Serhat Güzel
Serhat Güzel
Serhat Güzel
Serhat GÜZEL
Balıkesir, 2016
T. C.
Serhat GÜZEL
Tez Danışmanı
Doç. Dr. Selami AYDIN
Balıkesir, 2016
GÜZEL, Serhat
Yüksek Lisans, Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı, İngiliz Dili
Eğitimi Bilim Dalı
Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Selami AYDIN
2016, 87 Sayfa
Sanal bir dil öğrenme ortamı olarak Second Life’ın İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak
öğrenenlerin yabancı dil konuşma kaygısı ve konuşma becerileri üzerindeki etkilerini anlatan
çalışmaların sayısı oldukça azdır. Ayrıca, ilgili alanyazın, Türkiye’deki yabancı dil olarak
İngilizce öğretimine ışık tutması bağlamında yetersizdir. Bu sebeple, bu deneysel çalışma
Second Life’ın yabancı dil konuşma kaygısı ve konuşma başarısı üzerindeki etkilerini
incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, 40 öğrenciye birer arka plan anketi ve kaygı
ölçekleri uygulanmıştır. Katılımcılar deney grubu ve control grubu olarak ikiye ayrılmışlardır.
Ek olarak, ön test ve son test şeklinde iki adımdan oluşmak üzere her öğrenci konuşma
düzeylerini ölçmek amaçlı olarak mülakatlara çağrılmıştır. Bulgulara göre, konuşma kaygısı
ve konuşma becerisi ile ilişkili olarak Second Life üzerinde gerçekleştirilen konuşma dersleri
ve geleneksel konuşma aktivitelerinin etkileri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmadığı tespit
edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu sonuçlara dayanarak Second Life’ın konuşma dersinde kullanımının
belli bir oranı geçmemesi gerektiği önerilmektedir. Bunun nedeni, Second Life’ın konuşma
kaygısı için kusursuz bir çözüm sağlamadığı bulgusuna erişilmiş olmasıdır. Buna ek olarak,
öğretmenlerin konuşma derslerinde Second Life’ı geleneksel yöntemlere yardımcı olacak ek
kaynak şeklinde kullanmaları önerilmektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Yabancı dil olarak İngilizce; Second Life; konuşma kaygısı; konuşma;
GÜZEL, Serhat
Master's Thesis, Department of Foreign Language Teaching,
English Language Teaching Programme
Adviser: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selami AYDIN
2016, 87 pages
Key words: English as a foreign language; Second Life; speaking anxiety; speaking;
I would like to dedicate this thesis to my dearest B. who has made me a better person
with her irreplaceable presence.
1.1. Background of the study 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem 1
1.2.1. Problems in Turkish EFL Context 2
1.2.2. Problems in Relation to Speaking in Turkish EFL Context 2
1.2.3. Problems Caused by Anxiety 3
1.3. Purpose of the Study 3
1.4. Significance of the Study 4
1.5. Research Questions 4
1.6. Limitations of the study 4
1.7. Definitions 5
2.1. Theoretical Framework 7
2.1.1. Introduction 7
2.1.2. The Role of Speaking in Communication 7 Types of Oral Interaction 9 The Role of Speaking in Communication 10 The Importance of Comprehensible Input 11 The Need Hypothesis 12 Affective Filter Hypothesis 13
2.1.3. Foreign Language Anxiety 13 Types of Foreign Language Anxiety 14 Communication Apprehension 14 Fear of Negative Evaluation 14 Test Anxiety 15 Speaking Anxiety 16 Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety 16 Speaking Anxiety and Learning Environment 17
2.1.4. Second Life 18 The Use of SL in the Foreign Language Context 18 SL and EFL Speaking 19
2.1.5. Theoretical Background for the use of SL 20 Self-regulation 20 Learner-centeredness 21 Collaborative Learning 22 Autonomous Learning 22 Constructivism 23 Scaffolded Learning 23
2.1.6. Conclusion 24
2.2. Literature Review 25
2.2.1. Introduction 25
2.2.2. The Role of Speaking in Communication 26
2.2.3. Research on Comprehensible Input 28
2.2.4. Types of Oral Interactions 31
2.2.5. Research on Speaking Anxiety 33
2.2.6. Research on SL in EFL Context 35
2.2.7. Research on the Effect of SL on Speaking Anxiety 37
2.2.8. Conclusion 38
3.1. Research Design 40
3.2. Participants 40
3.3. Tools 41
3.4. Procedure 42
3.4.1. Pre-test Administration 42
3.4.2. Practice Stage 43 Week 1 45 Week 2 45 Week 3 46 Week 4 46
3.4.3. Post-test Administration 47
3.5. Data Analysis 47
4.1. Research Question 1 49
4.1.1. The Effect of Practice on Speaking Achievement in Control Group 49
4.1.2. The Effect of Practice on Speaking Achievement in Exp. Group 51
4.1.3. Comparison of Traditional and SL Speaking Activities 53
4.2. Research Question 2 55
4.2.1. Instruction Effect on Speaking Anxiety in Control Group 55
4.2.2. The Effect of SL Speaking Activities on SA in Exp. Group 62
4.2.3. Comparison of Groups in terms of Speaking Anxiety 67
5.1. Conclusions 69
5.2. Implications 70
5.3. Practical Recommendations 71
5.4. Recommendations for Further Research 72
5.5. Limitations of the Study 73
This section aims to provide the rationale behind the study in an orderly way.
First, background of the study is presented in a way that problems related to the
study are listed from a general to specific perspective. Second, purpose and
significance of the study are discussed. Third, research questions and experimental
procedures of the study such as participants, tools, data collections, and data
analysis are introduced. Last, organization of the study, limitations, and some
definitions are presented.
This section presents the background for the study. The study is motivated by
three main problems as follows: Problems in Turkish EFL context, problems in
relation to speaking in Turkish EFL context and problems related to anxiety.
Sections below discuss these problems in details, and provide information on how
these problems form a background for the study.
considered as a skill which is hard to assess and control, and it is quite time-
consuming in terms of preparing content for lessons. For learners, on the other
hand, speaking is not desirable because it is challenging to express oneself in
spoken form, and it is hard to grasp structural components during speaking. Aydin
and Guzel (2014) suggest that on the verge of oral performance, learners hesitate
and feel anxious about speaking. Accordingly, as Subasi (2010) suggested, anxiety
problem faced during oral performance is triggered by factors such as fear of
negative evaluation, communication apprehension, and anxiety towards grading,
namely test anxiety. Therefore, it can be claimed that speaking is one of the most
problematic areas in language learning, and it causes anxiety-related problems for
learners, which negatively affects the flow of language learning process.
As mentioned above, both international and Turkish EFL learners suffer from
problems caused by speaking as a productive skill. One of the most common
problem triggered by speaking skill is regarded as anxiety (Aydin, 2008; Aydin &
Guzel, 2014; Dalkilic, 2001; Subasi, 2010). As Subasi (2010) suggests, learners
endure many hardships during oral performance such as sweatiness, shaking-
knees, nervousness and loss of memory. Due to anxiety-related reasons, learners’
speaking performances decrease and negatively affected. In other words, language
anxiety is a significant variable in language learning, and language achievement is
correlated with anxiety (Batumlu & Erden, 2007; Dalkilic, 2001). Anxiety-related
problems such as nervousness, sweating, shaking-knees, and cognitive failures
during oral performance can be related to factors such as lack of preparation,
communication apprehension, test anxiety, teacher corrections, fear of negative
evaluation, and teacher questions (Aydin, 2008). Therefore, in the light of
aforementioned insight, it can be deduced that anxiety is a quite serious problem
that needs to be eliminated form language learning context in a moderate way.
This study has two purposes to achieve in accordance with the issues given
above. First, it aims to investigate the level of speaking achievement in Turkish EFL
learning context, and it attempts to determine if SL has an effect on EFL learners’
speaking achievements. Second, the study aims at measuring the anxiety levels of
Turkish EFL learners in speaking and have an insight on the circumstance by
This sections provides reasons to support the significance of the study. The
study can be considered as significant due to several reasons. First, the study
makes a considerable contribution to related literature since it provides data on the
effects of the use of SL as a virtual language learning environment on speaking
anxiety. Second, the study provides additional data to related literature concerning
Turkish EFL context, since there is a lack of research on the effect of SL on
speaking anxiety in related area. Third, in addition to speaking anxiety, the study
contributes to the literature in terms of the effect of SL on speaking achievement.
Finally, the study can be regarded as significant due to its contributions to literature
in terms of practical recommendations for teachers, learners, curriculum developers,
material writers, and policy makers.
In the light of issues discussed above, language learning context has many
problems concerning learners, teachers, methodologies, and learning environments.
In addition to these problems, speaking skill is regarded as a significant problematic
area in language learning due to its challenging nature. In other words, speaking
causes many problems for both learners and teachers in language learning process
in relation to anxiety, which negatively affects the quality of language learning
process and learners’ speaking achievements. Therefore, it is evident that impact of
anxiety as a problematic factor in language learning needs to be eliminated as much
as possible. Considering these problems, this study is based on two research
1.7. Definitions
Receptive skills: Skills that do not require learners to produce language items but
successfully receive and process them, such as listening and reading.
Self-efficacy: A person's belief about his / her own capacity to learn.
Speaking Anxiety: The combination of feelings such as uneasiness, nervousness,
and shakiness one experiences when they are required to speak in front of other
Statistical Package for Social Sciences: Computer software used for statistical
Student Selection and Placement Center: The official institution responsible for
administering examinations for attending universities in Turkey.
Task-based learning: An approach which highlights the importance of meaningful
tasks given by using the target language.
In this section, related literature is presented to form a basis for the study at
hand. First, a theoretical framework is set to base the study on by providing
pedagogical theories used in learning context. Then, related literature is presented
from a broad perspective to subject-specific view to provide insight to the study.
2.1.1. Introduction
This section briefly presents the theoretical background of the study. For this
purpose, it basically attempts to put what is presented into ground in educational
and EFL context, carefully categorizing issues related to the effect of Second Life as
a virtual language learning environment on speaking anxiety. First, the role of
speaking in EFL context is discussed in connection with learning theories. Second,
various types speaking manifests itself is presented in the light of some studies.
Third, communication and the role of speaking as a language skill in communication
are basically examined, the importance of comprehensible input, the place of The
Need Hypothesis, Affective Filter Hypothesis are mentioned. Fourth, anxiety as an
entity is analyzed in various segments as foreign language anxiety, speaking
anxiety, foreign language anxiety. Fifth, speaking anxiety is redefined in connection
with learning environment, thus Second Life as a new language learning
environment in EFL context is introduced by grounding it with current learning
Lightbrown & Spada, 2011; Yule, 2006). According to Yule (2006), one of the main
reasons for this performance gap is that EFL speakers share an institutionalized
language learning background. However, speakers who acquired the target
language in an appropriate environment starting from a convenient age tend to
approach speaking the language more intuitively. Therefore, it can be inferred that
for those who acquired the language, the gap between competence and
performance is not as great as for those who are EFL speakers. Thus, it is possible
to reveal that EFL learners are required to put more effort on language production in
order to overcome the gap between their language competence and performance
since their language production is not based on intuitive responses as in language
acquisition. That is why, based on the aforementioned reasons, speaking practice
necessitates one to pay more attention.
Based on the information noted above, it is possible to list several reasons
for why speaking is important in EFL learning. First, as Kurudayioglu (2011)
suggests, speaking has an essential place in language learners' performance both
individually and socially since it is an indispensable tool for human communication
on a daily basis. Second, it is claimed that language competence challenges the
learners in productive skills. Thus, language mastery requires a communicative
competence rather than sole language literacy (Diyyab et al., 2013). Third, as Ellis
(2012) asserts, interaction is the key element in a language classroom, and learning
takes place when the meanings and unclear points are discussed by using a
collective interaction in the classroom. Fourth, speaking the language is much more
valuable in terms of communication since it is pointed out that gaining grammatical
and structural competence can be achieved by mastering the speaking skill (Ellis,
2012). In this context, Wardhaugh (2006) claims that speakers of one language tend
to possess grammatical structure of the language automatically. Therefore, it can be
concluded that communication established with oral interaction skills in the target
language greatly contributes to the development of other language skills.
Oral interactions take place in various ways in a language speaker's life. One
of the most well-coordinated classifications about the types of oral interactions is
demonstrated in Bygate's (1987) model of oral interactions. Bygate (1987) divides
oral interactions into two categories according to their functions as information
routines and interaction routines, which suggests that oral production is centered
around acquiring and sharing information, and interacting with people around on a
daily basis. Bygate’s model is presented as follows:
Oral Interactions
Communication is possible in many ways for the individuals for there are
various actions that can lead to a mutual understanding and exchange of messages
between two or more parties. Given that a wide range of actions conveyed by the
individuals in a social context can be interpreted as messages, it is reasonable to
deduce that speaking is the most common means to communicate. Cook (2001)
suggests that speaking a language, other than forming the center of human life, is a
way to express feelings, and to achieve many goals in life. As Wardhaugh (2006)
asserts, the communication process that takes place between two individuals create
the existence of the code which is referred to as the language. The use of verbal
messages in the exchange of information is the most common way in an individual's
progress of any type at all. Krashen (as cited in Ellis, 2012) suggests in his Input
Hypothesis that learners are ready for language production only when they receive a
sufficient amount of input from the speaker of the target language. That is, the
natural use of a language provides an unlimited source of grammatical knowledge
for the listener. In the critical phase referred as silent period, language learner who
is claimed to be passive and undesirable at the moment is in fact busy with
decoding language presented to her. This decoding process gives the learners an
indispensable chance for internalizing grammar rules of the target language. In
addition, Long (1983) states that it is necessary to create a flow of exposure-induced
language input in order for the language learner to internalize target language rules.
However, providing input does not necessarily prove helpful unless it is
comprehensible and serves a purpose. The reason for this is that it is crucial to
determine in what ways the learner language is to be shaped so that learners can
maximize their understanding of the target language. Considering that
comprehensible input serves as a model for the language learners to benefit from in
their future use of target language performance. This modeling behavior towards
target language bears resemblances with Vygotskian approach to learning since
Vygotsky (1978) suggested that learning takes place thanks to social help. Thus, it
is suggested that language production is inevitable on condition that a sufficient
amount of comprehensible input presented thanks to social help is provided, which
proves the importance and dominance of comprehensible input.
The Need Hypothesis claims that the production stage only starts when the
need to communicate in the target language arises. However, Krashen (1998)
suggests that it is not always necessarily required that the acquirers start language
production solely based on the need to communicate. The need for communication
only serves as an aid in the process of language production, and the main element
required is comprehensible input. Notwithstanding Krashen's (1985) solid language
acquisition hypotheses, it is claimed that, in most cases, it is challenging to transfer
these hypotheses from language acquisition context into a language learning
environment. Payne (2011) complains that i+1 in Krashen's input hypothesis creates
confusion in terms of its application in language teaching. Thus, according to Payne
(2011), it is hard to differentiate learners' received input quality and their contribution
to their input reception processes. Moreover, in the light of learners' relationship with
comprehensible input, it can be implied that it is quite difficult to determine a stable
course of action for language teaching/learning process. Knowing that Krashen
(1985) and Long (1983) only emphasize the language acquisition process rather
than language learning underlines that the acquisition hypotheses are only partially
compatible with the needs of a language teaching/learning environment; that is,
instructors and language learners cannot be taken into consideration by taking
acquisition process as reference.
state anxiety, Horwitz (2010) presents that anxiety as an affective state is classified
into three types as follows: trait anxiety, state anxiety, and situation-specific anxiety.
Scovel (1978) explains trait anxiety as the personal tendency to feel anxious in
various stress-evoking situations. Spielberger (1983, as cited in Aydin, 2009) state
anxiety is the type of tension felt towards certain situation in a certain time period. In
addition, Ellis (cited in Aydin, 2009) defines situation-specific anxiety as the feeling
of uneasiness, distress and anxiety emerging only in specific circumstances.
Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) is a type of anxiety specifically generated in
the environment of language learning classrooms due to language learning
environments' unique anxiety-provoking nature. MacIntyre and Gardner (1994)
suggest that FLA is associated with unique and specific elements that take place in
foreign language classrooms as poor performance, negative peer responses, and
anxiety related to evaluation. Therefore, FLA, as Horwitz (2010) deduces, is
classified as a situation-specific anxiety, and has the same characteristics of the
anxiety that stems from test anxiety or anxiety of public speech.
Horwitz et al. (1986) simplify learners’ complex anxious states based on their
behaviors, and present them in a way that they categorize the anxious experiences
faced by learners. The categorization brings forth three types of anxiety emerging in
foreign language classrooms as follows: communication apprehension, test anxiety,
and fear of negative evaluation.
quality or the thought that the true potential cannot be reflected through the
Among the ways foreign language anxiety manifests itself, foreign language
learners’ fear of negative evaluation is one of the most significant issues in EFL
learning context (Aydin, 2008). According to Horwitz et al. (1986), fear of negative
evaluation is basically the feeling of uneasiness that stems from other people’s
comments on language learners’ language performance. As Matsuda and Gobel
(2004) claim, the fear that is caused by the possibility of negative criticism from
others is one of the most common types of anxiety. Moreover, Gkonou (2011)
claims that one of the reasons why language learners develop a fear of negative
evaluation is that they compare their own performances to their peers’ performances
in the competitive nature of the classroom. Thus, this evokes the feeling of
insufficiency in language performance. In addition, learners’ desire to leave a good
social impression on their peers is yet another reason for developing a fear of
negative evaluation. In brief, it can be acknowledged that fear of negative evaluation
is quite a common occurrence in language learning classrooms, mainly caused by
the feeling of insufficiency in performance, concern for others' opinion, and grading.
Test anxiety is referred to as the anxious state of mind in fear of poor foreign
language performance when language skills are scored by an authority figure
(Horwitz et al., 1986). In the broadest perspective, as Zeidner (1998) states, tests
are valuable tools for gathering reliable and objective data in order to detect any
kind of progress or regression in performance, which consequently provides
opportunity to counsel, organize and classify the components of learning progress.
However, as Zeidner (1998) pinpoints, the importance given to tests by instructors
inevitably leads to anxious state of mind for the individuals whose performances are
measured. In the EFL context, tests are commonly used as a means of measuring
language skills of the learners such as grammar, reading comprehension and
listening. Therefore, language learners develop tendency to overrate the impact of
the tests on their lives. As Subasi (2010) highlights, test anxiety mainly stems from
learners’ fear of failure in academic settings. In other words, scoring the target
language performance of learners forms an environment in which individual actions
are compared, and the images of success and failure emerge. Inevitably, for the
foreign language learners, getting relatively lower scores and failing is meaningfully
equal to failing in learning the foreign language. Conclusively, tests are regarded as
an indispensable tool for measuring success levels of language learners and for the
evaluation of the learning process; however, it is acknowledged that tests also put
considerable amounts of pressure on learners in a way that they fail to reflect their
potential language performance.
assumed that the use of computers and virtual realities that come with them have
gradually been integrated with educational activities. Moreover, Couto (2010)
signifies that using virtual environments that are the extensions of computer
supported language learning increases learners’ features such as self-regulation,
autonomy, collaboration and self-efficacy. Among the most significant virtual
language learning environments, virtual realities such as Second Life and Ragnarok,
Everquest II where learners can get free of physical existence are considered as
quite noteworthy (Aydin, 2013b; Balcikanli, 2012; Bell, 2009; Couto, 2010; Johnson,
2006). In addition, it can be noted that introduction of virtual worlds as new learning
environments is a promising means of decreasing SA among language learners
(Aydin, 2013b; Balcikanli, 2012; Couto, 2010; Guzel & Aydin, 2014), because
learners are offered an experience beyond physical boundaries of the real world
(Johnson, 2006). In conclusion, it can be stated that although SA poses a great
threat to language learning process, it is possible to diminish the level of anxiety
faced by learners with the introduction of new language learning environments, and
the idea of using virtual worlds as learning environments is considered as one of the
most intriguing attempts to improve language learning.
SL is regarded as an intriguing platform for EFL learning for the reason that it
is quite promising considering its availability for educational contexts and that it
offers a great potential for EFL learners' language practice (Aydin, 2013b; Balcikanli,
2012; Bradshaw, 2006; Couto, 2010; Inman, Wright & Hartman, 2010; Johnson,
2006; Macedo & Morgado, 2009). In a narrower scope, SL stands out as the most
popular virtual world that is integrated with language learning events as a language
learning tool and environment. It is also claimed that SL is useful language learning
tool for it has a great educational potential lowering the stressful nature of language
performance (Aydin, 2013b; Balcikanli 2012; Couto, 2010). Moreover, it is evident
that SL addresses all the basic language skills; that is, learners can engage with
listening and reading activities, whereas it is possible to exploit SL in terms of
productive skills, namely writing and speaking. In an additional note, it is possible to
assert that SL can be effective, both overtly and covertly, in flourishing grammar and
vocabulary limits of the learners. To exemplify the effect of SL on aforementioned
language skills, it can be highlighted that SL provides learners with real-time
conversation on its voice chat feature, which enables them to hear the language and
produce voiced reactions to other users. Moreover, written chat and surroundings on
SL urges users to read and write, which at the same time requires them to involve
their grammar and vocabulary competence in the process. Considering SL's
thought-provoking nature and great potential in EFL learning context, it is quite
befitting to claim that it needs clarification on what functions SL has as a language
learning and speaking practice tool in EFL speaking classes.
dominant authority figure whatsoever. In other words, learners are autonomous and
self-regulated in SL. Speaking more specifically, anonymity provided in SL serves as
an important agent that diminishes the fear of being judged by the others and offers
learners a feeling of freedom in expressing themselves (Aydin, 2013; Balcikanli,
2012; Couto, 2010; Guzel & Aydin, 2014; Johnson, 2006). In connection, SL is a
language learning environment that promotes a self-regulated learning process
during which learners are urged to employ their academic expectations. In short, SL
manifests itself as a practical tool for foreign language learning in various
dimensions; however, before its usage in the FL context, it is necessary to present
the theoretical background of the use of SL in the foreign language context. Self-regulation Learner-centeredness
Collaborative learning is the type of learning which is performed with the help
of peers that share the same learning environment and requires a series of actions
that incessantly changes hands throughout the process. One of the earliest theories
claiming that learning is greatly dependent on social interactions is Vygotsky's
(1978) social learning theory. Vygotsky (1978) indicates that an effective learning
takes place with the help of social environment of the individual. Therefore,
individuals complete missing parts of their learning process by observing the
behaviors of the others, and the way certain tasks are achieved. Peterson (2012)
depicts the collaborative learning environment as a platform on which learners form
a shared-knowledge among them with the help of negotiation of meaning. In this
scope, SL is considered as a good representative of real life since many actions that
are performed in real life can be performed in SL (Johnson, 2006). In addition, SL
requires the individuals to form behaviors for situations that take place in the virtual
reality (Bell, 2009). Johnson (2006) also claims that SL, as an interaction-based
social environment, is comprised of tasks and communicative activities that
encourage learners to act in collaboration. Thus, it can be concluded that SL is a
useful learning tool for integrating learners into an environment that promotes
Autonomous learning is based on the notion that learners are able to achieve
learning task better when they take control of their learning process in a way that
they are aware of the dynamic relationship between learning incomes and learning
outcomes. It is suggested that the focus on the concept of autonomous learner in
educational context has led to the existence of the expert language learner as a
term (Mercer, 2011). Mercer (2011) defines expert learners as the learners who are
able to adjust their learning strategies with a complete realization of their beliefs and
personal needs on the way of reaching the academic goals. According to Xiao
(2014), these autonomous learning attitudes are the product of learner agency
which enables the learners to intentionally personalize what they encounter within
the process learning. To add, Xiao (2014) claims that self-awareness is one of the
most important factors that directly affect achievement in language learning. It is
suggested that when learners take control of their own learning in a language
learning process, as in SL as a virtual learning environment, they are observed to
perform more as active individuals taking responsibilities than passive listeners who
are simply submissive (Couto, 2010; Johnson, 2006). In this perspective, SL as an
autonomous learning environment urges learners to take initiative and act more as
individuals rather than a small part of a large functioning group. In conclusion, it is
crucial to realize that when SL is introduced to the learning process, it is indeed the
individual productivity that runs the mechanism, not the will of the authority figure. Constructivism
own realities based on the items introduced to them, and SL is an appropriate tool
for learners to create their own realities while learning.
2.1.6. Conclusion
2.2.1. Introduction
through the lenses of related studies. Third, the studies describing SA and
examining the ways SA manifests itself are reviewed. Fourth, the compilation of
related research on SL in EFL context is summarized in brief. Last, narrowing down
the scope, the effects of SL as a virtual world on SA are demonstrated by reviewing
the related studies.
language learners feel about speaking and its use in EFL learning. In order to gather
data on the perceptions of the learners, Nazara (2011) administered a 16-item
questionnaire to 40 students from fifth to seventh semester students. Findings
indicated that learners valued speaking for its central role in language learning, and
they were willing to put considerable effort to reach mastery in it. Moreover, Bahrani
and Soltani (2012) stated that speaking was regarded the most important skill in the
way of reaching language proficiency; however, language classes mainly focused
on structural aspects of language. Thus, the aim of the study was to underline the
ways to integrate speaking skill with structural language teaching activities such as
grammar and vocabulary teaching. Bahrani and Soltani (2012) presented types of
activities to enhance the central role of speaking in language learning. The study
concluded that language proficiency was possible with intensive use of
communicative activities that were based on speaking skill, and the reason why
speaking was ignored in language teaching was the low interest shown to speaking
activities due to its necessity of active engagement.
contexts and how they gradually made the target language conventional by
providing explanation on speech acts. The study concluded that language learning
should focus on communicative aspects of the language since lexical and
grammatical competence could be fixed during the conventionalization of the
language. Furthermore, Hu (2010) asserted that Chinese EFL teaching adopted
communicative competence as the primary goal in language classrooms since
speaking skill was regarded as the ultimate motive for language learning. Thus, Hu
(2010) aimed at exploring effective methods to flourish Chinese EFL learners’
communicative competence. In order to develop methods to be employed in
language teaching, the study examined the positive contributions of communicative
language teaching. It was concluded that language teaching was more than
theoretical knowledge of the rules; instead, it was greatly dependent on practice.
Celce-Murcia et al (1995) also argued that communicative competence described by
Canale and Swain (1980) did not provide elaborate and pedagogical insight to
language teaching. Therefore, they attempted to develop more pedagogically-driven
constituents for communicative language teaching. The study classified
communicative competence in five groups as follows: discourse, linguistic, actional,
sociocultural and strategic competence. The study concluded that understanding
communicative competence in terms of language teaching context with the help of
elaborate classification would improve the quality of language teaching activities. In
addition, Nazari (2007) suggested that how teachers comprehended communicative
competence affected how they taught the language. Thus, the study tried to
discover how high school teachers conceived communicative competence as a
term. For collecting data, teachers were interviewed and observed. The data
indicated that speaking was not used as an active communication tool in language
teaching process; rather, teachers and learners preferred speaking briefly in order to
give examples and produce simple utterances.
Cane (1998) claimed that course books were not sufficient for improving
language learners’ communicative competence. The study, thereby, aimed to
determine the efficiency of course books and the alternative methods for teaching
communicative skills. Cane (1998) concluded that more direct teaching activities
would take place instead of indirect ones triggered by excessive use of course
books. Furthermore, Lochland (2013) asserted that CLT did not have a universally
accepted definition, thus the paper aimed to determine whether CLT was an
appropriate approach for Japanese EFL teaching. In order to discover CLT’s role,
Lochland (2013) discussed it within situated pedagogy context. In conclusion, it was
asserted that a standard teaching method could not be designed, and teachers
should be flexible and responsive to the learner needs.
language learning, and in what ways the same type of comprehensible input
provided the equal amount of benefit for language learners. The study concluded
that even though comprehensible input proved useful in many circumstances of
language learning, it did not function in language learning classrooms as stable as it
did in language acquisition process. Furthermore, Shintani (2011) reported that the
effectiveness of input-based and output-based language teaching was a matter of
discussion in terms of EFL teaching. Therefore, the study aimed at comparing input-
based and output-based methods in language teaching. To gather data, students
were divided into three groups; input-based group, production-based group, and
control-group. Results indicated that the group which employed an input-based
learning was provided better interactional opportunities during language tasks, and
they performed better in terms of language production.
In addition to the studies that question what comprehensible input as a term
that is mostly used in language acquisition stands for in language learning, some
studies regarding EFL learning and teaching have attempted to integrate
comprehensible input into language teaching procedures in practice. For instance,
Rodrigo et al (2004) stated that providing comprehensible input during language
learning was a promising way to improve language performance of the learners. In
this sense, the study set a goal to determine whether language teaching activities
based on the use of comprehensible input made a difference. So as to gather data,
learners receiving a language instruction under the influence of comprehensible
input were compared to the ones who participated in traditional language learning.
Findings suggested that the group which was exposed to a language learning
heavily dependent on comprehensible input performed better than the traditional
group in grammar and vocabulary tests. In another study, Crossley et al (2012)
discussed that it was very common to detect that texts that were used as
comprehensible input were simplified for better comprehension in language
classrooms. Claiming that it might bring about some problematic outcomes, the
study focused on exploring the potential effects of text simplification in language
teaching. The data were gathered by using the computational tool Coh-Metrix in a
way that 300 news articles were simplified for three proficiency levels as beginner,
intermediate and advanced to explain linguistic differences of the texts. Results
showed that texts that were simplified for beginner level provided a richer linguistic
input for the learners than the texts simplified for advanced level.
In addition, Oh (2001) stated that input plays the major role in second and
foreign language learning; the simplicity and complexity of the materials provided for
learners affect reaching language mastery effectively. Thus, Oh (2001) attempted to
discover which of the methods led to the desirable outcome in terms of language
learning. The data were collected by presenting learners six reading passages that
were simplified and elaborated and their comprehension levels were measured by
administering an 18-item multiple choice test. The findings were in a direction that
elaborated input served more useful for reaching language mastery, and the study
suggested that elaborated inputs accelerated learning process by enabling learners
to comprehend baseline texts more easily. Furthermore, Carlo (1994) stated that
conventional language classrooms mainly focused on written texts as
comprehensible input; however, they did not provide opportunities for
communicative competence. Therefore, the study aimed to explore the use of video-
texts as a means of comprehensible input. In the study, learners were provided with
video enhanced learning opportunities for their language learning. In conclusion,
Carlo (1994) suggested that language learning environments must be supported
with comprehensible input which was based on both linguistic and communicative
competence, since it was indicated that learners easily engage with learning
procedure when communicative tools were involved. Finally, Neuman and Koskinen
(1994) suggested that acquisition was a subconscious process; therefore, just as it
took place in language acquisition, it was possible to deduct that learners grasp the
structure of target language by focusing on the meaning rather than focusing on the
form and the structure of the language. That is why, their study aimed to determine
the effect of captioned television as a comprehensible input for the language
learning of minority students. Consequently, it was found out that input hypothesis
was in correlation with incidental learning of the language, and it was deduced that
captioned television as a comprehensible input provided better incidental language
The research on SL’s role and place in EFL context is mainly related to how
SL is integrated in the EFL learning process and what type of activities can be
developed in SL-based language learning. However, the number of the studies
carried out on SL's place in EFL is quite limited. To begin with, Wang et al. (2009)
suggested that MUVEs such as SL gained considerable attraction among educators
due to their appealing nature as constructivist educational tools. Nevertheless, it
was also noted that the understanding of how MUVEs, especially SL, functioned in
the way of promoting EFL learners’ language skills. Thus, the study aimed to create
an SL-based EFL learning program among Chinese and American students. The
participants took place in speaking activities in a way that Chinese learners were
paired with American participants to interact. The study concluded that MUVEs and
SL in particular provided possibilities for learners from different countries in terms of
collaboration, cultural sharing and peer-learning. Furthermore, Couto (2010) stated
that there has been an inclination among educators towards using virtual worlds in
language learning. She attempted to find out whether there was a correlation
between anxiety and the use of virtual worlds. For this purpose, she designed an
experiment for future use, including learners who studied Spanish and English as
foreign languages. Students were asked for their opinions after the speaking
practice sessions on SL. In the study, learners aimed to practice English and
Spanish language both face-to-face and in virtual environments. The results
indicated that virtual worlds might have a promising potential for reducing anxiety in
their language performance. In another study, Mayrath et al. (2011) suggested that
the interest in the functionality of virtual worlds in instructional purposes grew
dramatically. Nonetheless, research on the quality of virtual world activities that
might be used in instruction did not provide sufficient empirical data. Therefore,
Mayrath et al. (2011) carried out a case study to determine what type of activities
could be designed in language instruction by using SL. To gather data, they
designed courses to last for two semesters, highlighting social interaction and
clearly connected activities. In the study, three surveys were administered to
understand students’ experiences in SL learning. Students were asked to write
comments about their experiences. The results indicated that student focused on
technical features rather than the course content frustrating and distracting.
Nonetheless, they enjoyed the limitless world of SL, when they did activities directly
related to the course content. Peterson (2012) stated that the introduction of
computer technologies to language education led to the use of text-based two-
Studies that focus on SL's effect on speaking anxiety basically prevail that
SL is a language learning environment that directly has an impact on learners'
affective states. However, the number of studies on the feasibility of SL as a virtual
language learning environment in EFL teaching context is quite low; what is more,
there are merely a few studies concerning the effect of SL on speaking anxiety in
EFL learning process. Even though prior research brings forth the potential of SL as
a virtual language learning environment that positively affects speaking anxiety in
EFL learning; incidentally, it is challenging to gather a wide range of empirical data
on the issue. In one study, Balcikanli (2012) regarded SL as a practical tool for
language practice and aimed to use it to determine how it would affect EFL learners’
oral interactions. The result was quite promising in a way that the learners found the
experience less anxiety-provoking than regular, face-to-face interactions. Similarly,
Aydin (2013b) sought to understand how recent research reflected SL as a virtual
language learning platform, and reviewed the studies related to SL in the context of
EFL learning. The study concluded that SL was regarded as a relaxing language
practice environment which decreased speaking anxiety stemming from oral
interaction. Lastly, Guzel and Aydin (2014) stated that SL which received as an
alternative language learning environment took place in several studies; however,
the number of the studies on the effect of SL on speaking anxiety levels of EFL
learners was quite limited. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to reveal how
related studies approached SL as an anxiety-lowering tool in oral interaction of EFL
learners. The study concluded that SL was frequently highlighted as a promising
language learning environment which reduces anxiety levels.
2.2.8. Conclusion
concerns. Moreover, the research on SL's role in EFL context primarily focus on the
ways SL is integrated in EFL learning / teaching processes and the types of
teaching activities used to teach English with the help of SL. However, the findings
indicate that the integration of SL as a language learning tool into syllabuses lacks
an organized touch in terms of using language teaching methodologies properly.
Finally, studies which focus on the effect of SL on speaking anxiety suggest that SL
has direct impacts on EFL learners’ affective states. Finding of the studies, though
limited, indicate that SL positively affects learners' anxiety levels in language
practice. Nevertheless, the studies fails to meet the need to provide specific data for
the effect of SL on EFL learners' speaking anxiety levels.
To sum, studies were reviewed to shed light onto the possible effects of SL
on EFL learners' speaking anxiety levels by starting with a broader perspective to
the issue at hand into the direction of providing more specific studies. The studies
reviewed above offers a great insight about the nature of speaking anxiety and SL's
potential role in reducing speaking anxiety in EFL teaching. However, the literature
brought about some important points to consider, as they suggested that the
research on the effect of SL on EFL speaking anxiety was not supported by
sufficient empirical data. In addition, research did not specifically focus on SL's
effect on speaking anxiety of EFL learners; rather, the related literature emphasized
SL's role in decreasing the speaking anxiety levels as mere details in the studies.
Therefore, it can be concluded that studies that specifically focus on the effect of SL
on EFL speaking anxiety are required to provide solid data on the issue. In this
sense, this study will serve as a beneficial tool to discover in what ways the use of
SL can affect anxiety levels of EFL learners when speaking in target language.
The study that aimed to gather data on the effect of SL as a virtual language
learning environment on speak anxiety was designed to be an experimental
research. The study comprised of three steps: (1) the administration of a
background questionnaire, speaking achievement pre-test and a 65-item SLLS pre-
test, (2) practice based on speaking activities, (3) speaking achievement post-test
and administration of SLLS. The first phase of the research took place in second
week of the fall semester in 2015. The second phase which was practice took a 4-
week-long time period. Prior to practice based on speaking activities, third grade
EFL learners were randomly divided into two groups as control and experimental
groups. Last, speaking achievement post-test and scales were administered to the
participants in the groups to compare their performance and anxiety levels.
3.2. Participants
The study included 44 second and third year students who actively took place in
the activities. They were English Language Teaching (ELT) Department students at
Balikesir University and were advanced-level EFL learners. Eight (18.2 %) of the
participants were male students, while 36 (81.8 %) of them were females. The gap
between the gender numbers was not deliberate, and it was a mere indicator of the
demographics in ELT departments in general. Participants’ mean age was 20.91,
ranging from 19 to 35. All of the participants took classes on basic language skills
and knowledge areas such as Contextual Grammar, Oral Communication Skills,
Advanced Reading and Writing, Listening and Pronunciation in their first two
semesters. Academic achievement of the participants were based on their 4.0 scale
GPA scores. The mean score for the academic achievement of the participants was
2.78, ranging from 1.36 to 3.73. Their language levels were considered as advanced
due to their intensive language learning experiences in high school and two years of
skill-based and theoretically-enriched education in the ELT Department. Table 1
shows the distribution of means, numbers and percentages shaped by age, gender
and academic achievement score variables of the participants in the study.
Variables Control Group Both
Mean 20.41 21.50 20.90
Age Minimum 20.00 19.00 19
Maximum 21.00 35.00 35
Female Male Female Male Female Male
21 3 15 5 36 8
Female Male Female Male Female Male
87.5% 12.5% 75.0% 25.0% 81.8% 18.2%
Mean 2.91 2.63 2.78
Academic St. Dev. .47 .56 .53
Achievement Score Minimum 1.36 1.52 1.36
Maximum 3.73 3.64 3.73
3.3. Tools
In the research process, three tools were used to collect data from the groups:
(1) A background questionnaire, (2) grading scale for speaking proficiency
developed by Kanatlar (2005) and (3) Survey on Language Learning adapted by Liu
and Jackson (2013). First, the background questionnaire interrogated basic
information such as age, gender, grade and academic achievement scores. Second,
as the tool for scoring speaking proficiency levels, Grading Scale developed by
Kanatlar (2005) included five different sections to score such as grammar,
vocabulary, fluency, intelligibility and task achievement (See Appendix 1).
Participants can get 100 points maximum in Speaking Grading Scale. Flawless
performance on grammar and vocabulary sections is worth 30 points each, fluency
section provides 20 points, and finally, intelligibility and task achievement sections
are worth 10 points each, as shown in Table 2. Third, Survey on Language Learning
included 36-item Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale developed by Horwitz
et al. (1986), a reduced form of Unwillingness to Communicate Scale developed by
Grammar 30
Vocabulary 30
Intelligibility 20
Fluency 10
Task Achievement 10
3.4. Procedure
During the practice stage, subjects were randomly divided into two groups as
control and experimental groups. With both groups, same lesson plans were
devised and lesson topics were chosen from Q-Skills Advance Your Listening and
Speaking by Oxford Press (Caplan & Douglas, 2011) which is an advanced-level
speaking course book. While control group subjects participated in traditional
speaking lesson environment, subjects in the experimental group joined the same
speaking lessons on the virtual world of SL, as shown in Table 2. The practice
process took a four-week-long time period, each session taking place once a week
for a 45-minute-long lessons.
Weeks Tasks Topic Vocabulary Week 1
As the first week’s activity, the means of getting the news and the effects of
news were chosen. In the warm-up activity, participants divided to pairs and
discussed what kind of tools they used and did not use to learn what was going on
around them. After discussion, they made lists of devices to get news and
information about the world. The lists that were formed by participants were
discussed as a whole, and in the light of the outcomes, how people get the news in
recent years was analyzed. As a common response, social media and web-based
tools were selected as the most popular ways of learning the news and following the
events in the world. In the second phase, outdated ways of getting the news and the
reason behind their being out-of-date were discussed. As the next step, the ways of
determining what type of indicators one could take into consideration when deciding
the news they received would be regarded as reliable. As the final activity,
participants were asked to state what steps they would take to make something they
presented more reliable. Week 2
In the second week, the themes were the impact of languages in our daily
lives, the advantages and disadvantages of speaking more than one language. For
the warm-up activity, participants were given a chance to pick one superpower out
of two options: time-travelling or mind reading. Then they were asked which power
could prove more useful in changing or preventing making mistakes. After the warm-
up, as the first step of the activity, participants were asked some general questions
about the possible contributions of knowing a foreign language and in what ways
foreign languages increase one’s intellectual quality. After discussing the effects of
languages in one’s life, participants were asked to determine what can cause
difficulties in communication in groups of four or five. As a result, with combined
effort, it was concluded that communication difficulties or communication
apprehension can be caused by physical problems, emotional issues, environmental
interferences, and educational and parental background. Following the problem
deduction process, participants were asked to imagine what mistakes could mean
for something if they could be changed. As the final discussion topic, they were
asked to devise ways to improve communication skills and to overcome frustration
and violence stemming from failure in communication.
46 Week 3
In the third week, the themes were the possibility of having fun while working
and the thinking process before choosing a career. As the warm-up activity,
participants were presented an imaginary situation in which they were given a
chance to travel anywhere to experience their dream holidays for a year without any
obligations. The common idea after imagination and fantasizing was that it was
impossible to have this type of easy-going life with the obligations and
responsibilities life forced on them. Based on this, a discussion was initiated on the
question: “Would it be possible to have fun and work at the same time?” Then,
participants were asked to share their opinions with their peers and list the type of
professions that would be fun for average person. The general idea was that for a
career to be enjoyable it would have to involve travelling, meeting with different
cultures, flexible working hours, nice colleagues, and lastly, a high income. Then,
participants were asked what their dream jobs had been when they had been kids.
With this discussion topic, the obstacles and reasons that could get one to change
their choice of profession were listed. Related to this, they were asked to discuss
how they, as future teachers, would encourage their own students to follow their
dreams and choose professions they would enjoy in the future. Week 4
In the last week of the activities, the theme was the importance of personal
spaces and its effect on personality. As the warm-up activity, participants were
asked to describe their dream houses to their assigned pairs and make a note of
their most characteristic features. Most pictured their dream houses as isolated
places that were far away from humanity and possible in the middle of unspoiled
nature. After warm-up activity, participants were asked to pair up and discuss what
would it take to make some place one’s own space, and how they preferred to
organize the place they lived in. Following the pair discussion, participants were
individually asked to describe the places they felt the most comfortable. The next
related discussion point was the indications of personality that could be seen in
one’s own special spaces or places they lived in. Based on this, participants were
asked to describe their best friends’ personality taking their homes / rooms /
dressing into consideration and make connections between personality and
organizational behaviors.
Once the practice sessions were completed, the final step was to commence
administration of post-tests. Participants, in both control and experimental groups,
were scheduled for a final interview for scoring their speaking achievement levels.
The same two scorers that had administered the first interview took place for the
final interview. Participants were asked to pick TOEFL discussion questions from
inside an envelope and speak for three or four minutes. Their oral performances
were scored based on Speaking Grading Scale (SGS) developed by Kanatlar
(2005). After the completion of interviews, each participant was asked to fill out
Survey on Language Learning Scale developed by Liu and Jackson (2013) once
again. This way, participants’ speaking achievement scores and speaking anxiety
levels before and after the speaking lessons could be measured and compared with
one another.
In data analysis process of the study, Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) was used to analyze data. First step of the data processing was the
calculation of the mean scores, minimum and maximum values for the ages of
participants. In the second step, number and percentage values of the participants’
gender were processed. As the final step, mean scores, minimum and maximum
values and standard deviation for GPA of the participants were calculated.
Table 5. Survey on Language Learning Scale (SLLS) Reliability of the Pre- and
This section presents the data collected from participants who took place in
instruction process of the study in the light of research questions devised during
research. First question deals with the effect of the use of SL as a virtual language
learning environment on speaking achievement. Second question is based on the
effect of SL as a virtual language learning environment on speaking anxiety.
Table 6. Speaking Achievement for the Control Group (Paired Samples t-test
Paired Differences
Vocabulary 2.37
5.86 1.19 -0.10 4.85 .05
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Error Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper tailed)
Grammar 4.35 5.01 1.12 2.01 6.69 .00
Vocabulary 4.35 6.19 1.38 1.45 7.25 .01
Intelligibility 5.50 2.89 .65 4.15 6.85 .00
In a similar way, post-test scores for both groups are presented in Table 11,
and it showed that there was no meaningful correlation between post-test scores of
control and experimental groups. However, it can be deduced that participants in
experimental group scored higher compared to control group scores. Considering
total mean scores, significance value was found to be .93, suggesting there was no
significant difference between two groups. Total mean score for control group was
72.83, while it was 81.65 for experimental group. Mean scores for grammar was
calculated as follows: 21.00 for control group, and 24.00 for experimental group.
Considering the significance value of .96, it was suggested that there was no
significant difference between two groups. Moreover, regarding vocabulary, mean
score for control group was 19.50, and 22.50 for experimental group. However,
there was no meaningful correlation between two groups, taking value of .65 into
consideration. For intelligibility, control group mean score was 16.83, and
experimental group mean score was 18.70. According to the analysis, significance
value was .18, and there was no significant difference between post-test scores.
Furthermore, considering fluency, control group’s mean score was 6.75, while
experimental group’s mean score was 7.50, and there was no significant difference
between two groups, because significance value was calculated as .96. Lastly, task
achievement mean score for control group was 8.75, and 8.95 for experimental
group. Significance value for task achievement scores for two groups was .93, which
suggested that there was no significant difference between post-test scores of two
Model, scores on 2.5 or above were considered as high in the sense of response,
whereas scores below 2.5 were regarded as low. To shed light on control group
participants’ foreign language and speaking anxiety levels, pre-test scores were
given below for each item in the scale. In addition, the scale was divided into four
categories in terms of specific areas as follows: FLA, language class sociability,
language class risk-taking, and unwillingness to communicate.
As for pre-test results for FLA, participants felt that they were almost sure of
themselves when they were speaking in English classes (x=2.79). In addition, they
were quite worried about making mistakes (x=3.50), and they found themselves
trembling when they were about to be called on (x=2.96). They also felt frightened
when they did not understand what the teacher said in English (x=3.08). Moreover,
participants did not feel bothered in English classes (x=2.29), while sometimes they
found themselves thinking about other things that had nothing to do with the class
(x=2.78). Furthermore, they strongly thought that other students were better in
speaking English (x=3.00). When it comes to language tests, they felt moderately at
ease (x=3.58), and they strongly felt panicked if they were required to speak without
preparation (x=3.92). Additionally, failing English classes was a significant concern
for the participants (x=3.25), and they understood why someone might get upset
over English classes (x=3.25). In addition, they greatly got nervous which caused
them to forget thing they knew (x=3.54). They also felt embarrassed to volunteer
answers (x=2.50), and the idea of speaking with a native speaker would stress them
out (x=2.67). Participants got upset when they could not understand what the
teacher was correcting (x=2.67), and even if they got prepared, they slightly felt
anxious in English classes (x=2.75). Moreover, they felt partially reluctant to go to
English classes (x=2.63), and they felt moderately confident when speaking in class
(x=2.92). Furthermore, they mostly did not think that teacher was always ready to
correct their mistakes (x=2.42). Participants of control group also felt quite stressed
when they were about to be called on to participate (x=3.04). Moreover, they felt no
confusion while studying for English exams (x=1.78), while they felt pressure
preparing for classes (x=3.21). Participants thought that other students spoke better
than they did in English (x=3.04), felt self-conscious when speaking in front of others
(x=2.74), and they kept track of the flow of classes (x=2.25). Furthermore,
participants felt more tense in English classes (x=2.92), got nervous while speaking
(x=3.17), and they moderately felt sure about themselves on their way to the classes
(x=2.75). They also got a little nervous when they could not understand what
teacher said (x=2.54), and they felt a bit overwhelmed about the rules they had to
learn to speak English (x=2.62). What is more, participants were slightly afraid that
their friends would laugh at them while speaking (x=2.75), and they would feel
comfortable speaking with a native speaker (x=3.13). They significantly felt tension
when they were expected to answer questions unprepared (x=3.54), and they did
not care about the gender of people they speak to (x=2.04). Finally, they greatly felt
stressed when they had to discuss thing they were unfamiliar with (x=3.50), and
they did not care about the number of words they had to learn to speak English
advice (x=3.75). Finally, they partially agreed that their friends were kind to them
because they wanted something in return (x=2.83), and they did not agree that
talking to other people was a waste of time (x=1.46).
As for post-test results for FLA, participants thought that they were sure of
themselves when they were speaking in English (x=3.17). What is more, they were
less worried about making mistakes (x=3.25), they felt less nervous when they were
about to be called on (x=2.65). They felt less frightened when they did not
understand what the teacher said in English (x=2.54). Furthermore, participants
started to feel bothered taking English classes (x=2.50), and they found themselves
thinking about irrelevant things in class (x=2.57). In addition, they thought that other
students were better in speaking English (x=2.88), they felt moderately at ease for
language tests (x=3.37), and they strongly felt panicked if they were required to
speak without preparation (x=3.37). Additionally, failing English classes was a
significant concern for the participants (x=3.13), and they understood why someone
might get upset over English classes (x=3.50). In addition, they greatly got nervous
which caused them to forget things they knew (x=3.00). They also felt embarrassed
to volunteer answers (x=2.58), and the idea of speaking with a native speaker would
stress them out (x=2.54). Participants got upset when they could not understand
what the teacher was correcting (x=3.00), and even if they got prepared, they
slightly felt anxious in English classes (x=2.71). Moreover, they felt partially reluctant
to go to English classes (x=2.75), and they felt moderately confident when speaking
in class (x=3.08). Furthermore, they mostly did not think that teacher was always
ready to correct their mistakes (x=2.58). Participants of control group also felt quite
stressed when they were about to be called on to participate (x=3.13). Moreover,
they felt no confusion while studying for English exams (x=2.26), while they felt
pressure preparing for classes (x=3.17). They barely believed that other students
spoke better than they did in English (x=2.54), and they felt self-conscious when
speaking in front of others (x=2.96), and they felt that class moved so quickly they
could not follow it (x=2.50). In addition, participants felt more tense in English
classes (x=2.63), got nervous while speaking (x=3.04), and they mostly felt sure
about themselves before going to the classes (x=2.92). Furthermore, they got quite
nervous when they could not understand what the teacher said (x=2.83), and they
felt more overwhelmed about the rules they had to learn to speak English (x=2.75).
Moreover, participants in control group were not afraid that their friends would laugh
at them while speaking (x=2.21), and they believed they would strongly feel
comfortable speaking with a native speaker (x=3.42). They were mostly nervous
when they were expected to answer questions unprepared (x=3.13), and they did
not concern themselves about the gender of people they speak to (x=2.25). Finally,
they moderately felt tensed when they had to discuss unfamiliar things (x=3.29), and
they were overwhelmed by the number of words they had to learn to speak English
According to Table 12, the paired sample test comparing control group’s pre-
test and post-test results in terms of correlation suggested that thirteen items were
significantly correlated. First, mean score difference indicated that confidence level
of participants when speaking in foreign language class increased (p=.02). Second,
fear levels of participants when they did not understand what teacher said showed a
decrease (p=.02). This suggested that they did not feel as frightened when they
were lost listening to their teacher as they used to do. Third, they felt less panicked
when they had to speak without any preparation in language class (p=.01). Fourth,
fear of being nervous when things were forgotten slightly decreased (p=.05). Fifth,
the confusion caused by test preparation seemed to have increased (p=.03); that is,
participants felt confused when they prepared for foreign language examinations.
Sixth, participants felt more secure about their speaking performances when
comparing themselves to their friends (p=.03). Seventh, after the sessions,
participants felt safer around their friends when they attempted to speak in English
(p=.03). Eighth, participants’ fear of being called out by the teacher when they were
unprepared relatively decreased (p=.02). Ninth, it appeared that participants felt
stressed out when they found out that they needed to expand their vocabulary
constantly to be able to speak English (p=.00). Tenth, participants’ unwillingness to
explain complicated ideas in English started to diminish after the sessions (p=.02).
Eleventh, participants’ worry that their families and friends weren’t interested in their
ideas increased (p=.03). Twelfth, participants consistently claimed in the item that
their families and friends weren’t interested in their suggestions and ideas (p=.05).
Last, participants were worried that talking to other people about anything might be
a waste of time (p=.04).
Table 12. The paired sample test results for control group
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Std. Interval of the Sig.
Std. Error Difference (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper T Df tailed)
I feel quite sure of myself
when I am speaking in my -.38 .71 .15 -.07 -.68 -2.58 23 .02
foreign language class.
It frightens me when I don’t
understand what the teacher
.54 1.02 .21 .97 .11 2.6 23 .02
is saying in the foreign
I start to panic when I have
to speak without preparation .54 .98 .20 .95 .13 2.72 23 .01
in language class
In language class, I can get
so nervous I forget things I .54 1.28 .26 1.08 .00 2.07 23 .05
The more I study for a
language test, the more -.48 .99 .21 -.05 -.91 -2.30 22 .03
confused I get
I always feel that the others
students speak the foreign .50 1.02 .21 .93 .07 2.40 23 .03
language better than I do
I am afraid that the other
students will laugh at me .54 1.10 .23 1.00 .08 2.40 23 .03
when I speak the foreign
I get nervous when the .42 .78 .16 .74 .09 2.63 23
language teacher asks .02
questions which I haven't
prepared in advance
I feel overwhelmed by the -.67 .96 .20 -.26 -1.07 -3.39 23
number of words I have to .00
learn to speak in English
At this point, I don't like .75 1.39 .28 1.34 .16 2.64 23
trying to express .02
complicated ideas in English
My friends and family don't -.38 .77 .16 -.05 -.70 -2.39 23
listen to my ideas and .03
My friends and family listen .39 .89 .19 .78 .00 2.10 22
to my ideas and suggestions .05
(x=3.70). Moreover, participants got nervous when they were asked questions they
were unprepared for (x=3.15), they did not get tense and nervous when speaking
with opposite sex (x=1.90), they got tense and nervous when discussing unfamiliar
subjects (x=2.95), and they were overwhelmed by the number of words they had to
learn to speak English (x=2.75).
and they mostly did not think that talking to other people was a waste of time
subjects that were unfamiliar (x=2.85), and they were slightly overwhelmed by the
number of words they had to learn to speak English (x=2.55).
Table 13. The paired sample test results for experimental group
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Std. Interval of the Sig.
Std. Error Difference (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper T Df tailed)
I keep thinking that the
other students are better at .45 .94 .21 .89 .01 2.13 19 .05
languages than I am
I start to panic when I have
to speak without .40 .82 .18 .78 .016 2.17 19 .04
preparation in language
I am reluctant to go to my
language class .80 1.40 .31 1.45 .14 2.56 19 .02
Std. Error
Group Mean Deviation Mean F Sig.
I understand why some Control Group 3.25 .99 .20
people get so upset over Experimental 6.13 .02
foreign language class 2.90 1.33 .30
I like to get involved in Control Group 2.75 .94 .19
group discussions Experimental 6.01 .02
3.10 1.25 .28
My friends and family don’t Control Group 1.29 .62 .13
listen to my ideas and Experimental 5.56 .02
suggestions 1.65 1.09 .24
I believe my friends and Control Group 4.00 .88 .18
family understand my Experimental 4.24 .05
feelings 3.70 1.08 .24
.03 as significance value, which was quite significant in correlation. The third item “I
feel confident when I speak English in class” also had correlation, which generated
significance value of .04. Furthermore, the fourth item was “I feel more tense and
nervous in my English class than in my other classes”, and it had the significance
value of .03. The fifth item which interrogated the willingness to express complicated
ideas in English generated .04 as the significance value, and the sixth item which
was “I like to get involved in group discussions” was strongly significant with the
value of .02. Finally, the last item “I don’t ask for advice from family or friends when I
have to make decisions” was quite significant considering that it generated
significance value of .01.
Std. Error
Group Mean Deviation Mean F Sig.
I worry about the Control Group 3.13 .99 .20 4.91 .03
consequences of failing my Experimental
English class 2.85 1.34 .30
It embarrasses me to Control Group 2.58 .83 .17 4.94 .03
volunteer answers in my Experimental
English class 2.75 1.25 .28
I feel confident when I Control Group 3.08 .83 .17
speak English in class Experimental 4.40 .04
3.30 1.13 .25
I feel more tense and Control Group 2.63 .97 .20
nervous in my English class Experimental 5.07 .03
than in my other classes 2.35 1.35 .30
At this point, I don’t like to Control Group 2.54 .93 .19
express complicated ideas Experimental 4.74 .04
in English class 2.60 1.31 .29
I like to get involved in Control Group 3.04 .86 .18
group discussions Experimental 5.85 .02
3.45 1.15 .26
I don’t ask for advice from Control Group 2.00 .72 .15
family or friends when I Experimental 6.76 .01
have to make decisions 2.60 1.14 .26
5.1. Conclusions
5.2. Implications
language, because it is possible to claim that the amount of practice and frequency
of speaking sessions that enable them to polish their speaking directly affect their
speaking proficiency levels. Therefore, policy makers, curriculum developers should
be aware that the existence of speaking practice in traditional language classrooms
should be strengthened. Second, using SL as an alternative language practice
environment should be recognized as an additional source to language classrooms.
That is because, SL can be used as quite useful tool, when it comes to oral
interaction in target language, and it is an opportunity to change traditional
classroom environment. Therefore, teachers should use SL as a language practice
environment since it reduces anxiety levels of EFL learners, increases language
class sociability and encourages learners to take more risks in conversations. In
addition, policy makers, curriculum developers and teachers should focus on
designing suitable learning environments and tasks on SL to make language
practice more effective. Third, the time spent on using SL as a language learning
environment should not exceed the time spent for conventional speaking activities in
traditional classrooms. The reason is that SL might cause learners to get distracted
from actual tasks and classroom spirit. In addition, although SL is an alternative
language practice environment that reduces speaking anxiety to some extent, it is
not a better way to overcome anxiety-related issues faced in language classrooms
when compared to traditional classes. Therefore, it can be claimed that SL should
be used as an additional environment for traditional language classrooms, and
should not exceed conventional activities. Last but not least, SL’s positive effect on
willingness to communicate, language class sociability, and language class risk-
taking should be exploited in speaking practice by using SL in speaking activities.
In the light of the findings of the study, some recommendations for further
research should be made. First, future research should focus on the effect of SL on
foreign language speaking anxiety in different contexts such as different age groups,
achievement levels and cultural settings. In other words, it is necessary to obtain a
wide range of data providing information for various contexts and circumstances.
Additionally, research should focus on designing suitable speaking activities and
speaking tasks specifically for SL environment, because it is explicit that SL is an
alternative language practice environment which has its own unique dynamics.
Furthermore, there is a need for more studies that seek alternative virtual language
There are several limitations that should be noted. First, in the study, 42
participants take place, and 24 of them are in traditional group, while 20 students
participate in control group. In terms of demographics, gender dominance appears
to be on favor of female participants. Dominance of females is not deliberate, on the
contrary it is the demographic nature of ELT departments in Turkey. Second, for the
study, SL and traditional language practice environments are used as speaking
practice tools. In other words, the activities are limited to two different environments
as traditional language learning setting and SL as a virtual language learning
environment. Third, as for the activities, speaking sessions lasting for four weeks are
used in both traditional and SL environments. Each speaking session is designed to
take 45-minute-long time period. Fourth, speaking sessions are designed to
stimulate group interaction among EFL learners by using pair-work and group work.
Fifth, as data collection tools, interviews that consist of TOEFL speaking topics, and
SLLS which involves 65 items are used. Finally, the study is designed as an
experimental research, consisting of a control and an experimental group with
speaking achievement and speaking anxiety levels as variables.
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Appendix 1
5. accurate and appropriate use of grammar with few noticeable errors which do not 30
affect communication
5. accurate and appropriate use of vocabulary with few noticeable wrong words which 30
do not affect communication
5. easily understandable 20
1. difficulty to understand 4
Appendix 2
7. I keep thinking that the other students are (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
21. The more I study for a language test, the (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
34. I get tense and nervous when talking to a (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
35. I get tense and nervous when I have to (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
discuss things unfamiliar to me in English.
36. I feel overwhelmed by the number of words I (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
have to learn to speak in English.
37. I like to wait until I know exactly how to use (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
and English word before using it.
38. I don't like trying out a difficult sentence in (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
39. At this point, I don't like trying to express (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
complicated ideas in English in class.
40. I prefer to say what I want in English without (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
worrying about the small details of grammar.
41. In class, I prefer to say a sentence to myself (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
before I speak it.
42. I prefer to follow basic sentence models (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
rather than risk misusing the language.
43. I think learning English in a group is more fun (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
than learning on my own.
44. I enjoy talking with the teacher and other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
students in English.
45. I enjoy interacting with the other students in (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
the English class.
46. I think it's important to have a strong group (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
spirit in the English classroom.
47. I'm afraid to speak up in conversations. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
48. I talk less because I'm shy. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
49. I talk a lot because I am not shy. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
50. I like to get involved in group discussions. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
51. I feel nervous when I have to speak to others. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
52. I have no fears about expressing myself in a (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
53. I am afraid to express myself in a group. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
55. During a conversation, I prefer to talk rather (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
than listen.
56. I find it easy to make conversation with (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
57. I don't think my friends are honest in their (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
communication with me.
58. My friends and family don't listen to my ideas (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
and suggestions.
59. I think my friends are truthful with me. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
60. I don't ask for advice from family or friends (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
when I have to make decisions.
61. I believe my friends and family understand (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
my feelings.
62. My family doesn't enjoy discussing my (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
interests and activities with me.
63. My friends and family listen to my ideas and (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
64. My friends seek my opinions and advice. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
65. Other people are friendly only because they (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
want something out of me.
66. Talking to other people is just a waste of time. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Title of study The Effect of Second Life as a Virtual Language Learning Environment on
Speaking Anxiety
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