Performance Metrics Index
Performance Metrics Index
Performance Metrics Index
Executive Summary
This proposal outlines a comprehensive one-day training program designed to equip ACE Money
Transfer's professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop, implement, and
analyze effective performance metrics. By focusing on practical applications and real-world
scenarios, this training will empower participants to make data-driven decisions that enhance
operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance.
Training Objectives
Time Activity
11:00 AM
- 11:15 Icebreaker Activity: Global Puzzle<br> A collaborative activity to foster teamwork and cross-
AM cultural understanding.
11:15 AM Module 1: Introduction to Performance Metrics<br> * Define performance metrics and their
- 12:15 importance<br> * Discuss the key principles of effective metric development<br> * Identify
PM common pitfalls in metric implementation
12:15 PM
- 12:45
PM Break
Module 2: Identifying Key Performance Indicators for Fintech<br> * Analyze the key
performance areas of a fintech company<br> * Identify relevant KPIs for international
12:45 PM remittances, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency<br> * Discuss the importance
- 1:45 PM of balancing leading and lagging indicators
Module 3: Developing and Implementing Measurement Systems<br> * Design data collection
1:45 PM - methods and tools<br> * Set up data dashboards and reporting systems<br> * Establish a
3:00 PM data governance framework
3:00 PM - Module 4: Analyzing Performance Data and Taking Action<br> * Utilize data analysis
techniques to identify trends and patterns<br> * Conduct root cause analysis to pinpoint
4:00 PM performance gaps<br> * Develop action plans to improve performance
Training Methodology
Expected Outcomes
Actionable Items
We believe that this training will significantly contribute to ACE Money Transfer's ongoing
success by empowering employees to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.