Hammer Mill Paper 1
Hammer Mill Paper 1
Hammer Mill Paper 1
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3 authors, including:
Shobhana Dey
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, CSIR
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Powder Technology
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A systematic study on the comminution of a soft (coal) and a hard (iron ore) material is carried out to investigate
Received 27 June 2012 the bulk comminution features of the hammer mill. The effect of the feed rate and the rotor speed on the mill
Received in revised form 26 November 2012 efficiency in terms of reduction ratio, energy expenditure, fines produced and median size is investigated.
Accepted 1 December 2012
High reduction ratios are obtained under all conditions. The hammer mill products are observed to exhibit
Available online 7 December 2012
Rosin–Rammler type size distribution and are invariably self preserving. A high rotor speed with a low to mod-
erate feed rate is found to give better performance of the mill. An exponential dependence of the median size
Comminution on the quantity of fines generated is established for the mill product. The data indicated that the reduction
Impact hammer mill ratio and the specific energy expenditure are linearly related, the slope of which is inversely related to the
Product size distribution Bond Index of the material. The energy expenditure goes into creating new surfaces and overcoming the elastic
Energy expenditure strain energy of the cracked surface. The quantity of fines generated in the mill can reflect the degree of attrition
Median size in the mill which is an indirect measure of the mill wear. It is established that good performance of the mill can be
Reduction ratio achieved even for the hard materials by keeping the wear at a low level. It is suggested that an impact hammer
mill can be used for the comminution of harder materials under controlled conditions.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction for crushing the relatively harder materials. However, very little liter-
ature is found on the wear of impact hammer mill for crushing hard
Comminution or size reduction is the most energy intensive unit material in spite of the distinct advantages stated above. Therefore,
operation in mineral processing. Size reduction in the coarse range the present study was taken up to explore the possibility of using im-
(crushing) requires comparatively less energy than that in the finer pact hammer mills for crushing relatively harder materials.
range (grinding). Consequently, the grinding process attracted tre- When the feed material is introduced inside the crusher chamber
mendous attention from the researchers and is extensively investigat- of a hammer mill it is shattered by the impact with the rotating ham-
ed with a view to reduce energy consumption [1–3]. On the other mers first and then by striking against the inner surface/breaker plate
hand, crushing, although studied by many researchers [4–6], has re- of the shell. Shatter is the primary mode of fracture in the impact
ceived much less attention. An optimized crushing circuit can indeed hammer mills. The fractures along and across the grain boundaries
reduce energy expenditure in the size reduction process substantially help in producing a fairly uniform size distribution which is much
[7]. Quite a few steps of crushing are required in most mineral process- finer than the feed size distribution. This is what actually helps in
ing plants including primary, secondary and tertiary crushing stages. achieving a very high reduction ratio in the hammer mill. In view of
Simulation and optimization have been shown to reduce the number these two major advantages, crushing operation in the hammer mill
of crushing steps in a crushing plant [8]. At various stages, the crushers is studied in greater details. Two different materials with different
are chosen based on their characteristic features. Hammer mill is hardness values are studied in this work. Breakage patterns of iron
generally considered as a secondary crusher. It is popular due to the ore (hard) and coal (soft) in the hammer mill were taken up for inves-
uniformity of size distribution it produces as well as the high reduc- tigation. It may be recalled that the grate opening allows the finer
tion ratios achievable in it [9]. Several studies [10–13] have been material to be discharged while retaining coarser material for further
conducted to model the impact crushing including single particle breakage. The retention of the oversize materials leads to significant
breakage and crushing of particle–particle compounds with a view degree of inter-particle, particle–hammer and particle–wall shear
to exploit the aforesaid advantages of the impact crushers in diverse producing substantial amount of fines leading to the wear of the
applications. However, a major bottleneck in the application of the mill. In other words, the fines produced may be considered a measure
hammer mill has been the wear and tear of the hammers, grates and of the wear of the mill interior. In order to study this aspect breakage
the inner shell/breaker plate. As a result, it is not considered suitable pattern was also investigated after removing the grate in the hammer
mill. Comminution experiments were carried out with and without
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 6572349018; fax: +91 657 2345213. the grate at various rotor speeds and feed rates for both the raw mate-
E-mail address: das.avimanyu@gmail.com (A. Das). rials. The product particle size distribution in each case was studied
0032-5910/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
Table 2
Repeatability of the tests for iron ore (open grate) and coal (grate in place) at 1200 rpm
of rotor speed and 125 kg/h feed rate.
where E is the energy spent in kWh/t, Wi is the Bond Index, d80p and
d80f are the 80-percent passing size for product and feed, respectively.
The energy spent is estimated for all the cases from the above equa-
tion. The energy expenditure data are shown in Fig. 4 against the
rotor speed and the feed rate. As the rotor speed increases a gradual
rise in the energy expenditure is observed for both the materials.
This signifies that a higher rotor speed facilitates breakage. However,
Fig. 2. Rosin–Rammler plot of the size distribution for Expt. no. 1 for crushing iron ore the energy expenditure is found to increase with feed rate initially
and coal in the impact hammer mill.
and then drop significantly at a very high feed rate. Reduction ratio
is another important parameter that determines the efficiency of
analysis data indicated a Rosin–Rammler distribution for the product comminution and is defined as the ratio of the median sizes (d50) of
of the hammer mill. It may be recalled that the Rosin–Rammler distri- the feed to that of the product. The energy expenditure data is best
bution is given by: understood when studied in conjunction with the reduction ratio
h α i data shown in Fig. 5. The reduction ratio increases with an increase
P dp ¼ 1− exp − dp =β ð1Þ in rotor speed as does the energy expenditure. Evidently, breakage
of the particles is being enhanced by the higher rotor speed which
where, P(dp) indicates the fraction of material of size less than or is indicated by the higher energy expenditure as well as the higher
equal to dp. α and β are the two parameters of the model. Lineariza- reduction ratio under this condition. On the other hand, a drop in
tion of the above expression gives: the reduction ratio along with a drop in the energy expenditure at
very high feed rate clearly indicates that inadequate comminution
h n oi is taking place under this condition. Therefore, it may be said that
ln ln 1= 1−P dp ¼ α lndp −α lnβ: ð2Þ
while a higher rotor speed is beneficial, an optimum feed rate must
be maintained in the hammer mill.
A plot of the left hand side of Eq. (2) against ln(dp) should give a
straight line with a slope of α and an intercept of α ln(β) if the distri- 3.3. Generation of fines in the hammer mill
bution follows the above model. A typical set of data for Expt. no. 1 for
the comminution of both types of materials is shown in Fig. 2. It may be It may be recalled that shatter fracture generates much less fines
seen from this figure that the data indeed indicate a Rosin–Rammler while attrition contributes significantly towards the generation of
distribution of the products which is found for all other experiments fines. The quantity of fines generated depends on a number of param-
too when the grate is used. eters including the rotor speed, the feed size, the grate opening, the
The median size (d50) of each product distribution is estimated and hardness of the material, etc. The volume of the fines also gives an
the normalized size distribution is plotted in each case as shown in idea of the degree of attrition occurring inside the mill and hence,
Fig. 3. The self-similar nature of the product size of the iron ore and the extent of wear of the hammers and the shell/breaker plate. The
coal is evident from this figure. The self preserving nature of the size quantity of fines (b 100 μm) generated is shown in Fig. 6 as a function
distribution indicates that the crack patterns forming in the particles of the rotor speed and feed rate. It is interesting to note that as the
in the hammer mill are geometrically similar [14]. The pattern only rotor speed increases the amount of fines generated increases slowly
gets finer as the median size is lowered. It may be noted that the mas- in the beginning and sharply thereafter in the case of iron ore. How-
ter curves for the two different materials studied are distinctly differ- ever, under similar conditions, the increase in the quantity of fines
ent indicating that the crack patterns forming are different in the two is gradual with rotor speed in the case of coal. This suggests that
materials. for the harder material the operating rotor speed has to be chosen
Fig. 3. Self similar distribution of hammer mill product size for iron ore and coal.
Author's personal copy
A 1.6 A 25
Reduction Ratio
Energy (kWh/t)
0.8 10
900 1200 1500 900 1200 1500
Rotor Speed (rpm) Rotor Speed (rpm)
B 1.6 B 25
Reduction Ratio
Energy (kWh/t)
0.8 100 125 150
100 125 150 Feed Rate(kg/h)
Feed Rate (kg/h)
Iron ore Coal
Iron ore Coal
Fig. 5. Variation in reduction ratio with (A) rotational speed at 125 kg/h and (B) feed
Fig. 4. Variation in breakage energy with (A) rotational speed at 125 kg/h and (B) feed rate at 1200 rpm for coal and iron ore.
rate at 1200 rpm for coal and iron ore.
A 8
Finer than 100 µm (%)
900 1200 1500
Rotor Speed (rpm)
Iron ore Coal
Fig. 8. Relationship between the median size and the fines produced for crushing coal.
B 6.8
that even for a reduction ratio of marginally higher than unity, the
energy expenditure is significant. It is evident that there must be
a threshold energy expenditure above which only any breakage
would take place. In fact, the energy expenditure constitutes of the
energy requirement for creating new surfaces and the elastic strain
energy of the cracked surface. The strain energy term is what is
being reflected in this threshold energy expenditure value which is
given by the energy value at a reduction ratio of unity in this figure.
A plot of product d50 and energy expenditure when the grate is in
place is also shown in Fig. 9B. From the plot it may be concluded that
100 125 150
Feed Rate (kg/h)
A 25
Iron ore Coal
Fig. 6. Variation in fines generation with (A) rotational speed at 125 kg/h and (B) feed y = 26.013x - 16.852
Reduction Ratio
and vice versa. A value of 43.6 for coal and 26.0 for iron ore for the
slope M correspond well with the Bond Index values of 9.02 kWh/t 17
for coal and 13.6 kWh/t for iron ore. The slope M also should be de-
pendent on the size distribution of the feed, an aspect not studied in 15 y = 43.587x - 19.22
the present work. A negative intercept is very significant. The inter- R2 = 0.9778
cept N has a close relationship with the elastic strain energy of the 13
0.70 0.90 1.10 1.30 1.50
material. The operating regime in any comminution unit is for a
Energy Expenditure (kWh/t)
Iron Ore Coal
B 5.0
Product d50 (mm)
0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.7
Energy Expenditure (kWh/t)
Iron Ore Coal
Fig. 9. Relationship between (A) the reduction ratio and the energy expenditure and
Fig. 7. Relationship between the median size and the fines produced for crushing iron ore. (B) the product size (d50) and energy expenditure for iron ore and coal.
Author's personal copy
3.5. Fines generation and the extent of wear
The attrition within the holdup volume inside the hammer mill is 15
responsible for the generation of fines which gives an indication of
the wear of the hammers as well as the breaker plate/shell. Of course,
some fines are generated by the shatter fracture of the particles. An
estimation of this is made by running the hammer mill after removing
the grate. Under this condition the comminuted material is allowed to 5
discharge freely. Of course, comminution is poor under this condition
and substantial amount of material reports to the product stream
without undergoing much fracture. However, some particles undergo 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
substantial fracture and generate some fines. Now, the difference in
Degree of wear (%)
the generation of fines with and without grate in place does give an
idea of the additional breakage of material taking place inside the Median Size (mm) Energy (kWh/t)
mill due to the presence of the grate. This difference in the generation
of fines has two components — one, fines appearing due to the frac- Reduction Ratio
ture of additional material and two, fines generated due to the attri-
tion inside the mill. Although, both will contribute to the wear of B) Iron Ore
the hammer and the shell, the later will have a dominating role in 25
this regard. In this work, it is assumed that this difference in the gen-
eration of percentage of fines (b100 μm) is an indirect measure of the
wear of the mill interior. Under this assumption, the mill performance
parameters are plotted in Fig. 10 for the comminution of coal and iron
ore with the grate in place. 15
It may be seen from Fig. 10A that as the degree of wear (the differ-
ence in the generation of − 100 μm fines with and without the 20 mm
grate) increases the energy expenditure increases slowly and the me-
dian size (d50) decreases gradually while the reduction ratio increases
substantially. This pattern is expected for a soft material such as coal. 5
In the case of iron ore, with an increase in the degree of wear the
increase in the energy expenditure as well as the reduction in the
median size is somewhat faster with a steep rise in the reduction 0
0 2 4 6 8
ratio (Fig. 10B). This behavior is also not surprising. However, what
Degree of wear (%)
may be noted from these two plots (Fig. 10) is that a high reduction
ratio may still be achievable at a small wear level while crushing a Median Size (mm) Energy (kWh/t)
hard material such as iron ore. For a difference in the fines generation Reduction Ratio
(wear level) of 2.53% the reduction ratio is 14.7 and for 3.1% it is 15.4.
The operating conditions are identified as moderate rotor speed Fig. 10. Variation in the median size, energy expenditure and reduction ratio as a func-
(1200 rpm) and high feed rate (150 kg/h) for the former and moder- tion of the degree of wear for comminuting (A) coal and (B) iron ore in the impact
ate rotor speed (1200 rpm) and low feed rate (100 kg/h) for the latter. hammer mill.
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