Delete User From Ad
Delete User From Ad
Delete User From Ad
# Output confirmation
Write-Host "User $userUsername has been deleted successfully."
} else {
Write-Host "User deletion canceled."
Explanation of the Script:
1. Import-Module ActiveDirectory: Ensures that the Active Directory
module is loaded and available. This module contains the cmdlets
needed for managing Active Directory.
2. User Identification: The script defines the username of the user
you wish to delete. You can modify the $userUsername variable to
specify the target user's username.
3. Confirmation Prompt: The script uses Read-Host to ask for
confirmation before deleting the user. This is a safety mechanism
to avoid accidental deletions. If you type Y, the deletion will
proceed; if you type anything else, the deletion will be canceled.
4. Remove-ADUser: The cmdlet Remove-ADUser deletes the user
specified by the -Identity parameter. The -Confirm:$false option
bypasses additional confirmation prompts from PowerShell (since
the script already asks for confirmation).
5. Output Confirmation: After the user is deleted, a message is
displayed to confirm the deletion.
Important Notes:
Permissions: You must have the necessary permissions to delete
users in Active Directory. Typically, you need to be a member of
the Domain Admins group or have delegated permissions for user
Irreversible Action: Deleting a user from AD is a permanent
action. Ensure that the user is not required anymore and that
their data has been backed up (if needed) before proceeding.
User's Home Directory/Files: Deleting a user from Active Directory
will not delete their home directories or any files they may have
stored elsewhere. If you want to delete their files as well, you'll
need to handle that separately (e.g., by removing their home
Let me know if you need more details or adjustments to the script!