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Species - an organism with similar characteristics that can produce fertile offspring.

Organisms can reproduce in between the same type of specie.

(Small surface area to volume ratio-elephant)

1. Evolution
Homologies: structural similarities shared between different species of living organisms. (Main
lines of evidence for evolution)

Evolution: Explains the existence of homologous structures between species, they come from
their ancestors.

Homologous organs Vestigial traits Embryonic Cellular and molecular

homologies homologies
Organs that have the Some species Species may also Technology allows us
same internal emerge from the share homologies to determine the
structure but not transformation of that show during the degree of similarity in
function. past species which embryonic the homologous
Analogy (opposite) did have a function development. proteins.
in some structures.

2. History of the theories of Evolution

First evolutionary theory, Lamarckism:

- Natural tendency -> more complex.

- Changes in environment -> new behavior.
- New behavior -> change the way in which the animal uses its organs.
- Acquired traits pass on to the offspring.

Then came Darwin’s theory which said evolution was about natural selection:

- In the population -> variability of inherited traits.

- Struggle for existence.
- Organisms with traits that allow best compete for resources will survive and reproduce
- Next generation -> offspring with inherited traits.

3. Modern theory of Evolution

Variability: mutations, sexual reproduction.

The environment exerts a selection pressure on the organisms of a species because it

negatively affects those that are poorly adapted. (Food and water).

Speciation: is the process by which a species gives rise to two or more species. For this to
happen 2 populations of same specie must be reproductively isolated. 4 scenarios that can
cause speciation:
Geographical Temporal isolation Chromosomal Behavioral isolation
isolation isolation
A physical boundary 2 populations can be If the number or Differences in traits
stops individuals isolated because structure of relating to behaviors
from sharing the their individuals are chromosomes begin can trigger a
same physical space. in heat at different to show differences, reproductive barrier.
times of the year, their gametes might
fertile periods and become
flowering seasons. incompatible.

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