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Electroencephalography Signal Processing: A Comprehensive
Review and Analysis of Methods and Techniques
Ahmad Chaddad 1,2, * , Yihang Wu 1 , Reem Kateb 3 and Ahmed Bouridane 4
1 School of Artificial Intelligence, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China
2 The Laboratory for Imagery, Vision and Artificial Intelligence, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure,
Montreal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada
3 College of Computer Science and Engineering, Taibah University, Madinah 41477, Saudi Arabia
4 Centre for Data Analytics and Cybersecurity, University of Sharjah, Sharjah 27272, United Arab Emirates
* Correspondence: or
Abstract: The electroencephalography (EEG) signal is a noninvasive and complex signal that has
numerous applications in biomedical fields, including sleep and the brain–computer interface. Given
its complexity, researchers have proposed several advanced preprocessing and feature extraction
methods to analyze EEG signals. In this study, we analyze a comprehensive review of numerous
articles related to EEG signal processing. We searched the major scientific and engineering databases
and summarized the results of our findings. Our survey encompassed the entire process of EEG
signal processing, from acquisition and pretreatment (denoising) to feature extraction, classification,
and application. We present a detailed discussion and comparison of various methods and techniques
used for EEG signal processing. Additionally, we identify the current limitations of these techniques
and analyze their future development trends. We conclude by offering some suggestions for future
research in the field of EEG signal processing.
impulses generated by clusters of brain cells [14]. Currently, EEG is widely used in the
field of neuroscience and has the potential to advance brain–computer interfaces, facilitate
emotion detection, and help in partial paralysis rehabilitation [15,16]. Furthermore, EEG is
a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers in identifying brain dysfunction-associated
diseases, including but not limited to Alzheimer’s disease [17,18], epilepsy, schizophrenia,
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease [19], cerebral palsy [20], and cognitive impairment [21].
Accurately identifying and analyzing EEG signals requires a thorough understanding
of their complex and theoretical properties, as well as the extraction of relevant features
for the given task. However, EEG signals pose significant challenges due to their unique
characteristics. According to [22], one such challenge is their susceptibility to noise interfer-
ence, resulting in a low signal-to-noise ratio. Additionally, their nonlinearity and lack of
conformity to a normal distribution distinguish them from conventional signals. Moreover,
individual factors such as age, psychology, and testing environment can cause significant
variations in EEG signals [23]. In [22], it is observed that the unique properties of EEG
signals pose a challenge in extracting pertinent information about specific tasks directly
from them. Therefore, it is imperative to develop various methodologies for signal analysis
and investigate machine learning techniques for signal analysis to better understand EEG
signals [24]. Accurate extraction of relevant information on specific tasks from EEG signals
requires careful consideration of their distinctive characteristics and the advancement of
sophisticated signal analysis methodologies. As emphasized in [25], precise detection and
analysis of EEG signals are crucial to advance our understanding of brain functioning.
The high interest in EEG as a research domain is apparent in the Google Scholar, PubMed,
and Web of Science search results obtained between 2016 and 2022, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Our paper presents a novel contribution through a comprehensive description of denoising
techniques, which includes mathematical formulations with pseudocodes. In addition, we
report the recent advancements in the field of EEG, while highlighting current challenges
and discussing future trends.
The primary contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows.
• We present a detailed examination of the EEG signal analysis process, including the
stages of signal acquisition, denoising, and feature engineering.
• The procedure used to denoise the EEG signal is described in full, along with the
accompanying evaluation standards.
• We examine feature engineering in detail in this paper, looking at time–frequency,
high-order spectral, and nonlinear dynamic analysis.
• We give a thorough analysis of both traditional and deep learning methods for catego-
rizing EEG signals. We also provide an overview of the typical datasets utilized for
EEG signal processing.
• We highlight current issues with EEG signal processing techniques and offer potential
solutions as well as future research prospects.
The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 presents a brief description of the
impact of EEG acquisition as a noninvasive biomedical device. It gives a full evaluation
of various denoising techniques, and an explanation of the merits and downsides of each.
Additionally, it examines the significance of feature engineering and its various techniques,
as well as the use of machine learning- and deep learning-based classifiers. In Section 3,
future perspective and limitations are discussed. The article ends in Section 4, where the
research efforts and contributions of this investigation are outlined.
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Figure 1. Bar graph illustrating the number of published papers over the years obtained from Google
Scholar, PubMed, and Web of Science searches for the subject of the electroencephalogram (EEG).
The search query used was “EEG” in the title.
Figure 2. The four-step process for EEG signal analysis. The EEG signal analysis involves four stages:
acquisition, denoising, feature engineering, and classification.
2.1. Acquisition
EEG is a neurophysiological technique used to measure and quantify neural activity
in various regions of the brain. The brain consists of a large number of neurons and their
activities generate distinct scalp potentials, producing signals in different states of alertness,
response to external stimuli, and other factors unique to each individual [26]. To obtain
data sources for various applications and research on EEG signals, appropriate acquisition
equipment is essential. Acquisition of EEG signals can be classified into two primary
categories: invasive and noninvasive [27]. Invasive acquisition involves surgical insertion
of electrodes into the cerebral cortex or other regions of the brain to capture signals. On the
other hand, noninvasive techniques use EEG sensors positioned on the scalp’s surface
and do not require implanted electrodes. Currently, most EEG signal acquisition methods
are noninvasive. In Algorithm 1, we provide the main steps of EEG signal analysis.
During the initial stages of the acquisition of EEG signals, the German scientist Hans
Berger detected electrical signals in the cerebral cortex via a galvanometer in 1924. After pre-
liminary investigations, the scientists began implanting metallic electrodes directly into the
cerebral cortex to capture comprehensive EEG readings. With advancements in computer
technology, EEG signal collection techniques have improved significantly, leading to a
higher resolution of collected EEG signals. Most EEG signal acquisition instruments that
have reached relative maturity currently employ PC displays, wired data transmission,
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and external power sources. These devices exhibit robust data processing capabilities,
favorable outcomes, and consistent performance. However, they have a heavy form factor,
pose potential hazards, and exhibit high power consumption. Consequently, the need for
portable EEG collection equipment has been observed [28].
Portable EEG acquisition devices such as the Emotiv EPOC have gained popularity in
recent years. The Emotiv EPOC utilizes nonimplantable electrodes and comprises 14 electri-
cal data acquisition channels and two reference electrodes. Stytsenko et al. [29] found that
the Emotiv EPOC can collect real EEG data. Emotiv EPOC neural headphones are also avail-
able on the market to measure brain activity [30]. However, the performance of the Emotiv
EPOC headset devices, while capable of recording EEG data, is inferior to that of larger
devices [31]. In another study, Martins proposed a wearable EEG acquisition device and a
sleep inertia detection system of the data analysis platform [32]. The system is a monolithic
low-power with a low-noise analog front-end EEG acquisition system [33]. The system has
demonstrated high precision and high reliability, and flexible adjustment. Moreover, a new
waterproof, lightweight, and portable EEG acquisition device was proposed to acquire and
analyze the EEG signals of dolphins [34]. The device was designed to enable relatively
unrestricted EEG acquisition. Their acquisition device is equipped with customized suction
cups with embedded electrodes. It also incorporates a Bluetooth module to communicate
with the ground station. Furthermore, they used the portable Muse brain wave sensor
device for stroke identification [35]. The device follows the international 10–20 system
and utilizes four recording electrodes (AF7, AF8, TP9, TP10) and one reference electrode
(Fpz). In [36], they designed a high precision portable EEG acquisition system using the
CompactPCI platform to address the limitations of existing EEG acquisition systems, such
as high costs and limited accuracy. Aside from the previous methods, there are many ways
to collect EEG signals. For example, deep brain stimulation was performed through the
use of neural electrodes that were placed in specific target regions of the brain [37]. These
electrodes generate current or voltage through an implantable pulse generator. Further-
more, the MR signal has the ability to reflect both oxygen saturation and blood flow in the
brain [38]. It can reflect the activity of neurons and serve the purpose of functional imaging.
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Figure 3 shows a short segment of an EEG signal [39] recorded using a 14-channel
Emotiv Epoc device. These 14 EEG signals are specific locations on the scalp where
electrodes are placed to measure brainwave activity. In general, the frequency of an EEG
signal is measured in Hz and refers to the number of cycles that occur per unit time [40].
Specifically, there are five waves that correspond to five ranges of frequencies in EEG
signals [41], namely, Delta [0.5 to 4 Hz], Theta [4–8 Hz], Alpha [8–13 Hz], Beta [13–30 Hz],
and Gamma [>30 Hz]. Delta waves are related to slow-wave activity in the brain and deep
sleep; Theta waves are commonly observed during periods of relaxation and meditation;
Alpha waves are most noticeable when the eyes are closed; Beta waves are associated with
cognitive processing that is actively engaged and can be detected during tasks that require
significant attention; and Gamma waves are linked to advanced cognitive processing and
the merging of sensory information. In addition, each EEG channel is named according to
its location relative to the midline of the head and its distance from the forehead or back of
the head. Together, these channels allow researchers and clinicians to measure electrical
activity in various regions of the brain, and gain insight into cognitive processes such as
attention, memory, and emotion.
Figure 3. An example of 14 EEG signal channels, where the x-axis denotes time and the y-axis
represents the magnitude of the 14 signals [39]. These signals can be characterized by their frequency,
which refers to the number of cycles per second (Hz) of the electrical activity. These channels are
named AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T8, FC6, F4, F8, and AF4, which correspond to the specific
electrode placements on the Emotiv Epoc equipment.
2.2. Denoising
As mentioned above regarding the acquisition of EEG signals, multiple electrodes
are placed on the scalp. However, external interference can cause diverse artifacts to
emerge, which can compromise the quality of the signals. Physiological artifacts, such as
involuntary eye movements, blinking, heart activity, and muscle movement, are known to
be present in EEG signals and can negatively affect their quality [54]. Therefore, denoising
EEG signals has become a topic of significant research interest and attention. To ensure the
reliability of features extracted from EEG signals, it is essential to remove any associated
artifacts. Currently, several denoising techniques have been developed.
analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) [60,61], the regression method
is no longer the default choice for removing artifacts from an EEG caused by EOG or
ECG signals.
Due to the significant overlap between EEG signals and EMG artifacts in both spatial
and temporal domains, conventional ICA algorithms often struggle to separate all EMG
artifacts and generate a set of independent components. To address this problem, Li et al.
introduced an improved ICA model called EMG removal by adding sources of EMG
(ERASE) [65]. Specifically, EMG reference artifacts were involved from the head and neck
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muscles as input to the ICA, which increased the power of the EMG artifacts in a few
independent components, resulting in a more accurate separation. In comparative tests,
the ERASE algorithm removed an average of 26% more EMG artifacts from EEG signals
than the traditional ICA algorithm. In [66], a new denoising framework was devised
and merges ICA with the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). CWT and the K-means
algorithm are used to map the detected blink artifact. EEG information is then preserved
while denoising through ICA [66].
Principal Component Analysis: PCA, which stands for principal component analysis,
is an easy-to-use data reduction technique that uses the principle of orthogonality to
eliminate artifacts [54]. Through the utilization of PCA dimensionality reduction, it is
possible to eliminate the presence of noise, represented by small eigenvalues, within the
data. This process results in a partial denoising effect. Typically, given EEG data X, the main
goal of PCA is to solve this equation:
XX T ωi = λi ωi (3)
where the symbol λ denotes the eigenvalue, while ω represents the eigenvector. The tech-
nique for reducing the number of dimensions in a dataset is accomplished by decomposing
the eigenvalues of the matrix XX T . The resulting eigenvalues are then sorted and the top
d values are selected to serve as a projection matrix. Subsequently, the projection matrix
can be used to transform the EEG data denoted by D into new EEG data represented
by D ∗ = W ∗T D, while minimizing the presence of noise. The pseudocode for PCA is
presented in Algorithm 4.
procedure PCA(D):
Sample centering xi ← xi − m1 ∑im=1 xi .
Calculate XX T .
Eigenvalue decomposition for XX T .
Select the largest d eigenvalues.
W ∗ = (w1 , w2 , ..., wd ).
New EEG data D ∗ = W ∗T D.
Return: D ∗ .
In recent times, there has been an increasing focus on utilizing principal component
analysis in conjunction with other techniques to achieve EEG denoising. Patel et al. have
demonstrated the effectiveness of combining ensemble empirical mode decomposition
(EEMD) with PCA to efficiently detect and suppress artifacts in single-channel EEG data.
This method can automatically detect and suppress eye artifacts after correct selection of
the detection threshold [67]. In [68], a learning model based on PCA and semi-supervised
support vector machine (SVM) is proposed. The model first preprocesses the EEG and
uses PCA to reduce its dimensionality. After obtaining a set of optimal channel subsets,
a semi-supervised classification model based on SVM is designed. This model determines
the relationship between labeled data and unlabeled data by calculating the Euclidean
distance between them, and then extracts features to identify them. The experimental
results indicate that the method can achieve 84.3% correct classification results with only
40% labeled data, suggesting its potential in scenarios where only a small amount of labeled
data is available [68].
where the variables u and v represent canonical variates, which are linear combinations
of channels. The EEG data and artifact data have covariance matrices denoted by R xx
and Ryy , respectively. The cross-covariance matrix between the EEG data and artifact
data is represented by R xy . After obtaining the canonical variates, they can be used to
eliminate artifacts from the EEG data by subtraction. The denoising steps based on CCA
are presented in Algorithm 5.
In [69], P Sheoran et al. proposed a new algorithm that combined CCA and noise
adjusted principal component transform (NAPCT) to eliminate noise in EEG data. Using
CCA to estimate the noise covariance matrix and NAPCT to remove artifact components,
the algorithm achieved this without human intervention [69]. Another study introduced
an unsupervised automated eye artifact recognition and removal algorithm [73]. This
algorithm used CCA to extract neural signals from data and used a multi-channel Wiener
filter (MWF) to adaptively eliminate eye artifacts from multi-channel EEG data [73].
where the variables “m” and “n” represent the scaling and translation factors, respectively.
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The process of discrete wavelet analysis involves the decomposition of x (t) into
various scales:
K ∞ ∞
x (t) = ∑ ∑ d j (k )ψj,k (t) + ∑ aK (k)φK,k (t) (6)
j=1 k =−∞ k =−∞
where the given equation involves discrete analysis wavelets represented by ψj,k (t) and
discrete scaling functions represented by φK,k (t). The variable d j (k ) denotes the detailed
signals or wavelet coefficients at a scale of 2 j , while aK (k) represents the approximated
signal or scaling coefficients at a scale of 2K .
DWT is a method of transforming time domain EEG signals without redundancy,
which is useful in removing artifacts. To accomplish this, the signal undergoes a series
of low-pass and high-pass filters to obtain approximate and detailed coefficients. This
process is repeated until the desired frequency is achieved. In Algorithm 6, we present
the pseudocode for DWT. However, DWT has the drawback of lacking translation invari-
ance. The stationary wavelet transform (SWT) can overcome this issue, but it has its own
limitations, such as redundancy and slow speed [78].
WT alone may not be sufficient to address all the issues associated with EEG signal
denoising, as it can result in information loss and signal reconstruction problems. Therefore,
the combination of the wavelet transform with other techniques to improve the denoising
process has been explored. For instance, the authors of [80] applied ICA to separate signals
based on WT and found that this combination was effective in removing EMG noise and
ECG artifacts from EEG signals. In addition, notch filters can be used in conjunction with
WT to address the issue of overlapping spectra/frequencies between EEG signals and
artifacts. In [81], an adaptive threshold for wavelet coefficients was used to eliminate
frequent ocular artifacts (OA) and a 50 Hz IIR notch filter to reduce artifacts and noise
while preserving the original brain signals.
the smooth curve that passes through the local maxima and minima of the signal. This
technique enables the elimination of undesired artifacts while retaining the original EEG
signal. The reconstructed signal is obtained by adding up the detailed components after
cleaning. More details are listed in Algorithm 7.
Algorithm 7 Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) for EEG Artifact Removal [82]
Input: X: EEG data matrix
Output: Y: matrix of cleaned data
Set the stopping criterion and number of maximum iterations.
for each channel c in X do
Initialize d0 = c, k = 1 . dk : signal at iteration k
Find the local maxima and minima of dk−1 .
Compute the envelope by interpolating the maxima and minima.
Subtract the envelope from dk−1 to obtain the detail component hk . . h: detail
Update dk = dk−1 − hk .
Increment k.
until stopping criterion or maximum iterations are reached.
Compute the reconstructed signal as rc = ∑ik=1 hi . . rc : reconstructed signal for
channel c
Store the cleaned signal in the corresponding row of Y.
end for
return Y
One of the advantages of EMD is its ability to extract local amplitude, phase, and fre-
quency content from the resulting components. EMD is also adaptive and efficient and,
when combined with other techniques, it can lead to new advancements in the denoising
of EEG signals. For instance, combining ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD)
with the CCA technique led to feasible results. Specifically, EEMD generates a large num-
ber of IMFs, increasing the number of channels available for ICA. This method leverages
interchannel information and addresses the challenging problem of CCA in dealing with
EEG data with low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and complex contamination [83].
EMD is highly sensitive to spike noise because of its reliance on extreme signal point
features for IMF decomposition. This sensitivity can lead to the mode-splitting effect, which
can seriously affect the removal of EOG artifacts. To address this issue, the multivariate
adaptive moving average–empirical mode decomposition (MAMA-EMD) based method
extracts peaks into the first IMF to improve the accuracy of subsequent IMF screening and
alleviate the mode-splitting effect [84]. However, MAMA-EMD may not achieve optimal
results in separating spikes when the pulse has two or more consecutive spike points.
To address this limitation, a new version of MAMA-EMD is proposed by supplementing
the minimum arc length criterion. This approach effectively eliminates the influence of
multi-point spikes on the screening process [85].
In recent years, various classic and commonly used denoising methods have been
combined to achieve better signal denoising in different situations. Some examples of these
methods or their combinations that have been used for denoising purposes are summarized
in Table 2.
measure the degree of similarity between the original and noise-reduced signals, with a
lower PRD indicating a higher degree of similarity between the two signals. These metrics
can be defined as:
n n
1 2 1 2
MSE = n ∑ (yi − ŷi ) , RMSE = n ∑ (yi − ŷi )
i =1 i =1
∑ y2i
n |y −ŷ |
SNR = 10log10 n
i =1
, PRD =
n ∑ i|yi | i
∑ (yi −ŷi ) i =1
i =1
where yi typically refers to the true EEG signal value at time point i, ŷi represents the
denoised value of the EEG signal at time point i, and n is the total number of values.
learning models acquire the fundamental features implicit in EEG more easily. Therefore,
we examine the main feature engineering methodologies used in EEG [91–93]. Commonly
utilized conventional signal processing techniques in various research studies on EEG signal
processing include time–frequency analysis, high-order spectrum analysis, and nonlinear
dynamics analysis.
examine EEG signals for the identification of diseases (e.g., epilepsy, depression, stroke)
and rehabilitation interventions (e.g., motion imagination). Specifically, Table 4 summa-
rizes literature examples related to epilepsy, motion imagination, depression, and stroke.
In general, the results in Table 4, suggest that the SVM model is an important classifier
model for EEG signals.
and ANN. The accuracy of performance measurement reached 85.36%, indicating that
the proposed system outperformed the conventional machine learning EEG recognition
classifier. In [135], they expanded the use of BCI to include motor imagery and presented a
framework that used augmented covariance extracted from an autoregressive model for
classification purposes.
The advancement in EEG classification models has led to new possibilities in detecting
depression, a mental disorder that affects a significant portion of the global population.
To recognize depression based on EEG signals, some researchers have utilized the tree
model’s feature selection algorithm to establish a depression recognition model. It is clear
from Table 5 that research on the use of traditional ML algorithms to classify EEG signals is
still ongoing and is expanding. EEG signals are complex patterns of electrical activity in the
brain, and accurately classifying them can be crucial to understanding various neurological
conditions and cognitive processes.
Several research studies have utilized entropy measurement and statistical features of
EEG signals in gender detection to enhance its accuracy. To obtain EEG data on negative
and positive emotions for training and testing, a finite impulse response (FIR) filter model
is commonly employed. Decision trees, random forests, and multi-layer perceptron are
popularly used to predict gender from the obtained data. The findings suggest that the
random forest classifier performs best with the EEG of negative emotions, and investigates
the effect of excluding individual and multiple electrodes from the EEG data on the system
performance [136].
According to a study in [140], EEG can be used to detect neurophysiological changes
associated with schizophrenia. In another study, external vestibular electrical stimulation
was used to induce vertigo symptoms and EEG features were extracted using a wavelet
decomposition algorithm. The extracted features were then classified into different levels of
vertigo using logical regression, SVM, backpropagation, and RF classifiers. The RF model
demonstrated the highest accuracy of 82.5% [141]. Additionally, a regular time–frequency
transform technique was applied in [142] to predict EEG signals and evaluate individuals
with alcoholism at different stages. Furthermore, SVM was used for emotion recognition
based on EEG with large datasets [143].
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In addition to the previous points, EEG signals can also be used for fatigue detection.
In [144], an advanced machine learning method was proposed to use EEG signals to
detect driver fatigue and alert the driver as early as possible to prevent potential risks
while driving. This method is based on a flexible analytic wavelet transform. In [145],
they presented forehead EEG in combination with machine vision for detecting fatigue in
real-time. Experiments demonstrated that the proposed method could achieve significant
performance. In the field of aviation, in [146], they proposed using EEG to discriminate
aircraft pilot cognitive workload during flight, which achieved an accuracy of 91.67% in
classification tasks. Furthermore, in the maritime field, an approach was proposed for
assessing mental fatigue based on EEG frequency bands [147]. This approach was intended
for demanding maritime operations. The approach was tested in a realistic vessel simulator
and the results indicated that it could detect increased mental fatigue levels. EEG can also
be useful in the work context. For example, in [148], they proposed a measure that uses
implicit EEG signals to predict workers’ experience as a proxy for their ability to recognize
hazards. This leads to further improvement in the investigation of how we can derive
greater benefits from EEG signals.
Table 6. Cont.
Figure 4. The pipeline of DL models for EEG classification [149]. The pipeline starts with feature
engineering applied to the EEG signal. The processed data is then transformed into 2D or 3D format,
which serves as input to a convolutional neural network (CNN) model. Finally, the CNN model
undergoes training and optimization, leading to the identification of an optimal model as the final
result of the pipeline.
Continuous development in stroke research has been achieved through the use of
deep learning models based on EEG signals. To prevent stroke effectively, a deep learning-
based stroke evaluation model has been used. This model extracts mel frequency cepstral
coefficient (MFCC) features and inputs them into a CNN, which achieves 22.86% higher
accuracy compared to logistic regression [156]. To extract more information from signals
passing through multiple convolution layers, hidden layers, and filters effectively, another
studies utilized VGG-16 and Resnet-50 models for stroke detection, resulting in a model
accuracy of 90% [157].
In order to detect MDD, EEG data has been analyzed using the DeprNet model [158,159].
Additionally, AlexNet [165] and GoogleNet [166] are utilized to identify sleep disturbances
from EEG signals through visual recognition tasks. Three categories of EEG signals were
analyzed, namely epilepsy, normal EEG, and sleep disorders. Results indicate that AlexNet
outperforms GoogleNet in detecting sleep disorders, achieving an accuracy of 93.33% [160].
In a separate study, a combination of CNN and RNN is employed to classify sleep stages
using the EEG channel Fp1/Fp2, achieving an accuracy of 79.7% [161]. The studies demon-
Sensors 2023, 23, 6434 19 of 27
strate the potential of deep learning algorithms in enhancing the automatic classification of
sleep stages based on EEG signals.
Using the EEG, a study investigated an end-to-end deep neural network for accurately
classifying drivers’ cognitive workload with high accuracy [163]. Additionally, a recent
study proposed a categorization system for driver fatigue that employs EEG signals in
conjunction with machine learning and deep learning algorithms. The results demonstrated
a significant level of precision in distinguishing between various fatigue states [164].
In [152], an approach aims to minimize human intervention while ensuring that all
the necessary components for EEG analysis are integrated in a logical and comprehensible
way. The model demonstrates significant performance in detecting Alzheimer’s disease
early, as indicated by its high ROC-AUC score of 0.9 [152].
The proposal utilized a deep learning method that employed EEG signals recorded by
the Muse EEG headband for performing emotion recognition tasks.
In [167], a proposal for an EEG-based brain–computer interface (BCI) was presented.
It uses a deep learning method that employed EEG signals recorded by the Muse EEG head-
band for performing emotion recognition tasks. Furthermore, in [168], a new lightweight
multidimensional attention network was proposed to address issues related to poor
generalization across datasets, high predicting volatility, and low model interpretability.
The method led to an enhanced classification performance in various BCI tasks.
As previously mentioned, EEG signal processing presents several challenges that are
summarized as follows.
• EEG data often contain noise and artifacts from various sources, such as muscle
movements, eye blinks, electrocardiogram signals, and electrical interference. These
unwanted components can significantly affect the quality of EEG signals.
• EEG signals are non-stationary, meaning that their statistical properties change over
time, making it difficult to analyze them using traditional methods. This characteristic
requires specialized techniques to capture the time-varying nature of EEG signals.
• EEG electrodes record signals originating from multiple sources in the brain, which
can result in a phenomenon called volume conduction. The superposition of signals
from multiple sources makes it challenging to locate the exact source of specific signals.
• The EEG signal acquisition measures the potential difference between the acting
electrode and the reference electrode. This leads to the problem of electrode reference.
The data obtained can vary depending on the selection of the reference electrode.
Selecting the best point for the reference electrode can be a challenging task.
• One of the challenges in EEG-based deep learning models is their interpretability.
If we can interpret the deep learning model accurately, patients may have more trust
in the machine learning diagnosis than in the diagnosis given by a doctor [89].
• EEG signals vary between individuals due to differences in skull thickness, con-
ductivity, and brain structure, making it difficult to compare data between subjects.
Specialized analysis methods must be employed to account for individual differences
while comparing EEG signals.
• Interpreting EEG signals requires expertise in both neuroscience and signal processing,
as they are indirect measures of neural activity. Proper analysis with different machine
learning algorithms might help to decode specific features of the signal that relate to
cognitive or behavioral states.
Addressing these challenges requires the development of new methods that can handle
these unique features of EEG signals, including denoising, source localization, improved
electrode configurations, and AI based on signal processing techniques.
4. Conclusions
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of various techniques used for EEG
preprocessing and feature extraction. We also discuss EEG acquisition methods and sum-
marize signal denoising processes, including regression, blind source separation, wavelet
transform, and empirical mode decomposition. Our study focuses on time–frequency
analysis, high-order spectral analysis, and nonlinear dynamic analysis, and their applica-
tions in EEG feature engineering. We observed that machine learning algorithms have the
potential to achieve high accuracy in EEG classification, although the accuracy of classifiers
varies. We also found that deep learning models exhibit a comparable accuracy in detecting
seizures. To date, AI based algorithms have the potential to improve EEG analysis and
diagnosis, leading to better patient outcomes.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.C.; methodology, A.C.; software, A.C.; validation, A.C.,
Y.W., R.K. and A.B.; formal analysis, A.C.; investigation, A.C. and Y.W.; resources, A.C.; data curation,
A.C.; writing—original draft preparation, A.C. and Y.W.; writing—review and editing, Y.W., R.K.
and A.B.; visualization, A.C.; supervision, A.C.; project administration, A.C.; funding acquisition,
A.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China grant number
82260360, the Guilin Innovation Platform and Talent Program 20222C264164 and the Guangxi Science
and Technology Base and Talent Project (2022AC18004, 2022AC21040).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Sensors 2023, 23, 6434 21 of 27
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study.
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