Automotivethe Future Mobility

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The Future of Mobility

Conference Paper · October 2017


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3 authors, including:

J.h.r. (Ron) Van Duin

Hogeschool Rotterdam


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EVS30 Symposium
Stuttgart, Germany, October 9 – 11, 2017
Automotive, the Future of Mobility
F.G. Rieck MSc1, C. Machielse MSc1, J.H.R van Duin MSc PhD1, 2
Research Centre Sustainable Port Cities, Rotterdam University of Applied Science, RDM Campus,
Heijplaatstraat 23, 3089 JB Rotterdam, contact:
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. Delft University of Technology,
Jaffalaan 5, 2628BX Delft, The Netherlands

Executive summery

Will the Automotive era come to an end in the 21th century? Looking at today’s environmental and
economic challenges of the use of cars based on last century technology and listening to some trend
watchers one could think so. Cars can be regarded, as an old school status product indeed, for which there
is no use, no place, no money and no interest in our modern society. On de other hand, auto-mobility is still
growing, both in developed as in developing countries. The current worldwide road travel by motorbikes,
cars, trucks and busses will probably double to 80 trillion kilometers in 2050.

Facing comparable mobility growth in the Dutch Port City areas of Rotterdam, this paper describes the
research of the Rotterdam University of Applied Science, following developments in automotive and
providing first living lab experiments. In our vision, the traditional automotive values ‘individual freedom
and flexibility’ and using new disruptive technologies, the automobile will very likely consolidate its
position as preferred choice for mobility of persons and goods during the 21th century. To achieve that the
sustainable disruptions: Electrification, Automation and Connectivity (sharing) must be adopted.
Meanwhile one should focus on tempting goals, the Six Zero’s; Zero Emission, Zero Energy, Zero
Congestion, Zero Accident, Zero Empty and Zero Cost. These goals will guide us towards a new economy,
sustainable ecology and more efficient use of time.

Keywords: Automotive, Logistics, Rotterdam, Electric Vehicle, Smart e-Mobility, Sustainability, Disruptive
Technologies, Electrification, Automation, Connectivity, Sharing, Six Zero’s, Zero Emission, Zero Energy,
Zero Congestion, Zero Accident, Zero Empty, Zero Cost

1 Introduction
Many people believe that the 20th century was the heydays of automotive mobility. Evidently during this
past century automotive as an industry and as a mean of transport was very dominant for prosperity and the
way of life. The pioneering days of the automobile during the first half of the century up to the early sixties
are regarded as the romantic age for classic motoring enthusiasts. At the end of the century automotive

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 1
mobility became the number one and preferred mean of transport for persons and goods worldwide. Will
this era come to an end in the 21th century? Looking at today’s environmental and economic challenges in
the use of cars based on last century technology and listening to some trend watchers one could think so.
But auto-mobility is still growing. The current worldwide road travel by motorbikes, cars, trucks and
busses will probably double to 80 trillion kilometers in 2050 [1]. And to be honest, there is generally no
real alternative at the moment. The speed-bike could become an attractive alternative at the short distances
personal transport and for freight in limited amounts trains and barges are already common alternatives. A
more accurate question is will the automotive be still that dominant when the number of cars and trucks
will drop dramatically because of more efficiency, autonomous driving and sharing developments. And
what will happen as the automotive industry will not succeed in applying new (disruptive) technologies and
other means of transport, will arise because they are more capable to absorb the new demands and
technological possibilities?

The Dutch Port City area of Rotterdam is facing comparable mobility growth figures. Transport and
logistics are the key factors for the regional economy. The fast majority of persons and freight is traveling
respectively transported over the very well developed road infrastructure. About 60% of the regional
business is related to this road transport [2]. The Port of Rotterdam is one of the European gateways to the
world economy, and meanwhile making the Netherlands one of the leading distribution countries in
Western Europe. Because of this, sustainability of mobility in logistics is a top priority for our regional and
national economic development. With 60% reduction in 2025 compared to 2005, the local policy directive
by the Rotterdam Climate Initiative has set the most ambitious goal for transport related CO2 emission
reduction in the Netherlands [3]. Moreover, to protect the health of its citizens, the clean air and low noise
rules are now among the toughest in Europe. Continuing the current state could lead to a catastrophic
situation for the economy, ecology and the citizens.

2 Electrification of Automotive
For the above-mentioned reasons the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences started in 2009 together
with the municipality and local companies the first practice-oriented research regarding the application of
electric vehicles, which we already have on the roads at Rotterdam. This ‘living lab’ called eMobility-Lab
has been rewarded with a SIA subsidy1. The goal was to provide education, government and business
partners with new knowledge and practice based insights about crucial aspects: energy saving capabilities
(including the recuperation through regenerative braking), best practices on safety measures and standards,
total cost of ownership or operation, specific maintenance issues and not to forget user-satisfaction [4]. This
research work was done on a variety of urban electric vehicles (EV’s), like automated shuttles, garbage
trucks, city busses, passenger cars, distribution vans and scooters. In some cases these EV’s were
prototypes or early production models, but most of them are still driving. A nice example is the e-Busz
used by the public transport operator the RET [5]. All the above-mentioned aspects are researched from the
very beginning of the deployment of the newly co-developed range extended electric city bus, from 2009
up to today. Empiric research through energy measurements of the unique e-Traction wheel motors led to
design based research with the goal to optimize energy savings and cost efficiency, see figure 1 on page 3
[6]. Thanks to a study on electrical safety and the close co-operation with the Dutch road safety authority
RDW, the e-Busz was the first electric city bus that was safe enough to be allowed on the Dutch roads in a
commercial service [7]. Aspects like maintenance and driving instructions are developed and published in
workshops and user manuals. Today the busses are fully monitored with advanced telematics, an on–line
system from a start-up company Viriciti. The data is analyzed to find-out the best driving conditions for
chauffeurs, and to define a fast charging strategy to make it possible to drive the whole service in zero
emission electric vehicle (EV) mode.

SIA is a Dutch institute with a specific focus on Universities of Applied Sciences

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 2
In 2012, 100 years after electric vehicles dominated the car market for short period of time and 30 years
after the first ‘Californian’ revival, automotive e-Mobility started booming again. The Netherlands is now
together with California, Norway, and China a frontrunner in the electrification of road transport. From a
historical viewpoint this can been seen as the realization of the idea of the Dutch Professor Sibrandus
Stratingh (1785-1841), who made in 1835 a first working battery powered scale model that can be regarded
as the forerunner of the electric vehicle, see figure 2.

Figure 1: Functional Unit Cost of e-Busz [6] Figure 2: First scale model Electric Vehicle

We are still finding new way’s to electrify road transport. Different electric urban-distribution trucks are
now in the testing phase in Rotterdam and other cities. Large heavy trucks transporting freight are usually
diesel-powered tractors towing a trailer on which the load is transported. Battery electric trucks for the long
haul transport are not very feasible in the short term, because of the enormous driving range that is
required. In the long term, hydrogen-electric trucks like the recently shown Nicola One prototype can offer
a solution [8]. For the shorter term we are researching the feasibility of an active e-trailer concept [9]. It
will have two electric direct-drive motors on one of the rear axles of the trailer, along with a battery pack to
store the energy. The active e-trailer will be able to provide extra propulsion and regeneration of brake
energy for the whole combination. Acting as a plug-in hybrid, the combination saves fuel by peak shaving
the load of the diesel engine and if needed can drive the last miles in zero emission EV mode.

Based on our research and laboratory tests it can be concluded that electrification is the technical master
key for all forms of automotive mobility in terms of emissions reduction, energy efficiency and cost saving.
Meanwhile, developments in renewable electric energy production will be come proven technologies as
well, which will lead to an integral future proof solution for e-Mobility, see figure 3 and 4 [10]

Future Proof

Raw Energy Needs



rela>ve needed raw energy

1 sil



ICE (2011) ICE tarsand EV dutch mix 2011 EV mix 2050

usefull TTW-loss WTT-loss

Figure 3: EV testing at the RDM Campus laboratory Figure 4: Energy efficiency e-Mobility in the Netherlands [10]

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 3
2.1 The step to Smart e-Mobility
The eMobility-Lab research led to crucial changes in the content of our education Automotive Engineering
but also to a new multi-disciplinary approach together involving other Technical, Logistics and Economic
faculties in our and at other Universities. From a technical viewpoint, the understanding grew that there is
strong synergy and synchronization between electrification and digitization of vehicle technology.
Together, this formed the basis for Smart e-Mobility. Like Diarmuid O’Connell of Tesla said ‘EV’s are the
step-up function to rolling computers’ [11]. For electric vehicles the step to automated driving capabilities
or even self driving autonomous vehicles is relatively small.

The electric Rivium Parkshuttle, which is already in operation since 2002, is a good example, see figure 5.
It was the first vehicle researched in eMobility-Lab and is still revolutionary, because it drives zero
emission electric and fully automatically without a driver [12]. From 2015 a research project of HAN
Universities of Applied Science was joined, addressing Intelligent Truck Applications in Logistics [13].
This project is mainly focused on the application of full electric AGV’s and automated electric trucks in the
Port of Rotterdam, see figure 6. More recent in 2016, we have joined the Surf STAD (Spatial and Transport
impacts of Automated Driving) a research project started by the Delft University [14]. In this research we
study existing and emerging Demonstrators and Cases of Autonomous Driving in and around cities [15].

Figure 5: Automated Electric Rivium Parkshuttles [12] Figure 6: Automated Electric AGV’s APM Terminal [13]

3 Adopting sustainable disruptions

Tony Seba, Professor Entrepreneurship, Disruption and Clean Energy at Stanford University, is one of the
first scientist who puts an automotive vision of sustainable disruptions forward. He points out that major
disruptive transitions, electrification, renewable solar energy, automation and the sharing economy will
completely change the face of the automotive industry in the coming decade. His conclusion, due to total
electrification and a renewable electric energy society, we will be able to move in a post fossil energy age.
Additional developments such as automation and sharing economy will contribute to the development that
we will only need 1/3 of the vehicles for the same mobility needs [16].

Our Research Centre Port Cities at the Rotterdam University of Applied Science also takes multi level
sustainable disruptions as the starting point for big transitions. In the program Moving@Rotterdam three
Research Professors are joining forces and research together, sharing their disciplines regarding Smart
Logistics, Future Mobility and Sustainable Transition. Based on our practical know-how of the fruitful
crossover between the disruptive technologies ‘electrification, automation and connectivity’ we support the
view of Seba. Technically it’s already possible and also politics and regulation are more and more
demanding for a sustainable change. We believe that based on the ‘traditional’ automotive values of
individual freedom and flexibility and thanks to disruptive technologies the automobile can consolidate its
position as preferred choice for mobility of persons and goods if it positively develops in a sustainable way
during the 21th century. This both in terms of ecology and economy, and also for the Netherlands as

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 4
indicated in the Automotive Disruption Rader by Ronald Berger [17]. However, we strongly believe that
next to technology the ‘willingness to chance’ is by far the strongest factor in this transition. In other
words, the social part of the innovation process of new disruptive technologies. This calls for a closer look
at the underpinning desirable targets of our will to change to sustainable automotive mobility. That’s why
we defined Six Zero’s, as targets that are hard to refuse and must be absorbed by the Automotive industry.

3.1 The Six Zero’s

The Automotive industry is used to working with ‘zero’ goals, ‘Zero Defect’ being the most famous.
Although this seemed unreachable in the short term, through continues improvement like the Kaizen and
Six Sigma the goal works well in the long term. This was the most important message in the book ‘The
machine that changed the world’2 [18]. And helped the car industry to develop the widely adopted efficient
near faultless ‘Lean Production’ at the end of the 20th century. The same principle should be adopted for
sustainable mobility in the 21th century. Figure 7 shows the relation between technology disruptions
(electrification, automation and connectivity) and the Six Zero’s (zero emission, zero energy, zero
congestion, zero accidents, zero empty and zero cost).

Summary 3D-6Z

3 Disruptions 6 Zero’s

Electrification Zero Emission

Zero Energy
Automation Zero Congestion
Zero Accident
Connectivity Zero Empty
Zero Cost

Figure 7: Three technology disruptions and the Six Zero’s

To begin with, we should answer the question, given the possibilities do we want to reach the zero goals in
a foreseeable timeframe or not? If the answers are positive, automotive can indeed be the future of

• Zero Emission: Why should we still accept air pollution, climate change and noise produced by
our automotive mobility, while we can do without by using electric vehicles?
• Zero Energy: Why should we still spill energy or risk the depletion of fossil energy recourses by
our automotive mobility, while we can drive far more efficiently on renewable electricity?
• Zero Congestion: Why would we still want to get stuck in traffic jams, while using automated or
autonomous cars, trucks and busses can avoid or by-pass them?
• Zero Accident: Why should we still want or risk accidents or road fatalities due to unsafe driving
and lack of control by human drivers while automated or autonomous vehicles will be much safer?
• Zero Empty: Why should we still accept that cars on average are utilized on 25% of the passenger
space and trucks are on average 50% filled with freight, while connecting them with a electronic
travel data exchange via internet of things could use them to full capacity?
• Zero Cost: Why would we still want to pay for owning our own vehicle and spending a lot of
money on vehicles that are more parked than moving, while connecting and sharing them, using
big data and Internet of Things vehicles can cover their own cost?

To explore the above-mentioned Six Zero’s they will be put in perspective to the current developments.

One can question if the Tesla Model S is now the machine that changes the world

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 5
3.2 Zero Emission
CO2 emissions are everywhere; for most biological and chemical processes they are unavoidable. In the 35
OECD counties, energy accounts for two-thirds of total ‘man-made’ greenhouse gas emissions and 80% of
CO2 [19]. Motor vehicles are dependent on oil, because it is now there main energy source. As a
consequence of burning fossil-oil, road transport directly account for about 20% of the CO2 emissions in
Europe [20]. Apart from, the possible climate change risk by CO2 in the atmosphere, toxic tailpipe
emissions and traffic noise are an increasing thread for the air quality and livability of our urban areas.
Currently, trucks, cars, vans and busses are, in that order, the big polluters when it comes to NOx, see figure
8 [21] in the Dutch cities. And road traffic also significantly contributes to soot particle emissions
increasing the risk of long diseases. According to the World Health Organization more people die from
poor outdoor air quality, which is significantly caused by road traffic, than from road accidents [22].

Urban freight transport

Total NOx emissions city traffic in the Netherlands




Estimated total emissions

per year per vehicle type
for all urban traffic in the
Netherlands (TNO, 2015)

Figure 8: NOx emissions from trucks, cars vans and busses [21]

Emissions from vehicle propulsion are avoidable. Trains, trams and metro’s are already electrified decades
ago and in the early years, cars where electric too. In 1914, 2,4% of the Dutch car fleet was battery electric
but after initial success lagged behind in electrification for practical reasons [23]. The range was too limited
and the batteries where to big, heavy and expensive, while oil was far more energy dense and cheap.
Thanks to improved electronics, batteries and fast charging technologies, a 500 km range per charge and
fast charging within an hour are now becoming the standard for modern Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV’s).

Tailpipe emission and engine noise of BEV’s are zero, which has an immediate positive effect on local air
quality and livability. Depending on the energy source also emissions in the energy supply and
manufacturing chain can be ultra low or even zero. In contrast to some popular opinions, even the worst
case environmental impact with an EV driven on electricity from hard coal is already better than the current
internal combustion powered car, see figure 9 on page 7 [24]. The study also shows that the total
environmental impact (including materials) is four times lower when driving on renewable energy. In the
Netherlands all public charging stations offer electricity from renewable energy sources like water- and
wind-power. In the Lombok district of the city of Utrecht, electricity from photovoltaic solar panels on the
roofs is via a smart grid used to power EV’s. So these energy chains are completely emission free already.
Electric cars are more and more seen as storage capacity (e/g as battery or hydrogen tank) for the
fluctuating renewable energy and are in that respect helping the transition to sustainable energy.

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Figure 9: Influence of the electricity mix on single (eco) score Recipe [24]

And last but not least, constant noise emission from traffic is an increasing problem in our city’s, causing
60.000 citizens of Rotterdam health problems. Measurements in practice show that EV’s in city’s are on
average 10 dB or three times less noisy [25]

Today we are not able to drive emission free everywhere or for all road transport. However, some inner
cities, mountain villages and islands have already banned emitting vehicles. Electrification of all vehicles
free the way to total emission free road transportation, in due time. In the near future all road vehicles can
be electrified and can use renewable electricity from sun, wind and water. Than there will be no negative
emissions effect on climate, air and health anymore. Zero Emission or not, do we have the choice?

3.3 Zero Energy

Moving around requires energy, that’s a law of physics. However some forms of movement do not need a
thermodynamic process, they use the energy that’s available for free in nature, like birds climbing on warm
air or boats sailing in the wind. If fact, nature provides them energy (in-directly) from the sun.

The Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) uses a reciprocal thermodynamic process by burning fuel like petrol
or diesel. The big advantages of these fuels are that they are fluid and very energy dense. The big energetic
disadvantage is that the burning process is very inefficient due to thermal losses caused to necessary
cooling and unavoidable tale pipe emissions. In ideal laboratory conditions, a not equipped ICE can reach
40% efficiency in its so-called sweet spot. This means that only two-fifths of the energy content in the fuel
is transferred to useful mechanical power. In practice, with variable speed and load and the engine fully
equipped, this is even significantly less. This power system, which is used for over a century in our cars, is
in fact a better heater than an engine. The efficiency of an electric traction motor is much higher, for the
motor itself an efficiency of 85% is feasible at all loads and speeds. Including inverter, battery and charger
losses, the practical efficiency is still around 70%. The above comparison is the so-called Tank to Wheel
(for the ICE) with Plug to Wheel (for the EV). This is in the vehicle, but of course the origin and
transportation of the fuel and electricity matters too. A more realistic and fair way, is to access the total
energy chain from (energy) Well to (car) Wheel.

For fuel, this chain will start with the winning of oil from the well. In the pioneer days, the oil erupted from
the wells, only the drilling needed energy. But the time of easy oil is over, water injection, deep see
drilling, tar sands and fracking are nowadays needed to meet our oil demand. This is not for free, one barrel
of tar sand oil needs the equivalent one-third barrel of oil to get it out of the sand (by steam). The so-called
Energy Return on (Energy) Invested (EROI) dropped in this case from a traditional 25:1 to less than 3:1
[26]. Transporting the oil, refining it to petrol, diesel or LPG and finally the fuel distribution takes a
significant amount of energy too. An increasing energy use in the fossil chain, especially happening at the
source, decreases the Well to Wheel efficiency in the future, as seen in figure 4 on page 3 [10].

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 7
Electricity is not practical available from one direct well, it should be generated from different energy
sources, like fossil coal and gas or energy from water, wind and solar. Modern electricity utilities, which
are using coal and gas, have an energy efficiency of between 40 and 60%. Hydropower plants, wind farms
and solar parks do not need additional energy, so they do not add any los to the energy chain. After the
generation, the electricity has to be transported over a high, mid and low voltage infrastructure, which do
lower the Well (Source) to Wheel efficiency of EV’s. In general, electricity from the grid does not come
from one source but in a mix. The current development is that this mix gets more and more electricity from
renewable sources, which increases the Well to Wheel efficiency in the future, see figure 4 on page 3 [10].

If we compare different literature studies on Well to Wheel efficiency, it becomes clear that even the worst-
case efficiency for an EV with electricity from coal-fired utilities is still equal or better than the ICE, see
figure 10 [10]. Even after more than a century development, throwing about 85% of the energy out of the
window is unfortunately a fact for ICE technology. However, EV’s running on electricity from renewable
Well – to – Wheel
energy, and the majority does by contract or from decentralized renewable energy, are on average three
times more efficient than the car using the good old combustion technology.

Figure 10: Well to Wheel comparison

pagina 13 EV and ICE [10] Figure 11: The Stella, winner Solar Challenge [28]

A striking example of using free available energy is the planned project of the Hedgehog™ System at the
central station of Apeldoorn [27]. Waste brake-energy of the incoming trains is stored in batteries and used
to fast-charge the electric city busses. And there is more, students of the Technical University of Eindhoven
designed for the Solar Challenge, the price winning ‘Stella’, a lightweight passenger car with photovoltaic
cells on the roof, see figure 11. On average this car is energy positive, it generates more energy than its uses
for driving [28]. If students can do this, is Zero Energy than not the way we should move in the near future?

3.4 Zero Congestion

In most urban area’s congestions are a daily given. A well-known example of human driving behavior in
dense traffic is the shock wave effect causing unnecessary phantom traffic jams [29]. Towards zero
congestion means that we should have a system of shared automated or autonomous vehicles (SAV) that
intelligently communicates with the other vehicles and the road to avoid congestion and collision. The SAV
system can operate as a taxi service on demand; the SAV system could provide low-cost service to travelers
and possibly replace the need for personal vehicles. Like the Rivium Parkshuttle, which offers a reliable
and cost effective service at SAE level 43, see figure 5 on page 4. These future driverless taxis or so-called
POD’s will operate as a taxi service on demand and can avoid congestion due to the ability to optimize
their routes. Meanwhile they pick up other passengers to share the same ride with minimal increases in
travel time and costs. Obviously, it is reasonable to expect that SAVs will operate in areas with high
passenger/freight loads.

SAE has standardized safety levels for automated vehicles; level 4 is driverless in restricted environment

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 8
Previous studies [30, 31, 32, 33] assuming the fact at all travelers use SAVs, found that each SAV could
service multiple travelers, reducing the number of vehicles needed in the whole SAV fleet. Although 100%
SAV use is unlikely to occur in the near future, previous results suggest great potential benefits when SAVs
become viable. Strategies such as preemptive relocation of SAVs for expected demand [31] or dynamic
ride sharing [32] are additional options for improving service. Dynamic ride sharing is a system that uses
one SAV to service multiple traveler trips simultaneously to reduce the SAV fleet size, vehicle miles
traveled and operating costs.

Levina et al. [34] showed in 2017 that the addition of a dynamic ride sharing was highly effective at
reducing congestion by combining traveler trips. They illustrated this effect in their experiments on the
downtown Austin network consisting: 171 zones, 546 intersections, 1247 links, and 62,836 trips over two
hours in the morning peak. Their study showed that ride sharing had the best travel times when the number
of SAVs was small (2000 SAVs providing service to 62,836 travelers), and these travel times were
comparable or even better than the personal vehicle scenarios. They proofed that with effective routing
heuristics and the right fleet size, SAVs could replace personal vehicles as Paratransit or individual taxis.

One could argue that users may be less willing to share vehicles, or require higher economic compensation,
if this causes low reliability of mobility compared to their own vehicle. Companies or public ownership
could severely underestimate the operating costs if they do not consider congestion. It is therefore critical
that future work on SAVs have a realistic understanding of the congestion avoidance potential. Still we are
aware that there might be situations in which congestion cannot be avoided. We are confident that the
SAVs with dynamic ride sharing are the answer for the future to avoid congestion as much as possible.

Is it like to happen on a short term? Yes and no. For the handling and distribution of containers between
port terminals in the ‘Maasvlakte’ 1 & 2, the construction of the Container Exchange Route (CER) has
started and is put into operation in 2019. The improved connectivity between different terminals will not
only lower the harbor residence time for the containers, but will also reduce costs and reliably. At the start
of the CER in 2019 an estimated 500,000 containers per year will be transported. The Port Authority
assumes and provides for growth to ultimately 1,200,000 containers per year by 2030. It was decided to
layout the CER as a separate, closed track of 14 kilometers. However, due to strong demands of the labor
union the transport will not be conducted with autonomous vehicles straight from the start, but will be
ready for it. They have required that the transport will be manned for the first five years. After five years
this requirement will expire and opens the way for a congestion free SAE level 4 container transport [35].

3.5 Zero Accident

Although humans can be amazing good drivers, driving failure is a main cause of road accidents. The
NHTSA mentions the human failure is in 94% the critical reason [36]. An more in-depth Dutch research
regarding single vehicle crashes indicates that on average 66% can be directly accounted to not enough
alertness of the driver (a/o distraction, speeding, drinking and fatigue) compared to only 7% is caused by
technical failure of the car (mainly tires) [37]. For the rest, weather and road conditions played a role.
However, also here the human drivers reaction and anticipation can be seen as a crucial factor.

Unfortunately during the last two years the number of road accidents are rising again, most probably due to
distraction by the use of smart-phones. In the short term it’s hard to prove that automated driving is a
solution for better road safety [38]. But given the above figures it’s likely. Although Tesla claims that after
activation of their Advanced Driver Assist System (wrongly called Autopilot), the number of car accidents
of the Model S dropped with about 40%, still one fatal crash was world news. After investigation of the
NHTSA the driver seemed to have ignored repeated warnings. Also with Google Car, the number of
accidents was relatively small and in all cases due to ‘human’ failure.

In the aviation business, automation is completely accepted with a proven and high safety rate. And in
Rotterdam practice, the 15 years old Rivium Parkshuttle, after some minor accidents in the early pilot
phase, turns out to be accident prove. And in markets where recently full automation has been introduced,

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 9
like on container terminals as APM terminal located on the ‘Maasvlakte’ 2 of the Port of Rotterdam, no
accidents haven taken place. Please find figures 4 and 5 on page 4.

In the Netherlands a start has been made with the project Talking Traffic [39]. A required part of the
overall communication system between car and environment. With this project real time data between
different users of the traffic infrastructure is shared. The aim of this project is that, in the near future, every
driver or car will be connected and able to make use of real-time travel information and driving support via
a dashboard screen, navigation system or automatically.

On the route from SAE level 1 (driver-assist, partial automation) to level 4&5 (diver-less, automation) it
will be a challenge to give the driver a meaningful task, see figure 12. Maybe the most fundamental
questions about zero accident is not if the technology will be accurate enough, but if the user or driver will
accept that he or she is not fully in charge anymore. To realize this shift a psychological and behavioral
approach must be a serious part of the system. Already now, people are more willing to accept advice form
navigation systems like TomTom than from the way finding and instructions signs along the roadside. This
fact, maybe, will make the desirable roadmap to zero accident more hopeful.

Figure 12: Levels of Automation (SAE, 2014) Figure 13: Picture of empty container trucking

3.6 Zero Empty

Do we value the privacy of our own car so much, that we love to drive alone? More likely there is another
reason that on average less than 1.2 persons are sitting in a 5-seat passenger car. Commercial vehicles,
which are meant for transporting goods are driving about 50% without cargo. As you can see in the picture
(figure 13, above) for some ‘empty container trucking’ is a business in the Rotterdam Port area. Zero empty
trips are a good strive to gain efficiency and reduce congestion on our roads. Collaborative connectivity is
the key to success. A clear example of successful collaboration in transport logistics is the P&G–
Tupperware case. The case uses inter-modal transport but is still relevant as the line of thought for
matching is similar. In 2014 Muylaert & Stofferis [40] showed in their study that the overall process shows
a significant reduction in costs and emissions, and meanwhile the load factor strongly increases, although
some parts of the process have increased costs. The following results are obtained:

• 17% cost reduction;

• Capacity utilization increased from 55% to 85%. Based on volume and weight;
• Over 200 tons CO2 reduction;

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 10
Muylaert & Stofferis [40] conclude that there are matching criteria that are important to realize
performance gain. When destinations and goods of the shipments are matched and the companies do not
compete, the result is reduced costs and increased capacity utilization for both companies, even for a simple
line haul matching.

Crucial element in the collaboration is the willingness to share. Sometimes, confidential information and
the acceptance of new business models are needed to share all cost gains among the joining partners. In
practice several initiatives can be found as starters who provide software technology to match freight
demand to empty truck capacities. For example Quicargo works with an app and links the supply and
demand of multiple transport companies. They focus on b2b and domestic transport by offering an End-
To-End solution arranging the financial settlement, monitor payment and insurance. Currently a lot of
existing platforms can be found in practice such as FreightUber, Cheapcargo, Tri-Vizor, Destitrans or
Airhunters. Therefore it is quite realistic that in the near future the goal of zero empty will be closely met.
Imbalance in freight demands cannot be avoided and therefore will always cause inefficiency in transport.

Connected Vehicles, could easily communicate the free seats or space. So hitchhikers or commuters can
find a lift on demand. The French start-up BlaBlaCar does already provide this service already via mobile
telephone. Though Internet of Things cargo could automatically search for empty container trucks. In fact,
the Port of Rotterdam already started Rotterdam Logistics Lab to develop these kinds of sharing services
anticipating on intelligent vehicles. Will it be the cargo that finds the vehicle for a trip, in the near future?

3.7 Zero Cost

In his latest book the American advisor Jeremy Rifkin explained that we are entering an age with zero
marginal costs [41]. Marginal cost is the term that refers to the increase in total production costs resulting
from producing one additional unit of the item. Zero marginal cost describes a situation where an additional
unit can be produced without any increase in the total cost of production. For example, an update of new
software for an electric autonomous car can be noticed as zero marginal cost because once developed it can
be distributed remotely to every car without any extra cost.

We prefer to speak about zero cost instead of zero marginal cost because by the implementation of new
technologies also other examples of cost reduction will occur. For instance, electric vehicles are in fact very
simple vehicles and will be cheaper in Total Cost of Ownership once reached economics of scale, due to
less complicated production, low energy use and much less maintenance. Real mass-production of
dedicated EV’s, batteries and other electric traction components is expected to start around 2020. This will
finally bring prices down, to a level competitive or lower than ICE cars [42]. Also the cost of maintenance
will be low because of minimal moving parts. And when a system of more intensively driving cars is
reached cars will sooner be replaced by newer cars having state of the art technology (e.g. electricity
efficient, lighter materials and likely also less safety constructions because of the reduction of accidents).

Eventually the price per barrel oil will rise but for batteries the price will decline. Within a few years
already, a reduction will take place by almost 80% per usable kilowatt-hour [43]. Besides of these costs,
electric cars are much more energy efficient, resulting in an impressive reduction of mobility cost. EV’s
can, as written in chapter 3.3, be energy positive or storage. They may earn money by storing energy
delivering energy to the smart grid (V2G) or remote homes.

Not only at the level of the car there will be significant reduction of cost, but also at the different
infrastructures around the car. For example, there will be less parking lots and parking garages when a
system of car sharing and (partly) self-driving cars has succeeded. Cost reductions are also expected when
organizational systems as Mobility as a Service (MaaS) are fully implemented. Not longer the supply of
existing lines and vehicles will dominate the way people can make use of de network, but the demand of a
person will be the central starting point. These will cause a shift from owning to using cars and other means
of transportations that are offered by the MaaS-system. Knowing that most of the cars nowadays are

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 11
standing still in front of livings (80%) or offices (16%) and just 4% is really driving around, because of
MaaS there will be an enormous decline of stationary cars and eventually also of a smaller total number of
cars. By upcoming mobility systems, another fundamental change will occur. A reduction of the fix costs
will taken place and instead of that the variable cost may grow but on the average the cost will be much
lower because of a better and more efficient use of the smaller number of available cars.

And MaaS but also less dedicated and advanced systems (e/g Car2Go or SnappCar) will influence the way
public transport will be organized. Certainly unprofitable bus- and maybe also train lines will be liquidated
and replaced by shared (autonomous driving) cars. Moreover, the need of second cars will decline because
one can order any type of vehicle on demand.

An abstract way of cost-reduction will be the way we price time. Time will become less expensive because
in driverless autonomous cars ‘drivers’ could productively use commuting time. So, time may become less
scarcity. This kind of costs is hardly taken in account in the way we calculate the costs of mobility. This is
not correct, especially when we can imagine that the car could become the extension of the office, living
room or meeting place. As a Chinese car company stated, the car gave us freedom of travel, now it will
give is freedom of time. And time is money.

Concluding discussion
There are plenty possibilities to positively adopt the disrupted technologies. At the end the number of
vehicles we need for our mobility might drop, but the quality and economics of use will increase. The
automobile, might loose some dominance, but will stay the most flexible way of transport. It will adapt in a
sustainable way and form the basis of a more demand driven need for mobility. Competition of other
modalities will stay and might increase. On the other hand, the car may evaluate from family cars towards
more personal dedicated micro cars & trucks [44] and they may even go airborne. First signs of this trans-
formation are already visible in cities and urban areas. Thanks to the three technology disruptions, the
development awareness is high, see figure 14. Although the disruptions are not completely synchronous
they more or less coincide and reinforce each other, see figure 15. This means that it is now the time to
make a fundamental change for the better, by focusing on the Six Zero’s regarding: emissions, energy,
congestion, accidents, empty and cost. And then, to our opinion the Future of Mobility will be Automotive.

Figure 14: KPMG Global Automotive Excecutive Survey 2017 Figure 15: Gartner Hype Cycle Automotive 2015

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 12
We would like to thank all research partners, colleagues and students for the contribution to the
groundbreaking projects that led to the research results, knowledge and this paper.

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Frank Rieck is Research Professor Future Mobility at the Research Centre Sustainable Port Cities
of the Rotterdam University of Applied Science. Educated as Mechanical Engineer and Industrial
Designer. Has a background in various innovation, marketing and management functions in the
Automotive Industry. Is currently, responsible for the research & innovation regarding Future
Mobility. And is chairman of Dutch-INCERT a national network of knowledge centres regarding
eMobility and is representing the Netherlands as vice president of EU organization AVERE.
Kees Machielse is Research Professor Sustainable Transition and Future of the Port at the Research
Centre Sustainable Port Cities of the Rotterdam University of Applied Science. Educated as Town
and regional planner. Has a background in innovation, regional economics, urban planning,
logistics, transition management and scenario planning, both as researcher, policy maker and as
manager. Besides his appointment as research Professor, he also has his own consultancy company
Sinik bv.
Ron van Duin is Research Professor Port & City Logistics at the Rotterdam University of Applied
Sciences and assistant professor at the department Engineering Systems and Services at Delft
University of Technology. He completed his master study Econometrics at the Erasmus University
Rotterdam (1988). He received his Doctorate in Technology, Policy and Management from Delft
University of Technology (2012). As a researcher he has worked on numerous studies concerning,
(city) logistics, (intermodal) freight transport, infrastructure, ports, and terminals. His main interests
are in research in sustainability, efficiencies, cost and quality impacts of new technologies in freight
transport and logistics.

EVS30 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 14

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