Med Surg: Cardiac
• Dilated Cardiomyopathy:
Think “Distended heart muscles”,
clients present with fibrosis (stiff DILATED RESTRICTIVE HYPERTROPHIC
hard muscles) of the myocardium Distended heart muscle “Rock hard’’ heart muscle Huge trophy-like heart muscle
and endocardium, dilated chambers,
making it hard for the heart to pump
out oxygen rich blood.
• Restrictive Cardiomyopathy:
Think “Rockhard heart muscles”, so
the heart cannot RE-fill with REstric-
tive cardiomyopathy, emboli (blood
clots) are common.
Pharmacology Labs & Diagnostics
• Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy:
Think “Huge Trophy like heart
muscles” in the middle septum • Chest X-ray & MRI
which can obstruct the aorta block • Echocardiogram measures
ing all oxygenated blood out to the Ejection Fraction (blood pumped out
body - very deadly! of heart) 55 - 70% = normal 40% or
Obstructive = blocks the Aortic valve LESS = BAD (heart failure)
Non-obstructive = does not block • Angiography
Highlights the coronary arteries to
All problems lead to see blockages & rule out ischemic
LESS cardiac output meaning heart disease (low oxygen to heart
LESS oxygen rich blood OUT to the muscles)
“B-type or Brain Natriuretic Peptides”
Breaking & Stretching of ventricles
Dilated cardiomyopathy
• S3 murmur Side note:
• Cardiomegaly (dilated heart) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
• B - Beta blockers
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy • C - Calcium channel blockers
• (same general low oxygen & HF) NO DDD
• D - Dilators
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy • D - Digoxin
• Typically asymptomatic (no s/s) • D - Diuretics
until heavy exercise & then the NO strenuous activity!
child DIES!