L2.03 Proofs of God's Existence
L2.03 Proofs of God's Existence
L2.03 Proofs of God's Existence
Opening Question
2. Proof from Necessary vs. Possible Being
What reasons have you
“Possible Beings” are things whose existence is not necessary
heard for why God does
for creation to continue. Examples of this would include cars,
not exist?
buildings, trees, animals, planets, chemicals, and even
ourselves. There was a time before any such “unnecessary”
Which reasons make the
things were created. During that time, nothingness would
most sense?
have been all that existed. However, nothing is not able to
create something. Since we are able to see that all such
“possible beings” exist, there has to have been a necessary who
created them and set them in motion. This Necessary Being
we call God.