Graph Theory Notes
Graph Theory Notes
Graph Theory Notes
It i trail
Tt y 2l-nls wal k
Lengta ftae wwalK»3
Circuite - Atrail en cohich the inthal
and fnal ver tex ame,then it y Called
9-Teguar gaph
3-reqular goaph.
Complete Taph
g ; A graph u called
conplete graph if there s an edge
a A complete
bet een every pair of vertices.
denoted by K
graph o ith ertices
112 K5 i Kuratmskiy
fnt graph.
ohich iu non
planar graph,
Complete Biparite graph
1 Ka,
K3,3 224 KuratouwsKi's
Becond graph. ohich y
planar graphs :- A q3 aph G is &aicl to be
planara graph if thee eist Bome gevnetie
°epresentatton of G Ohich can doawn on
a plane &uch that mo tioo of it8 edq ed
¿1ter&ectocrossover of edqes.
planar gTaphd
Nom- plarar graph& - A graph that
Camot be draon o a plane wthout
a CrOsSover betoeen it8 odges 2 called
non planar qTaph,
Bipasite graph
Complete graph cwith 5edqes
re planar graphe beaues
it is mot poßble
boble to drae all edges of ks
h5 $
plane oithot cossover of edge,
Ks s aso Called kuratowski's fist
called kuratowBKi's Becond 9raph.
K3.2 2u also
are mon planar gaph
Ks K3, 3 ar
becaue by removal f an edge becowe
Vertex fowthe goapbth e grape
planar g raph.
Regton -A plane Tepresentati on ofa greph
divides the plane înto egons (abo called
Oindous, faces or nedhey. H Tegton y
characterèzed the &et of edes.
nmo f vertices = a
e= no f edge =8
M= no af Vestices 7
Nöte Region
Re y not defined fos on
plarar gaphy.
Euler's Fosmulag
Statementi- T4 a conmected planar
and g0ns
Ghas m veticey, eedes
Note -0T{ e conmected &imple planar
9voph co th n (73) verti cey
then ez3n-6
I{ G y comnected planar graph with nl2) Vrte
ance q e s and io cycle of Length 3 the ec2n-6
Pooble graph
Kuratos ki fisst
Oshoco that the
Soln. n= no af verttceg
e= no off edqessl0
e 3n-6
10% 3 (5) 6
Kg,3 Verticel 6
mo cycle of Length 3
e 22n- 6
9 4 2(6) - G
|2- 6
no of verticef I7
e - nonoofofedgs = 34
Eler's fornla
I1-34t 4=2
36 -34=2
222 hiehutr ue
.kuler's fo mla y vend.
o vericeg= 10
f edged = 24
Euler' s fornula
2 =2 2
ohich i t ue
E wers formnla vented,
(4) Find the graph oith degree Bequence
{4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3)Such that i) q y planar
ci) G ù nonplanar,.
Sofn Deg vee Sequenc {4, 4,3, 3,3, 3!
=mo of vertices 66
By hand&haking theorey
deg (ei) = 2xno of ed ge.
4+4 +3+3+3t 3=2e
e <g2-6
e 43n-6
( o 3(6) -6
|04 12
Ahich utoue
iven graph u planar,
(6) How many vertces will the follocoing graph
have, i they comtain
ci) 16 e dqes and all vercey of cdegreey
() 21 edgeg, 3 verticey of degree h and
other verticey of degree 3B.
Citi) 12 edges, c vertices f degree 3,
and other vert ces of degee
leys toan 3.
Sotn: let n=no of verhces of a 9Taph
e= no of edges f aa goaph
)eiven e = l6 degree f each ertu- y
By handshakeng theoe m.
deg(e) =2e
81edqes 9oaph z vertices
yertices of a
(i1) Out of n
Cii) mairing
of olegee 4. and the se
e 2)geren)
n-3 of degree 3.
By handhaking theorem
deg(i) = 2e
3+34-4P3-3)timy = 2X 2|
4+4+t 4 t 3+
(-3) 3= 4 2
3x4 +
3n-qs42-12 =30
3 n s 39
1 Vertce
(i) Gven e-12
c i : 6s veyi ces of degree 8 and
Temaiing (n-6) ve rticey a degree 2
handhaklng theoem
Soleg(re) = 2e
2+ 2t--+2 = 2xI2
6+3+ 3+3+3+3 +
(n-6) imy
6 tt n
6x3+ (n-6) 2= 24
2n t6 =24