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Keywords: Physical ageing; Natural storage; Glass transition temperature; Enthalpy loss;
Excess specific heat
1. Introduction
Physical ageing is one of the most important phenomena for glassy disordered solids such
as chalcogenide glasses. The promising applications of chalcogenide glasses are limited by their
structural instability, resulting from the production process, in which the liquid phase is quenched
to the ambient temperature. The process of thermal ageing of as-quenched material leads to the
achievement of the metastable state characteristic of the supercooled liquid. To avoid the changes
in physical properties caused by physical aging, a material with completely saturated ageing
should be used in chalcogenide-based devices. However, natural physical ageing requires years at
low temperatures; therefore, γ-irradiation, photo-exposure, and thermal annealing are usually
applied to accelerate the relaxation process [1-3]. The ageing process can be predicted on the basis
of thermodynamic relaxation, induced by structural rearrangements in amorphous matrices, which
is responsible for changes (as a function of time) in many physical properties of such kind of
materials. The reason is that the glassy disordered solids are conventionally obtained in a
metastable state frozen near glass transition and therefore they aspire to the extrapolated states of
the thermodynamic equilibrium of undercooled liquid. In other words, the prepared glasses kept
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far below glass transition temperature (Tg) lose their excess of configurational entropy, enthalpy or
free volume to reach a more favorable thermodynamic state [1]. This effect was observed
experimentally in many binary and ternary systems of chalcogenide glasses and can be evaluated
by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) through distinguishable changes in the glass
transition region [2–6].
The physical ageing effects are characterized by the glass transition temperature Tg and the
change in the relaxation enthalpy Δh that can be detected from the endothermic DSC curves. The
observed endothermic peak is normally associated with structural relaxation of glass network
owing to glass-to-supercooled liquid phase transition [7]. Besides, it is mentioned that the
corresponding area A under this endothermic peak in the DSC curve represents the enthalpy loss
Δh: the greater A, the greater Δh and thus the glassy material is closer to equilibrium state of
undercooled liquid [5, 8, 9].
Thermal stability represents the resistance to devitrification of glassy alloy through the
nucleation and growth processes [10]. The relaxation activation energy Et is a good indication on
thermal stability. This activation energy is the amount of energy, which is absorbed by a group of
atoms in the glassy region so that a jump from one metastable state to another is possible. This
means, this activation energy is involved in the molecular motion and rearrangements of atoms
around the glass transition temperature. When the sample is reheated in the DSC furnace, the
atoms undergo infrequent transitions between the local potential minima separated by different
energy barriers in the configuration space where each local minimum represents a different
structure. The most stable local minimum in the glassy region has lower internal energy. This
activation energy of thermal relaxation could be monitored through the knowledge of the enthalpy
loss during the relaxation process in the aged glass [11, 12].
The objective of the present work is to monitor the effect of physical ageing induced by
natural storage on the glass transition region in Se75Te20In5 glass using differential scanning
calorimeter (DSC). In this regard, the glass transition temperature, excess specific heat and
enthalpy loss of as-prepared, 10-years aged and 11-years aged Se75Te20In5 glass have been studied.
Besides, the relaxation activation energy Et was calculated from the dependence of the glass
transition temperature on heating rate and compared with bonds energies of the constituent
elements of the investigated glass.
2. Experimental details
Se75Te20In5 glass was prepared on September 2005 by melt quenching technique. High
purity (5N) In, Te, and Se in appropriate atomic weight percentage (at. wt %) proportions were
weighed into a quartz ampoules and sealed at a vacuum of 10−5Torr. The ampoules were then
heated at 900 ºC for about 15 h with continuous rotation to facilitate homogenization of the
sample. The molten sample was rapidly quenched in icecooled water to produce a glassy state. The
ingot of the so-produced glassy sample was taken out of the ampoule by breaking the ampoule and
then grinded gently in a mortar and pestle to obtain a powder form. The as-prepared sample is
divided into three parts. One part of the sample is subjected to the DSC immediately after
preparation. The second and the third parts were packed in sealed containers with ambient
atmosphere and stored under normal conditions for 10 and 11-years. The calorimetric
measurements, at different heating rates of 5, 10, 15, and 20, were carried out in a Perkin-Elmer
DSC7 calorimeter with an accuracy of ± 0.1°C. This equipment is calibrated prior to
measurements, using high purity standards Pb, Sn and In with well-known melting points. For
each heating rate, about (10 ± 0.5) mg of each of the investigated glassy samples in powder form
were sealed in a standard aluminum pans and scanned from room temperature up to 100ºC (around
the glass transition region). The operation of DSC is based on measurement of the thermal
response of an unknown specimen as compared with a standard when the two are heated
uniformly. A typical differential scanning calorimeter consists of two sealed pans; a sample pan
and an empty reference pan. These pans are often covered by or composed of aluminum, which
acts as a radiation shield. The two pans are heated, or cooled, uniformly while the heat flow
difference between the two is monitored. This can be done at a constant temperature
(isothermally), but is more commonly done by changing the temperature at a constant rate (non-
isothermally) as in this work.
DSC Signal
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
T ( C)
11 years-Aged
10 years-Aged
DSC Signal
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
T ( C)
Table 1: Glass transition temperature Tg, and the area under endothermic peak A (converted into unit
of energy) of Se75Te20In5 glass with different characteristics at a heating rate of 20K/min
where τo and c are constants, R is the universal gas constant (= 8.314 JK-1mol-1), ∆h= h-he is the
enthalpy loss during the relaxation process and Et is the relaxation activation energy. It is
mentioned earlier that the endothermic peak area represents the enthalpy loss ∆h during thermal
relaxation. However, in the present case since natural storage time is so long therefore one can
calculate the value of ∆h from the knowledge of the specific heat difference ∆Cp=Cpe- Cpg versus
temperature curve, through the use of the well known formula ∆h = ∆Cp [Tcg– Ta] as described in
[19] and the references therein. Here Cpe is the equilibrium specific heat obtained at a temperature
after the glassy region is completed where the glass attains equilibrium liquid like structure and
Cpg is the specific heat of the material just before jumping at Tg takes place. The temperature
difference [Tcg– Ta] is considered as the difference between the glass transition temperature
obtained when the glass is cooled through the transition region at a rate of 20K/min and the ageing
temperature Ta (which was taken as room temperature = 298 K). The variation of specific heat as a
function of temperature for as-prepared, 10-years aged and 11-years aged Se75Te20In5 glass at a
heating rate of 20K/min is shown in Fig. 3. It is clear that Cp is weakly temperature dependent
except in the glassy region where it exhibits a sudden jump at Tg which is attributed to additional
degrees of freedom that are available for the atoms to formulate complete short range order in the
liquid state [20]. The Cp against temperature curves were used to calculate ∆Cp and ∆h values,
which are listed in Table 2, for the studied glass. The obtained values of ∆h indicate that drastic
relaxation occurs due to natural storage and that the aged glass reached almost equilibrium state.
The observed increase in the values of ∆h with ageing time at ageing temperature below the glass
transition is an indication of the fact that atomic rearrangement becomes more cooperative in
relaxation process in which more enthalpy is released with an increase in ageing time [19].
1.8 10-years aged
11-years aged
Cp(J /g C)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temperature ( C)
Fig. 3. The variation of specific heat as a function of temperature for as-prepared, 10-years
aged and 11-years aged Se75Te20In5 glass
Table 2: Specific heat difference ∆Cp and the enthalpy loss during natural storage of Se75Te20In5
glass at room temperature (at a heating rate of 20 K/min)
Depending on equ.(1), Moynihan and co-workers [17] derived the following relation, from
which Et can be calculated from the variation of Tg with the heating rate β:
Fig.4 shows plots of lnβ vs. 103/Tg for all samples. The values of the relaxation activation
energy Et are calculated from the slopes of the resulting straight lines and found to be 2.33, 2.24,
and 2.22 eV for as-prepared, 10-years aged, and 11-years aged glass, respectively. It is clear that Et
decreases after 10 years of natural storage which is an indication that the state of equilibrium is
almost reached. In addition, a comparison between the estimated value of Et for 11 years of natural
storage and that of 10 years of natural storage reveals that no noticeable change in the stability of
the studied glass. This agrees fairly well with the above result obtained from the relaxation
enthalpy (endothermic peak area) calculations.
1.8 As-Prepared
10-years aged
1.6 11-years aged
2.94 2.95 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05
3 -1
10 /Tg(K )
Fig.4. Plot of lnβ vs. 103/Tg for as-prepared, 10-years aged and 11-years aged Se75Te20In5 glass.
The studied glass is a chalcogen rich alloy in which the structural configuration consists of
rings or chains held together by Van der Waals interaction [21] with bonds have energies in the
range 0.12-0.40 eV. However, the bond energies between constituent atoms for the glass under
investigation were calculated following the procedures reported in [12] and the references therein.
These bond energies found to be 1.76, 1.71, and 1.39 eV for Se-In, Se-Te, and Te-In, respectively.
Comparing the obtained values of the relaxation activation energy Et with Van der Waals energies,
one can say that the relaxation is not possible to occur due to sliding of the atomic layers.
However, the values of Et for as-prepared, 10-year aged, and 11-years aged are higher than the
above calculated heteropolar bonds energies. Hence, it is reasonable to believe that the relaxation
process in the sample under study is due to bonds interchange.
4. Conclusions
Physical ageing effect and thermal stability of Se75Te20In5 glass have been studied using
differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and the following conclusions may drawn:
Firstly, the estimated enthalpy loss during relaxation process measured from the
endothermic peak area agrees fairly well with the calculated value for the studied glass with
different characteristics.
Secondly, the obtained values of the thermal parameters Tg, ∆h, and ∆Cp, indicate that the
process of relaxation is terminated in almost 10-years of natural storage.
Finally, the calculations of the relaxation activation energy and bonds energies of the
constituent elements of the studied glass reveal that the structural relaxation occurs due to breaking
of interchain bonds which must reform after completion of relaxation process.