NOC Format - Sparc Workshop
NOC Format - Sparc Workshop
NOC Format - Sparc Workshop
Date: …………….
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. …Prabhat sinha……………. Entry No. /Enrollment
No./Registration No PH23MTECH14006 , is a Bonafide student of Department/School/Centre
………………Physics………………. during the academic year 2024-25……………… at ……
IIT Hyderabad………(Institute). His/her current CGPA/percentage marks is ………8.36….. I
certify that he/she is currently in prefinal/final year of the ……M.Tech(quantum and solid state
devices)………….. degree(specialisation/stream).
This certificate states that this Institute has no objection to his/her participation in the India
Taiwan/US Collaborative workforce development program in semiconductor Manufacturing
(Phase 1) conducted by IIT Hyderabad in online mode from 23/11/2024 to 31/11/2024 (dates
and slots to be finalised).
A separate NOC will be issued to the student if he/she is selected for the subsequent phase(s)
tentatively scheduled between Dec 16th - Jan 3rd (Phase 2, In-person - IIT Hyderabad) and Feb
2025(Taiwan)/June 2025(USA).