ENGG1320 - Soccer Robot Group Poject

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The University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

ENGG1320 Engineers in the Modern World
Smart Soccer Robot
(95% of Total Course Mark)

This group project is aimed at providing a hands-on experience for students to design and fabricate a smart
soccer robot with an integration of an Arduino controller and various IoT sensors using 3D printing and
laser material processing systems. Each group needs to do the following tasks:
● To experience how to design and make a robot-enabled product;
● To develop a control program of a smart soccer robot; and
● To use laser materials processing and 3D printing equipment to fabricate housing parts of the

Major equipment, software and materials

● Equipment
○ 3D printers
○ Laser material processing equipment
● Software
○ SolidWorks
○ mBlock/Adruino IDE
● Materials
○ 2mm wooden board (for the main part of AGV)
○ 3D printing materials (for the wheels)
○ An Arduino-based controller and IoT sensors

1. Design and create a 3D soccer robot assembly model using SolidWorks CAD software, as shown
in Figure 1;

Figure 1. Create a 3D soccer robot assembly model using SolidWorks

2. Save the robot assembly parts as “dxf” files and fabricate physical parts using laser material
processing equipment and 3D printing systems, as shown in Figure 2;

Figure 2. Laser cutting parts

3. Assemble laser cutting parts, 3D printing wheels, a controller, and sensors to form a completed
soccer robot assembly, as shown in Figure 3;

Figure 3. A completed soccer robot assembly

4. Write a control program using a mBlock/Arduino IDE; and

5. Import the program into an Arduino-based controller, called mCore, and then control the soccer
robot assembly using a wireless remote controller.

Task for each team
1. Create a soccer robot with program: maximum size of the part model should be less than 20cm x
20cm x 15cm (Length x Width x Height);
2. Create a control program that drives the movements of the soccer robot and counts the total
number of crossing over obstacles as “black” labels as shown in Figure 4.
3. Set the line follower in the front of the soccer robot;
4. Win a 3-minute match, a soccer (approximately 6.5cm diameter) should be brought into your
opponent’s goal.

1. Each group submits the following items:
a. A soccer robot part and assembly CAD models
b. A physical soccer robot assembly
c. An Arduino control program

1. Design and fabrication of a soccer robot (30% of total course mark)
a. Aesthetics 15%
b. Functionality (include programming & car toughness) 40%
c. Creativity & originality 15%
d. Ease of assembly 30%
2. A knockout match (15% of total course mark)
a. If teams enter “Final”, “A+” grade will be given.
b. If teams enter “Semifinals”, “A” grade will be given.
c. If teams enter “Quarterfinals”, “B+” grade will be given.
d. If teams compete a match, “B” range will be given.
3. A 3 Min video to report the project (10% of total course mark)
a. Logic design (25%)
b. Smoothness (25%)
c. Clarity (25%)
d. Innovation (25%)
4. A poster for exhibiting the project (5% of total course mark)
5. PPT slides (5% of total course mark)
6. A report of the marketing analysis and business plan (20% of total course mark)
7. An individual performance based on peer evaluation (10% of total course mark)

Rules of A Soccer Robot Match

• This is a knockout soccer match.
• If a team wins a match, the team can enter the next round match.
• Each match is 3 minutes.
• The field size is within 2 meters long and 1 meter wide.
• The ball must have a diameter around 65 mm, which is set at the center of the field.

• If teams are still level after the 3-minute time then fouls will be counted; if the total fouls of a
team are smaller than that of the opponent, it means the team would win the match.
• If a robot’s line follower senor crosses over a “black” label as shown in Figure 4, a foul will be
• If two robots are within the field, team members cannot touch/move the robots with their hands
during the match.
• If two robots are jammed, a match judge is only allowed to manually move them.
• If there are any arguments, a match judge can make a final judgement.

Black labels as

A robot is at a
soccer goal

Figure 4. An isometric view of a match field

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