Marshall Method of Mix Design

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Transportation Engineering

Course Code –CE-422

Contact Hours -3+3

Dr Hassan Mujtaba
Marshall Method of Mix Design
• Marshall Method of mix design is intended
both for laboratory design and field control of
bituminous hot-mix dense graded paving
• Originally developed by Bruce Marshall of the
Mississippi State Highway Department, the US
Army Corps of Engineers refined and added
certain features to Marshall’s approach and it
was then subsequently formalized as ASTM D
1559 and AASHTO T245. 2
Marshall Method of Mix Design (outline)

• It uses standard cylindrical test specimens (64 mm high

and 102 mm in diameter). Two principal features of
Marshall Method of mix design are Density Void
Analysis and Stability Flow Test of compacted test
• Stability of test specimens is the maximum load
resistance developed by standard test specimen at 60°C
• Flow value is the total movement or displacement
occurring in the specimen between no load and the
point of maximum load during stability test in units of
0.25mm (0.01 in).
Requirements for Marshall Method

• Marshall method of mix design require

– Grain size distribution of the mix
– Bitumen content
• Generally, trials are carried out to find out the
optimum bitumen content for the specific

Selection and combination of Aggregates

• Selection of the aggregates to be used in a given

paving mixture is a very important part of the design
• In normal procedure, both coarse and fine aggregates
available in the near vicinity of the proposed work are
sampled and carefully examined for compliance with
the individual specifications for these materials.
• In case no suitable single aggregate is available then
aggregates from several different sources may have to
be blended to get the required specified specimen.
Selection and combination of Aggregates

• The proportions selected must be within the

specification and far enough from its extremes to
provide room for the job mix tolerance so that when it
is added or subtracted the mixture will not be outside
the original specification range.
• Sieve Analysis of the aggregates can most
economically be used in this case as determined by
AASHTO methods of T27 and T37

Passing Sieve Retained on Sieve Percent by weight
Designation Designation

Mineral ¾ in. (19.0 mm)

½ in. (12.5 mm)

½ in. (12.5 mm)

3/8 in. (9.5 mm)


Aggregate and 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) No.4 (4.75 mm) 9-45

Mix No.4 (4.75 mm)

Total Coarse Aggregate

No. 10 (2.00 mm)

No. 10 (2.00 mm)



Composition No. 10 (2.00 mm) No. 40 (0.475 mm) 6-22

No. 40 (0.475 mm) No. 80 (0.177 mm) 8-27

No. 80 (0.177 mm) No. 200 (0.75 mm) 5-17

It is obvious that the
fine aggregate and No. 200 (0.75 mm) ------ 5-8

coarse aggregate only, Total fine aggregate & Passing No. 10 35-50
in any combination, filler
cannot meet the Total mineral aggregate ------ 100
requirements of the Total mineral aggregate ------ 100

specifications for total Total Mix

mineral aggregate. So, Total mineral aggregate 92-95
mineral fillers must be Asphalt cement 5-8
used in the mixture.
Total mix 100 7
Trial Mixes for Lab
• For first Trial Mixes
– Total coarse aggregate 52 percent (50 ~ 65
Fine aggregate + Mineral Filler = (35~50)
– Fine Aggregates is 40 percent.
– Amount of mineral filler is 8 percent.
• Calculations made using the indicated
proportions in determining the sieve analysis
of the combined aggregates are as follows. 8
Sieve Analysis of Aggregates
(percentage used for Experiment)
Passing Sieve Retained on AGGREGATE TYPE
Designation Sieve
(Percent by Designation
weight) (Percent by COARSE FINE MINERAL

¾in.(19.0 mm) ½in.(12.5 mm) 5 ---- ----

½in.(12.5 mm) 3/8in.(9.5mm) 32 ---- ----

3/8in.(9.5mm) No.4(4.75mm) 37 ---- ----

No.4(4.75mm) No.10(2.00mm) 22 7 ----

No.10(2.00mm) No.40(0.475mm) 4 28 ----

No.40(0.475mm) No.80(0.177mm) ---- 39 5

No.80(0.177mm) No.200(0.75mm) ---- 24 30

No.200(0.75mm) ----- ---- 2 65

Total 100 100 100

Calculations for Sieve Analysis
Passing Retained Percent by weight Agg.
Sieve Size on Sieve Wt.
Size (gm)

¾in. ½in. 0.52 x 5 = ---- ----

2.6 31.2
1200 gm of dry (19.0 mm) (12.5 mm) 2.6

½in. 3/8in. 0.52 x 32 = ---- ----

material is required 12.5mm) (9.5mm) 16.6
16.6 199.2

to make one 3/8in.


0.52 x 37 =

---- ----
19.2 230.4

specimen for No.4

0.52 x 22 =

0.40 x 7 =

14.2 170.4

Marshall Test No.10

0.52 x 4 = 0.40 x 28 = ----
13.4 160.8
2.2 11.2

No.40 No.80 ---- 0.40 x 39 = 0.08 x 5

16.0 192.0
(0.475mm) (0.177mm) 15.6 0.4

No.80 No.200 ---- 0.40 x 24 = 0.08 x

(0.177mm (0.75mm) 30 12.0 144.0

No.200 ----- ---- 0.40 x 2 = 0.08 x

(0.75mm 65 6.0 72.0

Total 52.0 40.0 8.0 100.0 1200

Estimation of Bitumen Content
• Experience
• Using filler-to-bitumen ratio guideline (ranges
0.6 to 1.2)
• Computational Formula

P  0.035a  0.045b  kc  F
• P = Approximate mix bitumen content, percentage by
weight of total mix
• a = Percentage of mineral aggregate retained on sieve
No.10 in whole no. 11
Estimation of Bitumen Content
• b = Percentage of mineral aggregate passing sieve
No.10 and retained on sieve No.200
• c = Percentage of mineral aggregate passing sieve
• k = 0.15, 11-15% passing sieve No.200.
k= 0.18, 6-10% passing sieve No.200
k=0.20, 5% passing sieve No.200
• F = 0 to 2%, based on the absorption of light and
heavy aggregates.
F = 0.7, incase no data is available. 12
Preparation of Test Specimen
• Separate the aggregate in desired fractions by dry
• The aggregates are first dried to a constant weight at
105 to 110°C.
• Amount of each size fraction required to produce a
batch that will give 63.5+1.27 mm high compacted
specimen is weighed in a separate pan for each test
specimen. It is about 1.2kg of dry aggregates.
• Prepare at least three specimens for each combination
of aggregates and bitumen.
Preparation of Test Specimen
• Dry the aggregates to the required mixing temperature.
• Add heated aggregates in a mixing bowl and the
required quantity of bitumen is added. Mixing is carried
out until all aggregate particles are fully coated with
• Optimal viscosity of bitumen for compaction is
between 2 Pa.s and 20 Pa.s.
• If viscosity is too low, the mix will be excessively
mobile resulting in pushing of the material in front of
the roller, high viscosities will significantly reduce the
workability of the mix and little compaction will be
Preparation of Test Specimen
• Depending upon design traffic category (light,
medium and heavy), the compacted mix is
expected to withstand 35, 50 and 75 blows
respectively applied with compaction hammer
to each end of the specimen.
• After compaction, specimens are allowed to
cool in air at room temperature until no
deformation results on removal from the
Apparatus for Marshall Test
• Sieves conforming to ASTM Standards
• Moulds
• Compaction Hammer
• Flow meter
• The Marshall Testing Machine, a compression testing

Casting of the Sample
• All fractions of aggregates are heated to a temperature
of 250°F. Bitumen of specified grade is heated to a
temperature of 350°F. Bitumen should not be heated for
more than an hour.
• The required quantity of aggregates and bitumen is
mixed manually or electrically at a temperature of 200
to 300°F.
• After mixing place it in mould and is compacted (using
hammer 4.5 kg in weight and height of fall 45.7 cm )
with 75 blows to the sample on each side. The
specimen is then immersed in water bath at a testing
temperature of 60°C for 30 to 40 minutes. 17
Test and Analysis for Marshall Test
• Then remove the specimen from water bath and place
it on a base plate of Marshall Loading Machine. The
proving ring and flow gauge are adjusted to zero
• The Testing Machine will apply loads to test
specimens through cylindrical segment testing heads
at a constant rate.
The base plate of machine moves
upward at a rate of 2 inches per
minute (51 mm/min).
Stability and Flow Value
• The value of maximum load and dial gauges are recorded.
• Loading is applied until the specimen failure occurs.
• The elapsed time for the test after the removal of specimen is

Marshall Specimen Marshall Apparatus 19

Test and Analysis for Marshall Test
• In Marshall Method, each compacted test specimen is
subjected to following tests and analysis in the order
– Bulk Specific Gravity Test
– Density and Void Analysis
– Stability and Flow Test
• Bulk Specific Gravity Test is performed on freshly
compacted specimens after they have cooled to room
• It is performed by weighing the compacted specimen
in air and then in water. 20
• Percentage Air Voids, Va
G mm  G mb
Va   100
G mm
• Va = air voids in compacted mixture as a percentage
of total volume.
• Gmm = maximum specific gravity of a paving mixture
• Gmb = Bulk specific gravity of a compacted mixture.

• Maximum Specific Gravity, Gmm

Gmm 
W1 W2 W3 W4
  
G1 G2 G3 G 4

• Where, W 1 = %age weight of coarse aggregates , W 2

=%age weight of fine aggregates , W 3 = %age weight of
mineral aggregates , W 4 = %age weight of bitumen , G 1
= Specific Gravity of coarse aggregates , G 2 = Specific
Gravity of fine aggregates , G 3 = Specific Gravity of
mineral aggregates , G 4 = Density of bitumen (g/cm3) 22
Percentage of Voids in mineral Aggregates, VMA
• VMA = Vb + Va
Where, Va = %age of voids in aggregates , Vb = %age
of voids in bitumen
• Vb = Gmb X ( W 4 / G 4 )
Percentage of voids filled with bitumen, VFB

• VFB = ( Vb / VMA ) X 100

Calculation Tables for Density Void

Weight of
Height Weight of Bulk Theoretical %age %age Voids in
%age of of Compacted Specific Specific Voids in Voids in Mineral
Bitumen Sample Aggregate Gravity Gravity Air Bitumen Aggregates
in Water
(mm) in Air (gm) (Gmb) (Gmm) (Va) (Vb) (VMA)

Test and Analysis for Marshall Test
• Stability is the force in Newton required producing
failure of the test specimen. The applied testing load
is determined from calibrated proving ring.
• Flow value is the magnitude of deformation of the
specimen at the point of failure. The point of failure
is defined by the maximum load reading obtained.

Calculation Tables For Stability ~ Flow

Stability Value (kN)

Maximum Flow Dial
%age of
Proving Ring Gauge Flow Value
Reading Reading

Measured Corrected

Kgf/ div= 12.202
N/div = 119.66


• Percentage of Bitumen Vs Percentage of Air voids in

Aggregates (Va)
• Percentage of Bitumen Vs Voids in Mineral
Aggregates (VMA)
• Percentage of Bitumen Vs Voids Filled with Bitumen
• Percentage of Bitumen Vs Bulk Specific Gravity
• Percentage of Bitumen Vs Marshall Stability Value
• Percentage of Bitumen Vs Flow Value
Turnout from Straight track

Stability Correlation Ratios

Stability Correlation Ratios

Optimum Bitumen Content

• Maximum Stability Value

• Maximum Unit Weight
• 4% Air Voids

Optimum Bitumen Content

Optimum Bitumen Content

(5.2+4.3+4.7)/3 = 4.73

Specific Gravity Values

• Coarse Aggregates ---- 2.68

• Fine Aggregates ------- 2.69
• Mineral Filler -------------- 2.70
• Bitumen ------ 1.01
Bitumen Content
– Sec A1 ----- 3.5%, Sec A2 ----------4%
– Sec B1------ 4.5% Sec B2 -----------5%
– Sec C 1------- 3.5% Sec C2 ------- 4%
– Sec D 1 ------- 4.5 % Sec D2 -------5%

Asphalt Mix Requirement

• Stability
– Resist to deformation under static and dynamic loads
– Depends upon grading, shape, surface texture of aggregates
and viscosity of asphalt
– Value can be improved by lowering asphalt content and use
of harder asphalt

Asphalt Mix Requirement

• Flexibility
– Resist cracking due to weakness of base and sub-
grade or repeated flexing due to traffic loads or
thermal stresses which causes volume change.
– Can be improved by use of higher asphalt content,
softer bitumen, more open aggregate grading

Asphalt Mix Requirement

• Durability
– Resistance to weathering due to action of water
(which may cause film stripping) or due to
temperature which may cause aging of binder
mainly by oxidation (aging results in loss of
volatiles, which in turn renders the bitumen hard)
– Improved by using high bitumen content, very
dense impervious mixes.
– It is preferable to use more of a harder bitumen
than less of a softer one.
Asphalt Mix Requirement

• Workability
– Should be workable so that it could be spread and
easily compacted.
– Improved by using high asphalt content and more
rounded aggregates
• Safety
– For wearing course, mix should provide good skid
– Improved by using aggregates more resistant to
polishing action of traffic 38
Asphalt Mix Requirement

• Impermeability
– To prevent ingress of water to base
– Can be improved by using high bitumen content,
dense grading and use of pneumatic tyre roller for
• Stiffness
– Mix should be of high elastic modulus to distribute
traffic loads more effectively to base/subgrade
– Improved by using dense aggregate grading and
hard bitumen 39

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