Anthro Hominid Species Worksheet
Anthro Hominid Species Worksheet
Anthro Hominid Species Worksheet
Europe, Africa, 700,000 to 1908 near Heidelberg Large brow ridge, larger braincase, and
Homo possibly Asia 200,000 Germany. flatter face relative to other older early
heidelbergensis years ago. human species, and short wide bodies.
Australopithecus Southern Africa 3.3 to 2.1 1924 in Africa. Combination of human and ape features,
africanus million long arms and a strongly sloping face,
years ago. pelvis and foot bones indicate bipedal
walking, and had adapted shoulder and
hand bones for climbing.
Eastern Africa 3.85 to Named in 1978, but Apelike face proportions and braincase,
Australopithecus 2.95 fossils found as early as and long strong arms and fingers that
afarensis million the 1930’s in Eastern were adapted for climbing trees, small
years ago. Africa have been canine teeth, and a body and legs that
included in this species. allowed them to be bipedal.
Eastern Africa 4.2 to 3.8 1965 in Kanopi in Ankle shows regular bipedal walking,
Australopithecus million Northern Kenya. long forearms and certain wrist bones
anamensis years ago. indicate they climbed trees as well.
West-Central Africa Sometime 2001 in northern Chad. Combination of ape and human features,
Sahelanthropus between 7 small brain, sloping face, prominent brow
tchadensis and 6 ridges, elongated skull, small canine
million teeth, short middle part of the face, and
years ago. a spinal cord opening underneath the
Eastern Africa Sometimes 2001 in the Tugen Hills Size of a chimpanzee, small teeth with
Orrorin Tugenesis between in central Kenya. thick enamel, legs show bipedal walking
6.2 and 5.8 but also adapted for climbing trees.
years ago.
South Africa 335,000 to Rising Star Cave in Approximately 4 feet 9 inches tall, teeth
Homo naledi 236,000 October 2013. differ from other homo species that lived
years ago around the same time.