HND Office Technology Management Nbte Curriculum 69
HND Office Technology Management Nbte Curriculum 69
HND Office Technology Management Nbte Curriculum 69
Office Technology and Management - Higher National
Diploma (HND)
February 2004
The title of the programme is Higher National Diploma Office Technology and Management
GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................... 2
CURRICULUM TABLE ..................................................................................................................................... 6
SEMESTER: 1................................................................................................................................................... 7
Shorthand IV ................................................................................................................................................ 7
ICT Office Application I............................................................................................................................. 11
Office Administration and Management I ............................................................................................... 17
Business Communications I .................................................................................................................... 21
Social Psychology..................................................................................................................................... 25
Business Law ............................................................................................................................................ 29
SEMESTER: 2................................................................................................................................................. 35
Research Methods .................................................................................................................................... 35
Nigerian Labour Law ................................................................................................................................. 39
Professional Career Development........................................................................................................... 46
ICT Office Application II............................................................................................................................ 50
Office Administration and Management II .............................................................................................. 54
Human Capital Management .................................................................................................................... 60
SEMESTER: 3................................................................................................................................................. 66
Advanced Transcription ........................................................................................................................... 66
Business Communication II ..................................................................................................................... 71
Database Management Systems ............................................................................................................. 75
Oral Communication Skills....................................................................................................................... 79
Elements of Human Capital Management............................................................................................... 83
Advanced Desktop Publishing................................................................................................................. 86
SEMESTER: 4................................................................................................................................................. 90
Management Information Systems.......................................................................................................... 90
Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility ...................................................................................... 94
Entrepreneurship Development............................................................................................................... 97
Advanced Webpage Design ................................................................................................................... 108
Nigerian Labour Law ............................................................................................................................... 114
Project ...................................................................................................................................................... 121
The Higher National Diploma in Office Technology/and Management is a two-year programme designed to
equip students with Secretarial/Office skills for employment in various fields of endeavour. Students of this
programme are exposed to courses in their special areas as well as courses in general education.
In addition to the acquisition of vocational skills in Office Technology and Management, the students are
equipped with effective work competencies and socio-psychological work skills, which are very essential in
everyday interactions with other. The Higher National Diploma programme in office students and other
interested individuals are eligible to enroll in Office Technology and Management Technology courses.
The Higher National Diploma in Office Technology and Management is a four semester programme
designed to equip students with secretarial skills for employment as secretarial mangers in various
organizations. Students in the programme will be offered professional, foundation and general education
courses, which will enable them acquire higher vocational and interpersonal skills in Office Technology and
Management for effective work competencies.
(a) Write in Shorthand for three minutes varied materials of 1.4 syllabic intensity dictated at
100 wam and transcribed on the typewriter with a minimum of 95% accuracy.
(b) Type effectively various office jobs and acquire a copying rate of 50 wam on passages
not below 1.30 syllabic intensity with 98% accuracy.
(c) Fit properly into the office of any organization and perform professionally, the functions of
a Secretary which among others include - relating the functions of the office to the whole
organization, attending meetings and providing information as may be required; make
accurate records of proceedings, filing and retrieving information, taking appropriate action
independently when faced with challenging secretarial office problems, showing personal
qualities and attributes conducive to tolerance and co-existence with the work group and, at
the HND level, the ability to:
a. All the requirements into the ND Office Technology and Management programme
b. A minimum of a lower credit pass (CGPA 2.50 and above) in the ND examination.
c. A minimum of one-year work experience.
d. Candidates with pass at ND should have 2 years work experience: The number of such
candidates should not exceed 10% of the students in the class
3.1 The curriculum consists of four main components, for the HND programme.
1. General Studies/Education
2. Foundation Courses
3. Professional Courses
4. Supervised Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
3.2 The General education component shall include courses in: Citizenship Education I & II and
Communication which are compulsory. The General Education component shall account for not more than
15% of total contact hours for the programme.
3.3 Foundation Courses include courses in Economics, Business Mathematics, Business Administration,
Accounting, Nigerian Legal System, and Entrepreneurship. Foundation courses should account for 10-15%
of the contact hours of each semester.
3.4 Professional Courses - are courses, which give the student the theory and practical skills he needs to
practice as a secretary. These may account for between 60-70% of the contact hours.
3.5 Supervised Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) shall be taken during the long vacation
following the end of the second semester of the first year. For the purpose of final evaluation, SIWES shall
account for 5% of the total marks.
The structure of the HND in Secretarial Management and Technology consists of four semesters of
classroom and laboratory activities in the institution. Each semester shall be of 17 weeks made up as
15 contact weeks of teaching, i.e. teaching, practical exercises, quizzes, test, etc and 2 weeks for
examinations and registration SIWES can be planned at a convenient period of the programme.
5.0 Accreditation
Each programme offered at the HND level shall be accredited by the NBTE before the diplomates can be
awarded the relevant diploma certificate.
Details about the process of accrediting a progrmme for the award of the HND are available from the
Executive Secretary, programmes Division, National Board for Technical Education, Plot ‘B’ Bida Road,
P.M.B. 2239, Kaduna, Nigeria.
6.1 Conditions for the award of Higher National Diploma include the following:
a. Satisfactory performance in all prescribed course work, which may include class work,
tests, quizzes, workshop practice, laboratory work which should amount to a minimum of
between 72 and 80 semester credit units.
d. Satisfactory completion of final year project work. Continuous assessment should
contribute 40% while semester examinations are weighted 60% to make a total of 100%.
The industrial training is rated on the basis of pass or fail.
7.1 The new curriculum is drawn in unit courses. This is in keeping with the provisions of the National Policy
on Education, which stresses the need for introducing the semester credit units, which will enable a student,
who so wishes to transfer the units already completed in an institution to another of similar standard.
7.2 In designing the units, the principle of modular approach by end product has been adopted, thus making
each of the professional modules, when completed to provide the student with professional operative skills,
which can be used for employment purposes self-and otherwise.
7.3 As the success of the credit unit system depends on the articulation of programmes between the
institutions and industry, the curriculum content has been written in behavioural objectives, so that it is clear
to all, the expected performance of the student who successfully completed some of the courses of the
programme. This is a slight departure in the presentation of such performance-based curriculum, which
requires that the conditions under which the performance is expected to be carried out and the criteria for the
acceptable levels of performance to be stated. It is a deliberate attempt to further involve the staff of the
department teaching the programme to enrich their own curriculum by stating the conditions existing in their
institution under which performance can take place and to follow that with the criteria for determining an
acceptable level of performance. Departmental submission on the final curriculum may be vetted by the
Academic Board of the institution. Our aim is to continue to see to it that a solid internal evaluation system
exists in each institution for ensuring minimum standards and quality of education in the programmes offered
throughout the Polytechnic system.
7.4 The teaching of the theory and practical work should, as much as possible, be integrated. Practical
exercises, especially those in professional courses and laboratory work should not be taught in isolation from
the theory. For each course, there should be a balance of theory and practice in the ratio of 50:50 or 60:40 or
the reverse.
For the smooth operation of the SIWES, the following guidelines shall apply:
(a) Institutions offering the National Diploma programme shall arrange to place the students
in industry. At the end of the first semester, six copies of the master-list showing where each
student has been placed shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary, National Board For
Technical Education, who shall authenticate the list and forward it to the Industrial Training
Fund, Jos;
(b) The placement officer should discuss and agree with industry on the following:
(ii) The industry-based supervisor of the students during the period. It
should be noted that the final grading of the students during the period of
attachment should be weighted more on the evaluation by his industry-
based supervisor.
8.2 Evaluation of Students During SIWES. In the evaluation of the student, cognizance should be taken of
the following items:
1. Punctuality
2. Attendance
3. General Attitude to work
4. Respect for Authority
5. Interest in the field/technical area
6. Technical competence as a potential Secretary in his field.
8.3 Grading SIWES: To ensure uniformity of grading scales, the institution should ensure that the uniform
grading of students’ work which all Polytechnics have agreed to is adopted.
8.4 The Institution-Based Supervisor: The institution-based supervisor should initial the logbook during each
visit. This will enable him to check and determine to what extent the objectives of the scheme are being met
and to assist students having any problems regarding the specific assignments given to them by their
industry-based supervisor.
8.5 Frequency of Visits: The institution should ensure that students placed on attachment are visited within
one month of their placement.
(a) There is another visit weeks after the first visit; and
8.6 Stipend for Students in SIWES: The rate of stipend payable shall be determined from time-to-time by the
Federal Government after due consultation with the Federal Ministry of Education, the Industrial Training
Fund and the National Board for Technical Education.
8.7 SIWES as a Component of the Curriculum: The completion of SIWES is important in the final
determination of whether the student is successful in the programme or not. Failure in the SIWES is an
indication that the student has not shown sufficient interest in the field or has no potential to become a skilled
Secretary in his field. The SIWES should be graded as in other courses. Where a student has satisfied all
other requirements but failed SIWES, he may only be allowed to repeat another four months’ SIWES at his
own expense.
Final year students in this programme are expected to carry out a project work. This could be on individual
basis or group work. The project reports should be properly supervised and well presented.
The department should make their own arrangement of schedules for project work.
OTM 321 Shorthand IV 1 3 4
OTM 313 ICT office applications I 2 6 8
OTM 314 Office Administration and Management I 2 2 4
OTM 315 Business Communications I 2 2 4
OTM 316 Social Psychology 2 2 4
BAM 214 Business Law 2 2 3
TOTAL 11 17 28
OTM 325 Research Methods (*) 1 3 4
BAM 427 Nigerian Labour Law 2 2 4
OTM 322 Professional career development 2 2 4
OTM 323 ICT office applications II 2 6 8
OTM 324 Office Administration & Management II 2 2 4
BAM 324 Human Capital Management 2 2 4
TOTAL 11 17 28
OTM 411 Advanced Transcription 1 3 4
OTM 412 Business Communications II 2 2 4
OTM 413 Database Mgt System 1 3 4
OTM 414 Oral communication skills 1 3 4
BAM 224 Elements of Human Resource Management 2 1 3
OTM 415 Advanced Desktop Publishing 2 6 6
TOTAL 9 18 27
OTM 423 Management Information Systems 1 3 4
OTM 424 Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility 2 2 4
BAM 413 Entrepreneurship 2 2 4
OTM 425 Advanced WebPage Design 2 6 8
BAM 427 Nigerian Labour Law 1 2 3
OTM 422 Project - 6 6
TOTAL 8 21 29
Shorthand IV
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Shorthand IV Code: OTM 321 Credit Hours: 4 hours x week
Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: Shorthand III Theoretical: 1 hours/week - 25 %
Practical: 3 hours/week - 75 %
Course main Aim/Goal: This module is designed to enable students enrich their shorthand vocabulary and skills in the writing and transcribing of shorthand. It is
also designed to ensure that students are able to write varying passages on any topic in the business world and to transcribe same at 80wpm with a S.I of 1.40 at a
minimum of 95% accuracy.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1:0: Consolidate the various principle governing shorthand writing
Explain briefly shorthand Stopwatch Take dictation of familiar and Dictate outlines and Stopwatches
1.1 Write shorthand consonants and vowels. Shorthand unfamiliar passages and plead passages for practice. Shorthand
consonants correctly. Notebooks or transcribe on the typewriter. Notebooks
Shorthand pen Do Assignments. Shorthand
1.2 Distinguish by writing Explain the differences between Dictate passages for
normal half-length and double and pencils students to transcribe. Pens
normal, half length and
length strokes. Electronic HB Pencils
double-length strokes.
Typewriters Mark students work and Electronic
1.3 Write shorthand Computers Typewriters.
Explain principles of vocalization give feedback.
outlines by applying the Textbooks Computers
and position writing.
Chalkboard Textbooks
1-2 principles of vocalization Give and evaluate
position writing, phrasing Explain the principles of phrasing Chalkboard.
and omission. and that of omission.
1.4 Drill outlines on 1.2
and 1.3 above. Drill students on 1-4 above.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
2.5 Drill all difficult outlines
and phrases written on the
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 3:0: Know how to write varying shorthand speeds at a minimum speed of 80wpm
3.1 Take down lengthy Dictate lengthy passages at 70-90 Ditto Take dictations and read back. Dictate passages to students.
passages at 70-90wpm for wpm.
between 3-5 minutes. Take dictation and transcribe Give and evaluate assignments.
Corrects detected errors. on the typewriter.
3.2 Read back fluently
dictated passages at the Dictate lengthy passages again. Do assignments
rate of 100wpm to
Correct detected errors.
3.3 Transcribe dictated Supervise students transcription
passage on the electronic
work and mark work.
typewriter at the rate of
20wam with a minimum of
95% accuracy. Dictate previewed passages.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
4.4 Transcribe dictated
passages at the rate of
25wam with a minimum of
96% accuracy.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5:0: Know how to write and transcribe dictate passages to produce mailable typewritten Transcripts.
5.1 Write and read back Dictate several unfamiliar passages Ditto Take dictation as given by the Dictate passages at varied Ditto
dictated passages. at 70-100wpm. teacher. speeds.
5.2 Read back dictated Ask students to read back after Read back correct errors and Observe students and
passages in groups, every take. transcribe on the correct their errors as they
individually or in unism. typewriter/computer. read back.
Preview dictated passages are re- Supervise students as
10-15 5.3 Take down previewed dictate at higher speeds. Do assignments. they transcribe on the
passages at higher typewriter/computer.
speeds. Dictate passages for transcription at
varied speeds on the electronic. Give and evaluate
5.4 Transcribe dictated assignment and all
passages of varying students work.
speeds with a minimum of
95% accuracy.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
30% % % 70%
ICT Office Application I
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: ICT Office Application I Code: OTM 313 Credit Unit: 8 hours x week
Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 25 %
Knowledge of MS Word for Windows Practical: 6 hours/week - 75 %
Aim/Goal: This module is designed to enable students to further develop their skills in effectively and efficiently work use a computer-based word processor.
General Objectives:
1. Introduce students to Advanced Word Processing and revise key keyboarding principles.
2. Apply health and safety principles when operating computers at work
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 1: Introduce students to Information and Communication Technologies
Use of common generic Explain in detail how to organise Handouts
methods for managing accurately files and folders.
files, directories and * 1 students per PC
folders Explain and practice how to
create, name and rename * Printers, scanners, paper
• Revise alternatives ways directories, sub-directories/folder. (A4 ream x 10 students)
of how to create and name
directories and folders Emphasise the purpose of * Support written material (MS
copy/move/delete files and Windows handout)
• Delete files and practice with some examples.
directories folders * 2 floppy disks per student
Set tasks where students will
• Move, copy and rename practice the above and discuss
1-2 files, directories and their implications in the office.
• Distinguish between
documents/files and
executable applications
and appreciate the
function file extensions
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
format. Prepare weekly home-works to * Support written material (MS
assure students practice the Windows handout)
• Encode specified data keyboarding and main typing
and make amendments to techniques. * 2 floppy disks per student
Every week select some student
• Use software facilities to from the group to test their speed
check spelling, and improvement when applying
proofread for accuracy of correct typing techniques.
contents and consistency
of layout and style Organise students in teams and
set task to be complete using the
• View and print as windows operating systems.
Explain how to present
• Use of typing techniques documents as specified
to speed data entry
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
Set tasks for student to transfer
data and files.
• Mail merge
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 2: Apply health and safety principles when operating computers at work
Describe the need for Discuss the Overhead Write a short report on the Visit a large organisation to Plans, forms, contacts with
working safely in an importance of a safe transparencies, plan for accidents in a observe their security and safety local organisation/business
office workplace. pictures, specified organisation. system.
diagrams. Contacts with local
Explain the principles Discuss the Write a plan for safety to Write a short report on the organisation to arrange visits
of good housekeeping importance of good Sample plan(s) apply in a specified observations
techniques in the safe design organisation. 3 computer workstations
office Handouts and Group students and set tasks to (including printers, scanners,
Show a sample plan readings Show practical examples re-arrange computer adjustable chairs, etc.)
Relate the implications on how to arrange a workstations taking into account
of safety to the office Discuss procedures to Examples of audit workstation to avoid various environmental factors Room with windows, curtains,
be followed to trail forms fatigue/injuries (make sure they encounter lights, adjustable
Identify potential maintain security opened widows, noisy chairs,mobile computers, etc.
hazards airconditions or not on, low
Forms /brochures Show ideal workstation (to be able to re-arrange them
arrangement to avoid chairs, etc…) in ideal positions).
Explain the value of
Propose a plan to an audit trail (care of Handouts injuries and fatigue when
apply in a general hardware, software an working with computers. Organise students in groups to Computer work station
11-15 study and sort case-studies
organisation for safety data), produce
within the organisation samples of audit Demonstrate the Different types of keyboards,
trails. importance of right posture Show students examples of mice, chairs,
Books and exercises to avoid wrong sitting and typing
Define the procedures
for maintaining Explain local health injure/relieve pain postures. Monitors
security of electronic and safety regulations
equipment and Students role plays
Pictures, posters, diagrams,
information Discuss the handouts, footrests
importance of a Role plays
Define the procedures healthy workplace.
for maintaining Games identifying potential
resources Discuss illnesses
environmental factors
Define the procedures affecting health when Demonstrate how to do key
for maintaining working with exercises to relieve pain/avoid
personal safety computers: injuries
temperature, noise
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
Describe and outline and illumination
the national & local
health and safety Discuss the
regulations importance of an
adequate computer
Establish the need for work layout. Show
working in a healthy sample ideal layouts.
workstation, relate the
implications of health Explain the value of
when working with good posture.
Explain key principles
Identify environmental of posture and
factors affecting health techniques to avoid
when working with injuries and fatigue
computers. when working with
Establish safe office
practices to avoid Explain the various
injuries and fatigue injuries that affect
when working with people working in a
computers. wrong computer
Define key computer
related illnesses, their Describe the various
symptoms and symptoms.
exercises to
relieve/avoid pain,
Illustrate key
disconform and exercises to avoid
fatigue. injuries and fatigue
when working with
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
% 25 % % 75
Office Administration and Management I
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Office Administration and management I Code: OTM 314 Credit Hours: 4 hours/week
Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50 %
Practical: 2 ours/week - 50 %
Course main Aim/Goal: This module is intended to expose the trainee to the general concepts, procedures and application of Office Administration and
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1.0: Understand the changing office scene in an organisation.
1.1 Explain how the office was Describe the paradigms shit that has Chalkboard Students to inspect, Male available old/past
perceived in the past 1950s, 1970s, taken place over the years. Textbooks compare and evaluate equipment and new
1990s and the future. Charts the old verses the ones for inspection,
Videos new. comparisons, and
1.2 Attitudes and perceptions, Manual evaluation.
-skills and Ink duplicator
Rotary switch
1-3 responsibilities.
Fax machine
1.3 Behaviours. activated system
1.3 Identify need for conclusion and
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 2:0: Know the structure and the organizational chart of an office and the concepts of office centralization and
2.1 State the organizational structure - Explain the organizational structure Organizational Compare and contrast Make available old Samples of
of an office. of the office. chart the organizational set charts to compare and organizational
Overhead up in line and staff. restructure new one. chart.
2.2 Draw the organizational chart of - Line organization Computer Overhead
an office. Video - Inspect chart on Make out a chart on Projector
Television information flow in the information flow in an Television
4-6 - Line and staff organization
Textbooks organisation. organisation Textbooks
2.3 Locate the position of the
functional staff of the organisation. Power point.
Explain information flow in an
organization Draw an Instruct students to
organizational chart of draw an organizational
any organisation of chart.
their choice.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0: Know the reasons for the location of an office, the different type of office layout and the conditions favourable for
office environment.
3.1 Enumerate the factors guiding the - Explain factors guiding the location Textbook Students to compare Teacher to show
location of an office. of an office. Chalkboard and contrast closed students films or
and open offices, from pictures of open and
3.2 List the types of office layout and - Explain the types of office layout Charts the films shown. closed offices.
the advantages and disadvantages of and the advantages and Video
open offices. disadvantages of open and close Students to engage in Teacher to show film or
offices. Overhead discussions with pictures on favourable
teacher. and unfavourable office
7-9 3.3 Define office environment. Projector
- Explain the concept of office
3.4 List the conditions suitable for environment. Video Students to compare
office environment. Charts and contrast.
- Explain the conditions favourable Overhead
for office environment eg Projector Students to engage in
cleanliness, prevention of Textbook discussions with
congestion, lighting, a acoustics, Chalkboard teacher.
ventilation etc.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 4:0: Understand the concept of management and the various concepts of management.
4.1 Define Management. - Explain the various definitions of Management Students to listening Teacher to show films
management. Textbooks and engage in and charts on
4.2 Explain the various management Charts discussions on the Management.
theories. - Analyse management theories as Films films/charts with the
propounded by Management. teacher.
4.3 State the functions of
management. -Fredick Taylor
10-12 -Henry Fayol
-McGregor, victor
Vroom, etc.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5:0: Understand the procedure for staff placement, induction and training.
5.1 State the importance of job - Explain the functions of job Charts Students to respond Show films on training Charts
analysis, job description and job analysis, job description, and job Video films and interact after each Textbooks
specification. specification. film shown. Video Films
Textbooks Overhead
5.2 Identify staff positions in an - Explain when job analysis is Projector
organisation Identify the standard necessary in an organisation. Video machines
and performance objectives against Television
which employee are to be evaluated. - Identify skills and activities Internet
necessary for deciding selection into Video Films Access
5.3 Define Training and Induction. various jobs.
5.4 State the importance of Training - Differentiate between training and
and induction in an organization. induction.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
25% % 25% 50%
Business Communications I
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Business Communications I Code: OTM 315 Credit Hours: 4 hours x week
Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: Business Communication I Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Practical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Course main Aim/Goal: This course is designed to develop in students the ability to communicate in organizations and improve interpersonal relationship.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1.0: Understand the importance of communication in an organisation.
1.1 Note the definition of Define communication. Give the different definitions Library
communication. of communication as Internet
provided in different Journals
author? Textbooks
1.2 List the differences between Explain the differences between oral Differentiate between oral Refer students to As in 1.1
oral and written communication.. and written communication and their and written communication appropriate source above.
forms using suitable examples. as provided by different materials.
1.3 List type of communication. Discuss types of communication eg a. Use the various type of Provide source materials Management
interpersonal, graphic, verbal, non- communication for the exercise and Films\
verbal. check accuracy of Textbooks
b. Demonstrate verbal and performance.
3 non verbal communication
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0: Know how to communicate effectively with others in the organisation.
3.1 Identify the purpose of Explain the purpose of interpersonal State the purpose of Evaluate students work.
8 communication in an communication in an organisation. interpersonal communication
organisation. in an organisation.
3.2 Enumerate the means of Explore the means of Operate some Provide some Competent
communication. communication. communication gadgets. communication gadgets Handsets
Send an e-mail text and guide in their Facsimiles
message, etc. operation. Radio etc.
3.3 List advantages and Explain advantages and Discuss advantages and Guide students
10 disadvantages of disadvantages of communication. disadvantages of discussion.
communication. communication.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 4:0: Know how to write effective business letters, memo, reports and proposals.
4.1 List the uses of paragraphing Explain the use of paragraphing in
in written communication. written communication.
4.2 Differentiate between letters, Explain the differences between Model letter, Write letters, memos, Guide students in writing
memos, etc. letters, memos, etc memos, and proposals, and reports. letter, memos, proposals
proposals. and reports.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5:0: Understand interpersonal and inter-group relationship.
5.1 Define interpersonal and Explain interpersonal and inter- Pictures
inter-group communication. group communication. Video
5.2 List formal and informal man Explain formal and informal mean of Determine when to use Assess students choice
13 of interaction. interaction. memos, notes, letters, of means.
phone calls, etc.
5.3 List the effects of too little or Explain the effects of too little or too Discuss the effects of too Guide students
too much memos. much memos. little or too much memo. discussion and give
General Objective 6.0: Know how to make introductory public speeches.
6.1 Identify the point to be Explain public speaking and explore
addressed. the points to be addressed.
6.2 List the skills to be Explain the skills to be developed for Criticize the provided films Provide film of recorded Films
15 developed for a good public a good public speech. Watched pointing out the speech for critical
speech. skills observed. analysis.
6.3 List the qualities of a good Explain the qualities of a good public Guide in speech writing
public speech. speech emphasizing language style. and deliver.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
% 50 % 50 % %
Social Psychology
Course: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Code: OTM 316 Credit Hours: 4 hours
Semester: two Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 33%
Practical: 2 hours/week - 67%
The course is designed to enable the student understand the dynamics of human behaviour in order to be able to adjust to situations and work effectively with
General Objectives: On completion of this course the student should be able to:-
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 1: Appreciate the basis of human behaviour
1.1 Define Psychology • Explain psychology Textbooks Explain methods of Explain self evaluation Case studies on personal
1.2 Trace the development and its historical studying human exercise for students - what motivation
1 of psychology as efforts to development. behaviour. motivates them?
understand human Self Evaluation Questionnaire.
behaviour. • Explain methods of Identify motives for Consider aspects of behaviour
1.3 Explain methods of studying human behaviour (drives, that is important for motivation
studying human behaviour. behaviour. needs, instincts, etc.) and perception.
1.4 Explain the interplay
between psychology and • Describe the Guidance on the use of case
other social sciences - relationship of studies
Sociology, Economics, etc. psychology to other
1.5 Identify motives for social sciences.
behaviour (drives, needs,
instincts, etc.) • Explain motives for
human behaviour.
General Objective 2: Know the development of behaviour
2.1 Define cognitive • Explain the concepts: Textbooks Explain the states of Use pictures to perception and Take the student to a festive
development cognitive development, Pictures development - stages of development home and study development of
4 2.2 Explain personality personality and self. infancy, adolescent behaviour.
development. and puberty.
2.3 Define self-concept. • Explain socialisation Explain perception.
2.4 Explain socialization and and its agents. Explain personality
its agents. development
2.5 Explain the states of • Explain stages of
development - infancy, development.
adolescent and puberty.
5 2.6 Explain perception. • Demonstrate
perception using
• Give assignment
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 3: Understand the principles of personality development
3.1 Define personality. • Explain personality Textbooks Guide the students to apply
6 3.2 Explain models of and its models. the models of personality on
personality their behaviour
3.3 Explain behaviourism. • Explain behaviourism
• Conduct test.
General Objective 4: Know the process of learning
4.1 Define learning. • Explain learning Textbooks Define learning. Apply learning theories to real Use internet to obtain real life
4.2 List types of learning theories List types of learning life situation using animals or situations
4.3 State methods of State methods of human beings.
9 learning
General Objective 5: Understand human emotions
5.1 Define emotion. • Explain emotion and Textbooks Define emotion. The students should undertake Use of arranged visit - planned
5.2 Define types of emotion part of the train that a visit a psychiatric institution development
controls emotions. Diagrams of Define types of for practical exposition to
10 emotion
human brain. emotion
• Explain types of
General Objective 6: Comprehend the process of attitude formation and change
6.1 Explain attitude • Explain attitude Textbooks Identify the Guidance on the link between Use of business scenarios and
formation formation and its components of attitude and motivation. problems to identify the impact of
6.2 Identify the components components. attitude. Reference to theories of poor attitude and low motivation.
of attitude. motivation. Use of an attitude Problem solving activities.
6.3 Explain change of • Describe causes of Explain change of survey.
attitudes. change in attitude. attitudes.
6.4 Define motivation.
12 6.5 Explain theories of • Explain the various Define motivation.
motivation. motivational theories.
Explain theories of
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 7: Know the psychological effects of health
7.1 Define health • Explain health. Textbooks Explain causes of ill Invite a para-medical staff to
7.2 Explain causes of ill health. deliver a lecture on ill health,
13 health. • Explain causes of ill Explain fatigue, fatique, frustration etc.
7.3 Explain fatigue, health and their frustration and interest
frustration and interest manifestations
7.4 Explain psycho-social Explain psycho-social
14 factors in health (poverty • Explain psycho-social factors in health
hunger) factors in health. (poverty hunger)
7.5 Explain coping
mechanism, (relaxation • Conduct test.
therapy, behaviour
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
50% 25% 25% %
Competency: On completing the course, the student should be able to understand/estimate/define/etc….
Business Law
Course: BUSINESS LAW Code: BAM 214 Credit Hours: 3 hours
Year III Semester: I Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 1 hours/week - %
Practical: 2 hours/week - %
Course main Aim/Goal
This course is designed to enable the student understand the legal framework within which business is conducted.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1: Understand the law of contract, sale goods, etc.
1.1 Define Law of Contract. Explain the nature of Textbooks. Know relevant cases as Cite relevant cases as they Sale of goods
contract and the conditions they relate to law of relate to law of contract. Act
1.2 Explain existence of for a valid contract. Law reports. contract.
1 Contractual relations. Cite relevant cases as they Law Reports
Explain the law relating to Know relevant cases as relate to Sale of Goods Act.
1.3 Explain conditions for a valid sale of goods. they relate to sale of Text books
contract. goods Act. Apply SGA law to consumer
1.4 Explain law relating to sale of Cite relevant cases. problems Internet and
good. Relevant
2 1.5 Explain the Sale of Goods Act.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 3: Know the Law of Agency
3.1 Define Agency Explain the law of agency, Textbooks. Know relevant cases as Cite relevant cases as they Case Studies
its nature, types of agents, they relate to: relate to law of Agency.
3.2 Explain the nature of Agency duties and responsibilities. Law reports Law Report
Law of Agency Frame a Business entity and
5 Explain disclosed and position it as an Agent.
3.3 Explain types of Agents Text Books
undisclosed principals and Nature of Agency
the legal consequences. Prepare relevant case study Law journals.
3.4 State duties and responsibilities
of an Agent. Types of Agents. using the organization in
Explain factors leading to violation of clauses in the law
3.5 Explain disclosed and Internet and
termination of agency. of Agency.
undisclosed principals and the Relevant
legal consequences. Websites
Explain the rights of Guide students to identify
principal and third party factors leading to termination
3.6 Identify factors leading to
6 after termination. of Agency, other implication,
termination of Agency.
consequences and remedies.
Cite relevant cases.
3.7 Explain the rights of principal
and third party after termination of
Agency. Give assignment..
General Objective 4: Know Law of Partnership
4.1 Define Partnership Explain the law of Textbooks. Know relevant cases as Cite relevant cases as they Case studies
partnerships, nature and they relate to: relate to:-
4.2 Classify partnership classification. Text books
Partnership Partnership,
4.3 Explain formation of Explain the rights and Law Reports
partnership. duties of partners. Rights & Duties of Rights & Duties of Partners.
Partners Journals.
4.4 Explain the rights and duties of Explain the legal position Assets & liabilities of a partner
partners and consequence arising Assets & liabilities of a upon dissolution.
from action of partners partner upon
with third party. dissolution.
4.5 Explain the legal position and Legal position and
consequences arising from action consequences arising from
of partners with third parties. Explain the factors leading the action of a partner with
to dissolution of third party.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
4.6 Identify factors leading to partnership.
dissolution of partnerships.
Describe how partner-ship
4.7 Explain the handling of assets and liabilities are
partnership assets and liabilities handled upon dissolution.
upon dissolution. Conduct Test.
General Objective 5: Know the Law of Insurance
5.1 Define Insurance Explain the law and Textbooks. Know relevant cases as Cite relevant cases as they Case Studies
concept of insurance. they relate to: relate to default, indemnity, Law Reports
5.2 Define the concept of insurable Explain the doctrine of Journals/Publications. etc in insurance. Text Books
interest uberrimae fidei. Insurable interest. Law Journals
9 Indemnity Guide students to identify the
5.3 Explain the concepts of Explain the types of Subrogation implication, consequences Internet and
insurance policies and Re-insurance. and remedies using relevant Relevant
their legal applications. case studies. Websites.
(i) indemnity
(ii) subrogation
Explain re-insurance. Apply insurance law to
5.4 Explain the doctrine of
business problems
uberrimae fidei.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
6.4 Mention parties to Negotiable Explain the parties to
instruments Negotiable Instruments
and the rights of third
6.5 Explain the rights of interested parties.
third parties
General Objective 7: Know the Law of Hire Purchase
7.1 Explain the nature of hire Explain the nature and 1) Textbooks. Know the relevant cases Cite relevant cases as they Law Report
purchase transaction. Law of Hire purchase. as they relate to: relate to Hire Purchase.
2) Law reports. Case Studies
12 7.2 Distinguish hire purchase from Explain the difference Hire purchase Guide students to identify the
other forms of secured credit - between Mortgage legal rights of hirer using Text Books
mortgage, credit sale, conditional Credit Sale relevant case studies.
sale, pledge and lien, loan and Hire purchase and other Lien Law Journals.
asset leasing. forms of secured credit. Pledge etc. Apply hire purchase law to
7.3 Explain the obligations of consumer problems.
Internet and
owner and hirer under hire- Explain the legal Know relevant cases as
purchase transactions. obligations to Hire they relate to Hire
purchase transactions. purchase Act.
7.4 Explain the legal rights of hirer
and owner against the third party. Explain the hire purchase
legislation in
7.5 Explain the legislation Nigeria.
regulating hire purchase in Nigeria
- Hire Purchase Act 1965 and Cite relevant cases.
subsequent amendments
Conduct Test.
General Objective 8: Understand Law of Common Carriage.
14 8.1 Define common carriage. Explain the nature and law Textbooks. Know the relevant cases Cite relevant cases as they Law Report
8.2 Explain the law as it relates to of common carriage. as they relate to:- relate to common carrier, Case Studies
carrier, breaches in carriage and Law reports. breaches in carriage and Text Books
Carrier remedies. Law Journals.
remedies. Explain breaches in
15 carriage and remedies. Breaches in carriage.
Cite relevant cases.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
50% 25% 25% %
Competency: On completing the course, the student should be able to understand/estimate/define/etc….
Research Methods
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Code: OTM 325 Credit Hours: 4 hours x Week
Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 1 hours/week - 25 %
Practical: 3 hours/week - 75 %
Course main Aim/Goal: This course is designed to equip the students with ability to state research problem, design research project, and successfully carry out
research projects using standardized measuring instrument.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1.0: Understand the importance of research.
1.1 Define research. Give various definition of Books Discuss class the Guide the discussion. Books
research. Journals on strengths and Journals on
Statistics weaknesses in some Statistics
Internet definitions. Internet
1.2 List uses of research Explain the role of research in Books, Discuss class the role of Guide the discussion. As in 1.1
2 national development Journal research in decision
Internet making and planning.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 2:0: Understand how to identify and state a research problem.
2.1 Define research problems. Explain research problem. Research Groups work to raise Provide topics to guide the Research
3 Journals and research problem. students. Journals and
Papers papers.
2.2 List criteria for good problem Explain the criteria for good Journals Analyze research topics Provide appropriate topics for Journals
statement. problem statements. Papers on to discover the criteria the exercise. Books
Research for good problem Papers
2.3 List different types of studies. Explain different types of Journals Differentiate among Guide the exercise and Journals
studies. Research pave, evaluative, provide corrections. Research
Papers descriptive research. Papers and
Internet Internet
2.4 Classify variable. Explain how to classify
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0: How to identify and state purpose of study.
3.1 Note the significance and Explain the need and Research topics Write significance of study Provide appropriate research Research
need of study. significance of study. from given research topics. topics. extracts.
3.2 Differentiate between Explain the limitations and Research Write scope and Provide appropriate topics. Research topics
limitation and delimitation. delimitations of study. topics. limitations of a topics from relevant
from given topics. sources.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 4:0: Understand how to state research question/hypothesis.
4.1 Note how to formulate Explain how to formulate Formulate research Give sample research
research questions/hypothesis. research questions/hypothesis. questions. questions/hypotheses
4.2 Note how to test research Explain how to test the research Test research questions Help student arrive at valid
questions/hypothesis. questions and hypothesis. and hypothesis. conclusion ie whether
accepted or rejected.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5:0: Know purpose of literature review and how this is achieved.
5.1 List purposes of literature Explain and list the purpose of Discuss the relevance of Guide the student. Books
7 review. literature review. literature above review Journals
in a study. Newspapers
5.2 List sources of Literature. Explain the sources of literature. Review literature on a Guide the students. Magazines
given subjects. Past research
Internet etc.
General Objective 6.0: Know how to design a study.
6.1 Define population and Define and differentiate between Group class Draw samples from Assign the populations for the Group class of
sample. population and sample. data given population. exercise. people etc.
6.2 Note the different sampling Explain different sampling methods eg. Draw systematic and Assign the populations for the As above.
techniques. Systematic, etc other forms of samples exercise.
Group class data from given populations.
General Objective: 7.0 Understand the various methods of gathering data.
7.1 Note the various data Explain the various data Statistic Design questionnaire for Guide the exercise. As above.
9 gathering methods. gathering methods e.g Books field testing..
Questionnaires, Interview, etc.
General Objective: 8.0 Understand how to analyze, present data and discuss findings.
8.1 Note the methods of data Explain methods of data Journals Analyse given Data Provide the Data for the Journals
analysis. analysis. Research using frequency exercise. Research
8.2 Note how to construct the Explain how to construct Papers distribution, mean, etc Paper
11 tables. frequency and cumulative Computer using the computer. Computer
frequency distribution tables.
8.3 Note how to calculate mean, Explain how to calculate mean, Journals, Books Practice exercise on Provide raw data for the Journal, Books
mode, percentage, etc. mode, percentage etc. on Statistics calculation. exercise. on Statistics
General Objective: 9.0 Know how to arrive at valid conclusion.
9.1 Note how to arrive at Explain how to arrive at the Research Compare and comment Provide source maxical and Research
summary, conclusions and summary, conclusions, and Extracts and on summaries and guide performance. extracts and
recommendations. recommendations. abstracts conclusions from abstracts.
research extract.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective: 10.0 Know how to write a research report.
10.1 Note the content and style Explain the content and style of Projects and Design contents for Projects and Research Journals
13 of chapter (1-5). production of chapters (1-5) Research research topics. extracts Research
extracts Paper
10.2 Note the different methods Explain the different methods of Projects and Design and show As in column 3.
14 of presenting references and presenting references and how Research different pages
how to arrange appendices. to arrange appendices. extract journals reference.
10.3 Note the content of the Explain the content of the As above Design on time of Guide the process.
preliminary pages. preliminary pages. preliminary
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
25 % % 25 % 50 %
Nigerian Labour Law
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: NIGERIAN LABOUR LAW Code: BAM 427 Credit Hours: 4
Semester 2 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50 %
Practical: 2 hours/week - 50 %
Course main Aim/Goal
To enable the student understand ways in which management of labour within industry is regulated by law.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1: Understand the scope of industrial law and the contract of employment
1.1 Explain the scope and sources Explain sources of industrial law. Textbooks
of industrial law.
ii. Explain contract of employment - Copies of labour
1.2 Distinguish between contract of and contract of apprenticeship Act 1974 and the
employment and contract of pointing out their differences and subsequent
apprenticeship. citing examples. amendments.
1.3 Explain the labour Act 1974 and iii. Examine the labour Act 1974 and - Civil service rules
other subsequent amendments. its subsequent amendments.
1.4 Describe the principles of iv. Explain contract of and contract for
formation of contract of service giving their differences and
employment. citing examples.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 3: Know the legal position of parties to employment contract
3.1 Explain the contractual capacity i. Explain the contractual capacity of Textbooks Identify cases Cite relevant cases.
of public servants, armed forces and public servants, armed forces and the contractual,
the police. police. - Journals relationships by minors,
partners companies
3.2 Explain the legal position of ii. Examine the legal position of and partners.
- Copy of civil
directors. directors. service rules
3.3 Explain the capacity to contract iii. Explain minors, partners, and - Constitution of
by minors, partners, companies. companies. and their capacity to NLC
3.4 Explain temporary employees,
probationary employees, etc. iv. Distinguish temporary,
probationary, permanent and contract
3.5 Distinguish permanent employment.
employment from contract
employment Give assignment.
General Objective 4: Understand the implied duties of employers and employees
4.1 Explain the employer’s duty to Explain remuneration, and indemnity Civil service rules. Describe the Cite relevant current handouts
pay remuneration, and indemnity to and the employer’s duty to pay contractual relationship cases.
employee and sick person.. employee and sick person. - Scheme of between employer and
4.2 Explain hours of work, holidays, ii. Examine hours of work, holidays, service of the employee, employer
time off-work for public duties. time off-work for public duties in polytechnic. and sick person.
4.3 Discuss the importance of relation to the Nigerian Civil Service
providing references to employees. today. - Financial Theory.
4.4 Explain the employees’ duty to iii. Explain references and the regulations.
5-6 be ready and willing to work to use importance of providing them to
reasonable care and skills. employees. - Textbooks
4.5 Explain the employees’ duty to iv. Explain readiness and willingness
obey lawful orders and to act in to work, use of reasonable care and - Journals
good faith. skill and the employee’s duty in these
regard. - Constitution of
4.6 Explain the importance of
covenants in restraint of trade v. Explain lawful orders and the NL
employee’s duty to obey them and to
act in good faith.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 5: Understand the scope of the law relating to safety, health and welfare of workers under the common law.
5.1 Explain the principles of the i. Explain common law of safety, Textbooks Theory. Guide students to Video-
common law of safety health and health and welfare of employees and browse the internet to recorder
welfare of employees. its principles. - TV Identify adequate safety see a typical industrial
and protective setting and the safety Internet
5.2 Explain the duty to provide safe ii. Explain the need for safe system of - VCR equipment in an equipment used.
system of work and competent staff work and competent staff to enforce industrial workplan.
to enforce the rules. the rules. Also show relevant film
- Relevant film.
to demonstrate
5.3 Describe the importance of the iii. Describe safe working premises industrial hazards carry
provision of proper safe working and safe working equipment and the out field trip to a typical
premises and safe working need to provide them. industrial outfit.
7-8 equipment.
iv. Describe protective equipment and
5.4 Explain the relevance of their role in providing adequate safety
providing adequate safety and in a work environment.
protective equipment
v. Show film to demonstrate industrial
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
construction and maintenance of a) fencing of
new machinery, handling of vessels machinery
containing dangerous liquids, and
the construction of hoist, lifts, crane b) construction and
and lifting tackles. maintenance of
6.4 Explain the absence of direct
legislation on offices, shops and c) Construction and
railway premises in Nigeria other maintenance of new
than the Factories Act 1987. machinery.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 7: Understand the legal framework of industrial relations
7.1 Explain the status of registered i. Explain registered and unregistered Copies of Trade Carry out hypothetical Guide the students Guidelines
and unregistered trade unions and trade unions, their legal status and Union Act registration of a trade appropriately. and
the consequences of the Trade the consequences of the Trade Union union using given handouts
Union Act 1973. Act 1973. 1973 and guidelines. Create a hypothetical
subsequent round-table situation to
7.2 Explain the legal meaning of ii. Explain the legal meaning of trade amendments. Cite examples of the demonstrate an
trade disputes. disputes and the rights of workers to most recent trade industrial bargaining
strike. - Industrial Council disputes leading to process.
7.3 Explain collective bargaining. Act 1973 and major strikes in Nigeria.
iii. Explain collective bargaining. subsequent Demonstrate how
amendments. different types of strikes
11-12 7.4 Explain the legal rights of are carried out.
workers to strike. iv. Describe the functions of the
Wages Board as spelt out in the - Trade Disputes
Industrial Council Act 1973. Act 1976 and Role play.
7.5 Examine the existence of the
Wages Board and Industrial Council subsequent
Act 1973. v. Explain the powers of the minister amendment
of Labour on the conciliation and
7.6 Identify the Trade Disputes Act arbitrations of trade unions disputes
1976 and explain the powers of the as spelt out in the Trade Disputes Act
Minister of Labour on the 1976 and its subsequent
conciliation and arbitrations of trade amendments.
General Objective 8: Understand industrial injury and disablement
8.1 Explain industrial injury and i. Explain industrial injury and 1) Textbooks Describe industrial Show relevant film, cite Guidelines
disablement. disablement, occupational disease or injury, disablement, relevant cases in and
industrial disease and the basis for 2) Copies of occupational disease or Nigeria. handouts
8.2 Explain occupational disease or claims arising from industrial injury, workman industrial disease.
“industrial disease” citing relevant examples. compensation Show samples of Video-
13 Decree. Establish the basis for documents required for recorder
8.3 Explain the basis for claims for ii. Show relevant management films. claims arising from making claims.
industrial injury. 3) Journals industrial injury. Internet
iii. Explain the need for a national Demonstrate with
8.4 Explain the absence of national insurance scheme in Nigeria and the 4) TV Theory, Identify workers relevant documents.
rights under the Act and
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
insurance scheme in Nigeria. consequences of its absence. 5) VCR be able to seek redress
when necessary.
8.5 Explain the rights of a worker iv. Explain workman compensation 6) Relevant Films
under the workman Compensation scheme in relation to the Act
Act and other subsequent establishing it and the rights of the
amendments. worker as provided for in the Act and
its subsequent amendments.
General Objective 9: Know fatal accident and rights of dependents of a deceased worker
Explain what fatal accident means. i. Explain the term ‘fatal accident.’ - Textbooks Describe a fatal Show a relevant film on Guidelines
accident. fatal accident in and
9.2 Explain the legal position when ii. Explain the legal position when a - Fatal Accident industry. handouts
a servant is killed in the course of servant dies or is killed in the course Act 1961. Analyse Relevant case
his employment. of his employment citing relevant studies. Cite a recent case to Video-
cases. - Workman show legal position recorder
9.3 Identify the rights of the Compensation Act Identify and pursue when a servant dies or
dependents of a deceased worker iii. Explain the rights of the their rights is killed in the course of Internet
under the Fatal Accident Act 1961 dependents of a deceased worker appropriately. his employment.
1987 and
14-15 and the Workman Compensation under the Fatal Accident Act 1961 Provide relevant case
Act 1987 and their subsequent and the Work- man Compensation amendments. studies.
amendments. Act 1987 and their subsequent
9.4 Explain the conditions for
realization of the rights of the iv. Explain the conditions for
dependents of a deceased worker realization of the rights of the
dependents of a deceased worker.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
25 % % 25% 50%
Professional Career Development
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Code: OTM 322 Credit Hours: 4 hours
Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Practical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Course main Aim/Goal: This course is designed t further expose students to knowledge and skills necessary for professionalism and upward mobility in their
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Resources
General Objective 1.0: Understand competencies for job success and mobility.
1.1 Note the contribution of Explain the contribution of Textbooks Discussions on the contributions of Guide the Handouts
1 language skills to job success communication skills to job Journals communication to job success and discussion.
and mobility. success and mobility. Job advertisement mobility.
1.2 Note the importance of Explain the importance of As in 1.1. above. Analyze what makes up Assess the Handouts
2 computation skills to job computation skills in job computation skills. analysis.
success and mobility. success and mobility.
1.3 Recognize the Explain the contribution of Performance Collect performance evaluation Guide the review Performance
contributions of productivity productivity, efficiency, and Evaluation forms forms from organizations and Evaluation Forms.
3 efficiency and attention to attention to detail to job review to produce better ones.
detail to success and mobility success and mobility.
at work.
1.4 Note the need for Explain the need for Case Studies Discuss case studies on Provide case Case Studies
4 interpersonal skills at work. interpersonal skills at work interpersonal skills. studies and guide
situations. the discussions.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 2:0: Understand job responsibilities of office workers.
2.1 Understand what job Explain the term job analysis. Analyse the common duties and Guide the analysis Handouts
analysis is. responsibilities in the office.
2.2 List job titles in the office. Explain the concept of job Organisation Draw up career paths for office Access students Organisation
title. Charts workers from bottom to work for Charts, Flow
Management level. corrections. charts,
2.3 Understand what job Explain the term job Job descriptions Draw up Job Description for career Guide the handouts
description is. description. paths in 2.2. students.
2.4 Note the need for job Explain the term job Job specification Draw up Job Specifications for 2.3 Guide students. Handouts
specification. specification. above.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0: Understand the importance of further education and training.
3.1 Appreciate the need for Explain the need for Handouts and Compile a list of course available in Guide the Course handbooks
further education and training. continuing education to meet text-book formal schools and training compilation.
with technological changes institutions.
and professionalism.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Resources
3.2 Recognize other avenue Explore opportunities for Discuss the role of out of school Guide discussions Resource Persons
for training. training outside educational formal education, information and invite from offices in the
10 institutions. channels, on going career resources locality.
development, and professional persons.
certification in training,
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 4:0: Know the role of interpersonal relations in an organisation.
4.1 Define Communication. Explain communication and Posters
its role in interpersonal Diagrams
relation. Handouts
4.2 Appreciate the institutions Explain the role of oral skills, Textbooks
of oral skills body language body language and
and appearance to appearance in interpersonal
interpersonal relations. relations.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5:0: Know the importance of Time Management.
5.1 Appreciate need for Explain need for planning Posters Draw up plan for a day scheduling Guide student Time table
planning and scheduling. and scheduling Diagrams the daily tasks. work.
5.2 Appreciate need for Explain the need for Handouts Analyse their work load over three Guide and correct Time-tables
analyzing work day. analyzing work day. Textbooks weeks period. their errors.
5.3 Note how to compile “To Explain how to use “To do” “To do” Forms Prepare “To do” list for days, Guide the “To do” Forms
do” list. list. weeks and months. students.
5.4 Understand the need to Explain the need to control Compile measures that can control Assist students in Internet and PCs
control interruption. interruptions. interruption in office work. compiling the
General Objective 6.0: Know how to go about job search.
6.1 Understand the importance Explain the place of Textbook on Compile adverts for office work and Guide compilation Adverts,
of occupational outlook and occupational outlook and Human Resource listen to talk on job search. and invite resource Resource person.
opportunities in other countries opportunities in other Management person for talk Internet
in job search. countries in job search.
6.2 Appreciate the need for self Explain the importance of self Handouts Evaluate self. Guide the activities Internet
evaluation and counseling. evaluation and location Provide a check list of skills and and provide
counselors in job search. abilities needed for office work. necessary
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Resources
6.3 Appreciate why people Explain the process of job Interview people on why they Guide the Interview forms
change jobs and how to go change and the need for it. desire/desired change of job. interview examples
about it.
6.4 Understand need for Explain how to compile a Handouts Write up resume. Assess for CV example forms
curriculum vitae. curriculum vitae. corrections
6.5 List sources of information Explore sources of Internet Browse for jobs. Guide the students Internet,
on jobs. information on job. Newspapers Newspapers
6.6 Understand issues Explain issues on interview Handouts Conduct mock interviews. Supervise the Example of
converted with interviews. viz image, research, salary, mock interview Interview
questions and follow-up. example/forms
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
% % 50% 50%
ICT Office Application II
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: ICT Office Application II Code: OTM 323 Credit Unit: 8 hours
Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 25 %
ICT Office Application I Practical: 6 hours/week - 75 %
Aim/Goal : This module is designed to enable students to further develop their skills in effectively and efficiently work use a computer-based spreadsheet
General Objectives:
1. Develop student skills using an spreadsheet application and develop keyboarding techniques to enter data accurately.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 1: Introduce students to Information and Communication Technologies
Review the concept Explain the impact of Hand-outs Re-assess spreadsheet Explain the need of applying spreadsheets Handouts
and importance of accurate and quality uses in modern office: in commerce and business, and how this
spreadsheets in data collection and Notes sort of software allow one to manipulate * 1 students per PC
modern offices. entering using a • Remind when and how to and present data in numbers and graphical
spreadsheet software. forms.
Examples use spreadsheets in an * Printers, scanners, paper
office (A4 ream x 10 students)
Remind how to load (open) and main
• Opening a spreadsheet functions of Microsoft Excel.
* 2 floppy disks per student
using MS Excel
Revise how and where place numerical
• Review spreadsheet table titles, what will go in each of the rows
structure and how to plan a and columns, how any result will worked
spreadsheets out, and how to change the spreadsheet
1-4 looks (eg. number fonts)
• Placing numerical table
titles, and use of columns
and rows.
• How to change a
spreadsheet look.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
functions spreadsheets, using data. Explain how and * 2 floppy disks per student
where to enter a formula and how to
• Know how to replicate modify it. Student practice producing a
formulae (fill) basic spreadsheet including formulas.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
graphs in document graph using Microsoft Excel function: how Handouts
presentations to enter data and editing data; change the
• Use of MS Excel for appearance of a chart or graph, and print 1 PC per student
creating chart and graphics the chart or graph to an appropriate quality
• Select/enter heading and standard of presentation.
axes titles
• Formatting axis and labels Set individual and group task to produce
• Set numerical parameters quality and impacting/creative graphs and
and format data use legend charts based on real data.
when appropriate
• Enter, edit and change
Ask students to produce individual portfolio
including spreadsheets with graphs and
• Design and modify
chart representations, based on case-
appearance of chart and
studies and real data.
• Save and print charts and
graphs Promote discussion and self-assessment
of portfolio, as well as peer-assessments.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
25% % 25% Portfolio 50%
Office Administration and Management II
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Code: OTM 324 Credit Hours: 4 hours
Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: OTM 314 Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50 %
Practical: 2 hours/week - 50 %
Course main Aim/Goal:
This module is intended to further expose the trainees to general concepts, procedures and application of Office Administration and Management.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 1:0: Understand motivation as an effective tool of Personnel Management
1.1 Define motivation and Explain the concept of motivation and its Textbooks Participate in Engage students in Textbooks
explain its importance in importance. discussions with discussion on Maslows
organizational development. Chalkboard teacher on the topic Herzbergs Theories. Chalkboard
Explain the hierarchy of needs as
1.2 State the hierarchy of propounded by Maslow, Herzberg e.g.
needs as propounded by physiological needs, safety needs,
Professor Abraham Maslow, sociological needs, self esteem, self-
Herberg, etc. actualization.
1-2 1.3 State various ways of Explain the various ways of motivating an
motivating an employee. employee
• Wages/salaries
• Job security
• Job enrichment
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 3.0: Know the different types of staff records and how to keep them.
2.1 Describe the importance Discuss the importance of staff records in Textbooks
of staff records. an organization with particular reference to Flip Charts
staff matters i.e. transfers, promotions, Power Point.
2.2 List various forms of staff disciplinary actions, retirement.
records. Textbooks
Explain the various types of staff records Specimen of staff
i.e. folder system and computer/back up records
etc. Chalkboard
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 3.0” Understand the characteristics inherent in human groups in an organization.
3.1 Define a group and Explain the concept of groups in an Textbooks Illustrate the different types
explain why groups are organization and explain why such groups Flipcharts of groups and what type of
4-5 formed. are formed (group formation. Overhead development they can bring
Projectors to the organization.
Power Point
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
3.2 Identify various groups Discuss the various types of groups and
and their characteristics in an their characteristics in an organization.
• Peer group
• Work group
• Formal and informal group
• Trade/professional groups
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 6.0: Understand the principles of insurance and the various methods of dealing with risks.
6.1 Define insurance. Explain the concept of insurance. Specimen of
6.2 State the principles of Discuss the principles of insurance. documents
insurance. Textbooks
Specimen of
• Insurable interest
6.3 List the different types of • Insurable risks
insurance companies. • Principles of indemnity
• Principles of subrogation etc
Field trip
6.4 List the various types of (insurance
insurance coverage. Discuss the different type of insurance company)
9-10 companies.
6.5 State the various
purposes of life assurance. Explain the various types of insurance
6.6 Define Risk
• Property
6.7 State the major types of • Casualty insurance
risk and the various methods • Life assurance
of dealing with risks.
Discuss the coverage under property and
casual insurance.
Fie, workman’s compensation, automobile Filed trip
insurance, unemployment compensation. (Insurance
Explain the various purposes of life company)
assurance. Textbook
Pension, key executives, individual relief
benefits, etc.
Explain the concept of risk.
Discuss the major types of risks.
Discuss the various methods of dealing with
risks - elimination of hazards, self,
insurance practicing good management,
hedging etc.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 7.0: Know the major types of insurance companies and coverage’s.
7.1 List the different types of Describe the different types of office Specimen of store
office machines. machines. records.
• Date of purchase
13-15 • Name of machine or
• Model and serial number.
• Number issued out and
balance in the record.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
30% % % 70%
Human Capital Management
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Code: BAM 324 Credit Hours: hours 4
Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50 %
Practical: 2 hours/week - 50 %
Course main Aim/Goal
This course is intended to further enable the student understand concepts, technique and dynamism of Human Capital Management.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1: Understand the use of job interview
1.1 Define interview and its process. Explain interview and its Textbooks
1.2 Explain the role of interview. - Journals
ii. Explain the role of job
1.3 Distinguish between job interview and interview in selection process.
selection test.
iii. Distinguish between job
1.4 Describe the types of job interview. interview and selection test.
1.5 Explain the use of different types of iv. Explain the uses, types,
interview. stages and techniques of job
1.6 Explain the stages and techniques of
job interview. v. Explain the preparation of
job interview.
1.7 Explain the preparation for job
General Objective 2: Know the procedure for selection decision making
2.1 Explain the use of 7 point plan for i. Explain the use of 7 point - Textbooks Explain the use of Guide student to draft the 7 Forms
selection rating. plan for selection rating. point plan for point selection rating.
- Journals selection rating. Example
2.2 Prepare scoring sheet for interview ii. Guide the students to Guide student to prepare scoring sheets
rating. prepare scoring sheet for - Scoring Sheet Preparing scoring scoring sheet for interview
interview rating. sheet for interview rating in an hypothetical handouts
3-4 rating. organization
2.3 Use effectively scoring sheet interview (sample)
rating. iii. Demonstrate the use of
scoring sheet for interview Use effectively Guide student to
rating. scoring sheet demonstrate by designing
interview rating and filling the interview
iv. Give assignment. rating sheet.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 3: Understand medical check in selection procedure
3.1 Explain the importance of medical i. Explain the importance of - Textbooks Explain the Demonstrate with the aid of Example of
check. medical check. importance of medical report, the content reports
- Journals medical check. and uses of medical check.
3.2 Explain the practice of obtaining ii Explain the practice of Handouts
medical check. obtaining medical check. - Medical Explain the practice With aid of medical
reports. of obtaining medical certificate, demonstrate the Pictures and
5-6 3.3 Identify the format for medical check. iii. Demonstrate the format for check. practice and format for photos
medical check. medical check.
3.4 Explain the use of medical check Identify the format
when obtained iv. Explain the use of medical for medical check Arrange a visit to any
check when obtained. organization to explain the
Explain the use of uses and importance.
medical check.
General Objective 4: Understand the use of employment references
4.1 Identify various types of employment i. Explain types, uses and - Textbooks
references. limitations of employment
references. - Journals
4.2 Explain the use of various types of
7 employment references and their ii. Explain the practical usage - Reference
limitations. of employment references. Letter
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
5.5 Prepare an induction programme. inductions.
5.6 Identify who has responsibility for iv. Guide the students to
implementation of induction programme. prepare an induction
5.7 Explain the procedure for induction
follow up. v. Describe the officers
responsible for instructing an
induction programme.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 7: Understand Training and Development
7.1 Define training, development and i. Explain training, education - Textbooks
education. and development.
- Journals
7.2 Explain challenges of employee ii. Explain challenges of
training. employee training.
7.8 Explain learning principle and training viii. Explain training and
method. evaluation process.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
good compensation administration ii. Reconcile conflicting
objectives. compensation objectives.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
25 % % 25 % 50%
Advanced Transcription
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Advanced Transcription Code: OTM 411 Credit Hours: 4 hours x week
Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: Nil Theoretical: 1 hours/week - %
Practical: 3 hours/week - %
Course main Aim/Goal: This module is designed to enable the student develop, coordinate and synthesize the knowledge of use of English and other course with
the skill of Shorthand and Keyboarding for the production of mailable document at a production rate of 20-25 wam and a minimum of 98% accuracy and 5.1 of 1.40.
General Objectives:
1.0 Know and develop the ability to take down dictation passages for production work and varied materials at irregular speed of not less than 80wpm
with an S.I of 1.30.
2.0 Know how to compose business and other relevant documents form limited information or instructions
3.0 Know how to plan, organize and produce mailable documents.
4.0 Understand the techniques for covering meetings and recording the proceedings of a meeting.
5.0 Acquire the skills for collecting relevant information from source documents.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1.0: Know and develop the ability to take down dictation passages for production work and varied materials at irregular speeds
of not less than 80wpm with an S.I of 1.30.
1.1 Take down dictation on varied - Dictate varied materials at irregular Electronic Students to read back or Dictate varied passages Computers
materials at irregular speed. speeds of 70-9wpm. Typewriters transcribe all passages and instruct students to
taken, as instructed by the read back and transcribe. (One per
1.2 Read back dictated passages - Instruct students to read back Computers teacher. student)
in groups and individually. dictated passages in groups or (one per Supervise students as
individually. student) they transcribe. Stop watch
1.3 Take down previewed
passage and read back. - Dictate more passages and ask Stop watch Evaluate and give Shorthand
them to transcribe. students feed back. pens
1 1.4 Take down passages for Shorthand
transcription on electronic pens HP Pencils
HP Pencils Chalkboard
Chalkboard Newspapers
Newspapers Magazines
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 2:0: Know how to compose business and other relevant documents from limited information or instruction.
2.1 Compose and type -Give students limited oral, written Chalkboard Students to compose Supervise students at Ditto
documents, letters, memos, and implied instructions to compose documents as instructed by work.
reports etc. business letter and other relevant Electric the teacher.
documents. Typewriters Evaluate and give
2.2 Compose letters or other Transcribe passages as feedback.
documents straight on the -Instruct students to compose 2 Computers instructed by the teacher.
5-7 computer/electronic typewriter. shorthand passages at 90wpm for 3 Give assignments and
minutes as assignment. evaluate.
Typing Sheets
2.3 Do and submit assignment.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0: Know how to plan, organize and produce mailable documents.
3.1 Plan and identify priorities. - Explain to students the importance Ditto Use correct sizes of paper Demonstrate to students Chalkboard
of planning and how to identify to transcribe passages how to identify priorities.
3.2 Use corrects sizes of paper priorities e.g urgent, immediate, dictated by the teacher and Electronic
for varying jobs important for attention, private, manage time effectively. Dictate passages and Typewriters
confidential. asks student to read back
3.3 Assemble materials before Read back or transcribe all or transcribe. Computers
commencement and use required - Explain the need to use correct dictated passages as
materials for each task. sizes of paper instructed by the teacher. Supervise students’ work Typing Sheets
and evaluate.
3.4 Manage time judiciously. - Explain the need to have required
materials for each task.
8-10 3.5 Take dictation and transcribe
using the above the guidelines. - Explain the need of time
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 4:0: Understand the techniques for covering meetings and recording the proceeding.
4.1 Type varying meeting - Explain the techniques for covering Chalkboard Take down meeting Ask students to prepare Ditto
documents - notices and meetings proceedings and transcribe and type Notice/Agenda
Agendas. Typewriters on computer and proof- for a particular meeting.
- Notices, Agenda, Chairman’s read work.
4.2 Display through simulation the Agenda. Computers Role play
responsibilities of a secretary Dictate meeting
before, during and after a - Discuss the responsibilities of a proceedings for students
Typing Sheets
11-12 meeting. OTM trainee before during and after to transcribe.
a meeting.
4.3 Take down minutes of a Supervise students at
meeting and transcribe using the - Explain the procedure for writing work.
correct form of display. minutes. Evaluate.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Yellow Pages Report
Telephone Journals
Pen and
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
25% 25% 50% %
Business Communication II
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Business Communication II Code: 412 Credit Hours: 4 hours
Semester: 3 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Business Communication I Practical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Course main Aim/Goal: This course is intended to further improve the student’s level of proficiency and competence in language use, consolidate his
understanding of the principles and practice of written communication, and mastery of skills in use of English Language in the various professions.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Resources
Outcomes Activities
General Objective 1.0: Know how to construct good sentences.
1.1 List the different Explain and illustrate the different Relevant Construct sentences Guide and evaluate Relevant
1 types of sentences. types of sentences. textbooks in student’s textbooks in
English Grammar. performance. English Grammar.
1.2 Note the parts of Explain and illustrate the parts of a As in 1.1 above. Write sentences showing parts. As in 1.1 above. As in 1.1 above.
sentences. sentence.
1.3 Note various Explain and illustrate tenses. As in 1.2 above List the various tenses. Assess students’ As in 1.2 above
3 tenses. tenses for
1.4 Analyse types of Explain concord using suitable As in 1.3 Above Apply the rules of concord in Assess students’ As in 1.3
4 concord. examples.. sentence construction. sentences for
General Objective 2.0: Know how to reason applying the basic principles of Logic.
2.1 Appreciate the Explain the concept of logical thinking Give examples of logical thinking. Assess the logicality
5 concept of logical using suitable examples. of students’
thinking. statements.
2.2 Appreciate the Explain the basic principles of logic Apply the principles of logic to Assess the logicality
6 principles of logic. such form, validity and argument. distinguish facts from opinion. of students’
textbooks in
2.3 Note the premise Explain the premise as a step towards Apply the premise as a step toward Guide the students English Grammar
and its role 8in the conclusion. the conclusion. in the application.
coming to Handouts
2.4 Note the Differentiate between deductive and Give examples of deductive and Guide students in
characteristics of inductive reasoning using suitable inductive reasoning using suitable their sentences.
inductive and examples. sentences.
deductive reasoning.
General Objective 3.0 Know how to write different types of essays.
3.1 List the different Explain the different types of essay Examples Analyse the characteristics of each Guide and correct Handouts
8 types of essay. showing the characteristics of each Handouts type of essay. their defects in their
type. analysis.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Resources
Outcomes Activities
3.2 List the logical Explain the logical orders of Model essays from Write essays based on the following Grade students Model essays
orders of presenting presentation eg. Chronological, distinguished - expository, augmentative, etc. performance using from distinguished
9 different types of spatial, general to -specific, specific- authors. appropriate criteria. authors.
essay. to-general, alternation inductive,
deductive, etc.
General Objective 4.0: Appreciate literature in English.
4.1 List the genres Explain the term literature and list the Textbooks
of literature. genres of literature.
4.1 Note the Explain the terminology of poetry eg Textbooks a. Analyse given poems, identify the Guide their Handouts
terminologies of rhyme, rhythm, enjambment, etc terminologies. b. Answer essay performance. Selected literature
poetry. questions on poetry.
General Objective 5.0: Understand the principles and practice of written communication.
5.1 List the Explain the principles of letter writing Textbooks
11 principles of writing using suitable examples.
a letter.
5.2 List the Explain the components of a business Samples of Write following types of letter: Guide the students Example of written
components of a letter. different types of Application, appointment, in writing the letters
business letter. business appreciation, collation, query, business letters.
correspond- complaint, congratulation, enquiry, handouts
dence. follow-up, introduction, invitation,
order, sales, transmittal.
5.3 List envelope List and explain envelope formats eg Examples Address envelopes using different Evaluate students Example
formats. common format, major parts, return formats. production. envelopes
12 address, postage and mail
instructions, notation, address block,
zip code..
5.4 List the major Explain major part of a memo eg Handouts Write a memo indicating major Guide the students Handouts
part of a memo confidential notation, headings, Textbooks parts. and assess the
message, identification line, enclosure correctness of their
notation, copy-distribution notation, production.
postscript and continuation page
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Resources
Outcomes Activities
General Objective 6.0: comprehend more difficult reading materials.
6.1 Read passages Explain the sources of difficulty in relevant texts. a. Differentiate between facts and Provide appropriate Argumentative
of expository and expository and argumentative opinion. passages. passages,
argumentative writing/passages. b. Answer questions on passages Expositing
writing. read. passages.
General Objective 7.0: Know the procedure for writing project reports.
7.1 List the Explain the characteristics of a project Textbooks Group discussion on characteristics Provide materials Materials and
14 characteristics of a report, viz part, format, style, etc of project report. for group handouts
project report. discussion.
7.2 Note the Explain the methods of gathering data Textbooks
methods of from primary and secondary sources.
gathering data.
7.3 Note the Explain the procedure for writing a Textbook (a) Select a suitable topic for a Guide the students Example of project
procedure for writing project report. project report. in selecting. reports
a project report. Handouts
(b) Write an outline of a project Assess the quality Handouts
report. of production and
provide correction.
15 (c) Use reference materials for
gathering data.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
25% % 25% 50%
Database Management Systems
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Database Management Systems Code: OTM 413 Credit Unit: 4 hours
Semester: 3 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 1 hours/week - 25 %
ICT Office Application I & II Practical: 3 hours/week - 75 %
Aim/Goal: This course is intended to enable the students acquire in-depth knowledge of office information system with particular emphasis to file creation, storage,
management and manipulation. It is also intended to generate management reports using a modern computer software application system.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 1: Introduce students to Information and Communication Technologies
Define database Explain the impact of Hand-outs
systems and its accurate database
1 importance in modern creation and Notes
offices. maintenance.
Hand-outs Explain dtb tables, fields, Show how to identify the following: Maximum of 2 students to a
records and primary key Data, computer system. Papers
Notes field. and computer accessories.
Information, Database,
Examples * Illustrate Database tables, Magic boardries
fields, records and primary Database Management system.
key fields. Marty media projector
Explain with illustrations the system
2 * Understand the meaning of following:
DBMS. Maximum of 7 computers to
Database tables, a field, a record a printer except when a
and a primary key field. Network is in use.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
Demonstrate how to start a * Explain the various ways of Maximum of 2 students to a
DBM application loading DBMS. computer system. Papers
and computer accessories.
Know how to quit DBM * Discuss the various ways of
application quitting DBMS. Magic boardries
Understanding DBM toolbars * Explain fully the different Marty media projector
and making use of the system
various menu commands Toolbars in DBMS.
Maximum of 7 computers to
* Utilize the various menu a printer except when a
commands in DBMS. Network is in use.
Understand the Explain how to start Handouts *Demonstrate how to create Show how to open a Database PCs with DTB software
principles for creating a creating a database. a New Database using table, setting field properties. And available (eg. MS Access).
new database. Examples Database Wizard. modifying table structures.
Floppy disks
* Apply the techniques for
saving a New Database.
* Demonstrate practically Discuss the procedures of creating, PCs with DTB software
how to create a New and saving a database. available (eg. MS Access).
Database Table from
scratch. Set tasks to students to practice Floppy disks
with real data.
* Demonstrate the use of
Database Wizard in creating
7-9 a new Database.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
* Demonstrate entering table 1) Perform Data entry in Datasheet
data. view.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
25% % 25% Portfolio 50%
Oral Communication Skills
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Oral Communication Skills Code: OTM 414 Credit Hours: 4 hours
Semester: 3 Pre-requisite: Shorthand III Theoretical: 1 hours/week - 25 %
Practical: 3 hours/week - 75 %
Course main Aim/Goal:
This module is designed to stimulate and sensitize students’ participation in analysis, synthesis and discussion of contemporary issues of professional interests and
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 1.0: Know the various parts of a seminar paper
1.1 State the content of Explain the purpose of Past seminar
introduction. introduction, body, conclusion paper.
and recommendations of a
1.2 State what consists of paper.
1-2 the body.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
in presentation. a speech.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
presentation with relevant - Evaluation should focus on presentational
apparatus/aids. presentation, appearances, software
neatness of work, etc.
6.4 Answer questions that
may arise from - Encourage other students
presentation. to give answers to questions
asked by students.
6.5 Ask questions to
stimulate discussion and - Discuss answers and make
emphasize points. corrections where
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
30% % % 70%
Elements of Human Capital Management
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: ELEMENTS OF HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Code: BAM 224 Credit Hours: hours 3
Semester: 3 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - %
Practical: 1 hours/week - %
Course main Aim/Goal
This course is designed to provide the student with the basic knowledge of Human Capital policies and practices in an organisation.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1: Understand the concept and scope of Human Capital Management
1.1 Explain the meaning of Human Capital • Explain the meaning, 1)
Management. evolution and scope of human Textbooks
capital management
1.2 Explain the origin, emergence and aim of 2) Journals
Human Capital Management.
2.2 Explain: • Explain the functions of 2) Journals Organise a mock Training programme
Human recruitment and
i) Manpower planning ii) selection programme Recruitment and selection
Manpower training and Capital Manager. programme
3-5 development Prepare a functional
iii) Recruitment and selection • Give assignment. employee welfare Welfare package
iv) Postings package.
v) Discipline vi) Job design and Personnel record.
evaluation Prepare sample
vii) Employee welfare personnel records.
viii) Personnel records
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 4: Understand procedures for handling conflicts/grievances/disputes in an organization
4.1 Explain industrial • Explain grievances, conflicts, Textbooks Solve industrial conflicts Guide students solve Case-
conflicts/grievances/disputes. disputes and their causes in an using case material industrial conflicts from studies
organization. Journals cases.
4.2 Describe the causes of Handouts
conflicts/grievances/disputes in an • Explain nature and procedure Publications
8-10 organization. for resolving industrial disputes
in Nigeria.
4.3 Describe the nature of industrial disputes.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
50% % % 50
Advanced Desktop Publishing
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Advanced Desktop Publishing Code: OTM 415 Credit Unit: 8 hours
Semester: 3 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 34 %
ICT Office Application I Practical: 6 hours/week - 66 %
Aim/Goal: This module is designed to enable students to develop their skills using a publication software in the office: MS Desktop publishing.
General Objectives:
1. Understand the difference and importance between a word processors and desktop publishing in the office
2. Develop student skills using a Desktop Publishing software.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1: Understand the difference and importance between a word processors and desktop publishing in the office
Revise the concept of State the importance of Hands-out Identify basic competencies in using Explain the advantages of using *1 PC per
word processors and using the right software Examples desktop publishing concepts to desktop publishing applications in student
compare them to other in the office to design produce a simple publication: the office to produce quality
computer applications documentation, documentation. * Desktop
available to design depending on the task Emphasise the impact of using DTP in Publishing
brochures, cards, and aim. a modern office and show examples of Practice with an appropriate (DTP) software
pamphlets and posters. publications. software for the tasks (eg. dtp or a available in
Explain the concept of page layout software). each computer
1-2 dtp and its impact in a
modern office Highlight the main differences
between dtp software and word
processors (eg. text flow, image
control, purpose).
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
• Use multiple font sizes applying quality documents. Student practice
accessibility standards on how to set page size and
margins, in such a way that impact
Means by which text/images can be the audience with quality outputs.
imported and placed in a publication
from different sources. • Import text Show the use and control of text
file(s) from different sources • Import frames or equivalent, applying
image(s) from different sources • Enter international accessibility standards.
headings and use of line or border
feature to produce quality and Explain the difference between serif
impacting messages. and sans serif typefaces and show
how to select them, to produce
Manipulate text and images to balance quality output. Explain how to set
page and amend text sizes and apply
standards. Show how to test the
• Apply alignment and justification quality and assess the standards.
• Set paragraph spacing and/or first Explain how text files and images
line indent can be imported. Show how to enter
small amount of text.
• Move/resize image
Explain the basic graphic
• Fit headline text to page width capabilities of dtp software and how
to use lines and borders to separate
areas of text. Explain the use of left
• Balance columns and centre alignment and of full
justification in a desktop publication.
Manage publications and print
composite proofs Show the importance of common
dtp conventions such as first line
• Create new publication indents and demonstrates how to
use them consistently.
• Save master page/template
Practice the manipulation, move and
• Save publication resize of images. Show how to place
correctly and accurately text in
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
• Print composite proof(s) columns and how to adjust text size
and spacing in order to achieve this.
• Close publication
Explain the document management
techniques for the chosen dtp
software and the differences from
generic document management
terms (eg. master pages).
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
25% % 25% Portfolio 50%
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Week Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective: Understand systems analysis and design in a modern office
Define database Explain the impact of Hand-outs
systems and its accurate database
importance in modern creation and Notes
offices. maintenance.
Hand-outs Explain dtb tables, fields, Show how to identify the following: Maximum of 2 students to a
records and primary key Data, computer system. Papers
Notes field. and computer accessories.
Information, Database,
Examples * Illustrate Database tables, Maximum of 7 computers to
fields, records and primary Database Management system. a printer except when a
key fields. Network is in use.
Explain with illustrations the
2 * Understand the meaning of following: - Diskettes
Database tables, a field, a record - Compact disk (CD)
and a primary key field.
- Multi-media projector
Promote students group system
discussions on possible
applications of DTBMS and their - PCs
impacts on modern offices.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Week Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
Define file systems Explain in detail the Describe types of file and * Identify file access methods
elements of a file identify file organisation
methods * Identify file characteristics
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Week Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
25% % 25% Portfolio 50%
Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility Code: OTM 424 Credit Hours: 4 hours
Semester: 4 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Practical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Course main Aim/Goal: This course is designed to develop in the student the desirable professional work ethics required for successful work in a modern office.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 1.0: Understand the concept of profession and professionalism.
1. Define the terms: Explain the terms profession and Hand-outs Brain storming session Lead and correct Hand-outs
profession and professionalism and distinguish students, promote
1-3 professionalism. between them. Text-books debates Case-study
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 2:0: Understand the concept of ethics and professional work ethics.
2.1. Note how ethics relates to Explain ethics as it relates to Hand-outs Group discussion on Guide the discussion. Hand-outs
professional practices. professions. ethical behaviour.
Text-books Role-plays Case-study
2.2 Define professional ethics Define and explain professional Hand-outs Group discussion on case Guide the case studies. Case Studies
and professional work ethics. ethics and professional work ethics. studies.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0: Understand ethical standards and behaviours in the office.
3.1 List ethical principles Explain different ethical principles eg Hand-outs Relate these principles to Guide the students. Textbooks
honesty, efficiency promptness, etc. work behaviour.
Text-books Journal
3.2 List positive work ethics. Explain positive work ethics eg Self Hand-outs Discuss relevance of Moderate the discussion. Textbooks
7-9 Disciple, politeness, self commitment, positive work ethics in an
etc Text-books organisation. Journal
3.3 List negative work ethics. Explain negative work ethics eg Hand-outs Role play positive and Provide brief for the role Textbooks
sexual harassment, abuse of trust, negative work ethics. play.
licentiousness, etc. Text-books Journal
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 4:0: Know the difference between ethics and morality.
4.1 Note the different between Differentiate between ethics and Hand-outs Examine the differences Guide the students’ work. Handouts
10-12 ethics and morality. morality. between ethics and
Text-books morality.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5:0: Understand the roles of professional bodies in promoting ethical practices.
5.1 List some professional Give examples of professional bodies Hand-outs Discuss how professional Moderate the class Regulation and By-
13 bodies. and explain what they do to regulate bodies regulate on ethical discussion/debate law of Professional
on ethical issues. Text-books issues. bodies.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Outcomes Outcomes
General Objective 6.0: Know the role of Government on regulating on ethical practices.
6.1 Note the role of Explain the role of government in Hand-outs Discuss the role of Moderate Relevant Acts.
14-15 government in regulating on regulating on ethical practices. organizations such as
ethical practices. Text-books ICPC, EFCC
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
% % 50% 50%
Entrepreneurship Development
Course: ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT Code: BAM 413 Credit Hours: 4 hours 3
Semester: third Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Practical: 2 hours/week - 50%
Course main Aim/Goal
This course is intended to create awareness in a student and motivate him towards self-employment through the development of personal skills, competencies
effectiveness and aptitudes using project based work in an economic setting to set-up and manage a small and medium enterprises successful.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1: Understand the history of entrepreneurship development in Nigeria.
1.1 Narrate the Entrepreneurship history in Nigeria. Explain - Text books Know Use web-based Computer
Entrepreneurship, its entrepreneurship in information, guide and
1.2 Compare entrepreneurship in Nigeria with Japan, India, historical - Journals Nigeria, Japan, students to explore accessories
China, Malaysia, South Korea, etc. development in India, China, entrepreneurship in
Nigeria and role in Malaysia, South Nigeria. Japan, Internet
1.3 Explain Nigeria’s values and entrepreneurship. small and medium Publications Korea, etc. India, China, facilities
scale industries. Malaysia, South
Korea etc.
1.4 Describe the role of entrepreneurship in the development of - Video Film Encarta Ref.
ii. Compare Library
small and medium scale industries
entrepreneurship in software.
Nigeria with other - TV
countries of the
1-2 world - Japan, India, - VCR
China etc.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
2.5 Explain the need for entrepreneurship in national economic development. Entrepreneur traits, talks, hazards Internet and
development. and the need for relevant
iii. Explain the entrepreneurship in websites
2.6 Identify entrepreneurial risks and hazards various traits of an national economic
entrepreneur. development.
iv. Explain
tasks, the inherent
risks and hazards.
v. Invite a successful
entrepreneur to give
a talk to students
General Objective 3: Understand the various sources of information for entrepreneurship development
3.1 Identify organizations and agencies involved in the i. Explain the various - Text books Know the various Guide students to Computer
promotion and development of entrepreneurship organizations and organizations and research to Accessories
agencies involved in - Journal of agencies involved in organizations and
3.2 Explain the roles of banks and financial institutions in the promotion and Management the promotion and agencies involved in Internet
enterprise creation. development of and development of the promotion and facility
entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship development of
3.3 Describe the contributions of government agencies in Economic Application
sourcing information including patent rights ii. Explain the roles Digest Know the roles of Use Web-based software
of banks and banks and financial information to
financial institutions institutions in the understand the
Publications. Text books
4 in the creation of creation of international org.
enterprises. enterprises. involved in assisting Journal.
iii. Explain the
contributions of Guide student to
government conduct research to
agencies in sourcing the roles banks and
information and financial institutions
protecting in creation and
enterprises. iv. Give efficient operation of
assignment. an enterprises.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 4: Appreciate the roles of commercial and development banks in small scale industries development
4.1 Identify financial institutions involved in entrepreneurship i. Explain financial - Text books Know the various Guide student to Visitation and
development. institutions involved financial institutions demonstrate the research
in entrepreneurship - Journals and their roles in the knowledge of
4.2 Describe the assistance provided by commercial banks. development. development and commercial, Publications
promotion of small merchang and
ii. Explain the roles -
medium enterprises. development bank in
4.3 Explain the roles of development banks in the promotion of commercial and Publications Text Books
the promotion of
and development of small and medium scale enterprises development banks
5 Know the small and medium
(SME’s). in the promotion and Computer
development of government policy scale enterprises.
Guide student to with internet
SME’s. on financing small
Describe government policy on financing small and medium connection
and medium scale research to
scale enterprises (SME’s). iii. Explain Government policies
enterprises (SME)
government policy on financing small Video and
on financing SME’s and medium scale films.
General Objective 5: Understand the functions of various agencies in small and medium scale industries
5.1 Identify various support agencies involved in the promotion i. Explain the various - Text books Know the various Guide students to Internet and
and development of entrepreneurship. support agencies support agencies research to relevant
involved in the - Journals and their functions to Research websites
5.2 Enumerate the functions of support agencies.
promotion and the promotion and institutions,
5.3 Explain the assistance rendered by Research development of - development of universities,
Institutions/Universities/Polytechnics/Monotechnics/Technical entrepreneurship Publications
entrepreneurships. polytechnics,
Colleges in entrepreneurship development. and their functions. Nigerian Expert
ii. Explain the roles - TV promotion Council
5.4 Explain the roles of:
of research NIPC, NERFUND,
Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) institutes, institutions NDE, IDC etc.
6-7 - VCR
a) Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) of higher learning in
b) National Economic Reconstruction Fund (NERFUND) the development of Show a film on
entrepreneurship. - Relevant technology business
c) National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
Video incubation center.
d) Raw Materials Research and Development Council iii. Show a film on
(RMRDC) Technology
Business Incubation
5.5 Industrial Development Centres (IDC) and TBICs in the Centre (TBIC)
Promotion and Development of Entrepreneurship operation.
iv. Conduct Test.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 6: Understand the methods of Product selection
6.1 Explain product selection. i. Explain product - Text books Know product Guide students to Computer
selection, criteria and selection, criteria selection of product with
6.2 Explain product selection criteria. factors associated - Journals and factors using criteria and accessories
with selection. associated with factors associated and internet
ii. Explain venture product selection. with product connection.
6.3 Identify key factors associated with product selection. -
idea generation. selection.
iii. Explain critical Know venture idea Application
6.4 Describe venture idea generation.
evaluation of product generation. Guide students to packages
ideas and steps prepare a pre-
6.5 Describe the steps involved in preliminary screening. feasibility of a given
involved in Know evaluation of Visitation and
preliminary product idea and product and evaluate research
6.6 Evaluate critically, product ideas. screening. steps in valued in the viability,
preliminary methodology and Publications
iv. Explain steps in
6.7 Explain the different steps in preparing pre-feasibility study. screening. cost benefit analysis.
preparing pre-
feasibility study. Journal
6.8 Evaluate adequacy of infrastructural facilities for product Know steps in Use web-based
v. Explain adequacy information to
selection. preparing pre-
of infrastructural generate venture Text books
8-9 facilities for the feasibility and
6.9 Identify the relevant technology available for the selected evaluate sources idea on exportable
selected product. product. Internet and
product. and adequacies of
vi. Explain availability input. relevant
of relevant websites
6.10 Evaluate sources and adequacy of raw materials for a technology for the
selected product. selected product.
vii. Explain sources
6.11 Explain effects of government policy and regulations on and adequacy of raw
the selected product. materials.
viii. Explain effects of
6.12 Identify legal aspects of business in product selection. government policy
and regulation on the
selected product.
ix. Explain legal
aspects of business
on the selected
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities ResourcesSpecific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 7:: Understand the activities of different Industrial Associations in relation to entrepreneurship
7.1 Describe the roles of National Association of Small Scale Explain NASSI and - Text books Know the various Guide students to Internet and
its roles in Association and their research to NASSI, relevant
Industrialists (NASSI) in entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship - Journals roles to promotion NASME, NACCIMA, websites
development. and Development of CHAMBER of
entrepreneursh[p COMMERCE, MAN,
7.2 Describe the roles of National Association of Small and -
Explain NASME and NECA and
Medium Entrepreneurs (NASME). Publications
its roles in demonstrate
entrepreneurship knowledge of their
7.3 Describe members of the Nigerian Association of roles and functions
Chambers of Commerce, Industry Mines and Agriculture to entrepreneurship.
Explain City, States
Use Web-based
7.4 Describe the roles of the Nigerian Association of Chambers and bi-lateral information to
of Commerce, Industry Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA). chambers of
commerce and compare the
industry and their services of
7.5 Explain the roles of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria roles in Chambers of
(MAN) in the development of Small and Medium Scale entrepreneurship Commerce in UK,
Enterprises (SME’s). development. USA, ASIA etc.
7.6 Explain the activities of N.E.C.A and its roles in industry. Explain NACCIMA Carry out an
and its role in excursion to a
entrepreneurship recognized trade fair
development. closest to you.
Explain Nigerian
(N.E.C.A). and its
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources
Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 8: Know self through analysis of strength, weakness, goal setting and risk taking behaviour.
8.1 Explain the following terms: Explain the term:- Text books Know self on Guide students to Computer
entrepreneurship demonstrate and
- Data collection
a) Data collection about self. - Journals development and knowledge of accessories
about self
b) Who am I (personal efficacy) promotion themselves, goals, with internet
c) Rating of concepts - Personal efficacy entrepreneurship connection
d) Self Knowledge. strength and
- Rating of concepts Publications
weakness. Visitation and
8.2 Define individual life goal and link it to entrepreneurship. - Self knowledge research
Explain individual life Give practical
goal of assignments to Research
8.3 Identify the strengths and weaknesses in 8.2 above.
entrepreneurship, student on personal
their strengths and efficacy, goals - link
8.4 Carry out a Ring TOSS Game. Internet and
weaknesses. to entrepreneurship relevant
strength and websites
8.5 Explain the behavioural pattern observed in 8.4 above on: Explain Ring TOSS weakness.
Guide students to
a) Moderate risk taking. carry out a Ring Use web-based
12 b) Goal setting information to carry
TOSS Game.
c) Learning from feed back out simulation
d) Taking personal responsibility Explain the business games.
behavioural pattern
Confidence and self reliance observed in a Ring
Guide student to
TOSS Game:
observe the pattern
- Moderate Risk on:
- Goal Setting - Risk Taking
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 9: Know the motivational pattern of entrepreneurs
9.1 Define motivation i. Explain motivation, - Text books Know Thermatic Guide student to Formulated
its objectives, merits Appreciation Test carry-out Thermatic case study.
9.2 List the objectives of motivation and demerits. - Journals (TAT) Application Test
(TAT) on a related Journal
ii. Carry out analysis - case study model.
9.3 Identify barriers to motivation and achievement.
on motive strength Publications Publication
(from TAT scores)
9.4 Analyse motive strength (from TAT scores) by:
by: Text Books.
a) Locating achievement agencies
- Locating
Internet and
Intensity of motives. relevant
Imageries websites
- Intensity of motives
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
development. enterprise. maintenance, etc. appropriate DBASE. relevant
10.8 Explain the importance of marketing mix to the growth and Explain the roles and Give practical
expansion of a small enterprise. functions of: assignment to
students on the
10.9 Explain the roles and functions of the following:- - Product Planning functional areas of
and control. business and their
various roles to
a) Product Planning and Control
b) Production Forms and Techniques - Production forms enterprise.
c) Factory and facilities layout d) Work Process and Techniques
10.10 Explain the importance of quality control and production - Factory and
standards. facilities layout
10.11 Explain the need for maintenance management with
special reference to: - Work Process.
- Routine
- Scheduled
- Preventive
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
- Spare parts
management and
control. xii. Invite a
entrepreneur to give
a talk to students.
Explain sources of
finance and financial
needs for a small
Explain books of
accounts necessary
for operation in a
small enterprise
Guide students to
prepare simple
formats of prime
books of accounts.
Explain financial
regulations and
taxes affecting
operations of small
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 11: Understand the need for business planning
12.1 Identify a viable business opportunity based on Explain viable Text books Know a viable Guide students to Computers
business and business prepare a feasibility and
a) Demand business - Journals opportunity. study, using application
b) Availability of resources opportunities based application software
c) Import substitution on: Know the different softwares.
d) Export oriented products Publications steps in preparing Text bools
- demand preliminary project Guide students to
11.2 Explain the different steps in preparing a preliminary report. prepare: Journals
project report. - availability of
resources Know a bankable A bankable project Publications
11.3 Formulate a bankable project report. project report. report and analyse
15 - import substitution the Visitation and
11.4 Analyse a sample project report. research.
- export oriented Technical
products ii. Explain operational
different steps in economic viability
preparing a
preliminary project Methodology
and bankable project
report. iii. Guide Cost benefit analysis
students to prepare a on equips, dev.,
preliminary project cost, running cost.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio)
40% 20% 40% %
Competency: On completing the course, the student should be able to understand/estimate/define/etc….
Advanced Webpage Design
PROGRAMME: HND Office Technology and Management
Course: Advanced WebPage Design Code: OTM 425 Credit Unit: 8 hours
Semester: 4 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 25 %
ICT Office Application I & ICT Office Application II Practical: 6 hours/week - 75 %
Aim/Goal: This module is designed to enable students to understand the importance of designing web pages for modern offices; have a full command of a web
design software application to improve business online performance; and understand the impact of using the Internet for business and commerce in the modern
General Objectives:
1. Understand the principles of Web Page Design and their impact on businesses
2. Develop student skills designing successful WebPages for business.
3. Importance of the Internet in business practice: E-business and E-commerce
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Week Learning Outcomes
General Objective 1: Understand the principles of Web Page Design
State the Explain the different Hands-out Advantages of using Explain differences, advantages and 2 printers
importance of types of websites and software to create, link and
disadvantages between software available per
websites for information delivery Examples format simple web pages. available for the task (eg HTML computer lab.
businesses. using the Internet.. editor/text editor & browser software).
• Identify and use of * MS Front
appropriate software Group students and produce a game Page
correctly where they select the right software application
for specific tasks. available in
• Find MS Front Page in the each computer
windows environment (when Student group presentations
using Windows 98, 2000 or explaining the reason why preferring
XP) a software for a specific task.
General Objective 2: Develop the students skills designing successful WebPages for business.
Identify Explain how to identify Hand-outs Explain the role of mapping Show how to produce a web-site map 2 printers
methods for the business key areas Text-books webpages based on the business competitive available per
developing needs and aims. computer lab.
competitive web Explain key steps to
pages in develop successful web Explain the basic mechanism of web * MS Front
businesses. pages: page formatting (HTML tags). Page
• Import and paste text and Explain how to import/insert and available in
image files image into a web page using the each computer
chosen software, and following and hand-out
3-8 support
• Align page items copyrights.
• Use of 3 different font Explain how to emphasise texts (bold,
sizes italic), and to set the font size for
specific text, following international
• Change background colour and accessibility standards).
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Week Learning Outcomes
• Edit text image (following international and
accessibility standards).
• Control text flow
Explain the correct use and format of
• Alignment of page items to basic hypertext links. Show the
the left, right and centre correct use of external hyperlinks
using http: and mailto:
Use of E-mail hyperlinks
Explain the importance of testing that
hyperlink function correctly.
• Link pages
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Week Learning Outcomes
• Print html source code fictitious business following
standards, principles and guidelines.
• Close document
Group students ask them to test their
• Publish web pages on website development.
local and public search
engines Promote student discussions to
reflect upon Dos and Dont’s when
Show ‘Bobby’ testing designing webpages for businesses.
website for successful
website design.
State the Explain the importance Hand-outs Emphasise the importance Produce in group a list of key Hand-outs
importance of of applying different tests of getting copyright guidelines for designing successful
testing websites to assure international ’Bobby’ URL permission when web pages. Guidelines
to follow standards in web design, appropriate.
international usability and Group students to search the web
URLs explaining latest Internet
standards for accessibility standards.
guidelines and international and compare webpages vs
webpage design web design standards, International Standards
Max. 3 students
etc.(i.e.: x PC
General Objective 3: Importance of the Internet in business practice: E-business and E-commerce
Define Explain the driving Hand-outs Explain the impact of Explain the importance of customers Handouts
information principles of the new information technology on for business. Reflect with students on
technology in economy and Text-books the practice of business using Internet for marketing and the Text-books
business and the information economy importance of successful and
concepts of E- trends. • Show examples of competitive webpages.
Urls Internet
business and e- business models of e-
8-11 commerce. Explain the dynamics of business: Business to Show some Nigerians (and or other
Max. 3 students
innovation and the Business (B2B) and African countries) E-businesses and
per PC
organisational Business to Customers identify the way they do the online
consequences of moving (B2C) e-commerce marketing of their products and/or
commerce to the services.
internet. Explain the • The scope and impact of
importance of Show online examples of successful
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Week Learning Outcomes
information as the basis e-commerce Internet-based businesses (eg.
for products and,
production. • What an E-strategy is E-,
business strategies
Explain the main
difference between: B2B • Enterprise logistics and Group students and make them to
& B2C resource planning identify main features of the sites:
buying goods and or services,
Explain the appreciation advertising products, general paying
• Opportunities and barriers
of integrating technology procedures; design international
of E-commerce
and business strategies standards, audience addressed, etc.
and the effective use of • Main methods to
web pages. overcome barriers Ask students to select two sites with
all the main online store features.
• Planning an E-commerce
Practice book-marking at least 6 sites
relating to successful e-tailing
examples from the web. Ask them to
locate at least 3 stores that compete
in the same business arena. Define
their individual competitive
Define E-tailing, Explain the importance Hand-outs Explain E-tailing works Explain the importance of use of
and its trend in of E-tailing in Nigeria standard forms and electronic
Nigeria Text-books • Online stores and portals resources to assured safe trade,
transactions and effective
URls • Principles of e-marketing
and e-customer care
12-15 Discuss security features in a e-
business website (e.g. the bigger the
• Main features of an online
padlock - a small yellow feature
store: browsing, ordering,
present at the bottom of the e-
secure payment, delivery,
commerce website- the more the
billing, returns and
warranties. security in online transactions, etc.;
importance of effective firewalls in
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
Week Learning Outcomes
• Evaluate the operations of business and use of passwords).
a variety of Internet
business: identification of 6 Explain the need to understand net
sites which includes e-tailing user’s attitude about online privacy
in some of the following (data protection). Legality of cookies
areas: books, music, in personal and corporate computer
furniture, social events and networks.
conferences, electronic
equipments, stationary, Visit sites about Cyberlaw, to promote
travel, baking, insurance,
discussions on legal issues about
impact of e-commerce in personal
and corporate privacy rules.
• Location of online stores
that compete in the same Discuss disclaimers terms and
conditions, intellectual property rights,
online advertising, trading standard
Explain the importance of issues, and impact of other countries
security in the e-business jurisdiction when trading.
(Transaction security, public
key infrastructure, hackers,
firewalls and e-mail security
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
25% % 25% Project 50
Nigerian Labour Law
Course: NIGERIAN LABOUR LAW Code: BAM 427 Credit Hours: 3 hours
Semester: 4 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 2 hours/week - 67 %
Practical: 1 hours/week - 33 %
Course main Aim/Goal
To enable the student understand ways in which management of labour within industry is regulated by law.
General Objectives:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 1: Understand the scope of industrial law and the contract of employment
1.1 Explain the scope and sources i. Explain sources of industrial law. - Textbooks Distinguish between Guidance on the Internet and
of industrial law. contract of employment principles of relevant
ii. Explain contract of employment - Copies of labour and contract of employment law. websites
1.2 Distinguish between contract of and contract of apprenticeship Act 1974 and the apprenticeship.
employment and contract of pointing out their differences and subsequent Working in pairs - Relevant
apprenticeship. citing examples. amendments. Explain the Labour Act examine case law and Case Law
1974 and other examples to distinguish
1.3 Explain the labour Act 1974 and iii. Examine the labour Act 1974 and - Civil service rules subsequent between contract of
1-2 other subsequent amendments. its subsequent amendments. amendments. and contract for
1.4 Describe the principles of iv. Explain contract of and contract Describe the principles of
formation of contract of for service giving their differences formation of contract of Refer to questions on
employment. and citing examples. employment. the formation of a
contract of employment
1.5 Distinguish contract of service v. Describe principles of formation of Distinguish contract of
from contract for service contract of employment service from contract for
General Objective 2: Know the methods of termination of contract of employment and the consequences
2.1 Explain dismissal with or Explain dismissal with or without Textbooks Identify conduct that Advise and guide Internet and
without notice. notice, summary dismissal and could lead to and students on improper relevant
consequences, written statement of - Law journals procedure for dismissal conduct and capability websites
2.2 Explain summary dismissal and reasons for dismissal, action for and legal implications. issues leading to
consequences. wrongful dismissal and damages, possible termination of
- Civil service rules Relevant
termination of contract of Explain termination of the contract. Case Law
2.3 Explain written statement of
employment and its conditions. contract of employment.
reasons for dismissal. - Constitution of
NLC Group work on the
3-4 ii. Explain specific performance, case studies and the
2.4 Explain action for wrongful Explain remedies of
dismissal and damages. injunction and declaration and their specific performance, problems.
remedies. injunction, declaration
2.5 Explain termination of contract Presentation of the
of employment. outcomes.
2.6 Explain remedies of specific
performance, injunction, declaration
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 3: Know the legal position of parties to employment contract
3.1 Explain the contractual capacity i. Explain the contractual capacity of - Textbooks Identify cases Individual problems Internet and
of public servants, armed forces public servants, armed forces and contractual, relationships dealing with relevant
and the police. the police. - Journals by minors, partners contractual capacity websites
companies and partners. with reference to
3.2 Explain the legal position of ii. Examine the legal position of relevant case law. Relevant
- Copy of civil
directors. directors. service rules Explain the contractual Case Law
capacity of public
3.3 Explain the capacity to contract iii. Explain minors, partners, and - Constitution of servants, armed forces
5 and the police.
by minors, partners, companies. companies. and their capacity to NLC
contract. iv. Distinguish temporary,
3.4 Explain temporary employees, probationary, permanent and
probationary employees, etc. contract employment.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
good faith. these regard.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
act in respect of fencing of machinery
machinery, construction and b) construction and
maintenance of fencing, maintenance of
construction and maintenance of fencing.
new machinery, handling of vessels c) Construction and
containing dangerous liquids, and maintenance of new
the construction of hoist, lifts, crane machinery.
and lifting tackles. d) Handling of
vessels containing
6.4 Explain the absence of direct dangerous liquids.
legislation on offices, shops and e) Construction of
railway premises in Nigeria other hoists, lifts, cranes
than the Factories Act 1987. and lifting tackles.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
General Objective 7: Understand the legal framework of industrial relations
7.1 Explain the status of registered i. Explain registered and - Copies of Trade Carry out hypothetical Guide the students Internet and
and unregistered trade unions and unregistered trade unions, their legal Union Act 1973 registration of a trade appropriately. relevant
the consequences of the Trade status and the consequences of the and subsequent union using given websites
Union Act 1973. Trade Union Act 1973. amendments. guidelines. Create a hypothetical
round-table situation to Relevant
7.2 Explain the legal meaning of ii. Explain the legal meaning of trade - Industrial Council Cite examples of the demonstrate an Case Law
trade disputes. disputes and the rights of workers to Act 1973 and most recent trade industrial bargaining
strike. subsequent disputes leading to major process.
7.3 Explain collective bargaining. amendments. strikes in Nigeria.
iii. Explain collective bargaining. Demonstrate how
- Trade Disputes different types of strikes
12-13 7.4 Explain the legal rights of Act 1976 and are carried out.
workers to strike. iv. Describe the functions of the
Wages Board as spelt out in the subsequent
Industrial Council Act 1973. amendme Role play.
7.5 Examine the existence of the
Wages Board and Industrial Council
Act 1973. v. Explain the powers of the Minister
of Labour on the conciliation and
7.6 Identify the Trade Disputes Act arbitrations of trade unions disputes
1976 and explain the powers of the as spelt out in the Trade Disputes
Minister of Labour on the Act 1976 and its subsequent
conciliation and arbitrations of trade amendments.
General Objective 8: Understand industrial injury and disablement
8.1 Explain industrial injury and i. Explain industrial injury and 1) Textbooks Describe industrial injury, Show relevant film, cite Internet and
disablement. disablement, occupational disease or disablement, relevant cases in relevant
industrial disease and the basis for 2) Copies of occupational disease or Nigeria. websites
8.2 Explain occupational disease or claims arising from industrial injury, workman industrial disease.
“industrial disease” citing relevant examples. compensation Show samples of Relevant
14 Decree. Establish the basis for documents required for Case Law
8.3 Explain the basis for claims for ii. Show relevant management films. claims arising from making claims.
industrial injury. 3) Journals industrial injury.
iii. Explain the need for a national Demonstrate with
8.4 Explain the absence of national insurance scheme in Nigeria and the 4) TV Identify workers rights relevant documents.
under the Act and be
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Activities Resources
insurance scheme in Nigeria. consequences of its absence. 5) VCR able to seek redress
when necessary.
8.5 Explain the rights of a worker iv. Explain workman compensation 6) Relevant Films
under the workman Compensation scheme in relation to the Act
Act and other subsequent establishing it and the rights of the
amendments. worker as provided for in the Act and
its subsequent amendments.
General Objective 9: Know fatal accident and rights of dependents of a deceased worker
9.1 Explain what fatal accident i. Explain the term ‘fatal accident.’ - Textbooks Describe a fatal accident. Show a relevant film on Internet and
means. fatal accident in relevant
ii. Explain the legal position when a - Fatal Accident Analyse Relevant case industry. websites
9.2 Explain the legal position when servant dies or is killed in the course Act 1961. studies.
a servant is killed in the course of of his employment citing relevant Cite a recent case to Relevant
his employment. cases. - Workman Identify and pursue their show legal position Case Law
Compensation Act rights appropriately. when a servant dies or
9.3 Identify the rights of the iii. Explain the rights of the is killed in the course of
dependents of a deceased worker dependents of a deceased worker his employment.
1987 and
15 under the Fatal Accident Act 1961 under the Fatal Accident Act 1961 Provide relevant case
and the Workman Compensation and the Work-man Compensation amendments. studies.
Act 1987 and their subsequent Act 1987 and their subsequent
amendments. amendments.
9.4 Explain the conditions for iv. Explain the conditions for
realization of the rights of the realization of the rights of the
dependents of a deceased worker dependents of a deceased worker.
Coursework Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
% % %
Competency: On completing the course, the student should be able to understand/estimate/define/etc….
Programme: Higher National Diploma)
Course: Project Course Code: OTM 422 Total Hours: 6
Year: 2 Semester: 4 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 0 hours /week
Practical: 6 hours /week
Goal: This course is designed to enable the student to undertake an individual project and write a report on it.
General Objectives: On completion of this course, the diplomate should be able to:
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Resources
General Objective 1: Research a chosen topic at HND level from available sources.
1.1 Choose, under guidance, an appropriate Provide guidance in finding Textbooks Selection of a topic of Provide guidance in finding Textbooks
topic of interest. suitable topics. interest. suitable topics.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
1.2 Research a chosen topic from available Provide guidance in finding Textbooks Demonstrate research Provide guidance in finding Textbooks
sources. suitable sources. ability suitable sources.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
1.2 (continued) Research a chosen topic Provide guidance in finding Textbooks Demonstrate research Provide guidance in finding Textbooks
from available sources. suitable sources. ability suitable sources.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
1.2 (continued) Research a chosen topic Provide guidance in finding Textbooks Demonstrate research Provide guidance in finding Textbooks
from available sources. suitable sources. ability suitable sources.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
General Objective 2: Collect data on the chosen topic.
2.1 Collect data on the chosen topic from Provide guidance in Textbooks Demonstrate ability to Provide guidance in Textbooks
available sources . collecting data collect data collecting data.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Resources
2.1 (continued) Collect data on the chosen Provide guidance in Textbooks Demonstrate ability to Provide guidance in Textbooks
topic from available sources . collecting data collect data collecting data.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
2.1 (continued) Collect data on the chosen Provide guidance in Textbooks Demonstrate ability to Provide guidance in Textbooks
topic from available sources . collecting data collect data collecting data.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
2.1 (continued) Collect data on the chosen Provide guidance in Textbooks Demonstrate ability to Provide guidance in Textbooks
topic from available sources. collecting data collect data collecting data.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
2.1 (continued) Collect data on the chosen Provide guidance in Textbooks Demonstrate ability to Provide guidance in Textbooks
topic from available sources . collecting data collect data collecting data.
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
General Objective 3: Produce a report on the chosen topic.
3.1 Produce a report on the chosen topic. Provide guidance in report Textbooks Demonstrate ability in Provide guidance in report Textbooks
writing report writing writing
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
Theoretical Content Practical Content
Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Resources
3.1 (continued) Produce a report on the Provide guidance in report Textbooks Demonstrate ability in Provide guidance in report Textbooks
chosen topic. writing report writing writing
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
3.1 (continued) Produce a report on the Provide guidance in report Textbooks Demonstrate ability in Provide guidance in report Textbooks
chosen topic. writing report writing writing
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
3.1 (continued) Produce a report on the Provide guidance in report Textbooks Demonstrate ability in Provide guidance in report Textbooks
chosen topic. writing report writing writing
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
3.1 (continued) Produce a report on the Provide guidance in report Textbooks Demonstrate ability in Provide guidance in report Textbooks
chosen topic. writing report writing writing
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
3.1 (continued) Produce a report on the Provide guidance in report Textbooks Demonstrate ability in Provide guidance in report Textbooks
chosen topic. writing report writing writing
Lecture Lecture
Notes Notes
Internet Internet
Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used:
Coursework/ Assignments %; Course test %; Practical %; Projects %; Examination %
Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment Weighting (%)
Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and understanding 0
Test 0 progress tests 0
Practical Report of 20 - 30 pages length 100
Total 100