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Contractor:- Samuel ,Tariku and Jalale

Project : Toilet
Location:-A/Sadii Canqaa,Ganda 07
Owner:- Wra/F/A/S/Canqaa,Buufata Fayyaa Qeexoo 07
Consultant:-K/W/Z/Construction Authority
No Description Unit Quantity Rate Contract

Sub structure
1 Excavation and earthe work
1 site Clear & Remove Top 20cm thick Soil with worke M2 45.5 26 1,183.00
spce 100cm
1 Bulk Excavation in ordinary soil to adepth of 60cm m3 19.8 178 3,524.40
from reduced
1 Trench Excavation ordinary soil to adepth of 60cm m3 5.1 503 2,565.30
from reduced
1 200*350*1000cm for pit hole ordinary adepthe soil m3 70 151 10,570.00
not exeeding 1000cm
1 Back fill around foundation wall ander hard core with m3 3.7 143 529.10
selected material and compat in layer not exceeding
1 Cart Away surplus excavated material to an m3 100.3 386 38,715.80
appropriate tip to 2km away from the site
Total carrired to summary 57,087.60

2 50 thick trachytic orequivalent roughty dressed m3 18.75 3959 74,231.25

stone masonary foundation wall beded in cement
sand mortar 1;3 ratio withe deph of 250cm

2 50 thick trachytic or
equivalent semi -ddressed stone m3 2.98 3959 11,797.82
masonary wall 20cm above natural ground level
beded in cement sand mortar 1;3 ratio

2 100cm wide stone pavement around the bulding m3 23 527 12,121.00

price shall including red ash equvalent material as
per the detail drawing and engimeer dirction

2 suppeled and stone masonery with dim 20cmx30cm m3 1.69 3959 6,690.71
pipe open channeal around the buliding for external
drange system
Total carrired to summary 104,833.07
3.concrete work
3 concrete quality c-25
a. to grad beam m3 0.76 7968 6,055.68 150mm thioc ground floor slab m3 6.83 7968 54,421.44
3 formwork -
a. grad beam and slab -
3 mild steel bar reinforcement according to structural -
drawing . Price include cutting
a) dia 8 deformed bar (for strup and grad beam) kg 28.7 154.9 4,445.63
b) dia 12 deformed bar (for ground floor mesh) kg 268 154.9 41,513.20
Total carrired to summary 111,075.72
Total carrired to substructure 272,996.39

1 Reinforcement concrete quality C-25, 360kg of
cement/m3 filled in to form work and vibrated rode
to elvation columns m3 0.7 7968 5,577.60
to intermidate beam top tie beam m3 0.7 7968 5,577.60
1 formwork
provide cut and fix in position sawn zigba wood or
steel from work to
to elvation columns m2 16.2 196.2 3,178.44
to intermidate beam top tie beam m2 18.8 196.2 3,688.56
1 steel reanforcemant -
a) dia 8 deformed bar (for strup columan and beam) kg 27.8 189 5,254.20

b) dia 10 deformed bar (for top tie beam) kg 58 193 11,194.00

c) dia 12 deformed bar (for columan ) kg 71.4 191 13,637.40
Total carrired to summary 48,108.20
2. Block work

2 20cm thik hcb wall for extenal and 15cm thick m2 57.4 642 36,850.80
2 dito but 15cm thick HCB wall m2 30.8 525 16,170.00
Total carrired to summary 53,065.74
3. Roofing

3 Roof covering in G-32 corrugated galavanized iron m2 38.4 1177 45,196.80

sheet including roof ridge cover fixed to purlins.

3 coppin rdge ml 6.2 388 2,405.60

Total carrired to summary 47,649.48
4 Supply assemeble & mount dia.100mm eucaliptus ml 36.3 141 5,118.30
wooden truss as per the drawing.
4 a)Supply & fix 300mm x 25mm milled timber fascia ml 59.5 95 5,652.50
board nailed to timber purlin including two coats of
varnish paint 25cm with Fascia board.
4 B)Eucalyptus wood vertical & diagonal members. Dia ml 45 95 4,275.00
4 C) Eucalyptus wood upper & lower truss members ml 50 95 4,750.00
Dia 10mm 50x70 c/c1200mm
Total carrired to summary 18,385.80
Metal Work:- Metal Window & Doors made of 3.8 x
1.25mm LTZ profiles shown on the drawings.
A) Windows (1350 x 1500mm & 1350 x 500mm) B)
Doors ( 1000 x 2900mm & vertical column pipe 2 inch
on verandha to support roof.)

B) Doors ( 75 x 195cm pcs 6 7850.57 47,103.42
mesh Windows size 50cmx460cm pcs 4.6 685 3,151.00
mesh Windows size 50cmx410cm pcs 2.1 685 1,438.50
mesh Windows size 50cmx195cm pcs 2 685 1,370.00
Total carrired to summary 52,994.40

5 Apply three coats cement screed cement sand mortar m2 138.5 271.2 37,561.20
(1:3) screed evenly spread on top of ground floor.

apply final coat of trolen rendering in cement m2 52.6 271.2 14,265.12

andmorter incated wall, columan and beam including
apply 2coat of plastering in cement mortar egineer

Total carrired to summary 51,826.32

Sanitery instalation work

6 turkish toilet equipment six pic which show in pcs 6 1250.5 7,503.00
supply and fix hand omplet with plwash basin maid
vitreous china equipped with conscaled bracket made
of grey mallable cast iron white paintedcomplte with
plug chain andtraps
a. hand wash basin size 400x300mm pcs 4 2140.5 8,562.00
6 5cm thick cement screed flooring bedded in cement m2 20.5 365 7,482.50
mortar 1;3 on top of cement san
6 supplyand fix diamater 80 mm pvc pipe for down pipe ml 5 112.9 564.50
fixed to wall with metal straps welded joint towards to
ground and shall inclulds elbow and 3 coats oil paint

Total carrired to summary 24,112.00

Total carrired to summary 75,930.33
7 Apply three coats of plastic emulsion paint to internal
& external plastered wall surface.
Apply three coats approved type plastic paint to m2 138.5 306 42,381.00
allinternal,external beam and column surface
Total carrired to summary 42,387.12

9 low voltag system earthing 2400x16mm copper bond NO 1 8950 8,950.00

earthing rod insid manhole with pipe of dia 50 man
hole brick or masonery internal of 600x600x700mm

9 conduts and pipes PIC 6 95 570.00

flush mouting distributed borad sdb-ag in sheet steel NO 1 750 750.00
inclosur with lockable
9 1pcs acb of 10A/1P 1 125.5 125.50
ACB of 10A/1P psc 1 45 45.00
9 FLush mouting distributed borad sdb-ag in sheet steel NO 6 40 240.00
inclosur with lockable double two way swictch
light fixing point
9 light fixing pointthrough pvc incsulted conducter of NO 6 550 3,300.00
dia 16 coundet 2x2.5mm2 insd pvc colating junction
box with cover insulating screw cap connectors

9 lighting fitting
incadesent lamp NO 6 125.5 753.00
supplay and install cable
3*6 mm and 2cable ML 21 124.5 2,614.50
2*10mm2cable ML 12 183.4 2,200.80
Total carrired to summary 21,148.80
Sub total A 272,996.40
Sub total B 359,669.80
TOTAL A+B 632,666.20
VAT15% 94,899.90

Prepared by: client

Name _________ Name ____________
Sign_____ _
previous Previous Amt Current qty Current Todate Amount
Qty amount

45.50 1,183.00 1,183.00

19.80 3,524.40 3,524.40

5.1 2,580.39 2,580.39

55.13 8,323.88 14.00 2,114.00 10,437.88

2.66 380.38 380.38

89.13 34,404.18 12 4,632.00 39,036.18

50,396.23 6,746.00 57,142.23

15.00 59,385.00 3.75 14,846.25 74,231.25

2.00 7,918.00 0.98 3,879.82 11,797.82

- 23.00 12,121.00 12,121.00

- 1.69 6,690.71 6,690.71

67,303.00 37,537.78 104,840.78

0.76 6,055.68 6,055.68
6.75 53,784.00 - 53,784.00

28.7 4,304.40 4,304.40

267.82 41,485.44 41,485.44
105,629.52 - 105,629.52
223,328.75 44,283.78 105,629.52

0.648 5,163.26 5,163.26

- 0.70 5,577.60 5,577.60

12.96 2,542.75 3.20 627.84 3,170.59

- 18.80 3,688.56 3,688.56
- - -
24.763735 4,680.35 3 573.85 5,254.20

- 58 11,194.00 11,194.00
71.4 13,637.40 - 13,637.40
26,023.76 21,661.85 47,685.62
51.3 32,934.60 6.1 3,916.20 36,850.80

27 14,175.00 3.8 1,995.00 16,170.00

47,109.60 5,911.20 53,020.80
38.4 45,196.80 45,196.80

6.2 2,405.60 2,405.60

47,602.40 47,602.40
36.3 5,118.30 5,118.30

59.5 5,652.50 5,652.50

45 4,275.00 4,275.00

50 4,750.00 4,750.00

19,795.80 19,795.80

6 47,103.42 47,103.42
- -
4.6 3,151.00 3,151.00
2.1 1,438.50 1,438.50
2 1,370.00 1,370.00
53,062.92 53,062.92
- -
138.5 37,561.20 37,561.20

52.6 14,265.12 14,265.12

51,826.32 51,826.32
6 7,503.00 7,503.00

4 8,562.00 8,562.00
20.5 7,482.50 7,482.50
5 564.50 564.50

24,112.00 24,112.00
75,930.33 75,930.33

138.5 42,381.00 42,381.00

42,381.00 42,381.00
1 900.00 900.00
1 8,950.00 8,950.00

6 570.00 570.00
1 750.00 750.00

1 125.50 125.50
1 45.00 45.00
6 240.00 240.00

- -
6 3,300.00 3,300.00

- -
6 753.00 753.00
- -
21 2,614.50 2,614.50
12 2,200.80 2,200.80
20,448.80 20,448.80
223,328.75 44,283.78 267,612.53
73,133.36 286,794.30 359,927.67
296,462.11 331,078.08 627,540.19
44,469.32 49,661.71 94,131.03
340,931.43 380,739.80 721,671.22

Supervised by Regulated by
Name ___________ Name _______
Sign : ________ Sign_____
Contractor:- Samuel ,Tariku and Jalale
Project : Toilet
Location:-A/Sadii Canqaa,Ganda 07
Owner:- Wra/F/A/S/Canqaa,Buufata Fayyaa Qeexoo 07
Consultant:-K/W/Z/Construction Authority
Contractor previous Current Upto date
Description Amount Amount amount
1 Excavation and Earth work 57,087.60 50,396.23 6,360.00 56,756.23
2 Masonary work 104,833.07 67,303.00 37,537.78 104,840.78
3 Concrete work 111,075.72 105,629.52 105,629.52
Sub Total A 272,996.39 223,328.75 44,283.78 267,226.53
1 Concrete work 48,108.20 26,023.76 21,661.85 47,685.62
2 Block work 53,065.74 47,109.60 5,911.20 53,020.80
3 Roofing 47,649.48 47,649.48 47,649.48
4 Carpentary&Joinary 18,385.80 19,795.80 19,795.80
5 Metal work 52,994.40 53,062.92 53,062.92
6 Finishing 75,930.33 75,930.33 75,930.33
9 Painting 42,387.12 42,381.00 42,381.00
10 Electrical Installation 21,148.80 20,448.80 20,448.80
Sub Total B 359,669.80 73,133.36 286,841.38 359,974.75
Total(A+B) 632,666.19 296,462.11 331,125.16 627,201.27
Vat 15% 94,899.93 44,469.32 49,668.77 94,138.09
GRAND TOTAL 727,566.12 340,931.43 380,793.94 721,339.36
Prepared by: client Supervised by Regulated by
Name _________ Name ____________ Name _________Name _______
Sign__ Sign_______ Sign : ______ Sign_____
Contractor:- Samuel ,Tariku and Jalale
Project : Toilet
Location:-A/Sadii Canqaa,Ganda 07
Owner:- Wra/F/A/S/Canqaa,Buufata Fayyaa Qeexoo 07
Consultant:-K/W/Z/Construction Authority
Dime Qty Unit Description
4 1.4pit hole excavation
0.80 14 m3
1.6 cartaway

12.00 m3 45.5*0.2+2+2=11.1
0.50 3.75 m3
1 23
1 23.0 m3
1 28.3
0.2 1.698 m3
2.03 C-25 concrete
a) Top beams
4 0.2
0.7 Total -------------------m3
1.02 Formwork

2 0.8
3.20 Total -------------------------------m2

a)for intermediate beam

4 0.8
18.6 Total -------------------------------m2
2.06 Reinforcement steel bar
8.00 Total ---------------kg
58.00 Total ---------------kg
b) Dia 12mm deformed bar
20cm. thick HCB Class B
1 3.00
6.0 Total --------------m2
1 1.90 15cm. thick HCB Class B
2 3.8
3.8 total 15cm. thick HCB Class B ….m2
Roof covering in G-32 corrugated galavanized iron sheet
2 4.8 .
4 38.4 M2
5.06 supply and fix G-30 galvanized iron sheet ridge cover
Coping Rigde
1 6.2 6.2 ml
6. carpenttry and jointery
6.01 sawn zigba woodroof purlin 50*70mm
1 36.3 36.3 ml
a)Supply & fix 300mm x 25mm milled timber fascia
1 board
59.5 59.5 ml
6.02) Eucalyptus wood vertical & diagonal members
1 45 45.0 ml
6.03) Eucalyptus wood vertical & diagonal member
1 50 50.0 ml
7.0 metal work
2 A)Doors size 100cm x 290 cm
1 4.6 PCS mesh Windows size 50cmx460cm
1 2.1 PCS mesh Windows size 50cmx410cm
1 2 PCS mesh Windows size 50cmx195cm
Apply three coats cement screed cement sand mortar
(1:3) screed evenly spread on top of ground floor.
2 20.6
123.6 m2
1 4
3.7 14.8
138.4 m2
apply final coat of trolen rendering
1 19.485
52.6 m2

Sanitery instalation work

turkish toilet equipment six pic which show in drawing
1 6.00 pcs
supply and fix hand wash
1 4.00 pcs a. hand wash basin size 400x300mm
5cm thick cement screed
2 20.50
0.50 20.50 m2
1 5.00 ml supplyand fix diamater 80 mm pvc pipe
Apply three coats of plastic emulsion paint to internal &
external plastered wall surface.
2 20.6
1 4
3.7 14.8
1 1 NO low voltag system earthing 2400x16mm copper bond
1 6 PIC conduts and pipes
1 1 NO flush mouting distributed borad sdb-ag
1 1 1pcs acb of 10A/1P
1 1 psc ACB of 10A/1P
1 6 NO FLush mouting distributed borad
light fixing point
6 NO light fixing point through pvc incsulted conducter of dia
1 16 coundet 2x2.5mm2 insd pvc
lighting fitting
1 6 NO incadesent lamp
supplay and install cable
1 21 ML 3*6 mm and 2cable
1 12 ML 2*10mm2cable
Final Payment
Contractor:- Samuel ,Tariku and Jalale
Project : Toilet
Location:-A/Sadii Canqaa,Ganda 07 Amount(Bir)
Owner:- Wra/F/A/S/Canqaa,Buufata Fayyaa Qeexoo 07 1. Main Contract 632,666.20
Consultant:-K/W/Z/Construction Authority
upto date payment 4.VAT 15% 94,899.93
No. Date Amount(birr) Total Sum with 15% VAT 727,566.13
Advance pay 20% 145,513.23
payement 1 140,304.17 Amount(Bir)
payement 2 200,627.26 current material supplied work without vat 331,125.16
payement 3 380,793.94 vat15% 49,668.77
payement 4 Current pyt with vat 380,793.94

Total Deduction
- 721,725.37 1.Prev Payment 340,931.43
upto date payment 721,725.36
2.Current Advanced 77,326.94
4.Current Retantion 19,039.70
Deduction Total Deduction 96,366.64
%5 retention check 36,086.27
repay retantion 7015.21
repay retantion 7574.26 Net Sum due to the Contractor 284,427.30
repay retantion 21576.39 With vatwith
15 %out Vat 247,328.09
from Totalreta. Reta repay 36,165.86 15%VAT 37,099.21
Advance 30% 145,513.23 284,427.30
Repay Adv.1 28,060.83
Repay Adv.2 40125.45 Net Sum due to the 284,427.30
Rep. Advance 3 77,326.94 Contractor
total Adv. Rep adv 145,513.23
We certifay that the contractor is now entitled to the sum of Birr 284427.3, (Two hundred
thuosand Eight four thousand four hundred twenty seven birr & 30 /100 cent only).
Prepared by: client Supervised by Regulated by
Name _________ Name ________ Name ___________ Name _______
Sign_____ Sign_______ Sign : ________ Sign_____


Structure: sup-structure
Dia. No.of No.of
Location Bar No Shape Length No.of 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24
Inmm bars Elem.
top tie beam - - - - - - - -

C 12 2.7 4 6 24 - - - 64.8 - - - -

strip 8 0.8 17.75 4 24 - 19 - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -
Total length 0 19 0 64.8 0 0 0 0
Unit weight (kg/ 0.222 0.3950 0.617 0.888 1.21 1.58 2.47 3.55
Total weight 0.00 8 0.00 58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contractor:- Samuel ,Tariku and Jalale
Project : Toilet
Location:-A/Sadii Canqaa,Ganda 07
Owner:- Wra/F/A/S/Canqaa,Buufata Fayyaa Qeexoo 07
Consultant:-K/W/Z/Construction Authority
No Description Unit Quantity Rate Contract previous Previous Amt Current qty Current Todate Amount
Qty amount
Sub structure
1 Excavation and earthe work
1 site Clear & Remove Top 20cm thick Soil with worke M2 45.5 26 1,183.00 45.50 1,183.00 1,183.00
spce 100cm
1 Bulk Excavation in ordinary soil to adepth of 60cm m3 19.8 178 3,524.40 19.80 3,524.40 3,524.40
from reduced
1 Trench Excavation ordinary soil to adepth of 60cm m3 5.1 503 2,565.30 5.1 2,580.39 2,580.39
from reduced
1 200*350*1000cm for pit hole ordinary adepthe soil m3 70 151 10,570.00 55.13 8,323.88 14.00 2,114.00 10,437.88
not exeeding 1000cm
1 Back fill around foundation wall ander hard core with m3 3.7 143 529.10 2.66 380.38 380.38
selected material and compat in layer not exceeding
1 Cart Away surplus excavated material to an m3 100.3 386 38,715.80 89.13 34,404.18 11 4,246.00 38,650.18
appropriate tip to 2km away from the site
Total carrired to summary 57,087.60 50,396.23 6,360.00 56,756.23

2 50 thick trachytic orequivalent roughty dressed m3 18.75 3959 74,231.25 15.00 59,385.00 3.75 14,846.25 74,231.25
stone masonary foundation wall beded in cement
sand mortar 1;3 ratio withe deph of 250cm

2 50 thick trachytic or
equivalent semi -ddressed stone m3 2.98 3959 11,797.82 2.00 7,918.00 0.98 3,879.82 11,797.82
masonary wall 20cm above natural ground level
beded in cement sand mortar 1;3 ratio

2 100cm wide stone pavement around the bulding m3 23 527 12,121.00 - 23.00 12,121.00 12,121.00
price shall including red ash equvalent material as
per the detail drawing and engimeer dirction

2 suppeled and stone masonery with dim 20cmx30cm m3 1.69 3959 6,690.71 - 1.69 6,690.71 6,690.71
pipe open channeal around the buliding for external
drange system
Total carrired to summary 104,833.07 67,303.00 37,537.78 104,840.78
3.concrete work
3 concrete quality c-25 -
a. to grad beam m3 0.76 7968 6,055.68 0.76 6,055.68 6,055.68 150mm thioc ground floor slab m3 6.83 7968 54,421.44 6.75 53,784.00 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
3 formwork -
a. grad beam and slab -
3 mild steel bar reinforcement according to structural -
drawing . Price include cutting
a) dia 8 deformed bar (for strup and grad beam) kg 28.7 154.9 4,445.63 28.7 4,304.40 4,304.40
b) dia 12 deformed bar (for ground floor mesh) kg 268 154.9 41,513.20 267.82 41,485.44 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Total carrired to summary 111,075.72 105,629.52 Err:509 Err:509
Total carrired to substructure 272,996.39 223,328.75 Err:509 Err:509

work -
1 Reinforcement concrete quality C-25, 360kg of -
cement/m3 filled in to form work and vibrated rode
to elvation columns m3 0.7 7968 5,577.60 0.648 5,163.26 5,163.26
to intermidate beam top tie beam m3 0.7 7968 5,577.60 - 0.70 5,577.60 5,577.60
1 formwork
provide cut and fix in position sawn zigba wood or
steel from work to
to elvation columns m2 16.2 196.2 3,178.44 12.96 2,542.75 3.20 627.84 3,170.59
to intermidate beam top tie beam m2 18.8 196.2 3,688.56 - 18.80 3,688.56 3,688.56
1 steel reanforcemant - 0 - - -
a) dia 8 deformed bar (for strup columan and beam) kg 27.8 189 5,254.20 19.715635 3,726.26 8 1,527.94 5,254.20

b) dia 10 deformed bar (for top tie beam) kg 58 193 11,194.00 - 58 11,194.00 11,194.00
c) dia 12 deformed bar (for columan ) kg 71.4 191 13,637.40 71.4 13,637.40 - 13,637.40
Total carrired to summary 48,108.20 25,069.67 22,615.94 47,685.62
2. Block work -

2 20cm thik hcb wall for extenal and 15cm thick m2 57.4 642 36,850.80 48.6 31,201.20 8.9 5,713.80 36,915.00
2 dito but 15cm thick HCB wall m2 30.8 525 16,170.00 19.2 10,080.00 11.6 6,090.00 16,170.00
Total carrired to summary 53,065.74 41,281.20 11,803.80 53,085.00
3. Roofing -

3 Roof covering in G-32 corrugated galavanized iron m2 38.4 1177 45,196.80 38.4 45,196.80 45,196.80
sheet including roof ridge cover fixed to purlins.

3 coppin rdge ml 6.2 388 2,405.60 6.2 2,405.60 2,405.60

Total carrired to summary 47,649.48 47,602.40 47,602.40
4 Supply assemeble & mount dia.100mm eucaliptus ml 36.3 141 5,118.30 36.3 5,118.30 5,118.30
wooden truss as per the drawing.
4 a)Supply & fix 300mm x 25mm milled timber fascia ml 59.5 95 5,652.50 59.5 5,652.50 5,652.50
board nailed to timber purlin including two coats of
varnish paint 25cm with Fascia board.
4 B)Eucalyptus wood vertical & diagonal members. Dia ml 45 95 4,275.00 45 4,275.00 4,275.00
4 C) Eucalyptus wood upper & lower truss members ml 50 95 4,750.00 50 4,750.00 4,750.00
Dia 10mm 50x70 c/c1200mm
Total carrired to summary 18,385.80 19,795.80 19,795.80
Metal Work:- Metal Window & Doors made of 3.8 x
1.25mm LTZ profiles shown on the drawings.
A) Windows (1350 x 1500mm & 1350 x 500mm) B)
Doors ( 1000 x 2900mm & vertical column pipe 2 inch
on verandha to support roof.)

B) Doors ( 75 x 195cm pcs 6 7850.57 47,103.42 6 47,103.42 47,103.42
Windows - -
mesh Windows size 50cmx460cm pcs 4.6 685 3,151.00 4.6 3,151.00 3,151.00
mesh Windows size 50cmx410cm pcs 2.1 685 1,438.50 2.1 1,438.50 1,438.50
mesh Windows size 50cmx195cm pcs 2 685 1,370.00 2 1,370.00 1,370.00
Total carrired to summary 52,994.40 53,062.92 53,062.92

5 Apply three coats cement screed cement sand mortar m2 138.5 271.2 37,561.20 138.5 37,561.20 37,561.20
(1:3) screed evenly spread on top of ground floor.

apply final coat of trolen rendering in cement m2 52.6 271.2 14,265.12 52.6 14,265.12 14,265.12
andmorter incated wall, columan and beam including
apply 2coat of plastering in cement mortar egineer

Total carrired to summary 51,826.32 51,826.32 51,826.32

Sanitery instalation work -

6 turkish toiletequipment six pic which show in pcs 6 1250.5 7,503.00 6 7,503.00 7,503.00
supply and fix hand omplet with plwash basin maid -
vitreous china equipped with conscaled bracket made
of grey mallable cast iron white paintedcomplte with
plug chain andtraps
a. hand wash basin size 400x300mm pcs 4 2140.5 8,562.00 4 8,562.00 8,562.00
6 5cm thick cement screed flooring bedded in cement m2 20.5 365 7,482.50 20.5 7,482.50 7,482.50
mortar 1;3 on top of cement san
6 supplyand fix diamater 80 mm pvc pipe for down pipe ml 5 112.9 564.50 5 564.50 564.50
fixed to wall with metal straps welded joint towards to
ground and shall inclulds elbow and 3 coats oil paint

Total carrired to summary 24,112.00 24,112.00 24,112.00

Total carrired to summary 75,930.33 75,930.33 75,930.33
7 Apply three coats of plastic emulsion paint to internal -
& external plastered wall surface.
Apply three coats approved type plastic paint to m2 138.5 306 42,381.00 138.5 42,381.00 42,381.00
allinternal,external beam and column surface
Total carrired to summary 42,387.12 42,381.00 42,381.00
9.ELECTRICAL INSTALATION Work. NO 1 900 900.00 1 900.00 900.00

9 low voltag system earthing 2400x16mm copper bond NO 1 8950 8,950.00 1 8,950.00 8,950.00
earthing rod insid manhole with pipe of dia 50 man
hole brick or masonery internal of 600x600x700mm

9 conduts and pipes PIC 6 95 570.00 6 570.00 570.00

flush mouting distributed borad sdb-ag in sheet steel NO 1 750 750.00 1 750.00 750.00
inclosur with lockable
9 1pcs acb of 10A/1P 1 125.5 125.50 1 125.50 125.50
ACB of 10A/1P psc 1 45 45.00 1 45.00 45.00
9 FLush mouting distributed borad sdb-ag in sheet steel NO 6 40 240.00 6 240.00 240.00
inclosur with lockable double two way swictch
light fixing point - -
9 light fixing pointthrough pvc incsulted conducter of NO 6 550 3,300.00 6 3,300.00 3,300.00
dia 16 coundet 2x2.5mm2 insd pvc colating junction
box with cover insulating screw cap connectors

9 lighting fitting - -
incadesent lamp NO 6 125.5 753.00 6 753.00 753.00
supplay and install cable - -
3*6 mm and 2cable ML 21 124.5 2,614.50 21 2,614.50 2,614.50
2*10mm2cable ML 12 183.4 2,200.80 12 2,200.80 2,200.80
Total carrired to summary 21,148.80 20,448.80 20,448.80
Sub total A 272,996.40 223,328.75 Err:509 Err:509
Sub total B 359,669.80 66,350.87 293,640.99 359,991.87
TOTAL A+B 632,666.20 289,679.62 Err:509 Err:509
VAT15% 94,899.90 43,451.94 Err:509 Err:509
TOTAL SUMMARY WITH VAT 727,566,2 333,131.56 Err:509 Err:509

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