BA1 Oral Instructions

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Fall 2024 ANN-BA1 M.

Oral analysis and discussion (20%)

General instructions: In a group of 3-4 students, you will take turns providing your analysis of a subject from
Ruth Ozeki’s The Book of Form and Emptiness. After all students have presented, you will be expected to
discuss as a group for approximately 10 minutes. As you listen to each presentation, you should note down
interesting ideas that you would like to comment on and/or note down some follow up questions that you
would like to ask the group. You are responsible for directing and maintaining the discussion for the time
allowed (the teacher will not participate!)

The individual analysis addresses the following prompt:

Examine the ways in which a global issue of your choice is presented in the novel. Explore a short
excerpt (maximum 40 lines) in close detail (this excerpt must be chosen between pages 312 and
546). You must also briefly connect this excerpt to the novel as a whole.

1. Present a well-supported argument about the ways in which the excerpt you have chosen presents a
global issue
2. Connect that global issue to the novel as a whole (how it fits into broader plot points, other
significant elements that establish this theme)
3. Reflect on and respond to your group members’ presentations by building upon their ideas and
asking questions after they have spoken

Skills: This oral aims to build the following skills: choosing a subject and excerpt; close reading analysis;
looking for patterns in a text; speaking clearly and concisely and using appropriate language for the context
and content; listening actively and responding with questions and comments; negotiating turn taking and
encouraging equal participation in a discussion.

Timing: Each group member will present for 4-5 minutes. Following all the presentations, there will be a
group discussion for about 10 minutes.

Aim to divide your individual time in the following manner:

● 30 seconds: thesis: what is your chosen global issue and how is it represented in the novel
● 3 minutes: extract (2 - 3 examples of how the global issue is represented through authorial choices
and devices in the excerpt; provide a close reading analysis)
● 1 minute: work (1 - 2 examples of how the global issue is represented through authorial choices
and devices in pages 1-311 of the novel)
● 30 seconds: implications of your analysis

Permitted materials:

1. A photocopy/scan/retyped page of your 40 line extract from pages 312-546) with NO annotations
2. A print-out of your notes which may consist of 10 bullet points (size 12 font, maximum 2 lines per
bullet point, no full sentences)

Date of orals: The orals will begin on November 14. They will be conducted over several periods. A schedule
will be provided to you closer to the date.
Fall 2024 ANN-BA1 M. Salmon
Oral analysis and discussion (20%)

Evaluation criteria /40

Criterion A: Criterion B: Criterion C: Focus Criterion D: Language Criterion E: Interaction

Knowledge, Analysis and and organization (5 (10 pts) with group (5 pts)
understanding, evaluation (10 pts) pts)
interpretation (10
-How well does -How well does the -How well does the -How clear, accurate, -How actively and
the student student use the student deliver a and effective is the insightfully does the
demonstrate knowledge and structured, well- language? student engage with
knowledge and understanding of balanced, and their peers?
understanding of the novel to focused oral?
the extract and analyze and -How well does the
the novel? evaluate the ways student connect
-To what extent in which authorial ideas in a cohesive
does the student choices (language, manner?
draw conclusions structure, and
in relation to the style) present the
subject? subject?
-How well are
ideas supported
by references to
the novel?
Mark Descriptor Mark Descriptor Mark Descriptor Mark Descriptor Mar Descriptor
3 There is 3 The oral 2 The oral only 3 The language is 2 The student does
(2.8 limited (2.8 contains (2.0 - sometimes (2.8 - generally clear; (2.0 not always
- knowledge - some 2.9) focuses on the 3.9) errors - actively listen to
3.9) and 3.9) relevant task, and sometimes 2.9) their peers while
understandin analysis, but treatment of 4 hinder they are
4 g of the 4 it is reliant on the extract (4.0 - communication presenting.
(4.0 - extract and (4.0 - description. and novel may 4.7) . The student rarely
4.7) the novel in 4.7) Authorial be Vocabulary and makes comments
relation to choices are unbalanced. syntax are or asks questions.
the subject. identified, There are often
References to but are some imprecise, with
the extract vaguely connections inaccuracies.
and to the treated between Elements of
novel are at and/or only ideas, but style (register,
times partially these are not tone, rhetorical
appropriate. understood always devices, for ex.)
in relation to coherent. are often
the inappropriate
presentation to the task and
of the somewhat
subject. detract from
the oral.
Fall 2024 ANN-BA1 M. Salmon
Oral analysis and discussion (20%)

5 There is 5 The oral is 3 The oral 5 The language is 3 The student

(4.8 - satisfactory (4.8 - analytical in (3.0 - maintains (4.8 - clear; errors do (3.0 makes comments
5.7) knowledge 5.7) nature, and 3.7) a focus on 5.7) not hinder - and/or asks
and evaluation of the task, communication 3.7) questions that are
6 understandin 6 the extract despite 6 . generic and/or
(5.8 - g of the (5.8 - and the some (5.8 - Vocabulary and tangentially
6.7) extract and 6.7) novel is lapses; 6.7) syntax are related to
the novel mostly treatment appropriate to the presentation(s
and an relevant. of the the task but ).
interpretatio Authorial extract and simple and
n of their choices are novel is repetitive.
implications identified mostly Elements of
in relation to and balanced. style (register,
the subject. reasonably The tone, rhetorical
References to understood development devices, for ex.)
the extract in relation to of ideas is are appropriate
and to the the mostly logical; to the task and
novel are presentation ideas are neither
generally of the generally enhance nor
relevant and subject. connected in a detract from
mostly cohesive the oral.
support the manner.
7 There is good 7 Analysis and 4 The oral 7 The language is 4 The student
(6.8 - knowledge (6.8 - evaluation of (3.8 - maintains a (6.8 - clear and (3.8 makes comments
7.6) and 7.6) the extract 4.4) mostly clear 7.6) accurate; - and/or asks
understandin and the and sustained occasional 4.4) questions that are
8 g of the 8 novel are focus on the 8 errors do not pertinent to the
(7.7 - extract and (7.7 - relevant and task; (7.7 - hinder presentation(s)
8.4) the novel and 8.4) at times treatment of 8.4) communication and add to the
a sustained insightful. the extract . conversation.
interpretation There is a and novel is Vocabulary and
of their good balanced. syntax are
implications understandin The appropriate
in relation to g of how development and varied.
the subject. authorial of ideas is Elements of
References to choices are consistent style (register,
the extract used to and logical; tone, rhetorical
and to the present the ideas are devices, for ex.)
novel are subject. coherently are appropriate
relevant and connected in to the task and
support the an effective somewhat
student’s manner. enhance the
ideas. oral.
9 There is 9 Analysis and 5 The oral 9 The language is 5 The student
(8.5 - excellent (8.5 - evaluation of (4.5 - maintains a (8.5 - clear, accurate (4.5 makes comments
9.3) knowledge 9.3) the extract 5.0) clear and 9.3) and varied; - and/or asks
and and the sustained occasional 5.0) questions that
Fall 2024 ANN-BA1 M. Salmon
Oral analysis and discussion (20%)

10 understandin 10 novel are focus on 10 errors do not build effectively

(9.4 - g of the (9.4 - relevant and the task; (9.4 - hinder on the
10) extract and of 10) insightful. treatment 10) communication presentation(s)
the novel and There is a of the . and shed new
a persuasive thorough and extract and Vocabulary and light on the
interpretation nuanced novel is well syntax are subject.
of their understandin balanced. varied and
implications g of how The create effect.
in relation to authorial developme Elements of
the subject. choices are nt of ideas style (register,
References to used to is logical tone, rhetorical
the extract present the and devices, for ex.)
and to the subject. convincing; are appropriate
novel are ideas are to the task and
well-chosen connected enhance the
and in a cogent oral.
effectively manner.
support the

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