L2.03 Proofs of God's Existence

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Proof of God's Existence

Year Two Week Three T

What are the Proofs?
In his work the Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas outlines
five reasons for why God truly exists. What makes these proofs Prayer for the Week
different is that they don’t try to use religious beliefs to make a
Lord, we know that there
point. Instead, it starts with common ideas everyone believes,
and uses logic to arrive at the conclusion that God exists. is a reality that we live in.
Help us in seeing Your
existence as the cause for
1. Proof from Motion all things. In Your name
We observe motion all around us. Whatever is in motion would we pray, Amen.
have had to have been at rest at some point, and at some
point, something made it move. Then whatever made that
move, something would have to place it in motion. At the end
of the line, there must be something that set everything else in
motion, which did not itself need to have been initially moved.
Therefore, this thing must have existed from all time, never
having been at rest. We would call this thing the First Mover.
The only being who could accomplish this would have to be an
omnipotent being, also known as God.

Opening Question
2. Proof from Necessary vs. Possible Being
What reasons have you
“Possible Beings” are things whose existence is not necessary
heard for why God does
for creation to continue. Examples of this would include cars,
not exist?
buildings, trees, animals, planets, chemicals, and even
ourselves. There was a time before any such “unnecessary”
Which reasons make the
things were created. During that time, nothingness would
most sense?
have been all that existed. However, nothing is not able to
create something. Since we are able to see that all such
“possible beings” exist, there has to have been a necessary who
created them and set them in motion. This Necessary Being
we call God.


Proof of God's Existence
Year Two Week Three T
3. Proof from Efficient Cause
This concept is similar to the Proof from Motion, but is based
on Creation. Everything in the world has a maker, and that Contradictions and
maker has its maker, and so on. For example, the table was Misinterpretations
made by the carpenter, the carpenter by his or her parents,
and so on and so on. But there cannot be an infinite line of God can't exist because
predecessors, as there has to be a place in which creation bad things happen.
started, otherwise nothing would exist now. Since we
experience creation around us, then there has to be a First Evolution disproves the
Maker that did not need to be made itself. The only being who need for a God.
could do that would have to be an eternal being, who we can
call God.

4. Proof from Design

As we look at the world around us, and ourselves, we see
incredible amounts of design that could not have come from
accident, such as the bird's wing, the human ear, the living
and giving nature of creation, etc. While it could be possible for Setting the Mindset
all of these things to have occurred from accident, the ability
for them to all happen at the same time is unmeasurably It is easy to believe in
small. It would be far more likely that there was a Designer things that we can see,
who fashioned all things with intention and care. That touch, or feel. However, it
Designer we call God.
does make logical sense
not only that God could
exist, but that he must
5. Proof from Degrees of Perfection
We all have an understanding of a scale of good and evil;
calling things and people more or less honest, good, loving,
etc. But we would have no such standards unless there was a
Perfect Being we could base all these things from. That Perfect
Being we call God.


Proof of God's Existence
Year Two Week Three T
What to ask:
Which proof resonated with you? Why?
What arguments can you think of that get in the way of
these proofs?
How would you respond to the following question?
God didn’t cause anything, it was the big bang.
There is no such thing as good and evil, it’s all
Everything existing from billions of years slowly
developing over time makes more sense then a God
doing it all.


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