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Surfactants: Basics and Versatility in Food Industries

Article · October 2018

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Rakesh Sharma
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda


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ISSN: 2347 - 7881

Review Article

Surfactants: Basics and Versatility in Food Industries

Rakesh K. Sharma*
Applied Chemistry Department, Faculty of Technology & Engineering,
The M. S. University of Baroda,
Kalabhavan, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.,

Surfactant, as an abbreviation of “surface active agent”, is an organic compound that is amphiphilic
comprising both hydrophilic groups (commonly referred to as “polar heads”) and hydrophobic groups
(“nonpolar tails”). Based on the electron charges of the polar head parts, surfactants are classified as
anionic, cationic, nonionic, zwitterionic. Many other pecular class of compounds also categorized in the
types of gemini, cyclodextrin based, polymeric surfactants etc. Due to their some interesting properties
such as nontoxicity, higher rate of biodegradability, high foaming capacity and optimal activity at
extreme conditions like temperatures, pH and salinity, surfactants have been increasingly attracting the
attention of the scientific and industrial community. Biocompatible, biodegradable, and/or nontoxic
emulsion-based formulations of surfactants have great potential for applications in the food preparation
and processing. Basics of surfactants and mainly there way of utility as food emulsifiers in food
industries is thoroughly discussed.

Key words: Surfactants, Fatty Acids, Monoglycerides, Emulsifiers, Food Industries

INTRODUCTION Surfactants are amphiphiles containing both

“A Surface Active Agent, Surfactant, is a hydrophobic (nonpolar) and hydrophilic (polar)
substance, when present in system has the moieties that confer ability to accumulate
characteristics of adsorbing on to the between fluid phases such as oil/water or
surface/interface of the system and of altering air/water, reducing the surface and interfacial
to a mark degree of the surface/interfacial free tensions and forming micelles/emulsions. This is
energy of the system”. In general, many solutes a uniqueness and versatility of these
even when present in very low concentration compounds. In English the term surfactant
alter the surface energy of their solvents in their designates a substance which exhibits some
solutions to an extreme degree are considered superficial or interfacial activity. It is worth
as the Surfactants. remarking that all amhiphiles do not display
such activity; in effect, only the amphiphiles
with more or less equilibrated hydrophilic and
lipophilic tendencies are likely to migrate to the
surface or interface. It does not happen if the
amphiphilic molecule is too hydrophilic or too
hydrophobic, in which case it stays. In other
languages such as French, German or Spanish
the word "surfactant" does not exist, and the
Fig.1 :Surface active agent (Surfactant) molecule

How to cite this article: RK Sharma, Surfactants: Basics and Versatility in Food Industries, PharmaTutor,
2014, 2(3), 17-29

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

actual term used to describe these substances is
based on their properties to lower the surface
or interface tension, e.g. tensioactif(French),
tenside(German), tensioactivo(Spanish). This
would imply that surface activity is strictly
equivalent to tension lowering, which is not
absolutely general, although it is true in many
Good starting points to get information and
understanding about the surfactants are found
in classic books like those of Rosen [1], Myers [2],
Mittal [3,4] and Shinoda [5]. Other books on
surfactants including Karsa’s, Industrial Fig.2 : Classification of Surfactants
Applications of Surfactants Series [7,8] and the
Marcel Dekker Inc. ( was The most commonly used anionic surfactants
publishing more than 100 volumes in Surfactant are alkyl sulphates, alkyl ethoxylate sulphates
Science Series [9] since 1966. There are also and soaps. Most of the anionic surfactants are
glossaries and dictionaries available which one carboxylate, sulfate and sulfonate ions [13]. The
covering terminology in surfactant science and straight chain is a saturated/unsaturated C12-C18
technology [10]. The most comprehensive source aliphatic group. The water solubility potential of
for surfactant information on the internet is the surfactant is determined by the presence of
probably Huibers’ The Surfactants Virtual double bonds in it [14]. Cationic surfactants are
Library, which contains over 1000 links to mainly cetrimide which has tetradecyltrimethyl
surfactant and detergent related web sites [11]. ammonium bromide with minimum amount of
Conventional surfactants are amphipathic dodecyl and hexadecyl compounds. Other
molecules with polar head groups, which may cationics are benzalkonium chloride,
be anionic, cationic, non-ionic and zwitterionic, cetylpyridinium chloride etc are effective
and hydrophobic tails, that may be compounds. Non-ionic surfactants contribute to
hydrogenated or fluorinated, linear or making the surfactant system less hardness
branched. Recently, some interest has been sensitive.
devoted to the new class of so-called Gemini
surfactants. They are composed of two polar
heads flanked by a spacer to which hydrophobic
tails are linked; the spacer can be rigid or
flexible, polar or apolar. Attention has been also
addressed to polymeric surfactants which are
copolymers with two or more blocks having
variable monomeric compositions. A peculiar
class of surfactants is represented by the
cyclodextrins which possesses the properties of
inclusion and of self-organization
simultaneously, resulting very promising
materials for an enhanced encapsulation of Fig.3 : Few examples of Surfactants
variety of solutes sparingly soluble in water [12].

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

The nonionic surfactant can be of polyol esters, temperatures, pH levels and salinity, these have
polyoxyethylene esters, and poloxamers or been increasingly attracting the attention of the
pluronics which are poly(oxyethylene)- scientific and industrial community. The world
poly(oxypropylene)-poly(oxyethylene) tri-block production of soaps, detergents and other
copolymers. The polyol esters include glycol and surfactants was about 18 Mt (million tons) in
glycerol esters and sorbitan derivatives. 1970, 25 Mt in 1990 and 40 Mt in 2000 (not
Polyoxyethylene esters majorly include counting polymeric surfactants) [7,8]. Fig.4
polyethylene glycol (PEGs). The most commonly represents the advancement in utilization of
used nonionic surfactants are ethers of fatty surfactants in various industries like personal
Alcohol15. Amphoteric surfactants are very mild, care, pharmaceutical, food, paint, agriculture,
making them particularly suited for use in paper, mineral processing, electrical, etc.
personal care preparations over sensitive skins. Versatile surfactants applied in industries in
They can be anionic, cationic or non-ionic in general as follows;
solution, depending on the acidity or pH of the • Foods – emulsions, foams, dispersions, fouling
water. Those surfactants may contain two etc.
charged groups of different sign. The frequently • Pharmaceuticals – emulsions, dispersions,
used compound is alkyl betaines [15]. The fouling, etc.
chemical structures of few commonly used • Household products – dirt removal, foam
surfactants are shown in Fig.3 control etc.
• Paints & coatings – cleanliness, wetting,
APPLICABILITY OF SURFACTANTS adhesion, wicking, dispersion stability
In recent years, surfactants have been widely • Mineral Processing – froth flotation
applied, such as wetting agents, enhance oil • Semi-conductors – cleanliness, adhesion of
recovery (EOR), emulsifiers and/or thin layers, characterization of surface
manufacturing textiles and leather finishing treatments
agents to reduce surface tension or speed the • Heavy industry – lubrication/wear, degreasing
drying process [7]. Due to their interesting • Crude oil – oil recovery
properties such as lower toxicity, higher degree • Paper – printing, adhesion in packaging etc.
of biodegradability, higher foaming capacity and • Biomaterials – fouling, tissue adhesion
optimal activity at extreme conditions of

Fig.4: Important surfactant-based products in the current market.

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

The widespread importance of surfactants in practical applications, and scientific interest in their nature
and properties, have precipitated a wealth of published literature on the subject and many ways these
materials are exploited by research community through quality papers in various journals(Fig.5).

Fig.5 : Reputed core research journals of Surfactant Science

SURFACTANT IN FOOD INDUSTRIES above the isoelectric point, the protein will
Due to their unique chemical structure, behave as the anionic emulsifiers, while at pH
surfactants strongly affect the stability of colloid values below their isoelectric point, it will
systems and can interact with all the main become cationic. One complicating factor in
components of flour (starch, gluten and lipids). using emulsifiers is that their charge makes
Surfactants act as lubricants, emulsify oil or fat them vulnerable to interactions with other
in butters, build structure, aerate, improve charged species, such as calcium ions and some
certain qualities of the final product, extend gums16. Later, polar lipids as monoglycerides
shelf life, modify crystallization, prevent were introduced as food emulsifiers. More
sticking, and retain moisture [16]. recently, synthetic surfactants such sorbitan
Naturally occurring surfactants such a lecithin esters (Tweens) and their ethoxylates and
from egg yolk and various proteins from milk sucrose esters have been widely applied in food
are used for the preparation of many food emulsions.
products such as mayonnaise, salad creams, In commercial food emulsifiers, in general, the
dressings, deserts, etc. Alanine, phenylalanine, hydrophilic part can consist of glycerol, sorbitol,
leucine and isoleucine contain nonpolar sucrose, propylene glycol or polyglycerol. The
aliphatic and aromatic side chains. Amino acids, lipophilic part is formed by fatty acids derived
such as arginine, lysine and tryptophane, from fats and oils such as soybean oil, rapeseed
contain amino groups, which promote cationic oil, coconut oil and palm kernel oils.
character to the protein. Aspartic and glutamic
acids possess side chains with carboxyl groups, Emulsions in Foods
which contribute to anionic character. The The understanding of the formation, structures,
nature, number and location of the polar amino and properties of emulsions is essential to the
acids determine the isoelectric point of a creation and stabilization of various structures
protein; e.g., the pH at which the protein is in foods. Three main type of emulsions (shown
uncharged. In food systems where the pH is in Fig.6) organized in foods are as follows;

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ISSN: 2347 - 7881

i) Oil-in-Water (O/W) emulsions: Droplets of oil phase. Mainly these emulsions exist in butter,
are suspended in an aqueous continuous phase. margarines, and fat-based spreads. The stability
Such emulsions exist in many forms of food like of these emulsions depends more mainly on the
creamers, cream liqueur, whippable toppings, properties of fat or oil, dispersed phase and also
ice creams mixes, mayonnaises. The properties surfactant used in water phase.
of such emulsions are controlled through the iii) Water-in-Oil-in-Water (W/O/W) emulsions:
surfactants utilized and the other components In effect, an o/w emulsions whose droplets
present in water phase. themselves contain water droplets. This type of
ii) Water-in-Oil (W/O) emulsions: Droplets of emulsion often found in variety of baked
water are suspended in an oily continuous products.

Fig.6 : Type of emulsions in Foods

A large number of surfactants traditionally used solubility of the emulsifier. The HLB scale varies
in foods which are water soluble as well as between 0 and 20. An emulsifier with a low HLB
water insoluble. Surfactants, which have a value is more soluble in oil and promotes water-
Krafft point beneath room temperature, are in-oil emulsions. An emulsifier with a high HLB
classified as water insoluble as a contrast to value is more soluble in water and promotes oil-
ionic surfactants like SDS, which are classified as in-water emulsions. The HLB value is a
water soluble, because they form transparent somewhat theoretical value, it only considers
aqueous solutions with large concentrations. water and oil, and food systems are more
Due to Micellization of Surfactant, aqueous complicated. But the HLB value of an emulsifier
solutions with high surfactant concentrations can be used as an indication about its possible
are transparent low viscosity liquids, which use. The second group of surfactants, the
would indicate very significant solubility in ‘‘insoluble’’ ones, differs from the first group
water. However, in order to understand only by the structure of the association. This
emulsion stability it is essential to realize that difference is in reality important to comprehend
the surfactant molecules are not at all soluble the stability of food emulsion [17]. The emulsion
to this extent. Generally surfactants/emulsifiers stabilization is in the phenomena at the critical
can be characterized by the Hydrophilic surfactant concentration, when the self-
Lipophilic Balance. The balance is measured on aggregation in water is started (Fig.7). For the
molecular weight and is an indication of the water soluble surfactant the association is

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

limited to spherical aggregates, micelles, which separate phase appears. For the water soluble
form a thermodynamically stable dispersion in surfactants the adsorption of the surfactant to
water, the system remains a one phase the interface increases with concentration in
transparent liquid. In case of water insoluble the aqueous solution until the CMC is reached,
surfactant the association structure is a lamellar at which the surfactant has formed a mono-
liquid crystal (shown in Fig.7) which does not layer at the interface. After that point the
have size limitation like the micelle, the additional surfactant forms micelles, in the bulk.
association continues infinitely and distinct a

Fig.7 : Surface tension of aqueous solutions of surfactants

The water insoluble surfactants behave in a completely different manner. It forms a separate phase and
the adsorption to the oil/water interface is now not a question of individual molecules; the adsorption is
mainly adjudged by the three interfacial free energies with four possible dispersed structures(Fig.8).

Fig.8 : Arrangements for an emulsion with LC as 3rd phase

In the Fig.8, the repulsion between the liquid stability) and they exist as separate entities. If
crystal particles and the oil drops are sufficient flocculation occurs, three arrangements are
to prevent aggregation (provide colloidal possible depending on the magnitude of the

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

interfacial free energies, which are γ(O/W), significant role in food quality and long-term
γ(O/LC) and γ(LC/W) emulsions. The emulsion stability [17].
now has increased the number of phases from
two to three, and the presence of the third Common Food emulsifiers/surfactants
phase has three vital consequences. It radically Surfactant molecules, which are part of these
changes the volume ratios in the emulsion, it emulsions, play a major role in determining the
gives rise to another structure during microstructure of the product and in affecting
emulsification and the temperature variation its structural and textural stability in the food.
during and after the emulsification has decisive Commercially utilized common surfactants or
effect on the properties. food emulsifiers are listed in Table-1. Here in
The most complex colloids and emulsions are the table, an E-number is a reference number
those of food and food products, which are given to food additives that have passed safety
difficult to stabilize, because a large number of test and have been approved for use
microstructures of combinations of proteins, throughout the European Union and
carbohydrates, fats and lipids etc. are present. Switzerland (the "E" stands for "Europe"). They
This almost infinite number of combinations are are commonly found on food labels throughout
organized and arranged in very complex the European Union[18]. Safety assessment and
internal microstructures with various types of approval are the responsibility of the European
assemblies such as dispersions, emulsions, Food Safety Authority. Today the worldwide
foams, gels, etc. In addition, Mother Nature has food surfactant production has reached
provided us with many small molecular weight approximately 500,000 tons from 20 different
molecules with surfactants that are known, as types with a 3% annual growth[19]. Surprisely
food additives (vitamins, antioxidants, about 50% of surfactants are used in bakery
acidulants, enzymes, flavors, etc.). The additives products.
have many functional properties and play

Table-1 : Most common food surfactants/emulsifiers used in the food industries.

Name of Food surfactant/Emulsifier Code name E-Number
Lecithins Lecithins E 322
Polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters Polysorbates/Tweens E 432 – 436
Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids MDG/ Monoglycerides E 471
Acetic acid esters of MDG ACETEM E 472 a
Lactic acid esters of MDG LACTEM E 472 b
Citric acid esters of MDG CITREM E 472 c
Mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of MDG DATEM E 472 e
Sucrose esters of fatty acids Sucrose esters E 473
Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids Polyglycerol esters E 475
Polyglycerol polyricinoleate PGPR E 476
Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids Propylene glycol esters E 477
Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate SSL E 481
Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate CSL E 482
Sorbitan fatty acid esters Spans E 491 – 495
The chemical structure of commercial food emulsifiers is represented in Table-2. In most cases, the
hydrophilic part is of glycerol, sorbitol, sucrose, propylene glycol or polyglycerol and lipophilic,
hydrophobic part is formed by fatty acids derived from fats and oils.

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

Table-2 : Chemical structure of MOST common food Surfactants/emulsifiers used in the food industries.
Food Surfactants/Emulsifiers
Lecithins Polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters Mono- and diglycerides of fatty
(Polysorbates/Tweens) acids
O O n HO

HO n O

Acetic acid esters of MDG Lactic acid esters of MDG Citric acid esters of MDG

Mono- and diacetyl tartaric Sucrose esters of fatty acids Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids
acid esters of MDG (Sucrose esters) (Polyglycerol esters)


Polyglycerol polyricinoleate Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate

(PGPR) acids (SSL)
(Propylene glycol esters)

Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate Sorbitan fatty acid esters

(CSL) (Spans)

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

Manufacture of Food emulsifiers/surfactants
Lecithin (E322) is a mixture of phospholipids, it consists of a glycerol backbone with phosphatidyl
groups. The phosphatidyl groups are phosphate esters of diglyceride. Lecithin is a natural emulsifier,
obtained mainly from vegetable oilseeds and egg yolk.
Basic source for manufacture of food emulsifiers is actually come out from fats or oils or fatty acids.
Main food emulsifiers, monoglycerides are produced with the reaction of fats or oils or fatty acids with
glycerol. Such monoglycerides can be further processed by esterification with organic acids like acetic
acid, lactic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid, produces ACETAM, LACTEM, CITREM as well as DATEM,
respectively. Even some important hydrophilic alcohols can be used for the manufacturing of food
emulsifiers (shown in Fig.9).

Fig.9 : Source and manufacturing of Food emulsifiers/surfactants

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

FEW APPLICATIONS OF FOOD EMULSIFIERS / an emulsion. The homogenization step forces
SURFACTANTS IN FOOD INDUSTRIES the hot ingredients (milk fats, milk solids-no-fat,
Surfactants are involved in the production of sweeteners, corn-syrup solids, stabilizers/
many common food items and can be found in emulsifiers, other dry solids) through small
the extraction of cholesterol, solubiliztion of stirring under moderate pressure. Diameter of
oils, liquor emulsification, prevention of fat droplet decreases to 0.4 to 2.0 μm
component separation, and solubiliztion of approximately, allowing a large surface area for
essential nutrients. adsorption of proteins (which in responsible for
The nontoxicity of lecithin leads to its variety of stabilization of emulsion), and the uniformity of
uses in food, as an additive or emulsifier. In drop sizes result in greater stability of fat
confectionery, lecithin reduces viscosity, droplets during ageing process and made more
replaces more expensive ingredients, controls uniform final food product. The adsorption of
sugar solidification and the flowness properties emulsifiers (such as Lecithins, Tweens, MDG)
of chocolate, helps in the homogeneous mixing decreases the interfacial tension between fat
and it can be used as a coating. In emulsions globules and the surrounding liquid phase, even
and fat spreads, it stabilizes emulsions, reduces more than does just mere adsorption of
spattering during frying, and improves texture proteins (to about 2.2 dyne/cm). The stabilizers
of spreads and flavour release. In dough’s and (such as guar, carboxymethyl cellulose, xanthan,
bakery, it reduces fat and egg requirements, etc.) are used to produce smoothness in body
helps even distribution of ingredients in dough, and texture, reduce the ice content and lactose
stabilizes fermentation, increases volume, crystal growth during storage, provide the
protects yeast cells in dough when frozen, and product uniformity and resist against easy
acts as a releasing agent to prevent sticking and melting [20]. The second stage in ice cream
simplify cleaning. It improves wetting properties production is foaming and emulsion
of hydrophilic powders (e.g., low-fat proteins) destabilization. This is analogous to the foaming
and lipophilic powders (e.g., cocoa powder), step in whipped cream [21,22]. Air is incorporated
controls dust, and helps complete dispersion in by whipping or by air injection. The added shear
water to adsorb at interfaces. Lecithin causes controlled partial coalescence (enhanced
keeps cocoa and cocoa butter in a candy bar by the adsorbed surfactants), causing air to be
from separating. In margarines, especially those trapped in clumped fat globules, and also ice
containing high levels of fat (>75%), lecithin is formation. When whipping and freezing occur
added as an 'antispattering' agent for simultaneously, good fat destabilization is
achieved and a complex internal structure is
shallow frying. Margarine is an example of a
achieved [20].
W/O emulsion which consisting of 80% fat, the
Surfactants are a key component in the
hot homogenized mixture of fat crystals, oil and
manufacture of edible coatings. A finish coat or
water. It does not have to be a stabile emulsion
polish may be added to chocolate- and sugar-
since the emulsion is quickly set by rapid
panned confectionery products to produce an
chilling. Lecithin, a typical ingredient in
aesthetically pleasing gloss. These are
margarine, enhances the solubility of
commonly alcohol-based shellac and corn zein
monoglycerides in the oil blend, and
coatings, but may also include water-based
monoglycerides reduce the interfacial tension
whey proteins [23]. Surfactants are added to
between the oil and water phases.
create a dispersion of the coating particles,
If we discuss about an ice cream, partially
which then allows for proper wetting and
frozen foam that is 40–50% air (by volume). The
adhesion over the candy surface. The problem
first step in formulating ice cream is to create

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

with chocolate blend coating is happened when hydrolyzed proteins, peptides or free amino
the fat crystalizes and the cocoa butter acids, the use of emulsifiers is necessary to
separates. MDG, LACTEM, polysorbates are stabilize the emulsion. That is the reason why
added as crystal modifiers/emulifiers to sucrose esters are used in special baby formula
stabilize the coating. The latter may also be products made for allergic infants [19,25].
used to increase the palatability of the Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids are applied in
confection by forming an emulsion between the the formulation of low fat margarines, spreads,
fat and mouth saliva, which minimizes the waxy butter creams and breakfast cereals. Special
mouthfeel . types of polyglycerol esters are used as
As monoglycerides, MDGs increase the crystallization inhibitors in the oil and fat
fermentation stability of dough, bread and industry to prevent the formation of turbidity of
fermented bakery goods. The general dosage is sunflower oils during storage. Sorbitan esters of
0.2% of the flour weight. Other major uses of fatty acids (Span series) and their ethoxylated
MDGs are sponge cakes and cakes margarines, derivatives Polysorbates (Tween series) are
ice creams and chewing gums . excellent emulsifiers, aerating agents and
Diacetyltartaric acid esters, DATEM, are lubricants in cakes, toppings, cookies and
commonly used as dough conditioners for all crackers. Polysorbate 60 is used as dough
baked products, particularly yeast-leavened strengthener co-emulsifier in bakery products.
products, white bread and in flour mixes for The usual dosage is 0.2% of flour weight.
quality foods. Their approximate dosage is Polysorbate 80 is often used in dairy products,
between 0.2% and 0.5% of the flour weight. ice creams, and whipped cream and non-dairy
They are also used in dairy products and cream alternatives [26]. Surfactant mixtures are
approved for use in special infant formulae usually much more effective than using a single
based on crystalline amino acids [16]. Sodium surfactant alone. Therefore, surfactants are
stearoyl-2-lactylate (SSL) and calcium stearoyl- usually used in combinations. For example a
2-lactylate (CSL), commonly applied anionic common bread surfactant combination contains
surfactants in breadmaking processes to mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids. A fluid
improve dough gas retention and stability to cake shortening (semisolid fats used in food
yield a finer structure in the final product. SSL is preparation, especially for baked goods) can
used in yeast-leavened products usually in a contain a combination of Polysorbate 60,
dosage of about 0.4%. They are also used in glyceryl monostearate and propylene glycol
breakfast cereals, cookies, crackers, cereal and monostearate. Other popular example in food
potato based snacks and quick cook rices [16,25]. was shown in beer manufacturing [26]. The
In the USA sucrose esters are used in breads but quality of beer is mainly judged by the foam
oppsitely the use of sucrose esters is not creation of the dispensed beer. Desirable visual
permitted in breads at Europe. As sucrose qualities include stability, lacing (adhesion),
esters have excellent ability to stabilize whiteness, creaminess and strength. Foam
emulsions these are utilized to dressing sauces, stability is the perceived best indicator of a
mayonnaise-like products, and ice creams. The good beer. Foam stabilization comes from
use of sucrose ester in infant foods is very vital. amphipathic polypeptides from malt and bitter
During the production of infant formulas (given compounds, particularly iso-α-acids, and from
instead of milk) the proteins which are already the absence of lipophilic materials. Unlike
in the product are usually enough to ensure champagne, where foam film lifetimes are short
colloid stability of the emulsion. However, in (hydrodynamic control), beer foam has a slower
the case of hypoallergenic products containing drainage rate due to the effect of disjoining

PharmaTutor Magazine | Vol. 2, Issue 3 |


ISSN: 2347 - 7881

pressure of two interfaces in close proximity. A Surfactant molecules, which are an important
beer that has smaller bubbles of uniform size part of the food emulsions, play a key role in
tends to have more stable foam. Several determining the microstructure of the product
reviews have been written on this aspect of and in affecting its structural and textural
beer (and champagne) foams [27,28]. stability in the food. Naturally occurring
surfactants like lecithins, MDGs, various
CONCLUSIONS saturated, unsaturated and trans fatty acids and
Surfactants are amphiphilic compounds functionalized proteins as well as synthetic
containing both hydrophobic (nonpolar) and surfactants Tweens, SSL, CSL and sucrose esters
hydrophilic (polar) moieties that confer ability etc. are often used in the preparation of food
to accumulate between fluid phases such as products such as mayonnaise, salad creams,
oil/water or air/water, reducing the surface and dressings, deserts, coffee, icecreams etc. Also
interfacial tensions and forming emulsions and the biocompatible, biodegradable, and/or
micelles. The surface activity properties make nontoxic emulsion-based formulations of
surfactants one of the most important and surfactants like ACETAM, LACTEM, CITREM as
versatile class of chemical products, used on a well as DATEM have great potential for food
variety of applications in household, food, applications and which are discussed.
paint, paper, and agriculture industries.

Financial assistance from University Grants commission (UGC), New Delhi Project no. F.41-
1327/2012(SR) is gratefully acknowledged.

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ISSN: 2347 - 7881

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