cs348 - Revision - 2019 2
cs348 - Revision - 2019 2
cs348 - Revision - 2019 2
Rob Procter
Social Informatics: CS348/916
11/05/2022 1
Exam Format
• 4 questions from 6, 2 hours
• CS348: at least one question from
Section B
11/05/2022 2
2019: 1
11/05/2022 3
2019: 1 (a)
Rationality principle
Lecture 1
11/05/2022 4
2019: 1 (b)
11/05/2022 5
2019: 1 (c)
1 s
11/05/2022 6
2019: 1 (c)
1 s
11/05/2022 7
2019: 1 (d)
What are cognitive models good
Predictions generated by cognitive modelling such as MHP,
GOMS, etc. have generally been found not to match findings
from experimental studies of behaviour.
The problem is that users often do not adopt methods
predicted byare theyespecially
the models, bad atwhen ..?the behaviour being
modelled grows in scale and complexity.
Why ..?cognitive models may be useful for predicting and
Hence, while
comparing performance for small scale, isolated activities such
as selectingusability
an object with issues are
a mouse, they they
do not scale up.
11/05/2022 8
2019: 1 (d)
11/05/2022 9
2019: 2
11/05/2022 10
2019: 2(a)
How might assumptions about the application and its
use context influence usability objectives?
11/05/2022 11
2019: 2(b)
Non-native English speakers will be confused by
instructions, feedback, labels etc. in English.
Two options:
1. Retain use of text but provide a language selection
1. mechanism,
..? preferably using non-text signifiers such as
2. flags
..? of different countries.
11/05/2022 12
2019: 2(c)
Design an experiment to compare the 2 UIs:
1. Recruit subjects ..?
2. Decide on measures ..?
3. Create a set of typical tasks
4. Experiment design ..?
5. ..?
6. Analyse data ..?
11/05/2022 13
2019: 3
11/05/2022 14
2019: 3(a)
Surveys can be used for gathering users’
opinions about UI requirements.
Strengths ..?
Weaknesses ..?
11/05/2022 15
2019: 3(a)
Ethnography is study by observation of
commonplace, everyday activities and ways in
which people experience and make sense of,
the world in which they live and work.
Strengths ..?
Weaknesses ..?
11/05/2022 16
2019: 3(b)
There are many possible answers to this question.
Full marks will depend on clearly matching strengths of
each method to the specifics of the task:
• The kind of IT system the UI supports
• The setting where the system is used
• Timing of the task
• Availability of resources to perform the task
• Numbers of and access to participants, etc.
11/05/2022 17
2019: 4
11/05/2022 18
2019: 4(a)
Flexibility: multiplicity of ways user and
system exchange information.
11/05/2022 19
2019: 4(b)
An affordance is ..?
What usability principle is it
relevant to ..?
Examples ..?
11/05/2022 20
2019: 4(c)
Usability principles ..?
Assumptions ..?
11/05/2022 21
2019: 4(c)
1 mark each for basic features e.g.:
• Show movie category
• Show recommendations
• Search, show results
• Add to favourites list
• Start download, pause download, cancel download
• Show download history, download progress,
download charge
• Back button.
11/05/2022 22
2019: 5
11/05/2022 23
2019: 5(a)
11/05/2022 24
2019: 5(b)
Companies mentioned in lectures that exploit
the Internet include:
Amazon, AirBnB, Uber, NetFlix, Facebook.
Answers should describe:
• What specific technologies are used by the
• How these technologies enable the firm to
gain a competitive advantage.
11/05/2022 25
2019: 5(c)
• Licence to operate has been withdrawn in some cities.
• Courts rule Uber is a transport company so is bound by regulations.
• Some cities have placed limits on the number of nights an AirBnB
host can offer per year.
• Other cities have banned AirBnB altogether.
11/05/2022 26
2010: 6
11/05/2022 27
2019: 6(a)
Lecture 19
11/05/2022 28
2019: 6(b)
A good
A good answer
answer will
will mention:
• Progressive atomisation of work to smaller, generally less skilled,
micro-tasks coordinated by computers.
• Move to “on-demand” resourcing where employment lasts
minutes and workers shift from task to task and employer to
• Global digital markets that match human resource to tasks
ranging from micro tasks to large scale projects.
• Development of new labour market practices that offer
opportunities for flexibility and access to work.
11/05/2022 29
2019: 6(c)
•• Government
Government shouldshould incentivise
incentivise development of new
approaches to the auditing of datasets used in AI and
development of new approaches to the
encourage greater diversity in the training and
recruitmentofofdatasets used
AI specialists. in AI andto ensure
that use of AI greater diversity inprejudice
does not inadvertently the training
and of particular
recruitment ofgroups in society.
AI specialists.
Justification ..?
• Government investment in skills and
training. Justification ..?
11/05/2022 30