5 Year Plan
5 Year Plan
5 Year Plan
1.development of only a few industries
2.private industry had not developed
* The second five year plan focused on especially heavy industry.
* The plan followed by Mahalanobis model , an economic development model
developed by the indian statistican Prasant Chandra Mahalanobis in 1953.
*The total amount was allocated under the second five year plan
in Indian was Rs. 4,600 crore.
• This amount was allocated among various sectors.
I. Power and irrigation
II. Social services
III. Communications and tranport
IV. Miscellaneous
TO increase by 25% th5 A hydro-electric power
steel plants project
e national income. Production of coal increased
To make the country more More railways lines
industriallized. Lands reforms measures
To increase employment Improved the living
opportunities so that every standards of peoples
citizen gets a jobs.
The large enterprises in
seventeen industries were