Down To Earth Magazine
Down To Earth Magazine
Down To Earth Magazine
Haryana’s scheme
SBI attempts to debunk
assessments, the unplanned growth of
claims of India’s
Himalayan towns is only making them unequal growth
more vulnerable to disasters P58
Central/ state/ municipal functionaries (decision makers/ managers and regulators); any other
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Let's build for green future
ORLD OVER, the cement industry is known The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has notified
to be part of the “hard to abate” sectors. It is standards for another category called composite cement
critical for economic growth, but has a high (CC), in which fly ash and slag can substitute limestone
carbon intensity—accounting for 7 per cent of the carbon use by as much as 60 per cent. Why does this matter?
dioxide (CO2) emitted globally. Emissions are intrinsic to Quite simply because the more limestone is reduced
the manufacturing of cement. The raw material for in the manufacture of cement, the less it will pollute. So,
cement is limestone; and to manufacture the product, while OPC with 95 per cent limestone emits 0.84 tonnes
carbon must be removed from limestone. This adds to ce- of CO2 for each tonne of cement produced, it goes down to
ment’s emission intensity. The process, known as less than half in the case of PSC, which substitutes
calcination, requires very high temperatures in the limestone by using waste slag by over 55 per cent.
kiln—up to 1,450oC—which requires fuel to burn. More Currently, PPC, which has lower emissions, dominates
than 50 per cent of the industry’s greenhouse gas with 65 per cent market share, but the country is still
footprint comes from process emissions—the reduction producing OPC—roughly 30 per cent of the total cement.
of limestone and the release of CO2—and the remaining CSE’s decarbonisation roadmap for the cement sector
mainly from combustion in the furnace. So, “greening” recommends that the production of OPC should be
this industry is tough going, but not impossible. controlled; brought down to less than
My colleagues at the Centre for Science and Environ- 10 per cent. And there should be
ment (CSE) have deep dived into the Indian cement targets for increased share of
industry to set a road map for the future. Our analysis blended cement by 2030. It also says
shows much can be done to decarbonise India’s cement fly ash use in PPC should be in-
sector and if done well, the efforts could work to set right creased from the current up to 35
the other sectors. This is not to say that you can manu- per cent to 45 per cent, which in turn
facture cement with no emissions, but you can make it will reduce emission intensity even
as green as possible. as the consumption increases.
According to the Union environment ministry, India’s The second decarbonisation To read this
cement industry contributed 5.63 per cent of the total pathway—to replace fuel for combus- report, scan
this QR code
emissions in 2016 and 5.72 per cent in 2019. This is even tion—has opportunities for waste
as the industry is growing, as it will, with the much management. Currently, the cement
needed and massive investments to build the infrastruc- industry is mainly dependent on
ture needed for economic growth. coal, lignite or pet coke as fuel—re-
India’s cement industry has had a head start over its placing this would bring down the
global counterparts on reducing carbon intensity by emission intensity of the product.
doing two critical things. One, it has substituted to some Many cement companies are today
extent the use of limestone with fly ash—a waste taking municipal solid waste for incineration in the kiln.
product from the burning of coal in thermal power But this is not happening at the scale that is possible.
plants—and two, it has improved its energy efficiency This is also because the quality of waste—mixed plastic
because it could reduce the cost of fuel. These measures, and low-grade materials that cities send—are not
done for long to improve the cost-competitiveness of the cement-grade refuse-derived fuel (RDF). This is where the
industry, signal to what more can be done in the future. opportunity is: to take the garbage and process it so that
This is why consumers of cement count. it makes a fuel that can be used as a substitute for coal.
The carbon intensity of the product is partly in the CSE recommends that the country should define green
type of materials used for its manufacture. We need to and low-carbon cement—that has replaced the use of
understand the types of cement and why this matters to limestone by over 50 per cent and displaced the use of
saving the climate. There are broadly three types of coal by 50 per cent by using RDF or renewable energy. By
cement—Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), which uses doing this, India’s cement industry could halve its CO2
limestone to make cement; Pozzolana Portland Cement emissions even as it doubles its production by 2030. This
(PPC), which uses fly ash to partially replace limestone; green cement should get the advantage of a lowered GST.
and Portland Slag Cement (PSC) in which slag, a waste It's a win-win strategy. But it needs everyone to contrib-
product from steel plants partially, replaces limestone. ute to this “building” of green India. D T E @sunitanar
in any manner is prohibited. Printed and published by Development in the
Richard Mahapatra on behalf of Society for Environmental absence of master plans
Communications. Printed at International Print-o-Pac makes the already fragile
Limited, B-204, 205, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, Himalayan towns more
New Delhi-110020, India, and published at vulnerable to disasters
41,Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062.
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42 Initiative
Odisha's organic village, set up
FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Jyoti Ghosh by 42 Munda families from Bihar
K C R Raja, 10 Digest
Healthcare professional in Kerala has
44 Factsheet
Exceptional drought in over 600
conserved 200 wild orchid species districts in the decade till 2021
24 Snowless Himalayas
Poor precipitation in Himalayan states
58 Civil Lines
SBI's feeble attempt to debunk
claims of India's unequal growth
SBI attempts to debunk
assessments, the unplanned growth of
claims of India’s
Himalayan towns is only making them unequal growth
more vulnerable to disasters P58
Down To Earth does not endorse the content of advertisements printed in the magazine. All disputes are
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only.
Tiger reserves
herbivores to
augment prey base
for the wild cats
There is a
systematic problem
in the way we
measure economic
success or impacts
of agriculture, says
Alexander Müller
How artificial
intelligence will
change humans'
relationship with
the art of writing
peanuts find
many uses
Please provide
Need to mix traditional This is with reference to the article
“Hunger strikes forest” (1-15 January,
Data Centre
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A flock of egrets scavenge littered plastic bags on a canal near the Ghazipur landfill on the Delhi-Ghaziabad border.
More than a year after the country banned the sale of some single-use plastic items due to their environmental impacts,
they appear to still be available in the capital. According to media reports, the Delhi government is in the process of
conducting a study to understand the benefits and potential barriers in implementing the ban.
Rewilding orchids
EVERY WEEKEND, V U Sabu from A healthcare including 16 endangered varieties such
Ambalavayal village in Wayanad district, as Acampe rigida and Bulbophyllum
Kerala, embarks on a journey to the professional from careyanum that are part of the Red List of
Western Ghats, not for leisure but with a the International Union for Conservation of
mission to safeguard wild orchids. Known Kerala has Nature (IUCN). He has also planted 4,000
for their beauty, wild orchids possess a conserved 200 wild commercial orchid plants in three poly
pleasant aroma and hold significant value houses covering 750 sq m.
in medicine and horticulture. orchids from the Protecting wild orchids is challenging
Sabu's passion for these plants as they grow in specific conditions that
blossomed while completing higher
Western Ghats Sabu needed to recreate in his garden.
studies in healthcare management. RAJIT SENGUPTA "Almost 40 per cent of the wild orchids I
"I started reading up on wild orchids have collected grow on trees and need
and realised that they play a crucial protection from harsh sunlight and heavy
role in climate control and biodiversity rain. I mount them on a coconut tree that
maintenance. Their flowers are indicators I call the 'crown tree'. The rest—collected
of ecosystem health and they do not near waterbodies or under rocks—are
thrive in polluted air. I also found that grown in pots," he says. Propagating these
the population of wild orchids in the wild orchids in the garden take eight
hilly terrains of the Western Ghats has months to two years.“Once I replant these
witnessed a decline in the past decades," orchids in the wild, I monitor their growth
says Sabu, who works as a senior manager in the wild for at least six months to
in operations at Dr Moopen's Medical ensure they are healthy,” he says, adding
College Healthcare in Wayanad. that there is a 90 per cent survival rate of
In 2016, he decided to pursue the restored orchids.
conservation as a hobby, venturing into the Talking about the importance of the
forest to collect and protect wild orchids. initiative, Safia Ibrahim, head programme
Despite lacking agricultural expertise, coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
he initiated his own approach to collect, Wayanad, says Sabu is regularly invited to
conserve and augment these plants. train farmers who practice floriculture in
His method involves collecting wild the district. "Wayanad is a tourism district,
orchids from tree trunks, water streams, so we promote floriculture. He is our go-to
rocks and fissures, understanding their person for any information on orchids,"
growth requirements, nurturing and says Ibrahim.
propagating them at his home garden, "Over time, I have developed a map
and eventually replanting them near the of wild orchids in the Western Ghats,
mother plant without causing harm. He along with a database of that I share with
meticulously documents the plant's growth. agricultural institutes and researchers," he
Sabu says that he has so far says. Sabu's home has become a haven
successfully replanted around 200 wild for over 5,000 research students and
orchid varieties in the Western Ghats, botanists from over 20 institutions, eager
to study wild orchids.
V U Sabu at his orchid farm
in Ambalavayal village,
Wayanad district
What is happening start at about 150-200 m and 12. Cabo Verde is the third country to acquire
to birds in the reach up to 3,500 m in eleva- this status in WHO's African region, joining
Northeast? tion. The density of larger bird Mauritius and Algeria, who were certified in
Bird species in species seemed to be showing 1973 and 2019, respectively.Africa has the
northeastern India have increasing presence in the highest malaria burden and accounted for
started shifting to higher primary forests, while birds roughly 95 per cent of global malaria cases
with smaller sizes colonised and 96 per cent of related deaths in 2021.
elevations due to increasing
logged forests better because of
temperatures owing to
their ability to tolerate higher
deforestation, according to a temperatures. The scientists
new study by researchers from explained that explained that
the Indian Institute of Science. this shift could be due to the
Above-average temperatures lack of resource availability in
in deforested areas and low logged forests.
humidity as against primary
(undisturbed) forests hastens What other insights
are provided?
the transition, they say.
The study highlights
How do they deter- the need to safeguard
mine this shift? primary forests to The ocean heat content, or the amount of
The researchers mitigate the effects of climate heat stored in the upper 2,000 metres of the
studied birds in change on avian populations global oceans, reached 286 Zetajoules (ZJ)
a montane broad- and avoid mass extinction. in 2023 relative to the 1981-2010 average,
according to a study published in Advances
in Atmospheric Sciences on January 11. This
TRACKER was 15 ZJ more than the preceding year,
which is enough energy to boil 2.3 billion
On all 365 days of 2023, the world recorded temperatures at least 1oC
Olympic-sized swimming pools.This makes
higher than those in the pre-industrial period (1850-1900). In half of the 2023 one of the five hottest years for the
days, the temperature difference was 1.5oC or more. On two days in world’s oceans since 1955, says the
November 2023, the temperature crossed 2°C recent study.
Number of days with temperature increase above pre-industrial level (1850-1900) remained
1 to 1.25ºC 1.25 to 1.5ºC 1.5ºC or more Some 1,000 tourists were trapped for a
365 days week in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous
350 Region amid avalanches in mid January.
Roads to the remote skiing area were blocked
off, leaving local residents and visitors
Year-wise number of days
Total horticulture crop production in n The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has amended the
the country for 2022-23 may be 355.25 Ash Utilization Notification to Promote Eco-Friendly Practices to
million tonnes, according to the third advance encourage the use of ash for environmentally sustainable purposes, particularly in the
estimates released by the Union Ministry of production of ash-based products by micro and small enterprises.
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on January
17.The estimates are a 2.32 per cent increase n The Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying has announced the
over the final production for 2021-22, Coastal Aquaculture Authority Rules, 2024.These rules have replaced the
suggests the data.Area under horticultural Coastal Aquaculture Authority Rules, 2005.The new rules introduce comprehensive
crops too, saw a marginal rise to 28.34 million guidelines and procedures for regulation of coastal aquaculture units and activities.
hectares in 2022-23 from 28.04 million n The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (for the State of Goa and Union
hectares in 2021-22. Territories) has issued the Draft JERC (Procurement of Renewable
The Jhelum basin in the Kashmir Himalayas Energy) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2024.The proposed draft aims
has over 100 active rock glaciers with moving or to modify the regulations regarding the procurement of renewable energy and the
melting permafrost, says a study by researchers obligations of entities in Goa and other Union Territories.
in India and the UK, published in the journal
Earth and Space Science in early January.
Rock glaciers typically form in mountainous IN COURT
regions with a combination of permafrost, rock
debris, and ice. Melting permafrost makes these NATIONAL GREEN TRIBUNAL SUPREME COURT
areas unstable.These permafrost structures nTaking suo motu cognisance of a n Hearing an appeal by Union
particularly increase the risk of glacial lake news report on dumping of garbage Ministry of Environment, Forest and
outburst floods (GLOFs) and landslides in the in Dardha river, Jahanabad, Bihar, the Climate Change, the Supreme Court
Jhelum basin region, warns the study. National Green Tribunal (NGT) issued told the Central Pollution Control
a notice to the state environment and Board to submit a report on pollution
pollution authorities on the claims. by stone crushing units and whether
they should be mandated to obtain
n In a case on rejuvenation of the environmental clearance.
Yamuna, NGT said that reports filed
by Haryana, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh SUPREME COURT
n The High Court of Delhi asked the
were "deficient". Noting that the
reports mentioned untapped drains government whether encroachments
and improper sewage management, have been removed from Asola
the tribunal told the authorities to file Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary and Central
fresh reports by February. Ridge areas. The court was hearing
India's oldest tigress, Rajmata (ST-2) of a case on air pollution, in which it
Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, died at was pointed out that over 700 illegal
n In a case on violation of colonies exist in the areas.
the age of 19. Known for revitalising the
once-barren reserve, Rajmata succumbed environmental norms along pilgrim
to injuries and illness after three months tracks in Uttarakhand, NGT noted
that the state reports did not have n Following reports of fire in a hotel in
of medical care. Born to Machli of Sabarimala due to gas leak, the High
Ranthambore, she played a pivotal role in information on carrying capacities.
The tribunal ordered this assessment Court of Kerala directed authorities to
repopulating Sariska by giving birth to 25 cubs conduct fire audit at hotels and other
after rampant poaching wiped out its big cat to be conducted within two months
from January 5. places in the pilgrimage site.
The Kerala Drug Control Department
launched Operation AMRITH (Antimicrobial So far... NATIONAL SUPREME HIGH
Resistance Intervention For Total Health) in Number of cases on GREEN COURT COURTS
the first week of January to prevent overuse of environment and development
antibiotics. Under this initiative, pharmacies
must keep accurate records of antibiotic sales
and make consumers aware that antibiotics
tracked from January 1 to
January 15, 2024 24 6 6
would not be sold without a prescription. FOR DETAILED VERDICTS, SCAN
2 million
more workers around the world will
seek employment in 2024, as the global OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS THAT
unemployment rate is expected to rise COUNTRIES CAN MAKE"
from 5.1 per cent in 2023 to SHYAM BISHEN
5.2 per cent this year. Head, Centre for Health and Healthcare, World Economic
Forum (WEF). At its 2024 annual meeting in Davos-
Klosters, Switzerland, WEF launched the "Closing the
Source: " World Employment and Social Outlook Trends Women’s Health Gap: A $1 Trillion Opportunity to Improve
2024 report", International Labour Organization Lives and Economies" report that says better healthcare
access for women could improve over 3.9 billion lives
By Snigdha Das, Rajit Sengupta, KM Sheeja, Susan Chacko and Dakshiani Palicha
AGMENDER SINGH has bid paddy covers nearly 80 per cent of
Haryana’s scheme
adieu to paddy cultivation. Birdhana’s farmlands during the
to dissuade farmers Last year, he left over three- kharif season. “But the soil here is
from growing fourths of his 15-hectare (ha) farm such that the irrigation water does
uncultivated, which would have not percolate down. Repeated water-
paddy can not only otherwise been under the crop. “I logging due to paddy cultivation has
arrest groundwater could have earned lakhs of rupees left a white layer of salt on the soil
depletion but also by growing it, but paddy was and reduced its fertility,” says Jag-
destroying the soil. I am hopeful of mender. “If farmers do not stop
prevent soil getting some financial incentive growing paddy, the soil will become
degradation from the government for leaving my completely infertile,” says Ishwar
land fallow,” he says. Singh Jakhar, technical officer at
RAJU SAJWAN Jagmender is a farmer based in the agriculture department, Jhajjar.
JHAJJAR, KURUKSHETRA Birdhana village of Jhajjar district, What came to the rescue of farm-
AND KARNAL, HARYANA Haryana, and has grown paddy for ers of the village is a state govern-
years, like the rest of the farmers in ment scheme—Mera Pani Meri
his village. A water-intensive crop, Virasat—launched in 2020. Under
the scheme, farmers get R7,000 per
acre (1 acre equals 0.4 ha) for grow-
ing a crop other than paddy in a field
that was previously under paddy. DOMINANT VARIANT
Ironically, the scheme was aimed to A water-guzzling paddy variety has ruled Punjab’s farms for
help farmers facing the problem of three decades despite calls for its discontinuation
falling groundwater levels, which is
quite common in Haryana.
VIVEK MISHRA from Patiala, Sangrur and Barnala
A total of 4,628 of the state’s LIKE HARYANA, Punjab faces a problem of falling groundwater level. Experts say
6,885 villages (67 per cent) have a paddy variety—PUSA-44—is partly to blame for this. The 160-day variety (30
declining groundwater levels; 1,261 days in nursery and 130 days as standing crop) was launched in 1994 by the
villages (18 per cent) have ground- Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
water in safe levels, while 996 (ICAR-IARI). It became quite popular due to its high yield, and at one point
villages (15 per cent) are seeing a occupied three-fourths of the state’s farmlands, say some estimates. But it has
rise in groundwater levels. This was been a big drain on the state’s water resources.
the find of a survey by Haryana Wa- In 2017, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, declared it non-
ter Resources (Conservation, Regu- recommended and appealed to the Union Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’
Welfare to de-notify it. In 2019, a Union government-led panel, with members
lation and Management) Authority
from Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, also partly blamed it for air
(HWRA), which was constituted by
pollution in north India during winters because the variety leaves a huge volume
the state government in 2020 to
of crop residue. Consequently, last year, the Punjab chief minister announced
curb the fall in groundwater levels. that the variety would be banned in the state from 2024.
In 2020, crops recommended However, a Right To Information investigation by Down To Earth (DTE) finds
under the Mera Pani Meri Virasat that the variety has not yet been de-notified, which means that it can still be
scheme included maize, cotton, used by the farmers. The query was filed with the Union Ministry of Agriculture &
pearl millet, pulses, vegetables and Farmers’ Welfare in November 2023, and the response was received from
fruits. In 2021, the scheme was ICAR-IARI’s genetics department on January 9, 2024.
PAU’s data on crop area in Punjab under PUSA-44, accessed by DTE, shows
an overall decline of 26 per cent between 2019-20 and 2023-24. However, in
three of the 12-odd districts in the state’s Malwa region, where the fall in
groundwater level is more severe, PUSA-44’s acreage has increased. These
districts are Firozepur (82 per cent), Barnala (67 per cent) and Patiala (21 per
cent). In Bathinda (-7 per cent) and Sangrur (-16 per cent) districts, the decline in
PUSA-44’s acreage is nominal.
DTE visited Patiala, Sangrur and Barnala to understand why farmers still
prefer PUSA-44. Farmers provided three primary reasons. “PUSA-44 gives a yield
of 4 tonnes per acre (1 acre equals 0.4 hectare), while PR-126 (a 120-day
variety that PAU is promoting and distributing free in Malwa) yields
3-3.5 tonnes,” says Tejpal, a farmer from Kakrala village of Patiala. “The grains
of PUSA-44 are quite sturdy, while that of PR-126 break easily, which reduces its
saleability,” Tejpal cites as the second reason. Third, “it is the 3,500-odd rice
mills in Punjab that decide the variety we sow. Since they want PUSA-44, we sow
it,” says Nazar Singh, a farmer based in Barnala.
It is quite remarkable that PUSA-44 has retained its prime position for three
decades. “ICAR recommends that a variety should be changed in a decade,
because it undergoes genetic degradation. But farmers continue to prefer
PUSA-44 because it has an assured market. The government buys it at minimum
Constant waterlogging from paddy
support price and uses in its public distribution system,” says Prahalad Singh
cultivation has led to accumulation of a layer Tanwar, head of Kisan Vigyan Kendra, Barnala.
of salt on the soil and reduced its fertility, says
Jagmender Singh, a farmer from Haryana’s
Jhajjar district
Groundwater levels in Haryana
have altered significantly
between 2010 and 2020
Water level in June 2020
0.0-1.5 m (Severely waterlogged
area: 131.07 sq km)
1.51-3 m (Potential waterlogged
area: 2,297.21 sq km)
3.01-5 m (Buffer zone for waterlogging
area: 4,501.28 sq km)
5.01-10 m (Good groundwater potential
area: 7,357.27 sq km)
10.01-20 m (Potential groundwater
stressed area: 12,839.86 sq km)
20.01-30 m (Moderately groundwater
stressed area: 6,067.25 sq km)
30.01 m or more (Severely groundwater
stressed area: 11,042.80 sq km)
Source: Haryana Water Resources (Conservation,
Regulation and Management) Authority
broadened to include more crops— 38,000 ha, of which 23,500 ha have his over 10 ha farm. “I earned much
oilseeds, onion, peanut, castor bean been found eligible, states Economic less than what paddy would have
and soya bean—and was even of- Survey of Haryana 2022-23. fetched, but I need to quit paddy be-
fered if the fields previously under One such farmer awaiting the cause it depletes the groundwater.
paddy were left uncultivated. As per incentive is Satpal Arya of Mehra If the government sets minimum
a Right To Information reply from village in Kurukshetra district. support price for vegetables, more
the state’s agriculture department, Satpal cultivated cauliflower on 0.4 farmers would be incentivised to
2,061 farmers left their fields fallow ha of his 5 ha farm instead of paddy. quit paddy,” he suggests. However,
in 2021 and 2,185 farmers in 2022. “I made a decent earning from the Wazir Singh, deputy director, agri-
As a result, 25,600 ha of paddy vegetable. I have also applied for the culture department, Karnal, says
fields came under other crops in scheme, expecting to receive the inc- that the government does buy crops
2020, and 20,750 ha in 2021, as per entive for avoiding paddy,” he says. grown under the Mera Pani Meri
the state’s economic surveys. The However, Satpal’s reason for Virasat scheme from the farmers at
money distributed under the quitting paddy is quite different minimum support price; else, the
scheme in 2020 and 2021 stood at from Jagmender’s. His village is farmers are paid the difference of
R45 crore and R31 crore respectively. facing a rapidly declining ground- the rate at which they have sold
In the following year, 2022, water—from 29 m to 41 m between and the prevalent market price.
agroforestry crops, such as poplar 2010 and 2020, as per HWRA data. However, Sandeep Singroha,
and eucalyptus, were brought Falling groundwater also made state head (IT cell) of Bhartiya
under the scheme and a target area Surendra Singh Lather of Kachhwa Kisan Union (Chadhuni), is not
of 40,000 ha was set. The govern- village, Kurukshetra, replace happy with the implementation of
ment received claims for nearly paddy with bitter gourd on 2.5 ha of the scheme. “While the government
Assisted S
INCE OCTOBER 2023, there has been a flurry
of activity at the Palamu Tiger Reserve in
Jharkhand. The officials have undergone train-
ing from the Madhya Pradesh forest department and a
customised transport vehicle has been arranged to
bring 300 herbivores from the Bhagwan Birsa Biologi-
cal Park in Ormanjhi village, Ranchi, 192 km away. All
that is awaited is approval from the Central Zoo Au-
thority to bring the 250 spotted deer, 20 black bucks, 10
States are increasingly barking deer, 10 sambar and 10 nilgai, says Kumar
Ashish, deputy director, Palamu Tiger Reserve (South).
translocating herbivores and The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA)
ungulates to reserves to ensure has already approved this plan, a first for Jharkhand.
Ashish says the herbivores will first be moved to a
adequate prey base for tigers. fenced enclosure at Palamu, so they can acclimatise to
But this strategy may not prove the area and officials can monitor their health. After a
month, they will be released as tiger prey.
sustainable for long The prey base, or the animals that serve as food for
HIMANSHU N predators, for tigers includes spotted deer, gaur, wild
DELHI boar, nilgai and sambar. “In the eight ranges of Pala-
mu, only one has 5,000 deer while the rest have 100-
200 deer each, along with other animals. The reserve
has three tigers. A tiger consumes about 50 chital-sized
animals in a year, and so requires 500-600 deer that
continually reproduce,” Ashish explains. “Prey density,
or the number of available prey per square kilometre,
for tigers should be around 25. Currently, it is four,” he
adds. The reserve plans to raise its
tiger numbers to 15-20, necessitat-
Prey distribution drive
ing 25,000 deer. Herbivores and ungulates are increasingly being translocated from
zoological and national parks to boost prey base in tiger reserves
Translocation of prey may be
planned in Jharkhand for the first RESERVE
time, but states like Madhya
Eturnagaram Kakatiya 111 km
Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra
Wildlife Zoological Park
and Telangana have been reporting (in 2023)
such exercises over the last decade.
“It has increased in recent years,” Amrabad Tiger Nehru Zoological 153 km
says Hemant Singh, Assistant In- Reserve Park (in 2023)
Spotted deer,
spector General of Forests at NTCA. Telangana Kawal Tiger Mahavir Harina sambar,
Forest officials say that the reason Reserve, Vanasthali peafowl
for this is shortage of food for tigers Kinnerasani National Park*
and other predators. The prey base Wildlife (in 2023)
is depleted due to habitat destruc- Sanctuary,
tion, poaching and hunting for Pakhal Wildlife
bushmeat and encroachment.
As per the “Status of Tigers— Sagareshwar 92 km
co-predators and prey in India, Wildlife Sanctuary
Sahyadri Tiger (in 2019)
2022” report by NTCA, India has Sambar,
Maharashtra Reserve
3,682 tigers in 53 reserves across Rajiv Gandhi spotted deer 146.8 km
18 states, an increase from 2,967 Zoological Park
tigers in 2018. While numbers for (in 2019)
prey in 2022 are not available, ear- Sanjay-Dubri Bandhavgarh
lier estimates suggest disparities National Park National Park,
across reserves. As of 2018, Ranth- and Tiger Pench Tiger
ambore, Rajasthan had 55 tigers.
Reserve, Reserve*
Nauradehi (in 2020)
Individual density (occurrence of Wildlife
individual species) of chital was Madhya Sanctuary, Spotted deer,
21.62 per sq km and sambar was Pradesh Satpura Tiger barasingha
13.95 per sq km. The state’s Reserve*
Mukundara Tiger Reserve had no Bandhavgarh Kanha National 215 km
chital density, but individual densi- National Park Park (in 2023)
ty of nilgai was 3.59 per sq km and Satpura Tiger Kanha National 245 km
chinkara was 2.05 per sq km. Reserve Park (in 2015)
Ashish explains that on aver-
Sri 503 km
age, a male tiger needs a territorial Chamarajendra
area of 30 sq km and a female needs Kali Tiger Sambar,
Karnataka Zoological
10 sq km. However, territories can Reserve chital
Gardens (Mysuru
differ due to geographic location, Zoo) (in 2022)
vegetation and available prey den- Bhagwan Birsa Spotted deer, 192 km
sity. If the prey density is smaller, Biological Park (in black buck,
Palamu Tiger
the tiger will travel farther in Jharkhand# 2024, tentatively) barking deer,
search of food. “It may venture into sambar,
human habitations, increasing the nilgai
Note: This list is compiled based on publicly available data and may not be exhaustive. *Some translocations are
possibility of human-tiger conflict,” between multiple locations, hence a definite distance cannot be determined #Jharkhand’s translocation plan is yet
he says. So, human intervention is get final approval Source: Based on reported initiatives and conversations with forest officials
Himalayan states
also spells disaster
Bhat, an information technol-
ogy (IT) professional travels
from Bengaluru to Gulmarg in
entire Indian Himalayan region.
Apart from the lack of snow, it has
also seen little to no rainfall, as per
Jammu and Kashmir. An ace snow- the India Meteorological Depart-
for the region’s boarder, Bhat makes this journey ment (IMD). “Western Himalayan
ecology and crop with his friends to practise his Region has received very less pre-
skills. However, when the group ar- cipitation (rain/snow) during the
rived in Srinagar on December 27, month of December which is rough-
2023, there was no snow. Gulmarg, ly about -80% departure from nor-
RAJA MUZAFFAR nestled 2,650 m above sea level, was mal over the region,” says a
BHAT IN SRINAGAR, also unusually dry. “For the first January 18 note by IMD scientists
time, I saw Gulmarg without snow Krishna Mishra, Naresh Kumar
in mid-January. The landscape and RK Jenamani. “Similarly, in
SHIMLA AND looks dull and frightening,” he the month of January till 17th Janu-
PULAHA ROY IN DELHI told Down To Earth, as he left for ary there is almost no precipitation
Kazakhstan to snowboard. over the region,” it adds.
M A P S: P U L A H A R OY V/ C S E
January 6, 2023
Joshimath in
Uttarakhand reported
large-scale subsidence
in 2023, putting homes
and infrastructure at risk.
Rampant development
in and around the region,
known to be ecologically
fragile, has often been
criticised for adding to
the fragility of the terrain
HE SUPREME Court on January controversy since it was published for public
11, 2024, gave approval to comments in February 2022. In April that
Shimla’s first development plan year, Yogendra Mohan Sengupta, a
in over four decades. Prepared by septuagenarian environmental activist from
the Town and Country Planning Shimla, moved the National Green Tribunal
Department of Himachal Pra- (NGT), saying that the “plan is contrary to the
desh, the Shimla Development Plan 2041 sustainable development principle and
lays out blueprint for sustainable growth of destructive of environment and public
the Himalayan city and its fringes, also safety”. The NGT termed the plan “illegal”,
known as Shimla Planning Area, over the and ordered a stay on its implementation.
next two decades. The plan has been The Town and Country Planning
prepared based on the city’s potential of Department moved the apex court against
tourist destination and its capacity to the stay order of NGT. In its January 11
accommodate future residents and floating verdict the court has quashed the NGT orders
populations. The document estimates that More than
and stated that the Shimla Development
by 2041, Shimla will be home to 498,000 800 houses Plan 2041 appears to have “sufficient
in Joshimath,
people and host another 127,000 floating Uttarakhand safeguards to balance the need for
population, mostly tourists—this is a 60 per have developed development while taking care of and
cracks due to
cent jump from the total population staying subsidence. addressing the environmental and ecological
and visiting the city in 2021. Several families concerns”. Reacting to the verdict, Sengupta
were relocated,
Analysts say the development plan is impacting lives says, “Shimla is already facing destruction.
and livelihoods
flawed. The document has been mired in So this decision of the Supreme Court will
As India's economy grows, so does consumer demand. To satisfy this demand, India's industries are
growing at an ever-faster rate, which makes the increase in demand for energy and raw materials LEARNINGS FROM THE
inevitable. Production from hard-to-abate industrial sectors such as iron and steel, cement, PROGRAMME:
aluminium, fertilizer and others are invariably connected to the country's overall GHG emissions Accelerating low-carbon growth
and are expected to increase further. To realize India's Nationally Determined Contribution in India to meet our NDC and net
(NDC) target of reducing its GHG intensity by 45 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, large-scale zero target
interventions and rapid measures need to be adopted. Feasibility of cleaner fuels such as
With the advent of international policies like the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism biofuels, natural gas and hydrogen
(CBAM), there is additional pressure on Indian industries to adopt low-carbon production to Role and scope of energy
remain competitive in the global market. To do this, industry stakeholders must work towards a efficiency
comprehensive strategy that is visionary, realistic, and designed to fully realize each industry's and Role of resource efficiency and
sector's potential for mitigating carbon emissions. circularity in reducing GHG
In this regard, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has designed a four-day training
Understanding sector-specific
course to equip industries, consultants, regulators and related professionals with the right
measures to reduce GHG
knowledge and skills to accelerate low-carbon pathways for industrial sectors to meet their
sustainability goals. The course covers critical aspects of decarbonization such as circularity;
Role of renewable energy in
resource efficiency; transition to alternate cleaner fuels; carbon capture, utilization and reducing the burden on coal
storage; and market mechanisms and financing which will help stakeholders chalk out future power
implementable decarbonizing pathways for their respective industrial sectors. Feasibility of carbon capture,
utilization and storage in India
TARGET PARTICIPANTS: COURSE FEES: Role of carbon markets in
n Professionals, consultants and decision-makers 28, 000/- Course fee entails lodging, enabling low-carbon technology
from governmental and non-governmental boarding and training kit costs. It does not Scope of climate/green financing
institutions cover travel costs from your respective options for implementing cleaner
n Academicians and researchers working in the location to Delhi and back. technologies in industries
field of sustainability and GHG reduction in *The course will offer sponsorship to Discussion and interaction with
industries professionals from government ministries sector experts
n Working professionals from industrial sectors and departments
Manas Agrawal, Research Associate, Industrial Pollution Unit | For Queries: Email at | Phone: + 91 95214 27918
Above national average create even more trouble for the city.”
At the heart of this controversy is the
Most of the major cities in India’s Himalayan increasing vulnerability of Shimla to
states have seen their population rise at a hazards and disasters. Just last year, three
higher clip than the national rate; many lack days of incessant rain during August 14-17,
a master plan to chart their development resulted in flash floods and the collapse of a
temple, reportedly claiming more than 20
lives. Nine buildings and a section of the
Population change (in %) since the preceding census Kalka-Shimla railway track also collapsed.
INDIA Draft master plan A landslide led to the destruction of buildings
in Krishnanagar area and left two dead. In
2022, the region recorded 15 major landslides
NA and the year before, an eight-storey building
158.27 111.68
120 collapsed after heavy rains triggered a
69.86 landslide. Local residents say landslides are
on a constant rise in recent years. Because of
40 24.66 23.87 21.54 17.70 acute shortage in water supply and
insufficient sewerage infrastructure, Shimla
0 reported jaundice outbreaks almost every
1981 1991 2001 2011
year between 2007 and 2016; in 2016 alone,
DIBRUGARH (ASSAM) No more than 9,000 people tested positive for
32 the disease and over 30 succumbed to it.
Experts say these disasters are glaring
consequences of a city that is at a high risk
16 of earthquake and landslides and has grown
9.54 12.08
haphazardly in the absence of a master plan
8 or comprehensive development guidelines.
NA NA Until now, Shimla has largely been guided
1981 1991 2001 2011 by an interim plan, notified in 1979. Though
the interim plan was to end in 2001, its
SHIMLA (HIMACHAL PRADESH) Yes* provisions were in force with amendments
64 from time to time until the apex court gave
the go-ahead to the new plan.
27.36 31.37
In 2014, Sengupta approached the NGT
16 against non-forest activities and land-use
0 changes in forested or green belt areas. The
1981 1991 2001 2011 NGT restrained construction activities in the
areas and in 2015, set up an Expert
AGARTALA (TRIPURA) No Committee to submit a comprehensive
60 report on the matter. The findings of the
50.03 48.43 Expert Committee were alarming. “This
45 35.89
31.84 city...has been surviving on the crutches of
30 Interim Development Plan since 1979.
Authorities and all successive governments
15 found an easy way to play with bylaws by
0 resorting to an easier Interim Development
1981 1991 2001 2011 Plan route where an amendment can be
NA: Data not available *Shimla Development Plan 2041approved by made without calling for any objections/
Supreme Court in January 2024
Himachal Pradesh
During the 2021 and 2022
monsoon season, Shimla saw 26
and 18 landslides, respectively.
2 Incessant rainfall in 2023 led
to nearly 2,000 landslides,
killing at least 20 4
3 Dehradun,
In August 2021, heavy rainfall
4 6 caused the collapse of the
Dehradun-Rishikesh bridge near
Rani Pokhari village. In 2023,
5 landslides flattened Jakhan
village 50 km from
A landslide map of India’s 13 Himalayan states,
UTs prepared by Down To Earth shows that many
tourist destinations lie in very high susceptibility
zones.The map overlays factors such as rainfall,
deforestation, presence of roads, strength of
bedrock and soils, and tectonic faults, with the
building density in the region. It shows that 201
all regions across the Himalayas are prone LANDSLIDE
to high and severe landslides. Kullu, Shimla, NUMBERS
IN 156
Chamoli, Gangtok and Darjeeling have very high IN 13
susceptibility to landslides. HIMALAYAN
Landslide susceptibility due to extreme rainfall TERRITORIES
Very low Low Moderate High Very high
Building density 52
(each black dot is a building structure)
41 39
Seismic zone 4 Seismic zone 5
Chamoli, Assam
Uttarakhand From May to October 2020, a
In 2021, over 200 people died massive 73,259 people were
In October 2021, Nainital or went missing in Chamoli impacted by floods in Dibrugarh.
received its all-time highest villages as a rock and ice The disaster also hit Dibrugarh
rainfall, which caused a avalanche caused floods from April to October 2022,
major flash flood in the rivers Rishiganga, affecting 26,450
7 Dhauliganga and 9 people
Tawang, Kohima,
Arunachal Pradesh Nagaland
In July 2018, major roads
In April 2021, a 6.4-magnitude
were cut-off by massive
quake and aftershocks destroyed
landslides. National Highway 29,
22 houses and partially dam-
which connects to Manipur, was
aged 15 others. In 2023, land-
cut off, putting the survival of
slides cut off road access
the two states at stake
and communication 11
10 lines 12
Ukhrul, Mizoram Darjeeling,
Manipur Between 2015 and 2019, some
West Bengal
In September 2022 residents of 29 families in Hunthar, Aizawl Darjeeling is highly prone to
this region reported, for the first were evacuated due to recurrent landslides, recording multiple
time, a flash flood in the wee landslides. In 2023, too, heavy events every year during the
hours of the day due to inces- rains and landslides led to monsoon season. The disas-
sant rainfall that destroyed eight deaths ters cut off road access
large areas of paddy and communication
fields lines
Source:“A heuristic
approach to global
landslide susceptibility
96 mapping”, Natural
hazards, February
11 2017; Google Open
Buildings; NASA
65 Landslide Reporter;
reports from state
disaster management
authorities, government
departments and media
Himalaya’s towns urgently need
These include Kargil and Leh in Ladakh,
Kullu (Himachal Pradesh), Shillong
(Meghalaya), Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh),
Kohima and Dimapur (Nagaland), Imphal
carrying capacity-based (Manipur) and Aizawl in Mizoram.
In Nanital, for instance, development
development plans works are still being guided by a master
plan that was to end in 2011. This hill
HIMLA SHOWS how in the absence of station, set around Naini lake at an elevation
comprehensive development plans, of roughly 2,000 m, got its first district-level
Himalayan towns are crumbling development authority only in 2017. This is
under their own weight or wallowing in despite the fact that Nanital’s geology makes
their waste. it one of the most landslide-prone areas in
A Down To Earth analysis of data with Uttarakhand.
the Town and Country Planning So, panic gripped the residents of
Organisation (TCPO), under the Union There has been Chartan lodge area on September 23, 2023,
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, construction when a two-storey building collapsed due to
near the Naini
shows that none of the tier 1 cities (with a lake, the only
a landslide. Although no casualties were
population of over 0.1 million as per the source of water reported, the administration evacuated a
for Naintal in
Census 2001) or metro cities (with a Uttarakhand.
dozen adjacent buildings and declared them
population of more than 1 million) in the 13 Over the past few unsafe. The lodge area is located on the
years,the lake
Himalayan states have master plans to has been steep slope of Alma Hill, a part of the Sher
regulate development. As on January 22, drying up Ka Danda Ridge that overlooks the Naini
The fortunes of the 42 families in Odisha’s Rantal village changed after they collectively moved to organic farming in 2018
group of 42 families from the Munda the buffer area of Jujumura forests
in Odisha’s Sambalpur district.
tribe have collectively established The 42 families in Rantal,
an organic village in Odisha belonging to the Munda tribe of
Jharkhand (carved out of Bihar in
PRIYA RANJAN SAHU 2000), now live in a picturesque
SAMBALPUR, ODISHA setting—greenery all around,
clean roads, well-maintained open
DRY 1901-1910
Exceptional drought was observed
No states/UTs in which
all districts reported
exceptional drought in
at least one month
Pradesh Nagaland
Delhi Uttarakhand Sikkim
Andhra Pradesh
Copyright legacy
of the great
Mahatma Gandhi’s works have been available freely thanks to his
copyright philosophy, but not those of Martin Luther King Jr
ANUARY IS a bleak month in Delhi. At embarked on his final fast in Birla House (now
least for some of us. There is the damp, Gandhi Smriti) to end the communal
grey and foggy weather, for one, and for bloodletting in the capital, I was able to quickly
another, the memory of the cold-blooded to find what I wanted on the internet. The talks
assassination of a revered figure that hangs that Gandhi gave at the daily prayer meetings
over the city. It is a memory that still haunts he held at Birla House hold vitally needed
the nation, increasingly faintly, perhaps, as it messages on decency, humanitarian values and
pulses to a new beat. The Republic Day secularism even now. But this column is not
celebrations that overshadow all else in this about the sage advice he gave his violence-prone
month are held not far from where Mahatma countrymen 76 years ago; it is about the ease
Gandhi was shot dead by a right-wing Hindu with which one is able to lay one’s hands on his
fanatic on January 30, 1948, for trying to heal writings and speeches books if only we wanted
the bleeding wounds of a nation torn apart. to understand our freedom struggle, Partition-
That was less than six months after he had related history and ourselves.
brought independence to India. The focus here is on the copyright law and
Searching for Gandhi’s last speeches as he its impact on the works of two great men in
different countries and of different generations:
Gandhi and US civil rights campaigner Martin
Luther King Jr, who fought for the rights of
African Americans. There were strong links
between the two. King was deeply
influenced by Gandhi’s non-violent
struggle against forces of oppression
and hate, calling him the guiding
light of his technique of social change.
Sadly, the other similarity is tragic.
The Black rights leader was also
assassinated, five years after he made
the momentous “I have a dream” speech
during the March on Washington in
I L L U S T R AT I O N : YO G E N D R A A N A N D / C S E
Industry professionals, EHS officials, Environmental Consultants, Engineers, Regulators,
Certificate of
Environmental laboratories, Academic institutions, Students, Research scholars, and others
completion will be
the aspiring to work in the field of water.
awarded for both
progra m m e.
Alexander Müller on estimating How artificial intelligence will Protein-rich peanuts can
hidden costs of agrifood systems P50 impact the future of writing P54 be used in many ways P56
Greenland, a country located largely within the
Arctic region, is on the frontlines of the climate
crisis. Most of the mountain walls and peaks
of the country remain unexplored, attracting
climbers like Alex Honnold—known for the
Academy Award winning documentary Free
Solo—who do not just want to enter the frozen
wilderness but also see how the warming
world impacts it. In Arctic Ascent, a three-part
docuseries by National Geographic,
Honnold will attempt to climb Greenland’s
Ingmikortilaq seacliff, over 1,100 metres tall.
Watch his journey on streaming platform
Disney+Hotstar from February 5.
The world’s seafloor contains many secrets related to evolution, Climate science and politics are getting closer, with countries no
continental drift and even plate tectonics. Humankind has unraveled longer attempting to ignore global warming but rather trying to find
some of these mysteries through deep-sea drilling, a technology a sustainable future. Yet, there are some who want to hold on to the
that helps us go into the depths of the ocean and learn more about “business-as-usual” scenarios, leaving most of humankind tired of
the history and workings of the planet. In Mysteries of the Deep: How the implications. Ajay Singh Chaudhary, executive director of New
Seafloor Drilling Expeditions Revolutionized Our Understanding of York-based Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, outlines what
Earth History, Geologist James Lawrence Powell chronicles all that is needed for the survival of the drained planet and people in The
we have learnt so far. Exhausted of the Earth: Politics in a Burning World.
I L L U S T R AT I O N : YO G E N D R A A N A N D / C S E
labour productivity. The report
proposes true cost accounting
(TCA) approach to assess the
hidden costs. SHAGUN speaks
FAO assistant director-general
who was in the panel of external
experts involved with the report and
currently the managing director and
co-owner of Germany-based
TMG–Think Tank for Sustainability.
The company developed the
Economics of Ecosystems and
Biodiversity (TEEB) agrifood
framework, which FAO has
used to make the SOFA
report. Excerpts:
Machine W
HO WROTE This? is a book about
where human writers and AI
language processing meet: to
challenge the other’s existence, provide
mutual support, or go their separate ways.
The technology has evolved unimaginably
since the 1950s, especially in the last decade.
What began as awkward slot-and-filler
productions blossomed into writing that can
be mistaken for human. As one participant
The past few years have seen a spurt in in a research study put it when asked to
artificial intelligence tools that can write. judge if a passage was written by a person or
The tools are so good that it is quite difficult machine, “I have no idea if a human wrote
anything these days. No idea at all.”
to discern that the writing is by a machine.
I L L U S T R AT I O N : YO G E N D R A A N A N D / C S E
The situation’s not hopeless, if you know
Their algorithms can browse through a where to look. Often there are telltale signs
of the machine’s hand, like repetition and
gazillion web pages to frame sentences lack of factual accuracy, especially for longer
that are freakishly cogent and human. The stretches of text. And there are other kinds
of clues, as revealed in an obvious though
development of these devices has raised
ingenious experiment. Four professors were
some critical questions—on writing as an asked to grade and comment on two sets of
evolutionary trait, what makes writing a writing assignments. The first were
produced by humans and the second by
trademark human quality, will future books
be composed by computers and how
does this development threaten jobs.
Who Wrote This? explores these questions
and more. Excerpts:
The versatile groundnut is a protein-packed addition to diet
P H OTO G R A P H : V I B H A VA R S H N E Y / C S E
N DELHI, during the bitterly local trains, as a way to pass the also known as peanut, is not just
Far from
reality The report's biggest assertion is a reduction in
inequality within India, citing a decline in the Gini
coefficient of taxable income from 0.472 to 0.402
HE ECONOMIC Research Department of the between financial year (FY) 14 and FY22. This
State Bank of India (SBI) recently released a conclusion, though, is based on taxable income,
study titled "Debunking K-shaped Recovery," representing only about 5 per cent of the total
addressing the prevalent notion that India's post- population—those who pay income tax and are
pandemic economic revival has followed a K-shaped typically well-employed. This limited sample size may
trajectory, which suggests a scenario where certain not be sufficient to render a comprehensive verdict on
sectors experience recovery while others languish, income equality in a predominantly informal
leading to a divided economic landscape. The debate workforce and economy.
surrounding this phenomenon is closely intertwined Furthermore, the report uses unconventional
with the widening economic inequality in the country. proxies, such as Zomato food orders from semi-urban
The SBI research endeavours to challenge this areas, to support claims of reduced distress among
belief in a rather provocative manner. The core the populace. However, this method may not
message of the report implies a perceived accurately capture the broader economic landscape.
"conspiracy" against India's growth. However, caution In essence, the SBI research seems to focus on the
is warranted when an economic assessment dabbles in "privileged" formal sector, neglecting the majority in
assertions that could cast doubt on its credibility or the informal sector that may not be experiencing the
intentions. The report’s key message reads, “The oft same level of growth. This discrepancy underscores
repeated conundrum debating a K-shaped recovery the core issue of the
post-pandemic seems at best flawed, prejudiced,
Using selective inequality debate—the
parameters, SBI
ill-concocted and fanning interests of select quarters disparity between those left
makes a feeble
to whom India’s remarkable ascendance, signalling out of economic growth and
attempt to
more the renaissance of the new global south, is those already positioned
debunk claims
quite unpalatable.” higher on the income scale,
that India is
Further, the report junks traditional economic witnessing an reporting exponential
well-being parameters, when it says, “The patterns unequal growth growth.
emanating from income (and, its disposable part), In contrast, a 2022
savings, consumption, expenditure and policy report titled "The State of
measures aimed at empowering the masses through Inequality in India," commissioned by the Economic
phygital (“use of technology to bridge the digital Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, presents an
world with the physical world to provide a unique analysis highlighting the escalating inequality in the
interactive experiences for the user”) means and country. It points out that an individual earning a
support systems by way of a host of enablers, from monthly wage of `25,000 was considered among the
food security and money transfer through direct top 10 per cent of earners, emphasising the stark
benefit transfer to multiverse of welfare schemes contrast in income distribution. It says, “If an amount
(such as Ujjwala and Ayushman Bharat) question the like this comes in the top 10 percentile, then the
efficacy of using ages-old proxies like low 2-wheeler bottom-most condition cannot be imagined.” When
sales or fragmented land holdings to support some one cannot imagine, one tends to re-imagine. The SBI
pre-destined narratives of India not doing well.” report is just the perfect example of it.
In a time of heightened polarisation and India's Ultimately, the report, in its reliance on specific
ascent to becoming one of the largest economies, the indicators, raises questions about its representative-
report's language, featuring terms like "fanning ness of the economy. This scepticism is compounded
interests," "remarkable ascendance," and the by the absence of a consumption expenditure survey
"renaissance of the new global south," appears to since 2011, further emphasising the need for a more
align with prevailing political narratives, potentially holistic approach to assess the true state of economic
shaping a newly crafted storyline. affairs in India. D T E @richiemaha
The Indian government has set a target to raise the share of gas in the energy
mix: 15 per cent by 2030 from the current 6.5 per cent. This move aims to HIGHLIGHTS
transform India into a gas-oriented economy. Presently, India produces 34,000
million standard cubic meter of gas (MMSCM) but consumes 64,000 MMSCM,
resulting in a substantial shortfall of 30,000 MMSCM. This deficit accounts THE PROGRAMME IS OPEN TO
for 47 per cent of the total consumption, which is fulfilled through imports.
Government officials,
Compressed Biogas (CBG) as a domestic energy source can play a key role in
regulators, renewable energy
addressing this gap and helping the nation achieve its clean energy goals.
nodal agencies, urban
The CBG production potential in India is estimated at around 62 million development authorities, civil
metric tonne, as per the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). society organizations, start-ups,
The Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) scheme professors, researchers, private
aims to tap 15 million metric tonne of this. In the 2023-24 Union Budget, sector consultants, individual
finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman has earmarked Rs 10,000 crore for the practitioners, and international
establishment of 200 CBG plants and 300 community and cluster-based plants. participants.professionals
In addition to this budgetary allocation, the government has introduced several
policies and initiatives to accelerate the implementation of CBG projects
in India. These measures include MNRE’s Waste to Energy programme, the
Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), and the Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources » Government Officials:
(GOBAR)-DHAN scheme. However, despite these policy efforts, the number of Registration fee is waived
CBG plants currently installed on the ground is only 46. This slow progress can for Central and State
be attributed to the limited dissemination of CBG-related information among Government officials*
potential investors.
» Indian Participants: R21,000
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is offering a tailor-made
» Foreign Participants: US $300
three-day residential training programme on ‘CBG: Potential, Technology,
Policy, Operation and Economics’. The high-impact training has been *Cost of travel to Delhi and back for
conceived to provide an end-to-end solution to design and install a CBG the nominated officials to be borne by
plant that aligns with the principles of circular economy, energy transition, and the nominating government authority
sustainable development.
The course fee is inclusive of
RAHUL JAIN, institute, accommodation,
Deputy Programme Manager, School for Sustainable Energy, AAETI, food, resource person, and
Renewable Energy Unit, CSE training kit.
Mobile: +91 8901448131 Email:
R.N.I. NO. 53588/92 POSTAL REGN. NO. DL(S)-17/3109/2024-2026
ISSN 0971-8079. Licensed to Post at Lodhi Road HO, New Delhi-110003. Published on
1st of every month. POSTED ON: 2-3 of the same fortnight, Total pages: 60
Planning and Designing Faecal Sludge
and Septage Management Systems
Date Last date to apply Venue
Despite reaching 800+ FSTPs, many FSTPs in India are still facing operational
challenges due to its improper planning and design. Hence, to strengthen WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM
the knowledge of practitioners/officials on planning and designing aspects THIS TRAINING?
of Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM), CSE is organising
a four-day residential training programme, with the aim of equipping » Engineers, planners and decision
practitioners and government officials with: makers from government and
• A core understanding of city sanitation systems and their planning non-government institutions
• How to plan FSM systems for small and medium towns » PMUs assisting the government
• How to design FSTPs and co-treatment infrastructure sanitation sector
» Individual consultants and
researchers working in the water and
sanitation sector
• Onsite and offsite sanitation systems The training is based on the Harvard
• FSM Tools and Approaches- Shit Flow Case Method, emphasizing interactive
For Indian participants:
Diagram sessions, practical exercises, group
• R25,600 / R28,000 (for double / single
interactions, expert engagement, field
• FSM Planning and Designing of occupancy accommodation)
visits, and documentary films to convey For international participants:
treatment systems considering
management concepts. It prioritizes • US $590 / $760 (for double / single
circularity aspect
experiential learning through occupancy accommodation)
• Institutional, policy, and regulatory discussions on existing case studies,
frameworks in FSSM showcasing recommended actions for SPECIAL OFFERS
• Case studies sustainable sanitation management. » 50% off for college students and
registered NGOs
FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT » 25% off for industry consultants, and
ANURAG NAIDU, Note: No training fee will be charged for
nominated government officials. They only need
Programme Officer- Water Programme, to make their transportation arrangement to
Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, India and from the CSE Head Office, New Delhi.
email: | Mob No: +91 7276497968