Session 16
Session 16
Session 16
Indirect Method
PBT 13000
Dep exp 3100
Int exp 2700 2005 2004
Alw for cr loss 1500 Tr Rec 8300 8900
Cash from ops bf ec ch 20300 Prov 1400 300
Inc in Inv -2900 9700 9200
Inc in trade rec -900 Bad debt 400
Dec in tr reci -5100 9700 8800 900
Dec in prepaid exp 800
Cash from from ops bfr 12200 Allowance for credit losse
Income tax pmt
OB 300
CFO 7000 Cy's prov 1500
Bad Debt 400
CB 1400
Tr rev ob 9200
Direct Method Sales 72900
collection from custom 72000 82100
Less exp Tr cb 9700
Cogs 48500 72400
Selling and admin 4100 Less bad d 400
Inc in inventory 2900 72000
Dec in prepaid exp -800
Dec in tr payable 5100
Cash flow fr ops bef it 12200
Less it pmt 5200
CFO 7000
Indirect Method
PBT 8900
Dep exp 6700
Int exp -900
Int inc -1200
Div inc -300
Int exp 1100
Prov for bad debt 1500
Gain on sale of inc -1200
Div inc -300
Loss on sale 800 Tax payabl 2800
ops bfr wc 24900 Cy's prov 8300
inc in inv -1400 11100
Inc in tr rec -2800
inc in prepaid exp -300 Tr recievab 6600 5300
Dec in tr payable -6700 Prov 1600 800
ops bfr wc 13700 8200 6100
It pmt 700
Less it paid 9000 8200 5400
CFO 4700 Increase -2800
Direct Method
Collection from customers 73000 75800
less exp 6100
Cogs 43900 81900
S&Admin 7000
Inc in inv 1400
Inc in prepaid exp 300
Dec in tr payable 6700
Cashflow from ops bfr 13700
Inc tax
Less tax paid 9000
CFO 4700