BSA Revision

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Business System Analysis (Revision)

Q1 Describe Initial Strategy including Objective and Exit Criteria.

The IT strategy should be derived from the overall business strategy; questions which should
be asked include:

Who will be involved?

What are the boundaries of the area to be studied?

How long should the initial study take?

When will the decision be taken on whether or not to proceed future?

Objectives: Establish the nature of the problem, estimate its scope and plan for feasibility

Exit Criteria: Terms of reference

Q2 Describe Maintenance including Objectives and Exit Criteria.

• Errors which did not show up during testing will be corrected.
• Errors which occurred owing to misunderstanding the user’s requirements will also be
• Objective: To correct error and enhance the system performance Exit Criteria: Bug free
and more efficient system

Q3 Write down the differences between Requirement Analysis and Existing System Analysis.

Activities of requirement analysis

To get idea concerning with how the users could do their work more adequately in the

To get idea concerned with how the users may do their work differently (and better) in
the future

Activities of existing systems analysis

To understand the system, both in detail (what is done) and in principle(why)

To record this information agreeable by users

To refine the recorded statement in logical specification so that the user requirements
can be added to it.

Q4 Write down the advantages of RAD.

Advantages of RAD

It directly involves and encourages the user within an incremental development.

Each unit is designed, coded and tested as they are developed enabling problems to be
identified early in the process.

Q5 Briefly describe definition of Business Activity Modelling.

Definition of BAM
• BAM is a means of documenting and analyzing those activities which are essential for
the business to meet specific objectives.
• It enables the analyst to understand the overall business environment and develop
requirements to ensure that the new computer system will support the attainment of
the business objectives.

Q6 Define the following terms.


• Exists between two classes if changes to the definition of one may cause changes to the other (but
not the other way around)
• Class1 depend on Class 2

Dependency between Class1 and Class2

The relationship is displayed as a dashed line with an open arrow.

The relationship is displayed as a dashed line with an open arrow.

Q7 Operation
Operations are the methods that define the behaviour of classes.


-width :int

-height :int

-area :int

+RectangleArea (width:int, height:int)


Q8 Association

Relationships between classes Association

• A structural links between two peer classes.

• There is an association between Member and Loan Class.

Q9 Attributes


Attributes are pieces of information that are relevant to the class in the context of the system.
-visibility name : type [count] =default_value
Visibility + public
# protected
- Private
~ package (default)
/ derived
derived attribute: not stored, but can be computed from other attribute values

Eg. balance:double=0.00

Q10 Class Diagram

Class A class is a general template that is used to create specific instances known as


• Each object created from the same class is identical in structure but each will have
different values stored as attributes.
• For example, the Person class will have class a name attribute. Two instances of the
Person class will both have name attributes but each will hold the actual name of the
person the object represents.
• In an object oriented application, classes have attributes (member variables), operations
(member functions) and relationship with other classes.




Q11 Briefly explain Generalization Relationship with diagram.

Generalization (inheritance) relationships

Generalisation allows the analyst to create classes that inherit attributes and operations from
other classes.

Absent superclass is created that contains the basic attributes and operations, and these are
used in several subclasses that inherit these properties


Member Library

Start date Start date

Exp date Salary

Full Member Junior Member

Name Name
Address Address

Start date Start date

Exp date Exp date

Q12 Briefly describe the benefit of OOAD

Benefits of OOAD

Object-oriented analysis and design has a number of advantages over structured analysis and

Systems are more effectively decomposed into units.

Good OOAD results in components that are more easily maintained.

Good OOAD results in components that can be more easily reused between systems.

OOAD more naturally models how systems work in practise.
- Data flow analysis is an artificial, algorithmic overview.

Q13 Briefly describe the drawbacks of OOAD Drawback


There are drawbacks too:

Large systems will have hundreds of classes, and interactions can be complicated.

It is easy to badly design classes.

Object-orientation requires a trade-off between coupling and cohesion - you cannot have it
While it more naturally models how systems work, it is still an unusual way for people to think.

Q14 Describe Instant Design.

Instant design
The analyst should not commit anyone to a particular path, and should make no promise or
suggestions. The people to whom an analyst talks may see their jobs threatened, or have
unrealistic expectations raised regarding the system they will eventually receive.

The analyst does not usually have the authority to make such decisions and at this stage no
definite decisions have been taken regarding future developments. Off-the-cuff
‘instant design’ comments should be avoided; the comments might be wrong.

Q15 Write down the Characteristics of System Analyst.

Characteristics of System Analyst

Analytical ability and Intellect - The analyst needs an appropriate level of intelligence and
common sense to cope with the volume of information that will be encountered.

Confident personality and enthusiasm – The analyst needs a personality which inspires
confidence, enthusiasm and which encourages trust so that the analyst will be freely given
the information that he/she need.

Ability to plan and manage a plan – The analyst needs to have an ability to plan a project,
and the determination to stick to the plan.

Ability to solve problems, resourcefulness – To meet the problems that inevitably arise, the
analyst needs stamina, resourcefulness and persistence to see the project through.

Good communicator – The analyst needs good communication and analytical skills in
order to use the appropriate structured techniques needed.

Q16 Briefly explain about Definition of SSADM.

Structured Systems Analysis Method Definition of SSADM

The is the most widely used structured analysis method developed in the UK and has
become the de facto standard methodology, though recently object oriented methods have
begun to take precedence.

It is based on processes (functions), events and data producing models of each.

It provides strict crosschecking procedures of the above models eliminating errors.

Example – SSADM

Q17 Just describe the title of Basic Components of SSADM

Basic components of SSADM

• Requirements Analysis Module

• Requirements Specification Module
• Logical System Specification Module
• Physical Design Module
• Techniques

Q18 What is DSDM and State the NINE (9) principles of DSDM.

a) Nine principles of DSDM(Dynamic Systems Development Method)

Active user involvement in rapid application development is imperative;

DSDM teams must be empowered to make decisions;

The focus is on frequent delivery of products;

Fitness for business purpose is the essential criterion for acceptance deliverables;

Iterative and incremental development is necessary to converge on an accurate
business solution;

All changes during development are reversible;

Requirements are baselined at a high level;

Testing is integrated throughout the life cycle;

A collaborative and co-operative approach between all stakeholders is essential.

Q19 Briefly explain Planning Use Case.

Planning Use Cases

For the problem domain-

Define the system boundary

List the main functions that we expect the system to perform

Identify the actors and corresponding use cases

Draw a use case diagram as a high level picture of the system and its interaction with the
environment (actors)

Write an overview of each use case which briefly describes what it does

Check all required functionality is covered

Q20) Briefly describe definition of Business Activity Modelling.

Business Activity Modelling (BAM)

Definition of BAM
•BAM is a means of documenting and analysing those activities which are essential for the
business to meet specific objectives.
•It enables the analyst to understand the overall business environment and develop
requirements to ensure that the new computer system will support the attainment of the
business objectives.
Q21 ) Write down the Included Information of Requirement Catalogue.

The user catalogue records the details of each user requirements. Its format depends on
the methodology and CASE tool used.
Included information
•Unique Requirement ID Should be provided
•A business activity that the requirement will support.
•The source of requirement-person, document
•Priority -e.g. high, low, mandatory
 Owner –person with responsibility for negotiation about the requirement
 he type of requirement (functional requirements/ non –functional requirement)
o •The expected benefits that are associated with the requirement
•Comments / suggested solutions;

•Related documents

•Related requirements –be they supportive or in conflict with this requirement.

•Resolution –A decision is taken not to implement

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