GIC Liquid Controller Mannual
GIC Liquid Controller Mannual
GIC Liquid Controller Mannual
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-- ,L Liquid Level Controller
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__ I Pro Je Diae:ram:
Cat. No.: 4411AD1 ca !logue Nos. 4411AD1 I 4421AD1 I 4431AD1 A single pole electrode used for level control in wells or storage tanks: It comprises stainless
stee probe with plastic holder and cable gland. A seal rmg and the tightening of the cable
E r7I glan prevent liquid from entering the cable terminal connector and causing its oxidation.
44llAD l RoHS
SupDly Voltage llOVAC, +/-20% I 240VAC, +/-20% I 415VAC, +/-20% Maxi num Ope_rating Temperature -10oc to +65oc
( .I
Sur ly Frequency
�x����=l���I� ���';,,"eter must be 1.5 mm to warrant perfect sealing.
47Hz - 63Hz
Po, r Consumption 3VA •1
Features: PE\ <'.fZC:HAAACTERISTIC$.: -1111
1. One /two le vel detectio n of liquid in a t ank . Con uctive Sensor , Stainless Steel S5304, 3 or 6Nos GLA
12. One / two tank monitoring for d raining or fill ing or dra ining and filling
P le
I t he liqu id.
Pro e _ Length 10 cm A.
3. 2M Enclosur e with Din rail / base easy mounting Ser 1t1v1ty lK to 200 K Ohm (Potentiometer adjustable)
4. Suppo rts to e xternall y connected 2/3/6 Stainless steel sensor probes o f Fix,d delay ON & delay 3 Sec ( +/- 1 Sec )
10cm length
5. Suppo rts up to 1000m length cable for longe r distance probe sensing
- •
6. A� Mod u I ated pr?be s1gna_l to pnrvent electrolytic
. .
OFF t',me
Volt 9e & Current 12 Vp-p, 100 Hz,< 1 mA
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1 \,
1 , ! -/
nF / km
11. CE ' R OHS Certified · DIN RM. a.I' BOTH SllE
Marual Start Switch If the liquid level of lower tank is-
l---+-------1------------- in betwee n Pl an d P2
-- --------< 65•0 -
probe th en at power ON, relay remains OFF because tank is
. .
Description: =
p artiall y filled with liquid. But user c an turn th e relay ON to r,-+----r-
T he Liquid Level Co nt r oller is used to dete ct the li quid lev el in a tank wh er e s ta rt motor pump or electric valve by pressing manual switch � -
liquids _ are electric ally conducting and device controls th e relay output Th e relay will turn OFF wh en lower tank l iquid level dr op s ,. ,. "
according to th e mode of o pe rati o n. T h e mode of ope rati _ on can be f,11,ng & Al. Al. __A
below Pl pro be to avoid dry running and wh en upper tank 1::t1EB1::t1E9E9E9
I � I
d raining, filling o nl y o ne tank with dual le vels mon itoring, filling on l y o ne liquid level reach es to P4 probe to avoid ove rflow.
tank with single leve l monitoring, d raining on ly one t ank w ith dual level
put C o ntro l Mode Relay ON/OFF
t;:=====:::;-t r
mon ito ring, d raining only one tank with single le vel monitoring. __ ii
The signal com pletes th e elec tr ical path through liquid, th e control circuit C ontact Ratings 1 C/0, 8A@250VAC, Resistive,Terminal 15-Pole,
det ects th e signal and d rivJs re lay. T h e re fe r ence r esi stivity can be s et by Terminal 16-NC,T erminal 18 -NO
-1- .a,c l:
I � �
a potentiomete r on th e dev ice from 1K1 to 200K to match liquid AC-15: Rated Voltage (Ue ):120/240V, .. a
resist iv ity. Th e output of device c an be used to turn ON & OFF pump s,
Utilieatio n Categ ory
Rated Curre nt(I e ): 3.0/l.5A
t (i)
-a � � o r □ Ill
, ...,
solenoids o r valves . DC-13: Rated Vo ltage (Ue):24/125/250V, .,"'<. o ro u-,
Rated Current(Ie ): 2.0/0.22/0.lA "' "' '"
'-" ,,',..:.),'00, D
sensitivity setting: I j �
Eled:rical Life 1 x 10' Operations 1 1
Following are the steps to set_ and fix sensitivity according to f ' , 0
the liquid conductivity with the ¥\Pot sensitivity potentiometer.
> >
f� £:
Mecnanical Life 1 x 10 Onerations ;::: MANUALSTAAT J. q
LED Indication G R EEN LED: Power ON,
1. Keep probes connected to CMN,'11 & P2 in conductive Liquid
& potentiometer at minimum(lK) position. - � R ED LED : Relay Outout ON
' __ I
2. While pressing the manual start switch, ,)---- Operating Tempe rature -10 °C to +60 ° C
rotate the potentiometer towards Stor';,ae Temoerature -10 °C to +70 ° C
Maximum (200K Ohm) side till the relay ,. 0 Wei�h t Aporo x.(Packed) 260 qm E9E9E9E9E9E9 "--- I
RED LED turn:' '.'�N". Keep potentiometer Liquid .d..-e + Re lati ve Hum idity 5 to 95 % R H (non condensinal
c•• ., ,, ,, ,. --.....i.
setting two d1v1s1ons ahead from the Leve
lo e Motfrting T y pe Base/Din Rail Mounting I�I _
position at which RED LED & Relay gets Contr ll e ,. _ El'ftft:MC COMPl.,TJ - - Ne·,- , ,:,
"ON". Now release the manual start switch. ��
Hcl rrp i
onic Current
3. Remove probe connected to Pl from Em1ss'\On IEC 61000-3-2 Class A WITHDRAW CUPS
conductive liquid & check whether the IWf\.lAlST.•.u· �
ReI ay RED LED SWI'tches "Off" '
R adiated Susce□tibi litv IEC 61000-4-3 Level III SURFACE MOUNTING
. . . . Elec rical Fast Tra ns ient IEC 61000-4-4 Level IV
Note -1� �o not d1st�rb pote�t10,:,ieter setting once fixed, because
_ _ Sur e IEC 61000_4_5 Level IV
the pos,t� on ?f potentiometer 1s adJusted according to conduct1v1ty T ,minal Details
C o n ucted Susceotibi lit, !EC 61000_4_6 Level III
level of L1qu1d.
2) It is necessary to press manual start switch during
sensitivity setting.
Vol t ge Dips &
In te rup t I ons (AC)
IEC 61000-4-11 All seven Levels
c--i- -- _ _ "' "'_ _ T ---------,
-- - /"\ v
l � � 2, '),, ;,, ,+ ,c o,
0.54 N.m ( 6
I_ ,SupplyConne� SPOT RelayConnection
'I A1 5
Con ucted Emission CISPR 14-1 Class B 3·5 mm
1 x 2.5 mm2
. . • R ad ted Em ission CISP R 14-1 Class RI 11"240l41SVAC &1 1s
Applications. Solid/Stranded Wire + r>o%
SA ':,=1:�Y' COMPLIANCE :..:�."' - J C-
A din rail mounted Liquid level controller device is supplied with external ....·. ·: ;
10cm stainless stee l sensing probes. Th e device monitors t he liquid le vel in Volt ge betwee n !EC 60947-5-1 2.5 KV AV-IG 1 x 24 to 12 A2 16
th e tanks and cont r ols th e actuation of Pumps or ele ctric val ves to regulate 1/P � O/P -- __________________, 1 c,o,sA@2sovAc
I mp �lse Vol tage
liquid l e vels in tank acco_rding to use of_ mode. It is also des igned to p rotect IEC 60947-5-1 4 KV ' Res1,t1ve
subme rs ible pumps against "Dry running" when lo wer tank I s empt y and between 1/P & O/P Orderina Code:
Smale Fault TeSt -----------------< ;;s,':;.N�.�c.t ==., .w'...,,.,,0-t. i•-n- - --- -- - - - ------ ----�
against "Overflow" when upper tank is filled complete ly. IEC 61010-1
1 4411ADI llOVAC +/·20% 50/60 Hz I C/0,!K to 200K SENSmVITYDRAIN ING & FILLING
Insulat io n res i stance
4421ADI 240VAC +/·20%,50/60 Hz,! C/0,!K to 200K SENSmv ITY,DRAINING & FILLING
UL 508 >SOK Ohm -- --! 2
Device controlling mode: Leakaa e Current . UL 50 8 <3.5mA -----
-- - -
3 4431AD1 415VAC +/·20%,50/60 Hz,! C/0,lK to 200K SENSmVITY,DRAINING & FILLING
1. Draining from lower tank and filling in uppe r tank. Deqree o f Protection IP 20 for Termina l · IP-40 for Housmq 4 4450003 ACCESSORIES,SET OF 3 STAINLESS STEEL SENSORS
PolM, o n Degre_e
2. F illing o nl y o ne tank with 2 leve ls monitoring. II . 5 4450006 ACCESSORIES,SET OF 6 STAINLESS STEEL SENSORS
tc"Y Pe of Insu lat,o n=.-.---:!rR e,n forced ==-.,,.==---
3. Filling o nl y one tank with! level monitoring. ;;; ;;c;r:;;: :, ,., ,, ,.,
:::-« ,, c;.., :;;: :.
:;;; ;; -;; :-; ;..
-� ======="'1
4. Draining onl y o'ne tank with 2 levels monitor ing. , .. N.,,wONMENTAL. ,..(;••MPLIANCE
' ll!i , tote:
5. Drain ing onl y o ne tank with 1 le vel monitoring. Cold H0" !EC 6006R-7-1 I The technical inform ation provided in this document is correct at the time of
Dry H eat IEC 60068-2-2 _
!EC 60068 -2-6
· tO press. _
going _ _
Precautions: Vibration 5g
2 Prod_uc_ t innovation being a continuous process, we reserve the right to alter
1. T his d evice is not used with pure wate r, Oils, corros ive liquids and Non, Reo e titive Shock IEC 60068-2-27 30g, 15ms
flammable liquids. spec, f1cat1_on _ s without any prior n�t,ce. .
l ai a
2. F or prop e r functionality /op e ration of de vice, it is recommended to keep 3 On y qu l fied persons are authorized to inst ll the device.
__J ____
se ns itivity pot arrow or value slight ly at uppe r p os ition or ne xt to set
_j -�-- -�----�
_ _ __ _
r ,,
po sit io n of Pot<entiometer rath er th a n actua l set pos ition of Potentiomete r. 4'll I nol-n�