Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Development of Albian Succession in Nasiriyah Oil Field, Southern Iraq

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Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining Vol.14, No.

2, 2018 p 61  69


Marwah H. Khudhair1 and Aiad A. Al-Zaidy2
Received: 25/ 10/ 2017, Accepted: 18/ 01/ 2018
Key words: Petrophysical Properties, Reservoir development, Albian succession,
Nasiriyah Oil Field, Iraq

The carbonate-clastic succession in the studied wells is represented by the Nahr Umr
and Mauddud formations deposited during the Albian Sequence. This study includes
petrophysical properties and reservoir characterization of this succession in 5 wells within the
Nasiriyah oil field. According to values and shape of gamma ray logs and shale values, the
studied formations were subdivided into five zones named; A, B, C, D, and E. Three types of
rocks were identified in these zones according to their total porosity: Type I: High-moderate
active porosity rocks; Type 2: High-moderate inactive porosity rocks and Type 3: Low-non
porous rocks. According to the relationship of resistivity-porosity and hydrocarbon saturation
two reservoir horizons have been identified in this study within the Nahr Umr Formation. The
Mauddud Formation, on the other hand, does not show any hydrocarbon in the studied
succession, due to the overwhelming presence of shale strongly affected by diagenetic
processes such as cementation and compaction. Horizon 1 appears in the upper sand member
of Nahr Umr Formation, encountered in wells No.1, No.2, and No.3. This type of rocks is
characterized by high-moderate porosity (effective porosity) with low volume of shale and
high deep resistivity. The thickness of this type ranges from 21 m to 48.5 m. Horizon 2 is
represented by breaded river lithofacies, occurring in all the studied wells except No.3. It is
divided into two sub-horizons in well No.5. This type of rocks is 12.25 – 57 m thick and
characterized by high-moderate porosity with low volume of shale and high deep resistivity.

،‫الخواص البتروفيزيائيت والتطور المكمني لتتابع االلبيان في حقل الناصريت النفطي‬

‫جنوبي العراق‬
‫مروة حاتم خضير و أياد علي الزيذي‬
‫ٔخمثم انخخببغ مُضُع انذساسً انحبنٕت بخكُٔىٓ وٍش ػمش َمُدَد انمخشسبٕه خالل دَسة األنبٕبن َحضمىج انذساست‬
ّ‫ قسم انخخببغ ان‬.ٓ‫انبخشَغشافٕت َانخحهٕم انسحىٓ َانخُاص انمكمىٕت نٍزا انخخببغ فٓ خمست آببس ضمه حقم انىبصشٔت انىفط‬
ّ‫) ببالػخمبد ػهّ شكم َقٕمت أشؼت گبمب َحجم انسجٕم انمُجُد َقسمج ٌزي األوطقت ان‬E َ D ،C ،B ،A( ‫خمس أوطقت‬
‫) ػبنٓ انّ مخُسظ‬2 ،‫مخُسظ انمسبمٕت انفؼبنت‬-ٓ‫) ػبن‬1 :ٌٓ ‫ثالد أوُاع مه انصخُس ببالػخمبد ػهّ انمسبمٕت انكهٕت‬
Department of Geology, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq,
Department of Geology, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq.

ISSN 1311 – 4539 GEOSURV Iraq:

61 Academic Scientific Journals:
Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Development of Albian Succession in Nasiriyah Oil
Field, Southern Iraq Marwah H. Khudhair and Aiad A. Al-Zaidy

‫ حم حقٕٕم انخُاص انمكمىٕت نخكُٔىٓ وٍش ػمش َانمُدَد مه خالل‬.‫) قهٕم انّ ػذٔم انمسبمٕت‬3 َ ،‫انمسبمٕت غٕش انفؼبنت‬
‫ حم حسبة االشببع‬.‫مىبقشت انخغٕشاث فٓ انمسبمٕبث انثبؤُت َانفؼبنت َانىفبرٔت ببالػخمبد ػهّ انمقبَمٕت َانمسبمٕت‬
‫ بٕىمب نم ٔظٍش حكُٔه مُدَد‬،‫انٍبٔذسَكبسبُوٓ َححذٔذ مسخُٕٔه مٍمٕه فٓ انمقبطغ انمذسَست ضمه حكُٔه وٍش ػمش‬
‫أٔشُاٌذ نُجُد انٍٕذسَكبسبُوبث َٔشجغ رنك سبمب انّ وسبت انسجٕم انؼبنٕت َحأثش انخكُٔه ببنؼمهٕبث انخحُٔشٔت َخبصت‬
َ 2-‫ وبصشٔت‬،1-‫ ٔقغ انمسخُِ األَل فٓ انجزء األػهّ نهُحذة انشمهٕت ضمه اٖببس وبصشٔت‬.‫انسمىخت َػمهٕت انخشاص‬
‫ َٔخمٕز بُجُد صخُس راث مسبمٕت فؼبنت ػبنٕت انّ مخُسطت َوسبت سجٕم ضئٕهت َمقبَمٕت ػمٕقت ػبنٕت‬3-‫وبصشٔت‬
‫ ٔخمٕز انمسخُِ انثبوٓ بقٕم مسبمٕت فؼبنت ػبنٕت َقٕم سجٕم ضئٕهت َمقبَمت ػمٕقت‬.‫ مخش‬54.5 – 21 ‫َٔخشاَح سمكً بٕه‬
‫ مخشا َٔخمثم بسحىت بٕئت انىٍش انضفبئشْ فٓ جمٕغ اٖببس انمذسَست ػذا انبئش‬55 – 12.25 ‫ػبنٕت َٔخشاَح سمكً بٕه‬

The Nasiriyah oil field is located in the South of Iraq (Al-Naqib, 1967) within the
Mesopotamian Zone of Buday and Jassim (1987), (Fig.1) and comprised of a subsurface
anticline with NW – SE axis. The carbonate-clastic succession in this study is represented by
the Nahr Uamr and Mauddud Formationsَ deposited during the Albian sequence. The present
study includes petrophysical properties and reservoir characterizations of these successions in
five wells (No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) within the Nasiriyah oil field.

Fig.1: Location of the study area

The clastic-carbonate successions of the Nahr Umr and Mauddud formations are part of
the Albian-Early Turonian Sequence of the Wasi'a Group. The Nahr Umr Formation was
defined by Glynn Jones in 1948 (in: Bellen et al., 1959) in the Nahr Umr structure in south
Iraq. The two major depocenters in central and south Iraq correspond to areas which received
clastics from the Rutba Uplift and the Arabian Shield. In its type area in Southern Iraq, the

Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining Vol.14, No.2, 2018 p 61  69

Nahr Umr Formation comprises black shale bedded with medium to fine grained sandstones
with lignite, amber, and pyrite (Bellen et al., 1959). The proportion of sand in the formation
increases towards the Salman Zone.
The Mauddud Formation includes the Upper part of the Qamchuqa Formation and is
considered the most widespread Lower Cretaceous formation in Iraq. It has variable thickness
due to lateral facies change and erosional truncation. At outcrop in NE Iraq, the Qamchuqa
Formation comprises organic detrital; detrital and locally argillaceous limestones with
variable degrees of dolomitization (Bellen et al., 1959). In some areas, fresh- or brackish-
water limestone beds were reported (Jassim and Goff, 2006). In Southern Iraq, the Mauddud
Formation comprises frequently dolomitized organo detrital limestone.
The present study involves petrophysical properties of the Nahr Umr and Mauddud
formations in the Nasiriyah oil field, and the effects of diagenetic development on reservoir
properties, with the construction of a reservoir model for these formations.

The present study is based on:
 Digitizing well logs using Didger software.
 Using interactive petrophysical software IP (V3.5) for the environmental correction, lithology,
mineral identification and logs interpretation.
 Study of the well logs and relate the log response to facies and diagenetic changes.
 Building petrophysical model and petrophysical properties, throughout well correlation, in the
Mauuddud and Nahr Umr formations in the Nasiriyah oil field.

Ebraheem (2015) studied Reservoir characters within West Qurna oil field for Shuaiba and Nahr
Umr formations, according to the values of gamma ray and shale content it was divided into three
zones (A, B, C). Zone A is composed of sandstone with little amount of shale, with total porosity
ranges between (< %10 – %30) which enabled dividing the zone into two petrophysic units; high-
moderate active porosity and high-moderate inactive porosity. Zone B is characterized by three
subzone: Box shape, with low gamma and sharp boundaries; Funnel shape, which refers to
increasing upward gamma ray value and Bell shape, which refers to relatively decreasing upward
gamma ray value. Zone C is represented by an irregular log shape with very low shale content.
According to the relationship between resistivity-porosity and the hydrocarbon saturation, two types
of reservoires were identified; Type A appeared in the sand part of the Nahr Umr Formation,
characterized by high-moderate porosity (effective porosity) with low volume of shale and high deep
resistivity. Type B is shown in the upper and lower parts of the Shuaiba Formation and characterized
by high-moderate porosity (effective porosity) with high deep resistivity.
Hussein (2015) studied the Nahr Umr and Mauddud formations in Luhais oil field. The
evaluation of reservoir characterization was discussed in terms of changes in the secondary and
effective porosities and permeability. According to resistivity and porosity, the hydrocarbon
saturation was calculated and three zones were determinated in the studied section; Zone A, Zone B
and Zone C, these zones were divided into two rock types according to total porosity: High-moderate
active porosity rocks (Type I), and Low-non poros rocks (Type II).

Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Development of Albian Succession in Nasiriyah Oil
Field, Southern Iraq Marwah H. Khudhair and Aiad A. Al-Zaidy


The interpretation of results is made through direct reading of the well logs as well as
through established relationships and cross-plots in order to find the important lithological
and petrophysical properties.

 Shale Volume Determination

Shale is usually more radioactive than sand or carbonate; hence, gamma-ray logs can be
used to calculate shale content in porous reservoirs. The volume of shale, expressed as a
decimal fraction or percentage, is called V shale. Calculation of the gamma-ray index is the
first step needed to determine the volume of shale from a gamma-ray log (Larionov, 1969).
According to the values and the shape of the gamma-ray log and the shale content, Nahr Umr
and Mauddud formations were divided into five zones, named as A, B, C, D, and E, from the
top of the Mauddud Formation to the lower contact of Nahr Umr Formation, as shown in
Table (1) and Figure (2).

Table 1: Volume of shale and identified zones properties

Zone Thickness Volume of Appearance in the

Stratigraphic location
name range shale wells
All wells except well
A 50 – 120 m 10 – 40 % Upper part of Mauddud Formation
B 53 – 115 m 40 – 65 % All wells Lower part of Mauddud Formation
Upper part of Nahr Umr Formation
C 45 – 220 m 20 – 68 % All wells
except well No.3
Three wells No.2, No.4
D 86 – 112 m 10 – 25 % Lower part of Nahr Umr Formation
and No.5
Upper part of Nahr Umr Formation
E 52 m 10 – 30 % Well No. 3
in well No.3

Fig.2: Lateral variation in gamma ray and volume of shale through the studied
sections divided into zones

Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining Vol.14, No.2, 2018 p 61  69

 Evaluation of Sequence Porosity

The Nahr Umr and Mauddud sequences were divided in the studied wells according to
gamma ray and shale content, into five zones (A, B, C, D and E); therefore we have an
interpretation of the logs porosity and porosity evaluation according to these divisions. The
porosity logs correlation among the studied wells show an approximate matching with these
zones. Wire-log porosity procedures and drawing the porosity-depth relationship for each well
were applied rather than logs reading with depth. These relationships include neutron/ density
log, total porosity-depth, sonic porosity-depth, effective porosity-depth and the porosity
evolution and reservoir characterization (Fig.3).
The porosity logs were studied for the determination of zones with effective porosity,
which represents the interconnected void space able to transmit fluids, and to give the
porosity evolution and reservoir characterization by the combination of all of these features
and their relationships with water or hydrocarbon. Consequently these zones were divided
into three types of rocks according to total porosity:
1. High-moderate active porosity rocks (Type I).
2. High-moderate inactive porosity rocks (Type II).
3. Low-non-porous rocks (Type III).

Fig.3: Porosity classification and correlation in the studied wells

 Zone A: It contains two types of rocks according to total porosity; high-moderate inactive
porosity rocks (Type II) and low-non-porous rocks (Type III). Type (II) appeared in three
wells (No.1, No.2 and No.5); represented by shale-rich rocks with poor permeability (inactive
porosity). Type (III) is represented by the non-porous rocks which appeared in all wells
except well No.3 (Fig.3). This type distinguishes the upper part of the Mauddud Formation
(Zone A).

 Zone B: It is found in two horizons: the upper one is characterized by high-moderate

active porosity (Type I) while the lower one characterized by high-moderate inactive porosity

Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Development of Albian Succession in Nasiriyah Oil
Field, Southern Iraq Marwah H. Khudhair and Aiad A. Al-Zaidy

(Type II) caused by the presence of a high volume of shale (Fig.3). This horizon represents
the lower part of Mauddud Formation within the mud-dominated member.

 Zone C: It is represented by the shale-dominated member of the Nahr Umr Formation,

with high-moderate inactive porosity rocks (Type II). This zone appeared in all wells (Fig.3).
There is a limited presence of high-moderate active porosity rocks (Type I) within the sand-
dominated lithofacies, which appears in wells No.3 and No.1.
 Zone D: It represents the lower part of Nahr Umr Formation within the sand-dominated
member, with high-moderate active porosity (Type I), which appears in all wells (Fig.3).
There is a limited presence of high-moderate inactive porosity rocks (Type II) within the
shale-dominated lithofacies, found in all wells except well No.3.
 Zone E: This zone appears in well No.3 only, represented by sand-dominated lithofacies of
the upper part of Nahr Umr Formation with high-moderate active porosity rocks (Type I).

 Water and Hydrocarbon Saturation

Fluid saturation are usually obtained from resistivity logs. Different resistivity logs; with
variable fluid saturation occur at different distances from the borehole wall. Fluid saturation are
estimated from resistivity measurement by the Archi equation. This equation relates the
resistivity of the information to the porosity, water saturation and resistivity of the water
formation (Archie, 1942).
According to the relationship of resistivity-porosity and hydrocarbon saturation, two horizon
of reservoir (Hydrocarbon apperance) were identified within the Nahr Umr Formatin, while
Mauddud Formation doesn’t show any apperance of hydrocarbone in the studied succession
because of the high presence of shale within the formtion and strongly affected by diagensses
processes such as cementation and compaction:
 Horizon 1 (within zones C and E): This horizon appears in the upper sand member of the
Nahr Umr Formation and found in wells No.1, No.2, and No.3 (Fig.4). This type of rocks is
characterized by high- moderate porosity (effective porosity) with low volume of shale and high
deep resistivity (Rt). The thickness of this rock type ranges from 21 m to 48.5 m. The other part
of this horizon (shale-dominated member) is characterized by high porosity value with high
volume of shale and low permeability (Fig.4).

 Horizon 2 (within zone D): This Horizon is represented by braided river lithofacies found in
all wells ecxapt well No.3, and is separated into two subhorizon in well No.5. This type of rocks
is characterized by high-moderate porosity (effective porosity) with low volume of shale and
high deep resistivity (Rt). The thickness of this rock type ranges from 12.25 m to 57 m (Fig.4).

 Bulk Volume Analysis

Figure (5) represents a Computer Processed Interpretation (C.P.I) for well No.1 and
depicts the followings:
 Porosity analysis track, which is divided into effective porosity (e), water-filled porosity in
the invaded zone (Bvwsxo), and water-filled porosity in the uninvaded zone (Bvw). The
area between (Bvwsxo) and (Bvw) represents the movable hydrocarbon, but the area
between (φe) and (Bvw) represents the total hydrocarbon.
 Bulk volume analysis is divided into effective porosity (φe), percentage of shale (Vsh) and
percentage of non-shale matrix (Vmatrix).

Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining Vol.14, No.2, 2018 p 61  69

Fig.4: Hydrocarbon saturation in the studied wells

Fig.5: Fluid and formation analysis of well No.1, showing

Net pay and Gross pay

The sequences of the Nahr Umr and Mauddud formations in the Nasiriyah oil field can be
divided, according to gamma ray and shale value, into five zones (A, B, C, D and E);
therefore enabling an interpretation of the porosity logs and porosity evaluation accordingly.
The porosity logs correlation among the studied wells shows an approximate matching with

Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Development of Albian Succession in Nasiriyah Oil
Field, Southern Iraq Marwah H. Khudhair and Aiad A. Al-Zaidy

these zones. Total porosity, effective porosity and secondary porosity, calculated from
neutron, density and sonic logs, show that primary porosity is dominant and secondary
porosity is too little or ignored.
Archie's parameters were determined, using pickett’s plot, and the range values of a, m
and n are found to be (1), (1.61 – 1.65) and (1.76) respectively. Cross-plot of lithology (N-D)
and Mineral (M-N) cross-plots indicated that the main lithology of Mauddud Formation in the
studied wells is limestone, represented by calcite with some dolomite and shale. On the other
hand, the main lithology of the Nahr Umr Formation is sandstone, represented by quartz
arenite, greywacke with some shale and appears to have too little or negligible secondary
According to values and shape of the gamma-ray log and shale content, the studied
sections of the Nahr Umr and Mauddud formations can be divided into five zones named A,
B, C, D and E. Zones A and B are found within the Mauddud Formation and the other three
zones within the Nahr Umr Formation. These zones can be divided into three rock types
according to total porosity: high-moderate active porosity rocks (Type I), high-moderate
inactive porosity rocks (Type II), low-non porous rocks (Type III).
Zone A includes rocks of Type (II) and Type (III); the former is found in three wells
(No.1, No.2 and No.5) and is represented by the shale-rich rocks, characterized by poor
permeability (inactive porosity) and the latter is represented by the non-porous rocks found at
the upper part of the Mauddud Formation in all wells except well No.3. Zone B includes two
horizons, the upper one is characterized by high-moderate active porosity (Type I) while the
lower one is characterized by high-moderate inactive porosity rocks (Type II) caused by the
presence of a high volume of shale. This horizon represents the lower part of the Mauddud
Formation within the mud-dominated member. Zone C is represented by the shale-dominated
member of Nahr Umr Formation, with high moderate inactive porosity rocks (Type II), which
appeared in all wells. There is a limited presence of the high moderate active porosity rocks of
Type (I) within the sand-dominated lithofacies which appears in wells No.3 and No.1. Zone D
represents the lower part of the Nahr Umr Formation within the sand-dominated member,
with high moderate active porosity rocks (Type I), appearing in all wells. There is a limited
presence of the high moderate inactive porosity rocks (Type II) within the shale-dominated
lithofacies present in all wells except well No.3. Zone E appears in well No.3 only
represented by sand-dominated lithofacies of the upper part of Nahr Umr Formation with high
moderate active porosity rocks (Type I).

According to the relationship of resistivity-porosity and hydrocarbon saturation, two
horizons of reservoir (Hydrocarbon appearance) were identified within the Nahr Umr
Formation in the studied wells of the Nasiryah oil field. On the other hand, the Mauddud
Formation does not show any appearance of hydrocarbon in the studied succession because of
the high presence of shale within the formation and the strong diagenetic modifications
caused by processes such as cementation and compaction.

Horizon 1 (within zones C and E) appears in the upper sand member of the Nahr Umr
Formation in wells No.1, No.2, and No.3. This type of rocks is characterized by high-
moderate porosity (effective porosity) with low volume of shale and high deep resistivity (Rt).
The thickness of this type ranges from 21 m to 48.5 m. The other part of this horizon (shale-
dominated member) is characterized by high porosity value with high volume of shale and

Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining Vol.14, No.2, 2018 p 61  69

low permeability. Horizon 2 (within zone D) is represented by braided river lithofacies in all
wells except well No.3; separated into two subhorizons in well No.5. This type of rocks is
characterized by high-moderate porosity (effective porosity) with low volume of shale and
high deep resistivity (Rt). The thickness of this type ranges from 12.25 m to 57 m in the
studied wells.

Al-Naqib, K.M., 1967. Geology of Arabian Peninsula, South western Iraq. US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper, 560-G,
Archie, G.E., 1942. The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics. Trans
AIME, Vol.146, p. 54 – 62.
Bellen, R.C., Van Dunnington, H.V., Wetzel, R. and Morton, D., 1959. Lexique Stratigraphic International.
Asie, Fasc. 10a, Iraq, Paris, 333pp.
Buday, T. and Jassim, S.Z., 1987. The Regional Geology of Iraq. Vol.2, Tectonism, Magmatism and
Metamorphism, In: M.J. Abbas and I.I. Kassab (Eds.). GEOSURV, Baghdad, 352pp.
Ebraheem, Z.A., 2015. Development of Petrophysical properties and Reservoir Evaluation of Shuaiba and Nahr
Umr Formations in West Qurna oil field, Southern Iraq. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis. University of
Baghdad, 98pp.
Hussein, N.J., 2015. Facies Architecture and Reservoir Characterization of Nahr Umr and Mauddud Formations,
Luhais Oil Field, South Iraq. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis. University of Baghdad, 102pp.
Jassim, S.Z. and Goff, J.C., 2006. Geology of Iraq. Dolin, Prague and Moravian Museum, Brno. 341pp.
Larionov, V.V., 1969. Borehole Radiometry: Moscow, U.S.S.R., Nedra.


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