Power Quality Assessment For Non Linear

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: 2394 – 174X, V – 2, I – 1, 2015

Journal Club for Electrical Engineering (JCEE)

Manuscript No: JCEE/REV/2015/22, Received On: 03/03/2015, Accepted On : 06/03/2015, Published On: 13/03/2015

Power Quality Assessment for Non-linear Load
Ronakkumar Nareshbhai Patel1*, Mayalakshmi Jayakumar Pillai2
1& 2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Ahmedabad Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad, India

Increase in use of power electronics in power system addressed power quality problems.
Converters are widely used in industrial area for different application. They are non-linear
devices and degrade power quality of system. In this paper, 12 – pulse ac – dc power supply is
taken as non-linear load example. Power supply, here discuss is use in low voltage, high dc
current application. High dc current is generated by connecting four M3 converters in parallel.
Phase-shifting transformer is also introduce for require phase displacement. Converter can
affect power quality in terms of inject harmonics and decrease power factor. It can be used as
dynamic load; therefore, it is necessary to evaluate active and reactive power for different
loading condition. This paper represents assessment of power quality for such system.
Power Quality, Harmonic Distortion, Twelve-Pulse Converter, Power Factor

INTRODUCTION costly. To cancel lower order harmonic,

In large industries, high voltage and high multi-pulse converter is best alternative. It
current power supply are widely used requires parallel or series connection of
which convert ac – dc, create power quality bridge or mid- point converter as per
problem. This power supply injects k.n±1 requirement. Each rectifier unit requires,
order harmonics ac side which distort ac phase displaced ac supply and it can
voltage and current, where k is number of generate by using phase-shifting
pulses of rectified dc voltage and n = 1, 2, transformer.
3… [1]. Magnitude of harmonic is inversely In this paper, example of 12 pulse converter
proportional to its order, therefore, lower is given as shown in figure (1), which
order harmonic can more affect than higher generates twelve pulse dc voltage and
order harmonic. Filter use in ac side is current. This power supply injects (12±1)
Address for Correspondence: order harmonic in ac side. Here, four M3
Ronakkumar Nareshbhai Patel, converters are connected parallel for high
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Ahmedabad Institute of Technology, current requirement. This four M3
Ahmedabad, India
Email: rnpatel9792@yahoo.com converter is fed from two transformers.

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Power Quality Assessment for Non-linear Load
Two star connected secondary of each both the transformer are in star manner
transformer fed two M3 converters. having N1 turns and secondary winding is
Primary of each transformer is connected in composed of two sets of having two coils of
extended delta manner to provide require N2 and N3 turns per phase. N2 coil
phase shifting. For 12 pulse converter, 30̊ connected in delta and N3 coil connected in
phase-shift is requiring, it can also possible series with them. Depending on secondary
to create 30̊ phase shift using star and delta voltage lead or lag to primary voltage, it can
winding connection. In this configuration, be chosen as Y/Z – 1 and Y/Z – 2
some current is circulating from one respectively [4]. Phase shift angle of phase-
converter to another converter. This shifting transformer is given by,
drawback is eliminate using phase shifting δ = ∠ Vab - ∠ VAB …. (1)
transformer like zigzag or extended delta
connection. Depending on phase angle, transformer
ratio and secondary ratio is given,

N3/(N2+N3)=sin 〖(30 -̊ δ) 〗 /sin 〖

(30 ̊+ δ) 〗 … (2)

N1/(N2+N3)=1/sin (30 ̊+δ).VAB/Vab

… (3)

Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of twelve pulse

converter fed RL load

Generally two types of phase shifting Fig. 2a Connection diagram Y/Z - 1
transformer are used, zigzag and extended transformer
delta. As
Shown in figure (1), extended delta winding
is used. There are two types of transformer
winding connection as:
Y/Z – 1 transformers
Y/Z – 2 transformers
Figure (2) shows, connection diagram of Fig. 2b Connection diagram Y/Z – 2
Y/Z – 1 and Y/Z – 2. Primary winding of transformer

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Power Quality Assessment for Non-linear Load
By choosing appropriate value of turns ratio Vdc = 1.17 Vph cos(α) … (4)
(in terms of voltage across each winding)
Where, Vdc = Output dc voltage of half-
we get appropriate phase shift. Phase-
wave rectifier
shifting transformer can perform three
functions mainly: Vph = rms value of ac phase voltage

1. To obtain phase displacement α = Firing angle

between primary and secondary line to line

2. Proper secondary voltages

3. Electrical isolation between utility

supply and rectifier

Table : 1 Transformer rating

No load
Primary Secondary Primary sec.
KVA KVA volts (V) Voltage
(V) Fig. 3. Double star rectifier with
interphase transformer
114.2 161 415

Rating of transformer shows in figure (1), 1. Harmonic:

is given in table (1). Rectifier converts ac power in to dc and

CONVERTER inject harmonics in ac power system. This

From figure (1), it can be seen that two M3 harmonics can distort power quality and

converters are parallel, but in parallel decrease power factor of the system.

operation due to ripple in output dc voltage Therefore, it is necessary to calculate

some current will circulate from one to harmonic current and power factor for
given system.
another. This problem is eliminated by
parallel connection of two converters From figure (1), it is see that one
through interphase transformer as shown in transformer fed two M3 converters and
figure (3). The output dc voltage generated generate six pulse output voltages and
by this combination is similar to M3
converter; therefore, it is given by,

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Power Quality Assessment for Non-linear Load

Table : 2 calculation of fundamental and harmonic component of line current

Id (kA) I1(A) I11 (A) I13 (A) I23 (A) I25 (A) Ih (A)

2 60.55 5.50 4.66 2.63 2.42 8.40

4 121.10 11.01 9.31 5.26 4.84 16.78

6 181.65 16.51 13.97 7.90 7.265 25.18

8 242.20 22.02 18.63 10.53 9.70 33.576

10 302.75 27.52 23.28 13.62 12.10 41.97

Table : 3 Calculation of firing angle for different load

Voltage drop Firing angle

Id (kA) Vd0 (V, DC) Vd (V, DC)
(V) (degree)

2 0.55 21.11 2.6 82.92

4 1.1 20.47 5.2 75.28

6 1.66 19.82 7.8 66.82

8 2.2 19.20 10.4 57.18

10 2.77 18.52 13 45.43

Table : 4 Calculation of active, apparent and reactive power for different load

Apparent Active Reactive

Primary I (A, Line Power
power S power power
voltage (V) current) factor
(kVA) (kW) (kVAr)

415 61.13 43.887 5.966 0.136 43.48

415 122.26 87.774 23.865 0.272 84.467

415 183.386 131.66 53.70 0.408 120.21

415 244.515 175.55 95.46 0.544 147.326

415 305.65 219.44 149.158 0.68 160.953

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Power Quality Assessment for Non-linear Load
parallel connection of two transformers For 12 - pulse converter distortion factor is
gives twelve pulse output voltage. equal to 0.9887.
Therefore, only 6.k ± 1 harmonics present
Displacement power factor is the phase
in primary current. Fundamental
angle between voltage and current. For
component for such arrangement is given
rectifier, it is given by cosine of firing
angle. If α is firing angle then,
I1 = (2√3/π) Id … (5)
DPF = cos(α) … (8)
And individual harmonic current is
Total power factor is given by,
calculated as,
PF = DF * DPF … (9)
In = I1/ n … (6)
Calculation of firing angle and power factor
Where, n = harmonic order
is given in table (3). Firing angle is
I1 = fundamental component of current calculated from equation (4) and power
factor is calculated from equation (9). In
Id = output dc current
table (3), voltage drop consist different
Here, current through primary winding of voltage drop like voltage regulation of
first transformer is displaced by 30̊ to transformer, bus bar voltage drop.
second transformer primary. Hence, 5th and
Active, reactive and apparent powers are
7th order harmonic is cancelled out at the
calculate using data of table (2) and (3), as
supply side of the both the transformer.
given in table (4). Here, load resistance is
Line current has only 12.k ± 1 harmonics.
taken as 1.3 mΩ. Active power is calculated
Calculation of fundamental and harmonic
by including load and active power loss.
current is given in table (2) for different
Line current is composition of fundamental
load condition. Full load dc current is 10
current and harmonic current.
2. Power factor:
This paper presents twelve-pulse converter
Total power factor of the system is divided as non-linear load, require for low DC
in two parts, distortion factor (DF) and voltage and high DC current application.
displacement power factor (DPF). From, above discussion, it can see that non-
Distortion factor is depend on the harmonic linear load create power quality problem
distortion of current and is given by, like lower power factor and inject
harmonics ac side. In this paper, calculation
DF = 1/ √ (1+ THD2) … (7)

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Power Quality Assessment for Non-linear Load
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REFERENCES Phase-shift to reduce Harmonics in AC-
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Patel, R. N., Pillai, M. J. (2015). Power Quality Assessment for Non-linear Load.
Journal Club for Electrical Engineering (JCEE), 2(I), 31-36.

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