Silver Oak University
Silver Oak University
Silver Oak University
College of Technology
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Engineering
Course Name: Professional Communication Skills
Course Code: 1010153184
Semester: 2nd
1. Zeal to learn the subject
Course Objectives:
1. The Objective of the curriculum is to help students to revive their knowledge of English language. It also
targets the understanding of grammar and Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW) skills. The
objective will be served through balanced and integrated tasks.
Teaching Scheme:
Teaching Scheme
L T P Contact Hours Credit
1 0 2 3 2
CO Statement Unit
Professional communication matters a lot in the professional world, it is
CO-1 quite important to get for us to get acquainted with the most important 1
features of successful professional communication.
CO-2 Communicate in diverse formal situations taking place in organizations. 2
Write various formal documents of technical and professional
CO-3 3
Books Recommended:
1. .Raman and Sharma, Technical Communications, OUP, New Delhi, 2017
2. Lata and Kumar, Communication Skills, OUP, New Delhi, 2018
3. Mike Martin andRol and Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, McGraw Hill, New York, 2014
4. Sherfield, Montgomery and Moody, Cornerstone: Developing Soft Skills, UP, 2009
5. King’s Speech
6. Episode of Sherlock