5 Year Plan

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Name- Avinash Kumar

Roll no- 236501

Course- MBA(RM)
The Planning Commission was set up in march 1950.
The main objective of the Government to promote
a rapid in the standard of living of the people by
* efficient exploitation of the resources of the country
* Economic Growth
*Removal of Unemployment
*Elimination of Poverty
*Reduction in Income Inequalities
Jawaharlal Nehru was the first chairman of the
planning commission.
1. FIRST PLAN (1951-55)
2. SECOND PLAN (1956-61)
3. THIRD PLAN (1961-66)
4. FOURTH PLAN (1969-74)
5. FIFTH PLAN (1974-79)
6. SIXTH PLAN (1980-85)
7. SEVENTH PLAN (1985-89)
8. EIGHTH PLAN (1992-97)
9. NINTH PLAN (1997-2002)
10. TENTH PLAN (2002-07)
11. ELEVENTH PLAN (2007-12)
12. TWELTH PLAN (2012-17)
• The first PM , Jawaharlal Nehru presented the first five
year to the parliament of india on december 8, 1951.
The total planned budget of Rs.2,069 CRORE was
allocated to seven board areas.
I. Irrigation and energy – 27.2%
II. Agriculture and community development – 17.4%
III. Transport and communications – 24%
IV. Industry – 8.4%
V. Social services – 16.64%
VI. Land development – 4.1%, and
VII.Other sectors – 2.5%
* Improve the standard of living * GDP 3.6% per year
* Industry development * Evolution of good irrigation systems
* Social services * Improvement in
* Communications and transport * Roads
* Target of GDP growth 2.1% per * Civil aviation
year * Railways
* Achieved had been 3.6% per year * Manufacture of fertilizers
* Electrical equipment

1.development of only a few industries
2.private industry had not developed
* The second five year plan focused on especially heavy industry.
* The plan followed by Mahalanobis model , an economic development model
developed by the indian statistican Prasant Chandra Mahalanobis in 1953.
*The total amount was allocated under the second five year plan
in Indian was Rs. 4,600 crore.
• This amount was allocated among various sectors.
I. Power and irrigation
II. Social services
III. Communications and tranport
IV. Miscellaneous
TO increase by 25% th5  A hydro-electric power
steel plants project
e national income.  Production of coal increased
To make the country more  More railways lines
industriallized.  Lands reforms measures
To increase employment  Improved the living
opportunities so that every standards of peoples
citizen gets a jobs.
 The large enterprises in
seventeen industries were

More stress to agriculture * Green Revolution

Sufficient help * Decentralization
Effective use of country’s * Organizations forms
resources • Panchayat
To increase the production • Zila Parishads
of agriculture so that the
nation is self sufficient in * Many fertilizers and
food grains cement plants were built
To provide employment
opportunities for every
Problem Faced
citizen of the country  Sino-indian war, India
To establish equality witnessed increased in the
among all the people of the price of products and thus
country resulting in inflation.

• Great advancement has

been made with regard to
India's national income
• Food grains production
To reform and restructure
Government agenda • Served as one of the
emerging powers
( defense became one
major expense)
Facilitated growth in
To alter the socio economic
structure of the society
TO reduce socio, economic, Food grain production was
regional disparities above 118 million tones due
To enhance agricultural to the improvements of
productivity infrastructural facilities
To check rural and urban
To encourage self-
Production support policies
in the cottage industry
To improve productivity
To control poverty and ACHIVEMENTS
* Industrial development
To develop indigenous
energy sources and efficient * Self sufficiency in food
energy usage * Government investments in
the Indian healthcare
* Emphasis on the
information technological
Anti poverty program * Social justice
* Using modern technology
Education for girls
* Agricultural development
Increase productivity of * Anti poverty programs
oilseeds, fruits, vegetables,
fish, meat, milk * Full supply of food, clothing
and shelter
* Increasing productivity of
small and large scale farmers
To generated full scale * Rise in the employment
employment level
Promote social welfare * Poverty reduction
measures like improved * Self sufficiency in
healthcare, sanitation and agricultural production
* GDP growth per annum
To check the increasing 5.6%
populations growth by
creating mass awareness
To encourage growth and
diversification of agriculture

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