Tom Syllabus

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Course Name : Theory of Machines Course Code: 21ME42

Number of Lecture Hours /
: 03 CIE Marks: 50
Number of Practical Hours /
: 02 SEE Marks: 50
Total Number of Lecture +
: 40+24=64 SEE Duration: 03 Hours
Practical Hours
L:T:P : 3:0:2 CREDITS: 04
Fundamental knowledge of Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Physics.
The course focuses on the fundamentals and principles of kinematics and dynamics. The goal of the
course is to learn how to design and analyze simple mechanisms and mechanical elements. The
knowledge of this course is very essential for an engineer in designing the various parts of a machine.
This course will enable students:
1. To identify different link-based mechanisms with understanding of their motion
2. To understand various power transmission and regulating mechanisms
3. To design and evaluate the performance of different cams and followers.
4. To understand the concepts of mechanical vibrations and techniques of balancing of rotating
masses etc.
MODULE 1: Introduction to Kinematics and Velocity Analysis of
Introduction to Kinematics: Definitions: Mechanism, Machine, Structure, Kinematic
Link, Kinematic pairs, Kinematic chain, Degrees of freedom. Determination of degrees of
freedom of simple planar mechanisms using Grubler’s criterion, Grashof’s criteria for
four bar mechanisms. Kinematic inversions of Grashof’s chain and single slider crank
Velocity Analysis by Instantaneous Centre Method: Definition, Kennedy's theorem,
Determination of linear and angular velocity using instantaneous centre method (For
slider crank and four bar mechanisms with 4 links only).
Textbook 1: Ch.1, Ch-2- 2.12,2.13,2.14
Self-Study Component : Crank & Slotted lever quick return mechanism
MODULE 2: Gears and Gear Trains
Types of drives: Introduction to power transmission, types of mechanical power
transmission drives: Belt drives, Chain drives, Rope drives, Gear drives and Couplings.
Spur Gears: Gear terminology, Law of gearing, Gear tooth profiles (Involute and
Cycloidal), Path of contact, Arc of contact and Contact ratio for involute spur gears.
Interference in involute gears, and condition for minimum number of teeth to avoid
interference, Simple numerical problems using expressions of path of contact, arc of
contact and contact ratio (No numerical problems involving centre distance, minimum
number of teeth and backlash). 8
Gear Trains: Simple and compound gear trains (No numerical problems), Epicyclic gear
trains: Tabular column method of finding velocity ratio of epicyclic gear trains, Torque
calculation in epicyclic gear trains. (Simple numerical problems using tabular column
method only).
Textbook-1: Ch-10-10.1 to 10.15, Ch-11, 11.1 to 11.6
Self-Study Component : Methods of avoiding interference
MODULE 3: Cams and Balancing of rotating masses
Cams: Types of cams and followers, Types of follower motions: Uniform velocity, Simple
Harmonic Motion (SHM) and Uniform Acceleration Retardation (UARD). Cam profiles:
Disc cam with reciprocating follower having knife-edge and roller follower (Inline and
with offset).
Balancing of Rotating Masses: Static and Dynamic Balancing, Balancing of several 8
rotating masses by balancing masses in different planes (Numerical problems using
graphical method only).
Textbook-1: Ch-7, 7.1 to 7.9
Self-Study Component : Application of centrifugal force in Governors and introduction
to electronic governors

MODULE 4: Gyroscope and Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations

Gyroscope and Gyroscopic effects: Vectorial representation of angular motion and
Gyroscopic couple, Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on ship and aero plane, simple numerical
Free vibrations: Basic definitions, Basic elements of vibrating system, Types of free 8
vibrations, Methods of vibration analysis. Damped free vibrations: Equations of
motion for Under damped, over damped, and critically damped systems (without
derivation), Logarithmic decrement, simple numerical problems on damped vibrations
and natural frequency of longitudinal & transverse spring, mass damper systems by
newton’s method only
Textbook-2: Ch-21, 21.1 to 21.6, Ch-22, 22.1, 22.2,22.9
Self-Study Component : Application of Gyroscope as an instrument
MODULE 5: Forced Vibration and Modal Analysis
Forced vibrations: Undamped forced vibration of spring mass system, damped forced
vibrations, rotating unbalance, reciprocating unbalance, Vibration isolation, Critical
Vibration measurement & Modal Analysis: Vibrometer, accelerometer, Frequency
measurement devices: Fullarton and Frahm tachometer. Dynamic testing of machines 8
and structures, Experimental modal analysis, Machine condition monitoring and
Textbook-1: Ch-16, 16.1,16.2, 16.3, 16.5, 16.11 to 16.17, Ch-17, 17.1 to 17.7
Self-Study Component : Vibration measuring instruments

A - Demonstration:
A1: Determination of stress concentration using Photoelasticity for simple components
like plate with a hole under tension or bending, circular disk with circular hole under
A2: Demonstration of Gyroscopic effect
B – Exercise
B1: Balancing of rotating masses
B2: Determination of equilibrium speed, sensitiveness, power and effort of Hartnell
B3: Determination of natural frequency, logarithmic decrement, damping ratio and
damping coefficient in a single degree of freedom vibrating systems (longitudinal and
torsional). 24
B4: Determination of critical speed of a rotating shaft
C- Structured Enquiry
C1: Determination of Fringe constant of Photo-elastic material using i) Circular disc
subjected to diametrical compression, ii) Pure bending specimen (four-point bending)
C2: Determination of Pressure distribution in Journal bearing
C3: Determination of Principal Stresses and strains in a member subjected to combined
loading using strain rosettes.
C4: Determination of stresses in curved beam using strain gauge.
D- Open Ended Experiments
D1: Determination of resonance frequency for mechanical components by using
software packages.
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S.S. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 5th
Edition, 2019.
2. Theory of Machines, Sadhu Singh, Pearson Education India, 2nd Edition, 2013
Reference Books:
Mechanism and Machine Theory, A. G. Ambekar PHI, 2007
Theory of Machines, R.S. Khurmi, Eurasia Publishing House (PVT.) LTD., 1st color Edition. 2018.
Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, J.J. Uicker, G.R. Pennock, J.E. Shigley, Oxford Press, 3rd Ed, 2009
Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, Richards G. Budynas and J. Keith Nisbett, McGraw-Hill
Education, 10th Edition, 2015.
5. Design of Machine Elements, V.B. Bhandari, TMH publishing company Ltd. New Delhi, 2nd Edition
6. Mechanical Vibrations, Singiresu S. Rao, Pearson Education, 6th Edition, 2017
COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
CO1 Describe fundamentals concepts and principles of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery.
CO2 Apply the knowledge of force analysis on governors, rotating and reciprocating masses.
Analyze the concept of power or motion transmission and gyroscopic effect on various
engineering components.
Conduct the experiments to determine the dynamic characteristics of various mechanical

CO – PO – PSO Matrix
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2

CO1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 -
CO2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - 3 -
CO3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
CO4 - - - - 3 - - - 2 - - - - -
CO 2.5 3 - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 2.5 -

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