PN Diode 4 10
PN Diode 4 10
PN Diode 4 10
The II-material has majority carrier electrons that diffuse across the depletion re p-bulk region, the depletion region, and the II-bulk region. In Chapter 2 of Volu
gion, are injected into the p-material, and then recombine with majority carrier holes. we have discussed the electrostatic solution for the depletion region in detail. S
Replacement holes are supplied at the metal-p-semiconductor contact by electrons assumptions about the device must be invoked to make the /- VA solution trac
exiting into the external circuit, thereby generating majority carrier holes. The continu They are justified since actual devices follow the theory over many decades of cu
ity of current is completed at the metal-n-material contact, which provides the electrons
1. There are no external sources of carrier generation; for example, no light.
for injection.
Figure 3. 5( c), appropriate for reverse biases, illustrates the thermal generation of 2. The depletion approximation and the step junction are applicable.
drift current components near the depletion region edges. For example, the generation 3. The steady-state dc solution is desired; that is, all the dldt terms in the conti
of minority carrier holes in the II-region drifts through the depletion region to the elluations are zero.
p-region, where they become majority carriers and eventually migrate to the metal 4. No generation or recombination takes place in the depletion region (what g(
p-material contact. Electrons from the metal annihilate the excess holes, causing an ex must come out).
ternal circuit electron to flow. Simultaneously, the thermally generated majority carrier
5. Low-level injection is maintained in the quasi-neutral (bulk) regions of the d
electrons migrate to the metal-n-region contact and into the external circuit, complet
this means that the number of minority carriers is always much less than the
ing the current loop.
ber of majority carriers in the bulk regions.
The thermally generated electron-hole pairs near the p-side edge of the depletion
region contribute to the reverse current by the electron's drifting across the depletion 6. The electric field for the minority carriers is zero in the bulk regions.
region to the n-material and as a majority carrier moves into the external circuit. At the 7. The bulk regions are uniformly doped; that is, NA and ND are constants.
same time, the thennally generated hole near the p-side depletion region travels to the
With these assumptions the equations of state for the bulk 11- and p-regions r'
p-region contact and is exchanged for an external circuit electron, completing the cur
to the following minority carrier equations.
rent loop.
It should be pointed out that in Fig. 3. 5(b) the drift current components are not n-type semiconductor:
shown because they are small. The diffusion components in Fig. 3. 5( c) are not shown d 2 fipn fipn
for the same reason. 0= DpjT Tp
p N
Since the device has only two terminals, the total current through the diode must be a
constant at each point: J(total)
IN(x) = J - Jp(x) (3.12) ~
Arguments for the p-bulk region and the minority carrier electrons are complemen
tary to those of the minority carrier holes in the n-bulk region. By complementary we %U'lAUVu:
o ~ x
-xI' x"
mean the exchange of p for II and 11 for p. For example, the complement of Eq. (3.5) is
Eq. (3.8). A solution of Eq. (3.8) yields dnp(x) and the use of Eq. (3.9) results in
.. f-Depletion . I •
------ II-bulk region
IN(x), the minority carrier current in the bulk p-region. The majority carrier current is p-bulk region
obtained from Eq. (3.11) as
Jp(x) = J - IN(x) (3.13)
The perceptive student might ask, "You have outlined a plan of attack for the bulk
rcgions, but what about the current in the depletion region?" The depletion region was
assumed to have no generation or recombination. Therefore, the current through it is a
] - p-bulk Il-bulk --- ]
constant - "what goes in must come out." No carriers are added to or subtracted from
the carrier flux. Figure 3.6 illustrates this point. Note that if the minority carrier dif o x"
I N ( -xp)
fusion current is known at the edges of the depletion region, then it is known
throughout the depletion region, and hence at the other edge of the depiction region. Fig. 3.6 Current components at the edges of the depletion region.
Applying the Einstein relationship to Eg. (3.18) results in Eg. (3.19), remembering that n,,(x,,) == 11,,0' Since Il ~ /ppo = Ilpo one concludes that
IIp( - X ) 11 eq\'AlkT
~ = -kT dn/dx (3.19)
p pO
q 11
and the injected electron concentration at the boundary - xp is
From the definition of potential, the junction voltage can be written as
Substituting Eg. (3.19) into Eg. (3.20) yields Note that Egs. (3.28) and (3.29) reduce to their thermal equilibrium values
VA = O.
kT dn/dx kT In(x n.1 Complementary arguments can be used for the hole concentration at the ed
Vj = Vbi - VA = - J X Il
- - - - dx = - In n
q n q n(-'pl
(3.21 )
the depletion regions and result in Eqs. (3.30) and (3.31),
-X p
get the electron concentration ratio:
n,,(x,) = eq(Vbi-VAllkT = e[qVbi1kT]e[ -qVAJkT] (3.23)
/lp( - x p)
Long-Base Diode. The final boundary conditions on the excess carrier concen
Solving for Il(-X p ) results in Eq. (3.24), in the P- and n-bulk regions are obtained by assuming that the bulk regions aI"
long, even infinite in length. Since the injected minority carriers have a finite Ii
np(-xp ) = 11,,(x,,)e[-qVbilkTle[qVAikT] (3.24) (Tp and Til)' they cannot survive forever without recombining with a majority
From Eg. (2.14), for thermal equilibrium,
tlnp(-oo) = 0
~. In[l1no~pol
= kT (3.25)
bl q ni_ tlp,,( +(0) =0
which can be inverted to obtain Eq. (3.26),
Game Plan Summary
Il (-x)
e. qVbl.;kT
n (:r ) __,_eqVAlkf
_ _i
. 2
!!i. e qVAikT
I 1. Solve the minority carrier continuity equations in the bulk regions for tlPII(
tlll/X) or p,,(x) and np(x).
2. Apply two boundary conditions to each solution to determine tlp,,(x) and Do,
terms of the applied voltage VA'
3. Determine the currents lAx,,) and IN(-Xp) from the slope of tlnp(x) and tl
P P P -" 11 -xp and x"' respectively, using Eqs. (3.14) and (3.15).
ll"oPpO Ppo
4. The total current is then the sum of the currents at the edges of the depletion region; Dividing by Dp and taking the second term across the equal sign results in Eq. (3
that is, where Lp is defined as the minority carrier diffusion length for holes:
1 = lp(xn) + IN( - xp) (3.34)
d 2f:.Pn(x') =') =') (
2 2 '
To solve the minority carrier diffusion equations, Eqs. (3.5) and (3.8), we begin by
selecting the special x' and x" coordinate systems as illustrated in Fig. 3.7. The transla I Lp = ~DpTp I (cm) C
tion of the working-coordinate system simplifies the analytical form of the solutions and
As discussed in Volume I, this is the average distance a minority carrier hole
avoids unnecessary complications in the analysis.
diffuse before recombining with a majority carrier electron. Equation (3.36) is a
common differential equation and can be solved directly or by Laplace transforms
3.4.1 n-bulk Region, x :2: xn or x' 2: 0' solution is of the form
Equation (3.35) is Eq. (3.5) rewritten in terms of the new variable x' whose origin is at') = Alex'ILp + A 2e- x'ILp
x = xn .
d 2f:.Pn(x')') where two boundary conditions are needed to evaluate the constants AI and A 2 . I
Dp dx,2 - -- = 0 (3.35)
Tp Eq. (3.33) of the previous section, the boundary condition at infinity requires
-x p oI X
~ x
f (x')
= -qD df:.Pn
p dx'
= -qD P (eqVAlkT -
P nO
\) (-I)e-X'ILP
Lp (3
x".. J.. I
0' .. x'
1 p (X ') = qDp PnO (qVAlkT _ 1) -x'ILp (3
e e
Fig. 3.7 Axis selection for bulk regions. Lp
npo _____
. -...,-1
..:.-==-:::._ / : 1---
I ,.'
- "no
-- .
np(x") = npo + Il pO (eqV AlkT - l)e-X"ILN
• n (")f
X or V A < 0
11 ,. (x") for VA < 0 ~.I, x
-Xp 0 X
The minority carrier diffusion length Jar electrons has been defined as
x" .. I
0" I
0' ... X'
Fig.3.8 Minority carrier concentrations in the bulk regions for VA> 0 (-. -. -) and for VA < 0
LN = v'DNTn (cm)
(. .... ) with NA > ND •
This is the averagc distance that the minority carrier electron will diffuse bef(
Evaluating at x = Xn (or x' = 0) yields the hole current in the depletion region, combining with a majority carrier hole. The left-hand side of Fig. 3.8 illustratc~
results for forward and reverse bias. By applying the complement of Eqs. (3.4
D (3.44), the electron currents iN(X") and IN(O") = IN(-xp) are readily determined
Ipldcpl = Ip(x.) = Ip(O') = q~Pno(eqVAlkT - 1) I (3.44)
IN(x") q ~: Ilpo(eqvAlkT - I)e-x"ILN
Figure 3.9 illustrates the hole current at the edge and throughout the depletion and
n-bulk regions.
IN(-X) = q 2 n (eQVAlkT - 1)
p LN pO
p N
Figure 3.9 illustrates the electron currcnt components throughout the diode. Rerr
J p (x n ) ."
.,, that a current directed along the x"-axis is opposite to the current flow along the
m a negative sign is needed in Eq. (3.15).
/' /
~E ~~ /
l:! / } 3.4.3 Ideal Diode Equation
E The total current is obtained by adding Eg. (3.44) and Eg. (3.49) as outlined in
.s }N (-x p )
...... of the "game plan." The result is called the ideal diode equation or sometin
o _'-=--- -x p
....... .. x
Shockley diode equation,
p-bulk region
-I .
..I" -------
n-bulk region i = q [ DV
--'- n
L pO
L nO
j (eqvAlkT - 1)
Multiplying by the area of the junction (A) yields the total current In I
I = lo(eqvAikT - I) (3.51)
DNn po + -PliO
= qA [- Dp
J (3.52) In(lo)
I == 10eQVAIkT
It is important to note that ni increases exponentially with temperature and its room
tem'Jerature value is very dependent on the band gap EG of the material. A larger E,
If the natural logarithm is taken then
value results in a smaller value of ni' Also note that the more lightly doped side of th
P-Il junction will produce a larger number of minority calTiers, and thus the larger cur
In(1) = InUo) + qVA rent component. For example, a p+ -n junction has NA ~ No and, from Eq. (3.53),
which is plotted as a straight line in Fig. 3.1O(b). Note the similarity to the form of
10 == qA [ Dp]
LpPIlO = qA
[D p n;]
Lp No (3.5
y = Ax + b when plotted on the semilog axis.
With VA = -0.10 volts, the exponential is about \Iso and very small compared to the
"-I," leaving the current I == -/0 independent of the reverse voltage. The reverse cur
Siml}arly for a p-n 4 junction,
rent no longer changes, that is, becomes saturated; hence its name "the reverse saturation
current." [See Fig. 3.1O(a).]
As evidenced by Eq. (3.52) and as visualized in Fig. 3.4, the reverse saturation cur
rent is determined primarily by the minority carriers flpo thermally generated in the p-bulk 10 == qA [-D N]
npO = qA [DN
- (3.5
region and PlIO generated in the Il-bulk region. Equation (3.52) can be written in terms of
the doping densities N A and No:
Most diodes and many of the P-Il junctions that occur in other devices are of the P +
DN Dp ]
= qA [ LN flpo + Lp PliO
DN -
qA [- -- fl~J (3.53a)
or n' -P type, and we shall make frequent use of these asymmetrical junctions in futurl
LNNA LpN[) analyses.