Species - an organism with similar characteristics that can produce fertile offspring.
1. Evolution
Homologies: structural similarities shared between different species of living organisms. (Main
lines of evidence for evolution)
Evolution: Explains the existence of homologous structures between species, they come from
their ancestors.
Then came Darwin’s theory which said evolution was about natural selection:
Speciation: is the process by which a species gives rise to two or more species. For this to
happen 2 populations of same specie must be reproductively isolated. 4 scenarios that can
cause speciation:
Geographical Temporal isolation Chromosomal Behavioral isolation
isolation isolation
A physical boundary 2 populations can be If the number or Differences in traits
stops individuals isolated because structure of relating to behaviors
from sharing the their individuals are chromosomes begin can trigger a
same physical space. in heat at different to show differences, reproductive barrier.
times of the year, their gametes might
fertile periods and become
flowering seasons. incompatible.