’s current use is presumed to be its highest and best use)
Example of highest and best use:
Principal market
Valuation Techniques:
Price can be directly observable or estimated using valuation techniques but valuation technique
should maximize use of relevant observable inputs.
o Market approach: Market price of asset
Still highest and best use for
o Cost approach: Cost to create or replace the asset
market (exit price)
o Income approach: Discounted Cash Flows
Inputs to valuation techniques are categorized into 3 levels known as the Fair Value Hierarchy:
o Level 1 inputs = unadjusted quoted prices in accessible active markets for identical
o Level 2 inputs = inputs other than Level 1 that are directly/indirectly observable
o Level 3 inputs = unobservable inputs
Disclose info to users for assessing
o The valuation technique and inputs used to develop FV measurements
o For recurring FV measurements using Level 3 inputs significantly, their effect on P/L or OCI
Time value of money: it is better to have money now rather than later.
Hick’s definition: the maximum amount a man can consume in a period and still be as well off at the
end of the period as he was at the beginning
Extended to business entity: the amount by which an entity’s net worth has increased during a
period, due allowance being made for any new capital contributed by its owners or for any
distributions made by the entity to its owners.
Accounting Income =/= Economic Income (but both are same over the life of the firm)
SFP reflects 100% of entity market value (i.e. Asset NPV=Asset MV)
SFP is completely relevant and faithfully represented
SFP have all the relevant info & SPLOCI has no additional info
Financial reporting is simplified:
o No recognition/measurement/disclosure problems
Seminar 3 Asset Recognition and Measurement
Conceptual Framework:
Increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows or enhancements
of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to
contributions from equity participants
Decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of outflows or depletions of
assets or incurrences of liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than those relating to
distributions to equity participants
A profit is earned only if the financial amount of the net assets at the end of the period exceeds the
financial amount of net assets at the beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to,
and contributions from, owners during the period
Can be measured in nominal monetary units (disregard inflation)
In simple terms: Take net monetary value at the end of period to subtract net monetary value at
start of period.
Definition: A resource controlled by the enterprise as a result of past event and from which future
economic benefits are expected to flow to the enterprise
Recognition Criteria:
1. Meet the definition of asset
2. Probable inflow of future economic benefits
3. Cost can be measured reliably
Proposed new definition: An asset of an entity is a present economic resource controlled by the
entity as a result of past events.
Proposed new recognition criteria:
1. If recognising that asset would result in information that is irrelevant, or not sufficiently
relevant to justify the cost of preparing it; or
2. If no measure of the asset would result in a faithful representation of the asset and of
changes in the asset, even if all necessary descriptions and explanations are disclosed.
Accounting treatments of various assets:
Seminar 4 - 7 Leases
A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
ownership of an asset. Title may or may not eventually be transferred.
An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease
Option for lessee to purchase the asset at a price that is expected to be sufficiently lower than fair
value at the date the option becomes exercisable
Reasonably certain, at the inception of the lease, that the option will be exercised by the lessee
FRS 17 para 4
Option for lessee to renew the lease over periods in which the lease rentals are significantly lower
than the expected market rate
Reasonably certain, at the inception of the lease, that the option will be exercised by the lessee
Payments over lease term that the lessee is or can be required to make together with amounts
guaranteed (FRS 17 para 4)
i.e. Sum of (Annual Lease Payments) + BPO or Guaranteed Residual Value (GRV)
ALP = Fair Value (Asset at start of lease term) – PV (est. recovery value at the end of lease term)
PV (annuity factor)
Other Indicators of Substantial Transfer of Ownership Risks & Rewards (FRS 17:11)
1. Lessor’s losses borne by lessee upon lessee’s cancellation
2. Gains/Losses from fluctuation of residual fair value accrues to lessee
3. BRO exists
Interest expense
Usually using effective interest rate method (i.e.
amortization schedule)
Discount rate = lessor’s implicit interest rate if
known, otherwise, lessee’s incremental borrowing
Investment Property:
o Per general asset recognition principles
o On initial recognition
At cost comprising purchase price & directly attributable expenditure
o After recognition
Includes subsequent costs to add to, replace part of or service a property but exclude
day-to-day servicing costs
To choose either cost or FV model for all IP
Property interest held by lessee under operating lease can be an IP if
o meets definition of IP
o lessee uses the FV model (FRS 40:6,26,34)
o In this instance, FRS 40 overrides FRS 17 by requiring that the lease be accounted for AS IF
it was a finance lease (FRS 40 para. IN18)
Sales-type Lease:
o Obtains immediate cash inflow from sale of asset to lessor -> gain or loss on asset disposal
(& lower depreciation) -> current P/L
o Incurs future cash outflows from lease -> rental or interest expense -> future P/L
Opportunities for earnings management–how?
o Using asset in effect as collateral to borrow money but dressed up as an asset sale
o Manipulating selling price (SP) and ALP of asset
Arrange for SP > FV in return for a higher ALP
Arrange for SP < FV in return for a lower ALP
1. Find ALP => (FV of leased asset – PV of estimated recoverable amount) / PV of ordinary annuity
2. Operating Lease or Finance Lease?
3. Lessor or Lessee?
(If applicable)
Dr Loss on Finance lease
Cr Cash
1. Determine whether it is Operating Lease or Finance Lease. (assume SLB is genuine for exam)
2. Operating Lease
a. If FV < CA, a loss of CA –FV ->P/L (FRS17:63). Writedown asset to Fair Value
b. If SP=FV, Gain/Losses on disposal -> P/L (FRS 17:61)
c. If SP>FV, excess = SP-FV ->Deferred and amortized over asset usage period/lease term
(FRS 17:61)
d. If SP<FV, Gain/Losses on disposal -> P/L except when loss on disposal is compensated by
below-market ALP -> then deferred & amortized in proportion to ALP over asset usage
period. Gains/Losses on disposal refer to the difference between SP and CA (FRS17:61).
3. Finance lease
a. Lessee retains risks & rewards of asset ownership, not a genuine asset disposal.
b. All SP > CA, i.e. any gains, is deferred and amortised (on a straight line basis) (FRS 17: 59)
c. Where the fair value is less than the CA,
i. if there is an impairment, the carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount
in accordance with FRS 36 (FRS 17: 64)
ii. Silent on treatment of loss on disposal (Please refer to discussion in Group
Presentation 3)
o Operating lease: No Impact on D/E ratio
o Finance lease: D/E ratio will be significantly higher as D is higher and E is lower in FL
Profitability (NI + Interest Expense):
o Operating lease: No interest expense. More profitable at the start compared to FL
o Finance lease: Have interest expense. More profitable at the end compared to OL
Efficiency (ROA):
o Operating lease: Do better than FL because of smaller denominator
o Finance lease: Carries asset in own books hence larger denominator
Held to Maturity:
Investment in debt securities which the entity has the intentionand the abilityto hold until maturity
date (FRS 39:9)
Assessment of intention and ability to be done at
o date of recognition and
o each subsequent B/S date (FRS 39:AG25)
o Upon recognition
Fair value + transaction costs(FRS39:43)
o At B/S date
Amortized cost (FRS39:46)
Tainting rule
o 2 circumstances
Assessment of intention and ability at B/S date fails, or
If >an insignificant amount is sold or reclassified before maturity
o Consequences
All existing HTM re-classified as AFS The difference between the carrying amount
and the fair value shall be recognised in OCI
Entity (as well as group) cannot have HTM for the next 2 years
o Exception to tainting rule
Sale of HTM securities close to maturity date (e.g., < 3 months before maturity)
Holder collected substantially all of the original principal
Attributable to isolated event beyond control, non-recurring & not reasonably
anticipated (e.g., change in tax laws or capital requirements)
Upon Recognition
o Fair value + transaction costs (FRS 39:43)
At B/S date
o Amortized cost / Cost (FRS 39:46)
Inter-company loans are granted at market interest rate and repayable at a determinable future date
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Loan Receivable Dr Cash Dr Cash
Cr Cash Cr Interest Income Cr Loan Receivable
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Cash Dr Interest Income Dr Loan Payable
Cr Loan Payable Cr Cash Cr Cash
Lender (Parent)
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Loan Receivable Dr Loan receivable Dr Cash
(PV of loan value returned at the Cr Interest Income Cr Loan Receivable
Dr Investment in subsidiary
Cr Cash (Loan Amount)
Borrower (Subsidiary)
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Cash (Loan Amount) Dr Interest Income Dr Loan Payable
Cr Capital Reserve Cr Loan Payable Cr Cash
Cr Loan Payable
(PV of loan value returned at the
B2: Subsidiary loan to Parent (Recognized at amortized cost)
Lender (Subsidiary)
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Loan Receivable Dr Loan receivable Dr Cash
(PV of loan value returned at the Cr Interest Income Cr Loan Receivable
Dr Ret. profit/Capital Reserve
Cr Cash (Loan Amount)
Borrower (Parent)
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Cash (Loan Amount) Dr Interest Income Dr Loan Payable
Cr Investment in subsidiary Cr Loan Payable Cr Cash
Cr Loan Payable
(PV of loan value returned at the
Lender (Subsidiary 1)
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Loan Receivable Dr Loan receivable Dr Cash
(PV of loan value returned at the Cr Interest Income Cr Loan Receivable
Dr Ret. profit/Capital Reserve
Cr Cash (Loan Amount)
Borrower (Subsidiary 2)
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Cash (Loan Amount) Dr Interest Income Dr Loan Payable
Cr Capital Reserve Cr Loan Payable Cr Cash
Cr Loan Payable
(PV of loan value returned at the
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Loan Receivable No JE Dr Cash
Cr Cash Cr Loan Receivable
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Cash No JE Dr Equity Loan
Cr Equity Loan Cr Cash
Upon Recognition: At B/S date: De-recognition:
Dr Loan Receivable Dr Loan receivable Dr Cash
Dr Deferred Staff cost Cr Interest Income Cr Loan Receivable
Cr Cash
Impairment of Financial assets
All financial assets, except “FVPL”, are subject to impairment test at end of each reporting date
Impairment should be recognized only if objective evidence that a loss event(s) affecting estimated
future cash flows has occurred
o See FRS 39:59-61 for examples of objective evidence of loss events
o For investment in shares, significant (usually ~20%) or prolonged decline in FV below its
cost = objective evidence of impairment (FRS 39:61)
Expected losses from future events are not recognized no matter how likely (i.e., an “incurred loss”
model, not “expected loss” model)
Proposal to move to an expected loss model in the future under the revised standard
Impairment of AFS
Applicable to unquoted equity instrument (where FV cannot be reliably measured) and derivative
asset linked to such instrument
Upon objective evidence of impairment, loss ->P/L
Loss = Carrying amount – PV(estimated future cash flows) @ current market rate of return for a
similar asset
Subsequent reversal of impairment loss
o Not allowed to be reversed
De-recognition of Financial Assets
A financial liability (or part of) is derecognized when it is extinguished (FRS 39:39,40)
o Contractual obligation is discharged (e.g., payment), cancelled or expired, including
Legal release from primary responsibility for liability
Exchanged liabilities with substantially different terms
Substantial modification to existing liability terms (at least 10% difference in DCF)
Charged Through P/L
o Dr Bond Payable (old) Cr Bond payable (new) Dr/Cr Gain/Loss
Gaynor et Al.
Tax Base
TB of an asset = amount that will be deductible for tax purposes against any taxable economic
benefits that will flow to an entity when it recovers the CA of the asset (FRS12:7)
o If those economic benefits will not be taxable, TB of asset deemed equal to CA (FRS12:7)
o Apply to Machinery, etc.
TB of a liability= CA less any amount that will deductible for tax purposes w.r.t. that liability in future
periods (FRS12:8)
o Apply to Accrued expenses and Provision for warranty, etc.
o For revenue received in advance= CA less any amount of revenue that will not be taxable in
future period (FRS12:8)
1. Asset:
CA>TB ->Taxable TD (TTD) -> Deferred tax liability (DTL)
CA<TB ->Deductible TD (DTD) -> Deferred tax asset (DTA)
2. Liability:
CA>TB ->Deductible TD (DTD) -> Deferred tax asset (DTA)
CA <TB ->Taxable TD (TTD) -> Deferred tax liability (DTL)
Main source of TD
Items that does not appear as an asset or liability in the balance sheet but may have a tax base (≠
Change in accounting policy / correction of error (retrospective method under FRS 8)
o Calculate the cumulative effect (CE) & adjust against the beginning retained profit (BRP)
If there is DT effect, calculate & charge the Net of tax CE* to BRP
o Amend all comparative figures
Tax Computation
Accounting Income
Minus TD
Minus PD
Taxable Income
Tax rate
Taxable amount
A DTA to be recognized for unused tax losses & credits (includes unused capital allowances)carry
forward to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available for utilizing the
Any unrecognized DTA to be reassessed at each reporting date for probable recovery (FRS12:37)
3 possible scenarios:
Journal entry: Dr Current tax receivable (B/S) Cr Current tax expense (P/L)
1. Current tax: based on current tax rate that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end
of the reporting period. (FRS12:46)
2. Deferred tax: future tax rate that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the
reporting period. (FRS12:47)
Analytical Check
Separate tax assets and liabilities unless they are from the same authority and settles tax
asset/liabilities on a net basis
Separate tax assets and liabilities from normal assets and liabilities
Seminar 16 Equity
Substance over form
Compound instrument:
CLP, 3 Scenarios:
Construction revenue & costs to be recognized by stage of completion if outcome can be estimated
reliably (FRS11:22).
For fixed price contract, this means
1. Total contract revenue can be measured reliably
2. Probable inflow of economic benefits
3. Costs to complete & stage of completion can be measured reliably
4. Costs attributable to construction can be clearly identified and reliably measured
Borrowing Costs
FRS 11 if
Meet the definition of construction contract –“a contract specifically negotiated for the construction
of an asset or a combination of assets” -> buyer able to specify major structural elements of design
before construction begins &/or specify major structural changes during construction
Percentage of completion (POC) method
FRS 18
Rendering of services
o Not required to acquire & supply construction materials
o Satisfied FRS18:20 -> Percentage of completion method (POC)
Sale of goods
o Required to provide services & construction materials
o Buyers have only limited ability to influence the design of the real estate or can only specify
minor variations to the basic design
o Satisfied FRS18:14 continuously -> control & significant ownership risks & rewards
transferred as construction progresses -> Percentage of completion method (POC)
o Satisfied FRS18:14 at a single time -> Completed contract method
Exposure Draft
Core principle
Recognise revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount
that reflects the consideration which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or
Vesting conditions are conditions that determine whether the entity receives services that entitle
the counterparty, i.e. the employee, to receive cash, other assets or equity instruments of the entity
under a share-based payment transaction.
o Service condition: require counterparty, i.e. employee, to complete a specified period of
o Performance condition: require the counterparty, i.e. employee, to complete a specified
period of service & meet specified performance targets
Market condition (i.e. relating to share price e.g., share price reaching $x)
Non-market condition (e.g., profit exceeding $x)
Non-vesting conditions are conditions other than vesting conditions (e.g., contribution from salary
for the purchase of shares, conditions to be fulfilled before vesting period)
1. Equity-settled share-based PT
2. Cash-settled share-based PT
Apply any option pricing model to measure fair value of equity instrument at measurement date/grant date,
taking into account the following:
The fair value determined on grant/measurement date (after taking into account market conditions
and non-vesting conditions) are not adjusted subsequently unless there is a change in the number
of options eventually vested due to a change in the non-market vesting conditions.
Sometimes, an entity cancels or settles a share option grant during the vesting period, FRS 102
para28a provides that the entity should account for the cancellation or settlement as an
acceleration of the vesting.
FRS 102 para28b provides that any payment made to the employees should be accounted for as
a share buy-back transaction. To the extent that the payment exceeds the fair value of the equity
instruments granted, the excess shall be recognised as an expense.
When the entity or counterparty chooses not to meet the non-vesting condition, it should be
treated as a cancellation
Upon cancellation, the expense should be recognized immediately (instead of over the remainder of
vesting period), i.e. also accelerated vesting
Income Taxes
Para 68A: In some tax jurisdictions, an entity receives a tax deduction that relates to remuneration
paid in shares, share options or other equity instruments of the entity. The amount of that tax
deduction may differ from the related cumulative remuneration expense, and may arise in a later
accounting period.
Para 68B: As with the research costs (recall discussion in Deferred Tax Seminars) discussed in
paragraphs 9 and 26(b) of this Standard (i.e. FRS 12), the difference between the tax base of the
employee services received to date (being the amount the taxation authorities will permit as a
deduction in future periods), and the carrying amount of nil, is a deductible temporary difference
that results in a deferred tax asset.
If companies use treasury shares to fulfil their obligation under the employees’ shares schemes,
IRAS allows tax deduction at the point of exercise.
Tax deduction is based on the amount actually incurred by the company (i.e., the difference
between the cost to re-acquire the share and the amount paid by the employees under the scheme)
Group SBPT
For SBPT among group entities, the entity receiving the goods or services (in this case, “S”) shall measure
the goods or services received as either an equity-settled or a cash-settled SBPT by assessing:
2A: When a parent grants rights to its equity instruments direct to the employees of subsidiary and
the parent has the obligation to provide the employees of the subsidiary with the equity instruments:
o S: Equity-settled & capital contribution (FRS102:43B)
o P: Equity-settled (FRS102:43C)
o Group: Equity-settled
2B: When a subsidiary grants rights to its parent’s equity instruments to its employees and the
subsidiary has the obligation to provide its employees with the equity instruments.
o See Illustration 2
o S: Cash-settled(FRS102:43B)
o Group: Equity-settled
3: When a parent is obliged to pay cash to the suppliers/ employees of subsidiary linked to (a) price
of S equity or (b) price of P equity
o S: Equity-settled & capital contribution
o P & Group: Cash-settled (FRS102:43C)
Employee Benefits
Short-term Are employee benefits (other than termination benefits) that are expected to be settled
employee wholly within twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the
benefits employees render the related service (FRS 19 para8) and include such items (FRS 19 paras
5 and 9) as:
Wages and salaries;
Short-term paid absences;
Profit sharing and bonuses;
Non-monetary benefits
When an employee has rendered service to an entity during an accounting period, the entity
should recognise the undiscounted amount of short-term employee benefits expected to be
paid in exchange for that service:
As a liability (accrued expense)
As an expense
Other long-
An entity should recognise the expected cost of profit sharing and bonus plans when and only
The entity has a present legal or constructive obligation to make such payments as a result of
past events; and
A reliable estimate of the obligation can be made
Post-employment Benefits
Are employee benefits (other than termination benefits and short-term employment benefits) which
are payable after the completion of employment (FRS 19 para8) and include such items (FRS 19
paras5 and 26) as:
o Retirement benefits, such as pensions; and
o Other post-employment benefits
Usually classified as defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans
Defined contribution plans:
o The entity’s legal or constructive obligation is limited to the amount that it agrees to
contribute to the fund
o To disclose the amount recognised as an expense for defined contribution plans.
o CPF is an example of a defined contribution plan
o Straight forward because
The reporting entity’s obligation for each period is determined by the amounts to be
no actuarial assumptions are required to measure the obligation or expense
It is measured on an undiscounted basis, except where the obligations are not
expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the end of the annual
reporting period in which the employees render the related service.
Other long-term employee benefits are all employee benefits other than short-term employee
benefits, post-employment benefits and termination benefits (FRS 19 para8), not expected to be
settled wholly before twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the
employees render the related service.
Include: long-term paid absences, long-service benefits, and long-term disability benefits
Termination Benefits
Are employee benefits provided in exchange for the termination of an employee’s employment as a
result of either an entity’s decision to terminate an employee’s employment before the normal
retirement date; or an employee’s decision to accept an offer of benefits in exchange for termination
of employment (FRS 19 para 8)
FRS 19 para159 provides termination benefits are dealt with separately from other employee
benefits because the event that gives rise to an obligation is the termination of employment rather
than employee service.
FRS 19 para165 states that an entity shall recognise a liability and expense for termination benefits
at the earlier of the following:
o When the entity can no longer withdraw an offer of those benefits; and
o When the entity recognises costs for a restructuring that is within the scope of FRS 37 and
involves payment of termination benefits.