Adv Ugaac24 18

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I.A.S. Association Building, Near Patna Airport, Patna-14.


for BAMS / BHMS / BUMS in Govt / Pvt. Ayush Colleges of Bihar
Adv. No.- BCECEB[UGMAC(Ayush)]-2024/18 Dated : 15.11.2024

Revised Notice for UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 Stray Vacancy Round Online Counselling

As per National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India vide Letter no. NCISM/
Examinations/State DME/2024 dated 12.11.2024, the qualifying cut off percentile for UG (Homoeopathy / Ayurveda / Unani)
has been reduced by 15 percentile. Hence, the new qualifying cut-off percentile for admission in UG(Homoeopathy / Ayurveda
/ Unani) courses are as follows;
S.No. Category Qualifying Percentile Revised Qualifying Percentile
i. General (UR/EWS) 50th 35th
ii. SC / ST / OBC 40 th
iii. UR/EWS-PwD 45 th
iv. SC / ST / OBC-PwD 40th 25th
So, Fresh Online registration and submission of Application form are invited from such qualified, eligible and interested
NEET(UG)-2024 candidates who have not duly submitted the Online Application Form against
Adv.No.BCECEB[UGMAC(Ayush)]-2024/01 & 2024/02 dated : 29.08.2024 and 2024/10 & 2024/11 dated : 08.10.2024 for
admission in Govt. as well as Pvt. Ayush Colleges of Bihar on vacant seats of BAMS/ BHMS/ BUMS Courses after admission
on the basis of UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 Round-3 Counselling which was held from 26.10.2024 to 27.10.2024 vide Adv. No.-
BCECEB[UGMAC(Ayush)]-2024/12 dated 17.10.2024.
2. Stray Round Vacancy Counselling will be conducted Online.
3. The candidates who fall under below mentioned conditions need not to submit Fresh Online Application Form or
Willingness as they are not eligible to participate in Stray Vacancy Round Counselling of UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 based on
(a) Admitted on UG Ayush seat through UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 Round 1 / Round 2 Counselling.
(b) Allotted on UG Ayush seat through UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 Round 3 Counselling.
(c) Admitted through AIQ on the basis of NEET (UG)-2024 Round 1 / Round 2 Counselling.
(d) Allotted through AIQ on the basis of NEET (UG)-2024 Round-3 Counselling.
(e) Admitted through NEET(UG)-2024 Round 1 / Round 2 / Round-3 / Stray Vacancy Round Counselling conducted
by Other States (if applicable).
(f) Allotted through AIQ on the basis of NEET(UG)-2024 Round-1 / Round-2 Counselling.
If any candidate duly submits fresh Online Application form or Willingness by providing wrong information, will
become not eligible for Stray Vacancy Round Counselling as Data will be scrutinized before preparation / publication of
Merit List.
Such candidates who have already submitted the Online Application Form or Submitted their Willingness
for participating in Stray Vacancy Round Counselling vide Adv.No.BCECEB[UGMAC(Ayush)]-2024/13 & 2024/
14 dated : 01.11.2024 need not to submit online Application Form nor Willingness.
Such candidates who have not been allotted any seat in Revised Seat Allotment result of Round-3 as per
Adv.No.BCECEB[UGMAC(Ayush)]-2024/16 dated : 11.11.2024 are advised to submit their Willingness for
participating in Stray Vacancy Round Counselling if so desire within scheduled period as per programme mentioned
4. Such candidates who have duly submitted Online Application Form vide Adv. No. BCECEB[UGMAC(Ayush)]-2024/
01 & 2024/02 dated : 29.08.2024 and has not been allotted any seat through Round-1 / Round-2 Counselling or taken free exit
from Round-1 Counselling but has not been allotted any seat in Round-2 Counselling or filled up Fresh Online Application
Form for Round-3 Counselling or forfeited through Round-2 Counselling and filled up Fresh Online Application Form for
Round-3 Counselling against Adv. No. BCECEB[UGMAC(Ayush)]-2024/10 & 2024/11 dated : 08.10.2024 but has not been
allotted any seat in Round-3 Counselling are eligible for Stray Vacancy Round Counselling. Hence they need not to submit
Fresh Online Application Form.
If such candidates wants to participate for Stray Vacancy Round Counselling then they are advised to click the link
"Online Application Portal of UGMAC (Ayush)-2024" available on Board's website by login to their account through
entering their NEET (UG)-2024 email ID and Password. After successful login click on "Submit Willingness" button for
submitting Willingness. If such candidates want to edit their pre-filled data they may do it after submitting their Willingness
and can edit their pre-filled data during editing period.
(i) After editing of data if extra payment of Counselling Fee / Security Deposit Amount arises, then candidate will
have to pay the balance amount of Counselling Fee / Security Deposit Amount else willingness for participating 2
in Stray Vacancy Round Counselling will not be considered.
(ii) After editing of data if extra payment of Counselling Fee / Security Deposit Amount not arises, then candidate
will click on "Submit Willingness" button.
(iii) if the candidate do not edit their data then also will have to click on "Submit Willingness" button.
Note : (i) All such candidates who will give willingness for participating for Stray Vacancy Round Counselling will have
to re-download their Hard Copy (Part-A & Part-B).
(ii) All such candidates will have to fill fresh choices for Stray Vacancy Round Counselling as their previous
filled choices will become "Null & Void". Detailed information regarding choice filling / seat allotment result /
admission process will be published later on through concerned advertisement.
5. The candidates who will be allotted in Stray Vacancy Round will be treated as admitted candidate and if does not take
admission on allotted seat of Stray Vacancy Round, will not be eligible for further round counselling (if conducted) and
the allotted data will be shared with AACCC (UG Counselling) as per AACCC rules.
6. Such candidates who have been allotted a seat in Round-3 Counselling and successfully completed the document verification
process but their allotted seat gets cancelled due to any kind of discrepancy will also be not eligible for Stray Vacancy
Round Counselling.
7. In case of any discrepancies, the Rules and Regulations of AACCC (UG Counselling) / UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 Prospectus
will be followed.
8. Eligibility criteria and instructions and other details are available in the Updated Prospectus of UGMAC(Ayush)-2024
which can be downloaded from the Board's website
9. Those candidate who are admitted in any Govt./ Pvt. Ayush College of India are not eligible for Stray Vacancy Round
10. Seat Matrix of vacancies after completion of Round-3 Counselling will be is available on Board's website from 02.11.2024.
If any further vacancies arises, the Seat matrix of updated vacancies shall be uploaded on the Board's website before start
of Stray Vacancy Round Counselling.
11. The Prospectus for appearing in UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 can be downloaded Online from the BCECE Board’s website: by clicking on the link “UGMAC(Ayush)-2024” under Prospectus Section. For filling online
Application Form click on “Online Application portal of UGMAC(Ayush)-2024” and then click on “Apply Online”
button and follow the instructions as given below;
I. Step-One - Registration: For registering, the candidates are required to fill the information asked in Step-One of
the application form, appearing on the computer screen. Candidate must enter their NEET-UG 2024 Roll No. and
then click on verify button and then enter their Date of Birth with other details as shown on the screen. If data gets
verified, proceed for further process. Candidate while registering, must see that he/ she is giving his/her own email
ID and Mobile no. because an OTP will be sent to their entered email ID and mobile no. for email ID and mobile no.
verification. After successful verification of email ID and mobile no. and successful registration, the registered
mobile no. and email ID can not be changed in the whole process of UGMAC (Ayush)-2024 Counselling in any
circumstances. After successful Registration, candidate will receive a message of successful registration on their
registered mobile no. and email. After that, candidate will have to login to their account by entering their email ID
and Password and will process the further activities to duly submit their online application form. The candidate
must keep the password entered in Application Form confidential, otherwise BCECE Board will not be responsible
for any changes in their data or any other complication etc. The email ID provided by the candidate during registration
will be his “user name”.
II. Step-Two - (Personal Information) : After successful registration and activating the account, the candidate
should again “Sign in” to his account and thereafter complete the required entries regarding personal information
on the computer screen. Then click on “Save & Continue” button.
III. Step-Three - (Upload Photo and Signature) : After entering the personal information, the candidate should
upload his / her passport size photograph as uploaded in NEET (UG)-2024 online application form and full
signature in Hindi and English (Not in capital letter) after duly scanning the same. After uploading photo and
signature click on “Save & Continue” button.
IV. Step-Four - (Educational Information) : After uploading the scanned photo and signature the candidate should
enter his / her educational information on the computer screen and click on “Save & Continue” button.
V. Step - Five- (Preview your application) : After entering educational information the candidate must verify all
the information given by him / her while verifying given information in step-2, step-3, step-4. If any information
is found wrong, then the candidate should click “Back to Edit” button and make required corrections. Thereafter
the candidate should click “Save & Continue” button so that entered information should be updated.
If preview of application form is found to be correct, then the candidate give his / her Declaration and click the
“Proceed to Payment” button so that he / she should pay Counselling Fee and Security Deposit as per Step-
VI. Step-Six (Payment of Counselling Fee): After previewing the Application Form for submitting the same, candidate
should click “Proceed to Payment” button and complete the payment procedure for counselling fee according to
instruction appeared on the computer screen. Counselling fee is not refundable.
Candidate has to pay Rs. 1200/-(One Thousand Two Hundred Only) for Unreserved / EWS / BC / EBC
candidates and Rs. 600/-(Six Hundred) only for SC / ST / DQ candidates as non refundable registration / counselling
fee through online mode only e.g. by Credit card/Debit Card/ Net Banking / UPI.
The candidate has also to pay processing charge in addition to Counselling Fee for payment through
online mode.
Note: (i) If the amount paid as Examination / Counselling fee is debited from your account but the fee transaction fails,
then in such a case you must re-pay the desired full fee and ensure the payment. If your required Examination /
Counselling fee do not reflect in Board’s account within the due date, your application form will remain incomplete
and you will not be eligible for Examination / Counselling.
Your failed deducted amount from bank will be refunded to your account.
(ii) Any queries regarding Examination / Counselling fee you may contact available
on online application portal or helpdesk phone number 0612-2220230.
VII. Step - Seven (Downloading of Part- A & Part-B) : After payment of Counselling/Registration Fee and Security
Deposit upto scheduled date and time, the candidate must download Hard Copy (Part-A & and Part-B) of online
submitted Application Form and keep the same safely in his possession because it contains all informations
provided by the candidate and the UGMAC ID made available by the Board for further use during counselling.
Note : a. Hard copy of PART-A & PART-B need not to be sent to Board's office, but instead this is to be made available at the
time of counselling.
b. After completing the above procedure and after the date of editing and submitting the online application form, there
is no provision for any change or modification in the same.
c. The candidate must note that after submission of online application form, neither it can be withdrawn nor any request
for refund / chargeback of paid counselling fee will be entertained.
d. Board will not be responsible for any interruption in Internet / Banking system. Therefore the candidates must not
wait for last date and complete all procedure before due date.
e. If any candidate does the payment of Counselling Fee / Security Deposit, but due to any technical issue the payment
does not reflect and the amount got deducted from their bank account, then in this case candidates are advised not to
wait for payment updation instead do re-payment of counselling Fee/ Security Deposit else your application form
will not be accepted. Their failure transaction amount will automatically be returned back to their account.
f. Final Merit list will be prepared after scrutinising the candidate's submited data from the data provided by National
Testing Agency / Health Deptt., Govt. of Bihar.
g. The Rank Card / Merit List will be published on the Board's Website on scheduled date as notified through concerned
h. No other chance will be given to any candidate for Registration and submission of online application after due date
for online submission of application.
12. (i) After online submission of application, if the applicant finds any entries/ photo / signature uploding error has / have
been made, then he/ she will have opportunity to edit / rectify the same on the fixed date as notified in concerned
(ii) The above mentioned editing / rectification / correction opportunity will be available for only those candidates, who
have successfully filled their online application form and make the payment successfully within due date.
(iii) For making rectification / correction / editing in online submitted application, the candidate is required to enter the
NEET (UG)-2024 email ID & Password and click on "Sign In" button for getting his account to login where the
editing process will be carried out.
(iv) During the time of Edit if any candidate Edit their filled-up data then balance amount of Counselling Fee or Security
Deposit Amount is required, then in such case candidate have to pay the balance amount of Counselling Fee or Security Deposit
Amount as the case may be, otherwise their edited data will not be saved.
Note : Candidates are advised to go through the instruction mentioned under "Note" available on the application portal
during the time of Editing of Data.
13. DQ candidates must note that they have to submit DQ certificate issued by only authorised Centres / Institutes on
prescribed proforma as per para-6B (Annexure-2,3 & 4) of the prospectus of UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 at the time of
counselling / document verification. For this, after filling and downloading the hard copy of online application
form, candidates must consult any concerned authorised Medical College / Centre / Institute with the downloaded
online application form for disability test for obtaining disability certificate.
Certificate issued from any other Institutes / Centres except above will not be entertained, for which the
candidate will himself be responsible.
14. Important Revised dates for Stray Vacancy Round Counselling of UGMAC(Ayush)-2024 :
(i) Uploading of Seat Matrix .................................................................................. : 16.11.2024
(ii) Willingness for Stray Vacancy Round Counselling .......................................... : 16.11.2024 to 19.11.2024
(11.59 P.M.)
(iii) Online Registration starting date ....................................................................... : 16.11.2024
(iv) Online Registration closing date ........................................................................ : 19.11.2024 (10.00 P.M.)
(v) Last date of payment through Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card / UPI with
final submission of the online Application Form of Registered candidate ........ : 19.11.2024 (11.59 P.M.)
(vi) Online Editing of Application Form .................................................................. : 20.11.2024 (11.59 P.M.)
(vii) Publication of Rank Card / Merit List (Stray Vacancy Round) ......................... : 22.11.2024 (8.00 P.M.)
(viii) Proposed date for Choice filling and Counselling Programme .......................... : To be notified later on.
15. Course wise / College wise Fee structure of Private Ayush Colleges are already available on Board's website: and colleges website.
Candidates are advised to confirm the Fee structure / any other additional Fee for the Pvt. Colleges before filling up
online Application Form. As Pvt. Colleges have high Fee structure, therefore candidates must confirm the Fee structure
before Registration and Submission of Application Form from either the website of BCECE Board or concerned
colleges. BCECE Board takes no responsibility of the fee structure of the colleges and will not entertain any complain
regarding Fee structure.
16. BCECE Board / Controller of examination reserves the right to amend / rectify any of the conditions of prospectus of
17. Rest of the terms / conditions of the Advertisements published earlier will remain same.
Controller of Examination

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