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ETP (Week 3)

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Daw Ngu Wah Wah Htun

Associate Professor
Department of English
Technological University (Hpa-an)
Basic Sentence Patterns
Review of Previous Lecture Verb
“Be” ?
 Pattern 1
A. Subject + Be + Complement
B. There + Be + Subj + Place
C. It + Be + Adj + to V1 Complement ?

 Pattern 2
Subject + Verb

 Pattern 3
Subject + Verb + Object
Basic Sentence Patterns
 Pattern 4
To Infinitive
Subj + Verb + to V1
 Pattern 5
Subject + Verb + Object + to V1
 Pattern 6
Subject + Verb + Ving
 Pattern 7
Subject + Verb + Object +Ving Gerund

 Pattern 8
Subject + Verb + Object + V1
“-ed” and “-ing”
What is a participle?
A participle is a word formed from a verb which can be used as “an adjective.”

Past Participle “-ed” Present Participle “-ing”

• bored • boring
I am bored reading all about the grammar rules. The grammar lesson is boring.
• surprised surprising
I was surprised when I heard the news. The news was very surprising.
• confused • confusing
The lesson is difficult. I am confused. The lesson is very confusing. I don’t understand.

What’s the Difference? Adjectives with -ed vs. –ing.

- ED describes a person’s own feeling / emotion

-ING describes the characteristic of a situation, a thing, or a person


-ed Adjectives -ing adjectives -ed Adjectives -ing adjectives

annoyed annoying frightened frightening

amazed amazing frustrated frustrating

amused amusing horrified horrifying

bored boring interested interesting

comforted comforting irritated irritating

confused confusing puzzled puzzling

depressed depressing relaxed relaxing

disappointed disappointing satisfied satisfying

embarrassed embarrassing surprised surprising

excited exciting terrified terrifying

exhausted exhausting tired tiring

fascinated fascinating worried worrying
I. Choose the correct participle adjective form in each of the sentences below.

◦ 1. I don’t understand chess. The rules are very confused / confusing.

◦ 2. He was embarrassed / embarrassing when he arrive late for class.
◦ 3. There is a new movie playing at the theater. Are you interested / interesting?
◦ 4. I think that insects are fascinated / fascinating. I love to study them.
◦ 5. She is very excited / exciting about her upcoming trip to Australia.
◦ 6. I have never seen such a frightened / frightening film!
◦ 7. When the TV program was cancelled, Kelly was disappointed / disappointing.
◦ 8. They were all very impressed / impressing by the performance of the actors.
◦ 9. The school trip was really excited / exciting. I learned a lot of things I hadn’t known before.
◦ 10.The TV programme was so bored / boring that I fell asleep.
II. Change the adjectives by adding -ed or -ing.
◦ 1. My friend were ……….. when I told them about my new job. (surprise)
◦ 2. John is so ……….., his chemistry project isn’t going well. (frustrate)
◦ 3. I’m reading an ………… adventure story at the moment. (excite)
◦ 4. Your new dress is absolutely …………! (amaze)
◦ 5. We were too ……… to ask them for a loan. (embarrass)
◦ 6. I don’t find his jokes very ……… . I think they are rather crude. (amuse)
◦ 7. It rained all Saturday so we couldn’t go out and we were ……….. . (bore)
◦ 8. Jenny felt quite ………… after losing her cat. (depress)
◦ 9. Global warming has been ……….. effects our planet. (terrify)
◦ 10. We were so …………. after running for two hours. (exhaust)
Gerund & Present Participle
The ‘ing’ form of the verb may be a present participle or a gerund. The form is identical, the
difference is in the function, or the job the word does int the sentence.

Gerund Present Participle “-ing”

• As the subject of the sentence (Noun) • As part of the continuous of a verb
Hunting tiger is dangerous. She was singing.
• After prepositions • As an adjective
She is good at painting. The movie is interesting.
• After ‘phrasal verbs’ & some expressions He was trapped inside the burning house.
He kept on asking money. • As the cause or reason for an action instead of a
• In compound nouns phrase starting “as, since, because”
(driving lesson, swimming pool, train-spotting, etc) Feeling hungry, he went into the kitchen and
opened the fridge.
Uses of Ving
 Continuous Tenses
 Gerund
 Adjectives
 After Preposition
 As part of participle phrase

Ving Noun
Present Participle (Ving)
1. ကလ ေးမ ေး ကွင်ေးထဲတင
ွ ် ကစ ေးလေကကသည်။
The children are playing in the filed. (V)

2. လ ေးကစ ေးခြင်ေးသည် ကမဘ လ ေါ်တွင် လက က် က ေးသည်။

Playing football is popular in the world. (N)

3. ကွငေး် ထဲတွင် လ ေးကစ ေးလေတ သူ့ညီလ ေးလ ေါ့။

The boy playing football in the field is his younger brother. (Adj)

4. လ ေးကစ ေးရင်ေးေဲဲ့ သလက ်ကက ေး သည်။

Playing football, he became famous. (Adv)
Exercise 1
1. မမ စင်ခမငေါ့်ထက်မ သ ယ ောလ ဖ
် ွယ် သီြ င်ေးတစ် ဒ်က သီဆလေသည်။
2. သီြ င်ေးဆခြင်ေးသည် လက င်ေးလသ အ ေ်ေးလခဖခြင်ေးတစ်မ ေးခဖစ်သည်။
3. လတ ထဲမ သီြ င်ေးဆလေတဲေါ့လက င်မလ ေးက သစမ်ေးတစ်လယ က်ကလတွွေ့ ဲ့ လကက က်ရထွေ့ထတ် ေဲ့်ြဲေါ့သည်။
4. လရြ ေးြေ်ေးတွင် သီြ င်ေးဆရင်ေး သမအသလက င်ေးလအ င် လ ေါ့က ငေါ့သ
် ည်။
Exercise 2
1. အဖေးအတစ်လယ က် ကမ်ေးောေး မ်ေးတစ်လ က် မ်ေးလ က်လေသည်။
2. မ်ေးလ က်ခြင်ေးသည် အဖေးအအတွက် လက င်ေးမွေ်လသ လ ေါ့က ငေါ့်ြေ်ေးတစ်ြခဖစ်သည်။
3. ကမ်ေးောေး မ်ေးတစ်လ က် မ်ေးလ က်လေတဲေါ့ အဖေးအသည် ဦေးလက ်သ ခဖစ်သည်။
4. ကမ်ေးောေး မ်ေးတစ်လ က် မ်ေးလ က်လေတေ်ေး အဖေးအသည် ယ ဥ်တက်မတ
ှု စ်ြက ခမင်ြေါ့သ
ဲ ည်။
Exercise 3
1. ကျွေ်လတ ် ဝတထ တစ် ဒ်လရေးလေသည်။
2. စ လရေးခြင်ေးသည် ကျွေ်လတ ်၏ အနစ်သက်ဆေး ဝ သောခဖစ်သည်။
3. အြေ်ေးထဲတင
ွ ် စ ေးလရေးလေလသ အဖေးအသည် ောမည်လက ်ကက ေးလသ စ လရေးဆရ တစ်ဦေးခဖစ်သည်။
4. ဝတထ မ ေး တစ် ဒ်ပ ီေးတစ် ဒ်လရေးသ ေးရင်ေး သစ လရေးဆရ တစ်လယ က်ခဖစ် ဖဲ့ ခ င်ေးခ င်ေးထေ်ထေ် ကက ေးစ ေးြဲသ
ေါ့ ည်။
Uses of Past Participle
 Perfect Tenses
 Passive Voice
 Adjectives
 Participle phrase
Past Participle (V3)
1. ကျွေ်လတ ် ဒီစ အ က
် ဖတ်ပ ီေးပ ီ။
I have read this book.

2. ဒီစ အ က
် ခမသေ်ေးတငေါ့်လရေးထ ေးတ ။
This book was written by Mya Than Thint.

3. လမ င်လမ င်လရေးထ ေးတဲေါ့စ က စ ေး ွဲလ ေါ်မ ။

The letter written by Mg Mg is on the table.

4. လက င်ေးအ ်ကကီေး အခ စ်လ ေးပ ီေးလောက် လက င်ေးသ ေးမ ေး မ်မ လရေးခြ ေး ရ ြဲေါ့သည်။
Punished by the headmaster, the students became clever.
1. က်သမ ေးမ ေး ဒီ ေ်ေးကကီေးလက င်ေးက လဆ က်ပ ီေးပ ီ။
2. ဒီ ေ်ေးကကီေးလက င်ေးက ရထ သ ေးမ ေး တည်လဆ
်‌ က်ြေါ့တ
ဲ ခဖစ်သည်။
3. ရထ သ ေးမ ေးတည်လဆ က်ြေါ့တ
ဲ ေါ့ဲ ေ်ေးကကီေးလက င်ေးသည် ရထ အစွေ်မ ရသည်။
4. ရထ သ ေးလတွတည်လဆ က်ြတ
ဲေါ့ ဆလတ ေါ့ ဒီ ေ်ေးကကီေးလက င်ေးသည် ရထ ၏ဂဏ်ယစရ ခဖစ်သည်။

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