Automate Class Attendance
Automate Class Attendance
Automate Class Attendance
A Project submitted to the school of Pure and Applied Science in Partial Fulfillment of
APRIL, 2023
I declare that the project report content is mine and it has never been submitted to a university or
Signature Date
I confirm that the work reported in this proposal was carried out by supervisor.
Signature Date
This research paper is dedicated to my wonderful father, who patiently stood by me until all of
my research was completed, and to my cherished mother, who has been patiently waiting for me
I want to thank Dr. Josaphat Karani, my supervisor, for providing me the chance to work on the
project. His unwavering support and direction throughout the endeavor were invaluable
resources. I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends for being there for me
emotionally as I worked on the project. Finally, I want to thank God because it would not have
The purpose of this Project is to propose the development of the Automated Attendance System. It will
be achieved by developing an Android Application that will help with capturing student course history
and how he/she has been attending classes and keeping the records. Android Software Development
Kit (SDK), and MySQL database hosted in a web server are some of the technologies that will be used
to develop this system. I intend to develop an Auto attendance web application with three different
categories of users that is; Admin, Lecture, Student. That will enable paperless and automated tracking
of students and lectures in an institution. It will provide an alternative to the manual time-consuming
attendance system. The system will be developed using spiral model method of development.
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................................... 2
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... 3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 4
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................... 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2.6: Android Attendance System .............................................................................................. 18
2.5 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 23
APPENDICES ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2 Requirements………………………………………………………...........................................23
5.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….....46
5.2 Integration testing………………………………………………………………………………47
6.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………..……………….……..64
6.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………..………………….………64
6.3 Recommendation………………………………………………………………………………..65
6.5 References…………………………………………………………………………………….…67
6.6 Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………....69
Figure 4.1: Context Diagram……………………………………………………..……25
student attendance records in schools and various Institutions. After which, it will help in
generating reports and evaluating the attendance eligibility of a student. His/her attendance can
The rise of new technologies in today’s world which has had an effect on Modern learning as
compared to earlier days and availability of all the resources of learning in the internet has made
students to be less motivated in attending physical classes or rather attending lectures. Sometime
the activities that the students involve themselves in like extra social activities being nonchalance
to school work of which has no importance in aiding the objective of institution may prevent
student from attending Lectures. Due to this Institutions has come up with a plan to ensure
healthy participation from students and keep the relationship between lectures and Students
(Durden G, and Ellis L) This has led introduction of roll calls and some cases surprised quizzes,
extra credit in class and others but these strategies and somehow time consuming. The time used
in roll call somehow could have been used to give lectures. And also, they are not accurate this
led to the need of more effective and efficient method of automating the attendance system
At Kirinyaga University. Academic policy requires a student to have a minimum of 85%
attendance in order for him/her to take end semester exams. It is the duty for CODs to make sure
the policy is implemented but in most cases this policy has not be adhered to due to some
challenges with Manual attendance System. Some cases the Attendance sheet maybe stolen or
rather lost and this usually makes it had to track how the students having attending classes. The
manual way of taking attendance is time consuming, inefficient, makes it hard to track how
many has attain below 85% attendance and this led to the need of Automated Attendance system.
With the use of technology such as Android Software Development Kit, MySQL database hosted
in web server I will be able to build Automated Attendance System to solve of this problem.
class attendance is marked individually by students as they sign adjacent to their names that
appear in a list. This list is then collected after the class session and a person is placed in charge
of manually tallying each individual’s attendance in another course list. In order to get an
individual’s attendance record for a particular course, one would have to compare the student of
interest’s tally in the course list to that of the total number of times the course had sessions.
Errors arising from human error while recording and student tampering by signing for each other
are likely in all the stages. This leads to unreliable records of students that further leads to
erroneous marks for students since attendance of a student contributes to overall grade.
Universities have tried to correct the error by increasing vigilance of students as they sign in their
attendance. This has led to improved accuracy in some cases, but has also lead to more wastage
of time as the lecturers have to stop teaching in order to monitor the students
To develop an Automated Attendance System for Kirinyaga University that would aid
2) Develop a module that monitor the number students who usually attend classes.
3) To create a platform that is able to calculate the attendance percentage of each student.
The suggested system has evolved to address the shortcomings of the current one. The goal of
this project is to cut down on paperwork and save time while still producing accurate attendance
records for the students. The best user interface is offered by the system. This suggested system
The purpose of developing attendance management system is to computerized the tradition way
of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the report
Speed and Accuracy. These systems are infinitely faster and the same can be said of their
accuracy as well, this is why they are so much better than the manual attendance systems in
every sense of the word. It will be design in a such a way that you can avoid making any
The project is essentially an Android application, which means that it can be self-contained
software that only operates for a single college or institute. It can run on the system on which it
has been installed and be controlled by the user. However, the project can be changed in the
The system help the lecture in reducing the human error that might occur while recoding the
Automated attendance system reduces the risk of human error. This ensure easy and orderly
approach and hence address needs with confidence. An accuracy of 99% has been shown with
It also handles the information and records giving the users( both the lecture and students)
i) Large number of students, hard to handle and the present fellow can mark for absentee
VERSTILE- Changeable
Software called Automated Class Attendance was created to track daily student attendance in
schools, universities, and institutes. if it were possible to obtain a student's attendance data for a
specific class. The teacher of a particular class sorts the data for that class. This approach also aid
Literature review is the process of reviewing, summarizing and analyzing materials about a
specific topic. The purpose of literature review is to establish a theoretical framework for the
area under research, defining and establishing the area of study as well as identifying case studies
in the same area and previous studies that support the research area
Manual attendance system literally means filling manual attendance sheet manually. The process
of the manual attendance system is quite simple, and employees are just required to follow a
traditional way of filling the attendance sheets with their hands. As far as the manual attendance
system goes, initially, it all began with making attendance in register; yes, But as time passed,
Figure 2.1: Manual attendance register
2.1.1 Bluetooth attendance system
1. Riya Lodhaa et al. (2015) [1], He propose that the attendance should be automated by use of
Bluetooth Smart Technology. Bluetooth Smart, which was referred to us as Bluetooth Low
Energy, long ago is a type of wireless communication for minimal range communication. BLE
was preferred that moment due it fact that it has longer battery life as compared to high data
transfer speed. And also it was considered to be a one way communication. In this technology, a
tiny chip tag device can broadcast packets of data at regular intervals. These data packets can
simply be detected by a pre-installed service on Bluetooth Smart enable and it has to be nearby,
after which the BLE pop a message in the app to Bluetooth Smart enabled device. In the paper
the student is to be assigned a tag with a Bluetooth Smart chip. The chips are put in the student
identification card, and is programmed and configured such that it connects with an Android
application on the lecturer’s device via Bluetooth. In addition, each tag serial number is
associated with each student database entry. Therefore, every time a student carries his/her card
and is attending the lecture the entries will be entered into the database with the time stamp as
the lecturer moves around the class within range of the tags. For its accurate function the
application can only detect tags only within a particular range in order to avoid those that are
outside class. This method has got its own advantage since Bluetooth Smart technology takes in
less power and hence chip last for long. BLE can also establish up to 20 connections
simultaneously since it deals with small data packets hence make quick connection and this
makes it better than classic Bluetooth which only initiate only 7 simultaneous connections. In
addition, the tags with the chips are rugged in that they can be read even if submerged or covered
with dirt, are almost indestructible, and have unalterable permanent serial. It also does have
Demerits when implemented in a large scale as follows; A student can fill in for the absent
colleague since the student can carry in multiple IDs of student since it will not detect as result
large class sizes in our colleges in Kenya and does not deal with such cases. It is also expensive
to manage since a times student lose their tags. That added 14 to the fact that it can only be
implemented for physical classes make the technology unviable for this project.
2.1.2 Face recognition attendance system
2. In the paper [2], Geetha et al. Propose the implementation of the automated attendance system
using facial recognition. Its components included the camera module, a database, and facial
recognition software. In the proposed system, photograph of students is taken as they enter into
class and once their photos are detected and recognized by the facial recognition software, their
attendance is marked and their details stored in a database. The facial recognition software uses
an algorithm known as Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH), known for its performance and
how it is able to recognize the face of a person from both front face and side face. In order to use
the algorithm, a data set, in this case the images of students, is created by taking images with a
camera or taking images that are saved, and a unique ID attached to every student’s image. This
data set is then used for the training of the algorithm to detect and identify students. An
advantage of implementing the algorithm to automate class attendance is that the data is accurate
and trustworthy. This does away with the problem of student’s marking each other’s attendance
and as well as the bulk of attendance sheets required in taking attendance manually. However, its
viability in large scale implementation is hindered by its capital and maintenance costs. This is
because cameras and computers would need to be available in each classroom. Furthermore, the
proposed system has no provision for allowing the students track their attendance record.
Figure 2.3: Face recognition attendance system
Okokpujie and others [3] Iris biometric recognition should be used in the design and
individuals in the ring-shaped area around the pupil of the eye. Since every person's iris is
different, it is suggested in the study because it is very accurate, extremely resistant to false
matches, and boasts a fast search speed against vast databases. The procedure calls for a
specialist digital camera that can focus in on the eye and detect the center of the pupil, edge of
the pupil, edge of the iris, as well as your eyelids and eyelashes. It also captures clear, high
contrast photographs of the iris. This data is then input into iris recognition software, where the
iris' distinctive pattern is examined and translated to an iris template and can be saved in a
database. In the proposed system, the taking of photos is done during enrolment of the students
and the unique templates saved alongside the student particulars before being uploaded to a
MYSQL database. Thus, during classes attendance is marked when students get their iris photos
captured by the iris scanner as they enter the classes. Their attendance information is then
towards the students. The system has its limitations however; first, iris scanner needs close
proximity to the iris in order to work hence when implemented students would have to line up in
order to mark their attendance. In addition, the system has no provision for allowing students
self-track their attendance records. The logistics of its implementation would also be a challenge
since there would need to be access to the internet 15 so that information of many classes going
on simultaneously are saved in a database hosted by a server. These reasons coupled with the
high cost of installing and maintaining the specialized cameras hinder its viability in large
Figure 2.4: Biometric Recognition attendance system
In the paper [4], Ajay et al. propose the automation of an attendance system using Radio
uniquely identify an object, animal or person. The wireless system comprises two components:
RFID readers (consisting of a scanning antenna and transceiver) and RFID tags (which contain
the transponders). The RFID reader is a network-connected device that can be portable or
permanently attached. It uses radio waves to transmit signals that activate the tag. Once
activated, the tag sends a signal back to the reader (via the transponder), thus identifying itself.
The information signal can then be transmitted from the reader to a computer where it can be
stored in a database. The paper cited above proposes a microcontroller RFID system that
comprises the following in addition to the RFID reader and tag: An Arduino UNO
microcontroller based on the 8-bit ATmega328P, a DS 3231 RTC Module and a Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD). The function of the Arduino is to provide an interface for connection of all the
components and to store data on student attendance in its EEPROM. The RTC module is used to
obtain the date and the time while the LCD display is used to show the time and to display
various messages. The proposed system works as follows: Once RFID reader detects a tag in real
time as the student enters the class, it sends information on its ID to the microcontroller. The data
is then transmitted to a computer and stored in a database. The microcontroller only takes
attendance if the tag is authenticated. The above implementation has its merits in that the tags are
rugged and can withstand physical strain without damage. The tags, when embedded in student
IDs, thus seldom need replacement. Furthermore, an RFID reader can scan several tags at the
same time hence saves on time. On a large scale, however, RFID has several shortcomings. First,
RFID implementation is more costly as compared to other alternatives such as BLE technology.
Furthermore, an RFID reader would need to be installed in every classroom. This introduces
other concerns such as security from vandalism. In addition to cost, RFID is not as accurate as
other alternatives like barcode readers and materials like liquids and solids can impact RF
signals. These disturbances may lead to inaccurate records of attendance and time wastage,
Android based attendance system
Published by Islam ET. Al (2016) [7], this paper proposes the implementation of an automated
attendance system using an Android based application. The main components of the system are
the mobile application and the database and web server. In the proposal, the application is built
for the lecturer. The mobile application is used to provide all the facilities of the Student
Attendance system. It provides a graphical user interface which communicates with the course
teacher and helps to take attendance. In the proposed system, the data is saved in the phone
locally via SQLite database as well as in MySQL database simultaneously. The MySQL database
is placed in web server which ensures the remote store of attendance. By using this application,
the lecturer can obtain a student’s attendance record, print details of the attendance, send SMS,
and send an email. The web server, which is the remote store of the attendance record, provides
the facility of MySQL database and communicates with the application. An instructor is enabled
to alter details of a student yet a student is not permitted to do any alteration to their information.
Once the lecturer registers themselves into an institution and logs in, they are able to start a class
session. When a class session is started, the application generates a list of students registered to
the course. The lecturer can then take attendance by filling the generated list. Once completing
this task, lecturer can end the roll call and the data on student attendance is then saved in a
database. The proposed implementation method is an improvement from the manual method of
taking attendance as time spent marking attendance sheets is greatly reduced as all the instructor
does is click on a button next to the student’s name. Furthermore, the method is more cost
effective to implement on a large scale as opposed to other automation methods such as use of
BLE, RFID tags and Iris Recognition Biometrics. A shortcoming of this implantation, however,
is that there is no student app where the students can mark their own attendance. The burden of
taking attendance is thus solely placed on the instructor and this makes the process much slower
and tedious
Conceptual framework
capturing monitoring
faculty details of student turnout
Student for lectures
2.5 Conclusion
This research intends to develop a system that capture and store casual workers information. The
monitoring module also be implemented to capture working hours. The system include a
platform that calculate casual employee total pay based on the working hours and the rate
A cohesive system founded on beliefs, principles, and values, methodology serves as a context
for research and guides the choices that researchers and other users make. The development
approach, rationale of the methodology, data gathering methods employed, chapter conclusion,
Project development can adopt any system development life cycle model depending with the
developer or typical uses of each model. There are various methodologies for project
development which includes agile, waterfall, iterative, spiral etc. My research will adopt spiral
This methodology has four phases namely Identification, Design, construct & build and
Evaluation and risk analysis. Every software project repeatedly passes through these phases in
iterations called spirals. My research project will use this methodology because I want to get
enough customer feedback since every product line is released for evaluation
Figure 3.1: spiral model Identification
Gathering the system requirements in the baseline spiral is the first step in this phase. The
identification and comprehension of the system requirements are done in this phase, which be
followed by spirals as the product evolves. I acquired the requirements for my project through Observations
Going through and observing existing systems, I got to understand the process flow, the steps
and points of improvement. Passive observations are better for getting feedback for refined
21 Document Review
Through reviewing the documentations of existing systems, it helped me derive the gaps existing
in these systems and also reviewing the requirements that led to the implementation of these
This refers to the analyzing of the system’s interface (end user, system components the
system works with). This is important since it ensures requirements are complete and the system
will be usable. Through this method, understanding the interactive context of the system uncover Design
Design is the blueprint of the proposed system, it starts with the conceptual design in the
baseline spiral and it involves the architectural design. In my proposed system i used design tools
like data flow diagrams, use case diagrams and unified modelling language.
In this phase, the actual software product is produced at each spiral. At the baseline spiral a point
implemented using languages like python and MySQL for the database. In the subsequent spirals
with high clarified requirements and design details a working model of the software called build
is produced. Testing that the proposed system will be unit testing. Unit testing was to be used
in the
proposed system because it tests the code of each module to check any error/bugs in the system.
System testing also be carried out to test if the fully implemented system meets the stated
In this phase, risk analysis involves activities like identifying, estimating and monitoring
the technical feasibility and management risks. Maintenance of the software is be done when the
environment of the software changes or based on suggested new features. Evaluation is reached
when the customer evaluates the software after testing the build.
In spiral methodology, development divided into smaller parts and the risky parts
developed earlier which will help in better risk management. Another advantage of spiral model
is that it allow new elements of the product to be added in hence ensuring there is no conflict
with the previous requirements and design. Another advantage is that it force early user
3.4 Conclusion
The research approach employed in this dissertation has been examined in this chapter.
Spiral modeling was a software development technique, and methods for gathering data
System design is the specification or construction of a technical, computer-based solution for the
establishing how to deliver the functionality that was specified in analysis while at the same time,
meeting non-functional requirements that may sometimes conflict each other. System design is focused
on making high-level decisions concerning the overall structure of the system. It also involves
establishing protocols and standards for the design activities. (Simon Bennet et al, 2002)
This is the phase concerned with the physical components of the computer needed for the effective
operation of the new system. The software will run well with the following hardware specification:
4.2.3 Software Requirement
This aspect specifies the various events the proposed system would be able
to perform from the user’s perspective in order to ensure a good and working system. The following
are the software needed for the smooth running of the package:
• Microsoft ®Windows® XP
A context level diagram that capture the area to be developed while developing class management
system. The areas covered are student database, faculty, capturing student details, monitoring student
capturing monitoring
faculty details of student turnout
Student for lectures
Most of the innovations made in technology rely on user interface design to expose or elevate their
technical complexity to usable product. From computer software point of view, user interface is also
perceive user interface as useful in computer only, others see it as useful in many products where intera
ction occur between the user and control system. Militaryaircraft, vehicle, airports, and audio
requirements are few products among others that extensively makes use of user interface. The
importance of good user interface can thus be measured in product acceptance and rejection in the
marketplace. Simplicity, individual differences, user control and freedom, flexibility and efficiency of
use are considered as the fundamental characteristics of good user interface which can also be regarded
as the basic guide which enhance the usability of the user interface in conjunction with other facilities.
User interface for the proposed system would be flexible enough to all categories of users. Persons
with less experience in terms of application usage will be fully guided by the interface
Administration module; Here the admin will able to follow and track student attendance and the
lecturer’s attendance also. The admin will have access to every details to everyone who has log in.
• Student Details:
Student will register and the admin will be able to access details.
✓ In this module deals with the allocation of roll no and personal details for new batch.
✓ It will generate of personal details of student and academic details of the students with the
• Lecture Details:
Amin will be able to track the subject allocation for every lecturer and also attendance
✓ It helps to allot the subject and the subject code to the particular staffs.
✓ It provides the facility to have a user name and password to the staffs.
Admin will be able to see the Time table and how the lectures have been allocated
✓ It will retrieve the subject information from the subject database and assign time table to the
✓ It will help the admin, staff to make the entry of attendance based on the subject and period
• Attendance details:
Admin will view the attendance details, and track student and lecturers attend classes.
✓ It will be makes to the attendance database all students. Entered attendance to store in the
✓ It will help us to the get report of weekly and consolidate of the attendance.
4.2: Admin log in/Registration form
Report details:
✓ weekly report get all hour details of attendance starting date to ending
ending date status help for the eligibility criteria of the student to
Student will be able to register after which the student will be able to mark the attendance
✓ It assists the staff to mark attendance to the students for their subject. This
Enter password
Log in forms:
For the student who have register can now log in , with their email address and the password they
registered with.
The login interface will provide an interface for the login of the user to the system. The use will be
required to an email address to login to the system. The form will allow for direct authentication of the
user to the system home interface before performing the transaction in the system.
Remember me
Report details:
Student can see how He/She has been attending classes after the report is generated
2. consolidate report get all student attendance details from starting date
to ending date status, help for the eligibility criteria of the student to
I) User Registration
The flow chart will show how to design the User Registration. From start to stop.
II) User authentication
Login Flowchart
Here in this flow chart, am designing the login platform, so that after registration you can automatically
Upon successful logging in, the user is redirected to the respective homepages denoted by
A, B and C
VI) Start/Stopping of Class
The algorithm used to start and stop a class by the lecturer is as shown below
Start Class Flowchart
VII) Stop Class Flowchart
Flow chart to make sure the making of attendance stop when classes has eventually stop
VIII) Marking Attendance
Flowchart for student attendance marking
Use case Diagram
For attendance , showing relation between student, lecturer and the admin
4.6 Database Design
For the project, MySQL, an open source relational database management system, was
✓ To create a login details for the table
Login Table
✓ To create username and password for the staff details
✓ To create table for Student personal details for our department.
Student table
✓ To create the subject time table for a particular class
✓ To create attendance details for particular
Attendance Table
Dates Date Primarykey Enter day by day
Hour Number primarykey Set particular hour only
This chapter covered the area for system design. Starting with introduction, Requirement for the
system design, Context level diagram, input design, process design, Database design and finally output.
Once source code has been generated, software must be tested to uncover
(and correct) as many errors as possible before delivery to customer. Our goal is to
design a series of test cases that have a high likelihood of finding errors. To uncover
the errors software techniques are used. Software is tested from two different
(1) Internal program logic is exercised using ―White box‖ test case design
(2) Software requirements are exercised using ―block box‖ test case
Design techniques.
In both cases, the intent is to find the maximum number of errors with the Minimum amount of effort
and time
unit testing implemented in every module of student attendance management
System. by giving correct manual input to the system, the data are stored in database
and retrieved. If you want required module to access input or get the output from the
End user. any error will have accrued the time will provide handler to show what
type of error will have accrued.
Test case is an object for execution for other modules in the architecture does
not represent any interaction by itself. A test case is a set of sequential steps to
execute a test operating on a set of predefined inputs to produce certain expected
outputs. There are two types of test cases: -manual and automated. A manual test
case is executed manually while an automated test case is executed using
5.7) MASTER form
5.8) Report form
Sno Test case Test case Test case Step Expected Actual Test
id name desc result Result case
1 Weekly Validate To select Nothing An error Retrived Pass
report class that source entered message data
attendance and and on not successful
form destination click selected
2 Consolidate Validate To select Nothing An error Retrived Pass
report class that depart entered message data
attendance on and and on not successful
form time click selected
As the application uses a MySQL database hosted on a web server, a scripting language was
required to perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) data manipulations in it . PHP, a popular
general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development, was chosen as the
bridge between the Web application and the database. It was used in conjunction with SQL language
to enable exchange of information between the Application Front End and its database. The diagram
below shows the relationship between PHP, an web application and its database.
Wampserver is a Windows web development environment that allows creation of web applications
with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. It was used in the application to host the database
remotely so as to enable testing of the application through the emulator (Emulator used was Pixel XL
API 22). The following figure shows the database tables as they appear in Wampserver
webhost is a popular website that offers free web hosting services. The database was hosted here
after the app development phase. In order to host the application online, the PHP files and the database
SQL file were exported to PHPMyAdmin Services within the 000webhost website.
Sublime text
Sublime Text is a shareware cross-platform source code editor that natively supports
many programming languages and markup languages. In the project, it was used to write
PHP codes.
The picture shows that Admin or student can log in with username and the password
After student has log in they view their attendance put in their details
Lecturer details being captured
Admin Panel
Notify Student
Add Staff
Add Student
Add Subject
This Chapter covered System testing and Implementation where there was test was to be done in the
system that is unit test, system testing, Database testing. There after we discussed various tools used in
To conclude, Project Data Grid works like a component which can access all
the databases and picks up different functions. It overcomes the many limitations
incorporated in the attendance.
➢ Easy implementation Environment
➢ Generate report Flexibly
✓ Develop a module that captures and store student’s details that resulted to a developed system
that captured details and saves time
✓ Develop a module that monitor the number students who usually attend classes which was
achieved by developing a system that monitored how student attend classes
✓ To create a platform that is able to calculate the attendance percentage of each student which
was achieved and the system calculated the attendance percentage
I would like to highly recommend that the school administration use the automated attendance system
at each class. There are also other biometric identification systems available in the market but after a
comparison I made (“Automated / Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies”), that can also be
seen in the Appendix A, I would strongly recommend that the college to use technology instead of
manual attendance systems. There is a zero probability that a student can fake his/her attendance with
this technology. The students will provide attendance at the start of the class and when the class ends.
There would be automatic attendance reports generated and the administration can easily access them
with one click on their computer. The teachers will no longer have to listen to the lame excuses of the
students and the whole class can focus on only studies without wasting time on listening to these
The project has a very vast scope in future. The project can be implemented on intranet in future.
Project can be updated in near future as and when requirement for the same arises, as it is very
flexible in terms of expansion. With the proposed software of database Space Manager ready and
fully functional the client is now able to manage and hence run the entire work in a much better,
accurate and error free manner. The following are the future scope for the project.
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[14]Natalie & Gogliordi, (20 14); Course management systems versus learning management
Appendix 1
Source code:
Imports System.Data
TextBox2.Text = ""
Exit While
End If
End While
End While
If i = 0 Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
End Class