9 DCT Generic Standards
9 DCT Generic Standards
9 DCT Generic Standards
Document Number:
Review Number: First edition
Effective Date:
October, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 2
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Program outcome .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Program Development .................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Alignment with institutional mission, vision and goals................................................................... 6
2. Curriculum .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1. Design and Organization ............................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Curriculum evaluation and review process ................................................................................... 8
3. Learning, Teaching and Assessment .................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Learning-Teaching ............................................................................................................................. 9
3.2. Assessment policy and system ................................................................................................... 10
3.3. Assessment method ......................................................................................................................... 12
4. Students ............................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1. Student selection and admission policy .......................................................................................... 13
4.2. Student counseling and support service ..................................................................................... 16
4.3. Student progression .................................................................................................................... 18
4.4. Alumni ......................................................................................................................................... 19
5. Academic Staff ........................................................................................................................................ 20
5.1. Staff recruitment and selection ......................................................................................................... 20
5.2. Staff support and retention .......................................................................................................... 23
5.3. Staff professional development ................................................................................................... 23
6. Educational Resources ........................................................................................................................ 25
6.1. Physical facilities ......................................................................................................................... 25
6.2. Financial Resource ..................................................................................................................... 29
7. Research and Community Engagement .............................................................................................. 29
7.1. Research ..................................................................................................................................... 29
7.2. Community Engagement ............................................................................................................. 31
8. Program Management ......................................................................................................................... 32
8.1. Leadership and decision making................................................................................................. 32
8.2. Allocation of resources ................................................................................................................ 35
9. Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) .................................................................................................. 36
9.1. Continual quality improvement system ....................................................................................... 36
9.4. Documentation and dissemination .............................................................................................. 39
Data collection tool (DCT) is an instrument used to collect and analyze quantitative and/or
qualitative data about the performance and achievement of the Higher Educational Institutions.
With this tool, the HEI assesses its performance and achievement against the pre-defined
standards and indicators which are set for institutional accreditation.
This instrument has a narrative response and supportive document for each of the indicators that
the HEIs need to provide. Narrative response is a written comment that the HEI are required to
state/describe for each of the indicators whereas supportive documents are various forms such as
letters, minutes, portfolios, certificates, guidelines, procedures, audio-videos or other written
documents that the HEIs are required to state/list for each of the indicators. The written
document or the evidence listed/stated needs to support and verify the narrative response.
Thus, the HEIs seek for institutional accreditation need to prepare a DCT report using this
instrument. And this document is considered as one of the requirements needed to apply for
Institutional accreditation.
1. Program outcome
b) Summarize the program’s national priorities, needs of the society, and present
and emerging role of the learner
c) Show program’s consistency with national and international standards.
d) Describe the sustainability of the program based on national priorities and societal
e) Indicate the professional and legal requirements of the program and show it’s
alignment with the program.
Supportive documentation
a) Program based legal practice documents
1.1.6. The program learning outcomes are clearly expressed and communicated to staff and
students; it also ensures the participation of principal stakeholders reasonably in
formulating and reviewing the processes.
Narrative response
a) Describe by whom the program learning outcomes were formulated.
b) Describe the stakeholders involved in the development of program learning outcomes.
c) How often the program learning outcomes are reviewed?
d) Describe the process used by the program to develop its learning outcome.
e) Describe how the program learning outcomes are communicated to internal and external
Supporting documentation
a) Curriculum design, development and revision guide /minutes /curriculum review/
validation workshop report
b) Syllabus
1.1.6. The program learning outcomes indicate the career and further studies options
available to students upon program completion.
Narrative Response
a) Explain how the program indicates the career and further studies options available to
students upon program completion considering the stated learning outcomes.
Supportive Documentation
a) Curriculum
1.1.6. The program has a systematic approach in place to obtain feedback from stakeholders
to improve the delivery of the study program, and it confirms the up-to datedness and
attainment of the program outcomes.
Narrative Response
a) What mechanisms are put in place to obtain feedback from stakeholders to improve
the delivery of the study program?
b) Show how the program is updating based on the feedback obtained from
Supportive Documentation
a) Tracer study report
b) Minutes
1.1.6. The program is approved by appropriate governing body.
Narrative response
a) Describe the procedure used to approve the program
b) Does the program approve by appropriate governing bodies?
c) How often and by whom the program outcomes are reviewed?
Supporting documentation
d) Program approval minute/(AC/DC)
a) The current Legislation
2. Curriculum
a) Indicate the core content (Course catalogue) of the discipline for understanding
the concepts, principles and methods that support the program outcomes.
b) Show how the core contents of the discipline support the program outcomes.
Supportive Documentation
a) Table on Course catalogue
Supportive Documentation
a) Current curriculum of the program
2.1.6. The curriculum design shows students’ clear career pathways
Narrative Response
a) Explain the program curriculum design process.
b) Discuss the way how the program curriculum design and development is communicated
to students.
Supportive Documentation
a) Curriculum guideline
b) Minutes
2.1.8. The curriculum maintains the coherence between learning and teaching activities, and the
learning outcomes.
Narrative Response
a) Describe how the learning and teaching activities in the curriculum are appropriately
designed to achieve the learning outcomes
b) Discuss the alignment of learning and teaching activities with learning outcomes.
Supportive Documentation
a) The current curriculum of the program
2.1.8. The total duration of the program, and semester load are clearly defined and consistent
with the national standards
Narrative Response
a) Show the total duration and semester load of the program.
b) Describe the duration and semester load of the program is consistent with the
national standards.
Supportive documentation
a) The current curriculum of the program
c) Discuss the functionality of the curriculum committee.
Supportive Documentation
a) Assigning letter for the committee
b) Curriculum committee minutes, report
2.2.2 There is a clearly defined mechanism to regularly monitor and evaluate the curriculum
Narrative response
a) Describe how and how often the program curriculum is reviewed.
Supportive Documentation
a) Curriculum review workshop report
b) Student satisfaction survey report
c) Minutes/report on curriculum review process
3.1.1. The learning and teaching methods are aligned with learning outcomes.
Narrative response
a) Describe how the learning-teaching methods set in the curriculum are aligned with
learning outcomes.
Supporting Documentation
c) SSS
3.1.2. The learning and teaching activities encourage the active participation of students in their
learning process.
Narrative Response
a) Discuss how the learning and teaching activities encourage the active participation of
b) What mechanisms are used to encourage students’ participation?
c) What are the ways adopted to assess the effectiveness of learning and teaching activities
provided in the curriculum?
Supportive Documentation
a) The current program curriculum
b) Reports on assessment of learning and teaching activities
3.1.3. The program uses educational resources, (including technology facilities) that are
consistent with the learning outcomes
Narrative response
a) Provide details of the learning resources are sufficiently addressed to students.
b) Describe the conduciveness of the learning environment for the effective implementation
of the program.
c) List the types of support services that are provided to students.
Supportive documentation
a) Report on student support services
b) Learning resource utilization report
c) SSS
3.1.4. The program has co-curricular activities that will enrich students’ experiences, and foster
personal development responsibility.
Narrative response
a) List program related co-curricular activities
b) Describe how these activities enrich students’ experiences, and foster personal
development and responsibility.
Supportive Documentation
a) Student satisfaction survey result on co-curricular activities
b) Report on co-curricular activities
b) Sample exam blueprint
c) Post exam analysis report
3.2.2 The program has mechanisms to ensure the validity and reliability of the student
assessment system (including exam blue print, item analysis and exam bank).
Narrative response
a) Describe how the program ensures the validity and reliability of the student assessment
Supporting Documentation
Narrative response
a) Describe how the assessment mechanisms used to measure the course outcomes.
b) Discuss how the assessment ensures academic progression and graduation.
Supportive Documentation
a) Assessment policy/guide
b) Minutes/academic progression and graduation report
3.2.6. The program has a functional system to conduct item analysis, standard-setting,
and to use the results for decision-making.
Narrative response
a) Describe the system for exam item analysis and standard setting
b) Show how the exam item analysis result is used for decision making
Supportive documentation
a) Exam item analysis report
b) Minute for Decision making item analysis
a) Describe how and how often the program reviews the effectiveness of overall assessment
Supportive document
a) Assessment review report/minute
b) Student assessment guideline
3.3.3. The program has a systematic assessment feedback mechanism in place that identifies
students’ academic strengths and areas of improvement to enhance their learning
Narrative response
a) Discuss the system of assessment that regularly offers students with actionable feedback
b) Describe how students are provided with timely feedback to identify their strength and
areas of improvement.
Supportive Documentation
a) Student satisfaction survey report
b) Assessment policy/guideline
c) Exam committee minute and report
3.3.4. Information on the assessment is clearly provided to students.
Narrative response
a) Describe how the program approach to assessment is communicated to students.
3.3.5. The assessments within the study program are adequate to judge the achievement of the
learning outcomes.
Narrative response
a) Discuss the adequacy of the assessments to measures the achievement of learning
4. Students
4.1.1. Student selection and admission criteria for the program are clear, fair and in accordance
with the HEI’s policies and regulations.
Narrative response
a) Describe the student selection and admission criteria of the program.
b) Discuss the alignment of student selection and admission criteria with HEIs policy and
Supportive document
a) Student selection and admission policy
b) Student Satisfaction Survey
c) Student handbook
d) Registrar manual
4.1.2. The criteria and processes of student selection and admission are published, disseminated
and publicly accessible.
Narrative response
a) Describe how student selection and admission criteria is disseminated for internal and
external stakeholder
Supportive documentation
a) Student handbook
b) Student selection and admission guideline
c) Student Satisfaction Survey report
4.1.3. The program defines and periodically reviews intake capacity in accordance with
available resources to ensure effective implementation.
Narrative response
a) Describe how often and by whom the size of student intake capacity is reviewed
b) Explain how to ensure student intake capacity is in lined with available resources for effective
implementation of the program.
Supportive documentation
a) Student intake capacity communication letter
b) Current annual plan of the program
C) Summarize the active batch student enrollment capacity of the program
Academic year Enrolled students Remark
2023 # #
2024 # #
4.1.4. The program has established well-defined policies and mechanisms to facilitate student
mobility which may include student transfer within and between institutions nationally
and internationally.
Narrative response
a) Describe the policy which state about transfer and exchange of students
b) Describe the practice and procedure of the program on student transfer and exchange
Supportive documentation
a) Legislation
b) Registrar manual
c) Current curriculum
d) Student Satisfaction Survey
e) Student handbook
f) Provide the number of transferred/exchange students for each indicated academic year
(3 consecutive years student active batch)
Transfer/exchange -AY -AY -AY Remark
Transferred students that # # #
entered into the second
4.1.5. Entry standards for the program are regularly reviewed based on student performance.
Narrative response
a) Indicate the admission requirements of the program.
b) Describe how and how often the admission requirements are reviewed.
Supportive document
a) Admission policy
b) Registrar manual
c) Minutes/reports on reviewing admission requirements
4.2. Student Counseling and Support Service
4.2.1 There are appropriate and adequate student support services (such as physical,
psychological, social, and financial support, and there is also an online facilities,
academic, non-academic and career counseling provided to students).
Narrative response
a) Describe the adequacy and appropriateness of student services
Supportive Document
a) Student Hand book
b) Student counseling manual
c) Student Satisfaction Survey
4.2.2 The program has a comprehensive student handbook that indicates student`s
support systems and makes it accessible to students. There is an effective
orientation program to new students about the program and the available support
Narrative response
a) Explain the availability of student hand book with inclusion of student support systems.
b) Describe how student hand book accessible to students
c) Describe the effectiveness of induction program provided to new students regarding the
program and available support mechanism.
Supportive documentation
a) Student hand book
b) Student satisfaction survey
4.2.3. Academic, non-academic and career counseling are provided by adequate and qualified
Narrative response
a) Explain how and by whom the academic, non-academic and career counseling are
provided for students.
Supportive document
a) Student hand book
b) Student counseling manual
c) Student Satisfaction Survey
4.2.4. The program has effective mechanisms to identify and support students with special
needs and those who are at risk of not progressing academically.
Narrative response
a) Describe the mechanism to identify students with special need
b) Describe how to support students with special need
c) Describe strategies used to minimize attrition
Supportive documentation
a) Student support service yearly Report
b) List of supported special need students
c) Student Satisfaction Survey
4.2.5. The program evaluates student support services regularly to ensure their adequacy,
effectiveness and safety.
Narrative Response
a) Describe how and how often student support services are evaluated to ensure adequacy,
effectiveness and safety.
Supportive documentation
a) Student Satisfaction Survey
b) Student support guide
c) minutes/report on evaluation
4.2.6. There is an active mechanism for students to voice their grievances and seek resolution
on academic and non-academic matters.
Narrative response
a) Describe how student’s grievances and appeals are handled regarding academic and non-
academic matters
Supportive document
a) Minutes/reports on disciplinary decision
b) Student handbook
c) Student Satisfaction Survey
4.2.7. The program clearly defined and documented processes and procedures in handling
student disciplinary cases.
Narrative response
a) Narrate how the program defined and documented processes and procedures for handling
student disciplinary cases.
Supportive document
b) Minutes/reports on disciplinary decision
c) Student handbook
d) Student Satisfaction Survey
c) Narrate periodic recorded data and analysis regarding student achievement, retention,
attrition rates, progression and completion.
Supportive Document
c) Academic or senate Minute of graduation
d) Student Satisfaction Survey
e) Provide student data for attrition, progression and graduation (3 consecutive years active
Year of Registered Drop Dismiss Withdrawal Attritio Progressio No of Graduati
entry out n rate n rate Graduat on rate
AY1 # # # # # #
AY2 # # # # # #
4.4. Alumni
4.4.1. There is an active mechanism to trace employability and satisfaction of graduates and
employers (tracer study).
Narrative response
a) Describe how and how often trace the employability
b) Describe the mechanism used to trace the satisfaction of graduates and employers
Supportive documentation
a) Tracer study report
b) Graduates’ satisfaction survey
4.4.2. There is an effective use of formal system and process for managing and maintaining
relationships with its alumni database
Narrative response
a) Describe the process and system of managing and maintaining graduates with alumni
b) Describe how the program create a formal link with the alumni
Supportive documentation
a) Registrar manual
b) Updated Database information program alumni
c) Tracer study report
5. Academic Staff
e) Explain the balance between academic staff with multidisciplinary backgrounds and
Supportive document
a) HR manual
b) Legislation
c) List of academic and non-academic staff composition and qualification
Name of Composition Qualification Name of Qualification Remark
academic non-
staff Academic
Junior Senior
5.1.3. The program has an adequate number of qualified full-time academic staff e.g. lecturers,
Narrative response
a) Provide the list of part time and full time teaching staff.
b) Show the balance of full time and part time teaching staff to ensure the effective delivery
of the program.
Supportive documentation
a) List of part time and full time staff.
b) Table on part time and full time staff
No List of Academic Qualification Full time Part time Remark
5.1.4. The staff to student ratio of the program is appropriate to the teaching-learning methods
and comply with the program discipline standards.
Narrative response
a) Narrate the appropriateness of staff to student ratio to the teaching-learning methods
b) Discuss the staff to student ratio with respect to the program standards.
Supportive documents
a) The program discipline Standard regarding staff to student ratio
b) Table on Staff to student ratio (3 consecutive years active batch)
Active No of Academic No student Ratio Remark
batch staff
5.1.5. The program has clearly defined roles and responsibilities for staff and has an academic
code of conduct with efficient and fair procedures for discipline, complaints, and
disputes resolution.
Narrative response
a) Discuss the procedures for discipline, complaints, and disputes resolution
Supportive documentation
a) HR manual
b) Minutes/reports on compliant and disputes resolution.
5.1.6. The program regularly reviews the effectiveness of its strategies and mechanisms of staff
recruitment, promotion and retention to maintain conducive learning and teaching
Narrative response
a) Narrate how and how often the program reviews the effectiveness of strategies and
mechanisms regarding staff recruitment, promotion and retention.
b) Describe how the strategies and mechanisms maintain conducive learning and teaching
Supportive document
a) Minutes/report on review
b) Staff development report
c) HR manual
5.2. Staff Support and Retention
5.2.1. The program has transparent staff appraisal system addressing the roles of the academic
staff in teaching, research, community engagements and administrative functions.
Narrative response
a) Describe how and how often the program provides feedback for staff
b) Discuss how the program utilized the appraisal data to improve the performance of staff, and
inform decisions, benefits and awards.
c) Describe the benefits and awards provided for academic staff based on appraisal
Supportive documentation
a) Staff appraisal report
b) Academic staff hand book
c) Appraisal data-based benefits and awards report
5.2.2. Utilize the appraisal data to provide timely and constructive feedback, improve the
performance of staff, and inform decisions, benefits and awards.
Narrative response
a) Describe the mechanism to develop and implement staff appraisal system
b) Discuss the mechanism how to inform decision, benefit and award about staff
Supportive document
a) Academic staff hand book
b) Students’ satisfaction survey
c) Staff performance appraisal report
b) Need assessment for staff and professional development
5.3.2. The program provides mentoring and formative guidance for new academic staff as part
of its staff development program.
Narrative response
a) Describe the mechanism used for mentoring and guidance of new academic staffs as part
of the staff development program
Supportive document
a) Staff development report
b) Induction manual and report
c) Academic staff handbook
5.3.3. The program provides the academic staff with the necessary training, tools and
technology for self-learning, access to information and for communication.
Narrative response
a) Describe how the program provides necessary continuous trainings for the academic staff
b) Discuss the technology and communication tools accessed for the academic staff
Supportive documentation
a) Continuous training reports
b) ICT utilization and access for staff report
5.3.4. The program supports and encourages the research activities of its academic staff and
ensures their academic freedom.
Narrative response
a) Discuss how the academic staff members are supported to undertake researches
b) Narrate how the program ensures academic freedom.
Supportive document
a) Published researches
b) Incentive package for research
c) Research manual
d) Legislation
e) Academic Staff handbook
5.3.5. The program has national and international linkages for enhancement of academic and
professional development and scholarly activities.
Narrative response
a) Describe the national and international linkage of the program to involve renowned
academics and professionals
b) Narrate how the linkages enhance the scholarly activities.
Supportive document
a) MOA between the program and institutions
6. Educational Resources
e) Table on educational resources lists
6.1.3. The program ensures that learning and teaching resources and facilities are appropriate
and adequate to meet the needs of its study programs.
Narrative response
a) Describe the appropriateness and adequacy of educational resources to meet the need of
the program
Supportive Document
-Engineering workshop
-Processing workshop
3 Other Facilities
6.1.4. The physical facilities comply with the relevant laws, and with health and safety
regulations including accessibility to people with disabilities.
Narrative Response
a) How the physical facilities confront with relevant laws, health and safety regulations.
b) Describe the inclusiveness of the available physical facilities to people with disabilities.
Supporting Document
a) Resource utilization manual and report
b) Health and safety manual/guideline
c) Student satisfaction survey
6.1.5. The program has a functional library accessible to students and staff with adequate
Narrative Response
a) Narrate the functionality and adequate capacity of the library.
Supportive Document
a) Student Satisfaction Survey
b) Library manual
6.1.6. The library has adequate resources and facilities (such as latest references, electronic
resources, digital library, qualified staff and other facilities including appropriate
information and communication technology mediated reference materials) to support
academic programs and research activities.
Narrative response
a) State the database system used in the library.
b) List the number of staff in the library and their qualifications.
c) Describe resource sharing and access mechanisms that are available to extend the
library ‘s capabilities.
d) Discuss the organization of library and the availability of adequate supply of up-to-date
textbooks and reference materials of both hard and softcopy.
Supportive document
a) Library manual
b) List of Library staff
c) Student Satisfaction Survey
d) Table on reference materials supporting the program
6.1.7. The program has appropriate information and communication technology infrastructure
(including computer laboratories) that are required for the study program.
Narrative response
a) Describe the appropriateness of information and communication technology
infrastructure to the program
Supportive documents
a) Student satisfaction survey
b) Website and corporate email
6.1.8. The program regularly reviews resources to ensure they are appropriate and effectively
support the process of learning and teaching.
Narrative response
a) Describe how and how often the appropriateness and effectiveness of resource are
Supportive documents
a) Educational resource inventory report
b) Minute /report on review
7.1. Research
7.1.1. The program has a policy and procedure that identifies the priorities and researcher’s
recognition of research outputs.
Narrative Response
a) Narrate the policy and procedure that identifies the priorities, researcher recognition and
commercialization of research output
Supportive Document
a) Research policy/manual
7.1.2. The program provides adequate budget and sufficient facilities and equipment for the
research activities of its staff to promote research activities.
a) Discuss the adequacy of facilities, equipment and budget allocation for research works
and disseminations
Supportive documentations
a) Annual plan of the research
b) Annual plan of the program
c) Budget request approval report
7.1.3. The program encourages national and international research collaboration and
Narrative response
a) Describe how the program support research collaboration and cooperation across the
institutions and externally
Supportive documentation
a) MOA between the program and eternal institutions
b) Research annual plan /report
7.1.4. The program ensures that its research activities conform to internationally accepted
quality standards. The program ensures that misconduct, including plagiarism, is
prevented and complied with ethical standards.
Narrative response
a) Narrate how the research activities comply with international accepted
methodological standards and ethical standards
b) Describe the mechanisms to prevent academic misconduct
Supportive documents
a) Research policy/manual
b) Plagiarism checker system
7.1.5. The program regularly reviews the effectiveness of its approach to research and
community engagement planning and management to ensure quality research outputs
and outcomes are achieved.
Narrative response
a) Describe how and how often the programs reviews the effectiveness of its approach
to research planning and management
b) Narrate how the program ensure the achievement of research output and outcome
Supportive documentation
a) Minute/report on research conference
7.1.6. The program has dedicated resource and budget for research and community engagement.
Narrative response
a) discuss the resource and budget allocation for research works and disseminations
b) discuss the resource and budget allocation for community engagement
Supportive documentations
a) annual plan of the research and community unit
b) annual plan of the program
c) budget request approval report
7.1.7. The program ensures that the outcomes of research are appropriately integrated into the
learning and teaching activities and community engagements.
Narrative response
a) Describe how the research outcome aligned with learning and teaching activities
Supportive documentation
a) Research annual report
b) MOA
c) Reports on community engagement activities
7.2.4. The program encourages and supports staff and students to engaged in industry and
community engagement activities that lead to productive relationship.
Narrative Response
a) Describe how the academic staff and students are involved in industry and community
b) State any initiatives taken by the program to involve students and staff in industry and
community engagement.
Supporting Document
a) Community engagement policy/manual
b) Community engagement report
c) Student satisfaction survey
7.2.5. There is an effective industry linkage for program delivery and periodically reviewing
the effectiveness of the linkage.
Narrative Response
A).Discuss the effectiveness of industrial linkage for program delivery
Supporting Document
a) Community engagement policy/manual
b) Community engagement report
c) Student satisfaction survey
8. Program Management
b) Discuss the adequacy of academic staff in relation to their qualification for the effective
the implementation of the educational program
Supportive Documentation
a) Organogram of the program
b) HR manual
8.1.2. The program has policies, procedures and mechanisms for regular reviewing and
updating (functions, strategies, core activities and resources) to ensure continual quality
Narrative Response
a) Describe how and how often the program review and update of its structure, functions,
strategies and core activities
b) Describe policy, procedures and mechanism to ensure continual quality improvement.
Supportive Documentation
a) Program performance report
b) Review report
8.1.3. The program has a transparent governance structure that aligns with the program goals
to realize the three pillars (learning teaching, research and community engagement).
Narrative Response
a) Describe the governance structure of the program.
b) Discuss the alignment of the governance structure with program goals.
Supportive Documentation
a) Program organizational structure
b) Strategic plan/Legislation
8.1.4. The program has effective regular reporting procedures about teaching-learning,
research, community engagement.
Narrative Response
a) Describe how and how often the core activities of the program are reported.
Supportive Documentation
a) DC Minutes
b) Reports on Core activities
8.1.5. The program ensures creating institutional memory (archives, institutional emails) for a
smooth transition of academic leaders.
Narrative Response
a) Describe how the program creates institutional memory.
b) List conventional and digital documentation for smooth transition of academic leaders.
Supportive Documentation
a) Institutional email
8.1.6. The program describes the representation and role of the academic staff, students and
other principal stakeholders in committee’s activity and decision -making process.
Narrative Response
a) Describe how the program ensures transparency and participation of academic staff,
students and other principal stakeholders in decision making.
Supportive Documentation
a) DC minutes
b) Student satisfaction survey
c) Legislation
8.1.7. There is a periodic review of the program which includes review of effectiveness of the
program management.
Narrative response
a) Describe how and how often the program is reviewed
b) How and how often the program reviews the effectiveness of the management
Supportive documentation
a) DC minute
b) Reports on Core activities
8.1.8. The governing body of the program is an effective decision-making body with an
adequate degree of autonomy.
Narrative Response
Describe how the program ensures the effectiveness of decision making with an adequate degree
of autonomy.
Supportive Documentation
d) DC minutes
e) Legislation
c) Program performance report
8.1.9. The program provides accurate, relevant and timely information about the program which
are easily and publicly accessible, especially to prospective students.
Narrative response
a) How accurate, relevant and timely information provided regarding the program?
b) How the information disseminated to students and other stakeholders?
Supportive documentations
a) Student satisfaction survey
b) Student hand book
c) Social media of the program
8.1.10. The program has a risk management strategy and ensures risk assessment
Narrative response
a) Describe the risk management strategy
b) Narrate how the program ensures the risk assessment
Supportive document
a) Risk management policy/manual
b) Risk assessment report
8.2.2. The program ensures the allocations of sufficient resources, efficient utilization. This in
turn enables to achieve the objectives of the program efficiently and responsibly.
Narrative Response
a) Discuss how the program ensures the sufficiency of resources allocated for the program.
b) Describe how the program utilizes resources efficiently and responsibly.
Supportive Documentation
a) Resource utilization manual
b) Report on purchase request and procurement
9.2. Implementation of Continual Quality Improvement
9.2.1. The program has a mechanism for continuous and need-based staff capacity building.
Narrative Response
a) Discuss the mechanism used for continuous and need-based staff capacity building.
Supportive Documentation
a) Staff development plan
b) Staff capacity building report
c) Capacity building need assessment
9.2.2. The program’s continual quality improvement covers all units of operations. The quality
assurance activities provide feedbacks to support the program’s goals.
Narrative response
a) State the units of operations covered by the program continual quality improvement.
b) Describe how quality assurance activities provide relevant information and data
c) How the relevant information and data support the program management and
d) How the quality assurance activities output aligned with the achievement of institutional
Supportive document
9.2.3. The program’s quality assurance activities focus on enhancement and quality culture
development. The program ensures the active involvement of academic and support staff
and students in the operational process of continual quality improvement
Narrative response
a) Describe how the quality assurance activities focused on quality enhancement and culture
b) How the quality assurance activities involved academic and support staff and students
for operational process
Supportive documentation
a) Student satisfaction survey
b) Annual quality assurance report
c) Program level self-evaluation document
9.3.2. The program has an internal program monitoring and review committee responsible for
continual review of the program to ensure its currency and relevancy
Narrative response
a) Describe the availability of program monitoring and review committee with a
designated head
b) Who are participating on monitoring and review of the program?
c) How the committee ensure the current and relevancy of the program?
Supportive documentation
a) Committee Minutes/ review report
b) Annual quality assurance report
c) Designation letter
9.3.3. The program reviews its quality assurance system for its effectiveness and impact
Narrative response
a) How and how often the program review its quality assurance system
b) Describe the effectiveness and impact of quality assurance system
c) Narrate at what level the quality assurance system is reviewed
Supportive documentation
a) Review report
b) Annual quality assurance report