KD 5. Hobbies New

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KI 1 Menerima dan menjalankan ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2 Memiliki perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, santun, peduli dan percaya diri
dalam berinteraksi dengan keluarga, teman dan guru

3.5 Menirukan kosakata tentang macam - macam hobi sesuai dengan yang diucapkan oleh
guru dalam konteks peserta didik
4.5 Mengemukakan kosakata tentang macam - macam hobi secara tepat

 Siswa mampu mendengarkan pengucapan kata mengenai hobi dengan tepat dan baik
 Setelah mendapatkan pembelajaran dari berbagai sumber belajar, siswa mampu
melafalkan kata mengenai hobi dengan pengucapan Bahasa Inggris yang benar
 Siswa mampu membaca macam - macam hobi berupa gambar dengan lantang dan
 Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan macam - macam hobi berupa
gambar dengan tepat dan benar
 Siswa mampu memahami penggunaan simple present tense (like/likes)
 Siswa mampu menunjukan penggunaan simple present tense (like/likes) dengan
 Setelah mendapatkan pembelajaran dari berbagai sumber, siswa dapat menuliskan
kata dengan ejaan bahasa inggris yang benar mengenai hobi
A. Listening
Listen and repeat after the teacher!

Playing football Cooking Cycling Painting Playing kite

Swimming Fishing Gardening Dancing Reading

Singing Shopping Watching TV Camping Playing


 Playing football : bermain sepakbola

 Cooking : memasak
 Cycling : bersepeda
 Painting : melukis
 Playing kite : bermain layang-layang
 Swimming : berenang
 Fishing : memancing
 Gardening : berkebun
 Dancing : menari
 Reading : membaca
 Singing : menyanyi
 Shopping : berbelanja
 Watching TV : menonton televisi
 Camping : berkemah
 Playing Volleyball : bermain voli

Activity 1
I. Connect the pictures with the English words given!
(Jodohkan gambar dengan kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang diberikan!)

 


 
Playing Football


 Singing



 

 

Playing kite

II. Write the correct number in the circles based on the words given in the box!
(Tuliskan nomor di dalam lingkaran sesuai dengan kosakata yang diberikan di
dalam kotak!)

1. Watching TV

2. Reading

3. Playing Football

4. Camping

5. Dancing

III. Fill in the blanks with the name of the hobbies based on the pictures!
(Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan kosakata tentang kegemaran berdassarkan
gambar yang diberikan!)
1. My hobby is …….

2. My mother’s hobby is…….

3. My brother’s hobby is…….

4. My father’s hobby is…….

5. My friend’s hobby is…….

Look at the picture!
What is your
My hobby
is cycling

 Untuk menanyakan kegemaran, kita bisa menggunakan kata tanya “What” yaitu:
“What is your hobby?”
 Jawaban untuk pertanyaan itu adalah “My hobby is ....” yang berarti “hobby saya
adalah ...”

Activity 2

I. Do as the example given!

(Kerjakan sesuai contoh yang diberikan!)

A : What is your hobby?

B : My hobby is playing football.

A : What is your hobby?

B : ...................................................................................

A : What is your hobby?

B : ...................................................................................


A :...................................................................................?

B : ....................................................................................

A : ...............................................................................?

B : .................................................................................

A : ................................................................................?

B : .................................................................................

A : .................................................................................?
B : .................................................................................

8. A : ...................................................................................?

B : ....................................................................................

9. A : ...............................................................................?

B : ................................................................................

A : ..............................................................................?

B : ................................................................................

II. Match the sentence with the pictures given!

(Jodohkanlah kalimat di bawah ini dengan gambar yang tepat!)

1. My hobby is playing football  

2. My hobby is gardening  

3. My hobby is playing volleyball  

4. My hobby is watching TV  

5. My hobby is fishing  

III. Rearrange the letters below to form the correct words!

(Susunlah huruf-huruf di bawah ini sehingga membentuk kata yang benar!)

1. Y – C – N – I – C – L – G : ..................
2. W – S – N – I – G – M – M – I : ..................
3. N – D – I – G – A – C – N : ..................
4. G – C – I – M – A – P – N : .................
5. S – P – N – G – I – H – P – O : .................

C. Grammar Focus
Look at the pictures!

What do
you like to
do in your I like
spare time? swimming

Does your
brother like
LIKE/DISLIKE (Suka dan tidak suka)

The boy



Sonia LIKE
Sonia and Denny
The boy
The boys
Activity 3
I. Choose between like or likes !
(Pilihlah antara like/likes!)

1. Rudy and I (like / likes) swimming

2. Rita (like / likes) cooking
I Like
3. Father (like / likes) gardening playing
4. Students (like / likes) reading
5. Mother (like / likes) singing
6. I (like / likes) playing football
7. Mitha (like / likes) shopping
8. Uncle (like / likes) cycling
9. Budi and Rani (like / likes) playing kite
10. My parents (like / likes) watching TV

II. Complete the sentences with do not like or does no like!

(Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan do not like atau does not like!)
1. She ............................. playing volleyball.
2. I ................................ cycling.
3. He ............................. gardening.
4. You ........................... swimming
5. They ......................... cooking

III. Arrange these sentences correctly!

1. Dika – football – likes – playing
2. like – I – dancing-do not
3. likes – She – cycling
4. gardening – mother – likes – My
5. sister – My – writing – likes

D. Other Vocabularies
Listen and repeat after the teacher!

Ball Stove Bicycle Brush

Swimming goggles Fishing rod Watering can Kite

Book Microphone Television (TV) Tent

Activity 4
I. Match the following hobbies with the equipments!
(Pasangkan kegemaran di bawah ini dengan alat yang digunakan!)

1. Painting (.............) a. Ball

2. Gardening (.............) b. Watering can

3. Playing football (.............) c. Paint brush

4. Swimming (.............) d. Fishing rod

5. Fishing (.............) e. Book

6. Cycling (.............) f. Stove

7. Camping (.............) g. Bicycle

8. Reading (.............) h. Microphone

9. Cooking (.............) i. Swimming Goggles

10. Singing (.............) j. Tent

II. Fill in the blanks with the words based on the pictures given!
(Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata-kata sesuai dengan gambar yang

1. I need a ......................... to play football.

2. She likes reading ...................

3. My father needs a ................. to go fishing.

4. She wears a .......... to swim.

5. You need a ............. to sing.

III. Match the pictures of hobbies with the pictures of the equipments needed!
(Pasangkanlah gambar di bawah ini dengan gambar alat yang diperlukan!)
 

 

 

 

 

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c, or d!

1. Maria : What is your hobby?

Diana : My ...... is swimming
a. hobby
b. name
c. fine
d. adress

2. My hobby is ......

a. Playing kite
b. Painting
c. Dancing
d. Watching TV

3. My father’s hobby is .....

a. Reading
b. Swimming
c. Cycling
d. Playing football

4. Teacher : ........
Manda : My hobby is cycling
a. What is your name?
b. Where are you from?
c. How are you?
d. What is your hobby?
5. Bermain layang-layang in English is ...
a. Playing badminton
b. Playing volleyball
c. Playing kite
d. Playing chess

6. This thing is needed to play ...

a. Cycling c. badminton
b. Swimming d. Football

7. My sister’s hobby is .....

a. Singing
b. Dancing
c. Cycling
d. Reading

8. Ani’s hobby is …… football

a. drawing
b. listening
c. playing
d. reading

9. John’s hobby is …… (bermain bola voli)

a. playing volleyball
b. playing music
c. playing football
d. playing basket

10. Jane is ……. now.

a. eating
b. singing
c. reading
d. shopping

11. Anita has many books. Her hobby is …….

a. singing
b. reading
c. dancing
d. camping

12. Deni has a new bicycle. His hobby is ……

a. guitar
b. marble
c. football
d. cycling

13. Abdi likes Bali United. His hobby is watching …… match.

a. fishing
b. swimming
c. football
d. cycling

14. Wahyu : What is your hobby?

Andi : My hobby is …….

a. camping
b. dancing
c. swimming
d. cooking

15. My name is Joni.

My hobby is …….
a. watching tv
b. gardening
c. swimming
d. dancing

16. My mother’s hobby is ……. (memasak)

a. swimming
b. dancing
c. gardening
d. cooking

17. Roby’s hobby is …….

a. camping
b. playing kite
c. cycling
d. painting

18. My sister’s hobby is gardening.

The picture which describes her hobby is ….





19. Radit and Rini …… watching tv

a. like
b. likes
c. dislike
d. liked

20. N – S – M - I – W – G – I – M
a. Swimming
b. Mingsiw
c. swimmngi
d. dancing

21. I like C _ O K _ _ G.
a. O-U-N
b. U-O-N
c. O-I-N
d. A-A-N

22. My friend likes..........in the yard.

a. Fishing
b. Playing football
c. Swimming
d. Cooking

23. My mother likes...............in the kitchen

a. Playing football
b. Swimming
c. Cooking
d. Fishing

24. Nia : What hobby do you like?

Tia : I like........(bernyanyi)
a. Dancing
b. Reading
c. Singing
d. Cooking

25. My father is taking his fishing rod. He wants to go .....

a. swimming
b. playing volleyball
c. shopping
d. fishing

26. hobby – my – playing – is – volleyball.

The best arrangement is .....
a. hobby my is playing volleyball
b. volleyball my hobby is playing
c. my hobby is playing volleyball
d. playing volleyball my hobby is

27. Bermain layang-layang in English is ......

a. Playing badminton
b. Playing football
c. Playing guitar
d. Playing kite

28. Sonia : Do you like playing football?

Diki : ......
I like playing volleyball.
a. I do not
b. I do
c. Yes, I do
d. No, I do not

29. Andi …… cycling.

a. do not like
b. does not like
c. do like
d. not like

30. They ……. camping

a. do likes
b. do not like
c. does not like
d. does like

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