Commission Agreement RT

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M/s____________________, a company incorporated under companies

Act 1956,Having its office at ______________________________through
its authorized signatory___________duly authorized in this behalf by
Board Resolution(herein reffered to as FIRST PARTY which expression
shall ,unless repugnant to context thereof,bedeemed to mean and include
its successors ,representatives and assigns


M/s____________________, a company incorporated under companies

Act 1956,Having its office at
_____________________________________________through its
authorized signatory__________duly authorized in this behalf by Board
Resolution(herein reffered to as SECOND PARTY which expression
shall ,unless repugnant to context thereof,be deemed to mean and include
its successors legal heirs,Sub-Agents etc.


1. The FIRST PARTY along with its associates is developing various

Commercial Projects in DELHI & NCR,a selection of these projects are
available for commercial lease as Annexed in Schedule – 1 .

2. The second party has represented itself to be a Real Estate Facilitator

and is inter-alia engaged in the business of organising
/facilitating marketing,Leasing services of real estate products.The second
party has assured the The FIRST PARTY that it has the wherewithal and
capacity to bring bookings for sizeable volumes of unit for the said Project.

3. The FIRST PARTY has entered into and Agreement with DMRC for
Running a Mall / Commercial operations at

 Karkardooma Metro Station

And the FIRST Party has approached the SECOND PARTY to get them
clients and have a LEAVE & LICENSE AGREEMENT with Parties on the
mutually agreed Terms & Conditions of Minimum Guarantee / Revenue
Sharing / License Feed etc to be provided to the FIRST Party

4. The FIRST PARTY agrees to pay a sum of commission equivalent

to 3 Months Minimum Guarantee / benchmark market rent / received by the
5. The First Party agrees to pay 50% Amount of the facilitation fee at the
time of signing of LOI & rest on Signing of Leave & License Agreement.

6. There would be a separate fee incase the same party agrees to take
another unit in a different location as as suggested by the SECOND Party
to its client

7. The FIRST PARTY provides SECOND PARTY an exclusivity right to

Lease out these premises consisting of 50000 sq.ft. exclusively for a period
of 90 days to the Brands list as shared by the Second Party with the First
Party and shall not entertain any agent/brokers for the same.

8. In case the FIRST Party makes a default in providing the space to the
client in stipulated time than also they would be responsible to pay the
commission to the SECOND PARTY and in such an event SECOND
PARTY will not be held responsible for any FINANCIAL/ Legal Loss that
occurs to the FIRST PARTY and the FIRST PARTY will be liable to pay the
complete commission to the SECOND PARTY.

9.Incase of delay in payment FIRST Party will pay the SECOND PARTY an
interest of 25% per annum,

INWITNESS WHERE OF the Parties hereto have set and subscribed

their representatives’ hands unto this Agreement on the day, month and
year first herein above written in presence of the following witnesses





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