Modern Indian History MCQ

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Indian History
An Introduction to Indian History
Indian History in Brief
A Brief Note on Modern Indian History
Modern Indian History MCQs

"India is the cradle of human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of
history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most
valuable and most astrictive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India
only! "
Mark Twain.


Indian History is as old as the History of Mankind. Artifacts dating back to as much as 500, 000
years have been found. India's history and culture is ancient and dynamic, spanning back to the
beginning of human civilization. Beginning with a mysterious culture along the Indus River and
in farming communities in the southern lands of India. The history of India is one punctuated by
constant integration with migrating peoples and with the diverse cultures that surround India.
Placed in the center of Asia, history in India is a crossroads of cultures from China to Europe,
and the most significant Asian connection with the cultures of Africa.
India's history is more than just a set of unique developments in a definable process; it is, in
many ways, a microcosm of human history itself, a diversity of cultures all impinging on a great
people and being reforged into new, syncretic forms. Shown below is the India timeline starting
from 3000 BC of ancient Indus valley civilization and Harappa civilization to 1000 AD of Chola
Dynasty of ancient history of India.
Indian History in Brief:
The History of India begins with the birth of the Indus Valley Civilization in such sites as
Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, and Lothal, and the coming of the Aryans. These two phases are
usually described as the pre-Vedic and Vedic periods. It is in the Vedic period that Hinduism first
arose: this is the time to which the Vedas are dated.
In the fifth century, large parts of India were united under Ashoka. He also converted to
Buddhism, and it is in his reign that Buddhism spread to other parts of Asia. It is in the reign of
the Mauryas that Hinduism took the shape that fundamentally informs the religion down to the
present day. Successor states were more fragmented.
Islam first came to India in the eighth century, and by the 11th century had firmly established
itself in India as a political force; the North Indian dynasties of the Lodhis, Tughlaqs, and
numerous others, whose remains are visible in Delhi and scattered elsewhere around North
India, were finally succeeded by the Mughal empire, under which India once again achieved a
large measure of political unity.

The European presence in India dates to the seventeenth century and it is in the latter part of
this century that the Mughal Empire began to disintegrate, paving the way for regional states.
In the contest for supremacy, the English emerged 'victors', their rule marked by the conquests
at the battlefields of Plassey and Buxar.

The Rebellion of 1857-58, which sought to restore Indian supremacy, was crushed; and with the
subsequent crowning of Victoria as Empress of India, the incorporation of India into the empire
was complete. Successive campaigns had the effect of driving the British out of India in 1947.

Indian History is divided into following three major divisions:

(a) Ancient Indian History
(b) Medieval Indian History
(c) Modern Indian History

A Brief Note on Modern Indian History

During the late 16th and the 17th Centuries, the European trading companies in India
competed ferociously. By the last quarter of the 18th Century the English had outdone all
others and established themselves as the dominant power in India. The British administered
India for a period of about two centuries and brought about revolutionary changes in the social,
political and the economic life of the country.

Once the British set their foot solidly on Indian soil, they began the commercial exploitation of
the natural resources of India. By the middle of the 19th Century arrogant exploitation of the
people had tried the patience of the Indians to the limit. The British imperialism reached its
zenith between the middle of the nineteenth century and the First World War. The exploitative
policies of the British in India saw the birth of nationalist agitation against it. With increasing
intrusion of aliens in their lives, a group of middle class Indians formed the Indian National
Congress (1885).

The anti-British struggle became truly a mass movement with the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi
(1869 - 1948). It was followed by numerous movements against the British rule. With the
passage of time and stubbornness of the Indians the British had come to realize that the day
was not far off when they will have to quit India. Successive campaigns had the effect of driving
the British out of India in 1947, but with independence came the independence of the country
into Pakistan.

Freedom Fighters India

His brave deeds earned Vallabhbhai Patel the title of the iron man of India. For his role in the
Bardoli Satyagraha, Patel came to be called the Sardar. Sardar Patel was a famous lawyer but
gave up his practice in order to fight for the freedom of the country. After independence he
became the deputy PM of India and played an important role the integration of India by
merging numerous princely states with the Indian Union.

Indian Independence
The feeling of nationalism had started growing in the minds of Indians as early as the middle of
the nineteenth century but it grew more with the formation of the Indian national Congress in
1885. Though the Congress started on a moderate platform but with the passage of time and
apathetic attitude of the British government, the national movement began to shape well.

Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on 2nd October 1869. He was
the most popular as well as the most influential political and spiritual leaders of India. His
contribution to the freedom struggle of India is priceless and the country owes its
independence, partly, to this great man. The Satyagraha movement, which led to India's
independence, was founded by Mahatma Gandhi only.

• A Sea route to India was discovered by Vasco da Gama in 1497-1499 AD.
• First arrived at Kappad near Kozhikode in Kerala.
• The ship name was Saint Gabriel, Vasco-da-Gama landed at Kappad.
• He arrived for the second time in 1502 and a third time in 1504.
• Died at Fort Cochin.
• Dom Francisco de Almedia – the first Portuguese governor in the East. The Policy was called
“The blue water policy”.
• In 1507, Portuguese arrived at Madras.
• Albuquerque, greatest Portuguese governor of the East.
• He tried to abolish Sati.
• The Portuguese introduced Agricultural Products.
• In 1604, they introduced Tobacco in Akbar’s court.
• In 1556, they started first Press in India at Goa.
• In 1510, they captured Goa from Sultan of Bijapur.
The Dutch
• In 1602, Dutch East India Company was formed.
• First factory at Masulipattanam in 1605.
• Captured Cochin in 1663.
• In 1741 Battle of Kolachal, Marthandavarma defeated the Dutch.
• Finally defeated by the English in the Battle of Bedara in 1759.
The English and the French
• The English East India Company was founded in 1600 AD by a group of merchants.
• John Company was the earlier name.
• Hector, the first ship reached Surat on 24th August 1606.
• In 1612, the company became a joint stock company.
• Sir Thomas Roe, the first ambassador of James - I landed in Surat.
• Met Jahangir in 1613.
• The French East India Company was founded in 1664 AD.
• Factories were established in Surat and Masulipatnam.
• First Carnatic War between the French and English in 1742. Ended in 1748.
• Second Carnatic War – 1748 to 1754.
• Robert Clive – The Governor of English during the war.
• Third Carnatic War – 1758-1763.
• Battle of Plassey in the year 13th June 1757.

Political reasons
• “Doctrine of Lapse – Lord Dalhousie, Governor General of India till 1848 – 1856.
• “Subsidiary Alliance” – Lord Wellesley.
• Takeover of Avadha on ground of ‘Misgovernance’.
• Lord Canning, first viceroy of India in 1858 – 1862 AD gave an announcement to Mughals.
• A large section among army had irregular soldiers and Pindaris.
Economic Reasons
• Corruption uncontrolled and inefficient administrative machinery of the company.
• Racial Discrimination in both military and civil administrations.
• The Revenue system that was introduced took land from cultivation and gave money to the
• De-industrialization in the country.
Military Reasons
• Alien rule – Dispensar of Indian Sepoys.
• In 1854, Post office act as withdrawal of postage facility for Sepoys.
• Foreign Service allowance for Sepoys serving both in Sindh and Punjab.
• Racial discrimination of British against Indian soldiers.
Social and Religious Reasons
• Social discrimination of the British against Indians.
• Through missionaries, spreading Christianity.
• The Government took the decision to tax on temple and mosque lands.
• In 1850, Enactment of Religious Disabilities Act, enabled to convert to ancestral property.
• Opposition to the Indian traditional laws such as Sati, Child Marriage and female infanticide.
Immediate Reasons
• A new Enfield rifle army, introduced by government.
• Indians believed that grease used in cartridges was composed of beef and pig fat.
• Due to usage of cartridges, both Hindu and Muslim sepoys were enraged as it was against
their religion.
Impacts of the Revolt
• British Government control in India was moved to the British Crown.
• Minister of British Government was called the Secretary of State and responsible for India’s
• The Doctrine of Lapse was withdrawn.
• End of Mughal and Peshwa rule.
• In the army, English soldiers were increased, and changes were made in the administration.


Centre Beginning Ending date Indian Leader British
date Suppressor
Delhi 1857 11th May, 1857 20th Sep Bahadur Shah II John Nicholson
Kanpur 1857 4th June 1857 6th Dec Nana Sahib, Tantiya Colin Campbell
Lucknow 4th June 1857 1858 Begum Hazrath Colin Campbell
Jhansi 4th June 1857 18th June Rani LaxmiBai Huge Rose
Allahabad 5th June 1857 March 1858 Liyaqat Ali Colonel Neil
Jagadishpur August 1857 Dec 1858 Kunwar and Amir William Taylor
(Bihar) singh and Vineet Eyre.

Warren Hastings (1772 – 1785 AD):
• The Revenue’s collection was taken over by a company.
• Judicial powers were given to Zamindars.
• In each district, establishment of criminal and civil courts.
• During his period, First Anglo Maratha War (1776-82) ended with the Treaty of Salbai.
• Second Anglo Mysore war (1780 – 84) ended with the Treaty of Mangalore war (1784).
Lord Cornwallis (1786 – 1793 AD)
• Permanent settlement of Bengal (Zamindari System)
• Revenue and criminal courts were re-organized.
Lord Wellesley (1798 – 1805 AD)
• The Subsidiary Alliance system was introduced.
• To train the company’s servants, opened colleges in Calcutta.
• Known as ‘Father of Civil services in India’.
• In 1799, Fourth Anglo – Mysore War, defeated Mysore force under Tipu Sultan.
Lord Minto I (1807 – 1813 AD)
• Treaty of Amritsar was concluded by Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1809).
• In 1813, Charter Act was passed.
Lord William Bentinck (1828 – 1833 AD)
• In 1829, Sati was abolished.
• Increased power of the Magistrate.
• Appointed Indians as Judges.
• Banned Female infanticide and human sacrifice.
• Hindu Law of inheritance reformed.
• In 1833, Charter Act was passed.
• First Governor General of India.
Lord Dalhousie (1848 – 1856 AD)
• Introduced the Doctrine of Lapse.
• In 1853, introduced the first Railway line from Bombay to Thane.
• Setup universities in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras.
• Started competitive examination for Indian civil services.
• In 1854, a Post Office Act was passed.
• In 1856, Hindu Marriage Act was passed.
• The title of ‘Nawab of Carnatic’ was abolished.
First Phase (1758 – 1812)
• During this period, British East India Company was interested in the education of subjects.
• The two minor expectations were
➢ In 1781, set up Calcutta Madrsah by Warren Hastings for the study & teaching of Muslim
law and subjects.
➢ In 1792, Sanskrit college in Varanasi by Jonathan Duncan for study of Hindu law and
• Both were designed to help the administration laws in the courts.
Second phase (1813 – 1853)
• Christian Missionaries and humanitarians, to encourage modern education in India.
• In 1813 Charter Act, spent one lakh annually to encourage the learning Indians in India.
• During this phase, two controversies about the nature of education arose.
• In 1844, Lord Hardinge decided to give jobs to Indians who were educated in English
• ‘Downward Filtration theory’ –Education and ideas from the upper classes.
• The policy was continued till the end of British rule.
• In 1854, it was officially abandoned.
Third Phase (1854 – 1900)
• Educational dispatch of 1854 was also called as Wood’s Dispatch.
• Considered as Magna Carta of English education in India.
• Rejected ‘Filtration theory’.
• Established University of Calcutta (Jan 1857) Bombay (Jul 1857), Madras (Sep 1857), Punjab
(1882) and Allahabad (1887).
• Hunter Commission was appointed by Lord Ripon.
Fourth Phase (1901 – 1920)
• In 1902, Lord Curzon appointed Universities Commission under Thomas Raleigh.
• In 1904, Indian Universities Act was passed.
• Criticized by nationalists
• In 1910, department of education was established.
• Lord Chelmsford appointed Saddler Commission, to review the working of Calcutta
• Seven new universities were opened. They were Banaras, Mysore, Patna, Aligarh, Dhaka,
Lucknow and Osmania.
• Established Kashi Vidyapeeth and Jamia Milia Islamia.
Fifth Phase (1921 – 1947)
• Officially came under Indian control.
• The number of universities was increased.
• The quality of higher education was improved.
• Established Inter-university board in 1924.
• Achievement in women’s education and education of backward classes.
Hartog Committee (1929)
• Primary education was improved.
• Recommended the policy of consolidation.
• Universities should be improved.
• In 1937, Wardha scheme of Basic Education worked under Zakir Hussain committee.
Sargeant plan of Education (1944)
• Established elementary and high schools.
• Compulsory education for all children under the ages of 6 to 11.
• Academic and Technical, Vocational are two types in high schools.
• Abolished Intermediate courses.


Brahmo Samaj Movement
• Founder – Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1828.
• Established Atmiya Sabha in 1814.
• Sati Pratha, Casteism and advocated widow marriage were criticized.
• Established Vedanta college both in western and Indian and physical sciences also offered.
• He was a Linguist. Lots of languages known, including Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, English,
French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
• Opposed Sanskrit system of education.
• Important leaders- Devendranath Tagore and Keshab Chandra Sen.
• In 1865, Tagore dismissed Keshab.
• Keshab started Sangat Sabha, Prarthana Samaj and Brahmo Samaj of India.
• Founder of Prarthana Sabha – Justice M.G. Ranade.
• Precepts of Jesus – Book written by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
Arya Samaj
• Founder – Swami Dayanand Saraswati in 1875.
• Sayings – ‘Go back to Vedas’ and ‘India for the Indians’.
• His book ‘Satyarth Prakash’ is a commentary on Veda and he also wrote Veda Bhashya
Bhumika and Veda Bhashya.
• A large number of educational institutions were established. E.g. Gurukulas, DAV school etc.
• Started Suddhi Movement – to convert non-Hindus to Hinduism.
• He is known as Luther of Hinduism.
• In 1866, started Dayanand Anglo Vedic College.
• Started newspaper, ‘Aryaprakash’.
Ramakrishna Mission
• Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1834 – 1886), born in village Kumarpukur in the Hoogly
village of Bengal.
• His early name ‘Shuddirama Gadhadhar Chatterjee’.
• Vivekananda (1861 – 1903) was the most famous disciple of Ramakrishna.
• Founder of Ramakrishna Mission – Swami Vivekananda (Narendra Dutta as his earlier name)
in 1897.
• Attended Parliament of Religions in Chicago on 11th September, 1893.
• In 1900, he was invited to the Congress.
• In 1899, the mission was shifted to Belur.
• Started two papers as - Prabudha Barat in English and Udbodhana.
• Also called as ‘Patriot Saint of India’ and ‘Cyclonic Hindu’.
• In 1898, Sister Nivedita, an Irish lady was initiated to Brahmacharya by Vivekananda.
Theosophical Society
• Founded by Madame Blavatsky and Col. H.S. Olcott in New York in 1875.
• Shifted his headquarters to Adayar near Madras in 1882.
• His philosophy was inspired by the Upanishads.
• Dr. Annie Besant, came to India in 1893.
• In 1898, she started Central Hindu School at Benaras.
• Later it became Benaras Hindu University under Madan Mohan Malavya in 1916.
• First woman President of INC in 1917.
• Started Home Rule League in 1916 with Dadabhai Naoroji as its President.
Young Bengal Movement
• Founder – Henry Vivian Derozio, teacher in Calcutta Hindu College.
• Derozians are his followers. They attacked old traditions and decadent customs.
• In 1828, Academic Association was initiated.
• Supported women’s education and their rights.
Deva Samaj
• Founder - Shiv Narayan Agnihotri at Lahore in 1887.
• Religion - Deva Shastra, Teaching – Devadharma.


• On 28th December 1885, Indian National Congress founded on premises of Gokuldas Tejpal
School in Mumbai.
• Presided by W.C.Banerjee and attended by 72 delegates.
• In INC, A.O.Hume played an instrumental role.
• The phases of INC are as follows:
• Moderate Phase (1885 – 1905)
➢ The position of INC was not clear during this phase.
➢ The movement was confined to the educated Indians.
➢ Dadabhai Naoroji was the most important among the leaders.
• Extremist Phase (1905 – 1919)
➢ Lala Lajpat Rai, Bala Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal were the leaders during this
➢ Swaraj government made the call of INC.
• Gandhian Phase (1919 – 1947)
➢ Dominated by the objective of Purna Swaraj.
➢ Dynamic leadership of Gandhi with unique method of non-violence.


Khilafat Movement
• The main cause was the defeat of Turkey in the First World War.
• The whole movement was based on Muslims.
• Muslims are India had been upset over British against Turkey.
• Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, M.A. Ansari and Ali brothers were important leaders.
• The Khilafat Committee had been formed on 19th October 1919.
• Mahatma Gandhi was interested in bringing Hindus and Muslims together.
Non-Cooperation movement
• Under the leadership of Gandhi, INC launched its first innovative protest, Non-Cooperation
movement on 1st August, 1920.
• British courts, offices and all kinds of government run organizations were boycotted.
Quit India Movement
• Also called as August Movement.
• Launched on 8th August, 1942.
• Result of Gandhi’s protest against the return of Sir Stafford Cripps.
• He gave the slogan “Do or Die”.


Rowlett Act (March 1919)
• As per this act, on the basis of suspicion any person could be arrested.
• No petition could be filed against such arrests.
• This act was called as ‘Black Act’.
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13th April, 1919)
• During the harvest festival, a public meeting was organized in the garden to support
• General Dyer marched in and opened fire on the crowd without any warning.
• 379 people were killed and 1137 injured in the incident.
Swaraj Party (Jan 1923)
• Suspension of Non-cooperation movement split within Congress in the Gaya session in
December 1922.
• Nehru and Chittranjan Das formed a group on 1st January known as Swaraj Party.
Simon Commission (Nov, 1927)
• Sir John Simon was appointed as the Chairman by Government of India Act of 1919.
• All seven members were Englishmen, there was no Indian.
• Lala Lajpat Rai was seriously injured during police lathi charge on 30th October, 1928.
• After one month he passed away.
Poona Act (1932)
• Agreement upon a joint electorate between untouchables and the Hindus.
• Took place at Yerawada jail in Pune on 24th September, 1932.
Cripps Mission (1942)
• Indian Cooperation sent Sir Stafford Cripps to India on 23rd March, 1942.
• Major political parties of the country rejected Cripps proposals.
• “Postdated cheque” as Cripp’s proposals.
The Cabinet Mission (1946)
• Pethick Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and A.V. Alexander were three members of the British
cabinet sent to India on 15th March, 1946.
• Under historic announcement, self-determination and framing of a constitution for India
were conceded.
• It is known as ‘Cabinet Mission’.
Mount Batten Plan (1947)
• Prime Minister Atlee, announced the House of Commons on 20th February, 1947.
• British government transferred power to Indians in June 1948.
• Atlee sent Lord Mountbatten as Viceroy to India.
• Congress and Muslim League approved of him.
• Partition of the country into India and Pakistan came into effect from 15th August, 1947.


• Shaheed Bhagat Singh (1907 – 1931)
• Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948)
• Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 – 1964)
• Chandrasekhar Azad (1906 – 1931)
• Subhas Chandra Bose (1897 – 1945)
• Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1884 – 1963)
• Sardar Valla Bhai Patel (1875 – 1950)
• Lal Bahadur Shastri (1904 – 1966)
• Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856 – 1920)
• Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1886 – 1915)


• Indus Valley civilization is the oldest and the best civilization of the world.
• Vedas are the earliest documents of the human mind.
• Four Vedas – Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva Veda.
• Ramayana and Mahabharata are two popular ancient epics.
• Bhagavad Gita – Full of philosophical principles.
• Lord Buddha, addressed that happiness could be gained.
• Hinduism – large number of gods and goddesses besides the ten incarnations of Lord
• Guru Nanak Dev – Founder of Sikhism, preached simplicity, purity of life, and religious
• Astrology and Astronomy were popular.
• Aryabhatta – first major mathematician Astronomer.
• He calculated the time of solar eclipse more than 2000 years ago.
• C.V. Raman, Subramanian Chandrasekhar and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan are the Indian
Scientists who won Nobel prizes in the field of science.
• India has a rich literary heritage.
• Rich Regional literature.
• India- Linguistically diverse community.
• Sanskrit – Prakrit and Ardha Agahi were spoken by the masses.
• During the Mughal rule, Sanskrit was the court language.
• Urdu and Hindustani are common languages in North India.
• The division of society on the basis of caste system.
• Raja Rammohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati, Paramahamsa Dev, Swami Vivekananda,
Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru have contributed to Indian
• Expression of human thoughts and emotions.
• Based on the concept of ragas and tales.
• Two classical Music styles – Carnatic and Hindustani.
• Bhimsen Joshi, M.S. Subhalakshmi, Kishore Amonkar, Ustad Bismillah Khan, Ustad Zakir
Hussains are the Indian musicians who have gained popularity both in India and abroad.
• Unbroken tradition over 2000 years.
• Themes are derived from mythology, legends and classical literature.
• Two forms of dances – Folk and Classical dance.
• Based on Rasa, Bhava and Abhinaya.
• Five main Classical dances – Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Manipuri, Kathak and Odissi.

➢ Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India in 1498 AD.
➢ Battle of Plassey - 13th June 1757.
➢ Lord Dalhousie - introduced Doctrine of Lapse policy.
➢ Lord Wellesley – introduced Subsidiary Alliance Policy.
➢ Sati was abolished by Lord William Bentick in 1829.
➢ Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of Brahmo Samaj in 1828.
➢ Arya Samaj founded by Swami Dyayanand Saraswathi.
➢ Dr. Annie Besant came to India in 1893.
➢ Home Rule League started in 1916.
➢ Indian National Congress founded in 1885.
➢ Under the leadership of Gandhiji, Non-cooperation movement launched by INC on 1st
August 1920.
➢ Quit India Movement launched on 8th August 1942.
➢ In Jallian Walla Bagh tragedy 379 people were killed and 1137 were injured.
➢ Simon Commission – 1927 by Sir John Simon.
➢ India Got Independence – 15th August 1947.
➢ Ramayana and Mahabharata are the two great ancient epics.
➢ Arya Bhatta was the first astronomer in Independent India.



1. Satyashodhak Samaj whose main aim was to liberate the social Shudra and Untouchables
castes from exploitation and oppression was established by _____?
[A] Rajaram Mohan Rai
[B] Narayan Guru
[C] Mahatma Jyotirao Phule
[D] Lahuji Raghoji Salve
Correct Answer: C [Mahatma Jyotirao Phule]

2. Which of the following date signified attack on Pearl harbor by Japan?

[A] January 7, 1941
[B] December 20, 1941
[C] March 7, 1941
[D] December 7, 1941
Correct Answer: D [December 7, 1941]

3. In which year Nawab of Bengal Sirajuddaula, attacked British Factory in Calcutta?

[A] 1753
[B] 1756
[C] 1759
[D] 1760
Correct Answer: B [1756]

4. Which Governor of Madras presidency made treaty of Mangalore with Tipu ?

[A] Eyercoote
[B] Stephenson
[C] Wellesely
[D] Lord Macartany
Correct Answer: D [Lord Macartany]

5. Which among the following terms referred to Free Pass or Duty Free Trade?
[A] Parwana
[B] Nazarana
[C] Dustak
[D] Rahadari
Correct Answer: C [Dustak]

6. In which of the following wars, Rober Clive was one among the prisoners of war?
[A] Carnatic War I
[B] Carnatic War II
[C] Carnatic War III
[D] Seven Years War
Correct Answer: A [Carnatic War I]

7. Which among the following was capital of Independent state of Bengal?

[A] Dacca
[B] Murshidabad
[C] Alinagar
[D] Midnapore
Correct Answer: B [Murshidabad]
8. Who among the following is known to purchase Kashmir from the East India Company for a
payment of 7,500,000 rupees (75 lakh) and was granted the title Maharaja of Jammu and
Kashmir (by Treaty of Amritsar) ?
[A] Sher Singh
[B] Duleep singh
[C] Gulab Singh
[D] Lal Singh
Correct Answer: C [Gulab Singh]

9. In which of the following years the custom duties were completely waived for the trade for
East India Company?
[A] 1711
[B] 1715
[C] 1717
[D] 1720
Correct Answer: C [1717]

10. During British Era, East India Company had established botanical gardens at 4 locations as
centers for improving botanical knowledge and experimentation under the local Governments.
Which among the following is not among them ?
[A] Lucknow
[B] Poona
[C] Sibpur
[D] Madras
Correct Answer: A [Lucknow]

11. In which of the following years the custom duties were completely waived for the trade for
East India Company?
[A] 1711
[B] 1715
[C] 1717
[D] 1720
Correct Answer: C [1717]

12. During British Era, East India Company had established botanical gardens at 4 locations as
centers for improving botanical knowledge and experimentation under the local Governments.
Which among the following is not among them ?
[A] Lucknow
[B] Poona
[C] Sibpur
[D] Madras
Correct Answer: A [Lucknow]

13. Bhoodan Yojna which was a measure of gifting land by the rich landlords to the poor
laborers was initiated by whom among the following?
[A] Acharya Narendra Dev
[B] Acharya Vinoba Bhave
[C] Raj Naraina
[D] Medha patkar
Correct Answer: B [Acharya Vinoba Bhave]

14. Who among the following was the editor of Bengal Gazette or the Calcutta General
Advertiser , which was the first English language newspaper, and first printed newspaper, to be
published in the Indian sub-continent?
[A] Daniel Defoe
[B] Oliver Goldsmith
[C] James Augustus Hickey
[D] David Hume
Correct Answer: C [James Augustus Hickey]

15. Which of the following country was officially declared to be the world’s first atheist state
after world war II?
[A] Algeria
[B] Albania
[C] Croatia
[D] Slovenia
Correct Answer: B [Albania]

16. Founding Partner of which of the following companies of India became first Finance
Minister of Pakistan?
[A] Tata Motors
[B] Mahindra & Mahindra
[C] Larsen & Toubro
[D] Nicholas Piramal
Correct Answer: B [Mahindra & Mahindra]
Explanation: The company was established in Ludhiana in 1945 as Mahindra & Mohammed.
Ghulam Mohammed went to Pakistan and became first Finance Minister of that country.

17. Who among the following viceroys of India wrote a book ” Persia” ?
[A] Lord Elgin
[B] Lord Curzon
[C] Lord Minto
[D] Lord Irwin
Correct Answer: B [Lord Curzon]
18. At the time of Independence of India in 1947, what was women literacy ?
[A] 6%
[B] 8%
[C] 10%
[D] 15%
Correct Answer: B [8%]

19. Who was the first English President of Indian National Congress?
[A] William Wedderburn
[B] George Yule
[C] A O Hume
[D] Henery Cotton
Correct Answer: B [George Yule]

20. Which among the following is not correctly matched?

[A] First Sikh War – Lord Hardinge
[B] Second Sikh War – Lord Dalhousie
[C] Fourth Mysore war – Lord Wellesley
[D] Permanent settlement of Benga-Lord curzon
Correct Answer: D [Permanent settlement of Benga-Lord curzon]
Explanation: Permanent settlement of Bengal – (Lord Cornwallis)

21. Who among the following is known to organize a military force of Sikhs called Khalsa to
avenge the murder of his father thus establishing Khalsa Panth ?
[A] Guru Teg Bahadur
[B] Guru Gobind Singh
[C] Banda Bahadur
[D] Guru Arjun Dev
Correct Answer: B [Guru Gobind Singh]
Explanation: The 9th Guru of Sikhs and father of Guru Gobind Singh , Guru Teg Bahadur was
captured and executed by Aurangazeb in 1675 because he refused to embrace Islam. This made
Sikhs resent to the religious intolerance of Mughal . His son Guru Gobind Singh had raised this
military force organized his followers into the force called Khalsa.

22. In which year first fleet of Dutch reached in India?

[A] 1498
[B] 1510
[C] 1550
[D] 1595
Correct Answer: D [1595]

23. In which of the following sessions of Indian National Congress , our national anthem was
first sung 27 December 1911 ?
[A] Lahore
[B] Calcutta
[C] Delhi
[D] Surat
Correct Answer: B [Calcutta]
24. In which of the following months do India and Pakistan exchange their nuke installation lists
every year?
[A] January
[B] February
[C] March
[D] April
Correct Answer: A [January]
25. Which of the following country’s government is known to impose Policy of Apartheid
between 1948 and 1994 which curtailed rights of the black inhabitants and maintained rights of
[A] Australia
[B] New Zea Land
[C] South Africa
[D] United States
Correct Answer: C [South Africa]

26. Which among the following acts of United states is known to be prohibiting discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well
as some public places?
[A] Civil Rights Act of 1871
[B] Civil Rights Act of 1960
[C] Civil Rights Act of 1964
[D] Civil Rights Act of 1968
Correct Answer: C [Civil Rights Act of 1964]

27. Which among the following is the highest civilian bravery award?
[A] Bharat Ratna
[B] Paramvir Chakra
[C] Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak
[D] Jeevan Raksha Padak
Correct Answer: C [Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak]

28. The first Industrial Revolution took place in?

[A] England
[C] France
[D] Germany
Correct Answer: A [England]

29. Who was India’s first I.C.S. Officer?

[A] Satyendra Nath Tagore
[B] Sukumar Sen
[C] Uday Singh
[D] Annada Shankar Ray
Correct Answer: A [Satyendra Nath Tagore]

30. In which year unity of Germany became a reality?

[A] 1870
[B] 1871
[C] 1875
[D] 1880
Correct Answer: B [1871]
Explanation: On 18 Jan 1871, the King of Prussia was crowned the German emperor of

31. Who among the following is the first Indian to win a Hoover Prize?
[A] Atal Bihari Vajpayee
[B] APJ Abdul Kalam
[C] Man Mohan Singh
[D] Sonia Gandhi
Correct Answer: B [APJ Abdul Kalam]
32. Which among the following date in world history is known as D-day, a date also known as of
Operation Neptune and Operation Overlord?
[A] 3 March 1943
[B] 6 March 1943
[C] 6 June 1944
[D] 6 June 1945
Correct Answer: C [6 June 1944]

33. Who among the following are known to colonize an island first of all?
[A] Britishers
[B] French
[C] Portuguese
[D] Dutch
Correct Answer: C [Portuguese]

34. Till which year Calcutta was capital of India?

[A] 1912
[B] 1913
[C] 1914
[D] 1915
Correct Answer: A [1912]
Explanation: in this year the capital of British India was transferred to Delhi

35. In which century maximum investment was made by the British in Core & Infrastructure
sector in India?
[A] 17th century
[B] 18th century
[C] 19th century
[D] 20th century
Correct Answer: C [19th century]

36. The main objective of British developing India Railway system was to facilitate the traffic
[A] Source of raw material and export centers
[B] Source of raw material and ports
[C] Source of raw material and production centers
[D] Source of raw material and markets
Correct Answer: C [Source of raw material and production centers]

37. Who among the following Governor General of India is famous for Sati Reforms &
suppression of human sacrifice?
[A] Lord William Bentinck
[B] Lord Curzon
[C] Lord Rippon
[D] Lord Ellenborough
Correct Answer: A [Lord William Bentinck]

38. Who among the following established Ramakrishna Mission?

[A] Swami Vivekananda
[B] Swami Ashokananda
[C] Swami Nityaswarupananda
[D] Swami Kirtidananda
Correct Answer: A [Swami Vivekananda]

39. Kemal Ataturk is known as founder and builder of Modern_______?

[A] Turkey
[B] Georgia
[C] Syria
[D] Kuwait
Correct Answer: A [Turkey]

40. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India by Dadabhai Naoroji, was the original classic work on
poverty in India. In which year this work was published?
[A] 1900
[B] 1901
[C] 1903
[D] 1905
Correct Answer: B [1901]

41. In which year Treaty of Amritsar was signed between Ranjit Singh and East India Company?
[A] 1800
[B] 1803
[C] 1806
[D] 1809
Correct Answer: D [1809]

42. During the end of which of the Mughal rulers the Mughal empire faced the problem of
jagirdari crisis?
[A] Humayun
[B] Akbar
[C] Jahanagir
[D] Aurangzeb
Hide Answer
Correct Answer: D [Aurangzeb]

43. In which year split in All India Trade Union Congress took place?
[A] 1920
[B] 1925
[C] 1929
[D] 1935
Correct Answer: C [1929]

44. Who among the following is known to oppose the Age of consent bill?
[A] Behramji Malabari
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C] Mahatma Gandhi
[D] Bipin Chandra Pal
Correct Answer: B [Bal Gangadhar Tilak]

45. For which of the following commodities, the Dutch wanted to barter cotton piece goods in
the Indonesian Archipelago?
[A] Tobacco
[B] Rice
[C] Pepper and Spices
[D] Silk
Correct Answer: C [Pepper and Spices]

46. The dual government of Bengal was result of a farman in 1765 by which of the following?
[A] British
[B] Shah Alam
[C] Nawab Sirajuddaula
[D] Raja Khan
Correct Answer: B [Shah Alam]

47. Who among the following introduced the modern concept of rule in India?
[A] Mughal
[B] British
[C] Portuguese
[D] French
Correct Answer: B [British]

48. During which of the following period the Bharat Ratna awards were discontinued?
[A] 1958-61
[B] 1963-66
[C] 1977-80
[D] 1997-2005
Correct Answer: C [1977-80]
49. Which among the following is oldest?
[A] Border security force
[B] Central Reserve Police Force
[C] Assam Rifles
[D] National Security Guards
Correct Answer: C [Assam Rifles]

50. Which among the following does not correctly denotes the headquarters of Indian
Army’s Operational Command?
[A] Eastern Command – Kolkata
[B] Western Command – Chandimandir
[C] Northern Command – Udhampur
[D] Southern Command – Chennai
Correct Answer: D [Southern Command – Chennai]
Explanation: Southern Command has its headquarters in Pune.

51. Kemal Ataturk is known as founder and builder of Modern_______?

[A] Turkey
[B] Georgia
[C] Syria
[D] Kuwait
Correct Answer: A [Turkey]

52. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India by Dadabhai Naoroji, was the original classic work on
poverty in India. In which year this work was published?
[A] 1900
[B] 1901
[C] 1903
[D] 1905
Correct Answer: B [1901]

53. In which year Treaty of Amritsar was signed between Ranjit Singh and East India Company?
[A] 1800
[B] 1803
[C] 1806
[D] 1809
Correct Answer: D [1809]

54. During the end of which of the Mughal rulers the Mughal empire faced the problem of
jagirdari crisis?
[A] Humayun
[B] Akbar
[C] Jahanagir
[D] Aurangzeb
Correct Answer: D [Aurangzeb]
55. In which year split in All India Trade Union Congress took place?
[A] 1920
[B] 1925
[C] 1929
[D] 1935
Correct Answer: C [1929]

56. Who among the following is known to oppose the Age of consent bill?
[A] Behramji Malabari
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C] Mahatma Gandhi
[D] Bipin Chandra Pal
Correct Answer: B [Bal Gangadhar Tilak]

57. For which of the following commodities, the Dutch wanted to barter cotton piece goods in
the Indonesian Archipelago?
[A] Tobacco
[B] Rice
[C] Pepper and Spices
[D] Silk
Correct Answer: C [Pepper and Spices]

58. The dual government of Bengal was result of a farman in 1765 by which of the following?
[A] British
[B] Shah Alam
[C] Nawab Sirajuddaula
[D] Raja Khan
Correct Answer: B [Shah Alam]
59. Who among the following introduced the modern concept of rule in India?
[A] Mughal
[B] British
[C] Portuguese
[D] French
Correct Answer: B [British]

60. During which of the following period the Bharat Ratna awards were discontinued?
[A] 1958-61
[B] 1963-66
[C] 1977-80
[D] 1997-2005
Correct Answer: C [1977-80]

61. Which among the following is oldest?

[A] Border security force
[B] Central Reserve Police Force
[C] Assam Rifles
[D] National Security Guards
Correct Answer: C [Assam Rifles]

62. Which among the following does not correctly denotes the headquarters of Indian
Army’s Operational Command?
[A] Eastern Command – Kolkata
[B] Western Command – Chandimandir
[C] Northern Command – Udhampur
[D] Southern Command – Chennai
Correct Answer: D [Southern Command – Chennai]
Explanation: Southern Command has its headquarters in Pune
63. The MIG series of Super fighters have come to India from which of the following ________ ?
[A] Russia
[C] UK
[D] France
Correct Answer: A [Russia]

64. During the world war II which among the following was not a major Axis Power?
[A] Germany
[B] Japan
[C] Hungary
[D] France
Correct Answer: D [France]

65. In which year Calcutta Flag designed by Sachindra Prasad Bose unfurled in Calcutta?
[A] 1904
[B] 1905
[C] 1906
[D] 1907
Correct Answer: C [1906]

66. Which among the following in Goa houses the mortal remains of St. Francis Xavier?
[A] Se Cathedral
[B] Basilica of Bom Jesus
[C] Church of St. Anne
[D] S. Caetano
Correct Answer: B [Basilica of Bom Jesus]
67. In which of the following states of India, the earliest settlements of Jews are found
[A] Kerala
[B] Tamil nadu
[C] Punjab
[D] Haryana
Correct Answer: A [Kerala]

68. Which year is known for India’s Smiling Buddha?

[A] 1970
[B] 1972
[C] 1974
[D] 1975
Correct Answer: C [1974]

69. Seventeen Point Agreement” was a turning point in the history of which of the following
neighbors of India?
[A] Bhutan
[B] Bangaldesh
[C] Nepal
[D] Tibet
Correct Answer: D [Tibet]

70. During whose era the Agra Canal was finished?

[A] Akbar
[B] Jahangir
[C] Bahadurshah Jafar
[D] Birtish period
Correct Answer: D [Birtish period]
71. Who among the following is given credit of starting agitation for political reforms ?
[A] Tantia Tope
[B] Kunwar singh
[C] Nan Sahib
[D] Raja Rammohan Roy
Correct Answer: D [Raja Rammohan Roy]

72. Which of the following Union Territory of India was occupied by Japan during World War II?
[A] Lakshadweep
[B] Goa, Daman & Diu
[C] Pondicherry Union
[D] Andaman & Nocobar Islands
Correct Answer: D [Andaman & Nocobar Islands]

73. Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) was established in May, 1972 by the
Department of Culture, Govt. of India to spread library services all over the country in
cooperation with State Governments, Union Territory Administrations and Organization
working in the field. Where are the headquarters of Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation?
[A] Kolkata
[B] Mumbai
[C] Madras
[D] Hyderabad
Correct Answer: A [Kolkata]

74. Tilak Swarajya Fund was started to finance which of the following movements?
[A] Civil Disobedience Movement
[B] Non-Cooperation Movement
[C] Champaran Satyagraha
[D] Rowlatt Satyagraha
Correct Answer: B [Non-Cooperation Movement]
75. In which of the following sessions Mahatma Gandhi became president of INC?
[A] Delhi
[B] Gaya
[C] Belgaum
[D] Lucknow
Correct Answer: C [Belgaum]

76. In which year a British Committee of INC was founded?

[A] 1885
[B] 1887
[C] 1889
[D] 1891
Correct Answer: C [1889]

77. Which of the following is related to Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit pathshala?

[A] First Meeting of Indian National Congress
[B] Second Session of Indian National Congress
[C] First fast of Gandhi Ji
[D] First Ashram of Gandhi Ji
Correct Answer: A [First Meeting of Indian National Congress]
Explanation: The First meeting of the INC was organized by A 0 Hume at Gokaldas Tejpal
Sanskrit College on 28thDecember 1885 (Bombay). Its first President was W C Bonnerjee. It was
the first organized expression of the Indian National movement on an all-India scale.
78. Which among the following formulated a Dominion Status Constitution for India?
[A] Fourteen Points of Jinnah
[B] Nehru Report
[C] Butler Report
[D] Simon commission
Correct Answer: B [Nehru Report]
79. Who among the following were the most vocal opponents of Ilbert Bill?
[A] Zamindars of Bengal & Bihar
[B] Advocates and legal practitioners of Kolkata
[C] British tea and indigo plantation owners in Bengal
[D] British Army Officials
Correct Answer: C [British tea and indigo plantation owners in Bengal]

80. In which of the following sessions Indian National Congress was split between two groups
moderates and extremists?
[A] Surat
[B] Lucknow
[C] Delhi
[D] Bombay
Correct Answer: A [Surat]
Explanation: Surat Split 1907. please note this session was originally planned for Nagpur

81. Who among the following chaired a committee of the All Parties Conference, which
presented Nehru Report in 1928?
[A] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[B] Moti Lal Nehru
[C] Bhim Rao Ambedkar
[D] Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Correct Answer: B [Moti Lal Nehru]

82. Who among the following gave communal award?

[A] Ramsay Macdonald
[B] S Baldwin
[C] Llyod George
[D] Winston Churchill
Correct Answer: A [Ramsay Macdonald]
Explanation: The Communal Award was announced by the British Prime Minister Ramsay
Macdonald in August 1932 to grant separate electorates to minority communities, including
Muslims, Sikhs, and Dalit

83. Collection of land revenue through Zamindars on behalf of the east India Company was
called as __?
[A] Land Reforms
[B] Jageerdari
[C] Permanent settlement
[D] Ryotwari
Correct Answer: C [Permanent settlement]
84. May 11, 1857 is known for which of the following incidence in Indian History?
[A] The 3rd Light Cavalry of the British East India Company’s army rebels against its British
officers, thus beginning the rebellion
[B] Indian combatants capture Delhi from the East India Company
[C] Three universities are established in British India.
[D] Execution of Mangal pandey
Correct Answer: B [Indian combatants capture Delhi from the East India Company]

85. Headquarters of “Anusheelan Samiti” is located at:

[A] Mumbai
[B] Pune
[C] Kolkata
[D] Varnasi
Correct Answer: C [Kolkata]
86. Consider the following incidences:
1. Foundation of Muslim league
2. Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre
3. Khilafat Movement
4. Civil Disobedience Movement
Arrange the above in Correct Chronological order:
[A] 1,2,3,4
[B] 1,3,2,4
[C] 2,1,3,4
[D] 2,4,1,3
Correct Answer: A [1,2,3,4]
Muslim league 1906,
Jallianwallla Bagh 13.4.1919,
Khilafat Movement 1919-1924,
Civil Disobedience 1930

87. Which among the following universities were not set up under Sadler Commission of 1917?
1. Patna University
2. Osmania University
3. Aligarh Muslim University
[A] 1 only
[B] 2 only
[C] 1 & 2 only
[D] 1, 2, 3 all were set up under Sadler Commission of 1917
Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3 all were set up under Sadler Commission of 1917]

88. In which year General committee of Public Instruction was replaced by a Council of
[A] 1836
[B] 1841
[C] 1856
[D] 1878
Correct Answer: B [1841]

89. Who among the following made English the court language replacing the Persian Language?
[A] Lord Macaulay
[B] Lord Bentick
[C] Charles Wood
[D] Lord Curzon
Correct Answer: B [Lord Bentick]

90. Consider the following statements:

1. The charter act of 1813 allowed the Christian missionaries to spread their religious ideas
in India.
2. The East India Company , for the first time acknowledged the state responsibility for
promotion of Education India
Which among the above statements are correct ?
[A] 1 only
[B] 2 only
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]

91. Which among the following suspended the Non cooperation movement?
[A] Jallianwala Bagh Incident
[B] Chauri Chaura Incident
[C] Peterloo massacre of 1819,
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Chauri Chaura Incident]

92. During tenure of which of the following all high Indian officials were dismissed and all posts
worth more than £500 a year were reserved for Europeans?
[A] Lord Dalhousie
[B] Lord Curzon
[C] Lord Wellesley
[D] Lord Cornwallis
Correct Answer: D [Lord Cornwallis]
Explanation: He is known for beginning of Indian Civil Service and Europeanization of Higher

93. In which year First Roundtable conference on Kashmir was held in New Delhi ?
[A] 2002
[B] 2004
[C] 2005
[D] 2006
Correct Answer: D [2006]
Explanation: The first-round table conference on Kashmir was held on 25th May 2006 under
prime minister man Mohan Singh.
94. Which of the following administers Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International
Understanding, instituted by Government of India?
[A] Indian Council of Social Science Research
[B] Indian Council for Cultural Relations
[C] Jawahar Lal Nehru University
[D] Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Correct Answer: B [Indian Council for Cultural Relations]
95. In which of the following gives International Gandhi Award?
[A] Government of India
[B] Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation
[C] United nations
[D] Gandhi Foundation
Correct Answer: B [Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation]
Explanation: To commemorate Mahatma Gandhi’s service and scientific approach to leprosy, in
1986 the Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation instituted the International Gandhi Award

96. The battle of Aliwal was fought between which of the following?
[A] English and Marathas
[B] English and Nawab of Awadh
[C] English and Sikhs
[D] English and Tipu Sultan
Correct Answer: C [English and Sikhs]

97. My Country My Life” is an autobiography of which of the following leaders?

[A] Dr. R venkatramanan
[B] Lal Krishna Advani
[C] AB Vajpayee
[D] APJ Abdul Kalam
Correct Answer: B [Lal Krishna Advani]

98. In which year Government of India launched the International Gandhi Peace Prize ?
[A] 1990
[B] 1992
[C] 1995
[D] 1996
Correct Answer: C [1995]
Explanation: 1995 on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

99. Pingali Venkaya is related to which of the following?

[A] Indian Army
[B] India’s National Flag
[C] India’s National Anthem
[D] India’s Constitution
Correct Answer: B [India’s National Flag]
Explanation: Tricolor flag was first accepted by Indian National Congress in 1931. It had charkha
in the center of the white band which was later replaced by Wheel taken from Sarnath
Asoka pillar. The design of the national flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India
on 22 July 1947. In the constituent assembly, Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the head of the Ad hoc
committee on National Flag. The flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya.

100. Which among the following is not a Book By Jawahar Lal Nehru?
[A] The Question of Language
[B] Where are we?
[C] The Unity of India
[D] Freedom in Exile
Correct Answer: D [Freedom in Exile]
Explanation: Freedom in Exile is an autobiography of Dalai Lama

101. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement with respect to Surendranath Banerjee?
[A] He was co-founder of Indian National Association
[B] He was founder of Ripon College in Kolkata
[C] He is known to have evolved National Consciousness as a formal concept
[D] He co-founded Sadharan Brahmo Samaj with Anandmohan Bose
Correct Answer: D [ He co-founded Sadharan Brahmo Samaj with Anandmohan Bose]
Explanation: The fourth statement is not correct. Banarejee had co-founded Indian National
Association with Anandmohan Bose but was not related to Sadharan Brahmo Samaj which was
created by Bose along with Shibnath Shastri, Sib Chandra Deb, Umesh Chandra Dutta etc.

102.The Cartaz system with reference to naval trade was used by which of the following?
[A] Dutch
[B] French
[C] English
[D] Portuguese
Correct Answer: D [ Portuguese]
Explanation: Cartaz system referred to a naval trade license or pass issued by the Portuguese in
Indian ocean during the sixteenth century. A similar system used by British was navicert system
in 20th century.

103. In 1835 the Cacher Levy with about 750 men was raised to counter the tribal raids. It is
known with which of the following names today?
[A] Central Reserve Police Force
[B] Rajputana Rifles
[C] Assam Rifles
[D] National Security Guards
Correct Answer: C [Assam Rifles]

104. In the wake of the Chinese aggression in 1962, which of the following squadron was
formed to strengthen our supply lines to the Army in the Northern Sector encompassing J&K;
and Ladakh regions?
[A] 25 Squadron (Himalayan Eagles)
[B] No 44 Squadron (Mighty Jets)
[C] No. 43 Squadron (Nabhasa Jivan Dhara)
[D] 41 Squadron (Otters)
Correct Answer: A [25 Squadron (Himalayan Eagles)]

105. Demand for Pakistan was raised by Mohammed Ali Jinnah in which of the following years?
[A] 1938
[B] 1940
[C] 1942
[D] 1944
Correct Answer: B [1940]
Explanation: In 1940 at Lahore Session of Muslim League Demand for Pakistan was raised by
Mohammed Ali Jinnah

106. At which of the following places held was held the All India Khilafat Conference in 1919?
[A] Lahore
[B] Mumbai
[C] Delhi
[D] Dhaka
Correct Answer: C [Delhi]

107. Which among the following event is related to Attack on Lord Hardinge?
[A] Ghadar Conspiracy
[B] Hindu German Conspiracy
[C] Delhi Conspiracy
[D] Silk Letter Conspiracy
Correct Answer: C [Delhi Conspiracy]
108. Which of the following revolutionaries has written Bandi Jeevan?
[A] Chandra Shekhar Azad
[B] Sachindra Nath Sanyal
[C] Ras Behari Bose
[D] Bhagat Singh
Correct Answer: B [Sachindra Nath Sanyal]

109. Which among the following is not correctly matched?

[A] Khond Uprising : Chakra Bisoi
[B] Khonda Dora Campaign : Korra Mallaya
[C] Bhuyan & Juang Rebellion : ratna patnayak
[D] All are correctly matched
Correct Answer: D [All are correctly matched]

110. Which among the following state is related to Moplah Rebellion?

[A] Kashmir
[B] Kerala
[C] Orissa
[D] Assam
Correct Answer: B [Kerala]
Explanation: The Moplah Rebellion or the Malabar Rebellion was an extended version of the
Khilafat Movement in Kerala in 1921. The Government had declared the Congress and Khilafat
meetings illegal. So, a reaction in Kerala began against the crackdown of the British in Eranad
and Valluvanad taluks of Malabar. But the Khilafat meeting incited so much communal feelings
among the Muslims peasants , known as Moplahs, that it turned out to become an antihindu
movement from July 1921 onwards. The violence began and the Moplahs attacked the police
stations and took control of them. They also seized the courts, and the government treasuries.
It became a communal riot when the kudiyaan or tenant Moplahs attacked their
Hindu jenmis or landlords and killed many of them. Thus the Hindu Landlords became the
victims of the atrocities of the Moplahs.

112. Who among the following was the founder of Bihar Vidyapeeth?
[A] Abdul kalam Azad
[B] Dr. Rajendra Prasad
[C] Lok Manya Tilak
[D] JB Kriplani
Correct Answer: B [Dr. Rajendra Prasad]
Explanation: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Established Bihar Vidyapeeth with Mahatma Gandhi and
Maulana Majharul Haq in 1921

113. Boycott of British Goods is related to which of the following?

[A] Swadeshi Movement
[B] Quit India Movement
[C] Non Cooperative Movement
[D] Home Rule Movement
Correct Answer: A [Swadeshi Movement]

114. Which among Mountbatten plan, CR Formula, Wavell Plan and Cabinet Mission is
chronologically earliest?
[A] CR Formula
[B] Wavell Plan
[C] Cabinet mission
[D] Mountbatten Plan
Correct Answer: A [CR Formula]
CR Formula-1944
Wavell Plan-1945
Cabinet mission-1946
Mountbatten Plan-1947

115. In which year the first nationwide non cooperation movement was launched in India?
[A] 1910
[B] 1915
[C] 1920
[D] 1925
Correct Answer: C [1920]
116. Who among the following founded “National Herald”?
[A] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[B] Mahatma Gandhi
[C] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[D] Indira Gandhi
Correct Answer: C [Jawahar Lal Nehru]

117. Great Game’ is a term used for the strategic rivalry and conflict between which of the
following ?
[A] British Empire and Russian Empire
[B] British Empire and French Empire
[C] British Empire and Portuguese Empire
[D] British Empire and Chinese Empire
Correct Answer: A [British Empire and Russian Empire]

118. Which among the following is not correct about C. R. Formula given by C Rajgopalachari?
[A] It favored talks with Jinnah and the Muslim League
[B] It plebiscite among Muslims weather they should form a separate state
[C] It formed the basis of the 1944 Gandhi-Jinnah talks
[D] All are correct
Correct Answer: D [All are correct]
Explanation: Objective of the C R Formula was to solve the political deadlock between the All
India Muslim League and Indian National Congress. League’s position was that the Muslims and
Hindus of British India were of two separate nations and hence the Muslims had the right to
their own nation. The Congress was opposed to the idea of partitioning India. The Core
principle of the CR Formula was a proposal for the Congress to offer the League the Muslim
Pakistan based on plebiscite of all the peoples in the regions where Muslims made a majority.

119. Which of the following movement was started to support Muslim resentment against
ottoman Empire Policy of British?
[A] Moplah Riots
[B] Khilafat Movement
[C] Reshmi Rumal Movement
[D] Ghadar Conspiracy
Correct Answer: B [Khilafat Movement]
Explanation: The Khilafat Movement (1919-20 ) was essentially a movement to express Muslim
support for the Caliph of Turkey against the allied powers particularly Britain.

120. Which among the following is not correct about VD savarkar?

[A] He is considered a central figure in the Hindu nationalist Movement
[B] He supported and took part in the Quit India struggle in 1942
[C] He founded a revolutionary organization called Mitra Mela
[D] He was one of those accused in the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
Correct Answer: B [He supported and took part in the Quit India struggle in 1942]
Explanation: Serving as the president of the Hindu Mahasabha, Savarkar endorsed the ideal of
India as a Hindu Rashtra and controversially opposed the Quit India struggle in 1942

121. Which among the following statements is not correct?

[A] Phoenix Ashram was founded by Mahatma Gandhi
[B] Life Divine is a work of Aurobindo Ghosh
[C] in 1765 British acquired the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
[D] All are correct
Correct Answer: D [All are correct]

122. Bring out the wrong statements?

[A] Leo Tolstoy was one of the people who influenced Gandhi Ji very Much
[B] Religious and socials reforms contributed a lot to develop nationalism in India
[C] The main purpose of Crips Mission was to form constituent assembly
[D] All are correct
Correct Answer: D [All are correct]

123. Bring out the Incorrect Statements?

[A] Purna Swarajya Resolution was adopted by INC in Lahore Session
[B] Gopal Krishna Gokhle was founder of ‘Servants of India Society”
[C] The Chittagong Armory raid and temporary capture of port town were organized under
Surya Sen
[D] All are correct
Correct Answer: D [All are correct]

124. ‘Yudh Abhyas is a millitary exercise between:

[A] India – UK
[B] India – USA
[C] India – Russia
[D] India – Israel
Correct Answer: B [India – USA]

125. Which among the following is the leaders of China’s socio-political programs ‘Great Leap
Forward’ and the ‘Cultural Revolution’?
[A] Zeng Qinghong
[B] Wang Zuo
[C] Mao Zemin
[D] Mao Zedong
Correct Answer: D [Mao Zedong]

126. Which among the following sentences is not correct?

[A] British army was defeated in the first Anglo-Maratha War
[B] The Second Anglo-Mysore War was concluded by Treaty of Wadgaon
[C] Hyder Ali Died in the Second Anglo-Mysore war
[D] Third Anglo Mysore war led to the Treaty of Seringpatnam
Correct Answer: B [The Second Anglo-Mysore War was concluded by Treaty of Wadgaon]
Explanation: The Second Anglo-Mysore War was concluded by Treaty of Mangalore

127. For how many times Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize ?
[A] 3
[B] 4
[C] 5
[D] He never nominated
Correct Answer: C [5]
Explanation: Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times between
1937 and 1948 but never received the prize, being assassinated on 30 January 1948 two days
before the closing date for the 1948 Peace Prize nominations.

128. Who was the first recipient of Dada Saheb Phalke Award?
[A] Prithviraj kapoor
[B] Raj kapoor
[C] Devika Rani
[D] Guru Dutt
Correct Answer: C [Devika Rani]

129. Which among the following is not a work of Rabindranath Tagore?

[A] The Gardner
[B] Gitanjali
[C] King of Dark Chamber
[D] All of the above are works of Rabindranath Tagore
Correct Answer: D [All of the above are works of Rabindranath Tagore]

130. Lord Clement Atlee was prime minister of England at which of the following events?
[A] Simon Commission
[B] Government of India Act 1935
[C] Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre
[D] India’s Independence
Correct Answer: D [India’s Independence]

131.” Hindus and Muslims form one nation in India. They are two eyes of India; Injure one and
you injure the other” whose thoughts were these?
[A] Mahatma Gandhi
[B] Mohammed Iqbal
[C] Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan
[D] Jinnah
Correct Answer: C [Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan]

132. In which of the following states the influence of the ” Ahrar movement (1931)” was mostly
confined to ?
[A] Punjab
[B] Sindh
[C] Bengal
[D] Madras
Correct Answer: A [Punjab]

133. Who among the following imposed Press censorship?

[A] Lord William Bentinck
[B] Lord Curzon
[C] Lord Wellesley
[D] Lord Rippon
Correct Answer: C [Lord Wellesley]
Explanation: In 1799 Lord Wellesley promulgated the Press Regulations, which had the effect of
imposing pre-censorship on an infant newspaper publishing industry.

134. Sarda Act which was sponsored by Harbilas Sarda to the British India Legislature in India
was passed on 28 September 1929. This act was to prevent which of the following malice in
Indian Society ?
[A] Sati System
[B] Child marriage
[C] Dowry System
[D] Widow remarriage
Correct Answer: B [Child marriage]

135. Year 1674 AD marks which of the following important events of life of Shivaji ?
[A] Shivaji’s Coronation
[B] Treaty of Purander
[C] Battle of surat
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [Shivaji’s Coronation]
Explanation: Shivaji was formally crowned Chhatrapati (meaning lord of the umbrella, the
umbrella being an important symbol of royalty), on June 6, 1674 at Raigad fort, and given the
title Kshatriya Kulavantas Sinhasanadheeshwar Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

136. Who was prime Minister of England when Simon Commission came to India to review the
working of Government of India Act 1919?
[A] Stanley Baldwin
[B] David Lloyd Georg
[C] Ramsay MacDonald
[D] Minto
Correct Answer: A [Stanley Baldwin]

137. Who among the following was a member of Simon Commission who subsequently
became the British Prime Minister and later was to oversee the granting of independence to
India & Pakistan in 1947?
[A] Winston Churchill
[B] Neville Chamberlain
[C] Clement Attlee
[D] Lord Mountbatten
Correct Answer: C [Clement Attlee]

138. Adi Granth” was compiled by which of the following Sikh Guru’s in India?
[A] Guru Amardas
[B] Guru Arjun Dev
[C] Guru Ram das
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Guru Arjun Dev]
139. Who among the following was Commander-in-Chief, India, between 1902 and 1909 noted
for large-scale reforms, the greatest of which was the merger of the three armies of the
Presidencies into a unified force?
[A] Sir Charles Monro
[B] Lord Kitchener
[C] Beauchamp Duff
[D] Canning
Correct Answer: B [Lord Kitchener]
Explanation: Lord Kitchener, also known for Reconstruction of the disorganized Indian Army
against the wishes of the viceroy Lord Curzon.

140. Indian National Congress was founded during whose term among the following in 1885?
[A] Lord Canning
[B] Lord Dufferin
[C] Lord Curzon
[D] Lord Bentick
Correct Answer: B [Lord Dufferin]

141. Which among the following is Not true about C. Rajagopalachari?

[A] He served as Last Governor-General of India
[B] He served as the Premier of the Bombay Presidency
[C] He founded swatantra party
[D] All are correct
Correct Answer: B [He served as the Premier of the Bombay Presidency]
Explanation: He served as Premier of Madras presidency and Governor of West Bengal.

142. Which among the following is NOT correctly matched?

[A] 1929 : Bhagat Singh Threw Bomb at Central Assembly House
[B] 1930: Simon Commission came to India
[C] 1931: Second Round table Conference
[D] All are correct
Correct Answer: B [1930: Simon Commission came to India]
Explanation: Simon commission came to India in 1928

143. Who among the following is related to” Servants of India Society”?
[A] Gopal Krishna Gokhle
[B] Dadabhai Nauroji
[C] Raja Ram Mohan roy
[D] Mahatma Gandhi
Correct Answer: A [Gopal Krishna Gokhle]
Explanation: Servants of India Society was founded in 1915 by Gopal Krishna Gokhale to build a
dedicated group of people for social service and reforms. In the field of famine relief, union
organisation, cooperatives and uplift of tribals and depressed, the Society did commendable

144. Which of the following policy was launched in 1992 just after the end of the cold war,
following the collapse of the Soviet Union?
[A] Economic Liberalization
[B] Look East Policy
[C] National Population Policy
[D] National Policy on Education
Correct Answer: B [Look East Policy]
Explanation: India’s Look East Policy was for the first time pursued by Narsimharao
Government in 1992. Under this policy, India focused its attention toward South-East Asia,
which was long neglected during the Cold war period. This policy was further cemented by
successive prime ministers and now converted into “Act East Policy” by the current
145. Where did Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose established provisional Government of Free India
[A] Singapore
[B] Rangoon
[C] Malaysia
[D] Germany
Correct Answer: A [Singapore]
Explanation: On 21st October 1943, Subhash set up the Provisional Government of Free India in

146. Vinoba Bhave was the first person to offer satyagraha. In which year he offered individual
[A] 1939
[B] 1940
[C] 1941
[D] 1942
Correct Answer: B [1940]
Explanation: The Congress was in a confused state again after the August Offer. The radicals
and leftists wanted to launch a mass Civil Disobedience Movement, but here Gandhi insisted on
Individual Satyagraha. The Individual Satyagraha was not to seek independence but to affirm
the right of speech.
• The other reason of this Satyagraha was that a mass movement may turn violent and he
would not like to see the Great Britain embarrassed by such a situation. This view was
conveyed to Lord Linlithgow by Gandhi when he met him on September 27, 1940.
The non-violence was set as the centerpiece of Individual Satyagraha. This was done by
carefully selecting the Satyagrahis.
• The first Satyagrahi selected was Acharya Vinoba Bhave, who was sent to Jail when he spoke
against the war.
• Second Satyagrahi was Jawahar Lal Nehru.
• Third was Brahma Datt, one of the inmates of the Gandhi’s Ashram.
They all were sent to jails for violating the Defense of India Act. This was followed by a lot of
other people. But since it was not a mass movement, it attracted little enthusiasm and in
December 1940, Gandhi suspended the movement. The campaign started again in January
1941, this time, thousands of people joined and around 20 thousand people were arrested.

147. Who among the following is / are credited for founding of the Indian National Congress?
[A] A.O. Hume
[B] A.O. Hume and Dinshaw Edulji Wacha
[C] Dadabhai Nauroji, A.O. Hume and Dinshaw Edulji Wacha
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: C [Dadabhai Nauroji, A.O. Hume and Dinshaw Edulji Wacha]

148. At which of the following sessions of Congress the resolution of Poorna Swaraj was
[A] Bombay
[B] Luckonw
[C] Lahore
[D] Karachi
Correct Answer: C [Lahore]
Explanation: In the Lahore session of December 1929, Congress passed the Poorna Swaraj
resolution. It was the same session in which Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as president of the

149. Under Government of India Act 1935, Congress contested elections in which year?
[A] 1936
[B] 1937
[C] 1938
[D] 1939
Correct Answer: B [1937]

150. Which among the following place related to salt agitation?

[A] Palampur
[B] Dharsana
[C] Mehsana
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Dharsana]

151. Violence in Burma leads to the rebellion of Saya San was a result of which of the following?
[A] Government of India Act 1919
[B] Simon commission
[C] Government of India Act 1909
[D] Government of India Act 1935
Correct Answer: B [Simon commission]

152. Which among the following was the most important reason of objection to Simon
Commission by Indian nationalists?
[A] There was No Indian member in Simon Commission
[B] Inexperienced people were sent to look into the state of Indian constitutional affairs
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [There was No Indian member in Simon Commission]
153. Who among the following was greeted with Hartals when he visited India in November
[A] Prince of wales
[B] Elizabeth II
[C] Edward VIII
[D] Simon commission
Correct Answer: A [Prince of wales]
154. Champaran Satyagraha was the first to be started but the word Satyagraha was used for
the first time in which of the following?
[A] Anti Rowlatt agitation
[B] agitation against Simon Commission
[C] Amritsar Massacre of 1919
[D] Non-cooperation movement
Correct Answer: A [Anti Rowlatt agitation]

155. Which of the following dispute made Gandhi ji to undertake a fast for the first time?
[A] Minto-Morley Reforms
[B] Ahmedabad Mill Strike
[C] Punjab Unrest
[D] Poona pact
Correct Answer: B [Ahmedabad Mill Strike]

156. The impact of the first world war drew two classes of Indian society into the national
movement. Who were they?
[A] Hindu & Muslims
[B] Peasants and Business groups
[C] Middle Class and educated groups
[D] Sepoys
Correct Answer: B [Peasants and Business groups]

157. Which among the following was a reason of eruption of Farazi Movement?
[A] attacks of Christian Missionaries on Islam
[B] Oppression caused by Hindu Money lenders
[C] Oppressive Policy of the Company towards Muslim Tenants
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: C [Oppressive Policy of the Company towards Muslim Tenants]

158. Which among the following may not be called a consequence of 1857 revolts?
[A] European Troops were increased in India
[B] Different Classes of Sepoys were mixed
[C] Doctrine of lapse
[D] Hindu’s & Muslims began to be appeased equally
Correct Answer: D [Hindu’s & Muslims began to be appeased equally]

159. The play Neeldarpan is associated with?

[A] Santhal Hool
[B] Indigo revolt
[C] Pabna Riots
[D] Deccan riots
Correct Answer: B [Indigo revolt]
Explanation: Neel Darpan was a Bengali play written by Dinabandhu Mitra in 1858–1859. The
play was essential to Nilbidraha, or Indigo revolt of February–March 1859 in Bengal, when
farmers refused to sow indigo in their fields as a protest against exploitative farming under the
British Raj.

160. Who among the following attained martyrdom in jail while on hunger strike?
[A] Jatin Mukherjee
[B] Jatin Das
[C] Sachin Sanyal
[D] chandra shekar Azad

161. In which year Hindu mahasabha was established?

[A] 1910
[B] 1915
[C] 1916
[D] 1918
Correct Answer: B [1915]
Explanation: Hindu Mahasabha was founded in 1915 by Madan Mohan Malviya.It worked with
Arya Samaj and other Hindu organizations. It was directly link with Rashtriya Swam Sevak Sangh
founded in 1925 at Nagpur by K.B.Hegewar.The first All India Hindu Mahasabha Conference was
organized at Hardwar in 1915. The Sabha ecame more aggressive after 1929 and started
propagating Hindu Rashtra which was totally differ from Gandhiji’s Ram Rajya.

162. Who among the following has written Gandhi’s Emissary ?

[A] Arun Shourie
[B] Ajoy Bose
[C] Sudhir Gosh
[D] Kunwar singh
Correct Answer: C [Sudhir Gosh]

163. Treaty of yabandu is related to which of the following states ?

[A] Punjab
[B] Assam
[C] Karnataka
[D] Odisha
Correct Answer: B [Assam]

164. Raja Wodeyar founded which of the following Kingdoms?

[A] Mysore
[B] Vellore
[C] Vijaynagar
[D] Bahamani
Correct Answer: A [Mysore]
165. The East India Company was given a permission to set up a factory in Masulipattanam in
which yea
[A] 1610
[B] 1613
[C] 1615
[D] 1620
Correct Answer: B [1613]

166. During the revolt of 1857, who among the following was betrayed by a zamindar friend
and captured while asleep by Britishers and put to death?
[A] Nana Saheb
[B] Tantia Tope
[C] Khan Bahadur Khan
[D] Kunwar singh
Correct Answer: B [Tantia Tope]

167. The Government of India recognizes 7-9 January as the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas since 2003 .
Which of the following events is known to occur on 9 January?
[A] Arrival of Mahatma Gandhi in India from South Africa.
[B] Launch of Person of Indian Origin Card (PIO Card)
[C] First Global Convention of People of Indian Origin in New York
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [Arrival of Mahatma Gandhi in India from South Africa.]

168. The second world war commenced in 1939 on the following dates?
[A] August 1
[B] September 1
[C] October 1
[D] November 1
Correct Answer: B [September 1]

169. Paunar Ashram is related to which of the following social activist?

[A] Vinoba Bhave
[B] Baba Amte
[C] Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
[D] Ambedkar
Correct Answer: A [Vinoba Bhave]
Explanation: Paunar Ashram was founded by the great social reformer and activist Acharya
Vinoba Bhave for the treatment of leprosy patients.

170. Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms which formed the base of Government of India Act 1919,
introduced which of the following in India ?
[A] Self governance
[B] Dyarchy
[C] Indian Administrative Services
[D] Indian police Services
Correct Answer: B [Dyarchy]

171. Which of the following Charter acts abolished the monopoly of the East India Company to
trade with China?
[A] Charter Act of 1793
[B] Charter Act of 1813
[C] Charter Act of 1833
[D] Charter Act of 1853
Correct Answer: C [Charter Act of 1833]

172. Which among the following are called Dharamchakra?

[A] The chakra which is a weapon of lord Vishnu in Hindu Mythology
[B] The first sermon of Mahavira Jain
[C] The chakra which has 24 spokes in the central white band in Indian Flag
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: C [The chakra which has 24 spokes in the central white band in Indian Flag]

173. Who among the following referred Mahatma Gandhi as father of Nation?
[A] Subhash Chandra Bose
[B] Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
[C] Jawahar lal Nehru
[D] Rabindranath Tagore
Correct Answer: A [Subhash Chandra Bose]

174. On which date Jallianawala Massacre occurred?

[A] August 13, 1919
[B] April 13, 1919
[C] January 13, 1919
[D] June 13, 1919
Correct Answer: B [April 13, 1919]

175. First NAM summit was held in which country?

[A] Belgrade 1961
[B] Cairo 1964
[C] Delhi 1961
[D] Algiers1961
Correct Answer: A [Belgrade 1961]
Explanation: NAM was founded in Belgrade in 1961, and was largely conceived by India’s first
Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru; Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno; Egypt’s second
president, Gamal Abdel Nasser; Ghana’s first president Kwame Nkrumah; and Yugoslavia’s
president, Josip Broz Tito.

176. The Third battle of Panipat was fought between ?

[A] Babur & Ibrahim Lodi
[B] Ahmed Shah Abdali & Marathas
[C] Akbar & Shershah Suri
[D] Shershah Suri & Humayun
Correct Answer: B [Ahmed Shah Abdali & Marathas]
Explanation: Third battle of Panipat took place on January 14, 1761between Ahmed Shah
Abdali & Marathas

177. In which year National Liberal Federation was formed in India?

[A] 1915
[B] 1918
[C] 1919
[D] 1921
Correct Answer: C [1919]

178. Indian Muslims were allotted reserved seats in the Municipal and District Boards, in the
Provincial Councils and in the Imperial Legislature, in which of the following acts?
[A] Government of India Act 1909
[B] Government of India Act 1919
[C] Indian Councils Act 1861
[D] Indian Councils Act 1891
Correct Answer: A [Government of India Act 1909]
179. Indian Muslims were allotted reserved seats in the Municipal and District Boards, in the
Provincial Councils and in the Imperial Legislature, in which of the following acts?
[A] Government of India Act 1909
[B] Government of India Act 1919
[C] Indian Councils Act 1861
[D] Indian Councils Act 1891
Correct Answer: A [Government of India Act 1909]

180. William Digby is known to write on which of the aspects of India ?

[A] Indian education
[B] Indian society
[C] Famines in India
[D] Poverty in India
Correct Answer: C [Famines in India]
Explanation: Digby was based in India during British raj and witnessed to several famines that
devastated India, including a disastrous famine in Madras in the mid-1870s. He blamed British
policies for fueling and exacerbating the famines, agitating for humanitarian aid from Europe to

181. Who has initiated the slogan” Inqlab Zindabad”?

[A] Bhagat Singh
[B] Chandra shekahar Azad
[C] Iqbal
[D] Hasrat Mohani
Correct Answer: D [Hasrat Mohani]
Explanation: “Inquilab Zindabad phrase which translates to “Long Live the Revolution!” was a
revolutionary chant during the British rule over India. It was coined by Maulana Hasrat Mohani.

182. Which date is associated with the incident of Chauri Chaura?

[A] 4th February 1922
[B] 6th February 1922
[C] 4th August 1922
[D] 6th August 1922
Correct Answer: A [4th February 1922]
Explanation: Due to Chauri Chaura incident Gandhiji withdraws NonCooperation movement.
183. All India Kisan Sabha which was first peasants organization of India was constituted in
which year ?
[A] 1920
[B] 1936
[C] 1942
[D] 1945
Correct Answer: B [1936]

184. Lord William Bentinck is credited for which of the following in the Indian History ?
[A] Education reforms
[B] Laws
[C] Abolition of sati
[D] Local government
Correct Answer: C [Abolition of sati]

185. During India’s First War of independence (1857-58), Begum Hazrat Mahal led the revolt
from which of the following places?
[A] Benaras
[B] Lucknow
[C] Kanpur
[D] Delhi
Correct Answer: B [Lucknow]
186. Who among the following is related to Repeal of Vernacular Press Act of 1878?
[A] Lord Rippon
[B] Lord Lytton
[C] Lord Curzon
[D] Lord Irwin
Correct Answer: A [Lord Rippon]
Explanation: The Vernacular press act:
1. It was passed during the times of Lord Lytton
2. It empowered the magistrate to deposit a security, which could be confiscated if the printer
violated the Bond
3. It was repealed during times of Lord Ripon
187. Who wrote the book neel darpan?
[A] Bankim Chandra Chaterjee
[B] Rabindra Nath Tagore
[C] Dinbandhu Mitra
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: C [Dinbandhu Mitra]

188. Pindari War (1817-1818) is also known as ________?

[A] First Anglo-Maratha War
[B] Second Anglo-Maratha War
[C] Third Anglo-Maratha War
[D]First Carnatic war
Correct Answer: C [Third Anglo-Maratha War]

189.Treaty of Seringapatnam was signed after which of the Anglo-Mysore wars?

[A] 1st
[B] 2nd
[C] 3rd
[D] 4th
Correct Answer: C [3rd]

190. Who among the following English officer was related to First Anglo-Mysore war?
[A] Colonel Smith
[B] Warren Hastings
[C] Lord Wellesly
[D] Jhon simon
Correct Answer: A [Colonel Smith]

191. Which of the following Governor Generals was impeached for charges of corruption?
[A] Earl Cornwallis
[B] Warren Hastings
[C] Lord Mayo
[D] Lord Minto
Correct Answer: B [Warren Hastings]

192. Which of the following Sikh Guru collected all the work of the previous Gurus and dictated
it in the form of verses ?
[A] Guru Har Govind
[B] Guru Har Kishan
[C] Guru Arjun Dev
[D] Guru Gobind
Correct Answer: C [Guru Arjun Dev]

193. The pioneers of Ocean trade with India were______?

[A] Dutch
[B] Portuguse
[C] British
[D] French
Correct Answer: B [Portuguse]

194. In 1818 Brahmo Samaj founder Rammohan Roy wrote a dissertation on meaning and
importance of ________?
[A] Sam Veda
[B] Yajur Veda
[C] Rig Veda
[D] Gayatri Mantra
Correct Answer: D [Gayatri Mantra]

195. Who had became a member of the Brahmo Samaj in 1856 and founded his own breakaway
“Brahmo Samaj of India” in 1866?
[A] Dwijendranath Tagore
[B] Kesab Chander Sen
[C] Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
[D] Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Correct Answer: B [Kesab Chander Sen]

196. Satyagraha was started by Gandhi ji in 1919 to protest against the _____________?
[A] Salt Law
[B] Rowlatt Act
[C] Act of 1909
[D] Act of 1919
Correct Answer: B [Rowlatt Act]

197. First Round Table Conference was held during November 1930 January 1931. Who was the
Viceroy of India at that time?
[A] Lord Reading
[B] Lord Irwin
[C] Lord Linlithgow
[D] Lord wavel
Correct Answer: B [Lord Irwin]

198. Lord Wavell was the Viceroy of India at which of the following events?
[A] First session of Roundtable conference
[B] Cabinet Mission Plan
[C] Formation of Congress Ministries in the Provinces
[D] Quit India movement
Correct Answer: B [Cabinet Mission Plan]

199. By which charter act, financial allocation for education was made for the first time?
[A] Charter Act 1773
[B] Charter Act 1793
[C] Charter Act 1813
[D] Charter Act 1833
Correct Answer: C [Charter Act 1813]

200. On February 20, 1947, The British Government declared its intention to quit India by
[A] August, 1947
[B] December, 1947
[C] June 1947
[D]June 1948
Correct Answer: D [June 1948]
201. On February 20, 1947, The British Government declared its intention to quit India by
[A] August , 1947
[B] December, 1947
[C] June 1947
[D]June 1948
Correct Answer: D [June 1948]

202. Nadir Shah ,the ruler of Persia who looted India’s Koh-i-Noor diamond and Peacock
Throne, defeated the Mughal Army at Karnal in which year ?
[A] 1720 A.D
[B] 1739 A.D
[C] 1749 A.D
[D] 1761 A.D
Correct Answer: B [1739 A.D]

203. Who among the following has written Bidrohi, the one of the most famous Bengali poem?
[A] Rabindranath Tagore
[B] Bankim Chandra Chattopadhhyaya
[C] Kazi Nazrul Islam
[D] Sambhunath Pandit
Correct Answer: C [Kazi Nazrul Islam]
Explanation: Bidrohi is one of the most famous Bengali poems, written by Kazi Nazrul Islam in
December, 1921. It was first collected in 1922 in a volume titled Agnibeena: the first anthology
of Nazrul’s poems.

204. Who among the following established the “Sadar Diwani Adalat”?
[A] Warren Hastings
[B] Cornwallis
[C] John Macpherson
[D] Wellesly
Correct Answer: B [Cornwallis]

205. Which among the following acts provided for direct control of Indian Affairs by the British
[A] Government of India Act 1858
[B] Pitts India Act of 1784
[C] Government of India Act 1909
[D] Indian Councils Act 1892
Correct Answer: A [Government of India Act 1858]

206. An organization formed in Germany in 1914 during World War I by Indian students and
political activists residing in the country was
[A] Ghadar Party
[B] Indian Independence Committee
[C] Indian National Army
[D] Communist Party of India
Correct Answer: B [Indian Independence Committee]

207. Who among the following also launched a Home rule Movement in India, apart from Annie
[A] Arubindo Ghosh
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C] Gopal Krishna Gokhale
[D] Madan Mohan Malviya
Correct Answer: B [Bal Gangadhar Tilak]
208. Who among the following prescribed the separate electorates for India on the basis of the
Communal Award in August 1932?
[A] Lord Irwin
[B] Ramsay MacDonald
[C] Winston Churchill
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Ramsay MacDonald]
Explanation: On August 16, 1932, the British Prime Minister McDonald announced the
Communal Award. Thus it is also known as McDonald Award. The Communal Award was
basically a proposal on minority representation.

209. During Freedom Struggle of India, which among the following movements started with
Dandi ?
[A] Swadeshi Movement
[B] Noncooperative Movement
[C] Civil Disobedience Movement
[D] Quit India Movement
Correct Answer: C [Civil Disobedience Movement]
Explanation: Salt Satyagraha began with the Dandi March on March 12, 1930 and was the part
of the first phase of the Civil Disobedience Movement. Gandhi led the Dandi march from
Sabarmati Ashram to the sea coast near the village of Dandi. In this journey of 24 days and
covering a distance of 390 kilometer, thousands of people joined him. He reached Dandi on
April 6, 1930, and broke the salt law. This triggered the Civil Disobedience Movement and
millions of Indians jumped in the tumult.

210. Who among the following is the author of “Mahatma Gandhi and His Myths”?
[A] Dominique Lepierre
[B] Mark Shepard
[C] Minoo Masani
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Mark Shepard]

211. Who among the following was the first recipient of Bharat Ratna ?
[A] CV Raman
[B] C. Rajgopalachari
[C] Dr. Radhakrishnan
[D] Jawahar Lal Nehru
Correct Answer: A [CV Raman]
Explanation: Bharat Ratna was first awarded in the year 1954. There were 3 recipients in the
year 1954-
1. C. Rajagopalachari→ He was the first Governor General of free India.
2. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888-1975).→He was the second President of India & the first
Vice- President of India.
3. C.V. Raman→He was a noble laureate of India who was awarded the Noble Prize for Physics
in the year 1930.
However, first ever Indian to receive this award was the famous scientist, Chandrasekhara
Venkata Raman.

212. Who among the following was the first Indian to get selected in ICS (Indian Civil Services)?
[A] Ras Bihari Bose
[B] Satyendra Nath Tagore
[C] Devendranath Tagore
[D] Surendranath Banerjee
Correct Answer: B [Satyendra Nath Tagore]
Explanation: Satyendranath Tagore was selected for the Indian Civil Service in June, 1863. He
completed his probationary training and returned to India in November 1864. He was posted as
Judge, Satara after this examination.
213. Librahan Commission was established to probe into which among the following?
[A] Anti Sikh Riots of 1984
[B] Babri Mosque Demolition
[C] Post Godhara Riots
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Babri Mosque Demolition]

214. Who among the following was the author Mahatma-Life of Mohandas Karamchand
Gandhi ?
[A] D. G. Tendulkar
[B] Colonel G. B. Singh
[C] Susheela Naiyyar
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [D. G. Tendulkar]

215. Balwantrai Mehta, a pioneer of Panchayati Raj and a distinguished freedom fighter, was
Chief minister of which state?
[A] Maharastra
[B] Gujarat
[C] Andhra Pradesh
[D] Madya Pradesh
Correct Answer: B [Gujarat]
Explanation: BBalwantrai Mehta was one of the legendry freedom fighters of the country who
participated in the Bardoli Satyagraha. He is best known as second Chief Minister of Gujarat.He
is credited for pioneering the concept the Panchayati Raj in India and also known as Father of
Panchayati Raj in India.

216. On which of the following charges, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was arrested in 1908?
[A] Murder of Douglas
[B] Sedition
[C] Opposing the age of Consent Bill
[D] Inciting Chapekar Brothers to commit violence
Correct Answer: B [Sedition]

217. In which year, States Reorganization Act went into effect?

[A] 1949
[B] 1950
[C] 1956
[D] 1958
Correct Answer: C [1956]

218. In 1956 during the Reorganization of the Indian States, the state of Hyderabad was split up
[A] Andhra Pradesh & Maharastra
[B] Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka
[C] Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra & Karnataka
[D] Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra, Goa & Karnataka
Correct Answer: C [Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra & Karnataka]

219. Swaraj party was out come of which among the following incidents?
[A] Chauri Chaura
[B] Quit India Movement
[C] Arrival of Simon Commission
[D] Bardoli Satyaghara
Correct Answer: A [Chauri Chaura]

220. Which among the following treaty was signed after Battle of Buxar?
[A] Treaty of Allahabad
[B] Treaty of Carnatic
[C] Treaty of Alinagar
[D] Treaty of Kanpur
Correct Answer: A [Treaty of Allahabad]
Explanation: The important outcome of the Battle of Buxar was the Treaty of Allahabad signed
on 16 August 1765 between Lord Clive and Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II, who had submitted
to the British in the battle. As per this treaty:
• Mughal Emperor granted Fiscal Rights (Diwani) or right to administer the territory and collect
taxes to the East India Company at Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. Thus the British became the
masters of fate of the people of Bihar, Bengal and Orissa and now they would collect the
• In lieu of this Right, the Company gave an annual tribute of 26 Lakh Rupees to the Mughals
• The districts of Kora and Allahabad were returned to Mughal Emperor.
• Awadh was returned to Shuja-ud-Daulah but Allahabad and Kora was taken from him.
• The Nawab of Awadh paid 53 Lakhs rupees of war indemnity to the British.
Thus Clive, in person settled the fate of almost half of the Northern India. The fiscal
administration of Bengal, Behar, and Orissa and the territorial jurisdiction of the Northern
Circars is called the Dual System of Government

221. Which among the following incidents established the supremacy of British over French in
[A] Battle of Buxar
[B] Battle of Wandiwash
[C] Carnatic Wars
[D] Battle of Chingleput
Correct Answer: B [Battle of Wandiwash]
Explanation: The British forces under Sir Eyre Coote, defeated the French in the Battle of
Wandiwash in 1760 and besieged Pondicherry. After Wandiwash, the French capital of Pondicherry
fell to the British in 1761.

222. 1853 is a landmark in India’s Transport because of ?

[A] First train
[B] First cargo plane
[C] First ship
[D] None of them
Correct Answer: A [First train]
223. Le Corbusier was the architect of which city among the following?
[A] New Delhi
[B] Chandigarh
[C] Mumbai
[D] Jaipur
Correct Answer: B [Chandigarh]
Explanation: The best-known architect recruited to the efforts of creating a new India was one
of the founders of modernism in architecture, the Swiss Le Corbusier. The showpiece of his
genius is Chandigarh, built as the capital of Punjab and Haryana. Outside Chandigarh, Le
Corbusier’s most influential structures include:
• Sarabhai House, Ahamadabad
• Millowner’s Association Building, Ahmedabad.
• Interstate Bus Terminal, New Delhi
Permanent Exhibition Hall of Prāgati Maidan, New Delhi

224. Baba Amte is known for which of the following social work?
[A] Work for Poor & homeless people
[B] Work To Save Ganga
[C] Work for Leprosy Patients
[D] Work for Landless laborers
Correct Answer: C [Work for Leprosy Patients]

225. Who was the first Indian to get elected in House of commons?
[A] Bhikaji Kama
[B] JRD Tata
[C] Dadabhai Naoroji
[D] Dinshaw Edulji Wacha
Correct Answer: C [Dadabhai Naoroji]
Explanation: Dadabhai Naoroji is known as mentor of both Gopal Krishna Gokhale and
Mahatma Gandhi. His magnum opus ‘‘Poverty and UnBritish Rule in India’’ propounded the
‘‘drain theory’’ He was the first Indian to become a member of the House of Commons on the
Liberal Party ticket. He served as Member in the House of Commons from 1892 to 1895. He
became the president of INC thrice, in 1886, 1893 and 1906.

226. Under which among the following Governor Generals of India, the Public works
department was started in 1848?
[A] Lord Dalhousie
[B] Lord William Bentinck
[C] Lord Wellesley
[D] Lord Viscount Canning
Correct Answer: A [Lord Dalhousie]

227. Which among the following newspaper established by Mahatma Gandhi which was an
important tool for the political movement led by Gandhi and the Natal Indian Congress to fight
racial discrimination and win civil rights for the Indian immigrant community in South Africa?
[A] Satyagraha
[B] Indian Voice
[C] Indian opinion
[D] Harijan
Correct Answer: C [Indian opinion]

228. In which year, India launched it Look East Policy?

[A] 1986
[B] 1992
[C] 1994
[D] 1996
Correct Answer: B [1992]
Explanation: India’s Look East Policy was for the first time pursued by Narsimharao
Government in 1992. Under this policy, India focused its attention toward South-East Asia,
which was long neglected during the Cold war period. This policy was further cemented by
successive prime ministers and now converted into “Act East Policy” by the current
229. Which among the following was the first conglomeration of the scattered princely states ,
which later became modern Rajasthan after several more mergers?
[A] Greater Rajputana
[B] Matsya Union
[C] United State of Greater Rajasthan
[D] Rajputana Union
Correct Answer: B [Matsya Union]

230. ‘Rajmala’ is an important source of History of which among the following states of India?
[A] Nagaland
[B] Assam
[C] Tripura
[D] Jammu & Kashmir
Correct Answer: C [Tripura]
Explanation: Rajmala is a chronicle of the kings of Tripura

231. Before its name was shortened by the British into United Provinces in 1935, by which
among the following names Modern Uttar Pradesh was known?
[A] United Provinces of Northern India
[B] Presidency of Agra and Allahabad
[C] United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
[D] United Provinces of Agra, Allahabad and Oudh
Correct Answer: C [United Provinces of Agra and Oudh]

232. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was sworn in as India’s Prime Minister for how many times?
[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4
Correct Answer: C [3]
6 May 1996-01 June 1996,
19 March 1998 -13 October 1999 and
13 October 1999 – 22 May 2004

233. Who among the following was the first chairman of UPSC?
[A] Sir Ross Barker
[B] Sir David Petrie
[C] Sir Eyre Gorden
[D] Sir F.W. Robertson
Correct Answer: A [Sir Ross Barker]
Explanation: First Public Service Commission was established on October 1, 1926 under the
Chairmanship of Sir Ross Barker. UPSC is constitutional body which conducts the prestigious
civil services examination to select IAS, IFS and IPS officers among others. It has been
established under Article 315 of the Constitution and consists of a Chairman and ten Members;
appointed and removed by President. The chairman and members of the Commission hold
office for a term if six years or until they attain the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier

234. How many Prime Ministers of India have been awarded Bharat Ratna till date?
[A] 3
[B] 4
[C] 5
[D] 7
Correct Answer: D [7]
Explanation: So far Seven Prime Ministers of India have been awarded the Bharat Ratna. Atal
Bihari Vajapayee is the seventh Prime Minister to receive the award, after (1) Jawaharlal Nehru,
(2) Indira Gandhi, (3) Rajiv Gandhi, (4) Morarji Desai, (5) Lal Bahadur Shastri and (6) Gulzarilal

235. At which among the following places, the Muslim League was founded in 1906?
[A] Kolkata
[B] Murshidabad
[C] Dhaka
[D] Lucknow
Correct Answer: C [Dhaka]
Explanation: In Dec. 1906 “All India Muslim League” was set up under the leadership of Aga
Khan, Nawab Salimullah Khan of Dacca and Nawab Mohsin-ul Mulk at Dacca. The League
supported the Partition of Bengal and opposed the Swadeshi Movement and demanded the
special safeguards for its community and separate electorate of Muslims.

236. Who among the following was Viceroy of India at the time of partition of Bengal (1905)?
[A] Lord minto
[B] Lord curzon
[C] Lord Elgin
[D] Lord Chelmsford
Correct Answer: B [Lord curzon]

237. Fraser Commission was established for reforms in which among the following in 1902?
[A] Army
[B] eduction
[C] Police
[D] Civil service
Correct Answer: C [Police]
Explanation: In 1902-03, a Police Commission was established for the Police reforms under Sir
Andrew Frazer and Lord Curzon got much success in the Police intelligence.

238. For reforms in which among the following, Hartog Commission was established?
[A] Society
[B] Education
[C] Civil services
[D] Economic reforms
Correct Answer: B [Education]
239. Which among the following is the year of famous Queen Victoria’s Proclamation assuming
the Government of India?
[A] 1857
[B] 1858
[C] 1859
[D] 1860
Correct Answer: B [1858]
Explanation: On November 1, 1858, Lord Canning sent forth the royal proclamation in a grand
Darbar at Allahabad via which Queen Victoria intimated that she had assumed the direct
government of India. This proclamation also set forth the principles on the basis of which India
was to be governed in future and the British policy towards people of British-Indian territories
and princes

240. Which among the following had an objective of introducing the self-governing institutions
to India?
[A] Indian Council Act 1909
[B] Mont-Ford Reforms
[C] Cabinet Mission
[D] Government of India Act 1935
Correct Answer: B [Mont-Ford Reforms]

241. Sadakat Ashram memorial in Patna is dedicated to which former President of India ?
[A] Dr. Rajendra Prasad
[B] V V Giri
[C] Muhammad Hidayatullah
[D] Basappa Danappa Jatti
Correct Answer: A [Dr. Rajendra Prasad]

242. Mahatama Gandhi had launched his first Satyagraha in India from which among the
following places?
[A] Kheda
[B] Bardoli
[C] Champaran
[D] Sabarmati
Correct Answer: C [Champaran]
Explanation: The Champaran Satyagraha of 1917 was Mahatma Gandhi’s first Satyagraha.
243. In which year, Vijay Laxmi Pandit became the first woman President of the United Nations
General Assembly (UNGA) ?
[A] 1949
[B] 1951
[C] 1953
[D] 1959
Correct Answer: C [1953]

244. In which city is the dargah (tomb) of sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti located ?
[A] Delhi
[B] Ghaziabad
[C] Ajmer
[D] Gwalior
Correct Answer: C [Ajmer]

245. In 1612, at which among the following places, the British established their first factory
(trading post) in India ?
[A] Cochin
[B] Surat
[C] Kassim Bazar
[D] Hughli
Correct Answer: B [Surat]

246. Who among the following has authored the famous book ‘India Wins Freedom’ ?
[A] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[B] Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
[C] Sardar Patel
[D] Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Correct Answer: B [Maulana Abul Kalam Azad]

247. Gol Ghar, a beehive shaped structure built in 1786 to store grains for the British Army, is
located in which city ?
[A] Bhopal
[B] Patna
[C] Varnasi
[D] Lucknow
Correct Answer: B [Patna]

248. What was the original name of Mirabehn, an associate and disciple of Mahatma Gandhi?
[A] Oliver Schriener
[B] Millie Graham Polock
[C] Madeline Slade
[D] Margarate Cousins
Correct Answer: C [Madeline Slade]
Explanation: Madeleine Slade was in England and was named as Meera Behn by Mahatma
Gandhi , whose disciple and associate she was. She was awarded Padma Vibhushan in 1982.

249. Who presided over the first session of the All India Trade Union Congress in 1920 ?
[A] Purshottam Das Tandon
[B] Lala Lajpat Rai
[C] Kasturbhai Lalbhai
[D] Govind Vallabh Pant
Correct Answer: B [Lala Lajpat Rai]
Explanation: On October 31, 1920, the first session of the All India Trade Union Congress was
held at Bombay under Lala Lajpat Roy, thus marking the beginning of AITUC.
250. The spiritual guru Gadadhar Chattopadhyay is best known with which among the following
names ?
[A] Upendranath Brahmachari
[B] Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
[C] Sri Arubindo
[D] Swami Prabhupad
Correct Answer: B [Ramakrishna Paramahamsa]

251. In 1906, at the founding session of all India Muslim League in Dhaka, who became the first
president of the party ?
[A] Nawab Salimullah Khan
[B] Khwaja Abdul Ghani
[C] M. Shamsher Ali
[D] Muhammad Ali Bogra
Correct Answer: A [Nawab Salimullah Khan]

252. Treaty of Yandabu was signed after which among the following?
[A] First Anglo-Burmese War
[B] Second Anglo-Burmese War
[C] Anglo-Bhutanese War
[D] Third Anglo Afghan war
Correct Answer: A [First Anglo-Burmese War]

253. In which year, Raja Ram Mohan Roy established the “Atmiya Sabha” a precursor in the
socio-religious reforms in Bengal?
[A] 1812
[B] 1815
[C] 1823
[D] 1826
Correct Answer: B [1815]

254. Who among the following was the immediate successor of Guru Nanak?
[A] Guru Angad
[B] Guru Arjun
[C] Guru Amardas
[D] Guru Ramdas
Correct Answer: A [Guru Angad]

255. Who among the following was the immediate successor of Guru Nanak?
[A] Guru Angad
[B] Guru Arjun
[C] Guru Amardas
[D] Guru Ramdas
Correct Answer: A [Guru Angad]

256. At which among the following places, the modern armory was established by Hyder Ali?
[A] Mysore
[B] Dindigul
[C] Dharmapuri
[D] Hosur
Correct Answer: B [Dindigul]

257. Who started the process of decentralization of finances in India?

[A] Lord Rippon
[B] Lord Mayo
[C] Lord Curzon
[D] Lord Minto
Correct Answer: B [Lord Mayo]
Explanation: Lord Mayo or Lord Naas served as 4th Viceroy of India from 12 January 1869 to 8
February 1872. He started the process of decentralization of finance. In foreign affairs,
he followed the policy of non-intervention. He opened up Mayo College in Ajmer for educating
children of the aristocratic families. India’s census began during his tenure. He was the first
Governor General to be murdered in office by a Pathan Sher Ali in Port Blair.

258. Who founded the Banaras Hindu University ,the largest residential Central University in
Asia located in Varanasi
[A] Vivekananda
[B] Annie Besant
[C] Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
[D] Jawahar lal Nehru
Correct Answer: C [Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya]
Explanation: In 1915, under Lord Hardinge, BHU act was passed by which Pandit Madan Mohan
Malviya established the Banaras Hindu University. The idea of this university was mooted as
early as 1904.

259. Which act was introduced by British govt to address the short comings of the East India
[A] Pitts India Act
[B] British Union Act
[C] 1707 Act of Union
[D] India Act 1784
Correct Answer: A [Pitts India Act]
Explanation: Pitt’s India Act 1784 or the East India Company Act 1784 was passed in the British
Parliament to rectify the defects of the Regulating Act 1773. It resulted in dual control or joint
government in India by Crown in Great Britain and the British East India Company, with crown
having ultimate authority. With this act, East India Company’s political functions were
differentiated from its commercial activities for the first time. The relationship between
company and crown established by this act kept changing with time until the Government of
India Act 1858 provided for liquidation of the British East India Company.

260. In which province Muslim League formed their first government after 1946 elections?
[A] Bengal
[B] Madras
[C] Bombay
[D] United province
Correct Answer: A [Bengal]
261. Kohinoor Diamond was found probably from which among the following mines?
[A] Golconda
[B] Kalahandi
[C] Panna
[D] Bijapur
Correct Answer: A [Golconda ]

262. Who among the following established the Dal Khalsa?

[A] Guru Gobind Singh
[B] Guru Arjun Dev
[C] Kapur Singh
[D] Bhai Mani Singh
Correct Answer: C [Kapur Singh]

263. Who among the following established Tattvabodhini Sabha?

[A] Raja Rammohan Roy
[B] Debendranath Tagore
[C] Keshub Chandra Sen
[D] Dwarkanath Tagore
Correct Answer: B [Debendranath Tagore]
Explanation: Before Debendranath joined the Brahmo Samaj, he had organized a Tattvaranjini
Sabhaat Calcutta. The same Sabha was later known as Tattvabodhini Sabha. The objective of
Tattvabodhini Sabha was to encourage religious inquiries and disseminate the essence of

264. The name of Baba Ram Singh is associated with which among the following movements?
[A] Sanyasi Rebellion
[B] Kuka Movement
[C] Khaksar Movement
[D] Santhal rebellion
Correct Answer: B [Kuka Movement]

265. Diwan Mani Ram Datta was a leader of revolutionaries of 1857 in which among the
following regions?
[A] Gujarat
[B] Rajputana
[C] Punjab
[D] Assam
Correct Answer: D [Assam]

266. Nana Saheb lead the revolutionaries of 1857 from which among the following placed?
[A] Gwalior
[B] Meerut
[C] Kanpur
[D] Lucknow
Correct Answer: C [Kanpur]

267. In which among the following provinces of India, the first signs of unrest during the mutiny
of 1857 appeared?
[A] Madras
[B] Bombay
[C] Punjab
[D] Bengal, Bihar and Odisha
Correct Answer: D [Bengal, Bihar and Odisha]

268. Every year in January, India and Pakistan exchange their list of nuclear installations
through their diplomatic missions under an agreement on prohibition of attacks against nuclear
installation and facility. In which year, such agreement was signed?
[A] 1986
[B] 1988
[C] 1990
[D] 1992
Correct Answer: B [1988]
Explanation: The agreement, which was signed on December 31, 1988 and came into force on
January 27, 1991, says the two countries inform each other of nuclear installations and facilities
to be covered under the agreement on January 1 of every calendar year.

269. What was civil disobedience Movement?

[A] Active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government
[B] Revolution
[C] Freedom from slavery
[D] All the above
Correct Answer: A [Active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a

270. Who represented India in the 2nd round table conference?

[A] Mahatma Gandhi
[B] B. R. Ambedkar
[C] Jawaharlal Nehru
[D] Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Correct Answer: A [Mahatma Gandhi]
Explanation: The Second Round Conference opened on September 7, 1931. Gandhi
represented Indian National Congress and Sarojini Naidu represented Indian women. Madan
Mohan Malaviya, Ghanshyam Das Birla, Muhammad Iqbal, Sir Mirza Ismail Diwan of Mysore, S
K Dutta and Sir Syed Ali Imam were other people that attended the conference. This conference
saw an overwhelming number of Indian delegates. These included loyalists, communalists,
careerists, big landlords, representatives of the princes etc.

271. Who said that Gandhi may die, but Gandhism shall remain forever ?
[A] Mahatma Gandhi
[B] Jawaharlal Nehru
[C] Subhash Chandra Bose
[D] Rabindranath Tagore
Correct Answer: A [Mahatma Gandhi]
Explanation: Gandhiji said Gandhi may die, but Gandhism shall remain forever in 1931 Karachi
272. Who among the following has written the “Civil Disobedience” that had a profound impact
on Gandhi?
[A] Leo Tolstoy
[B] John Ruskin
[C] Karl Marx
[D] Henry David Thoreau
Correct Answer: D [Henry David Thoreau]
Explanation: Henry David Thoreau was an American author, poet, and philosopher, who is best
known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his
essay Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moral
opposition to an unjust state. Thoreau’s philosophy of civil disobedience influenced the political
thoughts and actions of such later figures as Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther
King, Jr.

273. Which among the following personality is known for publishing the Mooknayak (Leader of
the Silent) in Mumbai?
[A] GG Agarkar
[B] K. M. Munshi
[C] Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
[D] Shyamji Krishna Varma
Correct Answer: C [Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar]

274. Who among the following established the Swadhyay Movement and the Swadhyay Parivar
[A] Achyutananda
[B] Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
[C] Swami Sivananda
[D] Pandurang Shastri Athavale
Correct Answer: D [Pandurang Shastri Athavale]

275. Who among the following is known as the “Saint of Dakhineshwar”?

[A] Ramkrishna Paramahansa
[B] Swami Vivekananda
[C] Swami Dayanand Saraswati
[D] Saint Tikaram
Correct Answer: A [Ramkrishna Paramahansa]

276. The first factory by the Dutch was established at which among the following places?
[A] Surat
[B] Machilipatnam
[C] Negapatnam
[D] Pulicat
Correct Answer: B [Machilipatnam]
Explanation: The Dutch East India Company was created in 1602 as “United East India
Company” and its first permanent trading post was in Indonesia. In India, they established the
first factory in Masulipattanam in 1605, followed by Pulicat in 1610, Surat in 1616, Bimilipatam
in 1641 and Chinsura in 1653.
277. Who among the following were the first to establish ” Printing Press” in India?
[A] British
[B] Portuguese
[C] Dutch
[D] French
Correct Answer: B [Portuguese]
278. Which Portuguese Viceroy followed the “Blue Water” policy in India?
[A] Afonso de Albuquerque
[B] Francisco de Almeida
[C] Diogo Lopes de Sequeira
[D] None of them
Correct Answer: B [Francisco de Almeida]
Explanation: In 1503 Francisco de Almeida was appointed the First Governor and Viceroy of the
Portuguese India.

279. who among the following has written the book” Communist Manifesto”?
[A] Friedrich Engels
[B] Karl Marx
[C] Leonid Gatovsky
[D] Vladimir Lenin
Correct Answer: B [Karl Marx]
280. First President of Indian National Congress?
[A] George Yule
[B] Dadabhai Naoroji
[C] womesh Chandra Banarjee
[D] Romesh Chunder Dutt
Correct Answer: C [womesh Chandra Banarjee]
Explanation: Under the Presidentship of Woomesh Chandra Banerjee, the first meeting of
Indian National Congress was held in Bombay in 1885. The meeting was attended by 72 English-
educated people that included advocates, traders and zamindars.

281. Who was the Last Viceroy of India?

[A] Richard Wellesley
[B] Warren Hastings
[C] Lord Mountbatten
[D] Lord Northrook
Correct Answer: C [Lord Mountbatten]
Explanation: Lord Mountbatten served as last Viceroy of India from 12 February 1947 – 15
August 1947; and then first Governor General of Free India from 15 August 1947 – 21 June
1948. During his tenure, India got independence in the form of two dominions of India Pakistan.
Two Boundary Commissions were set, Pakistan raided Kashmir and Mahatma Gandhi was shot

282. Which among the following was Last Hindu Empire of India?
[A] Maratha Empire
[B] Durrani Empire
[C] Kingdom of Mysore
[D] Sikh Empire
Correct Answer: A [Maratha Empire]
283. What the foundations of Gandhi an principles ?
[A] Capitalist
[B] Socialist
[C] Ethical
[D] Religious
Correct Answer: C [Ethical]

284. In which year, former PM Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated?

[A] 1989
[B] 1990
[C] 1991
[D] 1992
Correct Answer: C [1991]

285. Who among the following has written the book Bahubivah?
[A] Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar
[B] Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
[C] Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
[D] Sri Aurobindo
Correct Answer: A [Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar]

286. In which year Calcutta became Capital of British India?

[A] 1768
[B] 1770
[C] 1772
[D] 1776
Correct Answer: C [1772]

287. Year 1757 is remembered to which among the following battles?

[A] Battle of Plassey
[B] Battle of Chinsura
[C] Battle of Buxar
[D] Battle of Poona
Correct Answer: A [Battle of Plassey]

288. In which year, IAS (Not ICS) exam was conducted in India for the first time?
[A] 1949
[B] 1950
[C] 1951
[D] 1953
Correct Answer: B [1950]

289. In which year, Sabarmati Ashram was established?

[A] 1914
[B] 1915
[C] 1916
[D] 1917
Correct Answer: B [1915]

290. In which year, Partition of Bengal was annulled?

[A] 1909
[B] 1910
[C] 1911
[D] 1912
Correct Answer: C [1911]
291. The Namgyal Monarchy used to rule which among the following current states of India,
once upon a time?
[A] Arunachal Pradesh
[B] Megahalaya
[C] Nagaland
[D] Sikkim
Correct Answer: D [Sikkim]

292. The name of “Operation Trojan Horse” has been linked to martyrdom of which among the
following freedom fighters?
[A] Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev,
[B] Chandra Shekhar Azad
[C] Khudi Ram Bose
[D] Madan Lal Dhingra
Correct Answer: A [Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev,]

293. During which of the following years, Port Blair was the headquarters of the Azad Hind
government under Subhash Chandra Bose?
[A] 1941-42
[B] 1942-43
[C] 1943-44
[D] 1944-45
Correct Answer: C [1943-44]

294. Takht Harmandir Sahib, the birthplace of Guru Gobind Singh is located in which among the
following cities?
[A] Amritsar
[B] Bhatianda
[C] Patna
[D] Ropar
Correct Answer: C [Patna]

295. Which among the following freedom fighter is known to have written “Gita Rahasya ” ?
[A] Gopal Krishna Gokhle
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C] Bidhan Chandra Roy
[D] KM Munshi
Correct Answer: B [Bal Gangadhar Tilak]

296. In which year, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was conferred Bharat Ratna?
[A] 1988
[B] 1991
[C] 1992
[D] 1996
Correct Answer: C [1992]

297. In which among the following states of India, the parallel Government was running
between 1942 to 1944 during the Quit India Movement?
[A] Odisha
[B] Bihar
[C] West Bengal
[D] Bombay
Correct Answer: C [West Bengal]

298. By which among the following acts, the ban on missionaries in India was lifted?
[A] Charter Act 1793
[B] Charter Act 1813
[C] Charter Act 1853
[D] Charter Act 1773
Correct Answer: B [Charter Act 1813]

299. On what date Indian Rebellion of 1857 started?

[A] 10th May
[B] 16th April
[C] 26th June
[D] 11th July
Correct Answer: A [10th May]
Explanation: The Indian Rebellion of 1857 began as a mutiny of sepoys of the East India
Company’s army on 10th May 1857, in the town of Meerut. It soon escalated into other
mutinies and civil rebellions largely in the upper Gangetic plain and central India, with major
hostilities confined to present-day Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, northern Madhya Pradesh, and the
Delhi region

300. Which among the following organizations was started by Behramji Malabari in Bombay?
[A] Bombay Asiatic Society
[B] Seva Sadan
[C] East India Association
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Seva Sadan]
Explanation: The Parsi social reformer Behramji M. Malabari campaigned all his life against
child marriage and “enforced widowhood”. He founded the Seva Sadan as a social reform and
humanitarian organization in 1885. The Seva Sadan specialized in the care of socially discarded
and exploited women of all castes, providing education, welfare and medical services.
301. In which year East India Company was brought under British parliamentary control?
[A] 1773
[B] 1793
[C] 1813
[D] 1833
Correct Answer: A [1773]

302. Which governor of Madras had signed a treaty with Tipu?

[A] George MaCartney
[B] Sir Archibald Campbell
[C] William Medows
[D] Sir Charles Oakeley
Correct Answer: A [George MaCartney]

303. Who among the following were the first to come to India to establish trade relationships?
[A] Portuguese
[B] Dutch
[C] French
[D] British
Correct Answer: A [Portuguese ]

304. Goa was captured by Albuqurque from ruler of which among the following states?
[A] Bijapur
[B] Golconda
[C] Mysore
[D] Vijaynagar
Correct Answer: A [Bijapur]
Explanation: Afonso de Albuquerque was the second governor of the Portuguese India and is
known as founder of Portuguese colonial empire in India. In 1510 Albuqurque acquired Goa
from Bijapur

305. Which of the following organizations provided medical help to the Turkish troops in the
Balkan War?
[A] International Council of Nurses
[B] Pax Romana
[C] Global Humanitarian Forum
[D] Red Crescent Society
Correct Answer: D [Red Crescent Society]
Explanation: Red Crescent Society: Worldwide humanitarian organization providing assistance
without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It
provided medical help to the Turkish troops in the Balkan War.

306. The first Individual Satyagrahi, Acharya Vinoba Bhave offered Satyagraha in which among
the following way?
[A] By not paying taxes
[B] By burning British Flag
[C] By making an antiwar speech
[D] By making a speech against the Viceroy of India
Correct Answer: C [By making an antiwar speech]

307. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress?
[A] Hakim Azmal Khan
[B] Abul Kalam Azad
[C] Rafi Ahmad Kidwai
[D] Badruddin Taiyabji
Correct Answer: D [Badruddin Taiyabji]
Explanation: Badruddin Taiyabji became the Ist Indian Barrister in Bombay; became the 2nd
Indian Chief Justice; was the founding member of Bombay presidency association and INC and
also presided over the 3rd congress session in Madras in 1887.

308. Who was elected the President of Indian National Congress in the Surat Session 1907
famous for Surat Split?
[A] Dr. Rash Bihari Ghosh
[B] Lala Lajpat Rai
[C] Dadabhai Naoroji
[D] Pherozeshah Mehta
Correct Answer: A [Dr. Rash Bihari Ghosh]
Explanation: The growing differences between the Moderates and the Extremists came at Surat
Session 1907, when against the wishes of Extremists who preferred Lala Lajpat Rai to be the
President; Dr. Rash Bihari Ghosh was elected as the Congress President. The Extremists left the
Congress. Result was the Congress remained under the control of the Moderates.

309. Who was elected the President of Indian National Congress in the Surat Session 1907
famous for Surat Split?
[A] Dr. Rash Bihari Ghosh
[B] Lala Lajpat Rai
[C] Dadabhai Naoroji
[D] Pherozeshah Mehta
Correct Answer: A [Dr. Rash Bihari Ghosh]
Explanation: The growing differences between the Moderates and the Extremists came at Surat
Session 1907, when against the wishes of Extremists who preferred Lala Lajpat Rai to be the
President ; Dr. Rash Bihari Ghosh was elected as the Congress President. The Extremists left the
Congress. Result was the Congress remained under the control of the Moderates.
310. During British Era, the Duke Memorandum became the basis of which among the
[A] Nehru Report
[B] Mont-Ford Reforms
[C] Indian Councils Act 1909
[D] Government of India Act 1935
Correct Answer: B [Mont-Ford Reforms]
Explanation: Duke Memorandum is associated with Sir William Duke, a member of the English
Round Table Group and he had formulated a scheme which eventually became the basis of
Joint Report of Montague and Chelmsford.

311. The Battle of Chillianwalla was a part of?

[A] Anglo-Maratha Wars
[B] Anglo-Carnatic Wars
[C] Anglo-French Wars
[D] Anglo-Sikh Wars
Correct Answer: D [Anglo-Sikh Wars]
Explanation: Battle of Chillianwalla was fought on 13 January 1849 during the Second Anglo-
Sikh War. Sikhs fought British in this battle under Shersingh.

312. In which year Jahangir issued the charter to East India Company for establishing the trade
establishments in India?
[A] 1615
[B] 1616
[C] 1617
[D] 1618
Correct Answer: C [1617]

313. August 9 1925 is known in the Indian History for which of the following incidences?
[A] Chauri Chaura incidence
[B] Kakori Train Robbery
[C] Jallianwallah Bagh Incidence
[D] The seize of Cawnpore
Correct Answer: B [Kakori Train Robbery ]

314. In which year, first nationwide elections were held in Afghanistan?

[A] 1952
[B] 1958
[C] 1965
[D] 1968
Correct Answer: C [1965]

315. Which among the following rulers of Afghanistan was a Reformer Ruler and known to have
established diplomatic relations of Modern Afghanistan with many countries?
[A] Abdur Rahman
[B] Amanullah Khan
[C] Habibullah Kalakani
[D] None of them
Correct Answer: B [Amanullah Khan ]

316. Who among the following was Amir of Afghanistan, when Durand line was demarcated?
[A] Dost Mohammad
[B] Akbar Khan
[C] Abdur Rahman
[D] Habibulah
Correct Answer: C [Abdur Rahman ]
317. At which of the following places Dost Mohammad Khan was deported as a prisoner after
the first Anglo Afghan War?
[A] Surat
[B] Dehradun
[C] Bombay
[D] Calcutta
Correct Answer: D [Calcutta]

318. Who among the following was the first president of Constituent Assembly?
[A] Dr. Rajendra Prasad
[B] Sachidanand Sinha
[C] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[D] B R Ambedkar
Correct Answer: B [Sachidanand Sinha ]

319. The Cabinet assembly which was elected for an undivided India met for the first time
[A] June 3, 1946
[B] June 6 1946
[C] June 9, 1946
[D] June 12, 1946
Correct Answer: C [June 9, 1946 ]

320. In which year constitution for India was drafted by Nehru Committee?
[A] 1917
[B] 1926
[C] 1928
[D] 1929
Correct Answer: C [1928]
321. On which date Indian Independence Act 1947 got Royal Assent?
[A] 18 June 1947
[B] 18 July 1947
[C] 18 March 1947
[D] 18 April 1947
Correct Answer: B [18 July 1947 ]
322. By which of the following for the first time, British government recognized the “Right of
Dominion” for India?
[A] August Declaration
[B] August Offer
[C] Cripps Mission
[D] Montague Declaration
Correct Answer: C [Cripps Mission ]

323. In the proposed federal polity of the Government of India act 1935, how many members
had to be elected on communal basis for the Upper House of the bicameral legislature at the
[A] 156
[B] 150
[C] 104
[D] 125
Correct Answer: B [150]
Explanation: The upper house was called Council of States and it consisted of 260 members.
Out of these 260 members 156 were to represent the provinces and 104 to the native states.
Out of the 156 which were trepresent the provinces, 150 were to be elected on communal
basis. Seats reserved for Hindus, Muslim Sikhs, were to be filled by direct elections and Seats
reserved for Indian Christians, Anglo Indians and Europeans was to be filled by indirect method
of a electoral college consisting of their representativmembers.
324. Consider the following features of Government of India act 1935:
1. provision for Federation of India
2. Compulsory accession to Federation of India
3. Partial Reorganization of provinces
Which among the above features hold correct ?
[A] 1 only
[B] 1 & 2
[C] 2 & 3
[D] 1 & 3
Correct Answer: D [1 & 3 ]
Explanation: accession to this federation was voluntary

325. Which among the following act provided for the Public Service Commission in India for the
first time?
[A] Government of India Act 1919
[B] Indian Councils act 1909
[C] Government of India Act 1935
[D] Government of India act 1858
Correct Answer: A [Government of India Act 1919 ]

326. Which among the following acts had a separate preamble?

[A] Government of India Act 1919
[B] Indian Councils Act 1909
[C] Indian Councils Act 1904
[D] Indian Councils Act 1892
Correct Answer: A [Government of India Act 1919 ]
327. “Increasing association of Indians in every branch of the administration and the gradual
development of self-governing institutions with a view to the progressive realization of
responsible government in India as an integral part of the British Empire”.
The above statement is known as _____?
[A] Montague declaration
[B] August Offer
[C] Queen Victoria’s Proclamation
[D] None of them
Correct Answer: A [Montague declaration ]
Explanation: Please note that it was also known as August Declaration but NOT August Offer.

328. Which among the following led to Jallianwalla Bagh massacre?

[A] The Arms Act
[B] The Rowlatt Act
[C] The Public Safety Act
[D] Vernacular Press Act
Correct Answer: B [The Rowlatt Act ]

329. The government of India act 1935 provided for:

1. Provincial autonomy
2. Establishment of federal court
3. all India federation at the center
Which among the above hold correct ?
[A] 1 only
[B] 1 & 2 only
[C] 2 & 3 only
[D] all of them
Correct Answer: D [all of them ]
330. The Montague-Chelmsford Report formed the basis of _______?
[A] Indian Councils act 1909
[B] The Government of India Act 1919
[C] The Government of India act 1935
[D] The Indian Independence Act 1947
Correct Answer: B [The Government of India Act 1919 ]

331. Which among the following was NOT a provision of Charter act of 1833?
[A] Trading activities of the East India Company were to be abolished
[B] The designation of the supreme authority was to be changed as the Governor General of
India in Council
[C] All law making powers to be conferred on Governor General in council
[D] An Indian to be appointed as law member in the Governor General in Council
Correct Answer: D [An Indian to be appointed as law member in the Governor General in
Council ]

332. Which of the following acts of the British India strengthened the Viceroy’s authority over
his executive councils by substituting “portfolio” or departmental system for Corporate
[A] Indian Councils Act 1861
[B] Government of India Act 1858
[C] Indian Councils Act 1892
[D] Indian councils Act 1909
Correct Answer: A [Indian Councils Act 1861 ]

333. Which of the following acts of the British India strengthened the Viceroy’s authority over
his executive councils by substituting “portfolio” or departmental system for Corporate
[A] Indian Councils Act 1861
[B] Government of India Act 1858
[C] Indian Councils Act 1892
[D] Indian councils Act 1909
Correct Answer: A [Indian Councils Act 1861 ]

334. After returning from South Africa, which among the following was the first successful
satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi?
[A] Chauri-Chaura
[B] Dandi
[C] Champaran
[D] Bardoli
Correct Answer: C [Champaran ]

335. Who among the following was the governor general who followed a spirited “Forward”
Policy towards Afghanistan?
[A] Lord Dufferin
[B] Lord Mayo
[C] Lord Elgin
[D] Lord Ellenborough
Correct Answer: D [Lord Ellenborough ]

336. Where is located the “Hazur Sahib” Gurudwara, which is one of the five takhts of Sikhism?
[A] Amritsar
[B] Patna
[C] Nanded
[D] Bhatinda
Correct Answer: C [Nanded ]
Explanation: The location of the five Takhts is as follows: Akal Takht, at Amritsar, Keshgar Sahib,
at Anandpur Sahib, Punjab, Patna Sahib, at Patna, Hazur Sahib, at Nanded and Damdama Sahib,
at Talwandi Sabo, Bhatinda or Bathinda.

337. What was the number of districts in Bombay Presidency?

[A] 23
[B] 24
[C] 25
[D] 26
Correct Answer: D [26]

338. Which among the following was also known as Western Presidency in early times of East
India Company?
[A] Bombay
[B] Surat
[C] Panaji
[D] Pune
Correct Answer: B [Surat]

339. Which among the following act was known as the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime act
[A] Indian Arms Act
[B] Pitts India Act
[C] Ilbert Bill
[D] Rowlatt Act
Correct Answer: D [Rowlatt Act ]

340. Who among the following was the Vice president of the Interim Government formed in
[A] Dr. S Radha Krishnan
[B] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[C] C Rajgopalachari
[D] Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Correct Answer: B [Jawahar Lal Nehru ]

341. Which among the following acts is also known to be a beginning of the parliamentary
System in India?
[A] Indian Councils Act 1892
[B] Indian Councils Act 1904
[C] Indian Councils Act 1909
[D] Government of India Act 1919
Correct Answer: A [Indian Councils Act 1892 ]
Explanation: The act was 1892 can be said to be a First step towards the beginning of
thparliamentary system in India, where the members are authorized to ask questions. Indian
Councils a 1892 can also be said to introduce the principle of representation

342. Who among the following is known to have started portfolio system in India?
[A] Lord Dalhousie
[B] Lord Canning
[C] Lord Elgin
[D] Sir John Lawrence
Correct Answer: B [Lord Canning]

343. In which year “Poorna Swarajya” resolution was adopted by the Indian National Congress?
[A] 1927
[B] 1928
[C] 1929
[D] 1930
Correct Answer: C [1929]

344. Father of renaissance of Western India was__?

[A] B.M. Malabari
[B] M.G. Ranade
[C] R. G. Bhandarkar
[D] K.T. Telang
Correct Answer: B [M.G. Ranade ]
Explanation: Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade (1842-1901) was a distinguished Indian scholar,
social reformer and author, sometimes called a Father of renaissance of Western India. He was
one of the founding members of the Indian National Congress . He established the “Widow
Marriage Association” in 1861 to encourage and popularize it Ranade founded the Poona
Sarvajanik Sabha in 1870, to represent the Government, the aspiration of the people. Known to
be the mentor and political guru of famous freedom fighters Gopal Krishna Gokhale, and Bal
Gangadhar Tilak. He was against caste system, untouchability and was a strong supporter of

345. Who is often called as Hindu Luther of Northern India ?

[A] Dayanand Saraswati
[B] Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
[C] Radhakant Dev
[D] Keshav Chandra Sen
Correct Answer: B [Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar]
Explanation: Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a great 19th century Bengali scholar, reformer,
writer and philanthropist, whose ideas remain relevant even in modern India. He had devoted
his life to improving the status of Hindu widows and encouraging remarriage. The outcome of
these efforts was the Hindu Widow Remarriage Act of 1856. That’s why he has come to be
called the Hindu Luther of Northern India.
346. Who inspired the young Bengal Movement in the 19th century ?
[A] Ram Tanu Lahiri
[B] Henry Vivian Derozio
[C] Rasik Kumar Malik
[D] Piyare Chand Mitra
Correct Answer: B [Henry Vivian Derozio ]
Explanation: Henry Louis Vivian Derozio (1809 –1831) was assistant headmaster of Hindu
College, Kolkata, a radical thinker and one of the first Indian educators to disseminate Western
learning and science among the young men of Bengal. He constantly encouraged them to think
freely, to question and not to accept anything blindly. His teachings inspired the development
of the spirit of liberty, equality and freedom. His activities brought about intellectual revolution
in Bengal. It was called the Young Bengal Movement and his students, also known as Derozians,
were fiery patriots.

347. Who is regarded as “Maker of Modern India”?

[A] M. G. Ranade
[B] Mahatma Gandhi
[C] Keshav Chandra Sen
[D] Ram Mohan Roy
Correct Answer: D [Ram Mohan Roy ]
Explanation: Raja Rammohan Roy has come to be called the ‘Maker of Modern India’. He was
the main force behind introduction of the western education and English language in India. He
advocated the study of English, Science, Western Medicine and Technology. He spent his
money on a college to promote these studies. He was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj and a
great leader of social reform. It was as a result of his persistent campaign that the custom of
Sati was declared illegal in Bengal in 1829 A.D. By Lord William Bentick. He was the chief
advocate of the modern process of education and the scientific learning.

348. Which of the following cities was capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
[A] Amritsar
[B] Patiala
[C] Lahore
[D] Kapurthala
Correct Answer: C [Lahore ]
Explanation: Maharaja Ranjit Singh (called “The Lion of the Punjab”) (1780-1839) was a Sikh
ruler of the Punjab. His tomb is located in Lahore, Pakistan. He is remembered for uniting the
Punjab as a strong state and his possession of the Koh-i-noor diamond. He took the title of
Maharaja on April 12, 1801 (to coincide with Baisakhi day), with Lahore having served as his
capital from 1799.

349. As per Warren Hastings reforms, which among the following court was set up as appeal
court in criminal cases?
[A] Circuit court
[B] Provincial Court
[C] Sadar Diwani Adalat
[D] Sadar Nizamat Adalat
Correct Answer: D [Sadar Nizamat Adalat ]
Explanation: The old system of justice was very simple as zamindar decided all petty cases. This
was open to abuse and gave enough scope for the rich to oppress the poor. Hastings set upon
himself to reform the judicial system. He established two courts in each districts, the Diwani
Adalat to decide civil cases and the Faujdari Adalat to try criminal cases. In the Diwani Adalat,
the Collector was to preside assisted by this ‘native dewan’. The Faujdari Adalat was to be
presided over by the Qazi or Mufti of the district and two maulavis subject to the supervision of
the Collector. In addition to these, two superior courts were established at Calcutta – Sadar
Diwani Adalat, as a Court of Appeal in civil cases and Sadar Nizamat Adalat to hear criminal
350. “The most unqualified blunder committed in the whole history of the British India” This
comment by JJ McLeod points to which among the following wars?
[A] First Anglo Afghan War
[B] Second Anglo-Afghan War
[C] Third Anglo-Afghan War
[D] First Anglo Sikh War
Correct Answer: A [First Anglo Afghan War ]
Explanation: First Anglo-Afghan War (1839 to 1842) is also known as Auckland’s Folly. It was a
stupe project of Lord Auckland which resulted in the death of thousands of British (Indian)
soldiers and waste of Crores of Rupees.

351. Which of the following act formally made the Governor General of Bengal as Governor
General of India?
[A] Regulating act 1773
[B] Pitts India act 1784
[C] Charter Act 1813
[D] Charter act 1833
Correct Answer: D [Charter act 1833 ]
Explanation: The Charter Act of 1833 made the Governor General of Bengal the Governor
General of British India and all financial and administrative powers were centralized in the
hands of Governor General-in-Council.

352. Which among the following included the administrative /Judicial reforms of Warren
1. Establishment of a Board of Revenue at Calcutta
2. Abolishing the judicial functions of the Zamindars
3. Appointment of Indian Judges in Criminal Courts
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
Correct Answer: D [1, 2 & 3 ]

353. Under which among the following treaties, Clive had secured the grant of the diwani of
Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from Mughal Emperor Shah Alam?
[A] Treaty of Allahabad
[B] Treaty of Buxar
[C] Treaty of Bassein
[D] Treaty of Sugauli
Correct Answer: A [Treaty of Allahabad]
Explanation: Clive had secured the grant of the diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from Mughal
Emperor Shah Alam under Treaty of Allahabad 1765.

354. Clive’s dual administration:

1. gave rise to immediate conflict between British and Nawab
2. led to Anglo Maratha clash
3. separated power from responsibility
Which among the above is / are correct statements?
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
Correct Answer: C [Only 3 ]
Explanation: The first two statements should be reversed to understand what happened
exactly.Since there was a dual administration in place, it clearly defined the respective position
of the Nawab and the East India Company. This left no chance of near future conflicts between
the two.Further, the direct assumption of responsibility of administration of English Company
might have to come in conflict with the rising power of the Marathas. Third statement is
correct.The system separated power from responsibility. The English got the right of collecting
the revenue but they had no responsibility for the internal administration. The condition of
Bengal worsened on account of the double government. The famine of 1770 and the epidemic
that followed accounted for one third of population of Bengal. The English Company did
nothing for the relief of the people and remained a silent spectator to the appalling distress of
the people. The dual system which deserved all possible condemnation was finally abolished by
Warren Hastings in 1772.

355. Which among the following is / are correct statements with respect to the French East
India Company?
1. It was a private concern
2. It was chartered by King Louis XIV
3. It was abolished immediately after French Revolution
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] Only 2
Correct Answer: D [Only 2 ]
Explanation: The first statement is not correct because the French East India Company was
government backed concern while the English East India Company was a private concern. The
second statement is correct. Third statement is not correct because French East India Company
was abolished in 1769, two decades earlier than the French Revolution.

356. With reference to the relative position of French and the Britishers on the eve of Carnatic
wars, consider the following observations:
1. The position of the English East India Company was superior to that of the French East India
2. The Naval Power of Frech was superior to the British
Which among the above is / are correct statements?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2
Correct Answer: A [Only 1]
Explanation: The second statement is not correct because the sea power of the English was
superior to that of the French. The merchant fleets of the English were bigger and maderegular

357. Which among the following was / were the consequences of the Third Battle of Panipat?
1. Decentralization of Maratha’s Power
2. Consolidation of East India Company in north-western India
3. Attack of Nadir Shah
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 1 & 2
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
Correct Answer: A [Only 1 ]
Explanation: First statement is correct. The third battle of Panipat shattered the dream of
Marathas to establish their supremacy in whole India. Second statement is not correct because
the third battle of Panipat gave opportunity to East India Company to establish and consolidate
their rule in Bihar and Bengal (not north-west India as mentioned in question) and to challenge
Marathas and other Indian powers and finally to establish their rule in India. The third
statement is also incorrect because attack of Nadir Shah pre-dates third battle of Panipat.
358. Who were the first to start a joint stock company to trade with India?
[A] Portuguese
[B] Dutch
[C] French
[D] Danish
Correct Answer: B [Dutch ]
Explanation: To maximize profits, the Dutch East India Company established the world’s first
stock market in Amsterdam on March 20, 1602, in which investors could speculate on
commodity futures and buy stock in the trading company. It was the Dutch East India Company
to start a joint stock company to trade with India

359. Who was the first Indian ruler to join the subsidiary Alliance?
[A] The Nawab of Oudh
[B] The Nizam of Hyderabad
[C] Sultan of Madurai
[D] The king of Travancore
Correct Answer: B [The Nizam of Hyderabad ]
Explanation: The Subsidiary Alliance System was used by Lord Wellesley (Governor General of
India) to bring the Indian states within the boundary of the British political power. Under this
doctrine , The Nizam of Hyderabad , the feeblest of all rulers was the first Indian ruler to accept
the Subsidiary Alliance in 1798 A.D and came under the British Protection.

360. The only licensed flag production unit in India in located at which among the following
[A] Mysuru
[B] Hubli
[C] Dharwad
[D] Nagpur
Correct Answer: B [Hubli ]
Explanation: Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha in Hubli is the only licensed flag
production unit in India.

361. Which among the following organizations were founded by Pandit Madan Mohan
1. Banaras Hindu University
2. Pragya Hindu Samaj
3. Hindu Mahasabha
4. Bharat Dharma Mahamandal
Chose the correct answer from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 4
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
Correct Answer: C [Only 1 & 3 ]
Explanation: The Hindu Mahasabha was founded in 1914 in Amritsar and established its
headquarters in Haridwar. Amongst its early leaders was the prominent nationalist and
educationalist Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, who founded the Benaras Hindu University, and
the Punjabi populist Lala Lajpat Rai. Banaras Hindu University was established in 1915. Malviya
was instrumental in the coming together of Hindu Mahasabha and Arya Samaj in 1923 to make
common cause on issues like cow slaughter and reconversion. He was also closely associated
with bodies like Pragya Hindu Samaj, Bharat Dharma Mahamandal and Sanatana Dharma

362. With reference to Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which among the following is NOT a correct
[A] He was one of the founders of Bhartiya Jan Sangh
[B] He served as political secretary to Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee
[C] He is the first person to deliver a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in Hindi.
[D] All the above are correct statements
Correct Answer: A [He was one of the founders of Bhartiya Jan Sangh ]
Explanation: The first statement is not correct. Bhartiya Jan Sangh was founded by Dr. Syama
Prasad Mookerjee.

363. Who among the following had founded the Central Hindu College at Varanasi, which was
later converted into Banaras Hindu University?
[A] Madan Mohan Malviya
[B] Annie Besant
[C] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[D] Jamna Lal Bajaj
Correct Answer: A [Madan Mohan Malviya ]
Explanation: Madan Mohan Malviya had established BHU in 1915 with the support of some
leaders, mainly Annie Besant. She had founded the Central Hindu College in 1898 in Varanasi
and this college was later gifted to Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya for the later to get it
converted into Banaras Hindu University. Also notable points is that foundation for the main
campus of BHU was laid by Lord Hardinge on 4 February 1916, on occasion of Vasant Panchami.

364. The revolt of 1857 was described as a ‘National Rising’ by which of the following political
leaders of Britain?
[A] Canning
[B] Gladstone
[C] Palmerstone
[D] Disraeli
Correct Answer: D [Disraeli]
Explanation: Benjamin Disraeli was leader of Conservative Party and opposition leader in the
House of Commons. He described the revolt of 1857 as ‘a national rising’.
365. Which among the following tribal leaders was regarded as an incarnation of God and
father of the world ?
[A] Nanak Bhil
[B] Jagia Bhagat
[C] Birsa Munda
[D] Siddhu Santha
Correct Answer: C [Birsa Munda]
Explanation: Birsa Munda was an Indian tribal freedom fighter and a folk hero, who belonged
to the Munda tribe, and was behind the best known Millenarian movement of India that rose in
the tribal belt of modern day Bihar, and Jharkhand .Birsa and his disciples set themselves the
task of serving the famine-stricken and sick people. He became a legend during his lifetime and
was called “Dharati Aba” (father of the earth) and was worshipped as “Birsa Bhagwan”.

366. The play ‘Neeldarpan’ is associated with which among the following revolts?
[A] Santhal Revolt
[B] Pabna Riots
[C] Indigo Revolts
[D] Champaran Satyagraha
Correct Answer: C [Indigo Revolts]
Explanation: Neel Darpan was a Bengali play written by Dinabandhu Mitra in 1858–1859. The
play was essential to Nilbidraha, or Indigo revolt of February–March 1859 in Bengal, when
farmers refused to sow indigo in their fields as a protest against exploitative farming under the
British Raj.

367. Kunwar Singh was a leader of the revolt of 1857 in which among the following modern
[A] Bihar
[B] Jharkhand
[C] Rajasthan
[D] Uttarakhand
Correct Answer: A [Bihar]
Explanation: Babu Veer Kunwar Singh, one of the leaders of the Indian Rebellion of 1857
belonged to a royal Kshatriya house of Jagdispur, currently a part of Bhojpur district, Bihar.

368. Which among the following leaders was instrumental in bringing the Extremists and the
Moderates together at the Lucknow session of 1916 ?
[A] Gopal Krishna Gokhale
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C] Annie Besant
[D] Mahatma Gandhi
Correct Answer: C [Annie Besant]
Explanation: Moderate and Extremist split in Surat Session 1907 and reunited in 1916 Session
due to efforts of Annie Besant. Annie Besant (1 October 1847 – 1933) was a prominent British
socialist, Theosophist, women’s rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and
Indian self-rule.

369. On the suggestion of Rabindra Nath Tagore, the date of partition of Bengal (October 16,
1905) was celebrated as__?
[A] Rakhi Bandhan Day
[B] Brotherhood Day
[C] Solidarity Day
[D] Black Day
Correct Answer: A [Rakhi Bandhan Day]

370. The Governor General of India at the time of formation of the Indian National Congress
was __?
[A] Lord Chelmsford
[B] Lord Dalhousie
[C] Lord Dufferin
[D] None of these
Correct Answer: C [Lord Dufferin]
Explanation: Lord Dufferin (1826-1902) was the Governor General and Viceroy of India from
1884 to 1888). He had succeeded Lord Ripon in December 1884 and was known as one of the
most successful diplomats of his time. Foundation of Indian National Congress by A O Hume in
1885 and Third Anglo-Burmese War of 1885 are two important events of his period. The Third
Anglo-Burmese War resulted in the annexation of upper Burma. As a result, his tenure saw the
final extinction of Burma as an independent power.

371. Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga are the works of which among the
following social reformers of India?
[A] M. G. Ranade
[B] Swami Vivekanand
[C] Ramkrishna Paramhansa
[D] Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Correct Answer: B [Swami Vivekanand]

372. Which among the following was the most important reason for social and religious reforms
in nineteenth century?
[A] Scientific inventions
[B] Industrial revolution
[C] Western education and awakening
[D] Influence of Newspapers
Correct Answer: C [Western education and awakening]
373. With reference to the freedom struggle of India, who among the following was not a part
of the “Bombay Triumvirate”?
[A] Dadabhai Naoroji
[B] K.T. Telang
[C] Pherozeshah Mehta
[D] Badruddin Tyabji
Correct Answer: A [Dadabhai Naoroji]
Explanation: Bombay Triumvirate or the Three Stars of Bombay’s public life included Badruddin
Tyabji, Pherozeshah Mehta and K.T. Telang . All these three veterans had started the Bombay
Presidency Association in 1885.

374. Who wrote ‘Indian War of Independence, 1857′?

[A] R.C Majumdar
[B] V.D. Savarkar
[C] S.B. Chaudhary
[D] S.N. Sen
Correct Answer: B [V.D. Savarkar]
Explanation: V.D. Savarkar : He was the proponent of liberty as the ultimate ideal. Savarkar was
a poet, writer and playwright. He was associated with the India House and founded student
societies including Abhinav Bharat Society and the Free India Society. Savarkar published ‘The
Indian War of Independence’ about the Indian rebellion of 1857 that was banned by British

375. Dalhousie’s worst political blunder was ___?

[A] Annexation of Punjab
[B] Occupation of lower Burma
[C] Abolition of the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’
[D] Annexation of Oudh
Correct Answer: D [Annexation of Oudh]
Explanation: Annexation of Oudh in February 1856 was a very important decision taken by Lord
Dalhousie. But the annexation of Oudh was surely the company’s and Dalhousie’s worst
blunder. It proved disadvantageous for the English as the people of Oudh strongly participated
in the Revolt of 1857. The English used their giant`s strength and had injured their reputation in
the eyes of the Indians. During the Revolt of 1857, the sepoys of Oudh had brought about havoc
and had added to the difficulties of the British. It is said that the forced abduction of Wajid Ali
Shah and annexation of Oudh were offences against good faith and public conscience.

376. The Congress is in reality a civil war without arms.

The above statement was made by ___?
[A] W. Wedderburn
[B] Sir Saiyid Ahmad Khan
[C] D.W. Bethune
[D] Lord Dufferin
Correct Answer: B [Sir Saiyid Ahmad Khan]
Explanation: The above statement was made by Sir Saiyid Ahmad Khan, who denounced
congress in blunt terms. “The Congress is in reality,” he said, “a civil war without arms. The
object of a civil war is to determine in whose hands the rule of the country shall rest.”

377. Who among the following founded Theosophical Society in USA?

[A] Dr. Annie Besant
[B] A. O. Hume
[C] Tilak and Gokhale
[D] Madam Blavatsky and Olcott
Correct Answer: D [Madam Blavatsky and Olcott]
Explanation: Madam HP Blavatsky, a Russian woman & Col. H.S Olcott, an American, founded
the Theosophical Society in Newyork in 1875. They advocated the revival & strengthening of
ancient religions of Hinduism.
378. The first President of the Indian Home Rule League (1916) was__?
[A] Joseph Bapista
[B] Annie Besant
[C] N.C. Kelkar
[D] B.G. Tilak
Correct Answer: A [Joseph Bapista]
Explanation: Indian Home Rule League of Bal Gangadhar Tilak was launched in April 1916 and
Home Rule League in Sept 1916 by Annie Besant. Joseph Bapista was the first President of the
Indian Home Rule League established in April 1916.

379. The founder of Satya Shodhak Samaj was ___?

[A] Atmaram Pandurang
[B] Gopal Hari Deshmukh
[C] M. G. Ranade
[D] Jyotiba Phule
Correct Answer: D [Jyotiba Phule]
Explanation: Jyotiba Phule was an activist, thinker, social reformer, writer, philosopher,
theologist, scholar, editor and revolutionary from Maharashtra founded the Satya Shodhak
Samaj in 1873 in Maharshtra.

380. Who among the following is known as Father of Muslim Renaissance in Bengal?
[A] Syed Ahmad Khan
[B] Ameer Ali
[C] Nawab Abdul Latif Khan
[D] Nawab Samiullah Khan
Correct Answer: C [Nawab Abdul Latif Khan]
Explanation: Nawab Abdul Latif Khan: (1828-1893)a prominent personality of mid 19th century
Bengal, the pioneer of Muslim modernization and the architect of the Muslim Renaissance, was
one of those great men who appeared as saviours of their frustrated, humiliated, demoralized
and disorganised fellow countrymen under colonial rule. His chief contribution was in the field
of education. He was among the first to understand that young Bengali Muslims should receive
modern education. He understood that the Muslims of Bengal had fallen behind in everything
because of their prejudices against modern education. He devoted his whole life to removing
this self-destructive prejudice from their minds.

381. Who among the following was not one of the founding fathers of the All India Muslim
[A] Nawab Moshin-ul-Mulk
[B] Maulana Abul KalamAzad
[C] Aga Khan
[D] Nawab Salimullah of Dacca
Correct Answer: B [Maulana Abul KalamAzad]
Explanation: In Dec. 1906 “All India Muslim League” was set up under the leadership of Aga
Khan, Nawab Salimullah Khan of Dacca and Nawab Mohsin-ul Mulk at Dacca. The League
supported the Partition of Bengal and opposed the Swadeshi Movement and demanded the
special safeguards for its community and separate electorate of Muslims.

382. Which was the only session of Indian National Congress, presided by Mahatma Gandhi?
[A] Allahabad
[B] Guwahati
[C] Belgaum
[D] Kakinada
Correct Answer: C [Belgaum]
Explanation: Gandhiji became the president of Indian National Congress in 1924 at the Belgaum
session of Indian National Congress.

383. The resolution of Swadeshi was adopted in which session of Congress?

[A] Madras session of 1903
[B] Bombay session of 1904
[C] Benaras session of 1905
[D] Calcutta session of 1906
Correct Answer: D [Calcutta session of 1906]
Explanation: The resolution of Swadeshi was adopted in 1906 Calcutta session of the Indian
National Congress. This session was headed by Dada Bhai Naoroji. Prior to this, in Banaras 1905
session, a resolution of boycott of British goods was put forward. However, it was 1906 session
at Calcutta in which four resolutions on self-government, boycott movement, Swadeshi and
national education were passed by the Congress. Dadabhai Naoroji said in his presidential
speech: “we do not ask for favours we want only justice. Instead of going into any further
divisions or details of our rights as British citizens the whole matter can be comprised in one
word – self-government or Swaraj like that of the United Kingdom or colonies.”

384. President of Indian National Congress at the time of independence was___?

[A] J. B. Kripalani
[B] Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
[C] Dr. Rajendra Prasad
[D] Jawahar Lal Nehru
Correct Answer: A [J. B. Kripalani]
Explanation: J.B. Kripalani was the President of Indian National Congress at the time of
independence. Acharya (scholar) Jiwantram Bhagwandas Kripalani was a Gandhian Socialist,
environmentalist, mystic and freedom fighter, noted for his incorruptibility and determination.

385. Who is known as Father of Indian Unrest ?

[A] Dadabhai Nauroji
[B] G. K. Gokhale
[C] Mahatma Gandhi
[D] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Correct Answer: D [Bal Gangadhar Tilak]
Explanation: Bal Gangadhar Tilak joined congress in 1890. Valentine Chirol called him “Father of
Indian Unrest”, who first of all demanded complete “Swarajya”.

386. The first Englishmen to preside over a Congress session was __?
[A] George Yule
[B] Dufferin
[C] W. Wedderburn
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [George Yule]
Explanation: George Yule was a Scottish businessman who became the fourth President of INC
in 1888,the first non-indian to hold that office.

387. Which among the following organizations merged with Congress in 1886?
[A] East Indian Association
[B] Indian National Association
[C] British Indian Association
[D] Indian League
Correct Answer: B [Indian National Association]
Explanation: The Second session of the Indian National Congress was held in 1886 in Calcutta.
The President of the session was Dadabhai Naoroji. In this session the Indian Association
merged with the Indian National Congress. (The Indian National Association was the founded by
Surendranath Banerjee and Anand Mohan Bose in 1876.).

388. The British empire is rotten to the core, corrupt in every direction and tyrannical and
The above statement was made by __?
[A] Mrs. Annie Besant
[B] W. Digby
[C] Sister Nivedita
[D] William Wedderburn
Correct Answer: C [Sister Nivedita]
Explanation: Sister Nivedita : Born as Margaret Elizabeth Noble, she was more popularly known
as sister Nivedita. She was a Scots-Irish social worker, author, teacher and a disciple of Swami
Vivekananda. She was described as a real lioness by Vivekananda, ‘Lokmata’ (the mother of the
people) by Rabindra Nath Tagore and Agnishikha (the flame of fire) by Aurobindo Ghosh. In
England she was known as ‘The Champion for India’. Many of her letters written between 1900-
1905 to her friend Miss Macleod reveal her hatred for British rule. One such letter writes “The
British empire is rotten to the core – corrupt in every direction, and tyrannical and mean.

389. Which among the following was the venue of the INA trial?
[A] Calcutta High Court
[B] Supreme Court
[C] Federal Court
[D] Red Fort
Correct Answer: D [Red Fort]
Explanation: I.N.A. (Indian National Army) trial : P.K.Sehgal,Shah Nawaj Khan and Gurubaksh
Singh Dhillon were put on trial at the Red Fort in Nov 1945. The chief defence advocate during
INA trial was Bhulabhai Desai.

390. Which among the following was the most revolutionary secret organization of Bengal?
[A] Abhinava Bharat
[B] Mitra Mela
[C] Ghadar Party
[D] Anushilan Samiti
Correct Answer: D [Anushilan Samiti]
Explanation: Anushilan Samiti: The most revolutionary secret organization of Bengal was
founded by Pramath Nath Mitra in 1902.
391. The Grand Old Man of Indian politics was__?
[A] Bipin Chandra Pal
[B] Dadabhai Naoroji
[C] Surendra Nath Bannerjee
[D] Rasbehari Bose
Correct Answer: B [Dadabhai Naoroji]
Explanation: Dadabhai Naoroji is known as mentor of both Gopal Krishna Gokhale and
Mahatma Gandhi. His magnum opus ‘‘Poverty and UnBritish Rule in India’’ propounded the
‘‘drain theory’’ He was the first Indian to become a member of the House of Commons on the
Liberal Party ticket. He became the president of INC thrice, in 1886, 1893 and 1906.

392. Moderates and the Extremists in the Indian National Congress split in 1907 at __?
[A] Surat
[B] Calcutta
[C] Nagpur
[D] Madras
Correct Answer: A [Surat]
Explanation: The growing differences between the Moderates and the Extremists came at Surat
Session 1907,when against the wishes of Extremists who preferred Lala Laj Pat rai to be the
President ; Dr. Raj Bhirai Ghosh was elected as the Congress President.The Extremists left the
Congress. After the surat Split, most of the extremist leaders including Lal,Bal,Pal were arrested
and were given long term imprisonment.

393. Who among the following defended Aurbindo Ghosh in the Alipore conspiracy case?
[A] Tej Bahadur Sapru
[B] Motilal Nehru
[C] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[D] Chitranjan Das
Correct Answer: D [Chitranjan Das]
Explanation: Chitta Ranjan Das (Deshbandhu) (1870-1925). A great nationalist and famous
jurist, he defended Aurobindo Ghose in the Alipore Conspiracy Case (1908) and was the
defense counsel in the Dacca Conspiracy Case. He was the elected President of the Congress
session held in Ahmedabad in 1921. He was a founder of the Swarajya Party. He presided over
the All-India Trade Union Congress at Lahore in 1923 and at Ahmedabad in 1924.

394. Which city is known for the “Jhanda Satyagraha or Flag Satyagraha ” and observance of the
All India Flag Day on June 18, 1923?
[A] Kanpur
[B] Nagpur
[C] Nainital
[D] Bhopal
Correct Answer: B [Nagpur]
Explanation: With the observance of the All India Flag Day on June 18, 1923, the Jhanda
Satyagraha assumed national complexion with Nagpur as its headquarters and “Nagpur Chalo”
as its slogan.

395. Which among the following was the venue of All India Khilafat Conference, 1919?
[A] Lucknow
[B] Delhi
[C] Aligarh
[D] Porbandar
Correct Answer: B [Delhi]
Explanation: All India Khilafat Conference: In November 1919, a joint conference of the
Muslims and Hindus was called at Delhi in pursuance of the Muslim League President Fazl-ul-
Haq. Gandhi ji suggested to start the non –cooperation movement which was opposed by
Jinnah. In December 1919, the Khilafat Conference held its second session. The third Khilafat
Conference was held in February 1920 at Bombay.
396. Who among the following were the main leaders of Khilafat Movement?
[A] Syed Ahmad Khan and Agha khan
[B] Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali
[C] Muhammad Iqbal and Salimullah Khan
[D] Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Sikandar Hayat Khan
Correct Answer: B [Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali]
Explanation: The main object of the Khilafat Movement was to force the British Government to
change its attitude towards Turkey and restore the Turkish Sultan (Khalifa) to his former
position. A Khilafat committee was formed under the leadership of Ali brothers, Maulana Azad,
Hakim Ajmal Khan, and Hasrat Mohani.

397. Which among the following marks Mahatma Gandhi’s first fast unto death?
[A] Kheda Satyagraha
[B] Champaran Satyagraha
[C] Ahmedabad Mill Strike
[D] Jallianwala Bagh tragedy
Correct Answer: C [Ahmedabad Mill Strike]
Explanation: In March 1918, under the leadership of Gandhi, there was a strike in the cotton
mills in Ahmedabad. It was at this juncture that Gandhi began the ‘first’ of his seventeen ‘fasts
unto death’ on 15 March, 1918

398. Who among the following is said to have hatched the Delhi Conspiracy 1912?
[A] Rasbehari Bose
[B] Bhai Paramanand
[C] Sachindranath Sanyal
[D] Sohan Lal Pathak
Correct Answer: A [Rasbehari Bose]
Explanation: Delhi conspiracy refers to a conspiracy in 1912 to assassinate the then Viceroy of
India, Lord Hardinge, on the occasion of transferring the capital of British India from Calcutta to
New Delhi. On December 23rd 1912, when the possession of Lord Hardinge reached Chandni
Chowk (Delhi), a bomb aimed at Hardinge ended up killing a man to his right and 20 other
spectators. Basanta Kumar Bisbas, who threw the bomb disguised as a lady was arrested and
hanged in Ambala jail. It is said that the Delhi Conspiracy was hatched by Ras Bihari Bose, but
was never proved.

399. Who among the following established the Bhil Seva Mandal in 1922?
[A] Narain Malhar Joshi
[B] Amritlal Vitthaldas Thakkar
[C] Jyotiba Phule
[D] Baba Amte
Correct Answer: B [Amritlal Vitthaldas Thakkar]
Explanation: Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar, popularly known as Thakkar Bapa He was an Indian
social worker who worked for upliftment of tribal people in Gujarat state in India. In 1922, he
founded the Bhil Seva Mandal.

400. Who among the following established the Ved Samaj in Madras in 1864?
[A] Keshabchandra Sen
[B] Lokhitwadi
[C] Shibnath Shastri
[D] Debendranath Tagore
Correct Answer: A [Keshabchandra Sen]
Explanation: Reform in Southern India Brahmo Samaj under the leadership of Keshabchandra
Sen made its appearance in 1864 in Madras with the name Ved Samaj.

401. The magna carta of western education system in India is___?

[A] The report of the Committee of Public Instruction, 1823
[B] The Charter Act of 1833
[C] Report of the Hunter Commission, 1862
[D] Wood’s Despatch, 1854
Correct Answer: D [Wood’s Despatch, 1854]
Explanation: Wood’s Despatch on Education in 1854 laid the foundation of Indian educational
system and the establishments of Universities in Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. The despatch
came to be considered as the Magna Carta of English education in India. The Scheme of
education, as proposed by Wood`s Despatch, envisaged a co-ordinated system of education
through out the country.

402. Who among the following preached the doctrine of “One religion, one caste and one God
for mankind“?
[A] Jyotiba Phule
[B] Vivekananda
[C] Sri Narayan Guru
[D] Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Correct Answer: C [Sri Narayan Guru]
Explanation: Sri Narayana Guru preached the doctrine of ‘One caste, One religion, One God.’ Its
worth note that one of his athiest disciples, Sahadaran Ayyapan, changed into ‘no religion, no
caste and no God for mankind.

403. The leader of revolt of 1857 in Lucknow was __?

[A] Tatya Tope
[B] Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah
[C] Birjis Qadir
[D] Begum Hazrat Mahal
Correct Answer: D [Begum Hazrat Mahal]
Explanation: Begum Hazrat Mahal: The wife of Nawab Wazid Ali Shah of Awadh. She ruled on
behalf of her 11-year-old son Birjis Qadar .and led the revolt of 1857 in Lucknow. She refused to
accept the pension offered to her by the British and choose to die unmourned in Nepal.

404. Which among the following was NOT annexed into the East India territories via the
Doctrine of Lapse?
[A] Satara
[B] Nagpur
[C] Jhansi
[D] Mysore
Correct Answer: D [Mysore]
Explanation: The company took over the princely states of Satara (1848), Jaitpur and
Sambalpur (1849), Nagpur and Jhansi (1854), Tanjore and Arcot (1855) and Awadh (Oudh, 1856,
with the reason that the ruler was not ruling properly) and Udaipur using this doctrine. Mysore
was not among them.

405. Who among the following entered into a triple alliance against Haider immediately before
the first Anglo-Mysore war of 1767-69?
1. The English
2. Nizam of Hyderabad
3. The Marathas
4. Raja of Travancore
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] 1,2,3
[B] 1,3,4
[C] 1,2,4
[D] 2,3,4
Correct Answer: A [1,2,3]
Explanation: In 1766 the British, the Marathas, and the Nizam of Hyderabad entered into a
triple alliance against Haider. However, Haider soon bought off the Marathas. The Nizam
abandoned the war in 1768, leaving the British to face Haider Ali alone. The latter attacked
Arcot and reached the outskirts of Madras. He dictated peace on the basis of the status quo.
The English also agreed to help Haider Ali against any third party invasion in future.

406. Which among the following was the first Presidency of British East India Company in India
[A] Madras
[B] Masulipattam
[C] Surat
[D] Hungli
Correct Answer: C [Surat]
Explanation: Surat was the first Presidency of British East India Company in India. The other
Presidency of the Company at that time in the east was at Bantam in Java where Captain
Lancaster had, earlier, during 1601-1603, established a factory of the Company.

407. Which among the following apparently impressed Jahangir to issue a farman in 1613 A.D.
to the English to establish a factory at Surat?
[A] Reconciliation between the English and Portuguese
[B] A secret offer of naval help to the Mughal emperor to oust the Portuguese
[C] A heavy dose of bribe to Nur Jahan
[D] The defeat of Portuguese naval squadrons by the English
Correct Answer: D [The defeat of Portuguese naval squadrons by the English]
Explanation: In 1613 AD, Jahangir issued a farman permitting English to establish a factory
permanently at Surat. In 1612, the newly formed company had sent four ships under Captain
Thomas Best to trade with India. These were mercantile ships but were capable of defending
themselves. The defeated the Portuguse, who were alread there in Surat for at least 100 years.
This defeat apparently so impressed the Emperor Jehangir that he granted the British squadron
a firman to trade.

408. On which among the following occasions, Bombay was handed over to Britishers by the
[A] Freedom of Portuguese from the control of Spain
[B] Marriage of Charles II with the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza
[C] Crushing of Spanish Armada by British in 1588
[D] The Treaty of Madrid in 1630
Correct Answer: B [Marriage of Charles II with the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza]
Explanation: Marriage of Charles II with the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza was the
occasion of handing over of Bombay to Britishers by the Portuguese (as part of dowry ). On 21
September 1668, the Royal Charter of 27 March 1668, led to the transfer of Bombay from
Charles II to the British East India Company for an annual rent of £10.

409. Who among the following was the French explorer who visited court of Emperor Shah
Jahan and left a detailed account of Takht-i-Taus (Peacock throne) ?
[A] Jean-Baptiste Tavernier
[B] Geronimo Verroneo
[C] Pierre-Jean Grosley
[D] Jean-Paul Dubois
Correct Answer: A [Jean-Baptiste Tavernier]
Explanation: Jean-Baptiste Tavernier,a French jeweller and traveller of the Mughal period has
left a detailed account of Takht-i-Taus (Peacock throne). Peacock throne was a dazzling and
spectacular display of Mughal architecture. Its construction was undertaken by the Emperor
Shah Jahan and he personally spent a great deal of time and energy in the designing of the
410. Which among the following was the venue of the Second Round Table Conference at
[A] St. James Palace
[B] Kingsley Palace
[C] Buckingham Palace
[D] 10, Downing Street
Correct Answer: A [St. James Palace]
Explanation: Second Round Table Conference 1931 : It was held in London during the
viceroyalty of Lord Willingdon during Sept- Dec. 1931 and Gandhi ji attended as the soul
representative of Congress. But the conference was failed because Gandhiji didn’t’ agree on the
policy of communal representation. Gandhi at the Second Round Conference, St. James Palace

411. “Springing Tiger: A Study of a Revolutionary” is a biographical work on __?

[A] Bhagat Singh
[B] Chandrashekhar Azad
[C] Subhas Chandra Bose
[D] Shyamji Krishna Verma
Correct Answer: C [Subhas Chandra Bose]
Explanation: Springing Tiger is the work of Hugh Toye about Subhash Chandra Bose. This book
presents the little known facts about the World War II and the Anglo-Indian relations during
those periods. The author vividly describes the life, philosophy, idealism, nationalism and
political astuteness of Subhash Chandra Bose.

412. Consider the following events of Indian National Movement.

1. Gandhi Irwin Pact
2. Poona Pact
3. Karachi Session of Indian National Congress.
4. Individual Satyagraha
Select the correct chronological order of the events from the codes given below.
[A] 1, 3, 2, 4
[B] 2, 3, 4, 1
[C] 3, 4, 2, 1
[D] 4, 3, 2, 1
Correct Answer: A [1, 3, 2, 4]
Explanation: Gandhi Irwin Pact signed on March 5,1931.
Karachi Session of Indian National Congress held on March 26-31,1931.
Poona Pact: agreement between Gandhi And BR Ambedkar on September 25,1932.
Individual Satyagraha was started on 1940-41.

413. The first Indian woman to preside a session of Indian National Congress was__?
[A] Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
[B] Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
[C] Aruna Asaf Ali
[D] Sarojini Naidu
Correct Answer: D [Sarojini Naidu]
Explanation: Sarojini Naidu, popularly known as ‘Nightingle of India’ was the second woman
(After Annie Besant) and first Indian woman to become congress president. The Presided the
Kanpur session in 1925. She was also the first woman governor of an Indian state ( United
Provinces of Agra and Oudh). She was also a great poetess whose romanticism charmed people
in India and Europe. Some of her literary works include the Golden Threshold (1905), The
Broken Wing (1917), The Bird of Time and The Magic Lute.

414. The Congress and Muslim League had most cordial relationships in between which among
the following years?
[A] 1906 to 1916
[B] 1916 to 1922
[C] 1922 to 1928
[D] 1928 to 1934
Correct Answer: B [1916 to 1922]

415. Kumaran Asan is associated with the social renaissance in which among the following
current states?
[A] Kerala
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Andhra Pradesh
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [Kerala]
Explanation: Kumaran Asan (1873–1924), also known as Mahakavi Kumaran Asan, was one of
the triumvirate poets of Kerala, South India. He was also a philosopher, a social reformer and a
disciple of Sree Narayana Guru.

416. The annulment of Partition of Bengal was done by __?

[A] Lord Curzon
[B] Lord Minto
[C] Lord Hardinge
[D] Lord Chelmsford
Correct Answer: C [Lord Hardinge]

417. Which among the following regions was most affected by the Revolution of 1857?
[A] Punjab
[B] Maharastra
[C] Avadh
[D] Madras
Correct Answer: C [Avadh]
Explanation: The Revolt of 1857: Awadh, one of the main centers of the Revolt, was annexed by
Lord Dalhousie, Governor General of India, in 1856. Begum Hazrat Mahal also known as Begum
of Awadh, during the national liberation uprising of 1857-59 in India headed the rebels

418. Mahalwari System of Revenue Settlement was introduced in which of the following?
[A] Bengal
[B] Bombay
[C] Madras
[D] North west provinces
Correct Answer: D [North west provinces]
Explanation: Land revenue system Permanent settlement introduced in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa
and districts of Benaras and Northern districts of Madras by Lorrd Cornwallis in 1793. Ryotwari
System introduced in Bombay and Madras. Mahalwari system was introduced in the North-
West Provinces, the Punjab, Delhi, Parts of Central India and Uttar Pradesh In this system, the
land was not owned by an individual be it zamindar or any cultivator but by a group of estates
or villages called Mahal. The Mahal was collectively known as the landlord and revenue was
collected from the head of the Mahal, also known as Talukdar

419. What is the correct chronological order of setting up of the following Commissions?
1. Macdonell Commission
2. First Industrial Commission
3. First Fiscal commission
[A] 1, 2, 3
[B] 2, 3, 1
[C] 2, 1, 3
[D] 1, 3, 2
Correct Answer: A [1, 2, 3]
Explanation: Macdonell Commission 1901 was the famine commission appointed by Lord
First Industrial Commission: In 1916 an Industrial Commission was appointed to find out means
for giving encouragement for the growth of Indian industries. The report of the commission was
submitted in 1918.
First Fiscal Commission: Indian Fiscal Commission was established in 1919 and it recommended
tariff protection for certain industries. As a follow up to the recommendations to this
commission, a tariff board was established in 1923 and in 1924, the Steel Industry of India was
given protection.

420. The British East India Company ceased to be a trading Company via which among the
following legislation?
[A] Pitts India Act of 1784
[B] Charter Act of 1833
[C] Charter Act of 1813
[D] Government of India Act 1858
Correct Answer: B [Charter Act of 1833]
Explanation: The charter act 1833: It is considered to be an attempt to codify all Indian Laws.
The Governor General of Bengal now became the The Governor General of India. One of the
Provision of this act – “the East India Company now lost its trading privilege i.e., tea and
monopoly in China, henceforth it became a purely administrative body under the crown.”

421. Which one of the following native states was NOT annexed by the British on the basis of
the Doctrine of Lapse?
[A] Satara
[B] Punjab
[C] Jhansi
[D] Karauli
Correct Answer: B [Punjab]
Explanation: Doctrine of Lapse: formula devised by Lord Dalhousie, governor-general of India
(1848–56), to deal with questions of succession to Hindu Indian states.
• Satara was annexed in 1848.
• Sambalpur was annexed in 1849.
• Karauli was annexed in 1852.
• Jhansi was annexed in 1854.

422. Avadh was annexed into the British East India territories on which ground?
[A] Doctrine of Lapse
[B] Alleged misgovernment
[C] Failure to pay subsidy
[D] Maintenance of relations with foreign powers
Correct Answer: B [Alleged misgovernment]
Explanation: The kingdom of Oudh was the only great Indian state whose ruler Nawab Wajid Ali
Shah was dispossessed on the ground of “intolerable misgovernment”. Awadh was annexed in
February 1856 via a proclamation.

423. Who said that British established a robber state in Bengal between 1765 and 1772 ?
[A] G. W. Forrest
[B] Lord Macaulay
[C] K. M. Panikkar
[D] Nand Lal Chatterji
Correct Answer: C [K. M. Panikkar]
Explanation: K.M. Panikkar was an Indian scholar, journalist, historian, administrator and
diplomat. He wrote that between 1765-1772, British had “established a robber state where,
without reference to the rights of the others, they freely plundered and looted under the cover
of thier rights”.

424. The first victim of the British policy of Subsidiary Alliance was___?
[A] Avadh
[B] Mewar
[C] Mysore
[D] Hyderabad
Correct Answer: D [Hyderabad]
Explanation: A subsidiary alliance is an alliance between a dominant nation and a nation that it
dominates.The 1st victim of the policy of subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley was the Nizam of

425. The Peshwa accepted the Subsidiary Alliance with the British via which among the
following treaties?
[A] Treaty of Purandhar
[B] Treaty of Bassein
[C] Treaty of Salbai
[D] Treaty of Surji Arjungaon
Correct Answer: B [Treaty of Bassein]

426. Under which among the following treaties, the British East India Company secured the
Diwani right of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa?
[A] Alinagar
[B] Faizabad
[C] Allahabad
[D] Benaras
Correct Answer: C [Allahabad]
Explanation: Treaty of Allahabad ( 16 August 1765), it was the outcome of the Battle of Buxar
(1764). Robert Clive (Governor General of Bengal) made a separate treaty with Mughal Emperor
Shah Alam II and Nawab of Awadh Shuja-ud-daullah. A/c to this treaty, Mughal Emperor
granted Fiscal Rights (Diwani) to the East India Company at Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.

427. Which among the following was the first establishment of Dutch in current territories of
[A] Calcutta
[B] Chinsura
[C] Pippli
[D] Balasore
Correct Answer: C [Pippli]
Explanation: Pippli was the first place where the Dutch had established themselves in current
territories of Odisha. It was soon abandoned for Balasore.

428. Which among the following British men tried to obtain a Firman for trade in Gujarat from
Emperor Akbar?
[A] Ralph Fitch
[B] John Mildenhall
[C] Sir Thomas Roe
[D] Thomas Stephens
Correct Answer: B [John Mildenhall]
Explanation: John Mildenhall was a British explorer and adventurer and one of the first to make
an overland journey to India. He was the self-styled ambassador of the British East India
Company in India. His is the first recorded burial of an Englishman in India. He bluffed in Akbar’s
court that he was Her Britannic Majesty’s ambassador. Though he was admitted in the Durbar
of Akbar, so that he became the first Englishman privileged to be received by the Great Mughal;
yet he could never win the confidence of the Mughal Emperor. Portuguese Jesuits played to
keep him or English away from the Mughals.

429. In which among the following years, Bombay transferred to the East India Company by
Charles II ?
[A] 1662 A.D.
[B] 1664 A.D.
[C] 1666 A.D.
[D] 1668 A.D.
Correct Answer: D [1668 A.D.]
Explanation: On 21 September 1668, the Royal Charter of 27 March 1668, led to the transfer of
Bombay from Charles II to the British East India Company for an annual rent of £10.

430. The most important reason for collection of “Chauth” and “Sardeshmukhi” by Marathas
was __?
[A] To increase the source of income
[B] To expand his territories
[C] To consolidate his political influence
[D] Because of the opposition of Muslim rulers
Correct Answer: A [To increase the source of income]
Explanation: Shivaji collected the chauth and sardeshmukhi from the territory which was either
under his enemies or under his own influence. The chauth was one fourth part of the income of
a particular territory while the sardeshmukhi was one tenth. Shivaji collected these taxes simply
by force of his arms. These constituted of the primary sources of income of Shivaji and helped
in the extension of the power and territory of the Marathas.
431. Who among the following was not included in the “Asta Pradhan” of Shivaji ?
[A] Sumant
[B] Majmudar
[C] Vakiyanavis
[D] Vakeel
Correct Answer: D [Vakeel]
Explanation: Ashta Pradhan Pantpradhan or Peshwa – Prime Minister, general administration
of the Empire. Amatya – Finance Minister, managing accounts of the Empire. Sacheev –
Secretary, preparing royal edicts. Mantri – Interior Minister, managing internal affairs especially
intelligence and espionage. Senapati – Commander-in-Chief, managing the forces and defense
of the Empire. Sumant – Foreign Minister, to manage relationships with other sovereigns.
Nyayadhish – Chief Justice, dispensing justice on civil and criminal matters. Panditrao – High
Priest, managing internal religious matters.
432. Hind Swaraj, a book by Mahatma Gandhi in 1909 was originally written in __?
[A] Hindi
[B] Urdu
[C] Gujarati
[D] English
Correct Answer: C [Gujarati]
433. Fatehchand (one of the traitors of Plassey) was bestowed with the title of Jagath Seth by
[A] Alivardi Khan
[B] Sirajuddaula
[C] Mir Zafar
[D] Muhammad Shah
Correct Answer: D [Muhammad Shah]
Explanation: Fatehchand was adopted son of Manik Chand. He obtained the title of “Seth”
from the Emperor Farrakhsiyar. Muhammad Shah bestowed him with the title of “Jagat Seth”.

434. With reference to Bahadur Shah Zafar, which among the following statements is not true?
[A] He was an emperor without empire
[B] He was a warrior without any war experience
[C] Hassan Askari was his spiritual guide
[D] He succeeded to the throne in 1845 A.D.
Correct Answer: D [He succeeded to the throne in 1845 A.D.]

435. Who of the following wrote the first Indian poetic work in English?
[A] Kashi Prasad Ghosh
[B] Ramchandra Vidyavagish
[C] Krishna Mohan Banerjee
[D] Hariharanand
Correct Answer: A [Kashi Prasad Ghosh]
Explanation: First Indian poetic work in English, The Shair and Other Poems by Kashi Prasad
Ghosh was published in 1830.

436. Who was the last Maratha chief to accept the Subsidiary Alliance of the British?
[A] Gaikwad
[B] Scindia
[C] Holkar
[D] Bhonsle
Correct Answer: C [Holkar]
Explanation: The doctrine of subsidiary alliance was introduced by Marquess (or Lord)
Wellesley, British Governor-General of India from 1798 to 1805 . Under this doctrine, Indian
rulers under British protection surrendered control of their foreign affairs to the British.
Hyderabad first signed it. The five Maratha chiefs entered into subsidiary alliance as follows:
Peshava →1802 Scindia →1804 Gaekwa →1805 Bhonsle →1806 Holkar →1818.

437. Which was the first State to be created on linguistic basis ?

[A] Madras
[B] Andhra Pradesh
[C] Andhra State
[D] Gujarath
Correct Answer: C [Andhra State]
Explanation: The congress in its Jaipur session appointed a three member committee also
popularly known as JVP committee after the name of its leaders – Jawaharlal Nehru,Vallabh
Bhai Patel and Pattabhai Sitaramaya.The committee rejected language as the bass of
reorganization of states.. Potti Sreeramulu, one of the activists demanding the formation of a
Telugu-majority state, died on 16 December 1952 after undertaking a fast-unto-death. This
resulted in the creation of the first state on linguistic basis for Telugu speaking people called
Andhra State on October 1, 1953. It was later renamed Andhra Pradesh.
438. The Bijauliya Movement is related to the agrarian struggle in the current state of __?
[A] Kerala
[B] Assam
[C] Odisha
[D] Rajasthan
Correct Answer: D [Rajasthan]
Explanation: Bijoliya Kisaan Andolan- It was a pioneer agrarian movement in the Mewar State
in present Udaipur District.The Jagirdar of Bijolia was a Parmar Rajput having 96 villages in his
jagir. There were 86 different taxes on peasants against which peasants revolted in 1905. The
initial leadership was provided by Sitaram Das. The movement got linked to national
movement. Vijay (Bijoy) Singh Pathik and Manik Lal Verma (future Chief Minister of Rajasthan)
led a no tax movement in 1916. It was called Bijolia movement. The peasants refused to do
begar and held back the taxes. The movement continued through 1920s and spread over to
other States of Rajputana.

439. Who was the President of the “Flag Committee”?

[A] B. R. Ambedkar
[B] J. B. Kriplani
[C] Hakim Ajmal Khan
[D] Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Correct Answer: D [Dr. Rajendra Prasad]
Explanation: Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the head of the Ad hoc committee on National Flag in the
constituent assembly. The flag of the congress party was accepted as the National Flag with few
changes on July 22, 1947. The new flag code of India gives freedom to individual to hoist the
flag on all days, but with due respect to the flag.

440. Which one of the following leaders was not a part of Non-cooperation movement ?
[A] M. A. Ansari
[B] M. A. Zinnah
[C] Abul Kalam Azad
[D] Hakim Ajmal Khan
Correct Answer: B [M. A. Zinnah]
Explanation: Non cooperation movement (1920-22) was led by Mahatma Gandhi Veterans like
Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Annie Besant opposed the idea
outright. But the younger generation of Indian nationalists were thrilled, and backed Gandhiji.
The Congress Party adopted his plans, and he received extensive support from Muslim leaders
like Abul Kalam Azad, Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Abbas Tyabji, Maulana
Mohammad Ali and Maulana Shaukat Ali.

441. Who is considered the “Father of Muslim Renaissance in Bengal” in Bengal?

[A] Abdul Latif
[B] Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
[C] Muhammad Qasim
[D] Rashid Ahmed Gangohi
Correct Answer: A [Abdul Latif]
Explanation: Nawab Abdul Latif Khan: (1828-1893) a prominent personality of mid 19th century
Bengal, the pioneer of Muslim modernization and the architect of the Muslim Renaissance, was
one of those great men who appeared as saviours of their frustrated, humiliated, demoralized
and disorganised fellow countrymen under colonial rule His chief contribution was in the field
of education. He was among the first to understand that young Bengali Muslims should receive
modern education. He understood that the Muslims of Bengal had fallen behind in everything
because of their prejudices against modern education. He devoted his whole life to removing
this self-destructive prejudice from their minds.

442. In which year English was made the medium of instruction in India ?
[A] 1844 A.D
[B] 1835 A.D.
[C] 1833 A.D.
[D] 1813 A.D.
Correct Answer: B [1835 A.D.]
Explanation: The English Education Act was a legislative Act of the Council of India in 1835
giving effect to a decision in 1835 by William Bentinck, the Governor-General of British India to
reallocate funds the East India Company was required by the British Parliament to spend on
education and literature in India. In the same year, British Government designated English as
the medium of education for schools and universities.

443. The most fervent supporter of Gandhi’s proposal for an all-out campaign of civil
disobedience during Quit India Movement was ?
[A] Ram Manohar Lohia
[B] Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
[C] Subhash Chandra Bose
[D] Jai Prakash Narayan
Correct Answer: B [Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel]
Explanation: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel- known as the “Iron Man of India” or “Bismarck of India”.
Patel was most fervent supporter of Gandhi’s proposal for an all-out campaign of civil
disobedience to force the British to Quit India. He participated in Gandhi’s call for individual
disobedience, and was arrested in 1940 and imprisoned for nine months. He also opposed the
proposals of the Cripps’ mission in 1942.

444. The biographical memoir of A. O. Hume was written by __?

[A] W. Wederbirn
[B] Lord Dufferin
[C] J. Charles
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [W. Wederbirn]
Explanation: Sir William Wedderburn, or W. Wederbirn was a Scottish civil servant in India and
a politician. He wrote a biographical memoir of A. O. Hume who died in 1912. (A. O. Hume was
the founder of the Indian National Congress).

445. The Two Nation Theory was propounded in which session of the Muslim League?
[A] Lahore Session, 1940
[B] Bombay Session, 1915
[C] Delhi Session, 1918
[D] Calcutta Session, 1917
Correct Answer: A [Lahore Session, 1940]
Explanation: Fazlul Haq, the premier of Bengal, who along with Muslim League had formed the
government of Bengal Province ,moved a resolution ,which was passed by Muslim League. In
this session ,Jinnah in his presidential address gave the famous Two.Nation Theory as fellows:
“India cannot be assumed today to be Unitarian and homogeneous nation,but on the contrary
,there are two nations in the main- the Hindus and Muslims”. The term Pakistan was not used
in this session. Gandhiji rejected the two nation theory.

446. The Treaty of Alinagar was signed in ___?

[A] February 1756
[B] September 1756
[C] February 1757
[D] April 1757
Correct Answer: C [February 1757]
Explanation: February 9, 1757 the treaty of Alinagar (changed name of Calcutta) was signed
between Robert Clive of the British East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal, Mirza
Muhammad Siraj Ud Daula. According to this treaty a)All preivileges granted by Farrukshiyar
were confirmed. b)All goods under the british dastak went to be duty free. c)The british were
given right of making coin in Bengal. The signing of the treaty was one of the events leading up
to the famous Battle of Plassey.

447. During the company rule, the Hindu Widows Remarriage Act was drafted by__ ?
[A] Lord Canning
[B] Lord Dalhousie
[C] Lord Hardinge
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Lord Dalhousie]
Explanation: The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856, also Act XV, 1856, enacted on 25 July
1856, legalized the remarriage of Hindu widows in all jurisdictions of India under East India
Company rule was drafted by Lord Dalhousie.

448. The statement “Like summer gale revolt of Meerut was unprecedented and short-lived”
was made by __?
[A] S. N. Sen
[B] R. C. Majumdar
[C] S. B. Chaudhuri
[D] V. D. Savarkar
Correct Answer: A [S. N. Sen]
Explanation: The Merrut 1857 Uprising was described by Dr.Surendra Nath Sen-“ Like summer
gale revolt of Meerut was unprecedented and short-lived”. He was the author of a number of
major works, mostly on the history of the Marathas.In 1956, the Indian government
commissioned him to write a history of the Indian Popular Uprising of 1857–59; the work,
entitled Eighteen Fifty-seven, was published in 1957.

449. The First President of Muslim League was __?

[A] Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk Mustaq Hussain
[B] Mian Abdul Aziz
[C] Hidayat Hussain Khan
[D] Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Correct Answer: A [Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk Mustaq Hussain]
Explanation: Muslim League, a political organization of India and Pakistan, founded in 1906 as
the All-India Muslim League by Aga Khan III. Its original purpose was to safeguard the political
rights of Muslims in India. Nawab Mushtaq Husain Viqar-ul-Mulk also known as Mushtaq
Hussain, was a Muslim politician and one of the founders of All India Muslim League. He is also
known for his involvement in the Aligarh Movement.

450. Which party observed the “Black Day” on July 3, 1947 against Partition of India?
[A] Indian National Congress
[B] Forward Bloc
[C] Hindu Mahasabha
[D] Communist Party of India
Correct Answer: C [Hindu Mahasabha]

451. Which party observed the “Black Day” on July 3, 1947 against Partition of India?
[A] Indian National Congress
[B] Forward Bloc
[C] Hindu Mahasabha
[D] Communist Party of India
Correct Answer: C [Hindu Mahasabha]

452. Who was elected the President of Indian National Congress in the famous Tripuri Session
of 1939 ?
[A] Acharya Narendra Deo
[B] Sarat Chandra Bose
[C] Subhash Chandra Bose
[D] Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Correct Answer: C [Subhash Chandra Bose]
Explanation: 52nd Session : Subhash Chandra Bose was re-elected the President of INC at the
Tripuri Session in 1939 by defeating the Gandhi ji’s Candidate Pattabhai Sitaramaiyya. He
demanded that the Congress should deliver a six-months’ ultimatum to Britain and in the event
of its rejection a country-wide struggle for ‘Poorna Swaraj’ should be launched. His warning and
advice went unheeded, his powers as President were sought to be curtailed. He, therefore,
resigned in April 1939, and announced, in May 1939, the formation of the Forward Bloc within
the Congress.

453. The Hindu Mahasabha was organized for the first time in 1914 at ___:
[A] Haridwar
[B] Allahabad
[C] Varanasi
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [Haridwar]
Explanation: Hindu Mahasabha was founded in 1914 by Madan Mohan Malviya.It worked with
Arya Samaj and other Hindu organizations. It was directly link with Rashtriya Swam Sevak Sangh
founded in 1925 at Nagpur by K.B.Hegewar.The first All India Hindu Mahasabha Conference was
organized at Hardwar in 1915. The Sabha ecame more aggressive after 1929 and started
propagating Hindu Rashtra which was totally differ from Gandhiji’s Ram Rajya.

454. Who among the following is known as Mother of Indian Revolutionaries ?

[A] Annie Besant
[B] Sarojini Naidu
[C] Madam Cama
[D] Usha Mehta
Correct Answer: C [Madam Cama]
Explanation: Bhikaiji Rustom Cama,or Madam Cama was born on 24 September 1861 in
Bombay. She was an outstanding lady of great courage, fearlessness, integrity, perseverance
and passion for freedom.and is considered as the mother of Indian revolution because of her
contributions to Indian freedom struggle. She was credited with designing India’s first tricolour
flag with green, saffron and red stripes bearing the immortal words – Vande Matram. After
fighting tirelessly for India’s freedom struggle on foreign land for several years, she came back
to India and died on August 13, 1936.

455. Which Bengali writer suggested the adoption of Hindi as India’s National Language?
[A] Bhudeva Mukherjee
[B] Dinbandhu Mitra
[C] Madhusudan Datta
[D] Kali Prasanna Sinha
Correct Answer: A [Bhudeva Mukherjee]
Explanation: The factors that enhanced the Status of Hindi: The contribution of Bhudeva
Mukherjee ,well-known educationist and writer,played a key role in establishing the Nagari
script in Bihar schools and law courts before 1892. Nagari Pracharni Sabha was founded in 1893
to promote the cause of Hindi and Nagari script.The Language policy of Indian National
congress in the end of 1920’s paved the way of Hindi as the Mother tongue of Hindustan.

456. Who among the following had drafted the fundamental rights resolution at the Karachi
Session, 1931?
[A] Jawaharlal Nehru
[B] Acharya Narendra Deo
[C] Subhash Chandra Bose
[D] Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Correct Answer: A [Jawaharlal Nehru]
Explanation: The Congress met at Karachi in March 1931 to endorse the Gandhi-Irwin or the
Delhi Pact.It was presided over by Sardar Patel. This session became memorable for its
resolution on the Fundamental Rights and the National Economic Programs.In short , It set the
parameters of the Swaraj was reflecting the then dominant leftwing ting of the national
movements.It was drafted by the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

457. The name of the operation started by the British Government to arrest the leaders of Quit
India Movement was__?
[A] Operation Reander Paste
[B] Operation Zero Hour
[C] Operation Thunderbolt
[D] Operation Blue Star
Correct Answer: C [Operation Thunderbolt]
Explanation: The Quit India Movement , or the August Movement (August Kranti) was a civil
disobedience movement launched in India in August 1942 in response to Mohandas Gandhi’s
call for immediate independence.

458. During which among the following movements, Mahatma Gandhi remarked: “on bended
knees I asked for bread and received stone instead” ?
[A] Khilafat Movement
[B] Non-Cooperation Movement
[C] Dandi March
[D] Quit India Movement
Correct Answer: C [Dandi March]
Explanation: Dandi March(12th March 1930) also known as the Salt Satyagraha, was
undertaken by Gandhiji . He led the Dandi march from his base, Sabarmati Ashram near
Ahmedabad, to the sea coast near the village of Dandi. The triggering factor for this movement
was the British monopoly of salt trade in India and the imposition of a salt tax. It was a direct
action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly in
colonial India, and triggered the wider Civil Disobedience Movement. “On bended knees I asked
for bread and I have received stone instead”, was a remark made by Gandhi ji in the beginning
of the march.
459. Which one of the following Bengali drama was directed against Polygamy ?
[A] Bhanumati Chittavikas
[B] Kulin Kulasarvasva
[C] Vidhva Vivaha
[D] Nava Natak
Correct Answer: B [Kulin Kulasarvasva]
Explanation:It was Kulin Kulasarvasva (“All about a Kulin Clan”) by Pandit Ramnarayan
Tarkaratnan. A social satire against the practice of polygamy. It was the first social drama in a
regional language(Bengali) attacking Brahmin polygamy, was presented by an aristocratic family
in 1857.

460. d100 years ago, the Hindustan Gadar Party was launched in which among the following
cities in United States?
[A] Chicago
[B] San Francisco
[C] Oregon City
[D] New York
Correct Answer: B [San Francisco]
To mark the centenary of the Gadar movement, the Indian Government is planning to fund the
conversion of the Gadar Memorial in San Francisco into a museum and library. The Hindustan
Gadar Party, when founded in 1913, begun its operation from 436 Hill Street of the northern
Californian city. It came to be known as ‘Yugantar Ashram’ and it was from here that the
freedom fighters were active from 1913 to 1917. From this place they published a weekly
magazine called Gadar to propagate the cause of Indian independence.

461. The Special Calcutta Session, 1920, in which Mahatma Gandhi moved the Non-cooperation
resolution was presided by __?
[A] C. R. Das
[B] B. C. Pal
[C] Lala Lajpat Rai
[D] Motilal Nehru
Correct Answer: C [Lala Lajpat Rai]
Explanation: Special Calcutta Session, 1920, in which Mahatma Gandhi moved the Non-
cooperation resolution was presided by Lala Lajpat Rai and it was supported by others. Non
cooperation movement was launched for two major issues:
1. The British Government’s attitude towards the Khilafat Movement.
2. Its’ failure to protect the innocent people of the Punjab and punish the officers guilty of
barbarous behavious towards them. Reference: Non-cooperation Movement.

462. The famous book “Ghulamgiri” was written by__:

[A] B. R. Ambedkar
[B] Narayan Guru
[C] Jyotiba Phule
[D] M. P. Pillai
Correct Answer: C [Jyotiba Phule]
Explanation: Jyotirao Govindrao Phule (Mahatma) was born in Pune,was a great social
reformer. He dedicated his book Gulamgiri to the American movement to free slaves, he linked
the conditions of the black slaves in America with those of the lower castes in India. This
comparison contains an expression of hope that one day, like the end of slavery in America,
there would be an end to all sorts of caste discriminations in Indian society

463. Who among the following made the following statement?

“The only lesson required in India at present is to learn how to die and the only way to teach is
by dying ourselves. Therefore, I die and glory in my martyrdom”
[A] Aurbindo Ghosh
[B] Khudiram Bose
[C] Chandra Shekhar Azad
[D] Madan Lal Dhingra
Correct Answer: D [Madan Lal Dhingra]
Explanation: Madan Lal Dhingra was born in the holy city of Amritsar, He was an Indian political
activist studying in England and there he came in contact with the Indian revolutionaty leaders
like Shyamji Krishna Verma and Veer Damodar Savarkar.He was perhaps the first Indian
freedom fighter to be executed on British soil. He assassinated Sir Curzan Wyllie, political Aide-
de-Camp to the Secretary of State for India, Lord Morley in London in 1909. He was hanged at
Pentonville Prison, London, on 17 August, 1909

464. Basumati, the oldest Bengali Daily paper was edited by ___:
[A] Anand Mohan Bose
[B] Surya Sen
[C] Barinder Kumar Ghosh
[D] V. D. Savarkar
Correct Answer: C [Barinder Kumar Ghosh]
Explanation: Barinder Kumar Ghosh was born at Norwood near London on 5th January in
1880.He was a younger brother of Aurobindo Ghosh. In 1906, to spread the revolutionary ideas
and to provide fervor to Swadeshi movement ,he started a Bengali weekly-“the jugantar”. In
1907, he started the Maniktala group with Bagha Jatin and a few young revolutionary activists
for the collection of arms and ammunitions and manufacturing explosives.He was sentenced to
death by the trial known as Alipore Bomb Case. Later the sentence was commuted to life
imprisonment and was sent to the Cellular Jail in Andaman in 1909. In 1920, Barindra Kumar
Ghose was released. In 1933 Barindra Kumar Ghose launched English weekly, The Dawn of
India. He was also associated with The Statesman newspaper and earned the title as a
columnist. In 1950, he became the editor of the Bengali daily Dainik Basumati.

465. Curzon Wyllie, who was murdered by Madan Lal Dhingra in London, was___?
[A] Secretary of State for India
[B] Adviser to the Secretary of State of India
[C] Law Member
[D] [Window Title]
Correct Answer: B [Adviser to the Secretary of State of India]
Explanation: Madan Lal Dhingra was a great revolutionary from Punjab,associated with the
Indian Home Rule Society, The Abhinav Bharat Society and the Indian House in London. On July
1, 1909 he shot dead Curzon Wyllie an adviser to the secretary of state of India, and Cowas
Lolcaca at the meeting of the Indian National Association in London to avenge the atrocities
committed by the British in India.

466. Who was the only Indian prince who actively participated in the Revolutionary Movement
within and outside India?
[A] Raja Aridaman Singh
[B] Raja Hari Singh
[C] Raja Kumar Singh
[D] Raja Mahendra Pratap
Correct Answer: D [Raja Mahendra Pratap]
Explanation: Raja Mahendra Pratap was an Indian freedom fighter, journalist, writer, and
Marxist revolutionary social reformist of India. He believed in the religious unity and racial
equality. He started two paper-“Prem”in Hindi and “Nirbal Sewak” in Hindi and Urdu. In 1915,
he formed the first government outside India in Afghanistan. He returned to India after 32
years of exile and became the member of the second Lok Sabha in 1957-1962. He was elected
as an independent candidate from Mathura constituency. He was president of Indian Freedom
Fighters’ Association and also the president of All India Jat Mahasabha .He died on 29 April

467.During which among the following events, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was given the epithet of
[A] Home Rule Movement
[B] Surat Split
[C] Swadeshi Movement
[D] His imprisonment in 1908
Correct Answer: A [Home Rule Movement]
Explanation: The name of Tilak became a household name during Homerule Movement and
this let him earn the epithet Lokmanya. Home rule movement has been taken from Ireland.The
two Home Rule League were set up in April 1916 by Bal Gangadhar Tilak and in Sept 1916 by
Annie Besant.The main objective of Home Rule League were: - Self Government in the British
Empire. Work for National education, social and political reforms. Abolition of untouchability.
468. The national anthem of India ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was first sung at __:
[A] Calcutta, 1911
[B] Calcutta, 1912
[C] Delhi, 1911
[D] Mumbai, 1912
Correct Answer: A [Calcutta, 1911]
Explanation: “Jana Gana Mana ” is the national anthem of India. Written in highly Sanskritised
(Tatsama) Bengali, it is the first of five stanzas of a Brahmo hymn composed and scored by
Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. It was first sung in Calcutta Session of the Indian National
Congress on 27 December 1911. “Jana Gana Mana” was officially adopted by the Constituent
Assembly as the Indian national anthem on 24 January 1950. 27 December 2011 marked the
completion of 100 years of Jana Gana Mana since it was sung for the first time.The original
poem written by Rabindranath Tagore was translated into Hindi by Abid Ali.

469. Who among the following poet and dramatist pioneered the Bengali drama ?
[A] Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
[B] Michael Madhusudan Dutta
[C] Rajnarayan Dutt
[D] Aurobindo Ghosh
Correct Answer: B [Michael Madhusudan Dutta]
Explanation: Michael Madhusudan Dutta was a popular 19th-century Bengali poet and
dramatist. He was a pioneer of Bengali drama. His famous work Meghnad Bodh Kavya is a tragic

470. With reference to the relations of the Princely states with British Crown, which among the
following report said that “Paramountcy must remain paramount”?
[A] Hunter Commission Report
[B] Strachey Commission Report
[C] Butler Commission Report
[D] Campbell Commission Report
Correct Answer: C [Butler Commission Report]
Explanation: A three -member committee headed by Harcourt Butler, appointed on December
16, 1927 to examine the relations between the native states and the paramount power,
declined to define what paramountcy was but clearly and fortrightly stated that “paramountcy
must remain paramount”. The committee fully endorsed that the viceroy, not the governor
general should remain the Crown agent in dealing with the native states. In fact the right to
protect includes right to internal intervention. Paramountcy is the supreme sovereign power
which was kept above the reach of law and interpretation, to be exercised at the appropriate
time subject to resiraints of morality and constitutional propriety against an erring ruler of a
native statewhen other correctional means had proved to be futile. It is a concept developed
into a deterrent in the political relation between the British and the Indian rulers.

471. The policy announcement of “progressive realization of responsible Government in India

as an integral part of the British Empire” was embedded in __:
[A] Montagu-Chelmsford Report
[B] Motilal Nehru Report
[C] Hartog Committee Report
[D] Cabinet Mission Report
Correct Answer: A [Montagu-Chelmsford Report]
472. The objective of the Cripps Mission, headed by Sir Stafford Cripps was to __:
[A] To prevent the launch of Quit India Movement
[B] To persuade Indian Leaders to support the British War Efforts
[C] To Convince the Congress Ministries to withdraw their resignations
[D] To set up a Constitution making body
Correct Answer: B [To persuade Indian Leaders to support the British War Efforts]
Explanation: The Cripps mission was an attempt in late March 1942 by the British government
to secure Indian cooperation and support for their efforts in World War II. The mission was
headed by Sir Stafford Cripps, a senior left-wing politician and government minister in the War
Cabinet of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The mission proved a failure.

473. In context with the Constituent Assembly, which among the following observations is / are
1. The members of Constituent Assembly were elected directly
2. The basis of seats allocation was population
3. Composition of the Constituent Assembly was roughly in line with the suggestions of the
Cabinet Mission plan
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2 are correct
[B] Only 2 & 3 are correct
[C] Only 1 & 3 are correct
[D] 1, 2 & 3 are correct
Correct Answer: B [Only 2 & 3 are correct]
Explanation: Election of the members of the Constituent Assembly had been elected firstly, for
undivided India. Its first sitting was held on December 9, 1946 and re-assembled as Constituent
Assembly for divided India on 14 August 1947. oIts members were elected by indirect election
by the members of the Provisional Legislative Assemblies that had been established in 1935.
oThe Constituent Assembly was composed roughly along the lines suggested by the plan
proposed by the committee of the British cabinet, known as the Cabinet Mission. As per the
Cabinet Mission plan, each Province and each Princely State or group of States were allotted
seats proportional to their respective population roughly in the ratio of 1:10 Lakh. As a result
the Provinces (that were under direct British rule) were to elect 292 members while the
Princely States were allotted a minimum of 93 seats. The seats in each Province were
distributed among the three main communities, Muslims, Sikhs and general, in proportion to
their respective populations. oMembers of each community in the Provisional Legislative
Assembly elected their own representatives by the method of proportional representation with
single transferable vote. oThe method of selection in the case of representatives of Princely
States was to be determined by consultation. oAs a consequence of the Partition under the
plan of 3 June 1947 those members who were elected from territories which fell under Pakistan
ceased to be members of the Constituent Assembly. oThe numbers in the Assembly were
reduced to 299 of which 284 were actually present on 26 November 1949 and appended their
signature to the Constitution as finally passed.

474. Who among the following had drafted the “Declaration of Independence” pledge in 1930?
[A] Motilal Nehru
[B] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[C] Mahatma Gandhi
[D] C R Das
Correct Answer: C [Mahatma Gandhi]
Explanation: Declaration of Independence Pledge Though the congress passed the Poorna
Swaraj Resolution in December 1929, it was a month later on January 26, 1930, when a Pledge
of Indian Independence also known as Declaration of Independence was taken. While the
Poorna Swaraj Resolution was drafted by Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, the “Declaration of
Independence” pledge was drafted by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 and it echoed the essence of
American Declaration of Independence. After this pledge January 26, 1930 was declared as
Independence Day by Indian National Congress.

475. Which among the following is India’s first Oil refinery ?

[A] Guwahati Refinery
[B] Vishakhapatnam Refinery
[C] Digboi Refinery
[D] Barauni Refinery
Correct Answer: C [Digboi Refinery]
Explanation: Digboi is a town and a town area committee in Tinsukia district in the north-
eastern part of the state of Assam, India. Crude oil was discovered here in late 19th century.
Digboi is known as the Oil City of Assam where the first oil well in Asia was drilled. The first
refinery was started here as early as 1901. Digboi has the oldest oil well in operation. The
Digboi Refinery modernization project was taken up in large scale in order to overcome the
technological obsolescence of the old refinery. Subsequently a number of other major projects
were undertaken by Assam Oil Division to further revamp and modernize Digboi Refinery.Digboi
refinery has been awarded the ISO-14001 and OHSMC certificate.

476. In which among the following countries, Battaglione Azad Hindoustan, a legion unit of
Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) was formed during the World War II ?
[A] Japan
[B] Germany
[C] Italy
[D] Singapore
Correct Answer: C [Italy]
Explanation: The Indian National Army ( Azad Hind Fauj) was an armed force formed by Indian
nationalists in 1942 in Southeast Asia during World War II. The aim of the army was to secure
Indian independence with Japanese assistance. Initially formed in 1942 immediately after the
fall of Singapore under Mohan Singh, the first INA collapsed in December that year before it
was revived under the leadership of Subhas Chandra Bose in 1943 and proclaimed the army of
Bose’s Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind . The Battaglione Azad Hindoustan (Italian: “Free India
Battalion”) was a foreign legion unit formed in Italy in July 1942. It was headed by Mohammad
Iqbal Shedai.

477. “The Bengalee” Newspaper was started by which among the following activists in 1879?
[A] Surendranath Banerjee
[B] Anandmohan Bose
[C] Nabagopal Mitra
[D] Rajnarayan Basu
Correct Answer: A [Surendranath Banerjee]
Explanation: Surendranath Banerjee was one of the earliest political leaders during the British
Rule. He founded the newspaper “The Bengalee” in 1879 and founded the Indian National
Association with Anandmohan Bose, the first Indian political organization of its kind on July 26,
1876. He is renowned today as pioneer leader of Indian politics. He published an important
work, A Nation in Making, which was widely acclaimed. The British respected him and referred
to him during his later years as “Surrender Not Banerjee”.

478. At which among the following places, Hindu Mela was started in 1867 by Nabagopal Mitra
[A] Calcutta
[B] Delhi
[C] Allahabad
[D] Varanasi
Correct Answer: A [Calcutta]
Explanation: Hindu Mela was founded in 1867 in Calcutta by Nabagopal Mitra with the active
support from the Tagore Family. The Hindu Mela was also known as the Chaitra Mela.It was
largely the product of the combined efforts of Rajnarayan Basu, Dwijendranath Tagore, and
Nabagopal Mitra.
479. Who among the following played a dominant role in the famous Vaikom Satyagraha of
[A] T. K. Madhavan
[B] Muloor S.Padmanabha Panicker
[C] Balarama Varma
[D] K. Kelappan
Correct Answer: D [K. Kelappan]
Explanation: Vaikom Satyagraha (1924–25) was a satyagraha (movement) in Travancore, India
(now part of Kerala) against untouchability in Hindu society. The movement was centered at
the Shiva temple at Vaikom, near Kottayam.The Satyagraha aimed at securing freedom of
movement for all sections of society through the public roads leading to the Sri Mahadevar
Temple at Vaikom. K. Kelappan played a dominant role in the famous Vaikom Satyagraha and
was the leader of the Guruvayur Satyagraha in 1932. It was at Gandhiji’s request that he ended
his fast at Guruvayur.

480. At which among the following places, All India Muslim League was established in 1906?
[A] Dhaka
[B] Naypyidaw
[C] Islamabad
[D] Muscat
Correct Answer: A [Dhaka]
Explanation: The All India Muslim League was rooted in 1906 at Dhaka. It emerged from the
Aligarh Movement, formed originally to promote a modern education for Muslims. Muslim
League, political organization of India and Pakistan, founded 1906 as the All-India Muslim
League by Aga Khan III. Its original purpose was to safeguard the political rights of Muslims in

481. During the independence movement, newspaper ‘Kesari’ was published by_:
[A] Subhash Chandra Bose
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C] Mohammad Ali Jinnah
[D] Lala Lajpat Rai
Correct Answer: B [Bal Gangadhar Tilak]
Explanation: Kesari is a newspaper founded in 1881 by Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a
prominent leader of the Indian Independence movement. Bal Gangadhar Tilak used to run his
two newspapers, the Kesari, in Marathi and Maratha in English from Kesari Wada. The Wada
still has the offices of Kesari, and mementos of Tilak, including his writing desk original letters
and documents.

482. On which among the following dates, the Second Round Table Conference was held?
[A] November 17, 1932
[B] November 12, 1930
[C] September 7, 1931
[D] September 7, 1932
Correct Answer: C [September 7, 1931]
Explanation: The second session opened on September 7, 1931. There were three major
differences between the first and second Round Table Conferences. By the second namely
Congress Representation, National Government and Financial Crisis.

483. Who among the following played a dominant role in establishing the All India Trade Union
[A] Basawon Singh (Sinha)
[B] Subodh Banerjee
[C] Lala Lajpat Rai
[D] Ashok Mehta
Correct Answer: C [Lala Lajpat Rai]
Explanation: The All India Trade Union Congress is the oldest trade union federations in India
and one of the five largest. It was founded on 31 October 1920 in Bombay by Lala Lajpat Rai and
Joseph Baptista. It was the primary trade union organization in India. Since then it has been
associated with the Communist Party of India.

484. Who among the following was the first Indian woman president to chair the Indian
National Congress at Kanpur session of 1925?
[A] Sarojini Naidu
[B] Annie Beasant
[C] Nellie Sengupta
[D] Indira Gandhi
Correct Answer: A [Sarojini Naidu]
Explanation: Sarojini Naidu presided the Indian National Congress at Kanpur session in 1925.

485. Which among the following Charter Acts ended the commercial monopoly of East India
Company in India?
[A] Charter Act of 1793
[B] Charter Act of 1813
[C] Charter Act of 1833
[D] Charter Act of 1853
Correct Answer: B [Charter Act of 1813]
Explanation: Charter Acts of 1813 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which
renewed the charter issued to the British East India Company, and continued the Company’s
rule in India. However, the Company’s commercial monopoly was ended, except for the tea
trade and the trade with China. Reflecting the growth of British power in India.

486. Who among the following introduced the subsidiary alliance system in India?
[A] Lord Clive
[B] Lord Wellesley
[C] Lord Cunningham
[D] Lord Canning
Correct Answer: B [Lord Wellesley]
Explanation: The doctrine of subsidiary alliance was introduced by Lord Wellesley, British
Governor-General of India from 1798 to 1805.
The Nizam of Hyderabad was the first to enter into such an alliance in 1798.Tipu Sultan of
Mysore refused to do so, but after the British victory in the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War, Mysore
was forced to become a subsidiary state in 1799.
The Nawab of Awadh was the next to accept the Subsidiary Alliance, in 1801.

487. Who among the following signed the Treaty of Bassein in 1802 with the British East India
[A] Baji Rao II
[B] Baji Rao I
[C] Sultan Bahadur
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [Baji Rao II]
Explanation: The Treaty of Bassein (Now called Vasai) was a pact signed on December 31, 1802
between the British East India Company and Baji Rao II, the Maratha peshwa of Pune (Poona) in
India after the Battle of Poona. The treaty was a decisive step in the dissolution of the Maratha
Confederacy, which led to the East India Company’s usurpation of the peshwa’s territories in
western India in 1818.

488. Shivaji had formed a council of eight ministers that administered the Maratha empire. The
council was named as:
[A] Nyaya Pradhan
[B] Ashta Sena
[C] Ashta Siddhi
[D] Ashta Pradhan
Correct Answer: D [Ashta Pradhan]
Explanation: Ashta Pradhan was a council of eight ministers that administered the Maratha
empire. The council was formed in 1674 by founding Emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji.The term
Ashta Pradhan literally translates to “the Prime Eight”, from the Sanskrit ashta (“eight”) and
pradhan (“prime”). The body discharged the functions of a modern council of ministers; this is
regarded as one of the first successful instances of ministerial delegation in India. The council is
credited with having implemented good governance practices in the Maratha heartland, as well
as for the success of the military campaigns against the Mughal Empire.

489. Which among the following events was a major set back to Khilafat Movement?
[A] Announcements of concession to Muslims by British Government
[B] Pact signed between Indian National Congress and Muslim League
[C] Revolution in Turkey
[D] Violence in Chauri Chaura
Correct Answer: C [Revolution in Turkey]
Explanation: In 1922, there was a revolution in Turkey under the leadership of Mustafa Kamal
Pasha, under whom a secular government was established over there. This government buried
the concept of Khilafat within two years and the result was that Khilafat Conference had lost its
raison d ‘etre and was dying thereafter.

490. Which among the following events took place immediately before the massacre at
Jallianwalla Bagh?
[A] Partition of Bengal
[B] llbert Bill
[C] Passage of the Rowlatt Act
[D] Minto-Morley Reforms
Correct Answer: C [Passage of the Rowlatt Act]

491. Which among the following books was authored by Mahatma Gandhi?
[A] Hindu View of Life
[B] Hind Swaraj
[C] Discovery of India
[D] My Truth
Correct Answer: B [Hind Swaraj]
Explanation: Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule is a book written by Mohandas K. Gandhi in
1909. It is a book in which he expresses his views on Swaraj, Modern Civilization, Mechanisation

492. Who among the following founded the Indian Society of Oriental Art to revive the ancient
art traditions of India?
[A] Abanindranath Tagore
[B] Ravindranath Tagore
[C] Surendranath Ganguly
[D] Mukul Dey
Correct Answer: A [Abanindranath Tagore]
Explanation: Abanidranath Tagore had founded Indian Society of Oriental Art in Kolkata to
revive the ancient art traditions of India. He was the principal of government school of art and a
great artist of modern India.

493. In which year, first census was conducted in India?

[A] 1884
[B] 1872
[C] 1881
[D] 1891
Correct Answer: B [1872]
Explanation: The first census was conducted in India in 1872, but regular census started in
494. Martyrdom of Chandrashekhar Azad took place on which among the following dates?
[A] February 27, 1931
[B] February 11, 1931
[C] April 13, 1931
[D] August 14, 1931
Correct Answer: A [February 27, 1931]

495. In which of the following languages was the Ghadar Journal was first published?
[A] Urdu
[B] English
[C] Punjabi
[D] Pushtu
Correct Answer: A [Urdu]
Explanation: Ghadar journal was published in Urdu in 1913. After this, it was published in
English, Punjabi, Marathi and Pushtu also.

496. On which among the following dates, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place?
[A] April 16,1919
[B] April 13,1919
[C] April 3,1919
[D] April 14,1919
Correct Answer: B [April 13,1919]

497. Who among the following resigned from the membership of the Viceroy’s Executive
Council as a protest against Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?
[A] C. P. Ramaswami Iyer
[B] Muhammad Ali Jinnah
[C] B. N. Sarma
[D] Shankaran Nair
Correct Answer: D [Shankaran Nair]
Explanation: Shankaran Nair resigned from the membership of the Viceroy’s Executive Council
as a protect against Jallianwala Bagh Massacre on April 13, 1919.

498. Which among the following was the first registered Trade Union of India?
[A] Hindu Mazdoor Sabha
[B] Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh
[C] Madras Labour Union
[D] United Trade Union Congress
Correct Answer: C [Madras Labour Union]
Explanation: The first registered Trade Union of India was Madras Labour Union which was
founded in 1918 by B.P. Wadia along with V. Kalyanasundaram Mudaliar.

499. Who among the following founded the Madras Labour Union?
[A] Subodh Banerjee
[B] B.P. Wadia.
[C] Lala Lajpat Rai
[D] Bharat Bhushan Pandey
Correct Answer: B [B.P. Wadia.]
Explanation: The first Trade Union of India was Madras Labour Union which was founded in
1918 by B.P. Wadia along with V. Kalyanasundaram Mudaliar

500. Who among the following presided over the Surat Session of Indian National Congress in
[A] Dadabhai Naoroji
[B] Gopal krishna Gokhale
[C] Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya
[D] Ras Bihari Ghosh
Correct Answer: D [Ras Bihari Ghosh]
Explanation: Ras Bihari Ghosh presided over the Surat session of Indian National Congress in
1907. In this session, the Congress was divided into two wings viz. Moderates and Extremists.
501. Who among the following introduced the Vernacular Press Act?
[A] Sir Ashley Eden
[B] Alexander John Arbuthnot
[C] Lord Lytton
[D] Lord Stanley
Correct Answer: C [Lord Lytton]
Explanation: In 1878, Lord Lytton introduced the Vernacular Press Act to ban the vernacular
press in India. The first victim was nationalist Newspaper ‘Soma Prakash’.

502. Who among the following started Ganapati Festival in 1893 and thereby gave it national
[A] Ganesh Damodar Savarkar
[B] Nana Patil
[C] Lok manya Tilak
[D] Vinoba Bhave
Correct Answer: C [Lok manya Tilak]
Explanation: Bal Gangadhar Tilak started Ganapati festival in 1893. By doing so, he transformed
the traditional Ganapati festival of Maharashtra into a National festival.

503. Which among the following observed the Direct-Action Day on August 16, 1946?
[A] Muslim League
[B] Christian League
[C] Sikh League
[D] Hindu League
Correct Answer: A [Muslim League]
Explanation: Muslim League observed the Direct-Action Day on August 16, 1946. The objective
of Muslim league was to create an environment of communal riots and terrorism to exhibit that
Hindus and Muslims could not reside together.

504. Who among the following was nominated as first Satyagrahi by Mahatma Gandhi for the
Individual Satyagarha of 1940?
[A] Vinoba Bhave
[B] Jawarharlal Nehru
[C] Lal Bahadur Shastri
[D] S. Satyamurti
Correct Answer: A [Vinoba Bhave]
Explanation: The Congress was in a confused state again after the August Offer. The radicals
and leftists wanted to launch a mass Civil Disobedience Movement, but here Gandhi insisted on
Individual Satyagraha. The Individual Satyagraha was not to seek independence but to affirm
the right of speech.
The first Satyagrahi selected was Acharya Vinoba Bhave, who was sent to Jail when he spoke
against the war. Second Satyagrahi was Jawahar Lal Nehru. Third was Brahma Datt, one of the
inmates of the Gandhi’s Ashram

505. The Lucknow session of Indian National Congress that took place in 1916 was presided
[A] Rashbihari Ghosh
[B] Ambika Charan Majumdar
[C] Bhupendra Nath Bose
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Ambika Charan Majumdar]
Explanation: The Lucknow Session 1916 {presided by Ambica Charan Majumdar) was special in
many respects. Firstly, this session brought the moderates and extremists in Congress on
common platform again after nearly a decade, particularly due to efforts of Annie Besant.
Secondly, Congress and All India Muslim League signed the historic Lucknow Pact.

506. Who among the following presided the historic Lahore session of 1929 of Indian National
[A] Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
[B] Rajendra Prasad
[C] Lala Lajpat Rai
[D] Pandit Motilal Nehru
Correct Answer: A [Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru]
Explanation: In 1928, for the first time a constitution for India was drafted by Nehru Committee
that was headed by Moti Lal Nehru. A year later, in the Lahore session of December 1929,
Congress passed the Poorna Swaraj resolution. It was the same session in which Jawaharlal
Nehru was elected as president of the Congress.
Here, please note that though the congress passed the Poorna Swaraj Resolution in December
1929, it was a month later on January 26, 1930, when a Pledge of Indian Independence also
known as Declaration of Independence was taken. You must note here that while the Poorna
Swaraj Resolution was drafted by Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, the “Declaration of Independence”
pledge was drafted by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 and it echoed the essence of American
Declaration of Independence. After this pledge January 26, 1930 was declared as Independence
Day by Indian National Congress.
507. Who among the following leaders joined Gandhiji in the Champaran Satyagraha held on
April 10, 1917 ?
[A] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[B] Subhash Chandra Bose
[C] Rajendra Prasad
[D] None of these
Correct Answer: C [Rajendra Prasad]
Explanation: Gandhi arrived in Champaran 10 April 1917 with a team of eminent lawyers:
Brajkishore Prasad, Rajendra Prasad, Anugrah Narayan Sinha and others including Acharya

508. Who among the following launched the Home Rule Movement in 1916?
[A] Frank Besant
[B] Helena Blavatsky
[C] Charles Knowlton
[D] Annie Besant
Correct Answer: D [Annie Besant]
Explanation: In 1916, Annie Besant launched the Home Rule Movement along with Lokmanya
Tilak. She was married at 19 to Frank Besant but separated from him over religious differences.

509. Who among the following presided the Karachi session of Indian National Congress in
[A] Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
[B] Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
[C] Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya
[D] Dr. M A Ansari
510. On which among the following dates, execution of Bhagat Singh took place ?
[A] March 19,1931
[B] April 23, 1931
[C] March 23, 1931
[D] March 14, 1931
Correct Answer: C [March 23, 1931]
Explanation: Bhagat Singh was convicted and executed at the young age of 23 for his
involvement in the assassination of John Saunders (Lahore Conspiracy Case). Saunders was a
British police officer. Bhagat Singh and his comrades sought revenge for the death of Lala Lajpat
Rai which was caused by brutal police. They were convicted after a trial by s Special Tribunal
which sentenced them to death by hanging. On 23 March, 1931, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and
Sukhdev were executed.

511. On which among the following dates, the Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed?
[A] 5 March 1931
[B] 6 March 1931
[C] 7 March 1931
[D] 8 March 1931
Correct Answer: A [5 March 1931]
Explanation: The Gandhi–Irwin Pact was a political agreement signed by Mahatma Gandhi and
the then Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin on 5 March 1931 before the second Round Table
Conference in London.

512. Who among the following was the author of Anand Math?
[A] Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
[B] Ravindranath Tagore
[C] Raja Ram Mohan Roy
[D] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Correct Answer: A [Bankim Chandra Chatterjee]
Explanation: Anandmath was a novel by Bankim Chandra Chaterjee and published in 1882. The
national song of India, Vande Mataram was originally published in this novel. The Sanyasi
Rebellion of the late 1700s was the revolt this novel was based upon and was made famous by
Bankim Chandra in this novel. Based upon this novel, Anand Math a Hindi Patriotic film was
released in 1952. the film was directed by Hemen Gupta.

513. On which among the following dates, National Development Council was set up?
[A] 9th August 1960
[B] 6th August 1952
[C] 15th September 1958
[D] 29th August 1960
Correct Answer: B [6th August 1952]
Explanation: The National Development Council was set up on 6th August 1952.

514. The Indian National Association formed in Calcutta by whom among the following?
[A] Dwarkanath Tagore
[B] Surendranath Banerjee
[C] Prasanno Kumar Tagore
[D] Debendranath Tagore
Correct Answer: B [Surendranath Banerjee]
Explanation: On July 26 1876, Surendranath Banerjee, along with Anand Monah Bose, founded
the Indian National Association in Calcutta. In 1885 , this organization was merged with the
Indian National Congress.

515. Who among the following edited and published the newspaper Indian Mirror in 1861?
[A] Amitava Ghosh
[B] Ravindranath Tagore
[C] Sumit Ganguly
[D] Manmohan Ghosh and Devendranath Tagore
Correct Answer: D [Manmohan Ghosh and Devendranath Tagore]
Explanation: In 1861, the newspaper, Indian Mirror, was edited and published by Manmohan
Ghosh and Devendranath Tagore from Calcutta.

516. The first meeting of Indian National Congress was held in Bombay in 1885 A.D. under the
leadership of __:
[A] Dadabhai Naoroji
[B] Sir C. Sankaran Nair
[C] Woomesh Chandra Banerjee
[D] Badruddin Tyabji
Correct Answer: C [Woomesh Chandra Banerjee]
Explanation: Under the Presidentship of woomesh Chandra Banerjee, the first meeting of
Indian National Congress was held in Bombay in 1885. The meeting was attended by 72 English-
educated people that included advocates, traders and zamindars.

517. During the times of Governor-General Lord Ellenborough, which among the following acts
declared slavery as illegal?
[A] Act VI
[B] Act V
[C] Act III
[D] Act VIII
Correct Answer: B [Act V]
Explanation: The Act V of 1843 declared slavery as illegal during the tenure of Governor-
General Lord Ellenborough.

518. Who among the following was called by Jahangir as “English Khan”?
[A] Sir Thomas Roe
[B] William Hawkins
[C] Henry Middleton
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [William Hawkins]

519. Which among the following was the ONLY session of Indian National Congress that was
presided by Mahatma Gandhi?
[A] Amaravati
[B] Belgaum
[C] Nagpur
[D] Karachi
Correct Answer: B [Belgaum]
Explanation: Gandhiji became the president of Indian National Congress in 1924 at the Belgaum
session of Indian National Congress.

520. The birth name of which among the following famous mystics was Gadadhar
[A] Swami Vivekananda
[B] Ram Krishna Paramhansa
[C] Sri Aurobindo
[D] Swami Prabhupada
Correct Answer: B [Ram Krishna Paramhansa]
Explanation: The original name of Ramakrishna Paramhansa was Gadadhar Chattopadhyay.

521. The Chauri Chaura Incident paved the way for end of which among the following
[A] Civil Disobedience Movement
[B] Non-Cooperation Movement
[C] Quit India Movement
[D] Kheda Satyagraha
Correct Answer: B [Non-Cooperation Movement]
Explanation: The Non-cooperation movement was on its pinnacle in all of north India. In South,
though it was luke warm. On February 4, 1922, a mob of 2000 people gathered to picket a
liquor shop at Chauri Chaura, a town near Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. The local administration
sent armed police to control the situation. The Police, tried to disperse the crowd by firing two
shots in air. So stone pelting started. The police fired and killed 3 people. The result was that
outrageous mob set the Police Chauki on fire an d all 23 Police wallas inside got burnt alive.
On 12 February 1922, when the Congress leaders met at Bardoli, Gandhi decided to withdraw
the Noncooperation movement. It was a bit controversial but by that time Gandhi’s figure was
respected by every Congressman. Thus, they accepted this decision, but they got demoralized
and disintegrated. Gandhi was arrested on 10 March 1922 and trial led at Ahmadabad. A simple
prison of 6 years was awarded to him.

522. Which among the following towns / cities of Karnataka is most famous for monuments of
Vijayanagar Empire?
[A] Gulbarga
[B] Belgaum
[C] Gadag
[D] Hampi
Correct Answer: D [Hampi]
Explanation: Vijayanagara Empire or Karnata Empire or Kingdom of Bisnegar was established
in 1336 by Harihara-I and his brother Bukka Raya I of Sangama Dynasty. Its ruins are located in
current day Hampi in Karnataka. Four dynasties – Sangama, Saluva, Tuluva and Aravidu – ruled
Vijayanagar from A.D. 1336 to 1672.
The most important temples of Vijaynagar Empire include Vitthalaswamy and the Hazara
Ramaswamy temples at Hampi. The Tadapatri and Parvati temples at Chidambaram, Varadaraja
and Ekambaranatha temples at Kanchipuram.

523. In which among the following years, Sabarmati Ashram was established by Mahatma
[A] 1910
[B] 1912
[C] 1915
[D] 1918
Correct Answer: C [1915]
524. At which of the following places, Green Pamphlet was issued by Mahatma Gandhi?
[A] Calcutta
[B] Surat
[C] Rajkot
[D] Sabarmati
Correct Answer: C [Rajkot]

525. At which among the following sessions, the All India Muslim league passed the Pakistan
Resolution on 23 March 1940?
[A] Karachi
[B] Hyderabad
[C] Lahore
[D] Lucknow
Correct Answer: C [Lahore]
Explanation: The Pakistan demand was formalised gradually. On 23 March 1940, the League
moved a resolution demanding a measure of autonomy for the Muslim majority areas of the
subcontinent. This ambiguous resolution never mentioned partition or Pakistan
The name Pakistan or Pak-stan (from Punjab, Afghan, Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan) was
coined by a Punjabi Muslim student at Cambridge, Choudhry Rehmat Ali, who, in pamphlets
written in 1933 and 1935, desired a separate national status for this new entity.

526. At which among the following sessions of the Muslim League, Mohammed Ali Jinnah had
invented a new slogan “Divide and Quit”?
[A] Lucknow Session 1931
[B] Karachi Session 1933
[C] Lahore Session 1940
[D] Karachi Session 1943
Correct Answer: D [Karachi Session 1943]
527. Simon Commission had visited India during the times of which among the following
[A] Lord Irwin
[B] Lord Chelmsford
[C] Lord Willingdon
[D] Lord Linlithgow
Correct Answer: A [Lord Irwin]
Explanation: On April 3, 1926 Lord Irwin was appointed 30th Viceroy and Governor-General of
In 1927, British government appointed a commission under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon.
The Commission was appointed to study the reforms of 1919 and suggest further measures for
Constitutional reforms. The Commission had no Indian member in it. The Indians boycotted this
all-White commission.

528. “Go Back to Vedas“. Who among the following gave this motto?
[A] Swami Vivekananda
[B] Swami Dayananda Saraswati
[C] Ramkrishna Paramahansa
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: B [Swami Dayananda Saraswati]
Explanation: Swami Dayanand’s greatest asset was his mastery over the Sanskrit language and
the Vedas. In 1875, he founded the Arya Samaj. Its main aim was to propagate the true
knowledge of the Vedas and discard all evils that had crept into the Hindu society later in its
name. He opposed untouchability. He was similarly opposed to polytheism, avataravada and
ritualism. His slogan was ‘go back to the Vedas’ whose authority he accepted. For the first time
in the history of India, the Vedas were printed in India under his patronage. Personally, his most
important work was Satyartha Prakasha (The Light of Truth).
His followers started a Dayanand Anglo-Vedic (DAV) School and College in Lahore (now in
Pakistan) in 1886.
529. The famous Vidyasagar Setu is located in which among the following cities?
[A] Patna
[B] Kolkata
[C] Lucknow
[D] Chennai
Correct Answer: B [Kolkata]
Explanation: Vidyasagar Setu is also known as Second Hooghly Brdige. It is named after
Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

530. Plassey, which is famous for the Battle of Plassey, is located in which among the following
current states of India?
[A] West Bengal
[B] Bihar
[C] Chhattisgarh
[D] Jharkhand
Correct Answer: A [West Bengal]
531. In which year and at which place, India’s national anthem was sung for the first time?
[A] 1911, Kolkata
[B] 1912, Lucknow
[C] 1913, Delhi
[D] 1914, Bombay
Correct Answer: A [1911, Kolkata]

532. Which among the following was the correct title of National Anthem of India, when it was
originally penned by Rabindranath Tagore?
[A] Jana Gana Mana
[B] Bharat Bhagya
[C] Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
[D] Bharat Vidhata
Correct Answer: D [Bharat Vidhata]
Explanation: The song Jana-gana-mana, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath
Tagore, was adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as the national anthem of
India on Tuesday, 24 January 1950.
National Anthem Jana Gana Mana was first sung in Calcutta Session of the Indian National
Congress on 27 December 1911.

533. The 1896 session of Indian National Congress is best known for which among the
[A] India’s national song was sung for the first time
[B] India’s national anthem was sung for the first time
[C] India’s tricolor flag was hoisted for the first time
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [India’s national song was sung for the first time]
Explanation: The song Vande Mataram, composed in Sanskrit by Bankimchandra Chatterji, was
incorporated in his famous novel Ananda Math (1882). It has an equal status with the National
Later the song was set to tune by Rabindranath Tagore and sung for the first time before the
gathering at the 12th annual session of the Indian National Congress held in 1896 in Calcutta. It
was declared as the National Song in 1937 through a resolution. The English translation of the
stanza was rendered by Sri Aurobindo.

534. Which among the following was the first state in India in the pre-independence times,
when the compulsory primary education was launched for the first time?
[A] Baroda
[B] Arcot
[C] Coorg
[D] Hyderabad
Correct Answer: A [Baroda]
Explanation: The first law on compulsory education was introduced by the State of Baroda in
1906. This law provided for compulsory education for boys and girls in the age groups of 7–12
years and 7–10 years respectively

535. Who among the following is considered to be the last Independent Nawab of Bengal?
[A] Siraj ud Daula
[B] Mir Kasim
[C] Mir Jafar
[D] Shujaud daula
Correct Answer: A [Siraj ud Daula]

536. Who among the following is known to have founded the “Academic Association”?
[A] Henry Vivian Derozio
[B] Madhusudan Datta
[C] Madan Mohan Tarkalankar
[D] Surendranath Tagore
Correct Answer: A [Henry Vivian Derozio]

537. The name of P Mitra (Pramathanath Mitra) is associated with the foundation of which
among the following revolutionary organizations?
[A] Anushilan Samiti
[B] India House
[C] Jugantar
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [Anushilan Samiti]
Explanation: First proper revolutionary secret society known as Anushilan Samiti (Calcutta) was
founded on 24 March 1902 by Pramath Nath Mitra better known as P. Mitra.
The people associated with this samiti were Sri Aurobindo, Deshabandhu Chittaranjan Das,
Surendranath Tagore, Jatindranath Banerjee, Bagha Jatin, Bhupendra Natha Datta, Barindra
Ghosh etc.
Out of them Bhupendra Nath Datta was brother of Swami Vivekananda. Barindra Ghosh was
sent to Paris to learn the science of Bomb Making and here he came in touch were Madam
Kama. Madam Kama was already associated with the India House and the Paris India Society.

538. Ahsan Manzil Palace in Dhaka, is known for which among the following landmarks in
Modern Indian History?
[A] Establishment of All India Muslim League
[B] Pakistan Resolution
[C] Jinnah-Gandhi Talks
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer: A [Establishment of All India Muslim League]

539. At which among the following places, Indian National Congress adopted the resolution of
‘Poorna Swaraj’?
[A] Calcutta
[B] Lahore
[C] Delhi
[D] Karachi
Correct Answer: B [Lahore]
Explanation: In Lahore session of 1929, Congress passed the Poorna Swaraj resolution. It was
the same session in which Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as president of the Congress.
Congress passed the Poorna Swaraj Resolution in December 1929, it was a month later on
January 26, 1930, when a Pledge of Indian Independence also known as Declaration of
Independence was taken. You must note here that while the Poorna Swaraj Resolution was
drafted by Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, the “Declaration of Independence” pledge was drafted by
Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 and it echoed the essence of American Declaration of
Independence. After this pledge January 26, 1930 was declared as Independence Day by Indian
National Congress.

540. The chief base of Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) is in which among the following
states of India?
[A] Tamil Nadu
[B] Kerala
[C] Uttar Pradesh
[D] Jammu & Kashmir
Correct Answer: B [Kerala]

541. The ‘Tebhega’ movement of 1946 is associated with which among the following current
states of India?
[A] Andhra Pradesh
[B] West Bengal
[C] Bihar
[D] Odishna
Correct Answer: B [West Bengal]
Explanation: The Tebhaga movement was led by the share croppers of the Bengal region
against the oppressive jotedars in 1946-47. The uprising was due to the share cropping system
that prevailed in the Bengal.

542. The name of Barindra Ghosh is associated with which among the following newspapers?
[A] Indian Opinion
[B] Jugantar
[C] Ghadar
[D] Maharatta
Correct Answer: B [Jugantar]
Explanation: Jugantar was a Bengali revolutionary paper founded in 1906 by Barindra kumar
Ghosh, Abinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutta.

543. Which among the following Sikh Gurus introduced the Gurmukhi Script?
[A] Guru Angad
[B] Guru Gobind Singh
[C] Guru Arjun Singh
[D] Guru Harrai
Correct Answer: A [Guru Angad]
Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism. Guru Nanak appointed Guru Angad (Lehna) as his
successor and he was the second Guru of sikhs.
Guru Angad compiled the compositions of Guru Nanak, to which he added his own in a new
script known as Gurmukhi.

544. Azad Hind Fauz was formed in which among the following countries?
[A] India
[B] Singapore
[C] Japan
[D] Germany
Correct Answer: B [Singapore]
Explanation: Subhash Chandra Bose and Rash Behari Bose launched the Indian Independence
League and the Indian National Army (INA), also called Azad Hind Fauj, at Singapore in 1943.

545. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev along with Jaigopal were involved in which among the
following conspiracy case?
[A] kanpur Conspiracy Case
[B] Lahore Conspiracy Case
[C] Bhagalapur Conspiracy Case
[D] Alipore Bomb case
Correct Answer: B [Lahore Conspiracy Case]
Explanation: To avenge the killing of Lal Lajpat Rai, Bhagat Singh, Raj guru, Jai Gopal and Sukh
Dev conspired to kill the police chief, Scott. But they shot on the DSP – J. P. Saunders, who was
killed on the spot. Bhagat Singh immediately fled from Lahore and to avoid recognition, he cut
his beard and hair. Later he was trailed in this Lahore Conspiracy Case when he was captured
after throwing bomb in Delhi Assembly.

546. “Swaraj ha maza janmasidha adhikar aahe ani to mi milavinach”.

The word Swaraj was first of all used by Balgangadhar Tilak. Where did Balgangadhar Tilak
made the above declaration in Marathi?
[A] In Pune Jail
[B] In Yavarda Jail
[C] In Court
[D] In Mandalay Jail
Correct Answer: C [In Court]
Explanation: In Court, Tilak declared Swaraj ha maza janmasidha adhikar aahe ani to mi
milavinach” in court when he was given 7 years rigorous imprisonment in sedition case against
him. Later Tilak was sent to Mandalay jail for six years.

547. During the 1857 Mutiny, who among the following was Governor General of India?
[A] Lord Canning
[B] Lord Elgin
[C] Lord Dalhousie
[D] Lord Elleborough
Correct Answer: A [Lord Canning]

548. Who among the following established Swadesh Bandhab Samiti?

[A] Ashwini Kumar Datta
[B] Bagha Jatin
[C] Bhavabhushan Mitra
[D] Narendranath Bhattacharya
Correct Answer: A [Ashwini Kumar Datta]
Explanation: Swadesh Bandhab Samiti was founded by Ashwini Kumar Dutta. It aimed to
promote the consumption of indigenous products and boycott foreign goods.

549. Who among the following was placed on the throne of Nawab of Bengal after the Battle of
[A] Shiraj-ud-daula
[B] Mir Kasim
[C] Mir Jafar
[D] Najimuddin Ali Khan
Correct Answer: C [Mir Jafar]
Explanation: Battle of Buxar took place in the year 1764. Mir Jafar became the new Nawab of
Bengal after Battle of Buxar.

550. There was one socialist leader, who ran away from the Hazaribagh Prison and joined the
Quit India Movement. Identify that leader from the given options:
[A] Ram Manohar Lohia
[B] Minoo Masani
[C] Jayprakash Narayan
[D] Achyut Patwardhan
Correct Answer: A [Ram Manohar Lohia]

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