Jurnal Frengky Saputra Ludji
Jurnal Frengky Saputra Ludji
Jurnal Frengky Saputra Ludji
Keywords: Abstract
Sustainability, This study aims to determine the extent to which the sustainability of seaweed utilization
Cultivation, as an economic resource in Raijua District has an impact on the welfare of the community
Seaweed, and in Raijua District, Sabu Raijua Regency. The method used in this study is qualitative which
Economy is used to determine the general description of the situation and conditions of seaweed
workers and the conditions for the sustainability of seaweed utilization in order to
support the community's economy. The sustainability of seaweed cultivation efforts in
Raijua District is influenced by various interrelated factors, both short and long term.
These factors include; Environmental Conditions, Location Selection, Technology and
Cultivation Methods, Management and Skills, Markets and Prices, Government Policies,
Education and Training, Cooperation and Networks. Meanwhile, in terms of cultivation
analysis, Social Aspects, Economic Aspects, and Environmental Aspects have a significant
impact on economic growth and community welfare.