2024 ISHS General Maths IA1 PSMT Budget Car - Final-2

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General Mathematics 2024

Unit 1 Topic 1: Consumer arithmetic

Internal Assessment 1 (IA1)

Problem-solving and modelling task (20%)

Assessment objectives
This assessment instrument is used to determine student achievement in the
following objectives:
1. select, recall and use facts, rules, definitions and procedures drawn from Unit 1 Topic
1: Consumer Arithmetic
2. comprehend mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Unit 1 Topic 1:
Consumer Arithmetic
3. communicate using mathematical, statistical and everyday language and conventions
4. evaluate the reasonableness of solutions
5. justify procedures and decisions by explaining mathematical reasoning
6. solve problems by applying mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Unit
1 Topic 1 : Consumer Arithmetic.
Subject General Mathematics
Technique Problem-solving and modelling task
Unit Unit 1: Money, measurement and relations
Topic Topic 1: Consumer Arithmetic


Duration 4 weeks, including 3 hours of class time

Due Date 29/2/24
Mode Written report Length Up to 10 pages
(including table, figures
and diagram) and
excluding appendixes
Individual/ Individual Other —
Resources The use of technology is required, e.g.
• word processor and spreadsheet program


You are a forward-thinking year 11 student; planning to buy a car outright at the end
of year 11. This means you are not borrowing money but need to save to purchase
the car. You will then need to continue your budget to cover ongoing running costs
for year 12.
Your task is to investigate the total cost of your proposed car and to construct an
appropriate budget for both saving to buy the car and then finance the ongoing costs
of the car for year 12 with the following parameters:

 Your savings plan will begin any date in February 2024

 You have a starting balance in your savings account of $50
 You will consider how many hours are reasonable to work during school
weeks and during school holidays.
 You will allow time during the year when you don’t work due to family and
study commitments
 You will have the typical expenses of a high school student

Refine your model/budget to ensure you can afford your car or at least increase
available spending funds.

In this report, you will discuss/evaluate your findings and justify your decisions.

Your submission must include all mathematical investigations, calculations and

support for your findings

To complete this task, you must:

• use the problem-solving and mathematical modelling approach to develop your

• respond with a range of understanding and skills, such as using mathematical
language, appropriate calculations, tables of data, graphs and diagrams
• provide a response that highlights the real-life application of mathematics
• evaluate the reasonableness of your proposed solutions
• respond using a written report format that can be read and interpreted
independently of the instrument task sheet
• develop a unique response
• use both analytic procedures and technology.



Checkpoints (school calendar) week

□ Week 3 (collection of data checkpoint)
□ Week 4 (draft submission)

□ Week 6 (assessment submission)

Criterion Marks allocated Result

Formulate 4
Assessment objectives 1, 2 and 5
Solve 7
Assessment objectives 1 and 6
Evaluate and verify 5
Assessment objectives 4 and 5
Communicate 4
Assessment objective 3
Total 20 /20

Authentication strategies

• The teacher will provide class time for task completion.

• Students will produce sections of the final response under supervised conditions.

• Students will each produce a unique response by using different parameters for fuel usage,
distances travelled and fuel prices.

• Students will provide documentation of their progress at indicated checkpoints.

• Students must submit a declaration of authenticity.

• The teacher will ensure that class cross-marking occurs.


The approach to problem-solving and modelling will be used

An approach to problem-solving and
Once students understand what the problem is asking, they must design a plan
to solve the problem. Students translate the problem into a mathematically

mathematical modelling
purposeful representation by first determining the applicable mathematical
and/or statistical principles, concepts, techniques and technology that are
required to make progress with the problem. Appropriate assumptions, variables
and observations are identified and documented, based on the logic of a
proposed solution and/or model.
In mathematical modelling, formulating a model involves the process of
mathematisation — moving from the real world to the mathematical world.

Students select and apply mathematical and/or statistical procedures,

concepts and techniques previously learnt to solve the mathematical
problem to be addressed through their model. Possible approaches are
wide-ranging and include synthesising and refining existing models, and
generating and testing hypotheses with primary or secondary data and
information, as well as using standard mathematical techniques to produce a
valid solution.
Solutions can be found using algebraic, graphic, arithmetic and/or numeric
methods, with and/or without technology.

Once a possible solution has been achieved, students need to consider the
reasonableness of the solution and/or the utility of the model in terms of the
problem. They evaluate their results and make a judgment about the
solution/s to the problem in relation to the original issue, statement or
This involves exploring the strengths and limitations of the solution and/or
model. Where necessary, this will require going back through the process to
further refine the solution and/or model. In mathematical modelling, students
must check that the output of their model provides a valid solution to the
real-world problem it has been designed to address.
This stage emphasises the importance of methodological rigour and the fact
that problem-solving and mathematical modelling is not usually linear and
involves an iterative process.

The development of solutions and models to abstract and real-world problems

must be capable of being evaluated and used by others and so need to be
communicated clearly and fully. Students communicate findings systematically
and concisely using mathematical, statistical and everyday language. They draw
conclusions, discussing the key results and the strengths and limitation of the
solution and/or model. Students could offer further explanation, justification
and/or recommendations, framed in the context of the initial problem.
Instrument-specific marking guide (IA1): Problem-solving and modelling task (20%)

Criterion: Formulate

Assessment objectives

1. select, recall and use facts, rules, definitions and procedures, drawn from Unit 1 Topic 1
2. comprehend mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Unit 1 Topic 1
5. justify procedures and decisions by explaining mathematical reasoning

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

 documentation of appropriate assumptions

 accurate documentation of relevant observations
 accurate translation of all aspects of the problem by identifying mathematical concepts and

 statement of some assumptions

 statement of some observations
 translation of simple aspects of the problem by identifying mathematical concepts and

 does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion: Solve

Assessment objectives
1. select, recall and use facts, rules, definitions and procedures drawn from Unit 1 Topic 1
6. solve problems by applying mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Unit 3 Topic 1

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

 accurate use of complex procedures to reach a valid solution

 discerning application of mathematical concepts and techniques relevant to the task 6–7
 accurate and appropriate use of technology.

 use of complex procedures to reach a reasonable solution

 application of mathematical concepts and techniques relevant to the task 4–5
 use of technology.

 use of simple procedures to make some progress towards a solution

 simplistic application of mathematical concepts and techniques relevant to the task 2–3
 superficial use of technology.

 inappropriate use of technology or procedures. 1

 does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion: Evaluate and verify
Assessment objectives

4. evaluate the reasonableness of solutions

5. justify procedures and decisions by explaining mathematical reasoning

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

 evaluation of the reasonableness of solutions by considering the results, assumptions and

 documentation of relevant strengths and limitations of the solution and/or model 4–5
 justification of decisions made using mathematical reasoning.

 statements about the reasonableness of solutions by considering the context of the task
 statements about relevant strengths and limitations of the solution and/or model 2–3
 statements about decisions made relevant to the context of the task.

 statement about a decision and/or the reasonableness of a solution. 1

 does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion: Communicate
Assessment objective
3.communicate using mathematical, statistical and everyday language and conventions

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

 correct use of appropriate technical vocabulary, procedural vocabulary and conventions to

develop the response
 coherent and concise organisation of the response, appropriate to the genre, including a 3–4
suitable introduction, body and conclusion, which can be read independently of the task sheet.

 use of some appropriate language and conventions to develop the response

 adequate organisation of the response.

 does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

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