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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

01 08/2018 Issued for use

00 05/2017 First Issue
Rev. Date Purpose of the Revision

Owning Entity: OPS/EC Other Approving Entities: -

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 2 of 21


1. Scope ................................................................................................................... 3

2. Reference Documents ........................................................................................ 3

3. Design Basis........................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Standard General Diagram ......................................................................................... 5
3.2 Generator.................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Unit Control Panel (UCP) and Power Management System (PMS) ............................. 6
3.4 Starting System for Essential and Emergency Generating Unit ................................. 13

4. Rating and Performance ................................................................................... 14

4.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Unit Control Panel ..................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Performance Requirements for Load Acceptance and Rejection .............................. 16

5. Inspection and Tests......................................................................................... 17

6. Design Life and Obsolescence ........................................................................ 17

7. Documentation .................................................................................................. 18
7.1 List of Documents ..................................................................................................... 18

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 3 of 21

1. Scope
This standard defines the minimum requirements for the design, manufacture, inspection and
testing of electrical equipment for generating unit.
For non-emergency generating unit below 250 kVA, manufacturer’s standard may apply when
installed in safe area.
This standard shall be read in conjunction with SD-NOC-ELE-011 and the corresponding
generating unit Project standard, drawings and data sheets, if any.

2. Reference Documents
The reference documents listed below form an integral part of this document.

External Documents
Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.
Design and engineering shall conform as a minimum requirement to the current edition of the
following in order of precedence:
 Applicable laws and regulations of Qatar
 Company Particular Standards and data sheet (if any)
 Company Standards
 Applicable International Electro technical Commission (IEC) Publications
 Applicable recognized standards and codes (UTE, BS, VDE, etc.) where IEC Publications
have not yet been issued.

Reference Title
IEC 62402 Obsolescence Management - Application Guide

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 4 of 21

North Oil Company Documents

Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.

Reference Title
SD-NOC-ELE-011 Electrical Requirements for Packaged Units
SD-NOC-ELE-113 AC Generators
SD-NOC-ELE-137 Distribution Boards
SD-NOC-ELE-151 DC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)
SD-NOC-INS-110 Instrumentation for Package Units
Cyber Security Requirements for Design and Supply of ICSS and
Package Systems
Rotating Machine Package Standard - Diesel Engine Driven
Emergency Generator for Offshore Applications
Rotating Machine Package Standard - Diesel Engine Driven
Essential Generator for Offshore Applications
Rotating Machine Package Standard - Fire Fighting Diesel AC
SD-NOC-MEC-024 Generator Driven Submerged Electric Pump for Offshore
SD-NOC-TEC-007 Obsolescence` and Lifetime Cycle Management

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 5 of 21

3. Design Basis
3.1 Standard General Diagram


Data and control

PMS Load sharing

Synchro (wired)

Load sharing

DC Supply
AC network
CB control and
network UCP protection

Supply generator

Data and Data and

wired wired
Prime Output power
Auxiliaries Generator

Limit of supply

ICSS: Integrated Control and Safety System

ECS: Electrical Control System
PMS: Power Management System (Active and Reactive load sharing system)
UCP System: Unit Control Panel
DC Network: Direct Current Network
AC Network: Alternative Current Network
ESD: Emergency Shut Down
Note: Wired means hardwired signal and Data means data exchanged through a serial link.

3.2 Generator
The generator shall be in accordance with SD-NOC-ELE-113.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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3.3 Unit Control Panel (UCP) and Power Management System (PMS)
The Unit Control Panel and the PMS shall be in accordance with SD-NOC-ELE-137, SD-NOC-
INS-110 and SD-NOC-INS-135.
The generating unit shall be considered as a P3 type package as per SD-NOC-INS-110.
The UCP shall allow easy communication with an Electrical Control System via a serial link.
For black-start application, the UCP cubicle shall be provided with an ultimate battery back-up
allowing for start-up of the diesel generator even in case main UPS are unavailable (refer to
Appendix 2).

3.3.1 Electrical Protection

The generating unit protections and all hardware components shall be provided by the Package
Supplier and installed into the Unit Control Panel or a dedicated Generator Control Panel.
The protections relay shall be of digital type with full testing facilities to allow secondary injection
of the relays.
The protection system shall be supported by a software library of complete protection functions
as defined in this standard.
The protections relay shall encompass a disturbance and fault recorder able to store at least 2.5
seconds of data triggered on status change and/or fault conditions with an adjustable time frame
(typically [-500;+2000] ms.).
A Maintenance Workstation shall allow users to activate all protections and logic. For all functions
user’s guide with aid of screen menus and windows, shall be available.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 7 of 21 Turbine Driven Generator

Protection ANSI code N° Action
Earth overcurrent 51N Open breaker and stop generator
Bearing over temperature 38 Alarm (1st) and stop generator (2nd)
Bearing vibration 39 Alarm (1st) and stop generator (2nd)
Winding over temperature 26 Alarm (1st) and trip CB (2nd)
Coolant over temperature or failure 26 Alarm
Stator differential overcurrent 87 G Stop machine
Time delayed overcurrent 51 Trip circuit breaker
3 phases overcurrent restraint voltage 51 V Trip circuit breaker
Stator reverse power 32 Trip circuit breaker
Stator under/over frequency 81 Load shedding or Trip circuit breaker
Stator under/over voltage 27-59 Trip circuit breaker
Overload 49 Trip circuit breaker
Neutral voltage displacement (1) 59N/64S Stop machine
Rotor earth fault 64R (3) Stop machine
Rotating rectifier diode failure 94 d Stop machine
Field failure (Max/min excitation) 40 Trip circuit breaker
Phase unbalance 46 Trip circuit breaker
Directional overcurrent protection 67 Stop the machine
67N (2)

(1) For generator connected to a network protected by earthing transformer (homopolar generator).
(2) For generators running in parallel and connected to the earth via earthing resistors.
(3) For high voltage generator.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 8 of 21 Diesel or Gas Engine Driven Generator

Protection ANSI code N° Action
Earth overcurrent 51N Open breaker and stop engine
Stator differential overcurrent (1) 87 G Stop engine
Time delayed overcurrent 51 Trip CB and stop engine

3 phases overcurrent restraint voltage (5) 51 V Trip CB and stop engine

Overload 49 Trip circuit breaker
Stator under/over frequency 81 Load shedding or Trip circuit breaker
Stator under/over voltage 27-59 Trip circuit breaker
Winding over temperature 26 Alarm (1st) and trip CB (2nd)
Bearing over temperature 38 Alarm (1st) and stop generator (2nd)
Neutral voltage displacement (2) 59N/64S Stop machine
Rotor earth fault (4) 64R Stop machine
Stator reverse power 32 Trip circuit breaker
Directional over current (3) 67/67N Stop machine

(1) For generator above 1250 kVA.

(2) For generator connected to a network protected by earthing transformer (homopolar generator).
(3) For generator running in parallel and connected to the earth via earthing resistors.
(4) For high voltage generator.
(5) To be included only for generator without 87G protection (less than 1250 kVA).

3.3.2 Control Functions

The following table gives the minimum required control functions and their initiation mode(s).
Those functions are noted as:
 “M” requiring manual initiation
 “A” initiated by automatic signal
 “C” operating on a continuous signal.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 9 of 21

Unit Control Panel

Generating unit status A
Start-up sequence A, M
Synchronizing generator A, M
Voltage regulation C
Speed regulation C
Frequency control system C
Alarms A
Shutdown sequence (Controlled Stop Sequence) A, M
Emergency shutdown (Emergency Stop Sequence) A, M
Voltage regulation (during parallel operation) C, M
Speed regulation (during parallel operation) C, M
Synchronizing generator or group of generators M
Active and reactive load sharing (during parallel operation) C
Emergency shutdown A, M
Start-up sequence initiation M
Load shedding A

3.3.3 Voltage Regulation

The voltage regulation shall be automatic and it shall be equipped with manual adjustment.
Unless otherwise specified, the Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) shall be of digital design
type and shall perform a three phase regulation.
The parameters shall be readily adjustable. The voltage setting shall be manually adjustable.
Manual voltage control shall be achieved by the use of a separate, independent module
controlling the field current with control switches or pushbuttons for increasing or decreasing the
All faults shall be indicated in the digital display to allow rapid finding.
The voltage regulation shall be powered from Permanent Magnet Generating system. Self-
excitation from remanent field is not authorized. Permanent Magnet Insert technology associated
with auxiliary winding is acceptable.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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Unless otherwise specified the voltage regulator shall be able to operate in either power factor,
voltage or reactive power regulation mode as follow:
 ISO-voltage control mode shall be used for one generating unit operating in islanded
 Voltage/reactive power droop mode shall be used for parallel operation of two or more
generating units on isolated networks
 Power factor mode shall be used for operation in parallel to a grid (or main power generation
for an emergency/essential generator).
After AVR fault and shut down has been initiated, the generator shall be capable of restarting in
manual voltage control.
The ceiling voltage and response to system faults shall be such that a rapid field forcing is
obtained. The excitation system including the AVR shall be designed so as to allow for the
generator to maintain the short-circuit requirements (current/time) as defined in relevant GS /
data-sheets. The AVR shall have the following integrated functions:
 Rotor current limitation
 Stator current limitation
 Polar angle limitation.
Regulator drift shall be less than 1% for a 40°C ambient temperature.

3.3.4 Speed Regulation

The speed regulator system / governor shall be a digital design and installed in the UCP.
Speed regulation shall be able to operate in isochronous, droop and base load mode:
 The isochronous mode shall be used for one generating unit on an isolated network
 The droop mode shall be used for parallel operation of two or more generating units on an
isolated network
 The base load mode shall be used for test or when operating connected to a grid (or main
power generation for an emergency/essential generator). The load setting shall be set by a
fixed reference or an external contact, analog or digital input.
Speed regulation shall be provided with closed loops dedicated to output power and speed. A
closed loop dedicated to actuator position is not authorized.
Manual control shall be achieved by the use of a separate, independent module controlling the
frequency, with local control switches or pushbuttons for increasing or decreasing the speed.

3.3.5 Parallel Operation

The generating units shall be able to operate in parallel up to their maximum output power.
The active and reactive loads shall be shared in accordance with their rating under all conditions
and without hunting by means of an automatic load sharing device implemented within the PMS.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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Even though droop mode is required, the steady state frequency and voltage shall be maintained
by a centralized automatic frequency and voltage control system done by the Power Management
System or PMS.
Manual control of the PMS speed and voltage settings shall be possible during parallel operation.

3.3.6 Synchronizer
Synchronizer shall be provided as part of the UCP or within a common synchro panel in order to
allow for the synchronization of the generating unit to the busbar.
When synchronization of generating unit(s) over bus-tie or interconnecting feeders shall be
considered, synchronizer shall be implemented within a common synchro panel or at the PMS
The synchronizer shall be provided by the package Supplier and specific arrangement will be
defined in the project standard.
The synchronizer shall be able to operate automatically or manually.
The synchronizer shall utilize three phases for frequency, voltage and phase angle comparison.
The synchronizer shall provide a direct contact to close the generator circuit breaker.
Either automatic or manual signal command shall be monitored by independent synchronism
check relay (ANSI 25) before breaker closure is permitted. Such synchro-check relay will be
provided and installed, by others, within the switchgear generator incomer cubicle. The
synchronizer output shall remain disabled when the frequency and voltage difference are outside
the permissive synchronizing window.
The synchronizer shall be part of a closed-loop feedback control system for the frequencies and
The synchronizer shall be able to alter generating unit frequency and voltage.
When the frequency, phase angle and voltage conditions are fulfilled, the duration of the
synchronizing conditions is checked so as to ensure that they will still be met when the contacts
of the circuit breaker close.
Individual generating unit shall be synchronized to their dedicated busbar and the circuit-breaker
closed only when accelerating to avoid any reverse power to occur. In case of multiple unit
synchronization over bus-tie or interconnecting feeders, the least loaded groups shall be
accelerating when coupling.
The synchronizer shall be provided with at least four operating modes. These modes are intended
to facilitate system testing and installation checkout without electrically disconnecting the
synchronizer from the control system.
These four modes shall be able to be selected by an external switch and shall allow:
 Synchronization and automatic breaker closure
 Testing correct synchronizing operation, but without circuit breaker closure

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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 Checking for acceptable synchronization, but does not trim speed or adjust voltage. When
synchronization is correct, the breaker is allowed to close
 Disabling of the synchronizer.

3.3.7 Power Management System (PMS)

The PMS shall be a stand-alone processor based control system including a Human-Machine
Interface designed for the monitoring and control of active and reactive load sharing and operating
voltage/frequency of generating units operating in parallel.
Depending on the criticality of the load sharing management (isolated platforms, interconnected
networks, etc.), the PMS shall be based on the following configurations:
 Single controller, interface modules and HMI within a stand-alone cabinet OR
 Redundant Controllers, interface modules, local and/or remote HMIs.
The PMS failure shall not stop operation of any part of the power generation. Complete
assessment of operating configurations shall be performed during the Basic Engineering phase.
The PMS shall allow for:
 System voltage and frequency control (for single unit or group of generating units depending
on the architecture and possible operating configurations)
 Active and reactive load sharing between paralleled generating units based on permanently
refreshed load and generating unit capability
 Synchronization of group of generating units over a bus-tie or interconnecting circuit breaker
 Manual setting of active power limitation on generating unit(s) (maintenance, etc.)
 Generator power capability setting (P/Q diagram)
 Manual setting of target setpoints (P, Q) for specific generating units
 Control of transformer on-load tap changers (when applicable)
 Setting of maximum/minimum active and reactive power import and export when connected
to a grid and/or other power generation.
 Alarm management (discrepancy, low spinning reserve, generator target mismatch, power
sharing mismatch, measurement fault, watchdog, etc.)
 P, Q, V, F trend displays.

3.3.8 Load Shedding

To perform the load shedding, the generating units shall transmit by direct link to ECS the
following information:
 The instantaneous active and reactive power (via 4-20 mA converters)
 All shutdown and breaker trip signals
 The exhaust temperature (for turbine only)

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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 The actual turbine capability based on operating conditions (for turbine only, via 4-20 mA
 Maximum load step acceptance (for turbine only, based on actual load)
 Under frequency detection.

3.3.9 Communication Interfaces

The Communication interfaces shall be in accordance with SD-NOC-INS-110.
All parameters, signals, measured values shall be exchanged via appropriate interfaces and serial
communication channels to ECS (Electrical Control System) or ICSS (Integrated Control and
Safety System).
All other input and output signals shall be wired to terminal blocks within the UCP for connection
by others.

3.4 Starting System for Essential and Emergency Generating Unit

They shall be able to operate as self-contained unit.
Generating unit shall be suitable for rapid starting and loading to full capacity within 30 seconds.
In case of start failure an alarm shall be provided on remote control panel.
Essential and emergency generating units shall have two separate systems, fully independent of
the plant support facilities:
 Primary electric or pneumatic starting system
 Secondary (back-up) hydraulic system.
The pneumatic and hydraulic starting systems shall be as per SD-NOC-MEC-011 / SD-NOC-
For large generating units where the use of a hydraulic starting system as back-up cannot be
implemented by engine Manufacturer, Supplier may propose a complete starting air system as
defined in SD-NOC-MEC-011 / SD-NOC-MEC-012.
Each system shall provide energy for six (6) consecutive starting attempts except for Hydraulic
which may be sized for 3 attempts.
For electric starting system, each attempt shall consist of five (5) second cranking followed by ten
(10) second rest.
When required, electric starting system shall consist of:
 Nickel Cadmium batteries
 Battery box designed for Nickel Cadmium batteries
 Independent battery charger (even when the diesel engine is supplied with a driven
generator as a Manufacturer standard)
 Ammeter and floating/boost charging facility
 Manual start-up facility by-passing the driver controller (optional).

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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The battery charger shall be capable of full recharge in eight hours.

When the Battery Charger is used to supply control and command system, it shall be in
accordance with SD-NOC-ELE-151.
When battery charger and batteries are located in the electrical room and/or battery room the
battery charger Supplier shall size the cables between the batteries and the battery charger.
If the starting battery is installed:
 Indoor out of hazardous zone: stand installation mode is required
 Outdoor
- Inside hazardous area: box certified for zone category 2
- In safe area: box IP 23.
In hazardous area, the battery circuit breaker shall be installed and designed accordingly.
For the battery associated to the UCP the situation shall be also evaluated.
For the DGs, in order to facilitate an ultimate black-start, the battery dedicated to the DG’s UCP
shall feed also the circuit breaker associated to the Generator (in parallel with the general UPS)
(refer to Appendix 2).

3.4.1 Automatic Starting Mode

The UCP shall directly monitor the emergency or essential network voltage and shall initiate an
automatic starting sequence on voltage failure. The UCP shall have direct control of the
switchgear circuit-breakers (normal incomers, bus-tie, essential or emergency generating units,
etc.) to configure and re-energize the emergency or essential busbars.
For essential generating units requiring external water cooling loop, the UCP shall also control
the relevant water lift and circulation pump and control valves to allow for black-start operation.

3.4.2 Manual Start Mode

Manual starting shall only be from the UCP.
Provisions shall also be made to periodically test the essential/emergency generator starting and
automatic loading.
The generating unit shall be able to be synchronized and coupled with the normal generation.

4. Rating and Performance

4.1 General
The generating units shall be designed for continuous service, at rated output under specified
ambient conditions without harmful effects.
All electrical auxiliary consumers shall be deducted from the generator unit output rating.
Unless otherwise specified, the expected lifetime of the generating unit shall be at least 20 years.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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Electrical equipment shall be suitable for at least three years uninterrupted operation under
conditions specified.

4.2 Unit Control Panel

4.2.1 Voltage Regulation

The excitation system shall be able to generate at the generator output:
 150% of rated current for a period of at least 30 seconds
 110% of rated current for a period of at least one hour, without dangerous overheating.
The excitation system shall withstand the following duty cycle, repeated every five minutes:
 Continuous rated excitation current
 Excitation current at ceiling voltage for 10 seconds.
The excitation system shall be rated for 110% of the excitation current required during full load
operation at rated voltage and rated power factor.
The excitation system shall allow 100% voltage to be maintained at 90% speed.
The output voltage of the generator shall be adjustable between 90% and 110% of the rated value
during normal operation.
Steady state voltage variations at any load when operating isolated from electrical network shall
be limited to ± 0.5% of the rated voltage.
Voltage variation after instantaneous application of 100% load (at 0.8 lagging power factor) shall
not exceed -15% and recovery to 97% of rated voltage shall occur within 1.5 seconds. This shall
be demonstrated by detailed calculation note for all generating units.

4.2.2 Speed Regulation

Speed shall be adjustable over the range 95% to 105% of the rated speed during normal
Steady state speed variations, at any load when operating isolated from the electrical network
shall be limited to ± 0.5% of the rated speed.
Speed regulation shall be equipped with ± 5% adjustable droop.

4.2.3 Parallel Operation

The generating units shall operate within 3 or 4% of droop for speed and voltage.
Even though droop mode is required, the steady state speed variations shall be limited to ± 0.5%
of the rated speed.
Even though droop mode is required, the steady state voltage variations shall be limited to ± 0.5%
of the rated voltage.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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4.2.4 Synchronizer
The phase match window shall be able to be chosen from 0.2 to 1 second and be adjustable to
at least 10 degrees phase angle.
The voltage matching range shall be adjustable from 1% to 5%.
The synchronizer shall only be active within ± 10% of the rated frequency.

4.3 Performance Requirements for Load Acceptance and Rejection

The generating units (engine + generator) shall comply with the following performance
requirements (droop mode):
Minimum Recovery time Minimum Recovery time
transient to more than transient to more than
Load Acceptance frequency 97% of Fn voltage 97% of Un
% of Fn in seconds % of Un in seconds
0..25% (PF = 0.8 lagging) ≥ 90% ≤3 ≥ 90% ≤ 1.5
0..50% (PF = 0.8 lagging) ≥ 90% ≤5 ≥ 90% ≤ 1.5
20..60% (PF = 0.8 lagging) ≥ 90% ≤5 ≥ 90% ≤ 1.5
40..80% (PF = 0.8 lagging) ≥ 90% ≤5 ≥ 90% ≤ 1.5
60..95% (PF = 0.8 lagging) ≥ 90% ≤5 ≥ 90% ≤ 1.5
0..100% (PF = 0.8 lagging)
Diesel Generator Only (see ≥ 90% ≤3 ≥ 85% ≤ 1.5
Note 2)
60% Preload and largest
Direct On Line motor start by ≥ 90% ≤5 ≥ 85% ≤ 1.5
simulation (see Note 1)
Maximum Recovery time Maximum Recovery time
transient to less than transient to less than
Load Rejection frequency 105% of Fn voltage 103% of Un
% of Fn in seconds % of Un in seconds
100..5% (PF = 0.8 lagging) ≤ 110% ≤ 10 ≤ 120% ≤2
100..0% (PF = 0.8 lagging) ≤ 110% No trip ≤ 120% No trip
Fn: rated frequency
Un: rated voltage
Note 1: Preload and motor characteristics shall be further defined during Basic Engineering.
Note 2: Only applicable if required, Project shall check the potential requirement during operational

Manufacturer shall confirm the speed variations and recovery time after sudden load impact and
load rejection.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

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5. Inspection and Tests

The package Supplier shall submit an Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) including subcontract items.
The package Supplier shall provide access in his factory and Sub-Supplier’s ones as well to
Company representatives at any time during the manufacture of the equipment.
Inspections and tests shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable standards and
standards mentioned in this document.
The witnessing of inspection of any item shall be the prerogative of the Company but does not
relieve the package Supplier of his responsibility to comply with the standard.
The generator shall be tested at the Sub-Supplier’s works and witnessed by the Company.
The package Supplier shall provide all auxiliary supplies (electricity, air, water, etc.) and load
banks necessary to make the complete run test of the generating unit.
The generating unit shall be factory tested and when stated in the purchase order commissioned
by the Supplier.
The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) shall include, but not be limited to the following:
 Visual inspection and dimensional checks
 Compliance to standards and specifications
 Installation of equipment checking as well as cabling, wiring and accessibility
 Insulation resistance test for all electrical equipment (motors, lighting, Unit Control Panel,
wiring, etc.)
 Earth continuity test
 Protection and relay setting checks (test done by current injection on the protection relay)
 Satisfactory functional operation of all control circuits and auxiliary systems.
 Partial load test
 Full load tests (optional)
 Load impact and load rejection (refer to section 4.3)
 PMS tests with full simulator to test/validate all project functionalities.

6. Design Life and Obsolescence

The obsolescence shall be managed as per SD-NOC-TEC-007 and IEC 62402.
Facilities are typically designed with an expected design life in the order of 25 years.
The generating unit design shall therefore take into account the requirement that the equipment
will most probably require to be upgraded during the design life of the facilities in particular for all
the electronic based components. These requirements shall be incorporated from Basic
Engineering stage.
The design will include provisions to allow an upgrade of the generating unit to be performed with
minimal disturbance.

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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 18 of 21

All hardware and software that may be developed by the Supplier further to the generating unit
delivery, shall ensure full ascending compatibility to allow for easy replacement of equipment that
became obsolete with limited reconfiguration.
At the Bid stage, the Supplier shall detail his lifecycle management strategy focusing on product
obsolescence, support options and further migration alternatives. The lifecycle/obsolescence
management plan and associated cost shall be part of the Bid process evaluation.
The Supplier shall complete an inventory of all provided equipment (hardware and software)
matching to different lifecycles phases, including all Sub-Vendors equipment (Operator stations,
routers, relays, regulators, etc.).
The Supplier shall guarantee that:
 Components (including software and hardware) shall remain in the “active products” range
(i.e. supporting developments and releases) over a period of at least 5 years after the SAT
 An announcement to Customer is provided 5 years prior the end of the commercial phase
 Components (including software and hardware) shall be fully supported and available over
a period of at least 15 years after the SAT
 Maintenance services including availability of engineering services shall be available to
support the package and components during the plant life time.

7. Documentation
The Package Supplier shall provide all the drawings required for connection and co-ordination
with other equipment in the plant as specified in the requisition, especially load requirements (400
VAC - 24 VDC - 230 VAC UPS, etc.) and remote control and feedback signals.

7.1 List of Documents

The Package Supplier shall provide at least the following documents:

7.1.1 With the Bid

 List of electrical consumers
 Power balances (24 VDC, 230 V - AC UPS; 230 V, 400 V, 6600 V)
 Completed data sheets (including generator and auxiliaries)
 AVR, governor and generator models including whole shaft line inertia (driver, gear box)
 Load acceptance (P, Q) performance function of spinning reserve/preload.
 Apparatus list (i.e.: protection relays, CTs, VTs, AVR, exciter, etc.)
 String test procedure including load bank set-up
 Deviation list from Company and Project standards
 List of proposed Manufacturers/Suppliers from the "Vendor List" for bulk items
 List of Subcontractors.

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third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 19 of 21

7.1.2 For Approval

 Design drawings, calculation sheets
 Generator and auxiliaries data sheet
 AVR, governor and generator models including whole shaft line inertia (driver, gear box)
 Load acceptance (P, Q) performance function of spinning reserve/preload
 General arrangement and interface drawings
 Unit Control Panel and PMS outline drawing and arrangement
 Single-line and three line diagrams, schematics and logic diagrams
 Cable block diagrams (for turbine)
 Cable schedules, connection diagrams and wiring diagrams (for turbine)
 Cable sizing calculation note if any
 Interconnection diagrams
 Installation drawings including equipment location and cable routing
 Earthing lay out
 PMS Architecture
 PMS detailed functional analyses
 PMS mimic
 PMS FAT procedure
 Power requirement for each consumer (rated, absorbed, duty factor, etc.), equipment list
 Standard/data sheets related to supplied equipment (motors, switchboards, cables, etc.)
 HMI mimic displays
 Obsolescence management dossier.

7.1.3 Final Documentation

A complete set of drawings shall be provided for each unit.
 As-built drawings
 FAT reports
 Operating and maintenance instruction manuals
 Electrical system operating and maintenance manuals
 Spare part list
 Sub-Supplier documentation
 Package and component certification (ATEX certificate, etc.).

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any
third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 20 of 21

Appendix 1 Fire Fighting Diesel AC Generator Driven Submerged

Electric Pump

1. Design
The architecture includes a diesel generator feeding directly the immersed pump motor with no
circuit breaker between the generator and the motor.
The UCP battery charger of the diesel generator shall be dual fed by the generator and external
power supply.

2. Starting Sequence
The principle and starting sequence of an immersed fire pump system shall be:
 Start of the diesel engine according to SD-NOC-MEC-024 and automatic ramp-up of the
 At approximatively 70% of the engine nominal speed (adjustable threshold), the generator
voltage is established (excitation On) to allow the motor to start and reach the speed
corresponding to this frequency threshold
 Then the diesel engine will accelerate to the nominal speed with excitation in U/F control
mode so that the motor run at a constant Voltage/frequency ratio
 Total ramp-up time to nominal speed/full load shall be maximum 20 sec after cranking is

3. Sizing
An architecture drawing and a calculation note shall be supplied with the offer. The generator
excitation system and relevant starting sequence shall be clearly defined.
The calculation note shall demonstrate the rating/selection of the motor/generator (active and
reactive power)/diesel engine and shall define the associated margins. The following curves shall
be provided over the complete starting sequence:
 Diesel engine speed
 Generator voltage
 Motor power
 Motor speed.

4. Protection Management
For this specific application, the electrical protections of the motor and the generator shall be
permanently inhibited except during tests of the fire water pump. When the protections are
inhibited, associated alarms shall be still available.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any
third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

Rev.: 01 Effective Date: 08/2018 Page: 21 of 21

Appendix 2 DG Auxiliaries and UCP Power Supply Schematic

essential DC



To DG’s Incoming To DG
CB cubicle auxiliaries
(Relays, CB coils, etc.)

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any
third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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