A. Write (Hand Written) all the Programming in practical file.
B. All Questions are mandatory.
C. Submit the Practical file in a Practical Note Book. D. Last date of submission is 30.11.2023
1. Write a Program to check if the entered number is Armstrong or not.
2. Write a Program to find factorial of the entered number. 3. Write a Program to enter the number of terms and to print the Fibonacci Series. 4. Write a Program to enter the string and to check if it’s palindrome or not using loop. 5. Write a Program to enter the numbers in a list using split () and to use all the functions related to list. 6. Write a Program to enter the number and print the Floyd’s Triangle in decreasing order. 7. Write a Program to find factorial of entered number using user-defined module fact(). 8. Write a Program to read data from data file and show Data File Handling related functions utility in python. 9. Write a Program to read data from data file in append mode and use writeLines function utility in python. 10. Write a Program to read data from data file in read mode and count the particular word occurrences in given string, number of times in python. 11. Write a Program to read data from data file in read mode and append the words starting with letter ‘T’ in a given file in python. 12. Write a Python program to implement all basic operations of a stack, such as adding element (PUSH operation), removing element (POP operation) and displaying the stack elements (Traversal operation) using lists. 13. Write a program to display unique vowels present in the given word using Stack. 14. Write a Program to show MySQL database connectivity in python. 15. Insert record into a table using MySQL-Python connectivity. 16. Fetching all the record from a table (emp) having salary more than 70000. 17. Updating records of the table using MySQL-Python connectivity.