Games About Fruits and Vegetables
Games About Fruits and Vegetables
Games About Fruits and Vegetables
Participants: 10 to 20 players
Materials: a rubber ball
A player will take a ball or a ball of paper and say: "Here comes a ship loaded with...fruits!" And he will throw
the ball to a teammate.
He must catch it and say the name of a fruit. Immediately he will throw the ball to another classmate and say:
"Here comes a ship loaded with... vegetables!", or "food!" or whatever he wants.
The game will end when there is only one left, who is the winner.
In the corresponding place, he writes the name of the fruits and vegetables that they mentioned in the game.
Participants: 6 to 10 players
Materials: Chairs, posticks
The technique begins by choosing a volunteer, saying their name, age, the name of their fruit, and saying the
phrase; ``the basket is full of'', followed by the name of another fruit that has been assigned to the others. The
participants who have received the mentioned fruit must change places, the one who is left without a chair will
have to say another name of another fruit and do the same procedure, until there is a winner.
Participants: 2 to 4 players
Materials: 36 pairs approx. fruit and vegetable cards
Double cards of fruits and vegetables should be prepared (as many as required) on one card will be the name in
English and the other in Spanish of the fruits and vegetables.
Once the cards are counted, they are placed face down and shuffled. Each player can turn over two cards, if
these are the ones the pair keeps and continues turning until they make a mistake, then the other player
Participants: Up to 20 players
Materials: None
Students sit in a circle on the floor. A student walks around the circle. The first student goes around the circle
touching his classmates and saying duck, duck, duck, ... goose. The student who knocks when called goose has
to chase the first student. If the first student sits before the second catches him, the second student continues.
If not, the first student continues.
The student who loses will have to say a fruit or vegetable in English.
A student comes forward and draws a support. Then he draws lines that represent the letters of the chosen
word. In this case they will be the letters of a fruit or vegetable.
Then the other students say a letter in English, if they get it right the letter is written, otherwise the silhouette
of a person is drawn. If they make a mistake, they draw the head, trunk, hands, legs and finally the face.
Participants: 4 to 6 participants
Materials: white sheets, pencils or pens
The objective of the game is to write the greatest number of words, that begin with a specific letter, before the
other players and obtain the highest score.
To play it you must give each player a paper and pencil. Each one will create a table that will contain the
categories that the group decides. The first column will be for the letter, then you place the categories and finally
the total points obtained.
A category will establish the type of word you will write in that column. The most common categories are: NAME,
you can use are: COLOR, BODY PART, JOB and FOOD. Choosing the categories will depend on the age or
knowledge of the players. If playing with children, simpler or broader categories should be chosen. This is the
time to determine the validity of a word. For example: in the NAME category, you must determine if you will only
accept proper names of people or if you will accept proper names of pets and fictional characters.
36 cards are made that include the name and image of fruits and vegetables, then 4 boards are made with 9
names of the fruits and vegetables at random.
One person (previously chosen) will take out the cards one by one and say their name in a loud voice. If a
player has that card on their board, they mark it with a small object (bean, paper clip, paper, etc.), this is done
until the cards run out or a player marks their 9 boxes.
The player who marks their 9 boxes first and says “Lottery” wins.
Participants: 2 players
Materials: 2 boards with 24 images each
2 boards of fruits and vegetables are made with 24 images. Each player must choose a fruit or vegetable.
Then each player will ask questions about the fruit they chose to try to guess which one the other chose, for
example, “Is it yellow? Is it big?” The other player only answers yes or no. According to the information, the
player discards the images on his board.
The first player to guess the fruit or vegetable chosen by the opposing player wins.
Participants: Up to 4 couples
Materials:24 cards
In this game it is in pairs, 24 cards with names of fruits and vegetables will be used. From each pair, one person
chooses a card at random and then tells their partner information about their fruit, for example, I am yellow,
they are big. You cannot directly say what fruit or vegetable it is. If your partner guesses what fruit or vegetable
it is, they win the card. Whoever guesses the correct name then chooses a card at random and continues with
the game. Each couple has 5 attempts, if they don't guess, there is a change of couples and that card is lost.
Participants: Individual
Materials: Crossword
A crossword puzzle is made with 14 fruits and vegetables. Each clue must describe the characteristics of each
fruit or vegetable. The player must read carefully and fill each space with the letters of the word they consider
correct. It must be taken into account that the letters must remain in the marked spaces, there cannot be
excess letters or blank spaces.
The game ends when you fill out the crossword correctly