Ring Main Unit: SL - No. Name of The Firm Material Approved Valid Upto O.M.No. & Date Status of Revalidation

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Status of
Sl.No. Name of the firm Material Approved Valid upto O.M.No. & Date

12kV, 630A, 21kA, SF6 Ring Main Unit

The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:

meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,

Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential GM(QS&S)DGM(El.,)-3)/BC- BESCOM/GM(QS&S)/DG
M/s Lucy Electric India Pvt Ltd.
transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V), 11/ 20-21/Cys-200 M-3/AE/BC-11/22-
H-21, MIDC Ambad, Nashik - 422010
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control dated:23.12.2020 23/CYS-104
1 (E-mail:Sales-IN-NSK@lucyelectric.com) 23.12.2025
panel. (Subject to revalidation once dtd:06.01.2023
(Ph No: 91 253 2381603/2387139)
in 2 years) (Subject to revalidation
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control once in 2 years)

(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

12kV, 630A, 21kA, SF6 Ring Main Unit (DAS RMU &
The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:
M/s Megawin Switchgear Private
Limited, P.B. No.434, Algapuram Post,
meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,
Perumal Malai Adivaram, Salem-
Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
636004(Factory unit1: M/s Megawin
transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V),
Switchgear Private Limited, 35/1,2,3,
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control
Perumal Malai Adivaram, Algapuram GM(QS&S)/DGM-3/BC-11/20-
panel. 27.07.2024
Post, Salem- 636004 & Factory unit2: 21/CYS-179 dtd:02.12.2020 &
2 M/s Megawin Switchgear Private 02.12.2025 CYS-101 dtd:18.10.2021
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control AE/BC-11/23-24/CYS-58
Limited, 2/18,19, Perumal Malai (Subject to revalidation once
panel. dtd: 27.07.2023
Adivaram, Algapuram Post, Salem- in 2 years)
(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.
Contact No:
2330288, 2330498,2447099
E-mail: sales@megawinswitchgear.com
compartment shall be made vermin proof.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

400sq.mm instead of 300sqmm.

11kV, 630A, SF6 Ring Main Unit (Safe Ring/Safe Plus

type and Safelink CB Type) (Non DAS & DAS RMU)
The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:

meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,

Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
M/s Schneider Electric Infrastructure
transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V),
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control
Milestone -87, Vadodara - Halol GM(QS&S)DGM(El.,)-3)/BC- 01.08.2024
Highway village, Kotambi, O.O. Jarod, 11/ 20-21/Cys-162 BESCOM/GM(QS&S)/DG
3 Taluk Kavat, Dist. Vadodara, Gujarat, dated:09.11.2020 M-3/AE/BC-11/23-
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control
E-mail: (Subject to revalidation once 24/CYS-68
www.scheider-electric.co.in in 2 years) dtd:02.08.2023
Ph No:9741312002
(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

12kV,630A, 21kA, SF6 Ring Main Unit

The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to

the Standards:

meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,

Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
M/s Vyoma Switchgear, Plot No:33/1A, GM(QS&S)DGM(El.,)-3)/BC-
transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V),
1st floor, 2nd phase, Peenya Industrial 11/ 20-21/Cys-250
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control
Area, dated:19.02.2021
panel. 09.02.2024
Bangalore- 560058
4 19.02.2026 BESCOM/GM(QS&S)/AE/
(Ph No: 9844062416/ 9844302358) (Subject to revalidation on
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control BC-11/21-22/CYS-164
(E-mail: 19.02.2022 for the first time &
panel. dtd:09.02.2022
vyomasg@gmail.com) further revalidation once in 2
(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

11kV, 630A, SF6 Ring Main Unit

The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:

meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,

M/s Eaton Power Quality Pvt Ltd., Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
#2, EVR Street, Sedarapet Industrial transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V), GM(QS&S)/AE/BC-11/21-
Estate, Puducherry - 605111 AC power socket and light for illumination of Control 22/CYS-130 dtd:08.12.2021
5 08.12.2025
Mob No: 9538892233 panel. (Subject to revalidation once
E-mail: eaton@mfm.co.in in 2 years)
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control

(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

11kV, 630A, SF6 Ring Main Unit

The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:
M/s C-Sec Technologies Private Limited
26A, Sector-31, Surajpur industrial
Area, Kasna Road, Greater Noida- meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,
201306 (U.P.) Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
Factory Unit: transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V), GM(QS&S)/AE/BC-11/21-
Plot No:10, sector 11, Integrated AC power socket and light for illumination of Control 22/CYS-156 dtd:27.01.2022
6 27.01.2027
Industrial Estate, (SIDCUL), Ranipur, panel. (Subject to revalidation once
Haridwar - 249403 in 2 years)
Mob No: 9900063038 terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control
E-mail: ganga@elecsunindia.com panel.

(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

11kV, 630A, SF6 Ring Main Unit
The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:
The DAS RMU shall have the following in addition
to the standards:

meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,

Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V),
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control
M/s Electrify Power Solutions LLP
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control GM(QS&S)/AE/BC-11/21-
(License Partener of Schneider Electric
panel. 22/CYS-159 dtd:31.01.2022 23.06.2024
Infrastructure Limited)
(Subject to first revalidtion GM(QS&S)/DGM-
7 No.36/1, Golahalli village, Anjanapura, 31.01.2026
(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel. dated before 31.01.2023 and 3/AE/BC-11/23-24/CYS-
Bengaluru - 560062
then it will be revalidated once 43 dtd: 26.06.2023
E-mail: infor@electrifypower.in
in 2 years)
Ph No:9900999101
compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

12kV, 630A, 21kA, SF6 Ring Main Unit

The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
M/s Siemens Ltd.,
the Standards:
Registered office: Birla aurora, Level
21,plot No:1080, Dr Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai-400030
meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,
Factory Unit:
Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential GM(QS&S)/DGM-3/AE/BC-
Plot No-L-6, Verna Industrial Estate,
8 transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V&24V), 27.06.2024 11/23-24/CYS-46 dtd:
Opp Goa – Mumbai highway,Verna,
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control 27.06.2023
South Goa, Goa-403722
Ph No:91(80)- 28472538/ 9176646006
Email : www.siemens.co.in/
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control

(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

11kV, 630A, SF6 Ring Main Unit

(3 way, 4 way & 5 way)
(DAS and Non DAS RMU)
The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:
M/s CG Power and Industrial Solutions
meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,
Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
Registered Office:
transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V),
CG House, 6th Floor,
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli,
Mumbai – 400030 GM(QS&S)/DGM-3/AE/BC-
9 Factory Unit: 21.09.2024 11/23-24/CYS-97 dtd:
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control
Switchgear, S2-Nashik, 25.09.2023
A-3, MIDC,
Ambad, Nashik – 422010
(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.
Ph No: 91 22 24237777
compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

11kV, 630A, SF6 Ring Main Unit
(3 way, 4 way & 5 way)
(DAS and Non DAS RMU) (Safering/ Safeplus/Safelink
The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:

M/s ABB India Limited, meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,
Plot No:79, MIDC Satpur, Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
Nashik – 422007 transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V),
AC power socket and light for illumination of Control
Ph No: 9180 22949449/50/51/54 GM(QS&S)/DGM-3/AE/BC-
10 9972212633 12.10.2024 11/23-24/CYS-106 dtd:
E-mail: 13.10.2023
terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control
krishna-prasad.s@in.abb.com panel.
(RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet

12kV, 630A, 21kA, SF6 Ring Main Unit

(3Way, 4Way & 5Way DAS RMU's)
The DAS RMUs shall have the following in addition to
the Standards:
M/s Sequent Global Inc,
Registered Office:
No.17, 20th Main Road, 1st meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering CTs,
R Block, West of Chord Road, Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers, Potential
Rajajinagar, Bengaluru - 560010 transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers (12V &24V),
Factory Unit: AC power socket and light for illumination of Control
Plot No.505, 10th Main Road, panel.
4th cross, 4th phase,
11 17.01.2025 11/23-24/CYS-161 dtd:
Peenya Industrial Area, terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in the control
Bengaluru - 560058 panel.
Contact No:
+91-80 23574233 / (RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.
E-mail: contact@sequentglobalinc.com/
ganga@sequentglobalinc.com compartment shall be made vermin proof.

to be provided.

adequate size shall be provided to the RTU cabinet.

12kV,630A, 21kA, SF6 Ring Main Unit

(Extendable type) (PROPLUS) (DAS RMU)
The DAS RMUs shall have the following in
addition to the Standards:

meters, fault passage indicator (FPI), Metering

CTs, Protection CTs, Auxiliary transformers,
Potential transformer, Batteries, Battery chargers
(12V &24V), AC power socket and light for
M/s Eswari Electricals Pvt Ltd., Plot
illumination of Control panel.
No:64, Industrial Estate, Perungudi,
Chennai - 600096
12 and terminated to suitable 24 pin connectors in 19.04.2024 3)/AE/BC-11/ 23-24/Cys-
(Ph No:044-24961693, 4752,
the control panel. 166A dated:20.01.2024
Unit (RTU) and Radio Modem in Control panel.

cabinet compartment shall be made vermin proof.

are to be provided.

of adequate size shall be provided to the RTU


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