Before we hop in I want you to give
5 Tips to Get the Most Out of These Chest Workouts
Lift heavy.
High-rep sets also have a place in your training, but the majority
of your time should be spent training in these rep ranges.
You can do all the fancy training techniques you want, but if
you’re not adding weight to the bar over time, you’re going to
struggle to gain muscle effectively.
That is, you need to eat about 110% of your total daily energy
expenditure (TDEE) every day.
How ? Lie on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor,
directly under your knees. Pull your shoulder blades
together and down, and without lifting your butt or
shoulders off the bench, slightly arch your back. Grab the
bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width
apart, take a deep breath, brace your core, and unrack the
Bring the barbell to the middle of your chest, making sure to
keep your elbows tucked at about a 45-degree angle relative
to your body. When the bar touches your chest, explosively
press the bar back to the starting position.