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Jurnal Frengky Saputra Ludji

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Author1. Frengky Saputra Ludji
Faculty of Economics and Business, Nusa Cendana University
email: saputraludjifrengky@gmail.com
Author2. Dr. Ir Agus Arno;d Nalle, M.Si
Faculty of Economics and Business, Nusa Cendana University
Author3. Fransina W. Ballo, SE., ME
email: agusnalle@staf.undana.ac.id
Faculty of Economics and Business, Nusa Cendana University
email: fransinaballo@staf.undana.ac.id

Keywords: Abstract
Sustainability, This study aims to determine the extent to which the sustainability of seaweed utilization
Cultivation, as an economic resource in Raijua District has an impact on the welfare of the community
Seaweed, and in Raijua District, Sabu Raijua Regency. The method used in this study is qualitative which
Economy is used to determine the general description of the situation and conditions of seaweed
workers and the conditions for the sustainability of seaweed utilization in order to
support the community's economy. The sustainability of seaweed cultivation efforts in
Raijua District is influenced by various interrelated factors, both short and long term.
These factors include; Environmental Conditions, Location Selection, Technology and
Cultivation Methods, Management and Skills, Markets and Prices, Government Policies,
Education and Training, Cooperation and Networks. Meanwhile, in terms of cultivation
analysis, Social Aspects, Economic Aspects, and Environmental Aspects have a significant
impact on economic growth and community welfare.

1. INTRODUCTION utilization as an economic resource in Raijua

The waters of Sabu Raijua Regency sub-district has an impact on community
contain various types of seaweed that have welfare. However, despite its great potential,
hundreds of benefits needed by industry, the utilization of seaweed cultivation in this
including food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, area has not been fully optimized and is still
feed, fertilizers, paper and bioenergy. faced with various challenges, such as
(Syahbuddin & Habibah, 2021). One of the economic, social, and environmental
aquaculture that is developing today is sustainability issues. This is due to the
seaweed culture, especially eucheuma cottonii unsustainable management of seaweed,
seaweed cultivation. This type of seaweed is a resulting in decreased production,
species of red algae that produces carrageenan environmental degradation, and conflict
and has many important roles for humans between stakeholders.
since 2,700 BC. Seaweed has been used as a Thus, the urgency of the title of this study
human food ingredient. One area that has the is to highlight the importance of understanding
potential to develop eucheuma cottonii and managing sustainable seaweed cultivation
seaweed farming is Sabu Raijua Regency in as an economic resource in Raijua Sub-district,
East Nusa Tenggara. This area is an area Sabu Raijua Regency
surrounded by the ocean with marine potential 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
that can be said to have not been optimized
2.1.1 Definition of Seaweed
properly. The waters in Sabu Raijua are very
1. Definition of Seaweed and Types of
clean and far from pollutants so that they have
great potential for use in seaweed farming.
Seaweed is one of the marine plants
This study will focus on determining the
classified as benthic macroalgae that live
extent to which the sustainability of seaweed
(https://journal.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/jeb)| Volume 00 No 00 September/Desember 202 1
attached to the bottom of the waters. strong sea winds, the location used must be
Generally, seaweed can be found in many in a muddy and slightly sandy place and the
interdal areas or brackish waters with irrigation channels at the location must be
sufficient sunlight. Seaweed is algae that lives smooth.
in the sea and is classified in the thallophyta 2. Seaweed Cultivation Methods
division. Seaweed is a low-level plant, a. The basic method is a seaweed
because seaweed has the characteristic of not cultivation method that is carried out using
being able to be distinguished between the seaweed seeds that are tied and spread on
roots, stems, and leaves. the bottom of the waters. This basic method
All parts of seaweed are called thallus, can also be done by spreading seeds that are
where the shape of seaweed thallus varies, tied around coral rocks.
some are round like a tube, flat, flat, round, b. The Floating Method is one of the
and so on. Seaweed obtains or absorbs its engineering approaches of the off-bottom
food through the cells found in the thallus. method in the middle of the sea. If you want
Nutrients will be carried by the water current to use this method, then you must use a
that hits the seaweed and then absorbed, so buoy on the surface of the sea. There are
that the seaweed can grow and reproduce. two types of floating methods that you can
(Gumilar, 2021). try, namely the floating net method and the
2. Types Of Seaweed floating rope method.
a. Gledium Sp c. The off-bottom method is a type of
b. Gracilaria Veruccosa cultivation that is carried out by tying seeds
c. Eucheuma spinosum to nylon ropes. This method is also divided
d. Eucheuma Cottonii into several types, ranging from the single
e. Acantophora spicifera off-bottom method, the off-bottom net, and
f. Chondrococcus hornemannii the off-bottom net in the form of a tube.
g. Hypnea sp. 2.1.3 Sustainability of Seaweed Cultivation
h. Ulva lactuca Business
2.1.2 Seaweed Cultivation Sustainability is a concept that emphasizes
Seaweed cultivation is one type of the importance of maintaining a balance in
cultivation that has the potential to be meeting current needs without compromising
developed in the fisheries sector. Seaweed the ability of future generations to meet their
cultivation has an important role in efforts to own needs. In an environmental context,
increase fisheries production to meet food sustainability means using natural resources
and nutritional needs and meet market needs wisely, maintaining biodiversity, and
both domestically and abroad, expand minimizing negative impacts on the
employment opportunities, increase income environment, so that ecosystems can
and welfare of fishermen and fish farmers continue to function and support life in the
and maintain the sustainability of aquatic future. Sustainability is often broken down
biological resources. into three important aspects, namely: social,
According to (Ramadhan, 2019) in the economic and environmental
book Seaweed Cultivation, there are several 2.1.4 Regional Economy
stages in seaweed cultivation, namely: Regional economics is a branch of
1. Location selection: Choose a location economics that studies economic behavior at
with calm water characteristics with a a more local or regional geographic level,
water depth of less than 70 cm when the sea covering a particular geographic area such as
water recedes, and no more than 200 cm a state, province, district, or city. This
when the sea water rises, make sure the definition of regional economics examines
location you choose is protected from how economic, social, and environmental

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factors interact in the specific context of a Sustainable utilization is a concept that
particular region. In regional economics, the includes the use of natural and human
focus is often on the analysis and resources with the aim of optimizing the
development of relevant economic policies to benefits of natural and human resources, as
increase economic growth, create jobs, well as harmonizing natural resources with
reduce poverty, and improve the welfare of humans in development. This concept
the people in the region. (Sjafrizal, 2012). includes three aspects of understanding:
2.1.5 Theory Review economic sustainability, environmental
1. Theory of Economic Development sustainability, and social sustainability.
Economic Development Is an effort to Sustainable utilization aims to meet the needs
improve the standard of living of a nation of the current generation without
which is often measured by the high or low endangering the health and balance of the
real income per capita. So the goal of environment for future generations. (Ciptadi,
economic development in addition to 2023).
increasing real national income is also to Therefore, sustainable economic
increase productivity. (Suparmoko, 2007). development is a social foundation for life,
According to Sukirno, the definition of such as food, health, education, employment
economic development is defined as a and income, peace and justice, political rights,
process that causes the real per capita income social equality, gender equality, housing,
of a society to increase in the long term. energy, water and social networks. There is a
Economic development means that there is a social foundation on which human life takes
continuous development process that is place and determines the quality of life.
intended to add and improve everything to be 4. Social Capital Theory
better. The existence of this development According to Baker, social capital is a
process is expected to increase the real resource obtained by its actors through a
income of the community for the long term. specific social structure and then used to
2. Environmental Economics Theory pursue its interests; this social capital is
Environmental economics is an economic created through changes in the relationships
science that specifically studies human between actors. Meanwhile, Schiff defines
behavior in maintaining or improving social capital as a set of elements of a social
environmental functions. Environmental structure that influences relations between
economics is also a unity of space with all humans and at the same time as input or
objects, power, conditions and living things arguments for production functions and/or
(including humans and their behavior) that benefits (utility). Through a series of these
affect the sustainability of life and the welfare understandings, finally there is a famous
of humans and other living things. (Murni, aphorism that states that social capital is not
2016). a matter of what you know, but who you
Using this environmental economic theory know. On this basis, social capital can refer to
can help in analyzing the environmental norms or networks that allow people to take
impacts of seaweed farming, including the collective action.
effects on marine ecosystems, biodiversity, 5. Institutional Theory
and water quality. This analysis can provide Trust among individuals then becomes
insight into how such economic activities can trust among strangers and trust in broader
be carried out with minimal damage to the social institutions; trust eventually becomes a
environment. set of shared values, virtues, and expectations
3. Sustainability Theory (Sustainable across a society as a whole. Without these
Development Goals) interactions, trust decays; this decay begins
to manifest itself as serious social problems.

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The concept of social capital suggests that cultivation efforts impacts the economic
building and rebuilding communities and welfare of the community in Raijua District.
trust requires face-to-face encounters. There 3.4 Data Types and Sources
is strong evidence that societies with large 3.4.1 Data Types
stocks of social capital are more likely to 1. Qualitative Data
The type of data used in this study is
benefit from lower crime rates, better health,
qualitative. Qualitative data in this study
higher educational attainment, and faster
is information related to policies and
economic growth. There are downsides, too.
programs for the sustainability of
Groups and organizations with high levels of
seaweed utilization as a regional
social capital have the means (and sometimes
economic resource in Raijua District,
the motive) to exclude and subordinate
which is obtained from the results of
others. (Vipriyanti, 2018) Institutional theory
interviews and observations conducted.
explains how formal and informal rules and
2. Quantitative Data
norms influence the behavior of individuals
The quantitative data in this study are in
and organizations.
the form of seaweed production data in
3. METHODOLOGY Sabu Raijua Regency in 2018-2022,
3.1 Types Of Research which were obtained from the Fisheries
This type of research is qualitative research and Marine Service of Sabu Raijua
by conducting case study activities to obtain Regency, and the Central Statistics
various data and information related to the Agency (BPS) of Sabu Raijua Regency.
problems to be discussed. So this study aims to 3.4.2 Data Source
find and collect data from seaweed workers, 1. Primary Data
the government in Raijua District, seaweed Primary data is a data source that
entrepreneurs and marine environmental directly provides data to data collectors.
experts, with the aim of knowing the extent to In other words, primary data is data
which the sustainability of seaweed cultivation obtained from a direct review process on
efforts as a source of regional economy in research objects in the field, the data is
Raijua District has been achieved. obtained from parties who have the
3.2 Research Approach potential to provide information about
The type of research in this study is the research. Primary data sources are
research with a qualitative approach. A obtained through interviews with
qualitative approach is an approach aimed at research subjects and through direct
recognizing and understanding phenomena observation or observation in the field
that occur descriptively to research subjects, (Sumaryadi, 2020). In this process, the
such as behavior, environment, perception, author interviewed the Sub-district
motivation, actions by means of description Head, Village Head, Village Head,
through detailed depiction, words or language. Seaweed Farmers and Seaweed Daily
This author uses a qualitative method Workers in Raijua District.
because with this method, the author can find 2. Secondary Data
out the perspective of the research object more Secondary data is a source that does not
deeply. Through qualitative methods, the directly provide data to data collectors,
author can get to know people (subjects) for example through other people or
personally and see them develop their own through documents. This secondary data
definitions of the research object that the is obtained to strengthen the findings in
author is doing. the field and to complete the information
3.3 Research Focus that has been collected previously. This
The focus of this study is to observe the secondary data is obtained from reading
extent to which the sustainability of grass sources and various other reading

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sources such as reports, notes, 3.6 Data Analysis Techniques
documents, and literature studies The stages in conducting data analysis
obtained from previous research results. according to (Creswell, 2014) are as
3.5 Data Collection Technique
3.6.1 Data Analysis Stages
3.5.1 Observation
1. Process and prepare data for analysis
This method is used to find out the
2. Read all data
general picture of the situation and 3. Start coding all the data
condition of seaweed workers and the 4. Apply the coding process to describe
condition of sustainable use of seaweed the setting (domain), people
and the things that will be observed in (participants)
this study are the place or location of 5. Shows how descriptions and themes
seaweed management and cultivation will be presented again in the narrative.
6. The final step in data analysis is to
efforts. In this observation, the
interpret or give meaning to the data
researcher conducted an observation in 3.6.2 Validity of Data
Raijua District, Sabu Raijua Regency by 1. Source Triangulation
directly observing the activities carried Source Triangulation, namely
out by seaweed farmers on how to comparing and checking the degree of
cultivate, manage and produce seaweed. trustworthiness of information
3.5.2 Interview obtained by researchers in Raijua
The interview method used in this study District regarding the sustainability of
was an unsupervised or semi-structured seaweed cultivation as a source of
interview. This semi-structured regional economy. This can be done by
interview is included in the category of comparing observation data with
in-depth interviews, where in its interview data, comparing interview
implementation it is freer when results with the contents of related
compared to structured interviews. documents, and comparing interview
Researchers give questions to informants results with the results of subsequent
but these questions can develop and be interviews.
freer according to the situation and 2. Triangulation Method
information needed. Interviews were Triangulation Method, which is the way
conducted with several informants researchers test the validity of data by
including seaweed business owners, using various different data sources.
seaweed daily workers, seaweed farmers This study uses three main methods,
and stakeholders related to the research namely observation, interviews and
to be carried out in Raijua District, Sabu documentation.
Raijua Regency. 3. Triangulation Of Theory
3.5.3 Documentation Triangulation of theory, namely testing
Documentation method is used to obtain the validity of data using more than one
data sourced from written theory in discussing the problems
documentation, which is in accordance studied, so that comprehensive
with research needs and also conclusions can be analyzed and
complements so that the data obtained is drawn. The main theories used in this
more objective and concrete. In this case, study concern the concepts of grass
the researcher will take pictures of definitions, types of seaweed, regional
activities in Raijua District related to the economic concepts, economic
problems in this study. (Bungin, 2008) development concepts, environmental
economic concepts, sustainability
concepts, social capital concepts and
institutional concepts in efforts to
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achieve sustainability of seaweed 3. Cultivation Technology and Methods
cultivation as a source of regional The results of the study show that the
economy in Raijua District. use of appropriate technology and
cultivation methods, such as the use of
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION superior seeds and efficient planting
4.1 Research Results techniques, have been proven to
4.1.1 Factors Affecting the Sustainability of increase the productivity and quality of
Seaweed Cultivation Business in Raijua seaweed in Raijua District.
District Technologies such as sensors to
1. Environmental Conditions monitor water quality and planting
From the results of this study, it can be methods that are more adaptive to local
analyzed that water quality and sea conditions have been introduced and
conditions in Raijua District play a have shown positive results in
crucial role in the success of seaweed increasing production efficiency.
cultivation. Factors such as salinity, Therefore, it can be seen that
water temperature, and water clarity innovation in technology and
greatly affect the growth of seaweed. In cultivation methods is very important
optimal conditions, namely water with to increase the competitiveness and
high salinity and appropriate sustainability of seaweed cultivation
temperature, seaweed can grow well businesses in Raijua. Farmers need to
and produce high-quality harvests. In be encouraged to continue to update
addition, sea conditions such as stable their knowledge and adopt
currents and the right depth also technologies that can help increase
support seaweed growth. However, production results.
pollution or drastic changes in sea 4. Management and Skills
conditions, for example due to climate Farmers' skills in managing cultivation
change or human activities, can disrupt businesses, from planting to harvesting,
the marine ecosystem and inhibit as well as financial and marketing
seaweed production. management, greatly affect business
2. Location Selection sustainability. Research shows that
From the results of this study, it can be seaweed farmers in Raijua District with
analyzed that choosing the right good management skills tend to be
cultivation location in Raijua District is more successful in facing challenges
a determining factor in optimizing such as price fluctuations and
harvest results and minimizing risks. environmental changes and conversely
Locations that are protected from seaweed farmers who are less
storms, strong ocean currents, and knowledgeable about financial and
pollution can help maintain the marketing management tend to get
sustainability of cultivation. Locations higher risks. Good management also
with easy access to transportation includes the ability to manage risks and
facilities also affect the efficiency of make the right strategic decisions.
product distribution to the market. 5. Market and Price
Research shows that farmers who Stable markets and favorable prices are
choose locations with these factors in essential for the sustainability of
mind tend to be more successful and seaweed farming. This study found that
able to survive in the long term. access to a large market and stable
prices are the main challenges for
farmers in Raijua. Sharp price
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fluctuations can reduce farmers' management, and adaptation to
incomes and threaten the sustainability environmental changes tend to be more
of their businesses. Limited access to successful and able to survive in the
wider markets also limits opportunities face of various challenges.
to increase income. 10. Cooperation and Networking
6. Government policy From the results of this interview, it can
From the results of this interview, it can be concluded that cooperation and
be concluded that the importance of networking are very important in the
government policies in supporting the sustainability of seaweed farming in
sustainability of seaweed farming Raijua District. Good cooperation
businesses in Raijua District. Policies between farmers, entrepreneurs,
related to subsidies, training, government, and various other parties,
infrastructure, and price stability are as well as extensive networks, are the
crucial factors that need to be improved keys to ensuring the sustainability and
to ensure that this business can development of seaweed farming in the
continue to grow. future.
7. Infrastructure Support 4.1.2 Sustainability of Seaweed Cultivation
From the interview results, it can be Business Can Drive Economic Growth
concluded that infrastructure support in Terms of Social, Economic and
is very important for the sustainability Environmental Aspects, in Improving
of seaweed farming in Raijua District. Community Welfare in Raijua District
Infrastructure such as roads, ports, 1. Social Aspects
electricity access, and clean water a. Increased Income and Welfare
greatly affect the quality and selling Research shows that seaweed
price of seaweed, as well as the income cultivation in Raijua District
of farmers. Improving infrastructure is significantly increases the income of
key to supporting the development and local communities, especially in coastal
sustainability of this business. areas. Previously, many families living
8. Environmental Sustainability in difficult economic conditions now
From the results of the interview, it can have a more stable source of income
be concluded that the importance of through this activity. This additional
environmental sustainability in the income allows them to meet basic
success and sustainability of seaweed needs such as education, health, and
cultivation efforts in Raijua District. housing. This contributes directly to
Aspects such as water quality, improving community welfare, with
ecosystem conditions, and the impact of improved quality of life and better
climate change are important factors access to basic services.
that must be considered in the b. Reduction of Urbanization
management of sustainable seaweed According to the results of interviews
cultivation. with the Village Head and seaweed
9. Education And Training farmers in Raijua District, it can be
concluded that seaweed cultivation has
Appropriate education and training
had a significant impact on
provide farmers with the knowledge
urbanization patterns in the village.
and skills they need to improve the
Previously, many residents moved to
efficiency and sustainability of seaweed
the city due to the lack of job
farming. Research shows that farmers
opportunities in the village. However,
in Raijua District who receive training
with the presence of the seaweed
on cultivation techniques, business
(https://journal.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/jeb)| Volume 00 No 00 September/Desember 202 7
cultivation sector, people now have Raijua District, it can be concluded that
access to adequate jobs in their own although seaweed processing has great
village. This reduces the urge to move potential to increase income and local
to the city and seek work that is often economic growth, the main challenge
unstable. For example, one of the lies in the limitations of processing
seaweed farmers said that after being technology. Currently, the facilities and
involved in seaweed cultivation, they equipment available are still simple,
felt more confident to stay in the village thus hampering the efficiency and
because the income was sufficient to quality of processed products. To
meet daily needs. Thus, seaweed maximize the potential of seaweed and
cultivation not only improves economic increase yields and income, there needs
stability in the village but also helps to be a serious effort in developing and
maintain local social and cultural improving existing processing
structures by reducing urbanization. technology.
c. Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups c. Growth of Micro and Small Businesses
Seaweed farming provides an Seaweed cultivation also encourages
opportunity for the empowerment of the growth of micro and small
vulnerable groups, such as women and businesses related to the distribution
marginalized groups. Their and marketing of seaweed. These
participation in this sector improves businesses create new jobs and
their economic and social status. For increase the dynamics of the local
example, women involved in seaweed economy. Research shows an increase
farming can earn their own income, in supporting sectors that contribute to
which supports family finances and overall economic growth in Raijua
enhances their role in society. This District. Informant Lukas Kaka Balo as a
contributes to gender equality and seaweed entrepreneur in Raijua stated
strengthening the social role of that seaweed cultivation has indeed
vulnerable groups in Raijua District. had a major impact on micro and small
2. Economic Aspects businesses here. Businesses related to
a. Diversification of Local Economy the distribution and marketing of
From the results of interviews with the seaweed have grown rapidly. With the
Village Head and seaweed farmers, it increase in seaweed production, many
can be concluded that previously, the new businesses have emerged to
village economy was highly dependent handle distribution and marketing.
on traditional agriculture and fisheries 3. Environmental Aspects
sectors, which were vulnerable to a. Conservation of Marine Ecosystems
market fluctuations and seasonal Environmentally friendly seaweed
conditions. With seaweed cultivation, cultivation practices play a role in
the village now has an additional marine ecosystem conservation in
source of income that reduces Raijua District. Seaweed helps reduce
dependence on these sectors. This coastal erosion, provides habitat for
helps improve economic stability at marine species, and maintains seawater
both the village and family levels, and quality. This study shows the
provides greater resilience to economic importance of sustainable cultivation
changes and market fluctuations. practices to ensure that natural
b. Increasing Added Value resources remain available and marine
From the results of interviews with the ecosystems remain balanced for future
Village Head and seaweed farmers in generations.

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According to informant Mr. Anton farming practices, such as avoiding
Kudji S.Pi as a marine environmental over-exploitation and maintaining the
expert, seaweed cultivation has an balance of the marine ecosystem,
important role in marine ecosystem ensures that resources remain
conservation. Seaweed functions as a productive in the long term. This study
coastal protector by reducing erosion, emphasizes that good management
which is very important in coastal areas allows communities to continue to
such as Raijua District. In addition, benefit from marine resources without
seaweed provides habitat for various damaging the environment and this
marine species, which helps maintain study also shows that marine resource
biodiversity. Environmentally friendly management in Raijua is already on the
cultivation practices also help maintain path to sustainability.
seawater quality, because seaweed 4.2 Research Discussion
absorbs excess nutrients and reduces 4.2.1 Factors Affecting the Sustainability of
pollution. Seaweed Cultivation Business in Raijua
b. Carbon Emission Reduction District
Seaweed has the ability to absorb 1. Environmental Conditions
carbon dioxide from seawater, which Based on research conducted in
helps reduce the impact of climate Raijua District, it was found that water
change. This study shows that seaweed quality and sea conditions play a vital
cultivation in Raijua contributes to role in the success of seaweed
global efforts to reduce carbon cultivation. This is in line with several
emissions. Thus, the sustainability of previous studies that emphasize the
seaweed cultivation not only provides importance of the environment in
economic and social benefits but also maintaining the sustainability of
supports global environmental cultivation efforts. According to research
initiatives. by Lobban and Harrison (1994), factors
Informant Mr. Anton Kudji S.Pi as a such as water temperature, salinity, and
marine environmental expert stated water clarity affect the photosynthesis
that seaweed has the natural ability to process and seaweed growth. High
absorb carbon dioxide (CO₂) from optimal salinity helps maintain osmotic
seawater, which is an important pressure in seaweed tissue, thus
process in reducing carbon emissions. supporting better growth. This study also
During photosynthesis, seaweed revealed that water temperatures
absorbs CO₂ and converts it into ranging from 28°C to 30°C are ideal
biomass. This process helps reduce the conditions for seaweed, as conveyed by
concentration of CO₂ in the informant Mr. Anton Kudji S.Pi. Another
atmosphere, which contributes to study by McHugh (2003) confirmed that
global efforts to mitigate climate changes in water temperature due to
change. In Raijua District, seaweed climate change, especially rising
cultivation can strengthen this temperatures, can slow the growth rate
contribution in a sustainable and of seaweed and increase the risk of
ecologically beneficial way. disease.
c. Sustainable Resource Management Water clarity is also an important
Sustainable management of marine factor that needs to be considered. As
resources is key to ensuring the expressed by Anton Kudji, sedimentation
sustainability of seaweed farming in due to human activities and climate
Raijua District. Adoption of good change can reduce water clarity, which in

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turn reduces the intensity of light 3. Cultivation Technology and Methods
received by seaweed for photosynthesis. Technology and cultivation methods
This is reinforced by research by Zemke- in seaweed farming businesses show that
White and Ohno (1999) which states that the use of appropriate technology and
optimal water clarity is very important efficient cultivation methods can
for light penetration required for increase productivity and the quality of
photosynthesis, especially in cultivation the harvest. In the context of seaweed
areas with calm water currents. farming in Raijua District, research
2. Location Selection shows that although many farmers still
The selection of a cultivation location use traditional methods, there is great
is a fundamental factor that greatly potential in adopting modern technology
influences the sustainability of seaweed to support the sustainability and
cultivation efforts. In a study conducted competitiveness of their businesses.
in Raijua District, it was identified that According to Trono (1999),
the location chosen by considering the traditional methods such as the use of
right environmental factors greatly mooring ropes and nets are still widely
influences the success of cultivation. This used in various regions of Southeast Asia.
is supported by many studies that show Although this method has proven to be
the importance of selecting a strategic quite effective and easy to apply, this
location in supporting the productivity technique has limitations in terms of
and quality of seaweed products. labor efficiency and harvest quality. The
According to research by Mumford and use of manual tools often slows down the
Miura (1988), locations with clear water planting and harvesting process, and has
and the right depth provide enough the potential to increase crop damage
sunlight to support seaweed during bad weather.
photosynthesis, which is an important 4. Management and Skills
factor in growth and production. Water Farmers who are able to practice good
clarity helps the penetration of sunlight financial management tend to be better
needed by seaweed, so that the prepared to face fluctuations in seaweed
photosynthesis process can take place prices in the global market, as is often
optimally. The study also emphasized the case with this commodity. Proper
that small waves and moderate ocean management also allows farmers to
currents can avoid physical damage to make strategic decisions, such as when to
plants, especially to cultivation plant, harvest, or sell their produce to
structures such as moorings and anchors. maximize income.
An interview with Mrs. Anita Migo Based on an interview with Mr. Yulius
Daga, a seaweed farmer in Raijua, Kudji, management skills among
emphasized the importance of seaweed farmers in Raijua District are
considering several aspects in selecting a still relatively low, especially in terms of
location, as also mentioned in the managing income and implementing
literature. For example, Trono (1999) efficient cultivation techniques. This
stated that waves that are too strong can indicates limited access to information
damage the physical condition of and training needed to improve farmers'
seaweed, especially in the early stages of skills. Neish (2008) also emphasized that
growth. Therefore, a location protected low management skills are often
from large waves is highly recommended exacerbated by a lack of access to
to maintain the integrity of the plants. training and information, especially in
remote areas such as Raijua.

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5. Market and Price In the context of Raijua District,
Markets and prices are key elements information from Mr. Leo Huru shows
in determining the sustainability of that assistance in the form of seeds,
seaweed farming, especially for farmers fertilizers, and farming equipment, such
in remote areas such as Raijua District. as ropes and wooden shells, has had a
Research shows that significant price positive impact on farmers' ability to
fluctuations, high transportation costs, reduce production costs. This is in line
and limited access to wider markets are with the findings of Cohen et al. (2016)
the main challenges for seaweed farmers who stated that direct subsidies for
in this area. Uncertainty regarding prices agricultural inputs can increase farmers'
and markets affects farmers' income, production capacity and income, as well
potentially threatening the sustainability as reduce their dependence on expensive
of their businesses. resources. Training provided by the
According to Valderrama et al. (2015), government and related agencies also
the international market plays an plays an important role in improving
important role in determining seaweed farmers' skills. Boko et al. (2020)
prices, especially for major producing emphasized that proper training on
countries. Seaweed prices are often efficient farming techniques can help
determined by global demand for farmers adopt better and more
seaweed derivative products such as sustainable practices. This has the
carrageenan, agar, and alginate. This potential to increase crop yields and
study also emphasizes that the seaweed product quality, which is critical in
market is very sensitive to changes in the enhancing competitiveness in the
global economy, consumer demand, and market.
international trade regulations. This is 7. Infrastructure Support
relevant to the situation in Raijua Adequate infrastructure support is
District, where seaweed prices are one of the key factors in supporting the
greatly influenced by international sustainability of seaweed farming
market conditions, as explained by businesses in Raijua District. Research
informant Mr. Lukas Kaka Balo. shows that areas with good
6. Government policy infrastructure are able to overcome
Government policies play a significant logistical challenges and minimize post-
role in supporting the sustainability of harvest losses, which have a positive
seaweed farming, especially in areas impact on business efficiency and
such as Raijua District. Research shows profitability. According to Bakker et al.
that government interventions, such as (2016), good infrastructure, including
technical assistance, subsidies, and road access and transportation facilities,
environmentally friendly regulations, can greatly influences farmers' ability to
help farmers overcome the various distribute their products. Information
challenges they face, including access to from Mr. Yos Nadjo underlines the
technology, markets, and financial importance of good road access to
support. According to Graham et al. facilitate transportation of harvested
(2014), government policies that support crops to collectors or ports. Poor road
farmers through subsidy and training conditions, especially during the rainy
programs are very important to increase season, as expressed by informants, can
the productivity and efficiency of farming result in high transportation costs and
businesses. delays in product delivery, which in turn
affect the quality and selling price of

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seaweed. This is in line with research by farmers to adopt more efficient and
Smith et al. (2018) which states that poor adaptive practices to environmental
transportation infrastructure can lead to changes, as stated by Kassam et al.
significant increases in post-harvest (2012).
costs and losses. 10. Cooperation and Networking
8. Environmental Sustainability Good cooperation and networking
Environmental sustainability is a between farmers, entrepreneurs, and
crucial factor in ensuring the success and research institutions are essential in
sustainability of seaweed farming in improving the sustainability of seaweed
Raijua District. Research shows that farming in Raijua District. This study
environmentally friendly and sustainable shows that effective collaboration can
farming practices can maintain marine improve productivity, innovation, and
ecosystems, increase productivity, and access to markets, all of which contribute
minimize negative impacts on the to business success. According to Dyer
environment. According to Barbier et al. and Singh (1998), cooperation between
(2011), sustainable farming practices are actors in the value chain can create
important to protect marine ecosystems competitive advantages and improve
from negative impacts such as pollution operational efficiency. Information from
and over-exploitation. Information from Mr. Lukas Kaka Balo confirms that
Mr. Anton Kudji S.Pi, who stated that cooperation between farmers and
public awareness in Raijua in entrepreneurs ensures a stable and
maintaining the marine environment has quality supply of seaweed. This is in line
increased, shows that collaborative with the findings of Mason and Leek
efforts between the government and (2008), which show that good
local communities can produce positive relationships between farmers and
results. Pollution control, as stated, is an collectors improve access to market and
important step to maintain water quality price information needed for better
and ecosystem health. decision making.
9. Education And Training 4.2.2 Sustainability of Seaweed Cultivation
Proper education and training are key Business Can Drive Economic Growth in
components in improving the efficiency Terms of Social, Economic and
and sustainability of seaweed farming. Environmental Aspects, in Improving
Research shows that farmers in Raijua Community Welfare in Raijua District
District who receive training tend to be 1. Social Aspects
better able to face challenges, increase a. Increased Income and Welfare
productivity, and manage their Seaweed cultivation in Raijua District
businesses better. According to Kumar has significantly increased the income
and Singh (2013), education and training of local communities, especially in
that focuses on cultivation techniques coastal areas. This is in accordance with
and business management have a the findings of Hassan et al. (2018)
significant impact on agricultural output, which show that the fisheries and
including seaweed farming. Information aquaculture sectors can contribute to
from Mr. Djibrael Radja Kudji S.Pd increasing the income and welfare of
confirmed that the government has coastal communities. The informant,
implemented training programs on Mr. Degi Kaka Balo, revealed that many
cultivation techniques and post-harvest families are now able to meet basic
management. This is in line with findings needs such as education and health
that show that adequate training helps thanks to the additional income from

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seaweed cultivation. Mrs. Marce Adju's as an empowerment tool that increases
statement also emphasized that the inclusivity and equality in society.
visible economic growth provides 2. Economic Aspects
better access to health and education a. Diversification of Local Economy
services. Overall, the additional income Seaweed farming in Raijua District has
from seaweed cultivation allows introduced significant diversification
families to be more financially into the local economy, which
independent, improve their quality of previously relied heavily on traditional
life, and increase access to basic agriculture and fisheries. As stated by
services. This shows that seaweed Gonzalez et al. (2020), economic
cultivation is not only about the diversification can increase community
economy, but also a broader social resilience to market fluctuations. Mr.
aspect. Markus Kudji emphasized that seaweed
b. Reduction of Urbanization farming has reduced dependence on a
The seaweed farming sector also plays single source of income, providing
a role in reducing urbanization. As greater economic stability. This was
expressed by Mr. Ruben Radja Gewi, also supported by Mr. Markus Duke,
many families choose to remain in the who emphasized that the additional
village because of the available job income from seaweed helped them feel
opportunities. This finding is in line more economically secure, especially
with research by Baker and Kauffman when yields from other sectors were
(2009) which states that the presence inadequate. Overall, this diversification
of local jobs can reduce the urge to not only strengthens the local economy
migrate to the city. This reduction in but also increases community
urbanization not only maintains the resilience to changes in the market.
social and cultural structure of the b. Increasing Added Value
village but also provides economic Initiatives to process seaweed into
stability. Ms. Ester Djara added that value-added products, such as agar-
involvement in seaweed farming makes agar and cosmetics, show great
people feel more confident to live in the potential in increasing income.
village, which in turn strengthens the However, as stated by Kumar and
local community. Sharma (2019), the main challenge in
c. Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups developing this sector is the limitation
Seaweed farming also provides of technology. Mr. Bastian Talo stated
empowerment opportunities for that although the processing potential
vulnerable groups, especially women. is very large, currently the existing
Mr. Richard Kore noted that women facilities and technology are still
involved in seaweed farming now have limited. This was also reinforced by Mr.
a significant role in production and Jefri Haba Rubu who emphasized the
processing. Research by Kabeer (2015) need for investment to improve
shows that increasing women's processing technology in order to
participation in economic activities maximize the potential of seaweed.
contributes to gender equality and With the development of the right
improved social status. Mr. Lodi Pau technology, the potential for increasing
added that women not only gain income through processed products
income but also higher self-confidence, can be achieved, thus making a
which supports solidarity among significant contribution to local
women. Thus, seaweed farming serves economic growth.

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c. Growth of Micro and Small Businesses b. Carbon Emission Reduction
Seaweed cultivation also encourages Seaweed farming also has the potential
the growth of micro and small to reduce carbon emissions. Mr. Anton
businesses, especially in distribution Kudji S.Pi explained that during
and marketing. Research by Verma and photosynthesis, seaweed absorbs CO₂,
Singh (2021) shows that the growth of which contributes to climate change
supporting sectors can increase local mitigation. According to Mazzola et al.
economic dynamics. Informant Lukas (2021), seaweed's ability to absorb
Kaka Balo stated that with the increase carbon makes it an important tool in
in seaweed production, many new global efforts to reduce the carbon
businesses have emerged to handle footprint. Mr. Markus Duke added that
distribution and marketing, which not more farmers are aware of the
only creates jobs but also expands the environmental benefits of seaweed
market. Mr. Simon Udju's statement farming, which can increase the
emphasized that the growth of these effectiveness of carbon sequestration.
micro and small businesses provides With proper training and education,
opportunities for family members and this practice can be maximized to
other villagers, contributes to support global initiatives to address
improving the welfare of local climate change.
communities and creates more c. Sustainable Resource Management
economic dynamics. Sustainable management of marine
3. Environmental Aspects resources is key to the sustainability of
a. Conservation of Marine Ecosystems seaweed farming. Mr. Anton Kudji S.Pi
Environmentally Environmentally stated that avoiding overexploitation
friendly seaweed cultivation practices and pollution is an important step to
contribute significantly to the maintain environmental health.
conservation of marine ecosystems in Research by Hawkins et al. (2020)
Raijua District. Mr. Anton Kudji S.Pi, as shows that good management allows
a marine environmental expert, communities to continue to benefit
emphasized that seaweed plays a role from marine resources without
in reducing coastal erosion and damaging the environment. However,
providing habitat for marine species, the main challenge faced is the lack of
which supports biodiversity. Research knowledge and education regarding
by Barbier et al. (2019) shows that sustainable practices. Mr. Jefri Haba
sustainable cultivation practices can Rubu highlighted the limited
maintain the balance of marine knowledge of the latest cultivation
ecosystems and water quality. Mr. Leo techniques and adequate equipment.
Huru, a seaweed farmer, emphasized With better training and support from
the importance of avoiding hazardous the government, sustainable
chemicals and maintaining proper management of marine resources can
planting distances to maintain be more effective, providing long-term
ecosystem health. By implementing benefits for both farmers and the
sustainable practices, seaweed ecosystem.
cultivation can provide economic 5. CLOSING
benefits while protecting the Conclusion
environment, which is important for Based on the results of the research
future generations. analysis and discussion, it can be concluded as

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