Product Development

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Product development/Process

Week Week 1

Notes not tested on quiz

Food Product Development Process
What is Product Development?
Product development is the process of creating new or modified food
products. Its primary aim is:

1. To increase sales.

2. To maintain a company’s competitiveness in the market.

Key Requirements for Success

The product should fill a market gap (meet unmet consumer needs
or preferences).

It must stand out so that consumers choose it over similar products.


The food product development process consists of

following 8 steps
Idea Generation:
Brainstorming innovative concepts for new products or improving
existing ones.

Evaluation & Screening:

Assessing the feasibility and potential of ideas to narrow them down
to the most promising ones.

Market Research:
Studying consumer needs, preferences, and market trends to
validate the product idea.

Product Specification:

Product development/Process Flowchart 1

Defining the technical details of the product, including ingredients,
size, and nutritional content.

Feasibility Study:

Analyzing the technical and financial viability of producing the


Production Process Development:

Designing the manufacturing process for consistent quality and

Flow chart( Just for understanding)

Flow of Unit Operations

1. Raw Material Handling:




2. Preparation:



3. Processing:


Fermentation/Enzymatic Treatment

4. Forming/Shaping:



5. Preservation:




6. Packaging:


Product development/Process Flowchart 2



7. Storage and Distribution:



Prototype Development & Testing:

Creating a sample version of the product and testing it for taste,

quality, and safety.

Launch & Commercialization:

Introducing the product to the market with marketing strategies and

ensuring its availability to consumers.

1. Idea Generation
Objective: Brainstorming and coming up with new product ideas.

Activities: Creative sessions, identifying gaps in the market, and

leveraging consumer trends.

2. Evaluation and Screening

Objective: Narrowing down the ideas to the most viable ones.

Activities: Assessing feasibility, potential market success, and

alignment with company goals.

3. Market Research
Objective: Understanding consumer needs, market trends, and

Activities: Conducting surveys, focus groups, and analyzing market


4. Product Specification
Objective: Defining the product’s attributes, such as ingredients,
nutritional content, and packaging.

Product development/Process Flowchart 3

Activities: Creating detailed descriptions of the product's
characteristics and desired outcomes.

5. Feasibility Study
Objective: Assessing the technical, financial, and regulatory
feasibility of the product.

Activities: Evaluating production capabilities, cost analysis, and

regulatory requirements.

6. Production Process Development

Objective: Designing the process to manufacture the product at

Activities: Developing and optimizing the production process,

ensuring it meets quality and safety standards.

7. Prototype Development and Testing

Objective: Creating a physical version of the product and testing it.

Activities: Developing prototypes, conducting sensory evaluations,

and making necessary adjustments.

8. Launch and Commercialization

Objective: Bringing the product to market and ensuring its success.

Activities: Finalizing packaging, marketing strategy, scaling up

production, and launching the product.

Product development/Process Flowchart 4

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