Capital Gain New
Capital Gain New
Capital Gain New
After studying this unit, you would be able to –
comprehend the scope of income chargeable under this head;
comprehend and identify the assets classified as “capital assets” for the
purposes of chargeability under this head;
comprehend the meaning of short-term capital asset and long-term capital asset;
compute the period of holding for determining whether an asset is a short-
term capital asset or long-term capital asset;
identify the transactions to be considered as transfer for the purpose of
capital gains;
identify the transactions not regarded as transfer;
compute the capital gains from transfer of capital assets in the manner
determine the cost of acquisition and indexed cost of acquisition, in case of
long term capital asset for the purpose of computing the capital gains;
compute capital gains in case of depreciable assets;
compute capital gains in case of market linked debenture;
compute capital gains in case of slump sale;
compute the exemption available for investment of capital gains/net
consideration on transfer of certain assets;
compute the capital gains chargeable to tax after deducting the
exemptions available in respect of capital gains;
appreciate the concessional tax treatment available for short-term capital
gains and for long term capital gains on transfer of listed equity
shares/units of an equity oriented fund;
compute the tax liability applying the special rates of tax on long-term
capital gains and short-term capital gains and the normal rates of tax.
In case the assessee pays tax under default tax regime, enhanced surcharge of
25% would not be levied on dividend income, STCG taxable u/s 111A and LTCG
taxable u/s 112 and u/s 112A.
In case the assessee exercises the option of shifting out of the default tax
regime under section 115BAC, enhanced surcharge of 25% or 37% would not
be levied on dividend income, STCG taxable u/s 111A and LTCG taxable u/s 112
and u/s 112A.
Note – Capital gains arising from transfer of market linked debentures and units of
a specified mutual fund would always be capital gains arising from transfer of short
term capital assets irrespective of the period of holding of such assets. This is
provided in section 50AA.
Section 45 provides that any profits or gains arising from the transfer of a capital
asset effected in the previous year will be chargeable to income-tax under the
head ‘Capital Gains’. Such capital gains will be deemed to be the income of the
previous year in which the transfer took place. In this charging section, two terms
are important. One is “capital asset” and the other is “transfer”.
Hence, in this unit on capital gains, we begin our discussion with the definition of
“capital asset” and “transfer”. Thereafter, we will proceed to discuss the various
circumstances under which capital gains tax is levied. There are certain
transactions which are not to be regarded as transfer for the purposes of capital
gains. These transactions have also been discussed in this chapter. For computing
long-term capital gains, application of cost inflation index is necessary. Again,
there is a separate method of computation of capital gains in respect of
depreciable assets. Also, there are exemptions in cases where capital gains are
invested in specified assets. All these aspects are being discussed in this unit.
(a) property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or not connected with his
business or profession;
(b) any securities held by a Foreign Institutional Investor which has invested in
such securities in accordance with the SEBI regulations.
(c) any unit linked insurance policy (ULIP) issued on or after 1.2.2021, to which
exemption under section 10(10D) does not apply on account of premium
payable exceeding ` 2,50,000 for any of the previous years during the term
of such policy.
In a case where premium is payable by a person for more than one ULIP
issued on or after 1.2.2021 and the aggregate of premium payable on such
ULIPs exceed ` 2,50,000 for any of the previous years during the term of any
such ULIP(s), the exemption under section 10(10D) would be available in
respect of any of those ULIPs (at the option of the assessee) whose
aggregate premium payable does not exceed ` 2,50,000 for any of the
previous years during their term. All other ULIPs would be capital assets.
(a) jewellery;
(b) archaeological collections;
(c) drawings;
(d) paintings;
(e) sculptures; or
(f) any work of art.
Definition of Jewellery- Jewellery is a capital asset and the profits or gains
arising from the transfer of jewellery held for personal use are chargeable to
tax under the head “capital gains”. For this purpose, the expression
‘jewellery’ includes the following:
(i) Ornaments made of gold, silver, platinum or any other precious metal
or any alloy containing one or more of such precious metals, whether
or not containing any precious or semi-precious stones and whether
or not worked or sewn into any wearing apparel;
(ii) Precious or semi-precious stones, whether or not set in any furniture,
utensil or other article or worked or sewn into any wearing apparel.
(iii) Rural agricultural land in India i.e., agricultural land in India which is not
situated in any specified area.
As per the definition, only rural agricultural lands in India are excluded from
the purview of the term ‘capital asset’. Hence urban agricultural lands
constitute capital assets. Accordingly, the agricultural land described in (a)
and (b) below, being land situated within the specified urban limits, would
fall within the definition of “capital asset”, and transfer of such land would
attract capital gains tax -
(b) agricultural land situated in any area within such distance, measured
aerially, in relation to the range of population as shown hereunder -
(i) A 1 km 9,000 No
(iv) Specified Gold Bonds: 6½% Gold Bonds, 1977, or 7% Gold Bonds, 1980, or
National Defence Gold Bonds, 1980, issued by the Central Government;
(v) Special Bearer Bonds, 1991 issued by the Central Government;
(vi) Gold Deposit Bonds issued under the Gold Deposit Scheme, 1999 or
deposit certificates issued under the Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 and
Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2019 notified by the Central Government.
Note – ‘Property’ includes and shall be deemed to have always included any
rights in or in relation to an Indian company, including rights of management or
control or any other rights whatsoever.
[Section 2(14)]
Property of any kind held by an Any securities held by a FII which has
assessee, whether or not connected invested in such securities as per SEBI
with his business or profession Regulations
Term Meaning
Equity A fund set up under a scheme of a mutual fund2
oriented and
(i) in a case where the fund invested in the units of another
fund which is traded on a recognised stock exchange –
Specified under section 10(23D)
Note: The income from transfer of a zero coupon bond (not being held as
stock-in-trade) is to be treated as capital gains. Section 2(47)(iva) provides that
maturity or redemption of a zero coupon bond shall be treated as a transfer for
the purposes of capital gains tax.
Infrastructure debt fund notified by Central Government under section 10(47)
Note – Capital gains arising from transfer of market linked debentures and
units of a specified mutual fund would always be capital gains arising from
transfer of short term capital assets irrespective of the period of holding of
such assets. This is provided in section 50AA.
4 Where share/s in the Indian The period for which the share(s)
company (amalgamated was held by the assessee in the
company), becomes the property of amalgamating company shall be
an assessee in lieu of share/s held included.
by him in the amalgamating
company at the time of transfer
referred under section 47(vii).
5 Where the share or any other Period from the date of
security is subscribed by the allotment of such share or
assessee on the basis of right to security shall be reckoned.
subscribe to any share or security or
by the person in whose favour such
right is renounced by the assessee
6 Where the right to subscribe to any Period from the date of offer of
share or security is renounced in such right by the company or
favour of any other person institution shall be reckoned
7 Where any financial asset is Period from the date of
allotted without any payment and allotment of such financial asset
on the basis of holding of any other shall be reckoned
financial asset
8 Where share/s in the Indian company The period for which the share/s
being a resulting company becomes were held by the assessee in
the property of an assessee in demerged company shall be
consideration of demerger included
9 Where equity share in a company The period for which the
becomes the property of the preference shares were held by
assessee by way of conversion of the assesse shall be included
preference shares into equity
shares referred under section 47(xb)
10 (i) Where Electronic Gold Receipt is The period for which such gold
issued by a Vault Manager in was held by the assessee prior to
respect of gold deposited conversion into the Electronic
[Conversion of gold into Electronic Gold Receipt
Gold Receipt as referred to in
section 47(viid)]
(ii) Where gold is released in respect The period for which such
of an Electronic Gold Receipt Electronic Gold Receipt was held
Period of holding in respect of other capital assets - The period for which
any capital asset is held by the assessee shall be determined in accordance
with any rules made by the CBDT in this behalf. Accordingly, the CBDT has
inserted Rule 8AA in the Income-tax Rules, 1962 to provide for method of
determination of period of holding of capital assets, other than the capital assets
mentioned in clause (i) of Explanation 1 to section 2(42A).
Note: Section 47(x) provides that any transfer by way of conversion of bonds or
debentures, debenture-stock or deposit certificates in any form, of a company
into shares or debentures of that company shall not be regarded as transfer for
the purposes of levy of capital gains tax.
(iv) the owner of a capital asset may convert the same into the stock-in-trade of
a business carried on by him. Such conversion is treated as transfer; or
A enters into an agreement for the sale of his house. The purchaser gives the
entire sale consideration to A. A hands over complete rights of possession to
the purchaser since he has received the entire sale consideration. Under the
Income-tax Act, the above transaction is considered as transfer.
(vii) Lastly, there are certain types of transactions which have the effect of
transferring or enabling the enjoyment of an immovable property.
A person may become a member of a co-operative society, company or other
association of persons which may be building houses/flats. When he pays an
agreed amount, the society etc. hands over possession of the house to the
person concerned. No conveyance is registered. For the purpose of income-
tax, the above transaction is a transfer.
How will you calculate the period of holding in case of the following assets?
(1) Shares held in a company in liquidation
(2) Bonus shares
(3) Flat in a co-operative society
(1) Shares held in a company in liquidation - The period after the date on
which the company goes into liquidation shall be excluded while calculating
the period of holding. Therefore, the period of holding shall commence
from the date of acquisition and end with the date on which the company
goes into liquidation.
(2) Bonus shares - The period of holding shall be reckoned from the date of
allotment of bonus shares and will end with the date of transfer.
Full value of consideration: In order to compute capital gains, the value of any
money or the fair market value of other assets on the date of such receipt shall be
deemed to be the full value of the consideration received or accruing as a result
of the transfer of such capital assets.
(iii) Conversion or treatment of a capital asset as stock-in-trade [Section 45(2)]
A person who is the owner of a capital asset may convert the same or treat it as
stock-in-trade of the business carried on by him. As noted above, the above
transaction is a transfer.
As per section 45(2), notwithstanding anything contained in section 45(1), being
the charging section, the profits or gains arising from the above conversion or
treatment will be chargeable to income-tax as his income of the previous year
in which such stock-in-trade is sold or otherwise transferred by him.
Full value of consideration: In order to compute the capital gains, the fair
market value of the asset on the date of such conversion or treatment shall be
deemed to be the full value of the consideration received as a result of the
transfer of the capital asset.
Components of
income arising Manner of Computation of capital
on sale of gains and business income
Capital Gains
Indexation benefit would be considered
of capital in relation to the year of conversion of
asset into capital asset into stock-in-trade
Note – Both Capital Gains and Business income are chargeable to tax in the
year in which stock-in-trade is sold or otherwise transferred.
A is the owner of a car. On 1-4-2023, he starts a business of purchase and sale of
motor cars. He treats the above car as part of the stock-in-trade of his new
business. He sells the same on 31-3-2024 and gets a profit of ` 1 lakh. Discuss the
tax implication in his hands under the head “Capital gains”.
Since car is a personal asset, conversion or treatment of the same as the stock-in-
trade of his business will not be trapped by the provisions of section 45(2). Hence,
A is not liable to capital gains tax.
X converts his capital asset (acquired on June 10, 2005 for ` 60,000) into stock-in-trade
on March 10, 2023. The fair market value on the date of the above conversion was
` 5,50,000. He subsequently sells the stock-in-trade so converted for ` 6,00,000 on June
10, 2023. Discuss the year of chargeability of capital gain and business income.
Since the capital asset is converted into stock-in-trade during the previous year
2022-23 relevant to the A.Y. 2023-24, it will be a transfer u/s 2(47) during the
P.Y. 2022-23. However, the profits or gains arising from the above conversion will
be chargeable to tax during the A.Y. 2024-25, since the stock-in-trade has been
sold only on June 10, 2023. For this purpose, the fair market value on the date of
such conversion (i.e. 10th March, 2023) will be the full value of consideration for
computation of capital gains. The business income of ` 50,000 (i.e., ` 6,00,000 (-)
` 5,50,000, being the fair market value on the date of conversion) would also be
taxable in the A.Y.2024-25. Thus, both capital gains and business income would
be chargeable to tax in the A.Y.2024-25.
(iv) Compensation on compulsory acquisition [Section 45(5)]
Enhanced Compensation - Many times, persons whose capital assets have been
taken over by the Central Government and who get compensation from the
Government go to the Court of law for enhancement of compensation. If the
court awards a compensation which is higher than the original compensation, the
difference thereof will be chargeable to capital gains in the year in which the
same is received from the government.
Death of the transferor - It is possible that the transferor may die before he
receives the enhanced compensation. In that case, the enhanced compensation
will be chargeable to tax in the hands of the person who receives the same.
under section 155
be deducted from the amount received/fair market value for the purpose of
determining the consideration for computation of capital gains.
Distribution is
not a transfer
Distribution attributable to Money received (+)
accumulated profits of the FMV of assets
company distributed (-) deemed
dividend u/s 2(22)(c)
No capital gains
tax liability
Now section 68 of the Companies Act, 2013
Under section 115QA
(i) The parent company or its nominee must hold the whole of the shares
of the subsidiary company; and
Let us take a case where A Ltd., an Indian company, holds 60% of shares in B Ltd.
B Ltd. amalgamates with A Ltd. Since A Ltd. itself is the shareholder of B Ltd., A
Ltd., being the amalgamated company, cannot issue shares to itself. However, A
Ltd. has to issue shares to the other shareholders of B Ltd.
M held 2000 shares in a company ABC Ltd., an Indian company. This
company amalgamated with another Indian company XYZ Ltd. during the
previous year ending 31-3-2024. Under the scheme of amalgamation, M was
allotted 1000 shares in the new company. The market value of shares allotted
is higher by ` 50,000 than the value of holding in ABC Ltd. The Assessing
Officer proposes to treat the transaction as an exchange and to tax ` 50,000
as capital gain. Is he justified?
(iv) manuscript
(v) drawing
(vi) painting
(vii) photograph or
(14) Conversion of preference shares into equity shares: Any transfer by way
of conversion of preference shares of a company into equity shares of that
company [Section 47(xb)].
(15) Transfer of capital asset under Reverse Mortgage: Any transfer of a
capital asset in a transaction of reverse mortgage under a scheme made and
notified by the Central Government [Section 47(xvi)].
The Reverse Mortgage scheme is for the benefit of senior citizens, who own
a residential house property. In order to supplement their existing income,
they can mortgage their house property with a scheduled bank or housing
finance company, in return for a lump-sum amount or for a regular
monthly/quarterly/annual income. The senior citizens can continue to live in
the house and receive regular income, without the botheration of having to
pay back the loan.
The loan will be given up to, say, 60% of the value of residential house
property mortgaged. Also, the bank/housing finance company would
undertake a revaluation of the property once every 5 years. The borrower
can use the loan amount for renovation and extension of residential
property, family’s medical and emergency expenditure etc., amongst others
However, he cannot use the amount for speculative or trading purposes.
The Reverse Mortgage Scheme, 2008, now includes within its scope,
disbursement of loan by an approved lending institution, in part or in full, to
the annuity sourcing institution, for the purposes of periodic payments by
way of annuity to the reverse mortgagor. This would be an additional mode
of disbursement i.e., in addition to direct disbursements by the approved
The bank will recover the loan along with the accumulated interest by
selling the house after the death of the borrower. The excess amount will be
given to the legal heirs However, before resorting to sale of the house,
preference will be given to the legal heirs to repay the loan and interest and
get the mortgaged property released.
In which of the following situations capital gains tax liability does not arise?
(i) Mr. A purchased gold in 1970 for ` 25,000. In the P.Y. 2023-24, he gifted it to
his son at the time of marriage. Fair market value (FMV) of the gold on the
day the gift was made was ` 1,00,000.
(i) As per the provisions of section 47(iii), gift of a capital asset is not regarded
as transfer for the purpose of capital gains. Therefore, capital gains tax
liability does not arise in the given situation.
(ii) As per the provisions of section 47(i), distribution of a capital asset (being in
kind) on the total or partial partition of Hindu undivided family is not
regarded as transfer for the purpose of capital gains. Therefore, capital gains
tax liability does not arise in the given situation.
Further, section 10(43) provides that the amount received by the senior citizen as
a loan, either in lump sum or in installment, in a transaction of reverse mortgage
would be exempt from income-tax. Therefore, the monthly installment amounts
received by Mr. Abhishek would not be taxable.
Examine, with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False.
(i) Alienation of a residential house in a transaction of reverse mortgage under a
scheme made and notified by the Central Government is treated as "transfer"
for the purpose of capital gains.
(ii) Zero coupon bonds of eligible corporation, held for 14 months, will be long-
term capital assets.
(iii) Zero Coupon Bond means a bond on which no payment and benefits are
received or receivable before maturity or redemption.
(i) False: As per section 47(xvi), such alienation in a transaction of reverse
mortgage under a scheme made and notified by the Central Government is
not regarded as "transfer" for the purpose of capital gains.
(ii) True: Section 2(42A) defines the term 'short-term capital asset'. Under the
proviso to section 2(42A), zero coupon bond held for not more than 12
months will be treated as a short-term capital asset. Consequently, such
bond held for more than 12 months will be a long-term capital asset.
(iii) True: As per section 2(48), ‘Zero Coupon Bond’ means a bond issued by any
infrastructure capital company or infrastructure capital fund or
infrastructure debt fund or a public sector company, or Scheduled Bank on
or after 1st June 2005, in respect of which no payment and benefit is
received or receivable before maturity or redemption from such issuing
entity and which the Central Government may notify in this behalf.
(iii) shareholders holding not less than three-fourth in value of the shares
in the amalgamating company or companies (other than shares
already held therein immediately before the amalgamation by, or by a
nominee for, the amalgamated company or its subsidiary) become
shareholders of the amalgamated company by virtue of the
For the purpose of determining the value of the property, any change
in the value of assets consequent to their revaluation shall be ignored.
(iv) the resulting company issues, in consideration of the demerger, its
shares to the shareholders of the demerged company on a
proportionate basis;
(v) the shareholders holding not less than three-fourths in value of the
shares in the demerged company (other than shares already held
therein immediately before the demerger, or by a nominee for, the
resulting company or, its subsidiary) become shareholders of the
resulting company or companies by virtue of the demerger, otherwise
than as a result of the acquisition of the property or assets of the
demerged company or any undertaking thereof by the resulting
under sub-section (5) of section 72A
splitting up has been made to transfer any asset of the demerged company
to the resulting company and the resulting company –
(a) is a public sector company on the appointed day indicated in such
scheme as may be approved by the Central Government or any other
body authorized under the Companies Act, 1956 or any other law for
the time being in force governing such public sector companies; and
(iii) Cost inflation index: Under section 48, for computation of long-term
capital gains, the cost of acquisition and cost of improvement will be
increased by applying the cost inflation index (CII). Once the cost inflation
index is applied to the cost of acquisition and cost of improvement, it
becomes indexed cost of acquisition and indexed cost of improvement.
This means an amount which bears to the cost of acquisition, the same
proportion as CII for the year in which the asset is transferred bears to the
CII for the first year in which the asset was held by the assessee or for the
year beginning on 1st April, 2001, whichever is later.
Similarly, indexed cost of any improvement means an amount which bears
to the cost of improvement, the same proportion as CII for the year in which
the asset is transferred bears to the CII for the year in which the
improvement to the asset took place.
Note – The benefit of indexation will not apply to the long-term capital gains
arising from the transfer of bonds or debentures other than –
(1) Capital indexed bonds issued by the Government; or
(2) Sovereign Gold Bond issued by the RBI under the Sovereign Gold Bond
Scheme, 2015.
In case of depreciable assets, unit of a specified mutual fund and marked
linked debenture (discussed later), there will be no indexation and the capital
gains will always be short-term capital gains.
The cost inflation indices for the financial years so far have been
notified as under:
Note – The benefit of indexation and currency conversion would not be applicable
to the long-term capital gains arising from the transfer of the following assets
referred to in section 112A –
(i) equity share in a company on which STT is paid both at the time of
acquisition and transfer
(ii) unit of equity oriented fund or unit of business trust on which STT is paid at
the time of transfer.
49(9) Where the capital gain arises from The fair market value of the
the transfer of a capital asset inventory as on the date on such
which was used by the assessee as conversion determined in the
inventory earlier before its prescribed manner
conversion into capital asset
49(10) Where a capital asset, being an The cost of gold in the hands of
Electronic Gold Receipt issued by a the person in whose name
Vault Manager became the Electronic Gold Receipt is issued.
property of the person as
consideration for transfer of gold
[Section 47(viid)]
Where gold is released against an The cost of the Electronic Gold
Electronic Gold Receipt, which Receipt in the hands of such
became the property of the person person.
as consideration for transfer of
Electronic Gold Receipt [Section
(i) In case of acquisition from previous owner: In the case of the above
capital assets, if the assessee has purchased them from a previous owner,
the cost of acquisition means the amount of the purchase price.
If A purchases a stage carriage permit from B for ` 2 lacs, ` 2 lacs will be the
cost of acquisition for A.
(iii) In any other case [i.e., in case of self-generated assets]: In case of self-
generated assets, namely, goodwill of a business or profession or any other
intangible asset or a trademark or brand name associated with a business
or profession or a right to manufacture, produce or process any article or
thing, or right to carry on any business or profession, tenancy rights, stage
carriage permits, or loom hours, or any other right, the cost of acquisition
will be taken to be nil.
Many a time, persons who own shares or other securities become entitled to
subscribe to any additional shares or securities. Further, they are also allotted
additional shares or securities without any payment. Such shares or securities are
referred to as financial assets in Income-tax Act. Section 55 provides the basis for
ascertaining the cost of acquisition of such financial assets.
(i) Original shares (which form the basis of entitlement of rights shares):
In relation to the original financial asset on the basis of which the assessee
becomes entitled to any additional financial assets, cost of acquisition
means the amount actually paid for acquiring the original financial assets.
(iii) Rights shares acquired by the assessee: In relation to the financial asset,
to which the assessee has subscribed on the basis of the said entitlement,
cost of acquisition means the amount actually paid by him for acquiring
such asset.
(iv) Bonus Shares: In relation to the financial asset allotted to the assessee
without any payment and on the basis of holding of any other financial
assets, cost of acquisition shall be taken to be nil in the case of such
In other words, where bonus shares are allotted without any payment on
the basis of holding of original shares, the cost of such bonus shares will be
nil in the hands of the original shareholder.
Bonus shares allotted before 01.04.2001 - In respect of bonus shares
allotted before 1.4.2001, although the cost of acquisition of the shares is nil,
the assessee may opt for the fair market value as on 1.4.2001 as the cost of
acquisition of such bonus shares.
Bonus shares allotted before 1.2.2018, on which STT has been paid at
the time of transfer – In case of transfer of bonus shares allotted before
1.2.2018 on which STT has been paid at the time of transfer, the cost would be
the higher of –
(i) Actual cost of acquisition (i.e., Nil, in case of bonus shares allotted
on or after 1.4.2001; and FMV on 1.4.2001, in case of business shares
allotted before 1.4.2001)
(ii) Lower of –
- unit of equity oriented fund or unit of business trust on which STT is paid
at the time of transfer.
(ii) lower of
- listed on a recognized
stock exchange on the date
of transfer and which
became the property of the
assessee in consideration
of share which is not listed
on such exchange as on
31.01.2018 by way of
transaction not regarded as
transfer under section 47
However, in case of capital asset, being land or building or both, the fair
market value of such asset on 1-4-2001 shall not exceed the stamp duty
value, wherever available, of such asset as on 1-4-2001.
Example: In the above example, if the stamp duty value of the property was
` 1,20,000 as on 1.4.2001, cost of acquisition of such property would be
` 1,20,000, being the stamp value as on 1.4.2001 and not ` 1,40,000.
(ii) Where the capital asset became the property of the assessee by any of
the modes specified in section 49(1): The cost of acquisition to the
assessee will be the cost of acquisition to the previous owner. Even in such
cases, where the capital asset became the property of the previous owner
before 1-4-2001, the assessee can opt the fair market value as on 1-4-2001
as the cost of acquisition.
However, in case of capital asset, being land or building or both, the fair
market value of such asset on 1-4-2001 shall not exceed the stamp duty
value, wherever available, of such asset as on 1-4-2001.
Note: The provisions contained in (i) & (ii) of (4) above shall also apply to the
financial assets mentioned in (i) to (v) of (2) and long term capital assets
referred to in section 112A of (3) above.
(iii) Where the capital asset became the property of the assessee on the
distribution of the capital assets of a company on its liquidation and the
assessee has been assessed to capital gains in respect of that asset under
section 46, the cost of acquisition means the fair market value of the asset
on the date of distribution.
(e) the conversion of one kind of shares of the company into another kind.
In the above circumstances the cost of acquisition to the assessee will mean
the cost of acquisition of the asset calculated with reference to the cost of
acquisition of the shares or stock from which such asset is derived.
(5) Where the cost for which the previous owner acquired the property
cannot be ascertained, the cost of acquisition to the previous owner means
the fair market value on the date on which the capital asset became the
property of the previous owner.
Cost of Acquisition of certain assets: At a Glance
Sl. Nature of asset Cost of acquisition
1 Goodwill of business or profession,
trademark, brand name or any
other intangible asset etc.,
- Self generated Nil
- Acquired from previous owner Purchase price
3. Rights Shares:
Original shares (which form the Amount actually paid for acquiring the
basis of entitlement of rights original shares
Rights entitlement (which is Nil
renounced by the assessee in favour
of a person)
Rights shares acquired by the Amount actually paid for acquiring the
assessee rights shares
Rights shares which are purchased Purchase price paid to the renouncer
by the person in whose favour the of rights entitlement as well as the
assessee has renounced the rights amount paid to the company which
entitlement has allotted the rights shares.
4 Long term capital assets being, Cost of acquisition shall be the higher
- equity shares in a company of
on which STT is paid both at (i) actual cost of acquisition of such
the time of purchase and asset; and
transfer or (ii) lower of
- unit of equity oriented fund - the fair market value of such
or unit of business trust on asset; and
which STT is paid at the time of
- the full value of consideration
received or accruing as a result of
acquired before 1st February, the transfer of the capital asset.
5 Any other capital asset
Where such capital asset became Cost of the asset to the assessee, or FMV
the property of the assessee before as on 1.4.2001, at the option of the
1.4.2001 assessee.
However, in case of capital asset being
land or building, FMV as on 1.4.2001
shall not exceed stamp duty value as
on 1.4.2001.
Where capital assets became the Cost to the previous owner or FMV as on
property of the assessee by way of 1.4.2001, at the option of the assessee.
distribution of assets on total or However, in case of capital asset
partial partition of HUF, under a gift being land or building, FMV as on
or will, by succession, inheritance,
Mr. A converts his capital asset acquired for an amount of ` 50,000 in June, 2003 into
stock-in-trade in the month of November, 2022. The fair market value of the asset on
the date of conversion is ` 4,50,000. The stock-in-trade was sold for an amount of
` 6,50,000 in the month of September, 2023. What will be the tax treatment?
The capital gains on the sale of the capital asset converted to stock-in-trade is
taxable in the given case. It arises in the year of conversion (i.e. P.Y. 2022-23) but
will be taxable only in the year in which the stock-in-trade is sold (i.e. P.Y. 2023-
24). Profits from business will also be taxable in the year of sale of the stock-in-
trade (P.Y. 2023-24).
The LTCG and business income for the A.Y.2024-25 are calculated as under:
Particulars ` `
Note: For the purpose of indexation, the cost inflation index of the year in which
the asset is converted into stock-in-trade should be considered.
(ii) Where the capital asset became the property of the previous
owner and the assessee on or after 1.4.2001
(a) In a case covered u/s 49(1) All expenditure of a capital
nature incurred in making any
addition or alteration to the
capital asset by the previous
owner and the assessee.
(b) In a case not covered u/s All expenditure of a capital
49(1) nature incurred in making any
addition or alteration to the
capital asset by the assessee
after it became the assessee’s
Symbol Description
V Full value of consideration
C Opening WDV of Block (+) Actual Cost of Asset acquired in the Block
during the P.Y. (+) Expenses in connection with transfer of asset
STCG Short Term Capital Gain
STCL Short Term Capital Loss
WDV Written Down Value
(2) Cost of acquisition in case of power sector assets [Section 50A]: With
respect to the power sector, in case of depreciable assets referred to in
section 32(1)(i), the provisions of sections 48 and 49 shall apply subject to
the modification that the WDV of the asset [as defined in section 43(6)], as
adjusted, shall be taken to be the cost of acquisition.
Singhania & Co., a sole proprietorship owns six machines, put in use for business in
March, 2022. The depreciation on these machines is charged@15%. The opening
balance of these machines after providing depreciation for P.Y. 2022-23 was
` 8,50,000. Three of the old machines were sold on 10th June, 2023 for ` 11,00,000.
A second hand plant was bought for ` 8,50,000 on 30th November, 2023.
You are required to:
(i) determine the claim of depreciation for Assessment Year 2024-25.
(ii) compute the capital gains liable to tax for Assessment Year 2024-25.
(iii) If Singhania & Co. had sold the three machines in June, 2023 for ` 21,00,000,
will there be any difference in your above workings? Explain.
(i) Computation of depreciation for A.Y.2024-25
Particulars `
Opening balance of the block as on 1.4.2023 [i.e., W.D.V. as 8,50,000
on 31.3.2023 after providing depreciation for P.Y. 2022-23]
Add: Purchase of second-hand plant during the year 8,50,000
Less: Sale consideration of old machinery during the year 11,00,000
W.D.V of the block as on 31.03.2024 6,00,000
Since the value of the block as on 31.3.2024 comprises of a new asset which
has been put to use for less than 180 days, depreciation is restricted to 50%
of the prescribed percentage of 15% i.e. depreciation is restricted to 7½%.
Therefore, the depreciation allowable for the year is ` 45,000, being 7½% of
` 6,00,000.
(ii) The provisions under section 50 for computation of capital gains in the case
of depreciable assets can be invoked only under the following
(a) When one or some of the assets in the block are sold for
consideration more than the value of the block.
(b) When all the assets are transferred for a consideration more than the
value of the block.
(c) When all the assets are transferred for a consideration less than the
value of the block.
Since in the first two cases, the sale consideration is more than the written
down value of the block, the computation would result in short term capital
In the third case, since the written down value of the block exceeds the sale
consideration, the resultant figure would be a short-term capital loss of the block.
In the given case, capital gains will not arise as the block of asset continues
to exist, and some of the assets are sold for a price which is lesser than the
written down value of the block.
(iii) If the three machines are sold in June, 2023 for ` 21,00,000, then short term
capital gains would arise, since the sale consideration is more than the
aggregate of the written down value of the block at the beginning of the
year and the additions made during the year.
Particulars ` `
Sale consideration 21,00,000
Less: Opening balance of the block as on 1.4.2023 8,50,000
[i.e., W.D.V. as on 31.3.2023 after providing
depreciation for P.Y. 2022-23]
Purchase of second plant during the year 8,50,000 17,00,000
Short term capital gains 4,00,000
Term Meaning
Undertaking It includes any part of an undertaking, or a unit or division
[Explanation 1] of an undertaking or a business activity taken as a whole,
but does not include individual assets or liabilities or any
combination thereof not constituting a business activity.
Transfer Meaning assigned to it in section 2(47) [It would include
[Explanation 3] sale, exchange, relinquishment of capital asset,
extinguishment of any rights therein, compulsory
acquisition under any law etc. – See detailed definition in
page 3.371]
Note - The determination of the value of an asset or liability for the sole purpose
of payment of stamp duty, registration fees or other similar taxes or fees shall
not be regarded as assignment of values to individual assets or liabilities.
Any profits and gains arising from such transfer of one or more
undertakings held by the assessee for not more than 36 months shall be
deemed to be short-term capital gains.
(3) Deemed cost of acquisition and cost of improvement [Section
50B(2)(i)] -The net worth of the undertaking or the division, as the case
may be, shall be deemed to be the cost of acquisition and the cost of
improvement for the purposes of sections 48 and 49 in relation to capital
assets of such undertaking or division transferred. No indexation benefit
would, however, be available, even if the slump sale has taken place of an
undertaking held for more than 36 months, resulting in a long-term capital
Accordingly, the CBDT has prescribed that, for the purpose of section
50B(2)(ii), the fair market value (FMV) of capital assets would be the higher
of –
(i) FMV 1, being the fair market value of capital assets transferred by way
of slump sale (determined on the date of slump sale); and
(ii) FMV 2, being the fair market value of the consideration (monetary and
non-monetary) received or accruing as a result of transfer by way of
slump sale
Yes No
Net Worth
WDV as per
section 43(6)(c) (+) Nil (+) Nil (+) Book value
Ignore revaluation effect
Mr. A is a proprietor of Akash Enterprises having 2 units. He transferred on 1.4.2023
his Unit 1 by way of slump sale for a total consideration of ` 25 lacs. The fair
market value of capital assets of unit 1 on 1.4.2023 is ` 30 lacs. Unit 1 was started
in the year 2005-06. The expenses incurred for this transfer were ` 28,000. His
Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2023 is as under:
Other information:
(i) Revaluation reserve is created by revising upward the value of the building of Unit 1.
(ii) No individual value of any asset is considered in the transfer deed.
(iii) Other assets of Unit 1 include patents acquired on 1.7.2021 for ` 50,000 on
which no depreciation has been charged.
Compute the capital gain for the assessment year 2024-25.
Computation of capital gains on slump sale of Unit 1
Particulars `
Full value of consideration [Higher of FMV of capital assets of 30,00,000
Unit 1 on 1.4.2023 or(+)FMV of monetary consideration received]
Less: Expenses for transfer 28,000
Less: Net worth (See Note 1 below) 12,50,625
Long-term capital gain 17,21,375
1. Computation of net worth of Unit 1 of Akash Enterprises
Particulars ` `
Building (excluding ` 3 lakhs on account of 9,00,000
Machinery 3,00,000
Debtors 1,00,000
Patents (See Note 2 below) 28,125
Other assets (` 1,50,000 – ` 50,000) 1,00,000
Total assets 14,28,125
Less: Creditors (25% of ` 1,50,000) 37,500
Bank Loan (70% of ` 2,00,000) 1,40,000 1,77,500
Net worth 12,50,625
Value of patents: `
Cost as on 1.7.2021 50,000
Less: Depreciation @ 25% for Financial Year 2021-22 12,500
Balance as on 1.4.2022 37,500
Less: Depreciation for Financial Year 2022-23 9,375
Balance as on 1.4.2023 28,125
For the purposes of computation of net worth, the written down value
determined as per section 43(6) has to be considered in the case of
depreciable assets. The problem has been solved assuming that the Balance
Sheet values of ` 3 lakh and ` 9 lakh (` 12 lakh – ` 3 lakh) represent the
written down value of machinery and building, respectively, of Unit 1.
3. Since the Unit is held for more than 36 months, capital gain arising would
be long term capital gain. However, indexation benefit is not available in
case of slump sale.
1. Land or 50C (1) If Stamp Duty Value >110% of Stamp Duty Value
Building consideration received or
or both accruing as a result of transfer
3. Any 50D Where the consideration received or FMV of the said asset
Capital accruing as a result of the transfer of on the date of transfer
asset a capital asset by an assessee is not
ascertainable or cannot be
(ii) Assessable 50C The term ‘assessable’ has been defined to mean
the price which the stamp valuation authority
would have, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained in any other law for the time
being in force, adopted or assessed, if it were
referred to such authority for the purposes of
the payment of stamp duty. The term
“assessable” has been added to cover transfers
executed through power of attorney.
(iii) Quoted 50CA The share quoted on any recognized stock
Shares exchange with regularity from time to time,
where the quotation of such share is based on
current transaction made in the ordinary course
of business.
Note – The valuation rules prescribed in Rule 11UA for valuation of unquoted
equity shares would be dealt with at the Final level.
Section 56(2)(ix) provides for the taxability of any sum of money, received as an
advance or otherwise in the course of negotiations for transfer of a capital asset.
Consequently, such sum shall be chargeable to income-tax under the head
‘Income from other sources’, if such sum is forfeited on or after 1st April, 2014 and
the negotiations do not result in transfer of such capital asset.
In order to avoid double taxation of the advance received and retained, section
51 provides that where any sum of money received as an advance or otherwise in
the course of negotiations for transfer of a capital asset has been included in the
total income of the assessee for any previous year in accordance with section
56(2)(ix), then, such amount shall not be deducted from the cost for which the
asset was acquired or the written down value or the fair market value, as the case
may be, in computing the cost of acquisition.
However, any such sum of money forfeited before 1st April, 2014, will be deducted
from the cost of acquisition for computing capital gains.
situated in specified urban limits has been compulsorily acquired, clause (37) of
section 10 exempts the capital gains arising to an individual or a HUF from
transfer of agricultural land by way of compulsory acquisition.
Such exemption is available where the compensation or the enhanced
compensation or consideration, as the case may be, is received on or after 1.4.2004.
The exemption is available only when such land has been used for agricultural
purposes during the preceding two years immediately preceding the date of
transfer by such individual or a parent of his or by such HUF.
II. Exemption of Capital Gains under section 54/54B/54D/54EC/54F
(i) Capital Gains on sale of residential house [Section 54]
Eligible assessees – Individual & HUF
Conditions to be fulfilled
There should be a transfer of residential house (buildings or lands
appurtenant thereto)
Where during any assessment year, the assessee has exercised the
option to purchase or construct two residential houses in India, he
shall not be subsequently entitled to exercise the option for the same
or any other assessment year.
Quantum of Exemption
If cost of new residential house or houses, as the case may be ≥ long
term capital gains, entire long term capital gains is exempt.
If cost of new residential house or houses, as the case may be < long
term capital gains, long term capital gains to the extent of cost of new
residential house is exempt.
1. If the long-term capital gains is ` 2.05 crore and the cost of the new house
is ` 3 crore, then, the entire long-term capital gains of ` 2.05 crore is
2. If long-term capital gains is ` 2.05 crore and cost of new house is ` 1.55
crore, then, long-term capital gains is exempt only upto ` 1.55 crore.
Balance ` 50 lakhs is taxable @20%.
1. If the LTCG is ` 8 crore and the assessee has incurred ` 5 crore in
construction of new residential house upto the due date u/s 139(1) i.e.,
31.7.2024/ 31.10.2024, as the case may be, then, as per section 54(2),
he can deposit the amount of ` 3 crore not appropriated by him towards
construction of house upto 31.7.2024/31.10.2024, as the case may be, in
Capital Gains Account Scheme (CGAS) for claiming exemption under
section 54. If he deposits, say, ` 2 crore, in CGAS on or before the due
date u/s 139(1), the deemed cost of the new residential house would be
` 7 crore (` 5 crore +` 2 crore). The amount exempt u/s 54 would be ` 7
2. If the LTCG is ` 14 crore and the assessee has already incurred ` 7 crore
in construction of new residential house upto 31.7.2024/31.10.2024, as
the case may be, then, as per section 54(2), he can deposit the
difference of ` 3 crore (` 10 crore - ` 7 crore) in CGAS for claiming
exemption u/s 54. If he deposits, say, ` 2 crore in CGAS on or before the
due date u/s 139(1), the deemed cost of the new residential house
would be ` 9 crore (` 7 crore + ` 2 crore). The amount exempt under
section 54 would be ` 9 crore.
Consequences of transfer of new asset before 3 years
If the new asset is transferred before 3 years from the date of its
acquisition or construction, then cost of the asset will be reduced by
capital gains exempted earlier for computing capital gains.
Example: The long-term capital gains is ` 2.05 crore and the cost of the
new house is ` 3 crore, the entire long-term capital gains of ` 2.05 crore
will be exempt. If the new house was sold after 18 months for ` 5 crore,
then, short term capital gain chargeable to tax would be –
Particulars `
Mr. Cee purchased a residential house on July 20, 2021 for ` 10,00,000 and made
some additions to the house incurring ` 2,00,000 in August 2021. He sold the house
property in April 2023 for ` 20,00,000. Out of the sale proceeds, he spent
` 5,00,000 to purchase another house property in September 2023.
What is the amount of capital gains taxable in the hands of Mr. Cee for the A.Y.2024-25?
The house is sold before 24 months from the date of purchase. Hence, the house
is a short-term capital asset and no benefit of indexation would be available.
Particulars `
Note - The exemption of capital gains under section 54 is available only in case of
long-term capital asset. As the house is short-term capital asset, Mr. Cee cannot
claim exemption under section 54. Thus, the amount of taxable short-term capital
gains is ` 8,00,000.
Conditions to be fulfilled
Quantum of exemption
If cost of new agricultural land ≥ capital gains, entire capital gains is
If cost of new agricultural land < capital gains, capital gains to the extent
of cost of new agricultural land is exempt.
1. If the capital gains is ` 3 lakhs and the cost of the new agricultural land is ` 4
lakhs, then, the entire capital gains of ` 3 lakhs is exempt.
2. If capital gains is ` 3 lakhs and cost of new agricultural land is ` 2 lakhs,
then, capital gains is exempt only upto ` 2 lakhs.
Consequences of transfer of new agricultural land before 3 years
If the new agricultural land is transferred before 3 years from the date of
its acquisition, then cost of the land will be reduced by capital gains
exempted earlier for computing capital gains of new agricultural land.
Particulars `
Net consideration 6,00,000
Less: Cost of acquisition minus capital gains exempt earlier 1,00,000
(` 4,00,000 – ` 3,00,000)
Short-term capital gains chargeable to tax 5,00,000
Quantum of exemption
If cost of new asset ≥ Capital gains, entire capital gains is exempt.
If cost of new asset < Capital gains, capital gains to the extent of cost
of new asset is exempt.
If the new asset is transferred before 3 years from the date of its
acquisition, then cost of the asset will be reduced by capital gains
exempted earlier for computing capital gains.
(iv) Capital Gains not chargeable on investment in certain bonds [Section 54EC]
Eligible assessee – Any assessee
Conditions to be fulfilled
There should be transfer of a long-term capital asset being land or
building or both .
Such asset can also be a depreciable asset (in this case, building) held
for more than 24 months9.
The capital gains arising from such transfer should be invested in a
long-term specified asset within 6 months from the date of transfer.
CIT v. Dempo Company Ltd (2016) 387 ITR 354 (SC)
Violation of condition
In case of transfer or conversion of such bonds or availing loan or
advance on security of such bonds before the expiry of 5 years, the
capital gain exempted earlier shall be taxed as long-term capital gain
in the year of violation of condition.
Long term capital gain of ` 75 lakh arising from transfer of building on
1.5.2023 will be exempt from tax if such capital gain is invested in the bonds
redeemable after five years, issued by NHAI under section 54EC. Examine with
reasons whether the given statement is true or false having regard to the
provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
False: The exemption under section 54EC has been restricted, by limiting
the maximum investment in long term specified assets (i.e. bonds of NHAI
or RECL or any other bond notified by Central Government in this behalf,
redeemable after 5 years) to ` 50 lakh, whether such investment is made
during the relevant previous year or the subsequent previous year, or both.
Therefore, in this case, the exemption under section 54EC can be availed
only to the extent of ` 50 lakh, provided the investment is made before
1.11.2023 (i.e., within six months from the date of transfer).
The exemption under section 54EC is available in respect of capital gains on transfer of
capital asset being land or building or both.
The assessee should not own more than one residential house on the
date of transfer.
Quantum of exemption
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Amount in
Net LTCG Cost of new column (3)
Consider- computed residential or ` 10 Exempt LTCG
ation house crores,
is lower
(1) ` 15 crore ` 7.5 crore ` 12 crore ` 10 crore ` 7.5 crore x 10/15 =
` 5 crore
(2) ` 20 crore ` 12 crore ` 15 crore ` 10 crore ` 12 crore x 10/20 =
` 6 crore
(3) ` 16 crore ` 12 crore ` 8 crore ` 8 crore ` 12 crore x 8/16 =
` 6 crore
(4) ` 10 crore ` 6 crore ` 10 crore ` 10 crore ` 6 crore x 10/10 =
` 6 crore
(5) ` 12 crore ` 6 crore ` 12 crore ` 10 crore ` 6 crore x 10/12 =
` 5 crore
1. If the net consideration is ` 9 crore, the capital gain is ` 4.50 crore and
the amount incurred for construction of new residential house upto
31.7.2024/31.10.2024, as the case may be, is ` 5 crore, then, as per
section 54F(4), the assessee can deposit the amount of ` 4 crore (i.e., ` 9
crore – ` 5 crore) not appropriated towards construction upto 31.7.2024/
31.10.2024, as the case may be, in CGAS for claiming exemption u/s 54F.
If the assessee has deposited, say, ` 3 crore on or before 31.7.2024/
31.10.2024, as the case may be, the deemed cost of new residential house
would be ` 8 crore (` 5 crore + ` 3 crore). The exemption u/s 54F would
be ` 4 crore [i.e., ` 4.50 crore x ` 8 crore/` 9 crore].
2. If the net consideration is ` 15 crore, the capital gain is ` 7.50 crore and
the amount incurred for construction of new residential house upto
31.7.2024/31.10.2024, as the case may be, is ` 6 crore, the assessee can
deposit ` 4 crore [i.e., ` 10 crore – ` 6 crore] on or before
31.7.2024/31.10.2024, as the case may be, in CGAS for claiming
exemption u/s 54F. If the assessee has deposited, say, ` 3 crore on or
before the due date of filing return u/s 139(1), the deemed cost of new
residential house would be ` 9 crore (` 6 crore + ` 3 crore). The
exemption u/s 54F would be ` 4.50 crore [i.e., ` 7.50 crore x ` 9 crore/
` 15crore].
Consequences where the assessee purchases any other residential house
within a period of 2 years or constructs any other residential house within
a period of 3 years from the date of transfer of original asset:
The capital gains exempt earlier under section 54F shall be deemed to be
taxable as long-term capital gains in the previous year in which such
residential house is purchased or constructed.
Consequences if the new house is transferred within a period of 3 years
from the date of its purchase
Capital gains would arise on transfer of the new house; and
The capital gains exempt earlier under section 54F would be taxable as
long-term capital gains.
Note – In case the new residential house is sold after 2 years, the capital gains
would be long-term capital gains and indexation benefit would be available.
(vi) Capital Gains Account Scheme (CGAS)
Under sections 54, 54B, 54D and 54F, capital gains is exempt to the extent
of investment of such gains/ net consideration (in the case of section 54F) in
specified assets within the specified time. If such investment is not made
before the date of filing of return of income, then the capital gain or net
consideration (in case of exemption under section 54F) has to be deposited
under the CGAS. However, the capital gain in excess of ` 10 crore would
not be taken into account for the purpose of deposit in CGAS in case of
section 54 and the net consideration in excess of ` 10 crore would not be
taken into account for the purpose of deposit in CGAS in case of
section 54F.
Time limit
Such deposit in CGAS should be made before filing the return of income or
on or before the due date of filing the return of income, whichever is earlier.
In such cases, the amount already utilized for purchase or construction of
new asset plus the amount deposited under the CGAS on or before due
date u/s 139(1) would be deemed to be the cost of new asset. However, for
the purpose of sections 54 and 54F, the amount so deemed to be the cost of
the new asset cannot exceed ` 10 crore.
Proof of such deposit should be attached with the return. The deposit can
be withdrawn for utilization for the specified purposes in accordance with
the scheme.
Consequences if the amount deposited in CGAS is not utilized within
the stipulated time of 2 years / 3 years
If the amount deposited is not utilized for the specified purpose within the
stipulated period, then the unutilized amount shall be charged as capital
gain of the previous year in which the specified period expires. In the case
of section 54F, proportionate amount will be taxable.
CBDT Circular No.743 dated 6.5.96 clarifies that in the event of death of an
individual before the stipulated period, the unutilized amount is not
chargeable to tax in the hands of the legal heirs of the deceased individual.
Such unutilized amount is not income but is a part of the estate devolving
upon them.
(i) In a case where the value of the asset as claimed by the assessee is in
accordance with the estimate made by a registered valuer, if the Assessing
Officer is of the opinion that the value so claimed is at variance with its fair
market value.
Under this provision, the Assessing Officer can make a reference to the
Valuation Officer in cases where the fair market value is taken to be the sale
consideration of the asset. An Assessing Officer can also make a reference
to the Valuation Officer in a case where the fair market value of the asset as
on 01.04.2001 is taken as the cost of the asset, if he is of the view that there
is any variation between the value as on 01.04.2001 claimed by the assessee
in accordance with the estimate made by a registered valuer and the fair
market value of the asset on that date.
(ii) If the Assessing Officer is of the opinion that the fair market value of the
asset exceeds the value of the asset as claimed by the assessee by more
than 15% of the value of asset as claimed or by more than ` 25,000 of the
value of the asset as claimed by the assessee.
(iii) The Assessing Officer is of the opinion that, having regard to the nature of
asset and other relevant circumstances, it is necessary to make the
Chapter XII-FA of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and the related provisions dealing with the
taxation aspects of business trust would be dealt with at the Final level.
(1) the transaction of sale of such equity share or unit should be entered
into on or after 1.10.2004, being the date on which Chapter VII of the
Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004 came into force; and
(2) such transaction should be chargeable to securities transaction tax
under the said Chapter.
However, short-term capital gains arising from transactions undertaken in
foreign currency on a recognized stock exchange located in an International
Financial Services Centre (IFSC) would be taxable at a concessional rate of
15% even though STT is not leviable in respect of such transaction.
(iv) No deduction under Chapter VI-A against STCG taxable under section
111A: Deductions under Chapter VI-A cannot be availed in respect of such
short-term capital gains on equity shares of a company or units of an equity
oriented mutual fund or unit of a business trust included in the total income
of the assessee.
(ii) Lower rate of tax for transfer of listed securities and zero coupon
bonds: Where the tax payable in respect of any income arising from the
transfer of a listed security (other than a unit) or a zero coupon bond, being
a long-term capital asset, exceeds 10% of the amount of capital gains
before indexation, then such excess shall be ignored while computing the
tax payable by the assessee.
(iii) No Chapter VI-A deduction against LTCG: The provisions of section 112
make it clear that the deductions under Chapter VIA cannot be availed in
respect of the long-term capital gains included in the total income of the
Tax on long-term capital gains [Section 112]
Person Rate Particulars
1. Resident persons, In case of transfer
other than companies of listed securities
Resident Individuals 20% Unexhausted basic (other than units)
and Zero Coupon
and HUF exemption limit can be Bonds, LTCG
exhausted against LTCG would be taxable
taxable u/s 112 at the lower of
20% the following
Resident AOPs and Unexhausted basic
BOIs exemption limit cannot rates –
be adjusted against
LTCG taxable u/s 112 (1) 10% without
20% indexation
Resident Firms and LLPs 20% benefit; and
20% (2) 20% with
2. Domestic companies
3. Non-corporate non- Capital assets, other benefit.
residents and foreign than unlisted securities
companies or shares of closely held
10% companies
Unlisted securities or
shares of closely held
companies (without
benefit of indexation or
foreign currency
(ii) Conditions: The conditions for availing the benefit of this concessional rate are –
(a) In case of equity share in a company, STT has been paid on acquisition
and transfer of such capital asset
(b) In case of unit of an equity oriented fund or unit of business trust, STT
has been paid on transfer of such capital asset.
However, the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
specify the nature of acquisition of equity share in a company on which the
condition of payment of STT on acquisition would not be applicable.
Further, long-term capital gains arising from transaction undertaken on a
recognized stock exchange located in an International Financial Service
Centre (IFSC) would be taxable at a concessional rate of 10%, where the
consideration for transfer is received or receivable in foreign currency, even
though STT is not leviable in respect of such transaction.
(iii) Adjustment of Unexhausted Basic Exemption Limit: In the case of
resident individuals or HUF, if the basic exemption is not fully exhausted by
any other income, then such long-term capital gain exceeding ` 1 lakh will
be reduced by the unexhausted basic exemption limit and only the balance
would be taxed at 10%.
(v) No benefit of rebate under section 87A against LTCG taxable under
section 112A: Rebate under section 87A is not available in respect of tax
payable @10% on LTCG under section 112A.
Subsequent to insertion of section 112A, the CBDT has issued clarification F. No.
370149/20/2018-TPL dated 04.02.2018 in the form of a Question and Answer
format to clarify certain issues raised in different for a on various issues relating
to the new tax regime for taxation of long-term capital gains. The relevant
questions raised and answers to such questions as per the said Circular are given
Q 1. What is the meaning of long term capital gains under the new tax
regime for long term capital gains?
Ans 1. Long term capital gains mean gains arising from the transfer of long-term
capital asset.
It provides for a new long-term capital gains tax regime for the following
i. Equity Shares in a company listed on a recognised stock exchange;
ii. Unit of an equity oriented fund; and
Ans 3. The long-term capital gains will be computed by deducting the cost of
acquisition from the full value of consideration on transfer of the long-term
capital asset.
Q 4. How do we determine the cost of acquisition for assets acquired on or
before 31st January, 2018?
Ans 4. The cost of acquisition for the long-term capital asset acquired on or
before 31st of January, 2018 will be the actual cost.
However, if the actual cost is less than the fair market value of such asset as
on 31st of January, 2018, the fair market value will be deemed to be the cost
of acquisition.
Further, if the full value of consideration on transfer is less than the fair
market value, then such full value of consideration or the actual cost,
whichever is higher, will be deemed to be the cost of acquisition.
Q 5. Please provide illustrations for computing long-term capital gains in
different scenarios, in the light of answers to questions 4.
Ans 5.The computation of long-term capital gains in different scenarios is
illustrated as under
Scenario 1 – An equity share is acquired on 1st of January, 2017 at ` 100, its
fair market value is ` 200 on 31st of January, 2018 and it is sold on 1st of
April, 2023 at ` 250. As the actual cost of acquisition is less than the fair
market value as on 31st of January, 2018, the fair market value of ` 200 will
be taken as the cost of acquisition and the long-term capital gain will be
` 50 (` 250 – ` 200).
Scenario 2 – An equity share is acquired on 1st of January, 2017 at ` 100, its
fair market value is ` 200 on 31st of January, 2018 and it is sold on 1st of
April, 2023 at ` 150. In this case, the actual cost of acquisition is less than
the fair market value as on 31st of January, 2018. However, the sale value is
also less than the fair market value as on 31st of January, 2018. Accordingly,
the sale value of ` 150 will be taken as the cost of acquisition and the long-
term capital gain will be NIL (` 150 – ` 150).
April, 2023 at ` 150. In this case, the fair market value as on 31st of January,
2018 is less than the actual cost of acquisition, and therefore, the actual cost
of ` 100 will be taken as actual cost of acquisition and the long-term capital
gain will be ` 50 (` 150 – ` 100).
Q 7. What will be the tax treatment of transfer made on or after 1st April 2018?
Ans 7. The long-term capital gains exceeding ` 1 lakh arising from transfer of
these assets made on after 1st April, 2018 will be taxed at 10 per cent.
However, there will be no tax on gains accrued upto 31st January, 2018.
Q8. What is the date from which the holding period will be counted?
Ans 8. The holding period will be counted from the date of acquisition.
Q9. Whether tax will be deducted at source in case of gains by resident tax
Ans 9. No. There will be no deduction of tax at source from the payment of long-
term capital gains to a resident tax payer.
Q10. What will be the cost of acquisition in the case of bonus shares
acquired before 1st February 2018?
Ans 10. The cost of acquisition of bonus shares acquired before 31st January,
2018 will be determined as per section 55(2)(ac).Therefore, the fair market
value of the bonus shares as on 31st January, 2018 will be taken as cost of
acquisition (except in some typical situations explained in Ans 5), and hence,
the gains accrued upto 31st January, 2018 will continue to be exempt11.
Q11. What will be the cost of acquisition in the case of right share acquired
before 1st February 2018?
Ans 11. The cost of acquisition of right share acquired before 31st January, 2018
will be determined as per section 55(2)(ac). Therefore, the fair market value
of right share as on 31st January, 2018 will be taken as cost of acquisition
(except in some typical situations explained in Ans 5), and hence, the gains
accrued upto 31st January, 2018 will continue to be exempt13.
Q12. What will be the treatment of long-term capital loss arising from
transfer made on or after 1st April, 2018?
Ans 12. Long-term capital loss arising from transfer made on or after 1st April,
2018 will be allowed to be set-off and carried forward in accordance with
existing provisions of the Act. Therefore, it can be set-off against any other
long-term capital gains and unabsorbed loss can be carried forward to
subsequent eight years for set-off against long-term capital gains.
Calculate the income-tax liability for the assessment year 2024-25 in the following cases:
11Subject to the notification issued by the Central Government to specify the nature of acquisition of
equity share in a company on which the condition of payment of STT on acquisition would not be
applicable. This notification will be discussed at Final level.
(i) If Mr. A, Mrs. B, Mr. C and Mr. D pay tax under default tax regime u/s 115BAC.
(ii) If Mr. A, Mrs. B, Mr. C and Mr. D exercise the option to shift out of the default
tax regime and pay tax under the optional tax regime as per the normal
provisions of the Act.
(i) If Mr. A, Mrs. B, Mr. C and Mr. D pay tax under default tax regime u/s
Computation of income-tax liability for the A.Y.2024-25
Note: Since Mr. A and Mr. C are residents whose total income does not exceed ` 7
lakhs, they are eligible for rebate of ` 25,000 or the actual tax payable, whichever is
lower, under section 87A.
(ii) If Mr. A, Mrs. B, Mr. C and Mr. D exercise the option to shift out of the
default tax regime and pay tax under the optional tax regime as per the
normal provisions of the Act
Computation of income-tax liability for the A.Y.2024-25
1. Since Mrs. B and Mr. D are non-residents, they cannot avail the higher basic
exemption limit of ` 3,00,000 and ` 5,00,000 for persons over the age of 60
years and 80 years, respectively. Also, they are not eligible for rebate under
section 87A even though their total income does not exceed ` 5 lakh.
2. Since Mr. A is a resident whose total income does not exceed ` 5 lakh, he is
eligible for rebate of ` 12,500 or the actual tax payable, whichever is lower,
under section 87A.
Definitions [Section 2]
Section Term Definition
2(14) Capital Capital Asset means –
Asset (a) property of any kind held by an assessee, whether
or not connected with his business or profession;
(b) any securities held by a Foreign Institutional
Investor which has invested in such securities in
accordance with the regulations made under the
SEBI Act, 1992.
Exclusions from the definition of Capital Asset:
Stock in trade [other than securities referred to in
(b) above], raw materials or consumables held for
the purposes of business or profession;
Personal effects except jewellery, archeological
collections, drawings, paintings, sculptures or any
work of art;
Rural agricultural land in India i.e. agricultural
land not situated within specified urban limits.
The agricultural land described in (a) and (b) below,
being land situated within the specified urban limits,
would fall within the definition of “capital asset”, and
transfer of such land would attract capital gains tax -
(a) agricultural land situated in any area within the
jurisdiction of a municipality or cantonment board
having population of not less than ten thousand, or
(b) agricultural land situated in any area within such
distance, measured aerially, in relation to the
range of population as shown hereunder -
Shortest aerial Population according to
distance from the the last preceding
local limits of a census of which the
municipality or relevant figures have
cantonment board been published before
referred to in item (a) the first day of the
previous year.
(i) ≤ 2 kms > 10,000
(ii) > 2 kms but ≤ 6 kms > 1,00,000
(iii) > 6 kms but ≤ 8 kms > 10,00,000
(i) Deduction on account of securities transaction tax paid will not be allowed.
(ii) Indexed Cost of Acquisition =
CII for the year in which the asset is transferred
Cost of
× CII for the year in which the asset was first held by
the assessee or 2001-02, whichever is later
(iii) Indexed Cost of Improvement =
CII for the year in which the asset is transferred
Cost of
× CII for the year in which the improvement took
(iv) Benefit of indexation will, however, not be available in respect of long
term capital gains from transfer of bonds or debentures other than
capital indexed bonds issued by the Government and sovereign gold
bonds issued by RBI and in respect of long-term capital gains chargeable
to tax under section 112A.
The provisions contained in (5) above shall also apply to the assets
mentioned in (3) and (4) above.
Cost of the property in the hands of The FMV on the date on which
previous owner cannot be the capital asset become the
ascertained property of the previous
owner would be considered as
cost of acquisition.
should be agricultural house on the date of
purposes by least 2 years
chargeable transfer. He should not
immediately preceding
under the head assessee or his purchase within 2 years
the date of transfer.
“Income from parents or HUF or construct within 3
The transfer should be
house property” for 2 years years after the date of
by way of compulsory
immediately acquisition of the transfer, another
preceding the industrial undertaking residential house.
date of transfer
4 Qualifying One Residential Land for being Land or Building or Bonds of NHAI or One Residential House
asset i.e., asset House situated in used for right in land or RECL or any other situated in India
in which India/Two agricultural building bond notified by
capital gains residential purpose C.G. (Redeemable
has to be houses in India, (Urban/ Rural) after 5 years)
invested at the option of
© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
the assessee,
where capital
gains does not
exceed ` 2 crore
5 Time limit for Purchase within Purchase within Purchase/ construct Purchase within a Purchase within 1 year
purchase/ 1 year before or a period of 2 within 3 years after period of 6 before or 2 years after
construction 2 years after the years after the the date of transfer, months after the the date of transfer
date of transfer date of transfer for shifting or re- date of transfer (or)
(or) establishing the Construct within 3 years
existing undertaking after the date of transfer
construct within
3 years after the or setting up a new
He has sold all the shares on 01.10.2023 at the rate of ` 4,000 per share
through a recognized stock exchange and paid brokerage of 1% and
securities transaction tax of 0.02%.
Compute his total income and tax liability for A.Y. 2024-25 if Mr. Mithun
pays tax under default tax regime, assuming that he is having no income
other than given above. Fair market value of shares of M/s Goodmoney Co.
Ltd. on 31.1.2018 is ` 2,000.
2. Aarav converts his plot of land purchased in July, 2004 for ` 80,000 intostock-
in-trade on 31st March, 2023. The fair market value as on 31.3.2023 was
` 3,00,000. The stock-in-trade was sold for ` 3,25,000 in the month of
January, 2024.
Find out the taxable income, if any, and if so under which head of income and
for which Assessment Year?
Cost Inflation Index: F.Y. 2004-05:113; F.Y. 2022-23: 331; F.Y. 2023-24: 348.
3. Mrs. Harshita purchased a land at a cost of ` 35 lakhs in the F.Y. 2004-05 and
held the same as her capital asset till 20th March, 2023.
She started her real estate business on 21st March, 2023 and converted the said
land into stock-in-trade of her business on the said date, when the fair market
value of the land was ` 210 lakhs.
She constructed 15 flats of equal size, quality and dimension. Cost of
construction of each flat is ` 10 lakhs. Construction was completed in February,
2024. She sold 10 flats at ` 30 lakhs per flat in March, 2024. The remaining 5
flats were held in stock as on 31st March, 2024.
5. Mr. Sarthak entered into an agreement with Mr. Jaikumar to sell his
residential house located at Kanpur on 16.08.2023 for ` 1,50,00,000.
Mr. Jaikumar was handed over the possession of the property on 15.12.2023
and the registration process was completed on 14.01.2024. He paid the sale
proceeds as per the sale agreement.
The value determined by the Stamp Duty Authority-
(a) on 16.08.2023 was ` 1,70,00,000;
(b) on 15.12.2023 was ` 1,71,00,000; and
(c) on 14.01.2024 was ` 1,71,50,000.
Mr. Sarthak had acquired the residential house at Kanpur on 01.04.2001 for
` 30,00,000. After recovering the sale proceeds from Jaikumar, he purchased
two residential house properties, one in Kanpur for ` 20,00,000 on 24.3.2024
and another in Delhi for ` 35,00,000 on 28.5.2024.
Compute the income chargeable under the head "Capital Gains" of
Mr. Sarthak for the Assessment Year 2024-25.
Cost Inflation Index for Financial Year(s): 2001-02 - 100; 2023-24 - 348
6. Mrs. Yuvika bought a vacant land for ` 80 lakhs in May 2005. Registration
and other expenses were 10% of the cost of land. She constructed a residential
building on the said land for ` 100 lakhs during the financial year 2007-08.
She entered into an agreement for sale of the above said residential house
with Mr. Johar (not a relative) in April 2015. The sale consideration was fixed
at ` 700 lakhs and on 23-4-2015, Mrs. Yuvika received ` 20 lakhs as advance
in cash by executing an agreement. However, due to failure on part of
Mr. Johar, the said negotiation could not materialise and hence, the said
amount of advance was forfeited by Mrs. Yuvika.
Mrs. Yuvika, again entered into an agreement on 01.08.2023 for sale of this
house at ` 810 lakhs. She received ` 80 lakhs as advance by RTGS. The stamp
duty value on the date of agreement was ` 890 lakhs. The sale deed was
executed and registered on 14-1-2024 for the agreed consideration. However,
the State stamp valuation authority had revised the values, hence, the value
of property for stamp duty purposes was ` 900 lakhs. Mrs. Yuvika paid 1% as
brokerage on sale consideration received.
(i) Acquired two residential houses at Delhi and Chandigarh for ` 130
lakhs and ` 50 lakhs, respectively, on 31.1.2024 and 15.5.2024
Cost Inflation Index: F.Y. 2005-06 – 117; F.Y. 2007-08 – 129; F.Y. 2023-24 - 348.
7. Mr. Shiva purchased a house property on February 15, 1979 for ` 3,24,000. In
addition, he has also paid stamp duty value @10% on the stamp duty value
of ` 3,50,000.
In April, 2008, Mr. Shiva entered into an agreement with Mr. Mohan for sale
of such property for ` 14,35,000 and received an amount of ` 1,11,000 as
advance. However, the sale consideration did not materialize and Mr. Shiva
forfeited the advance. In May 2015, he again entered into an agreement for
sale of said house for ` 20,25,000 to Ms. Deepshikha and received ` 1,51,000
as advance. However, as Ms. Deepshikha did not pay the balance amount, Mr.
Shiva forfeited the advance. In August, 2015, Mr. Shiva constructed the first
floor by incurring a cost of ` 3,90,000.
On April 1, 2001, fair market value of the house property was ` 11,85,000 and
Stamp duty value was ` 10,70,000. Further, the Valuation as per Stamp duty
Authority of such house on 15th November, 2023 was ` 39,00,000 and on 20th
February, 2024 was ` 41,00,000.
Compute the capital gains in the hands of Mr. Shiva for A.Y.2024-25.
CII for F.Y. 2001-02: 100; F.Y. 2008-09: 137; F.Y. 2015-16: 254; F.Y. 2023-24: 348
1. Computation of total income & tax liability of Mr. Mithun for A.Y. 2024-25
Particulars `
Long term capital gains on sale of original shares
Gross sale consideration (100 x ` 4,000) 4,00,000
Less: Brokerage@1% 4,000
Net sale consideration 3,96,000
Less: Cost of acquisition (100 x ` 2,000) (Refer Note 2) 2,00,000
Long term capital gains 1,96,000
Short term capital gains on sale of bonus shares
Gross sale consideration (100 x ` 4,000) 4,00,000
Less: Brokerage@1% 4,000
Net sale consideration 3,96,000
Less: Cost of acquisition of bonus shares NIL
Short term capital gains 3,96,000
Income from other sources
Dividend received from M/s Goodmoney Co. Ltd. is taxable in 2,000
the hands of shareholders [200 shares x 10 per share]
Total Income 5,94,000
Tax Liability
Tax on dividend (since it is lower than the basic exemption Nil
Tax on STCG u/s 11A
15% of (` 3,96,000 - ` 2,98,000, being unexhausted basic 14,700
exemption limit)
Tax on LTCG u/s 112A
10% of (` 1,96,000 - ` 1,00,000) 9,600
Less: Rebate u/s 87A 14,700
Add: Health and education cess @4% 384
Tax liability 9,984
Tax liability (rounded off) 9,980
(1) Long-term capital gains exceeding ` 1 lakh on sale of original shares
through a recognized stock exchange (STT paid at the time of
acquisition and sale) is taxable under section 112A at a concessional
rate of 10%, without indexation benefit.
(2) Cost of acquisition of such equity shares acquired before 1.2.2018 is higher
The cost inflation index of the financial year in which the conversion took
place should be considered for computing indexed cost of acquisition.
Further, the fair market value on the date of conversion would be deemed
to be the full value of consideration for transfer of the asset as per section
45(2). The sale price less the fair market value on the date of conversion
would be treated as the business income of the year in which the stock-in-
trade is sold.
Therefore, in this problem, both capital gains and business income would be
charged to tax in the A.Y. 2024-25.
Particulars `
Capital Gains
Full value of consideration (Fair market value on the date of 3,00,000
Less: Indexed cost of acquisition (` 80,000 × 331/113) 2,34,336
Long-term capital gain 65,664
Profits & Gains of Business or Profession
Sale price of stock-in-trade 3,25,000
Less: Fair market value on the date of conversion 3,00,000
Particulars `
Particulars `
Capital Gains
Fair market value of land on the date of conversion deemed as 2,10,00,000
the full value of consideration for the purposes of section 45(2)
Less: Indexed cost of acquisition [` 35,00,000 × 331/113] 1,02,52,212
Proportionate capital gains arising during A.Y. 2024-25 71,65,192
[` 1,07,47,788 x 2/3]
(1) The conversion of a capital asset into stock-in-trade is treated as a
transfer under section 2(47). It would be treated as a transfer in the
year in which the capital asset is converted into stock-in-trade (i.e.,
P.Y.2022-23, in this case).
(2) As per section 45(2), the capital gains arising from the transfer by way
of conversion of capital assets into stock-in-trade will be chargeable
to tax only in the year in which the stock-in-trade is sold.
In this case, since only 2/3rd of the stock-in-trade (10 flats out of 15
flats) is sold in the P.Y.2023-24, only proportionate capital gains (i.e.,
2/3rd) would be chargeable to tax in the A.Y.2024-25.
the price at which the stock-in-trade is sold and the fair market value
on the date of conversion of the capital asset into stock-in-trade.
(iii) Compensation towards loss of gold chain and diamond ring: Gold
chain and diamond ring are capital assets as envisaged by section
2(14). They are not “personal effects”, which alone are to be excluded.
If any profit or gain arises in a previous year owing to receipt of
insurance claim, the same shall be chargeable to tax as capital gains.
The capital gains has to be computed by reducing the indexed cost of
acquisition of jewellery from the insurance compensation of
` 1,80,000.
5. Computation of income chargeable under the head “Capital Gains”
of Mr. Sarthak for A.Y. 2024-25
Particulars `
Capital Gains on sale of residential house
Actual sale consideration ` 1,50,00,000
Value adopted by Stamp Valuation ` 1,70,00,000
Authority on the date of agreement
[As per section 50C, where the actual sale consideration is
less than the value adopted by the Stamp Valuation
Authority for the purpose of charging stamp duty, and
such stamp duty value exceeds 110% of the actual sale
consideration, then, the value adopted by the Stamp
Valuation Authority shall be taken to be the full value of
In a case where the date of agreement is different from the
date of registration, stamp duty value on the date of
agreement can be considered provided the whole or part
of the consideration is paid by way of account payee
cheque/bank draft or by way of ECS through bank account
or through such other electronic mode as may be
prescribed, on or before the date of agreement.
In this case, since 20% of ` 150 lakhs is paid through
account payee bank draft on the date of agreement, stamp
Note: Advance of ` 20 lakhs received from Mr. Johar, would have been
chargeable to tax under the head “Income from other sources”, in the
A.Y. 2016-17, as per section 56(2)(ix), since the same was forfeited on or after
01.4.2014 as a result of failure of negotiation. Hence, the same should not be
deducted while computing indexed cost of acquisition.
(1) Computation of indexed cost of acquisition
Particulars Amount (`) Amount (`)
Cost of acquisition, 10,70,000
Being the higher of
(i) lower of Fair market value i.e., 10,70,000
` 11,85,000 and Stamp duty value
i.e., ` 10,70,000, on April 1, 2001
(ii) Actual cost of acquisition 3,59,000
(` 3,24,000 + ` 35,000, being stamp
duty @10% of ` 3,50,000)
Less: Advance money taken from
Mr. Mohan and forfeited 1,11,000
Cost of acquisition for indexation 9,59,000
Indexed cost of acquisition 33,37,320
(` 9,59,000 x 348/100)
(3) Where advance money has been received by the assessee, and retained
by him, as a result of failure of the negotiations, section 51 will apply. The
advance retained by the assessee will go to reduce the cost of
acquisition. Indexation is to be done on the cost of acquisition so arrived
at after reducing the advance money forfeited [i.e. ` 10,70,000 –
` 1,11,000 (being the advance money forfeited during the P.Y.2008-09) =
` 9,59,000]. However, where the advance money is forfeited during the
previous year 2014-15 or thereafter, the amount forfeited would be
taxable under the head “Income from Other Sources” and such amount
will not be deducted from the cost of acquisition of such asset while
calculating capital gains. Hence, ` 1,51,000, being the advance received
from Ms. Deepshikha and retained by him, would have been taxable
under the head “Income from other sources” in the hands of Mr. Shiva in